Contextulization of Hadith in Measuring Digital based Qibla
M. Ridwan Hasbi
and Hasbullah
Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau 28293 Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia
Keywords: Qibla, Digital, Hadith and Direction.
Abstract: Measuring digital based qibla direction as implemention in the development of a mosque new and checking
the mosque re which have long standing. Qibla direction very important that Rasulullah said qibla for those
who are outside Mecca is Harom`s land and between east and west were qibla. Contextulization of hadith for
position as issues in the plate earth earthquakes and ease digitalization of qibla direction realize the qibla
direction of tolerance threshold direction that way out of coordinate. Research methods in measuring digital
based qibla direction is a descriptive-analytic with a qualitative approach. Contextulization of hadith related
with areas far from Mecca sufficient to meet latitude between east and west north south. Threshold tolerance
related with qibla ijtihadi that are dzanny so 1-10 level still within the ease .The calculation on veered 1 level
from point cordinat of Ka'ba about 140 miles to 1400 miles with the direction latitude front and ijtihad in the
west to Indonesia
When Rasulullah Saw. is in mecca enforce prayer by
combining between two direction Masjidul Aqsha and
Ka`ba so its implementation enough standing future
Ka`ba toward Yerussalem. Problems after hijrah that
Madina position between mecca and Yerussalem, so
the direction by departing from Ka`ba. This condition
was quite touched the heart Rasulullah in silence
asked Allah away direction to Ka`ba to walk 16
months and some say 17 months after hijrah, then
moved qibla direction muslims to Ka`ba.
Time away from Masjidil Aqsha of to Ka`ba in
popular on the eve of the middle ages sya`ban of two
year hijrah, but these opinions different from Ibnu
Hajar that moved in middle Rajab of two year hijrah
and this opinion of Jumhur ulama. Displacement
qibla direction is an event that essential in life of
muslims at that time. Because of the direction is not
limited only to inform the direction of prayer, grave
and other but the direction of ijtihad cordinate relating
to the point.
The position of qibla direction pertaining to Ka'ba
in Masjidil Harom be of importance in the prayer and
has laid the bodies in a pit or lahat district. Is called
qibla when direction on the basis of prayer and among
them with a distinct quality nation of Islam is one
direction of qibla. This direction based fell down
before him as a thing cannot be separated from life of
muslims (Abduh, 2004). Qibla direction in Masjidil
Harom is Ka'ba, Harom`s land is Masjidil Harom,
outside Harom and Arabian peninsula is Harom`s
land. Indonesia the part that is very far away in
measuring qibla direction, so that the problem of the
determination of cordinat toward which Ka`ba in
Mecca in a direction toward Ka`ba (Marwadi, 2014).
In today measuring digital based qibla direction is
easy, either individually or collectively using digital
technology as GPS (Global Positioning System),
google earth, qibla locator, qibla direction and
muslim pro. In addition the sun position above Ka`ba
twice a year, at on 27 May (years short) or 28 May
(leap year/Kabisat) hours 11`57 LMT and 15 july
(years short) or 16 july (leap year/Kabisat) hours
12`06`` LMT, and converted into Indonesia by adding
4-5 hours. Measuring digital based GPS determined
the Ka`ba is at latitude 21`24`14,`7 and also on
longitude 39`49`40``, so qibla direction can easily
determined (Sarif, 2013).
Determine digital based qibla direction technology
turned out to be the easy used where and anytime, as
for beneficial to the new mosque or correcting qibla
of mosque who have been long standing permanently,
so that there are many who have sort of gone and
arising in pro and contra over the results. The
problems it was it rotates on contextulization of
hadith about qibla position are first of all floating in
Hasbi, M. and Hasbullah, .
Contextualization of Hadith in Measuring Digital based Qibla Direction.
DOI: 10.5220/0009937719471954
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1947-1954
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tolerance threshold direction within the limits of the
direction of a solution smart in can address the
development of digital technology.
