The Relationship between the Principal’s Leadership and the Work
Environment with Teacher Performance of SDS Islam Muslimin
Isti Nurhayati
, Marhamah
, Farhah
and Agus Umar
Postgraduate Program, Jakarta Islamic University, Balai Rakyat Street Utan Kayu Matraman, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Leadership, Work environment and Teacher Performance
Abstract: This study aims to find out and analyze the correlation between the principal's leadership and the work
environment with the teacher's performance. From the results of multiple correlation calculations, there
is a positive relationship between the principal's leadership and the work environment together with the
teacher's performance. That there is a positive relationship between the leadership of the principal and the
work environment and the performance of teachers in SDS Islam Muslimin. The results of this study
indicate that the performance of teachers in SDS Muslim Muslimin Central Jakarta is influenced by the
leadership of the principal and the work environment. The better the headmaster's leadership and work
environment, the higher the teacher's performance. Vice versa. Or in other words there is a significant
relationship between the leadership of the principal and the work environment and the performance of
teachers in SDS Islam Muslimin.
An organization is a social unit that is
consciously coordinated with a limit that can be
identified as active, working continuously to achieve
goals. The function of the principal is not only as a
manager, but also as a thinker and developer. The
Principal is required to be professional and master
well his work exceeds the average of other personnel
in the school, and has a high moral commitment to his
work in accordance with the code of ethics of his
Payaman (2005: 65) Teacher performance
refers to behavior when teaching in class. Motivation
will arise in the teacher if there is attention,
suitability, trust and satisfaction given by the
principal, as well as smooth communication between
teachers and principals and teachers with teachers,
will improve performance. Teacher performance is
inseparable from the role of a school principal as a
leader who has the authority to govern others, the
principal plays an active role in resolving the
problems that arise from the bottom and that is at the
same time a challenge that must be faced by a leader,
the principal always faces and mobilizes all his
strengths to solve problems with his subordinates.
The achievements of the students of SDS
Muslim Islam in the academic field at the output of
their graduates decreased from a few years ago the
value of the National Examination or School
Examination with sufficient grades in graduates in
2016, while in the previous few years in the alumni
academic field the grades were very satisfying with
an average of 8.5. Some factors that are less
supportive include lack of harmonization between
school principals and teachers, teacher changes in
each year, class teachers lacking in mastering the
material, students lacking discipline in learning, and
less supportive roles of parents and the environment
as well.
Performance is the level of achievement of
results on the execution of certain tasks. Simanjuntak
(2005: 65) Teacher performance refers to behavior
when teaching in class. Behavior is something that is
very important in creating a conducive teaching and
learning atmosphere. Motivation will arise in the
teacher if there is attention, suitability, trust and
satisfaction given by the principal, as well as smooth
communication between teachers and principals and
teachers with teachers, will improve performance.
Teacher performance is inseparable from the role of a
school principal as a leader who has the authority to
govern others, the principal plays an active role in
Nurhayati, I., Marhamah, ., Farhah, . and Umar, A.
The Relationship between the Principal’s Leadership and the Work Environment with Teacher Performance of SDS Islam Muslimin Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009943524152422
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2415-2422
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
resolving the problems that arise from the bottom and
that is at the same time a challenge that must be faced
by a leader, the principal always faces and mobilizes
all his strengths to solve the problems below, but the
efforts made by a school principal are not as easy as
we think the headmaster is constrained by many
things such as the attitude of subordinates / teachers
in interpreting the commands given by the leader in
this case the principal, often we find something
happening the contradiction of the will between the
leadership and subordinates, between the teacher and
the principal, what the principal wants cannot be
captured or accepted by the teacher, causing
2.1 Leadership Definition
Leadership is taken from the word leader
who in English is called the leader from the root word
to lead which contains a meaning that is closely
related; move early, walk ahead, take the first step, do
first, spearhead, direct the thoughts-actions of others,
guide, guide, move others through their influence.
(Mangunhardjana, 1976: 11)
In the Al-Qur'an there are several Surahs
which explain about a leader including QS. Al-
Maidah / 5: 51 Meaning: "O ye who believe, do not
take Jews and Christians to be leaders (you), some of
them are leaders for some others. Whoever of you
takes them to be a leader, then actually that person
belongs to their class. Verily Allah does not guide
those who do wrong.
