The Effect of Productive Zakah on Increasing Mustahiq
Revenue and Profit
Purnama Putra
, Mas Deden Tirtajaya
and Wahyu Hidayat C. Pratama
Department of Islamic Banking, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, West Java
Department of Accounting, Universitas Islam 45, Bekasi, West Java
Keywords: Productive Zakah, Revenue, Profit, Mustahiq.
Abstract: Alms (zakah) which are enshrined in the Al-Quran and Al-Hadith if viewed from an economic perspective
can be functioned as financial instruments in Islam. The shift in the distribution of zakah from consumptive
to productive is expected to provide a trickle-down effect for the economy of the mustahiq. Mustahiq
transformation becomes muzakki as the main target of distributing productive zakah. This study seeks to
determine the effect of productive zakah utilization on mustahiq revenues and profits. The mixed method
chosen is the concurrent embedded strategy model. The sample was chosen through a purposive method of
LAZNAS DPU who are mustahiq Daarut Tauhiid who had a profession as traders and were fostered in the
Misykat program and the writer had also confirmed them to the branch leader and the person in charge of
the program. The results of this study show that productive zakah positively influences the revenues and
profits of the mustahiq who are involved in developing the DPU DT Misykat program.
Zakah is defined as a part of property with certain
requirements that are required for the owner to be
handed over to those who have the right to receive it
(mustahiq), with certain conditions (Putra, 2016).
Zakah can foster a work ethic. By paying zakah,
someone will work well, so that the conscious
movement of zakah is basically a movement to
create a good work ethic by providing equitable
welfare and prosperity for all (Huda, Rini, Mardoni,
& Putra, 2012).
The wisdom and benefits of zakah which include
two dimensions, both vertical and horizontal, make
zakah a very potential mechanism when it is
developed. Economic development in its
implementation requires an instrument that can
prioritize people's economy(Winoto & Pujiyono,
2011) The golden age of the governance of Umar
bin Abdul Aziz was clean and honest and zakah was
handled well, until at that time a country that was
almost a third of the world wide has no Mustahiq to
receive zakah because all Muslims had become
muzakki, that was the first time zakah was
transferred to another country because it is no longer
worthy of being blessed ((Hasbiyah & Putra, 2017a;
Huda et al., 2012; Putra, 2016)
Nowadays, the existence of zakah management
institutions is a solution in the method of channeling
zakah for poverty alleviation purposes. Zakah
management institutions in Indonesia are divided
into two, namely the Amil Zakah Agency (Badan
Amil Zakah) and the Amil Zakah Institution
(Lembaga Amil Zakah). The general functions are:
(1) as a financial intermediary; (2) empowerment.
National Zakah Agency (BAZNAS), Regional
Zakah Agency (BAZDA), and the National Zakah
Institution (LAZNAS) are independent zakah
institutions established by the government and the
community (Huda et al., 2012; Rini, Huda, Mardoni,
& Putra, 2017; Roziq, Yulinartati, & Ekaningsih,
The distribution of Zakah Infaq Shadaqa (ZIS)
funds, especially zakah, has now developed, from
the beginning it was only oriented towards the
fulfillment of needs (consumptive) now has reached
zakah as a source of productive funds that can boost
the economy (Winoto & Pujiyono, 2011). Zakah
also has the ultimate goal of turning a mustahiq into
muzakki. Zakah given to mustahiq as a support for
the utilization of productive zakah, this development
in the form of business capital (Hasbiyah & Putra,
2017b; Rini et al., 2017; Wulansari & Setiawan,
2014). Therefore zakah as a wealth that grows and
Putra, P., Tirtajaya, M. and C. Pratama, W.
The Effect of Productive Zakah on Increasing Mustahiq Revenue and Profit.
DOI: 10.5220/0009939921202133
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2120-2133
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
develops must be implemented in a real policy in the
field not only limited to definition. (Hasbiyah &
Putra, 2017a) Productive zakah is directed by the
distribution of zakah which makes recipients
produce something continuously with the assets they
receive in economic activities to develop economic
productivity. (Hasbiyah & Putra, 2017b; Putra,
2016; Winoto & Pujiyono, 2011) The utilization of
productive zakat is in the form of business capital.
The influence of zakat in the form of Bussines
capital increasing the development of capital,
turnover and profit (Wulansari & Setiawan, 2014).
The productive zakah itself is present as a solution to
transform mustahiq into muzakki by giving zakah
funds in the form of business capital and techniques
for developing business skills for the mustahiq to
increase income and business profits for the
mustahiq so that in the future, mustahiq will become
A summary of the recognition of revenues and
profits in sharia transactions according to the
Indonesian Accountants Association (2014),
Nurhayati & Wasilah (2015), as well as Harahap,
Wiroso, & Yusuf (2010), Hasbiyah & Putra (2017a)
are listed in table 1. This study directs that
mustahiq's business profits through the capital
provided in the productive zakah utilization program
provided by LAZNAS can be classified in the form
of mudharabah and musyarakah agreements which
in the form of later profit sharing from mustahiq to
LAZNAS that provides funds can be in the form of
zakah, infaq, or alms so that the aim of empowering
mustahiq through the utilization of productive zakah
can be achieved by transforming mustahiq to
become muzakki.
In this study the author tries to determine the effect
of productive zakah on Mustahiq income and
Mustahiq profits. Creswell (2016), Sugiyono (2016),
and Sarwono (2011) say in a concurrent embedded
strategy model research model that combines the use
of quantitative and qualitative research methods
simultaneously / together (or vice versa), but the
weight of the method is different. The primary
method is used to obtain the main data, and the
secondary method is used to obtain data to support
data obtained from the primary method.