Among for qibla direction is the slab of the move so
that estimated at 20 percent or 160.000 mosque of
800.000 mosque in Indonesia diverted qibla. While
the research from University Sebelas Maret Solo for
points 320.000 or as many as 40 percent mosque in
Indonesia shifted qibla. According to Dr. H. Rohadi
Abdul Fatah, MA, director of Islamic religious affairs
and development Shari`a religious affairs ministry,
this data will probably increase. Information into
disastrous when an expert the tremor of Institute of
Technology Sepuluh November Surabaya said that an
earthquake hit the country suspected to be the cause
qibla direction in Indonesia (Nafi, 2015).
For issues the earth moves caused the quake handed
to MUI (Indonesian Council of Ulama) then out fatwa
number 03-2010 about qibla of Indonesian Muslims
were facing the west (Fatwa, 2010a). But this fatwa
does not give a significant of qibla direction and
developing thought demanding MUI to review fatwa.
These demands bring new development of qibla at
fatwa number 05-2010 that toward which needs to be
calculation Indonesian (Fatwa, 2010b).
A shift of a plate of the earth were phenomenal as
early issues, yet his food turns into awareness of both
individually or collectively Indonesian Muslims
measuring qibla direction. It is several factors that
very urgent change to do measuring qibla direction,
of them: 1) In determining qibla when founded the
first time cloak with reference to the positions of a
mosque who it is nearest to the first, so that it traded
equal to a mosque long standing, while the old
mosque a goal to qibla it is also wrong so that another
have also; 2) In determining qibla based compass
which is simple direction use so that less than
accurate limited only to inform the adjustment of the
sunset and not to determine cordinat; 3) In
determining qibla there are also his way only a
believer in someone who is believed to able to see the
vectors qibla so that his error may be that arising from
roughly or through supernatural power; 4) In
determining qibla of a mosque there are a disparaging
accuracy qibla, on consideration of the value of
aesthetics buildings and an infusion of, who built a
mosque as parallel to the highway, orderly and
beautiful buildings so that, and has also built by
comparing the form of a measure of land so that
building appropriated with a measure of land that
neatly organized, but not see qibla right; 5) The
phenomenon of the occurrence of incorrect qibla a
piece of caused by factors other than qibla is western
direction, so that when measuring qibla direction only
mosque led him to the west, for if i wanted to prayer
from generation to generation only ask which the
direction of west, is not qibla.
Faculty of navigation direction returned to
measure of distance a very short period of the great
circle that passing over the city of mecca from the
regions or city that concerned. Then must not happen
or not justified there are people who pray toward the
east by reason of heading to a circle if direction will
allow got to the point, namely Mecca. In this context
the consensus qibla into one man and he was not a
very essential is a direction which unites all the
congregation of the observance in qibla of prayers,
but the position of the direction which was appointed
for direction is not become the object of that is in
worship or prayers that in. Who are the objects of in
a position in the worship of prayers intended as are in
Allah, so the fundamental believe to Allah and not
worship to Ka`ba.
This is a descriptive-analytic research, and is designed
with a qualitative approach. Besides descriptive-
qualitative, of the approach of others that is used is
contextulization of hadith in qibla position in
dimension tolerance threshold limit out of qibla in
Indonesian with the distance of Mecca until 9000
A method of descriptive-analytic this serve as a
platform in describing measuring digital based qibla
direction on a mosque that will be built over the
mosque who have been long standing and
contextulization of hadith in qibla, and problems it
was factual and organize a solution that is normative
as a threshold tolerance.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
4.1 Hadith in Qibla inside and outside
of Masjidil Harom and Harom`S
 :
 
 " :
Has narrated to us Abu Muhammad Abdullah Ibn
Yusuf in dictation, has reportedly me Abu Sa' id Ibn
al-A'rabi, narrated by us Ja'far Ibn 'Anbasah Abu
Muhammad and announced on us Abu Bakar Ibn Al-
Hasan Al-Qadhi and Abu Nashr Ahmad Ibn Ali said:
have narrated to us Abu al-'Abbas Ibn Ya'qub,
narrated by us Abu Muhammad Ja'far Ibn 'Anbasah
Ibn Amru Ibn Ya`qub al-Yasykuri in Nuhailah, has
narrated to us Umar Ibn Hafsh al-Makky of the
Abduddar, has narrated to us Ibnu Juraih of `Atha of
Abbas that Rasulullah said: “Baitullah/ Ka`ba is
direction for who in Masjidil Harom, Masjidil Harom
is direction for who in Harom`s land, and Harom`s
land is direction for ummah at the earth from east to
west” [7][8](al-Asqalani, 1989).