From this verse it can be concluded that
essentially all mean the same, namely the leader. And
every leader has responsibility for his leadership. The
responsibility contains rights and obligations that
must be fulfilled between the two parties, both as
leaders and those who are led. The meeting of the
three basic elements, namely the leader, who is led
and the responsibility is the core of leadership.
Leadership can be interpreted as a process of
influencing and directing employees to do the work
that has been assigned to them. As defined by Stoner,
Freeman, and Gilbert (1995: 45), leadership is the
process of directing and influencing the task related
activities of group members. Leadership is the
process of directing and influencing members in
terms of various activities that must be carried out.
Furthermore, Griffin (2000: 67) divides the notion of
leadership into two concepts, namely as a process,
and as an attribute. The process, leadership is focused
on what is done by leaders, namely the process by
which leaders use their influence to clarify
organizational goals for employees, subordinates, or
those they lead, motivate them to achieve these goals,
and help create a productive culture in the
organization. As for the attributes, leadership is a
collection of characteristics that must be possessed by
a leader. Therefore, leaders can be defined as
someone who has the ability to influence the behavior
of others without using force, so that the people they
lead accept themselves as a person who is worthy of
leading them. (Ernie, Kurniawan, 2005: 255)
2.2 Understanding the Work
According to L.R Sayly, Strauss, in
Sudarmayanti, (2001: 96) the physical environment in
the sense of all the circumstances surrounding the
workplace will affect employees both directly and
1. The physical environment can be divided into
two categories, namely:
a. An environment that is directly related
to employees (such as: work center,
desk chair and so on)
b. Intermediate environment or general
environment (such as: houses, offices,
factories, schools, city highway
systems, etc.).
2. Environmental intermediaries, can also be called
a work environment that affects human
conditions, for example: temperature,
institutional, air circulation, lighting, noise,
mechanical vibration, odor, color and others.
The work environment is something that is
around the organization that affects teacher
performance. According Atmodiwirio (2000: 113)
"The work environment is a condition, situation and
work conditions that give rise to high morale / morale,
in order to improve performance as expected".
2.3 Performance Definition
Performance is the level of achievement of
results on the execution of certain tasks. Payaman J.
Simanjuntak (2005: 141). Teacher performance refers
to behavior when teaching in class. Behavior is
something that is very important in creating a
conducive teaching and learning atmosphere.
Motivation will arise in the teacher if there is
attention, suitability, trust and satisfaction given by
the principal, as well as smooth communication
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
between teachers and principals and teachers with
teachers, will improve performance.
Teacher performance is inseparable from the
role of a principal as a leader who has the authority to
govern others, the principal plays an active role in
resolving problems arising from his subordinates and
that is at the same time a challenge that must be faced
by a leader, the principal always faces and mobilizes
all of its strength is to solve the problems below, but
the efforts made by a school principal are not as easy
as we think the headmaster is constrained by many
things such as the attitude of subordinates / teachers
in interpreting the commands given by the leader in
this case the principal, often we find something
happening the contradiction of the will between the
leadership and subordinates, between the teacher and
the principal, what the principal wants cannot be
captured or accepted by the teacher, causing
Admittedly, teachers who have good
performance will always be creative to develop all the
potential that exists in them. This is because the
student has a clear goal of the learning process, and
feels that learning is a need that must always be
3.1 Types of Research
The approach used in this research is
quantitative, which is a research approach based on
the clarity of its elements consisting of clarity of
purpose, approach, subject, sample, data sources that
have been established and detailed from the
beginning. Likewise with the steps of research and
design and data collection and data analysis
(Arikunto, 1996).
This type of research uses survey research
methods with a quantitative research approach.
Survey research in question is to explain causal
influences and test hypotheses. This type of research
focuses on disclosing the causal influence between
variables, namely a research directed to investigate
the effect of causes based on observations of the
consequences that occur, with the aim of separating
the direct relationship and indirect relationship of a
causal variable to the resulting variable.
3.2 Population and Sample
Population is the area of generalization
which consists of: objects / subjects that have certain
qualities and characteristics set by the researcher to
be studied and then drawn conclusions (Al Rasid,
Harun, 1993: 31).