2.1 Data Collection
This study, the author uses a population in the form
of allMustahiq who receive zakat from LAZNAS
Dompet Peduli Umat Daarut Tauhiid (DPU-DT).
Samples are selected using a purposive method with
consideration thatMustahiq receives productive
zakat funds from LAZNAS DPU-DT in the form of
business capital forMustahiq who works as a trader
or in the form of business coaching that will be
carried out by DPU-DT.
Questionnaires given to respondents are closed
questions, namely questions prepared by a number
of specific answers as choices that will be
distributed to respondents which areMustahiq who
receive productive zakat itself. In addition to using
questionnaires distributed to respondents, the
researcher conducted interviews by giving several
questions to informans who served as DPU-DT
branch heads or other staff related to programs
carried out to distribute productive zakat to the
Table 1: Revenues and Profit Recognitions.
Revenues Profits
The selling price is
the acquisition
price plus the
between margin
and acquisition cost
of murabahah
When the seller
sends the buyer's
order and the
payment is made
on the agreed day
Difference between
the amount paid by
the buyer and the
cost of the ordered
Recognized when
the process of
making orders is
complete and
submitted to the
The difference
between the cost of
acquisition and
cash value
distribution in
accordance with
the agreement
The profit-sharing
principle, namely
net income, is gross
profit less expenses
related to capital
Revenue equals
the distribution of
partners in
accordance with
the agreement
The portion of the
amount is
determined based
on the ratio of
Recognized when
the benefits of
assets are handed
over to
At the time of the
difference between
the selling price
and the carrying
amount of the
ijarah object
The Effect of Productive Zakah on Increasing Mustahiq Revenue and Profit
community, in addition to the interviews, the authors
also obtained supporting data related to the programs
carried out in empowering Mustahiq through
productive zakat. We use likert modification from
numbers 1 - 4 by eliminating the choice of hesitation
or neutral. The reason is because the doubt category
has a double meaning, which can be interpreted as
not being able to give an answer, neutral, or hesitant.
2.2 Data Analysis
Qualitative data analysis is carried out at the
time of data collection, and after completion of data
collection for a certain period. At the time of the
interview, researchers have conducted an analysis of
the answers interviewed. If the answers interviewed
after being analyzed have not been satisfactory, the
researcher will continue the question again to a
certain extent to the resource person. While
quantitative analysis based on questionnaires to
mustahiq researchers do calculations to answer the
problem formulation by using classical assumption
test with normality test and linearity test, and
perform calculations to test hypotheses that have
been proposed using F test, t-test, R test, test simple
linear regression, and the determination coefficient
test related to the utilization of productive zakat
funds on Mustahiq income and Mustahiq business
The hypothesis raised for the quantitative aspects in
this study are:
H1 = The utilization of productive zakat funds has a
significant positive effect on Mustahiq income.
H2 = The utilization of productive zakat funds has a
significant positive effect on Mustahiq business
The use of mixed methods is expected to be able to
answer hypotheses and provide confidence in the
data obtained from the participants of the Misykat
program participants and the efforts that have been
made by the organizer (DPU-DT) of the program.
3.1 Mechanism of Productive Zakah
Management in Community-based
Sharia Microfinance Programs
Zakah management is an activity of planning,
implementing and coordinating in the framework of
collecting, distributing and utilizing zakah (IKAPI,
2012) from this definition the writer refers to the
mechanism of zakah management is related to the
process of an structured activity, according to zakah
where the process is starting from the management
of zakah, collecting zakah, distributing zakah,
utilizing zakah funds and supervising the activities
of each program in the amil zakah agency or
The MiSykat program is a program dedicated to
mothers, in its activities the MiSykat program
always accompanies the assemblies formed by the
Bekasi branch of DPU-DT, its assistance is to
provide religious material in the hope that the
assembly members remain firm in their Islamic
faith, finance, and given skills by providing training
(Ekaningrum, 2016).
In its implementation, the MiSykat program has a
vision and mission that is used as a reference in
carrying out its program, as for the vision and
mission of the MiSykat program held by the Bekasi
branch DPU-DT which the authors get from
interviews with leaders of the Bekasi DPU branch,
among others are:
Vision: Delivering mustahiq to be muzakki.
Increasing household economic income.
Optimizing the potential of members towards
Increasing productivity, changing mindset,
and member performance.
Cultivate saving and saving lifestyle.
Increasing network access, skills, and
business members.
DPU-DT Bekasi branch in the management of
productive zakah funds through the Misykat
program has 41 people registered as beneficiaries in
the city of Bekasi since the beginning of the
establishment of the Misykat program
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
3.1.1 Distribution of Funds for Zakah
Misykat Programs at DPU-DT Bekasi
Zakah funds that are distributed can be empowered
and utilized, then the distribution must also be
selective for consumer needs or for productive
needs(Fakhrudin, 2008; Hasbiyah & Putra, 2017b).
In the MiSykat Program in the DPU-DT is a
Creative Productive Zakah category, namely zakah
which manifests itself with the provision of
revolving capital.
MiSykat Program is carried out in groups with
weekly assistance directly from Yogyakarta branch
DPU-DT(DPU-DT, 2016), before conducting
distribution, there are several criteria that must be
met by prospective MiSykat member groups
Citizens of the Republic of Indonesia.
Already have a business or members have the
motivation to want to own a business.
Permanent residence.
Mustadhafiin (weakened person).
Already Married and still in productive age.
Having income but not yet reaching Nisab
Khoul Zakah in accordance with Sharia.
Categorized as faqir and poor.