The contents of hadith on the location of qibla
direction, first;
 (Ka`ba is direction
for who in Masjidil Harom), Masjidil Harom direct to
Ka`ba with the provisions of qibla appeared in front
of him is Ka`ba. Second;
Harom is direction for who in Harom`s land), the
ancient Harom`s land with the provisions of qibla
facing is Masjidil Harom. Third;
(Harom`s land is direction for
ummah at the earth from east to west), land the
category is quite wide every corner of the world is
ancient to holy land Mecca.
The realization of qibla to two locations; Ka`ba
and Masjidil Harom there are an agreement ulama, for
being at a distance that is close. The location with the
outside the Harom`s land to be direction is Harom of
their land if there were problems in the context of the
scope of it or the special for the general peninsula just
Arabia. Interpretation
(Harom`s land is direction for ummah at the
earth from east to west); 1) al-'Iraqy said that the
comment does not have a common to all countries and
he is merely Medina in the same area, is equal to al-
Baihaqi opinion. 2) Ahmad Ibn Khalawiyah said the
comment to the countries widely includes as the north
and south, so is Ibnu Abdul Bar and Imam Ahmad Ibn
Hanbal (al-Yamani, 1993).
 (Harom`s land is qibla) is idiom
about holy Mecca with term “Harom” is qibla as land
of Harom as the area is consecrated and made holy by
Allah. Long the holy land area Mecca is 127 miles
and the breadth of more or less 550 miles2. In the area
we have set up the resort as a safe place (Ghani,
2004). A large area of Harom`s land being toward the
eastern west of corners of the world, and to northern
south over long distances that varies.
The prayer specifically for muslims in which
would be established it must be facing qibla as center
the direction. The qibla direction on a calculation
proper and accurate allowing reached mean expected
optimal. For the majority of Ulama agreed that facing
qibla be part of the validity of prayer .
The principle of the need to facing qibla direction
in worship prayer be dogma pertaining to whether or
not it was valid prayer, except in three trouble; 1)
When in a weakened state physically as sicker unable
to facing qibla direction, the land will be facing qibla
direction for him would have been cut off. 2) Only if
the city was so scared as ifrunning away from an
enemy, run of a wild beast or fires and so forth all that
matters are in a state of so alarmed him that he should
be allowed to prayer facing qibla wherever. 3) When
prayer in cars, plane or camel, where are the prayer
do not have to facing qibla direction but prayer where
direction only in accordance with their condition cars.
The other in be facing qibla it is safe and have the
capacity to do it. So not compulsory to caused the
situation not safe and does not have ability, as in
opinion Malikiyah and Hanafiyah.
4.2 Hadith at Qibla between East and
 :
Is more to us Muhammad Ibn Yahya al-Azdi said
narrated to us Hasyim Ibn al-Qasim and narrated to
us Muhammad Ibn yahya al-Naisaburi said: be far
away to us 'Ashim Ibn Ali said: be far away to us Abu
Ma'syar of Muhammad Ibn 'Amru of Abu Salamah of
Abu Hurairah said: Rasulullah said: “Among the east
and the west is qibla” (al-Tirmizi, )(al-Hasan,
2002)(Muhammad, 1997).