Population is the whole object of research
consisting of humans, objects, animals, plants, and
events as data sources that have certain characteristics
in a study. The population taken in this study is
guided by the opinion of Suharmisi Arikunto: "If the
subject is less than 100 people, then all are taken, so
this research is a population research. Furthermore, if
the number of subjects is large, 10-15% or more can
be taken, depending on at least the ability of the
researcher to be seen in terms of time, energy and
In this study the study population were SDS
Muslim Muslim teachers with 40 teachers in the
2016-2017 school year.
3.3 Sampling Technique
Sampling of probability sampling techniques. All
members of the population have the same opportunity
to be sampled. More specifically, the probability
technique used is stratified random sampling. This
technique must be used from the beginning when the
researcher knows that the condition of the population
consists of several members who have different
stratifications or layers. Sample members in each
element must have the same (homogeneous)
3.4 Research Instruments
In this study, measurements were taken in real
situations, in accordance with the respondents'
assessment of what he experienced, not what the
researcher wanted. Research instruments are arranged
in the form of statements and all use a Likert scale,
(Al Rasid, Harun, 1993: 27) then the statement is
given a weighting value between 1-5. Instrument in
this study consists of three measuring instruments.
The three measuring instruments are: leadership
scale, work environment scale and performance scale.
3.5 Data Collection Procedure
All data containing information about the
three variables studied were obtained by a survey that
was directly carried out by the researchers
The Relationship between the Principal’s Leadership and the Work Environment with Teacher Performance of SDS Islam Muslimin Jakarta
themselves. The filling procedure uses questionnaires
and questionnaires. This is done to speed up the data
collection process and to keep all respondents
understand the filling procedure properly.
3.6 Data Analysis Technical
After the results of the questionnaire data
from the principal's leadership variables,
questionnaire work environment and questionnaire
the teacher's performance was collected, then
processed and analyzed using statistical formulas,
namely descriptive statistics and inferential statistics.
Researchers using descriptive analysis is not
intended to test hypotheses, as only describing the
existence of exogenous variables that function to
connect and endogenous variables that are related.
There are two exogenous variables in this study,
principals' leadership (X1) and work environment
(X2), endogenous variables namely teacher
performance (Y). Inferential analysis is used to
measure the level of direct relationship variables of
the principal's leadership with teacher performance
(X1 - Y), work environment with teacher
performance (X2 - Y) and the principal's leadership
variables and work environment with teacher
performance (X1, X2 - Y) Before testing the
hypothesis, the requirements for the assumption of
normality, homogeneity and linearity are tested.
3.7 Instrument Testing
In an effort to assign weight to the research
instrument, the author conducted an instrument trial
on the subject of a predetermined sample consisting
of 40 teachers in SDS Islam Muslimin Jakarta-Pusat.
The trial is intended to examine or obtain data,
whether the instrument used is valid, reliable, or not.
There are steps to test the instrument as follows:
3.8 Validity Test
What is meant by validity is the extent of the
determination and accuracy of a measuring
instrument in performing its measuring function. A
test is said to have high validity if the tool carries out
its measuring function, or provides a measurement
result that is in accordance with the purpose of the
measurement, meaning that the results of
measurement and measurement are quantities that
accurately reflect the actual facts or circumstances of
what is measured (Djaali, 2008 : 40) in testing the
validity of this test, it is used. Product Moment
correlation analysis. Then the steps taken by the
author in testing the validity of this instrument are as
Give value to each option from each questionnaire
item, sort each item's score from high to lowest. Look
for r count with product moment correlation analysis
Establish significance level and determine the degree
of freedom Enter into the table that has been provided
with the provision that a test can be said to be valid if
r count is greater than r table.
As per the data obtained, the writer will analyze the
quantitative descriptive method. This method uses the
"r" product moment correlation and goes through the
following stages:
Looking for Correlation Numbers, with the formula:
Information :
= Correlation coefficient
between variables X and
variable Y
ƩX = Number of X scores
ƩY = Number of Y scores
n = Number of respondents
ƩXY =The number of multiplication
results between X score and Y
In this study taken from the distribution of
questionnaires given to 40 Islamic SDS Islamic
teachers. This questionnaire consists of 50 statement
items for variables X1 and X2 while the Y variable is
only 47 items because there are 3 invalid statements.
The three research variables in the form of
questionnaires were the Principal Leadership variable
(X1), Work Environment variable (X2) and Teacher
Performance (Y).