There are several paths implemented by DPU-DT
Bekasi in the empowerment process through this
misykat program with the aim that the program is
targeted in providing aid funds for its efforts so that
the distribution of funds is more controlled.
3.1.2 Utilization of Productive Zakah Funds
for the Misykat Program at the Bekasi
Branch of DPU-DT
Decree of the Minister of Religion of the Republic
of Indonesia. No. 581/1999 Chapter V Article 28
states that the utilization of productive business can
be carried out if the eight ashnafs have been fulfilled
and there are advantages, with assistance used for
real business by obtaining income or profits
Utilization carried out for the MiSykat Program
is to conduct guidance every once a week for
assemblies that have not been established and the
activities carried out are the provision of material by
assistance from the Bekasi branch of DPU-DT based
on the mentoring stage.
3.1.3 Mustahiq's Revenue and Business
Profits in the Misykat Program at the
DPU-DT Bekasi Branch
Depend on this research said that mustahiq
income is not able to meet all needs because it is not
due to unemployment or does not find a suitable job,
but he works and earns a fixed income, but income
and income are not balanced with his expenses,
while according to accounting referred to as business
profit is the difference between realized revenue
arising from transactions in a certain period is faced
with costs incurred in that period (Harahap, 2015)
In this study, the revenue and business profits
mustahiq the author got after observing and also
distributing questionnaires to 32 beneficiaries of the
members of the community, this number was
reduced from a total of 41 beneficiaries due to their
own members who resigned, there was a busyness
outside of the findings so never present at pekan
meetings, assembly members are lazy to take part in
mentoring or peer meetings, from the assembly there
are several members who are elderly so that they are
no longer productive and resign.
3.2 Descriptive Analysis
Researcher obtaining data directly from Pulo Asem
village, this study also used questionnaires by
distributing questionnaires to 32 mothers from
members of several assemblies from a total of 41
initial participants of the Misykat program.
The descriptive analysis that was examined from
respondents based on gender, age, business, income
before coaching, profit before coaching, income
after coaching, and benefits after coaching were
processed using eviews.
Age and Business
Based on the results of observations and also
filling out the questionnaire to 32 respondents the
beneficiaries obtained the average age was 42 years
old with the highest age was 56 years and the lowest
age was 27 years. Whereas for the business obtained
data as much as 81% of respondents have a trading
business, 16% of respondents have a service
business, and only 3% of respondents have a
livestock business.
The Effect of Productive Zakah on Increasing Mustahiq Revenue and Profit
3.2.2 Revenues and Profit before
Accompaniment-coaching Program
Mustahiq's revenues before participating in coaching
was 53% with an income level of IDR 500,000 -
IDR 1,400,000, 35% of respondents with an income
level of IDR 1,500,000 - IDR 2,400,000, 6% of
respondents with revenue levels of IDR 2,500,000 -
IDR 3,400 .000, and 6% of respondents who have a
revenue level below IDR. 500,000.
The mustahiq operating profit before
participating in coaching was 59% with a profit level
of IDR. 500,000 - IDR. 1,400,000, 38% of
respondents with a profit level of less than IDR.
500,000, and 3% of respondents with a profit rate of
IDR. 1,500,000 - IDR. 2,400,000.
3.2.3 Revenues and Profit after
Accompaniment-coaching Program
Based on these results obtained mustahiq income
before following coaching there are 31% with an
income level of IDR 500,000 - IDR 1,400,000, 31%
of respondents with an income level of IDR
1,500,000 - IDR 2,400,000, 28% of respondents
with an income level of IDR 2,500. 000 - IDR.
3,400,000, and 10% of respondents who have
income levels above IDR. 3,400,000.
Mustahiq's operating profit before participating
in the coaching there were 47% with a profit level of
IDR. 500,000 - IDR. 1,400,000, 25% of respondents
with a profit rate of IDR. 1,500,000 - IDR.
2,400,000, 22% of respondents with a profit rate of
less than IDR. 500,000, and 6% of respondents who
have a profit rate of IDR. 2,500,000 - IDR.
3.3 Qualitative Data Analysis
Haryuda (2018) states that community-based Islamic
sharia or microfinance is one of the superior
programs owned by the Bekasi branch of DPU-DT,
which is a program devoted to mothers, in which the
program always provides assistance to assemblies
formed by DPU-DT Bekasi, its assistance is in the
form of providing religious material in the hope that
the assembly members will remain firm in their
Islamic faith, finance and also be given skills by
providing training.
The community program has an important role in
helping family finances obtained from beneficiaries
namely mothers and can also help from the income
that is owned by her husband, and also according to
Zurma (2018) as the group leader from the mothers
of the beneficiary program beneficiaries, with the
holding of assistance programs such as those
provided by the Bekasi branch of DPU-DT, it can be
helpful for citizens who have financial problems
with loan sharks, because it cannot be denied that
there are still many citizens who are involved in loan
sharks in his residence, with the presence of the
program, the mothers feel very helped because there
is no compulsion in it and neither is there a usury
system like that of moneylenders in the
In this research to examining the validity of the
data and also for the purpose of gathering
information, the author interviewed the leader of the
branch of Dompet Peduli Ummat Daarut Tauhiid
Bekasi branch named Muhammad Ihsan, researchers
also sought information by interviewing the program
responsible, Haryuda, and the authors were also
assisted by several related parties who has control
over the financial register in Bekasi DPU-DT and
who is in control of the overall misykat program
namely Reni, Imam Mustaqim, and the author is
assisted by several other DPU-DT Bekasi staff..