Islam has a precept pertaining to a direction and it
be syariah demands in facing her. The Qibla direction
related bury bodies. Besides this there are facing a
recommendation to change the law sunnah categories,
Contextualization of Hadith in Measuring Digital based Qibla Direction
as Azan, Doa, Dzikir, reading al-Quran, slaughters
animals and so on.
In the practice of qibla direction for that is
Baitullah and the harom`s land is not it was quite
difficult, while that is at a the area that is far he will it
was quite difficult. It is, returned to Rasulullah when
it came to Madina is quite far from mecca, that so
informed us that even though there is between the east
and the west.
Hadith related to Medina position, in practice the
people of Medina in the qibla put before the west the
right and the east on the left. While the people Yemen
put the east on the right and the west on the left
(Shalah, 2011). Interpretation between east and west
in practice only on position right and left. The context
of east and west there are problems in the east and
west of Mecca, like Iraq where right left they are
north and south.
Ibnu Umar says: “If you putting west in your right
hand and eastern on your left, so between the two
were qibla”. While Ibnu Mubarak of the opinion that
Ka'ba situated between the east and the west, will the
inhabitants of that are in the eastern part of so a goal
to the west and the inhabitants of who was in the area
and a goal to the east west. So interpretation
(The east and the west) is towns that its
position in the east and west, like Iraq, that is meaning
of hadith (al-Yamani, 1993).
Syaikh Ahmad Muhammad Syakir explained that
hadith in the facts beg affliction of the same:
 
(If any of you defecate, do not turn qibla when
shitting nor urination, and do not overshadow but
facing east and west), reality of Medina to Mecca
different from the east and west, but he between north
and south. Standing before Mecca southward and
Syria in northern their backs, and also when facing
Syria in northern and of course their backs to Mecca
in southern. Meaning of phrase “between east and
west is qibla” for the is between in great distances
from Mecca (Muhammad, 1984).
Al-'Iraqy argue that if that is not universal but only
Medina and the regions in line with her course. Al-
Atsram said that he asked Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal
about the meaning of hadith and he said that if it is
universal to the countries, but Mecca, then east and
west showed the areas of central before any of this
direction may in prayer (Muhammad, 1984).
The form of qibla for the provisions of people
living in Mecca are currently in the Masjidil Harom
and outside is tight direction facing Ka'ba, but nearby
residents some what simple in holy land only. Are in
general areas very far from Mecca, qibla for so they
are between the east and the west with the provisions
of very broad and in leading with enough facing
between east and west.
During in Mecca, Rasulullah prayer to Baitul Maqdis
as one qibla to Ka`ba, it came to give more to those
who stand facing as by uniting Ka`ba in front of him,
and took a location in south of Ka`ba (Sudibyo,
2011). To compromise between Baitul Maqdis and
Ka`ba in Medina not be performed, because Medina
position between them, what has been revealed to the
command of Allah about qibla is Ka`ba.
In the middle ages through an apparition the
direction of the emergence of a star canopus rises in
the part of the hemisphere south, in another place,
through the direction of the rising of the sun on the
summer solstice, besides four a pattern the movement
of the wind that is. Two this direction are, more a lack
of perpendicularly on a line of latitude of Mecca. By
this means, over a thousand years more power in
deciding qibla direction. This is further strengthened
with the information from meteorology and
geophysics agency (Marzuki, 2014). Turn your
faculty of navigation to flourish again by using the
shadow of the sun when it is on coordinate above
Mecca (Raharto and Surya, 2011).