Description of the data to be presented and the
results of this study by providing a general
description of the distribution of data distributed in
the field. The data presented in the form of raw data
that has been processed using statistical techniques
description. The description of the data is presented
in the form of tables and graphs.
4.1 Hypothesis Testing
Relationship between Principal Leadership
and Work Environment with Teacher Performance
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
(X1, X2 and Y). The null hypothesis (H0) states that
there is no significant relationship between the
leadership of the principal and the work environment
with the teacher's performance. While
hypothesis (H1) states that there is a significant
relationship between the principal's leadership and
the work environment with teacher performance.
From the results of statistical calculations
using SPSS for windows release 170 for relationships
the work environment as an independent variable
with teacher performance as the dependent variable is
obtained as follows:
From the correlation data above it is known
that the correlation coefficient between the principal's
leadership variables (X1) and the work environment
(X2) as the independent variable with the teacher's
performance variable (Y) as the dependent variable is
0.352. This value reflects that between these three
variables there is a very strong relationship. Positive
correlation values can mean that the increasing
leadership of the principal and the work environment
with the teachers, the teacher's performance will
certainly increase. The coefficient of determination
0.656 or in the form of a percentage of 65.6% reflects
that changes in the variable teacher performance can
be explained by the work environment variable by
65.6% while the remaining 34.4% is influenced by
the principal leadership variables and other variables
not included in this research.
To determine the significance of the
relationship between X1 and X2 with Y can be seen
from the comparison between the value of tcount at
the level obtained based on the calculation of
regression compared with the value of rtable at the
95% confidence level (ɑ - 0.05) with a degree of
freedom (DF) of 2, 37 of the above count obtained the
value for t count is 0.352 while the value of t table is
0.312. Because the tcount value is greater than the
ttable value, this means that the principal's leadership
variables and work environment have a positive and
significant relationship to teacher performance.
From the regression data above obtained
equation as follows: Y = 0.26925 + 0.085 X1 + 0.863
X2 The definition of the equation is obtained by a
constant value of 26.925 which means when the
principal's leadership variables and work
environment are 0. Then the teacher performance
variable is worth 26.925 . The negative value of 0.085
contained in the regression coefficient of the
principal's leadership variable shows a negative
relationship where each increase of one unit of the
principal leadership variable is 0.085 while a positive
value of 0.863 is contained in the variable regression
coefficient Work environment shows a positive
influence where each increase in one unit of
environmental variables work will lead to an increase
in teacher performance by 0.863.
From the results of the analysis presented in
the table above, the principal's leadership variable
(X1) obtained the price: t1 = 0.078 db = 1.38, p-value
= 0.093 / 2 = 0.046 <0.05, or Ho was rejected. Thus:
The principal's leadership is related to the teacher's
performance and the results of the analysis presented
in the table above, the working environment variable
(X2) is obtained the price: t2 = 0.858, db = 1.38, p-
value = 0.039 / 2 = 0.019 <0 , 05, or Ho is rejected.
Thus: The work environment is related to teacher
performance. While the results of the analysis
presented in the table above, Principal Leadership
variables (X1), Work environment (X2) and Teacher
Performance (Y) obtained prices: t2 = 0.0128, db =
2.37, p-value = 0, 0206/3 = 0.042 <0.05, or Ho is
rejected. Thus: The leadership of the principal and the
work environment relate together with the
performance of the teacher.
Based on the results of correlational
calculations indicate that between variables both
individually and jointly, the leadership of the
principal and the work environment with teacher
performance have a significant relationship. Principal
leadership is significantly related to teacher
performance, and the work environment is
significantly related to teacher performance.
In this study shows that the leadership of the
principal plays an active role in addressing various
issues in schools that are less precise, for example
overcoming the factors that influence and relate to
improving teacher performance. In
besides, the
success of a leader comes from authority, personal
traits, skills and behavior. Based on these factors, the
principal's leadership is a leader's behavior in
carrying out his duties as a leader, which is seen in his
ability to make decisions, delegate authority, giving
encouragement, exemplary, friendliness, openness,
and everyday behavior that serves as a reinforcement
of behavior himself.
Positive principals' leadership will foster
direction in school management effectively and
efficiently, conditions can occur due to the positive
leadership of principals encouraging the work of
teachers in carrying out their duties. This means that
if the teacher likes the principal's leadership that is
applied by the principal, it will foster the performance
of the teacher in carrying out his duties.