According to the head of the DPU-DT Bekasi
branch, in an effort to maximize productive zakah
funds, DPU-DT Bekasi developed a program called
Misykat, namely in the form of capital provisioning
programs and also business assistance to mustahiq,
procurement of healthy barakah carts, procurement
and assistance of farmers, and livestock so develop
self-sufficiency in mustahiq. In this program, DPU-
DT Bekasi has the aim of establishing mustahiq by
improving the quality of life of the community with
productive programs (Ihsan, 2018).
The matter conveyed by the head of the Bekasi
DPU-DT branch in accordance with what was said
by the program responsible that the Community
Based Sharia Microfinance program (Misykat) is a
productive economic empowerment program that is
managed systematically, intensively and
continuously, by making financial services
(revolving funds) as empowerment entry point. The
pattern of financial services carried out by Misykat
adopted a number of banks grameen patterns with
adjustments based on the sharia system(Haryuda,
Before this program was implemented, there was
a long process carried out by the Bekasi branch of
the DPU-DT which coordinated with the central
DPU-DT through a feasibility test, in the form of
theoretical studies and field studies conducted by
other DPU-DT branches and also from the amil
institution other zakah(Ihsan, 2018).
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
The purpose of this program is to increase access
and affordability of financial services by developing
special service schemes for the target business
productive actors who have not been able to reach
bank financial services (DPU-DT, 2016), according
to Ihsan (2018) this program is to make mustahiq,
which is to improve the quality of life of the people
with productive programs, this is also harmonized
with the targets to be achieved by DPU-DT Bekasi,
namely to establish mustahiq finance and also can
change mustahiq into muzakki, while according to
Haryuda (2018) said that the aim and target of this
program was to change mustahiq into muzakki,
reduce poverty in Indonesia by giving capital
without interest, and creative hall training.
There are several processes in terms of
submitting recipients of productive zakah such as
can by personal means, in which prospective
beneficiaries come directly to the office to propose
zakah funds by collecting ID cards, then there is a
home survey conducted by the DPU, and there is the
next way through assemblies that are fostered by
DPU, then collected and given business capital,
coaching, and also directives on each
month(Haryuda, 2018).
In the interview process that the author did, Ihsan
(2018) as the branch leader said there were several
channels that were used to determine the new
assembly with the aim that the misykat program was
on target in helping funds for its efforts so that the
distribution of funds was more controlled, the stages
Regional survey, aims to make this MiSykat
program truly on target, especially for the
poor or those affected by the disaster.
Permit and socialize the MiSykat program to
the local government, to provide clarity on the
purpose of the MiSykat program.
Survey of locations, the purpose of the
location survey is to see the exact data of the
population classified as poor people in the
Socializing the MiSykat program to
prospective new members, this stage is
carried out many times with the aim to
provide a general overview of new members
related to the program provided.
Registration of prospective new members,
distributing registration forms to prospective
members of the MiSykat program.
Interview with new members, interviews are
conducted at the time of gathering all the data
for new prospective members, the purpose of
this interview is to re-check the data that has
been collected.
Committee meetings, aiming for the
determination of candidates with the
applicable provisions on the criteria for
acceptance of prospective new members.
Announcement of acceptance of new
members in the MiSykat program.
Ratification of the formation of a new
assembly namely the MiSykat assembly.
In the selection process for prospective
beneficiaries who have submitted themselves or who
have already been observed by the DPU-DT Bekasi,
there are several criteria that become a priority and
also become a selection conducted by DPU-DT
Bekasi which was said by Ihsan (2018) that the
recipient This productive zakah can be categorized
in mustahiq zakah which is included in 8 asnaf
(Haryuda, 2018).
Before being revealed to train mustahiq in terms
of coaching, the person in charge of the program is
given training and direction in advance by DPU-DT
regarding what operations he must give to the
beneficiaries, in this case DPU-DT brings in special
speakers from the center (Ihsan, 2018), the same
thing was also conveyed by Haryuda (2018) as the
person in charge of the program who said there were
preparations held by the office in this case the
Bekasi DPU in the form of material and non-
material given to him and also to all staff and
employees in all aspects related to zakah.
In its implementation, the program uses the
techniques of guidance and training that is
accompanied by supervision carried out by the staff
of the DPU, according to the person in charge of the
program in implementing zakah through this
mission, likening people who are fishing, where
people are fishing to get fish, he must have a hook
and lure, as well as DPU does not give the results
but as a facilitator in the form of training and
coaching so that mustahiq has its own creativity in
running its business so that it can achieve what it
wants (Haryuda, 2018).
In the process of mentoring, Haryuda (2018).
explained that the Bekasi DPU-DT carried out
various stages that have their respective roles in
carrying out the misykat program, so that the
mustahiq could be fostered properly, while the
stages in the utilization of the MiSykat program
included: In the mentoring process, Haryuda (2018).
explains that the Bekasi DPU-DT carries out various
stages that have their respective roles in carrying out
the misykat program, so that the mustahiq can be
The Effect of Productive Zakah on Increasing Mustahiq Revenue and Profit
built properly, while the stages in the utilization of
the MiSykat program include:
Special Assistance
Special assistance is seen in terms of the
provision of material, namely the communication
between mentoring and assembly members related
to assistance material that will be provided each
week, with things like this the assembly members
will know about what they question and create
interaction between the material providers and the
assembly members.