There are eight the possibility of qibla on the ground
as direction in prayer:
1) A being in the north Ka`ba but longitude be the
one hence qibla facing south east;
2) A being in the south Ka`ba but longitude be the
one hence qibla facing north east;
3) A being in the north Ka`ba but longitude are the
two qibla and facing south of;
4) A being in the south Ka`ba but longitude are the
two qibla and facing north west;
5) A being in the north Ka`ba but longitude be in
the three then qibla facing south east;
6) A being in the south Ka`ba but longitude be in
the three then qibla facing north east;
7) A being in the north Ka`ba but longitude are the
two qibla and facing south of;
8) A being in the south Ka`ba but longitude be in
the two then qibla facing north west (Solikun,
Eight the possibility of qibla on the ground by
referring to the discipline, namely astronomy. This
scientific using means the best of measurement that
qibla direction can be determined coordinate from
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
somewhere on the surface of the earth. Then
technological development make work navigate
direction it is not difficult because it could be studied
with various methods and a sophisticated the
direction that can be determined her clearly and
accurate allowing Islamic community in worship
prayer could face is right qibla direction.
The science of astronomy has three a decisive
manner of qibla direction, in very simple terms in the
following: 1) The first step in do it need to know the
position of the latitude and longitude of geographical
Ka`ba and the position of observer place are. 2) The
second phase is describing the earth in determining
the qibla which we live is rounded out with a ball. 3)
Spherical triangle next knowledge to know qibla
direction or direction as azimuth levels degrees from
the cardinal directions winds of the heavens (north,
west, southern and eastern). And determining the
position of the north and south of the place the
measurement of qibla direction, as compass or
shadow the sun. If there is a difference in the
difference between 5-1 level in the measurement of
so the threshold tolerance to veer toward the land.
Science in today progressed so that gives for the
muslims to determine the proper position leading to
Ka`ba. When compass into use in Indonesia to
navigate the winds, then used also in the measurement
of qibla direction. Then, global positioning system or
GPS device that may indicate coordinates in the earth
surface accurately and theodolit as the gauge the can
also be used to navigate direction accurately. Several
software the determination of the direction as google
earth, qibla locator, qibla direction also be used to
navigate direction.
Eight the possibility of qibla direction
incorparated with digitalization makes measuring
qibla direction is easy and can be done individually.
Which is in qibla at mosques in a goal to drift apart
has created problems the pros and cons of Masjidil
Harom coordinate figure out points. It becomes a
faculty of navigation problems it was the truth is not
complicated, if it is undertaken calculation and
measurement of having the character of ijtihad so
qibla direction.
Qibla in the realities there are on three form(al-
Zuhaili, 1996); 1) Qibla Yaqini in connection with
position someone sees Ka' ba in sacred mosque, so
that law for him is must have set himself to a direction
of sure. This also called the `Ainul Ka`ba. This
requirement could be sure first with see or touch it for
the blind or by other means that can be used for
example hearing. While for someone who within a
building Ka`ba flood that own so direction is a wall
2) Qibla Dzanni that is, associated with position
someone who do not see Ka'ba for is outside Masjidil
Harom or around land of Harom, so in the qibla
direction is Masjidil Harom as mean facing toward
the qibla in dzanni or called as Jihadul Ka`ba.
3) Qibla Ijtihadi namely position a person is outside
land Harom or even outside Saudi Arabia.Those who
do not know the way and would not think direction
dzanni, he can then facing wherever he believed as a
qibla direction. But for that can be think so he is
ijtihad to Qibla direction. Ijtihad can be used to
determine qibla direction from somewhere that is far
from Masjidil Harom, good with the methods
symptoms nature or technology.
Qibla of mosque who permanent rejected some
community members with reason; First, Verse 115 of
ـﻓ اﻮ
(And Allah make the east and the west, so
whichever way you turn there is the face of Allah.
Allah is omnipresent and omniscient. And to the east
and the west, so whichever way you turn there is the
face of Allah. Allah is omnipresent and omniscient).
