The Role of Religiosity in Increasing the Productivity of Steel
Industry Employees in Gresik-East Java: Study at P.T. Semenanjung
Pangeran Agung
Andrian Aziz Widodo
, Aziz Fachrurrozi
, Muhammad Nizom Chotib
and Saripudin Hamzah
Islamic University Jakarta
Keywords: Role of Religiosity, Productivity, Steel Industry, Employees
Abstract: This study aims to determine the role and contribution of religiosity in increasing the productivity of steel
industry employees. The method used is a case study with a qualitative descriptive approach. The results
showed that in P.T. Semenanjung Pangeran Agung (SPA) religiosity plays a role in increasing employee
productivity. Religiosity is reflected in 3 attitudes, namely: 1) Work is the actualization of worship, 2)
Working because of God, and 3) Working effectively and efficiently. Concretely, the contribution of the role
of religiosity in increasing the productivity of steel industry employees in P.T. SPA is the realization of quality
work, namely the fulfillment of quality objectives at each stage of the production process to the final product
produced as determined by the company. The definition of quality objectives includes: 1) Oriented to
customer satisfaction, 2) Creating products that meet SNI quality standards, international and customer
requirements, and 3) Improving effective work processes (on target) and efficient (effective), namely by
minimizing the occurrence of any waste.
The issue of religiosity and employee productivity is
becoming a serious concern for experts. In a study
conducted by Arnetz et al (2013) it was revealed that
the values of spirituality and practices of worship
(religiosity) in the workplace had a positive effect not
only on the mental well-being of employees, but were
also able to reduce the stress experienced by
employees. In his study, confirmed by Arnetz et al
(2013) that through the values of spirituality and
worship practices (religiosity), the stress experienced
by employees can be reduced to a lower level than
before. This is evidenced by the decreased level of
fatigue experienced by employees.
The study conducted by Arnetz et al (2013) also
reveals clearly that there is a very significant
relationship between the values of spirituality in the
workplace and the practice of worship (religiosity)
when working with employee health which includes
mental well-being, work fatigue, and stress at
workplace. The higher the spirituality value of
employees in the workplace, the better the inner
welfare of employees, work fatigue decreases, and
job stress is reduced so that ultimately employee
productivity returns to normal and even increases.
The study conducted by Arnetz et al (2013)
reinforces previous studies conducted by Sulistyo
(2011) that in an organization, religious values have
a very significant role in the productivity of
employees. In his study, it was confirmed by Sulistyo
(2011) that religiosity is very important in improving
organizational performance as seen from the
increasing capability of innovation. Sulistyo (2011)
proves that the higher the level of employee
religiosity, the more motivated the work will be, both
from the aspect of the need for achievement, the need
to have power, and the need to be affiliated. If
employees have a need for high achievement and
affiliation, the Islamic work ethic is also increasing.
This can be seen from the increasing dedication to
work, creativity in work, understanding the value or
meaning of work, and collaboration. With the
increase in dedication coupled with high creativity in
the Islamic work ethic that exists in employees, the
capability of innovation in the organization has also
From experience, the results of initial
observations and searches conducted by researchers
found interesting phenomena to be observed, namely
employees who work in the steel industry sector that
perform positive activities outside of work, namely:
Widodo, A., Fachrurrozi, A., Chotib, M. and Hamzah, S.
The Role of Religiosity in Increasing the Productivity of Steel Industry Employees in Gresik-East Java: Study at P.T. Semenanjung Pangeran Agung.
DOI: 10.5220/0009943704250429
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 425-429
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
exercise; pursue hobbies (such as: farming and raising
pets); participate in PHBI (Commemoration of
Islamic Holidays); periodic recreation / spiritual
tourism (such as: travel / pilgrimage guardian);
fasting sunnah (such as: fasting Monday-Thursday
and fasting David); follow religious studies (such as:
Dhuha lectures every Sunday morning, Yasinan /
mujahadah every Friday night), and perseverance in
performing worship, both obligatory and sunnah,
shows better productivity. Not only that, these
positive activities were also able to improve good
relations with God and with others, both at work and
outside of work, such as with family at home. This is
different from employees who, when experiencing
stress, instead carry out immoral activities, such as
alcohol, drugs, cheating, and gambling.