Comprehensive Assistance
Assistance instructed to be interpreted as one of
the uses for which material is given such as faith,
entrepreneurship, economic management and good
cooperation between members and fellow members
of the assembly in the Yogyakarta branch of DPU-
Saving and Financing
Savings and Financing activities are a benefit of
the MiSykat where members of the community can
easily borrow funds to increase their business
capital, so some people will be interested in
participating in MiSykat activities and increase their
In addition to providing assistance, the Bekasi
branch of DPU-DT helps in conducting training to
open new businesses, assisting in the posting of
MiSykat member products, some products have been
included in the mini market and some have been
running to entrust their business processes to stalls
(Haryuda, 2018), this mentoring teaches its members
to save, invest and in its assistance activities there is
cash, the cash is used for funds that are rotated when
members borrow the funds for their efforts in adding
their business capital.
In carrying out the misykat program, the training
provided by the Bekasi DPU-DT to the
beneficiaries, Ihsan (2018) said that as a support for
productive zakah-based economic empowerment
programs training programs for beneficiaries such as
hard skills (cooking, sewing, making cakes,
handicrafts, etc.), and also holding soft skills
training, Haryuda (2018) also said that there was
business training in the form of misykat to mothers
with capital provision, independent creativity, as
well as some hard skills and soft skills given by
In the implementation, in addition to coaching
and also training conducted by DPU-DT Bekasi to
the beneficiaries, there is a control mechanism that is
carried out every once a week at each meeting, then
memorization, installments, business, and the
packaging is controlled and we become facilitators
in the resulting product (Haryuda, 2018).
Based on some of the information that the author
has collected, it can be seen that since the
establishment of the ummah empowerment program
through productive zakah funds provided by holding
community-based Islamic microfinance, the Bekasi
branch of DPU-DT has 41 people registered as
beneficiaries in the city of Bekasi. In its
development several members also experienced a
decrease in the number of assemblies that had been
established and those that had not been established,
so the authors conducted this research based on 32
people who actively participated in the program,
Zurma (2018) said there were several causes of the
reduction of the members of the assembly, among
them were due to members MiSykat himself
resigned, there was a busy life outside of the
findings so that he was never present at the pekan
meetings, the assembly members were lazy to attend
mentoring or pekan meetings, from the assembly
there were several members who were elderly so
that they were no longer productive and resigned.
In order to answer the research question, the
mustahiq income level in this study is the change
produced by Mustahiq before and after receiving
productive zakah and the effort to realize the peace
of life mustahiq be guaranteed so that it can live
independently and skillfully with economic changes
and also the profitability level of mustahiq in this
study is the change produced by mustahiq before
and after receiving productive zakah and the effort
to realize the peace of life mustahiq be guaranteed so
that it can live independently and skillfully with
economic changes.
Based on data from interviews with informants,
relating to income and also the business benefits
ofMustahiq, Ihsan (2018) said that by holding the
productive zakah-based empowerment program,
successfully increasing business income and profits
for beneficiaries, this was also conveyed by Haryuda
(2018) who said that mustahiq could be said to be
independent if it had produced a minimum of fifty
thousand per day as an indicator, and until now it
was proven by the program, the beneficiaries
experienced an increase in terms of income and
business profits. In addition to the DPU-DT Bekasi,
the author also conducted interviews with the
beneficiaries and also the group leader of the
mothers who benefited from the program, Hasanah
(2018), Suwarni (2018), and Zurma (2018) said that
with the program being held, can increase income
and business profits in each month because with the
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
addition of capital can increase innovation in its
In table 2 the following is an interview about the
implementation and program, for example from the
head of the Bekasi branch of DPU-DT and also from
the person in charge of the program:
Table 2: Interviews of Branch Managers and Program
No Information
There are two
main targets,
mustahiq to
mustahiq into
poverty in
Bekasi by
capital and
creative hall
Criteria for
of Zakah
Recipients of
zakah are
categorized in
zakah namely
fakir, poor,
converts, and
Described in the
Quran 8 asnaf
and DPU look
for people
include the 8
asnaf categories
Training for
As a
programs for
such as hard
skill skills
cakes, etc.),
as well as soft
skills training.
There is
training in the
form of misykat
to mothers with
training, and
also weekly
Revenue and
With the
holding of the
h succeeded
in increasing
the income
and profits of
There is an
increase in
terms of income
and also
business profits,
while mustahiq
can be said to
be independent
if it has
produced a
minimum of 50
thousand as an
indicator, can
apply again and
No Information
the payment
must be in
accordance with
the agreement.
Training in
Reports for
There is
currently no
training in
There is no
training in
financial reports
to mustahiq.
Training to
Provided By
There is
provided by
the DPU to
who are
invited by
from the
center each
DPU prepares
material and
materials to the
person in charge
of the program
and also
employees in all
matters related
to zakah.
The productive zakah fund utilization program
included in the community-based sharia
microfinance program held by DPU-DT Bekasi has
at least been running in 2015 until now, based on the
results of the interviews that the authors received
from Hasanah (2018) and Suwarni (2018), they just
followed the program for two years from mid-2015.
Based on Zurma's explanation (2018) as the
group leader of the beneficiaries, the beginning of
the existence of a mass program was motivated by
the large number of people owed to loan sharks, so
that the lives of the surrounding communities
became very burdened because they were unable to
pay their debts, with the presence of community
service as a solution for the community there is an
additional capital but there are no elements of
ribawi, and with the existence of this misykat there
are many people who have been released from loan
sharks. Besides being motivated by the large number
of moneylenders, this program can also help support
the family's economy, especially housewives by
joining this program to help her husband's finances.
Suwarni (2018) as the beneficiary explained
about the situation in running a business that has
various kinds of constraints, according to him he has
not mastered the techniques in trading well so that it
can attract consumers to buy their wares and there
are still many who do not know their wares so there
are very few knowing it.