Allah than that all directions is belongs to Allah in
prayer allowed to have one. So with qibla of which
there is no need to be repaired, for we have been
steadfast in prayer in the mosque years. Second,
Hadith of among the east and the west is qibla
ﻤْﻟا. Rasulullah stated that even though
there is between the east and the west which is an
idiom simple show during the way it was to the east
or west, then allowed to prayer. Third, Fiqh rules of
Ijtihad irrevocable with ijtihad دﺎﻬﺘﺟﻻﺎﺑ ﺾﻘﻨﻳ دﺎﻬﺘﺟﻻا
(Shaleh, 2003). The mosque measurement which has
been carried out by former somebody old this must be
regarded as the turmoil in ijtihad them. Ijtihad their
ability to determine which direction reward, either
true or false, so it is not for we change it Hasbi,
To target of paradigm for the lead 0 miles from
Ka`ba up to 100 miles there were differences in
highly significant over the people of Islam who lives
it is until 9000 miles. We can see that the problem is
located on the reality the direction being; First, Qibla
Yaqini for those who climb the 0 miles front Ka`ba
and can be to directly see Ka`ba in the Masjidil
Harom, so that law is obliged to have turned itself its
to for him is with full of sure. This is what are also
called `Ainul Ka`ba. This requirement could be sure
first with see or touch it for the blind or by other
means that could be used for example hearing.
Second, the position of a person on 2 miles to 22 miles
outside their Masjidil Harom or around the Harom`s
land, and dzanni direction that qibla is Masjidil
Harom as mean facing toward direction in dzanni or
known as Jihadul Ka`ba. To know that can be done
by ask them know as population mecca or view
evidence qibla or shaff already made in place of the
Contextualization of Hadith in Measuring Digital based Qibla Direction
spot. Third, position of a person at a distance of more
than 100 miles away land, so with the direction of a
goal to called the ijtihadi with qibla. Those who do
not know the way and he can not think dzanni
direction he can then facing wherever he believed as
a qibla direction. But for that can be think it is
obligatory on ijtihad over the qibla of a goal to.
Ijtihad can be used to determine the direction of a
place that is far from the Masjidil Harom.
In addition holds to looseness of which is given by
law shari`a confirming enough to use rule qibla in
dzani. As a result from textual sura al-Baqarah:144:
و اﻮ
ـﻓ (so
turn your face toward Masjidil Harom. And wherever
you are, turn your faces towards it).
Perspective to direction of argument for the pro re-
measurement direction said that understanding verse
115 of al-Baqarah so that asbab al-nuzul on (al-
Tirmizi, 1998): Shahaba (Nasution and Hasbi, 2018)
on a road trip with Rasulullah out those who are the
darkness, so that they do not know qibla direction.
And built the prayer in direction from the results of
ijtihad. The next day they make such dogmatic
assertions it to Rasulullah, then down the verse. In the
history of remarks were made that Rasulullah sent by
sending a mission of war, dark and at a time, of them
do not know qibla direction. Said some of them: “We
know qibla, that is direction (toward the north)”. They
prayer and a line makes conforming to direction of
prayer they. The next day after sunrise, it lines does
not exhibit qibla direction actually. And came to
Medina, so they asked Rasulullah when it came to
them about it. He was silent, and there was a verse as
the answer to the problem.
Face up the pros and cons in a very easily know
qibla with digital technology is set limits tolerance
threshold deviated direction. It presented Abidin et al.
with tolerance threshold which direction is 37 miles
of Ka`ba once equivalent to the displacement of 20
minute of arc (1 minute of arc=1/60 level).