The Relationship between the Principal’s Leadership and the Work Environment with Teacher Performance of SDS Islam Muslimin Jakarta
By paying attention to the discussion above, it
is clear that a positive view is needed about the
leadership of the principal. If this fact is observed in
leadership theory there is no theory that recommends
the best principal leadership, which can create a
positive outlook from teachers and other employees.
Therefore, the headmaster is required to be able to
implement the right headmaster's leadership in the
right situation and conditions, so that his leadership
can create a good work climate, conducive and
ultimately will develop a responsible work culture
and improve teacher performance towards a better
Teachers are an important component in
learning activities and have a big influence on student
learning outcomes in school. Therefore, the teacher
must be competent and able to create an effective
learning environment and be able to manage the class
so that student learning outcomes can be optimal. To
achieve these results, the role of the teacher in
learning activities includes various aspects including
as a teacher, as a class leader, as a mentor, as an
environmental regulator, as a participant, as a
planner, as a supervisor, as a motivator, and as a
Following on the work environment that
determines the teacher's performance, the work
environment greatly influences the teacher's
performance which includes facilities and
infrastructure whether adequate or not, the
atmosphere and environmental conditions both
physical and non-physical also contribute to the work
comfort of a teacher.
Furthermore, the effectiveness of the
principal's leadership is influenced by acceptability
and capability. This means that a leader will be
accepted by his subordinates if: 1) has the allure,
because knowledge, skills, attitudes and actions, 2)
are classified as leaders who are basically democratic
but at the same time able to make certain adjustments
depending on the situation and conditions they face,
3) realizing large meaning and nature of its existence
in the organization which is reflected in its ability to
carry out various leadership functions that must be
carried out, 4) in superior and subordinate
relationships as well as he has a unique identity with
advantages and disadvantages, 6) able to associate
talents, theoretical knowledge and opportunity to lead
by continuing to have as many ideal leadership traits
as possible, 7) while still using a holistic and
integrative paradigm, able to determine the
organization's priority scale in accordance with the
nature, shape and type of goals and various objectives
to be achieved, 8) take into account the environmental
situation influences both positively and negatively
towards the organization, 9) utilizes developments
that occur in the field of science and technology
without moving from human orientation as the most
important element in the organization, and 10)
placing organizational interests above self-interest
reflected in speech and action the horn.
Based on the results of the research and
discussion that have been stated in the previous
chapter, the researchers concluded that
1. There is a positive relationship between the
principal's leadership and the work environment
together with the teacher's performance. Both of
these independent variables go hand in hand with
the dependent variable meaning that the better the
headmaster's leadership and work environment.
The higher the teacher's performance is. The
correlation coefficient between the two
independent variables with the dependent variable
is 0.352 with a determination coefficient of 0.656
which means that the teacher's performance can
be explained by the variation of the principal's
leadership and work environment by 65.6%. The
form of a joint relationship between the principal's
leadership and the work environment with the
teacher's performance is shown by the regression
equation Ŷ = 26925 + 0.085 (X1) + 0.863 (X2).
This is corroborated by the calculation of the t-test
of 2.37 significant at the significant level of 0.078
t table = 0.312 (t count ˃ t table). Thus there is a
positive relationship between the leadership of the
principal and the work environment with the
performance of teachers in SDS Islam Muslimin.
2. The principal as a leader must be able to carry out
various appropriate strategies to direct teachers,
give orders, motivate teachers to work well and
involve teachers in decision making. If the teacher
is empowered and valued by various abilities by
the principal, the teacher will try to do activities
with quality learning. Whereas the work
environment is everything that is around the
teachers that can affect him in carrying out the
tasks that are charged, for example lighting, air
temperature, space for movement, security,
cleanliness, social interaction with others.
Management of facilities and infrastructure is
needed to help the learning process run smoothly.
In order to achieve the goals of the school's vision
and mission well. Teachers as the main holder of
learning activities must strive to have and display
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
high performance when conducting learning
activities by following the learning process
standards from the learning planning stage,
implementation, evaluation / evaluation to follow-
up after learning in order to realize a high quality
of learning. Teachers have a high level of maturity
and ability are more likely to have high
performance. Conversely, teachers who have a
low level of maturity and ability are more likely
to have low performance. This will contribute to
the achievement of teacher performance.
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