The Islamic microfinance program is present in
the midst of the anxiety of the mustahiq to present
special training desired by them, in this case
Suwarni (2018) said the training provided by DPU-
DT Bekasi is in the form of quality improvement,
The Effect of Productive Zakah on Increasing Mustahiq Revenue and Profit
sales, and also savings and knowledge improvement
religion, Hasanah (2018) said that DPU-DT Bekasi
was present by providing training in the form of
brooch making, sewing techniques, making cakes,
and so on.
In the Misykat program implementation,
Hasanah (2018) and Suwarni (2018) said that the
training schedule was held once a week, which was
held every Wednesday.
After the training done, Suwarni (2018)
acknowledged that he experienced a fairly good
business development, because with the additional
costs, the production level would also increase,
while Hasanah (2018) said that the businesses
owned by him had developments with additional
capital and also the training provided by DPU-DT
Bekasi can open its insights not only in terms of
business but in the religious aspect for the better.
Table 3 presents responses from beneficiaries of
the misykat program according to Hasanah (2018)
and Suwarni (2018) from DPU-DT Bekasi:
Table 3: Interviews with Mustahiq.
Mustahiq 2
period of time
It's have
been 2 years
It's have
been 2 years
g Revenues
and Profit
after coaching
Have an
increase in
income and
profits every
Has an
increase in each
month, due to
the additional
business capital
constraints in
terms of
sales, namely
not too
about sales,
so there are
still few
people who
know about it
There are
no perceived
Provided by
provided by
DPU-DT is in
the form of
sales, and
training in the
form of brooch
making, sewing
techniques, cake
making, etc.
Mustahiq 2
also savings
related to
ced well
because of the
funds, the
level of
production is
businesses have
with additional
capital and
provided by
Once a
schedule per
schedule is held
on Wednesday
every week.
3.3 Quantitative Data Analysis
Researchers used questionnaire data to be able to
calculate and analyze the effect of utilizing
productive zakah funds on mustahiq income and
mustahiq business profits, as for the steps taken by
the authors in the form of validity, reliability, and
classical assumption tests.
3.3.1 Validity Test
Siregar (2013) says that validity is a measure that
shows the level of validity or the validity of an
instrument. Test the validity of item statements with
the Corrected Item Total Correlation technique,
which correlates between item scores and total
items, then corrects the correlation coefficient.
While in some researches revealed the validity test
was used to measure the validity or validity of a
questionnaire. A questionnaire is said to be valid if
the question in the questionnaire is able to reveal
something that will be measured by the
questionnaire (Pernanu & Putra, 2016; Putra &
Silviana, 2017).
Based on the results of the validity test with the
utilization variable productive zakah funds (X)
shows that there are 13 valid statement items,
namely items 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18,
and 19, this item can be declared valid because r
count r table, with r table value 0.349. Based on
these results it can be concluded that there are 13
valid statements from a total of 20 statements in the
independent variable.
The results of the validity test of mustahiq (Y1)
revenue variable indicate that there are 12 valid
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
statement items, namely point 1, 2, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10,
11, 13,14,16,17, these items can be declared valid
because r count r table, with r table value 0.349.
Based on these results it can be concluded that there
are 12 valid statements from a total of 17 statements
in the dependent variable.
While the results of the validity test of mustahiq
(Y2) business profit variable indicate that there are
14 valid statement items, namely items 1, 2, 3, 5, 7,
9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, and 19, items it can be
declared valid because r counts r table, with r table
value 0.349. Based on these results it can be
concluded that there are 14 valid statements from a
total of 20 statements in the dependent variable.
3.3.2 Reliability Test
Sugiyono (2016), a reliable instrument is an
instrument that when used several times to measure
the same object, will produce the same data, while
Pernanu and Putra (2016) in their research said, in
addition to being valid, the instrument must also
meet reliability standards.
Reliability testing is used to test the consistency
of the measuring instrument, where there are
similarities of results if the measurements are
repeated. The method in its measurement uses α
cronbach with a limit of 0.349 which is to determine
whether the variable is reliable or unreliable. If the α
cronbach value is greater than 0.349 then it is
reliable and if it is smaller it is not reliable. Based on
the reliability test, the following data are obtained:
Table 4: Reliability Statistic.
N of Items
X 0,725 13
0,686 12
0,820 14
Based on the reliability test for the variable
utilization of productive zakah (X) on the 13 valid
statements that have been tested produce Cronbachs
Alpha value of 0.725, while the mustahiq (Y1)
income variable for the number of 12 valid questions
worth 0.686 and mustahiq (Y2) operating profit
variable of 0.820 all three has a value of> 0.349 so
that it can be said that the questionnaire is reliable.
3.3.3 Classic Assumption Test
Normality test is used to test the data of independent
variables (X) and variable data (Y) in the regression
equation produced, which is normally distributed or
not normally distributed. Regression equation is said
to be good, if it has data independent variables and
the dependent variable is distributed close to normal
or very normal (Siregar, 2013)
Based on the Normality Test using Eviews it is
known that the value of the probability variable of
productive zakah funds to the income mustahiq
worth 0.674142 and 0.209610 for the value of the
utilization variable productive zakah funds to the
business profits mustahiq both worth> 0.05, it can be
concluded that the data is distributed normal.
The linearity test is used to determine whether
each variable used as a predictor has a linear
relationship or not with the dependent variable.
Linear line linearity test is a proof of whether the
linear line model applied is really in accordance with
the situation or not.
The results of the linearity test of the productive
zakah efficiency variable, mustahiq income and
mustahiq business profit value of the significance of
deviation from linearity is 0.672, the utilization
variable of productive zakah funds to mustahiq
business profits worth 0.462 are both> 0.05, it can
be concluded that there is a linear relationship.