Meanwhile Sudibyo based on the study to direction
of turn to mosque Quba deviated as far as 70 38` from
coordinate of qibla obtained through calculation
spherical trigonometry suggest value slightly larger,
namely 45 miles. An analysis of two opinions on set
limits teloransi qibla direction as circle based in
building Ka`ba. Tolerance limit this has on
comprehension hadith in the form of the essence
direction, not the point of destination. In Indonesia
extending from 60 North latitude-110 South latitude
and 950 east latitude-1410 NT, which limits the
northernmost occupy coordinate 210 31’ 24” North
latitude dan 390 55’ 29” East latitude. While the
limits qibla most southern direction are in coordinate
210 17` 4`` North latitude and 390 4` 10`` East
latitude. The size of the area Indonesian has led to the
value of the azimuth direction between 2900 - 2960
from point true north. This context influential to a
criterion tolerance limit of qibla direction was
successful to avoid an increase in area areas as a result
of holy Mecca of a circle with a certain radius, as is
the case when using Sudibyo definition. Although
with a radius of a circle 40 miles who is based in
Ka'ba, the use of expanded that ring the area of a holy
city be more than 10 times of an area of the truth. In
other words, tolerance limit of qibla direction
covering an area that are not included in the category
of the holy city (Utama and Turmudi, 2012).
But faculty of navigation qibla in the
contextualization of hadith and tolerance threshold
Harom`s land. Understanding qibla they needed
direction based on consideration of the direction of
9000 miles in the life of the Harom`s land is a goal to
ijtihadi direction if the righteous could two their
reward and reward but if one could still where one (al-
Bukhari, 1996). Connotation is in line with area
Harom`s land 550 miles2 in its size does not have a
coiled round around Ka`ba, but its shape extended
about 127 miles. Wide Harom`s land from Tan`im 7.5
miles, from Ji`ranah 24 miles, from Nakhlah 13 miles,
from Adlat 16 miles and from Hudaibiyah 22 miles
(Ghani, 2004). The implementation of the form of
Harom`s land are not circular around Ka`ba open
context interpretation hadith about it Thawaf and see
round earth to Ka`ba into the center of a circle.
Reconstruction a central point coodinate of Ka`ba,
most remote the 24 miles of Ji`ranah so as to make
municipalities Mecca increased broad in a round. It is
expressed by Sudibyo (Sudibyo, 2011) in the
reconstruction of a circle region holy city of 45 miles
its central point Ka`ba, so as to make the boundaries
of holy city is growing area more than 10 times
before. That is definition of tolerance threshold which
direction covering an area which excludes ancient
Harom`s land.
Thought Sudibyo make an addition with 45 miles a
circle holy land is a form of rationality hadith for limit
tolerance threshold direction in the slope of direction
of the lands that comes out of an azimuth around 1-3
level; so qibla direction is not be cut down. Still in the
context of rational thought Sudibyo 45 mil, but the
size of qibla direction out of an azimuth in 1 level
cause to come out from the point coordinate Ka`ba
until 140 mil either north or south. If tolerance
threshold limits agreed the majority of clergy 1-3
level, sure 3 level x 140 mil namely 420 mil out from
the point coordinate Ka`ba. This limit could actually
implementation in the proliferation to 10 level and
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
move out of a point coordinate Ka`ba around 1400
mil in logic law ijtihad dzanny still can be used as
against tolerance threshold of a mosque who
temporary structures and do not need to be tilted shaf.
Contextualization of hadith:
(Among the east and the west is qibla), which shows
that qibla of latitude position of a person with prayer
right next to the west and to the left hand east
(Abdullah, 1997). And so is qibla direction for which
are behind Medina, include: Syiria, Iraq, Turkey and
eastern Europe (Uwaidhah, 2003). Meanwhile south
of Mecca include: Yemen, the lower part of Africa,
so qibla is transverse position of a person prayer east
to west with his right in the sight of east and north
side the west. While the residents in eastern as Nejd,
Iran southern, towns direction of India, so the
direction of them to the west with lines of latitude
between north and south, where is the prayer his right
in the sight of the north and south the north side. By
contrast to the region of Africa to the middle part of
and parts of direction, so be direction east with
latitude north the line between the south with prayer
position of a person, right hand the south and north
left hand. As for the direction of a direction for which
are on side an angle like Egypt, Amman, road to
Turkistan, the middle part of Sudan and other, so
direction to be adjusted to the angular qibla direction.