Various studies of experts as well as preliminary
findings of the study indicate that employee
productivity cannot be separated from the issue of
religiosity. Therefore, researchers assume that
religiosity plays an important role in increasing
employee productivity in the steel industry.
2.1 Religiosity
Religiosity is a person's religious beliefs based on
monotheism and how these beliefs have implications
for everyday life. It is not uncommon for religiosity
to be interpreted and known by beliefs that are
practiced by ritual and tend to be good or can also be
called morally. Therefore, Nashori and Mucharam
(2007: 237) reiterated that for a Muslim, religiosity
can be known from how far knowledge, belief,
implementation and appreciation of Islam.
In Islam and for a Muslim, religiosity or
religiosity is not only realized in the form of ritual
worship, but also actualized in various other
activities. As a comprehensive system, Islam
encourages its adherents to be religious as a whole as
the word of Allah SWT (QS. Al Baqarah: 208),
namely: "O you who believe, enter into Islam as a
whole, and do not join in the steps of Shaykh. Surely
Syaithan is a real enemy to you. "
Religiosity is related to cognition, namely
religious knowledge or beliefs that influence what is
done with attachment or emotional feelings about
religion and / or behavior, such as: attendance at a
place of worship, reading scriptures and praying.
Someone who is said to be religious are those who try
to understand life and life more deeply than the
outward boundaries that move in the vertical
dimension of life and transcend this life.
Measurement of religiosity can be focused on
involvement in religion and behavior or on attitudes
and orientation towards religion (Bastaman, 1995:
In this study, what is meant by employee
religiosity in the steel industry is the behavior of
Muslim employees that work is an actualization of
worship carried out regardless of the material by
promoting effectiveness (on target) and efficiency
2.2 Productivity
Productivity implies an understanding of economic,
philosophical, and system concepts. Economic
concepts, productivity with regard to human business
or activities to produce goods or services that are
useful for meeting the needs of human life and society
in general. Philosophical concepts, productivity
contains a view of life and a mental attitude that
always strives to improve the quality of life where the
situation today must be better than yesterday and the
quality of life of tomorrow must be better than today.
This gives encouragement to try to develop
themselves. The system concept, productivity
provides a guideline for thinking that achieving a goal
must have cooperation or integration of the relevant
elements as a system (Anoraga, 2004: 175).
In this study, what is meant by the productivity of
Muslim employees in the steel industry is a mental
attitude to produce quality work.
3.1 Research Methods
The method used in this study is a case study. Study
methods or case studies are methods that intensively
study a symptom that occurs in one or several places
as a whole (Bhattacherjee, 2012: 93).
Judging from the type of research, this research is
qualitative research. Qualitative methods are used to
examine the condition of natural objects (the
opponent is an experiment) where the researcher as a
key instrument, data source sampling is done
purposively and snowball, data collection techniques
with triangulation (combined), data analysis is
inductive / qualitative and the research results are
more stressful meaning rather than generalization
(Sugiyono, 2011: 15).
The qualitative method in this study emphasizes
the researcher to pay attention to the process, the
researcher as the main instrument of data collection
and analysis so that researchers are directly involved
in the field work. The research findings were
reviewed descriptively and it was hoped that data and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
information from steel industry employees could be
obtained that revealed the role of religiosity in
increasing productivity.
3.2 Data Resource
To obtain the data needed in this study, the
researchers used the following data sources:
1. Primary data is data sourced from informants who
are considered to know about the role of
religiosity in increasing employee productivity.
2. Secondary data or field data, namely data sourced
from the research field. Researchers went directly
to the steel industry as the object of research,
namely P.T. SPA. This is done in order to observe
employees as research subjects.
3. Library data (library research), which is a data
source that is used to find a theoretical basis for
research issues, namely religiosity and
productivity. The source of this literature data is
literature from books, magazines, and relevant
publications for reference.
3.3 Method of Collecting Data
Data collection methods used in this study were
carried out through:
1. Observation. That is, researchers see and listen
to what is done and said or discussed by
informants in their daily activities, both before,
before, when and after. During observation, all
that is heard and seen by the researcher when the
informants do this activity is retold or recorded so
that it is data or research information that can
support, supplement or add information from the
interview. Researchers also participated directly
as observers (participant observers). As for the
advantages of participation observation as
confirmed by Bungin (2008: 16) is that
researchers really dive in and take part directly in
the research so that the accuracy of the data that is
successfully obtained is reliable.
2. In-depth interviews. In this study, there were 2
parties involved as informants at P.T. SPA. The
first is the employee and the second is the
management represented by the general affairs
manager. Interview guidelines are prepared
before the interview is conducted with reference
to the research objectives 3. Documentation, in
the form of information from PT. SPA, such as:
internal and external quality audits.
3.4 Data Analysis Method
The data obtained were analyzed using qualitative
techniques. Qualitative analysis is used to analyze:
comparative (comparing several theories), deductive
(drawing conclusions from general circumstances to
specific things), and inductive (learning something to
determine general conclusions) regarding words,
images, and phenomena which cannot be quantified.
These data were then analyzed so that it obtained an
overview of the role of religiosity in increasing the
productivity of steel industry employees of PT. SPA
in Gresik-East Java.
Concretely, the religiosity that exists in Muslim
employees contributes to increasing productivity.
This finding is evidenced by the confirmation made
by the researcher to the general affairs manager of
P.T. SPA where the company also realizes the
importance of religiosity values to be adopted into the
work culture.
Since its inception, the company has designed a
quality-based work culture that adopts religious
values such as: sincere and honest; enthusiasm and
cooperation; thankful and self-correction. The
attitudes and behaviors that reflect productivity can
also be seen in the commitment and quality policy,
1. Oriented to customer satisfaction
2. Creating products that meet SNI quality
standards, international quality standards and
customer requirements,
3. Improving effective work processes and
efficient. Schematically, the role model of
religiosity in increasing employee productivity
in P.T. SPA can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Role model of religiosity in increasing the productivity of steel industry employees at P.T. SPA
The Role of Religiosity in Increasing the Productivity of Steel Industry Employees in Gresik-East Java: Study at P.T. Semenanjung Pangeran
Concretely, confirmed by P.T management. SPA
that the contribution of Muslim employees' religiosity
is the production of quality work, while what is meant
by quality work is the achievement of quality goals.
The more religious Muslim employees on P.T. SPA,
the more potential the achievement of quality
objectives in accordance with their respective
divisions or sections.
In this study, the attitude studied is the religiosity of
Muslim employees working in the steel industry. The
religiosity is based at the same time reflected by 3
things, namely working is the actualization of
worship, working for God and working effectively
and efficiently. These three attitudes of religiosity can
be explained as follows:
1. Work is the actualization of worship.
Luth (2001: 22-24) asserts that all forms of
human activity that are good are good deeds or
worship. As an actualization, the work contains
the value of worship if done by fulfilling the
following conditions:
a. Ikhlas, namely merging the body, mind
(mind) and heart (heart) in the task or
activity while purifying the intention
because of Allah alone and not for prestige
let alone seeking profit. Working is worship
to Allah SWT, then sincerity must be
imprinted in work.
b. Love, that is the feeling of longing to get
peace or happiness when meeting the person
who is being asked. Loving work is a must
because in it we can get material and
spiritual added value in the form of
experience to fulfill life's needs. In a broader
paradigm, working well is a psychological
reflection of our love for the Almighty. That
is, Allah SWT does tell us to work and do
good deeds so that when this work order is
obeyed we mean that we love Him and love
c. Istiqomah, which is to remain diligent in
favor of the right. Because work is worship,
we have to be istiqomah, not to justify any
means to earn income. We must be
istiqomah in the sense of remaining on the
right side according to what is commanded
by religion.
d. Willing to sacrifice. Working as worship
requires sacrifice in terms of time, energy,
thoughts, possessions and feelings. Worship
is a struggle or jihad in the way of Allah.
Therefore, willingness to sacrifice and
willingness to accept all trials are also worth
e. Spending wealth on the right path, which is
to spend part of the sustenance received in
the form of zakat, infaq, alms and others.
This act is nothing more than an effort to
thank God for the blessings that have been
given. If work is worship and worship can
only be realized by working then the legal
status of worship is basically mandatory.
2. Working because of God
Intention to work only because Allah will realize
a. Allah is monitoring the work
b. Allah should be the goal
c. all that is obtained must be grateful,
d. sustenance must be used and spent on the
right path, and
e. realize anything what is obtained is that
there must be accountability to God. This
awareness guides us to always serve God so
that they avoid fraudulent actions in search
of sustenance.
3. Work effectively and efficiently
To understand that work must be done
effectively and efficiently, the Messenger of
Allah affirms the criteria of charity (work) which
must be a principle in carrying out activities
(Fachrurrozi and Mahyudin, 2016: 113),
a. Charity must be done itqan, namely quality,
both process and product,
b. Quality measures must refer to what
competencies are produced
c. Charity must be carried out with an effective
and efficient system and standard which in
Arabic terminology is called nasyath which
means agility, full of enthusiasm. Effective
and efficient relate to costs and time used
without reducing quality. Do not because
they feel sold in the market then the
products and services are lowered
d. Charity (work) must be in accordance with
the field according to eligibility and
propriety. This contains the element of
intelligence in choosing an environment,
including a religious environment because
the environment in the workplace will help
shape attitudes and behavior, both crafts,
sincerity and sincerity. This means that the
place of work will influence the rise and fall
of one's faith. Therefore, the choice of job
orientation must be based on the integrity of
faith and the flourishing of the level of
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
diversity, not solely oriented to the material,
position and position.
It seems clear that attitudes, especially religiosity,
have an important influence on behavior, namely
productivity. A person's attitude usually causes the
person to behave in a certain way (Wibowo, 2015:
54). In this study, the religiosity of Muslim
employees in the steel industry has a significant effect
on their productivity. The significance of the
influence of religiosity can be seen in its role in
increasing productivity. In other words, religiosity
contributes to increasing productivity.
1. At P.T. SPA, religiosity plays a role in
increasing employee productivity. Religiosity is
reflected in 3 attitudes, namely: 1) Work is the
actualization of worship, 2) Working because of
God, and 3) Working effectively and efficiently.
The three attitudes of religiosity mentioned
above have consistency that is in line with the
work culture adopted and guided by the
company, namely: 1) Working with sincerity
and honesty, 2) Working by keeping the spirit
and building cooperation, and 3) Working with
gratitude and always correct / evaluate
2. Concretely, the contribution of religiosity in
increasing the productivity of steel industry
employees at P.T. SPA is the realization of
quality work. The meaning is the fulfillment of
quality objectives at each stage of the
production process to the final product produced
as determined by the company. The definition of
quality objectives above includes: 1) Oriented to
customer satisfaction, 2) Creating products that
meet SNI quality standards, international quality
standards and customer requirements, and 3)
Improving effective work processes (on target)
and efficient (right guna), namely by reducing
or minimizing the occurrence of any waste.
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The Role of Religiosity in Increasing the Productivity of Steel Industry Employees in Gresik-East Java: Study at P.T. Semenanjung Pangeran