3.3.4 Hypothesis Testing
Goodness of fit model analysis is known by
simultaneous test or model test or Anova Test,
which is a test to see how the influence of all the
independent variables together on the dependent
variable. Or to test whether the regression model we
make is good / significant or not good / non
significant. To see the F table in testing hypotheses
on the regression model, it is necessary to determine
the degree of freedom or degree of freedom (df)
(Putra, 2015)
Siregar (2013) said that the F Test was aimed to
determine the feasibility of multiple regression
models, whether the effect was significant or not,
then the significance level used was 0.05. If the
probability F is smaller than 0.05, the regression
model can be used to predict the independent
variable or in other words the dependent variable
simultaneously affects the dependent variable.
Conversely, if the probability value F is greater than
0.05, the regression model cannot be used to predict
the dependent variable or in other words the
independent variables simultaneously do not affect
the dependent variable.
The variable PDZM (Fund Distribution of Zakah
Mustahiq) against Mustahiq Revenue (PM) of
6.994106 with a probability of 0.012885. The sig
The Effect of Productive Zakah on Increasing Mustahiq Revenue and Profit
value = 0.012885 <0.05, so that alternative H is
accepted, which means that the utilization variable
of productive zakah funds on mustahiq income has a
significant effect because the sig value <0.05.
The F value calculated the variable PDZM
(Distribution of Funds of Zakah Mustahiq) against
the Profit of Mustahiq (KM) of 4.310422 with a
probability of 0.046545. The sig value = 0.046545
<0.05, so that alternative H is accepted, which
means that the utilization variable of productive
zakah funds to the profit of mustahiq has a
significant effect because the sig value <0.05.
The t test (partial test) aims to test the hypothesis
and find out whether the independent variable
partially has a significant effect on the dependent
variable. If t count (significant probability) is below
0.05, the independent variables individually have a
significant effect on the dependent variable,
otherwise if t counts above 0.05, the independent
variables individually do not have a significant
effect on the dependent variable (Sugiyono, 2015).
The significance value of independent variables
individually on dependent research. The result of t
count is 2.644637, t table is 1.694. This result can be
concluded that t arithmetic (2.644637)> t table
(1.694) so that H1 is accepted, which means that the
Productive Zakah Fund Utilization variable (PDZP)
has a significant positive effect on Mustahiq
Revenue (PM).
The significance value of the independent
variables individually for the dependent results of t
count are 2.076155, t table is 1.694. This result can
be concluded that t count (2, 076155)> t table
(1,694) so that H1 is accepted, which means that the
Productive Zakah Fund Utilization variable (PDZP)
has a significant positive effect on Business Profit
Mustahiq (KM).
Regression Linear Test. Simple linear regression
analysis used in this study aims to examine the effect
of independent variables on the dependent variable.
The independent variable in this study is the
Productive Zakah Fund Utilization (PDZP) while the
dependent variable is Mustahiq (PM) Income and
Business Profit Mustahiq (KM). A simple linear
regression equation is obtained as follows:
PM = 24.08989α + 0.370167PDZP (1)
The results of the simple linear regression
analysis equation can be explained by the following
The constant is 24,089, meaning that if the
utilization of productive zakah funds
(PDZP) has a zero value, then mustahiq
(PM) revenue remains.
The value of the coefficient of utilization of
productive zakah funds (PDZP) is 0.370.
These results indicate that there is a
positive relationship between the
productive zakah utilization variable
(PDZP) and mustahiq (PM) revenue, the
greater the productive zakah funds issued
by the amil zakah institution, the greater the
revenue achieved by mustahiq in the
management of the given capital. A simple
linear regression equation is obtained as
KM = 25.61798α + 0.466159PDZP (2)
The results of the simple linear regression
analysis equation can be explained by the following
A constant of 25.617, meaning that if the
utilization of productive zakah funds
(PDZP) has a zero value, then the business
profit of mustahiq (PM) remains.
The value of the coefficient of utilization of
productive zakah funds (PDZP) is 0.466.
These results indicate that there is a
positive relationship between the
productive zakah utilization variable
(PDZP) and the business benefits of
mustahiq (PM), the greater the productive
zakah funds issued by the amil zakah
institution, the greater the business profits
achieved by mustahiq in capital
management which are given by DPU DT.
The coefficient of determination (R Square)
shows how much the independent variable explains
the dependent variable. The value of R Square is
zero to one. On the contrary, R Square is equal to 1,
so the percentage of the contribution of influence
given by the independent variable to the dependent
variable is perfect, or the variation of the
independent variables used in the model explains
100% variation of the independent variables (Putra
& Silviana, 2017; Siregar, 2013)
The coefficient of determination (R2) = 0, means
that there is no relationship between the independent
variable and the dependent variable, on the contrary
for the coefficient of determination (R2) = 1 there is
a perfect relationship. Adjusted R Square value =
0.162029 from the table above shows that 16.2% of
PM variance can be explained by changes in the
productive zakah fund utilization variable (PDZP),
while the remaining 83.8% is influenced or
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
explained by other variables that are not included in
this research model.
The Adjusted R Square value = 0.096484. 9.64%
of the PM variance can be explained by changes in
the productive zakah fund utilization variable
(PDZP), while the remaining 90.83% is influenced
or explained by other variables that are not included
in this research model.
A different t-test is used to determine whether
two samples that are used are not related have
different average values. The different test t-test is
done by comparing the difference between two
average values with the standard error of the
difference between the averages of two samples. The
different purpose of the t-test is to compare the
average of two grubs that are not related to each
other, what is the value of the two groups it has the
same or not the same average value (Ghozali, 2013).
The Difference Test using eviews, it is known
that mustahiq income variable between before
participating in coaching and after participating in
coaching has a sig (2 tailed) of 0,000 meaning <0.05
so that it can be concluded that there is a difference
in income. The same thing happens in the Mustahiq
business profit variable between before participating
in coaching and after participating in coaching.
3.4 The Effect of Productive Zakah
Funds Utilization on Mustahiq
The result of t count in table 5 is 2.644637, t
table is 1.694. These results can be concluded that t
count (2.644637)> t table (1.694) so that H1 is
accepted, which means that the Productive Zakah
Fund Utilization variable (PDZP) has a significant
positive effect on Mustahiq Revenue (PM). The
utilization of productive zakah funds can determine
business profitsMustahiq if the greater the
productive zakah funds provided by the Amil Zakah
institution in the form of business capital, the greater
the business profits to be received byMustahiq from
the capital proceeds. This research supports the
Sharia Enterprise Theory theory proposed by
Triyuwono (2007) that this diversification of
economic power in the concept of sharia is highly
recommended, considering that sharia prohibits the
circulation of wealth only in certain circles(Mansur,
Sharia Enterprise Theory (SET) does not only
concern individual interests, but also other parties.
Therefore, SET has a great concern for broad
stakeholders. According to SET, stakeholders
include God, humans, and nature (Mansur, 2012).
In the theory of productive zakah mentioned by
Azizy in Nafiah(2015), it is argued that zakah should
not be just consumptive, so ideally zakah should be
used as a source of people's funds. The use of zakah
for consumptive is only for emergency matters. That
is, when there is a mustahiq that is impossible to be
guided to have an independent business or indeed
for urgent purposes, then consumptive use can be
In this study, productive zakah is a means for the
national amil zakah institution DPU-DT to account
for zakah funds that have been collected from
muzakki and then given to mustahiq, the zakah
funds given are intended to prevent the occurrence
of wealth circulating only among certain mustahiq
can also feel the zakah funds through a productive
zakah program in the form of business capital, so
that mustahiq can utilize the zakah funds to be used
as a business and in the future it will become
3.5 The Effect of Productive Zakah
Fund on Mustahiq Business Profits
The results of t count for the variable utilization
of productive zakah funds is greater than t table with
a significance value smaller than 0.05, indicated by a
significance value of 0.046 <0.05. These results can
be concluded that the second hypothesis can be
accepted with the variable variable utilization of
productive zakah funds having a positive and
significant effect on the profitability of mustahiq.
Utilization of productive zakah funds can determine
mustahiq's business profits if the greater productive
zakah funds provided by the amil zakah institution
in the form of business capital, the greater the
business profits that will be received by mustahiq
from the proceeds of the given capital.
Nafiah (2015) has proven in her research that
there is a positive influence between the utilization
of productive zakah on the program of rolling cattle
at the Regency of Gresik on welfare of mustahiq,
which through the rolling cattle program can
increase the profitability of mustahiq, while in other
research results, Winoto and Pujiyono (2011) argued
that there must be an increase in mustahiq business
profits after obtaining business capital assistance
provided by Semarang City BAZ.
The results of this study support the Sharia
Enterprise Theory proposed by Triyuwono (2007) in
that the diversification of economic power in the
concept of sharia is highly recommended,
considering that sharia prohibits the circulation of
wealth only in certain circles, thus that through
The Effect of Productive Zakah on Increasing Mustahiq Revenue and Profit
productive zakah funds, can prove that the wealth
owned by a person can be useful and disseminated
with the help of the national amil zakah institution as
the manager and distributor of the zakah funds
(Mansur, 2012).
In the theory of productive zakah mentioned by
Azizy in Nafiah(2015), it is argued that zakah should
not be just consumptive, so ideally zakah should be
used as a source of people's funds. The use of zakah
for consumptive is only for emergency matters. That
is, when there is a mustahiq that is impossible to be
guided to have an independent business or indeed
for urgent purposes, then consumptive use can be
In this study, productive zakah is a means for the
national amil zakah institution DPU-DT to account
for zakah funds that have been collected from
muzakki and then given to mustahiq, the zakah
funds given are intended to prevent the occurrence
of wealth circulating only among certain mustahiq
can also feel the zakah funds through the productive
zakah program in the form of business capital, so
that mustahiq can utilize the zakah funds to be used
as a business and in the future they will become
Based on the results of this research if the zakat
management organization around Bekasi in the form
of LAZ and BAZ by empowering and assisting
mustahiq is expected to be able to improve the
economy by increasing their revenues and profits as
awhile produce economic growth that support
government programs in poverty alleviation.
This study aims to examine the effect of
productive zakah funds. In this study, the author
uses a mix method which is a combination of
qualitative-based research and quantitative research.
Based on the analysis and research results by
testing the hypothesis using simple regression
analysis, it can be concluded as follows: (1.) the
utilization of productive zakah funds, the results of
testing hypotheses in t test shows that the productive
zakah variable has a significant positive effect
onMustahiq income. Because the greater the
productive zakah funds provided as business capital,
the moreMustahiq income level is generated. (2.)
Utilization of productive zakah funds, the results of
testing hypotheses in the t test shows that the
variable utilization of productive zakah funds has a
significant effect on the profit of Mustahiq business.
Because the benefits of Mustahiq business will be
increasingly obtained if there is business capital
assistance provided through productive zakah funds
so that they can meet the desires of consumers.
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The Effect of Productive Zakah on Increasing Mustahiq Revenue and Profit