Connotations of his direction is and widespread and
flexible so that eases the direction in its intended
qibla, for practice is the direction is not `ainul qiblah.
Which position for all moslims as reminders of
uniting qibla and unity moslims the world wherever
they were. Point cordinate the direction of
implementing the prayer point is facing just direction,
is not an object worshipped by moslim community in
prayers only Allah. Facing toward Ka`ba in activities
of worship and urgen is the prayer not serve Ka`ba,
but Ka`ba only became the unity a qibla in prayer and
as a symbol of moslim globally.
Unity direction to all the congregation of the
islam in the in three place; to be in Masjidil Harom
and the direction of a goal to directly to Ka`ba
accurate cordinate as a center, to be around outside
the Masjidil Harom and a goal to facing to Masjidil
Harom directly with very accurate calculation, if
located outside the Harom`s land facing qibla to
Harom`s land .
The measurement of qibla to the days it is very easy
with use digital technology to where a place may
indicate the direction of, so also of measurement for
the mosque construction that is new and checking
mosque repeated qibla which has been long time
standing. The issue of the movement of the earth
plates because of earthquake is not is used to of the
measurement of qibla it is now a public awareness so
easily digital access.
Contextualization of hadith about qibla done in the
landscape tolerance threshold set out of coordinate. It
is got very far with reference to direction with latitude
future, for the in northern Mecca the direction and
latitude east and west, for those who are on east side
and direction Mecca the latitude north and south.
Threshold tolerance formulation with qibla ijtihadi
that are dzanny so 1-10 level still within the ease. The
calculation on veered 1 level from point coordinate
Ka`ba about 140 miles to 1400 miles with the
direction latitude front and ijtihad in the west to
Abu Abdur Rahman Muhammad al-Said Abduh, Tahwil al-
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Ridwan, 2004, pp.4.
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Banyumas, Cilacap, Kebumen, Journal: IAIN
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2010 Tentang Arah Kiblat, Journal: Mahkamah vol. 9
No. 1 January-June 2015, pp.51.
The womb of Fatwa of MUI in order no.3- 2010 :1. A
direction for the prayer and can see Ka`ba is facing
building Ka`ba (`ainul Ka`bah). 2. One who prayer a
direction for and we ca not see Ka`ba is the direction of
Ka`ba (Jihadul Ka`bah). 3. To its geographic location
that are around east Ka`ba/ Mecca, so Indonesian
muslims direction is facing toward the west. And the
second part are recommended, namely; mosque
building/ little mosque in Indonesia along a goal to
facing toward the west, not must be changed, be
demolished, and so on
The contents of Fatwa on the revision of with license plate
number 5 - 2010, first: rule of law (1) a qibla for the
prayer and can see Ka`ba is facing building Ka`ba
(`ainul Ka`bah). (2) a qibla for the prayer who can not
see Ka`bah is the direction of Ka`ba (jihatul Ka`bah).
(3) a qibla for Indonesian muslims is facing toward the
northwest to the position of being varied to suit the area
are about the location of each. Second:
recommendations: mosque building that is not a right
the direction of a goal to, shaf without migrated to tear
down the building.
Contextualization of Hadith in Measuring Digital based Qibla Direction
Al-Baihaqi narrated subjects of prayer chapter whoever
finds qibla with ijtihad, explained that Umar Ibn Hafsh
al-Makki stand alone in narrating it while he she dhaif
and does not postulate, and in line with the other dhaif
on Abdullah Ibn Haisy, also convicted marfu' and not
potulate. Al-Tirmizi on 2 /171 in subjects of prayer,
Ibnu Majah on 1/323 in subjects iqamah al-shalah
chapter al-qiblah from sanad Abu Ma'syar of
Muhammad Ibn Amru of Abu Salamah. On the path
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation