Non-Muslim Face in Islamic Social Media: Analysis of Islamic
Websites on Takfir Verses
Ahmad Zainal Abidin
, Salamah Noorhidayati
, Nadia Roosmalita Sari
and Imam Ahmadi
Program Pascasarjana IAIN Tulungagung, Jl. Mayor Sujadi No.46, Tulungagung, Indonesia
Faculty of Ushuluddin, Adab and Da’wa IAIN Tulungagung, Jl. Mayor Sujadi No.46, Tulungagung, Indonesia
Faculty of Islamic EducationIAIN Tulungagung, Jl. Mayor Sujadi No.46, Tulungagung, Indonesia
Keywords: Website, Tafsir, Takfir, Non-Muslim
Abstract: The Millennial era is characterized by the use of social media as a medium of communication between
humans. This media can be used and tested freely by any groups. This study highlights the use of social
media as a medium to offer the interpretation and values that are considered to have been done by many
groups of takfiri, especially in relation to their interpretations of the takfir verses on three websites:,, and This paper uses descriptive-analysis
method. The study found that the three websites are very strict in identifying Muslims versus non-Muslims,
Muslims vs. infidels as well as assertive in infidelity of all non-Muslims through a series of methods,
approaches and the tendencies of such a clear understanding to sharply distinguish between Muslims and
non-Muslims beliefs.
Religious and cultural diversity is part of the
definite sunnatullah (natural law). The awareness of
each individual in accepting and respecting the
religious is the key to the continuity and wholeness
of the life of the nation and the state. The plurality of
religions must be understood as one of the basic
forms of diversity in social life, nation,and
state.(Pramudya, 2005)
As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has a wide
variety of religions with various ideological
andschools tendencies in it that are spread
throughout the archipelago. It should be understood
as a form of religious plurality that is part of the
diversity that exists in this nation.(Rahman, 2014)
This is compounded by the number of organizations
and religious social groups that seek to demonstrate
its existence. The various ideological, educational,
and resistance processes against colonialism find
their relevance point through these
organizations.(Mustaqim, 2013) In the era of media
openness, where the euphoria of freedom of opinion
and assembly reached its zenith, the previously
unseen Islamic organization began to emerge on the
surface and continue to expand its wings in social
media.(Mustaqim, 2013) Community activity in the
current millennia era requires social media to preach
ideas and ideas in virtual spaces. So this condition
makes it easier for the public in accessing
information.(Fakhruroji, 2010)
The existence of the website as a public media is
very effective in order to carry out the role and
function of the organization. Almost all Islamic
organizations today have a domain address in the
virtual world, be it a website, blog, social
networking, or other. However, the existence of the
Internet can also have a negative effect on religious
harmony. Hate speech, mutual disbelief, is often
expelled from these Islamic sites.(Rijal, 2010)
Social media is a public space that is formed
from a combination of three elements, namely
content, community, and Web 2.0 technology.
Likewise, the impacts will affect three areas, namely
the community, the company, and the local
environment. The media is very dependent on
mobile and web-based technology that can form an
interactive platform as a place for users to share,
discuss and modify content. Based on data from
Nielsen, the number of social media users continues
to increase every year. [6]
Social media technology is basically a
combination of various information media such as
magazines, internet forums, weblogs, social blogs,
Abidin, A., Noorhidayati, S., Sari, N. and Ahmadi, I.
Non-Muslim Face in Islamic Social Media: Analysis of Islamic Websites on Takfir Verses.
DOI: 10.5220/0009936818801887
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 1880-1887
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
microblogging, wikis, social networks, images,
videos, and others. By applying these models, there
are six types of social media: (1) Collaborative
Projects, such as Wikipedia. (2) Blogs and
Microblogs, such as Twitter and Tumbler. (3)
Content communities, such as YouTube and
DailyMotion. (4) Social Networking sites, such as
Facebook. (5) Virtual game-worlds, like World of
Warcraft. (6) Virtual social worlds, such as Second
Life Mobile social media as a combination of mobile
devices (cellphones, tablets, etc.) and social media.
Besides having a positive impact, the existence
of social media also leads to the negative impact of
cyber bullying. According to Kowallski, bullying is
an aggressive act that affects the level of crime by
disturbing comfort and hurting others. This
happened because of the difference in strength and
psychic from the victim and perpetrator and carried
out repeatedly. [6] One form of cyber bullying that
is indicated on Islamic social media is the existence
of insult and takfir by fundamentalist groups against
any non-Muslim ideology.
The fundamentalist group has a movement
characteristic that leads to the purification of
prevailing religious practices in society. They sought
to restore the pure teachings of Islam according to
the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, according
to their interpretation. So that cultural forms and
religious practices that are different from their
interpretations are considered not part of pure Islam.
[7](Muhammad Luthfi, 2016) By relying on verses
of the Qur'an, this group punishes all non-Muslims
in Indonesia with the label of Kafir (infidel). It is
seen in the interpretations of the takfir verses they
contain in online Rubik which of them are
represented by the three websites namely 1), 2) and 3)
Researchers chose these three websites on the
grounds that in addition to the three already popular
in the Islamic online media treasures that became a
reference for fundamentalists in Indonesia, as well
as the assertiveness of their attitude in the unbelief
of all non-Muslims in Indonesia. Departing from
here, this paper aims to uncover the interpretive
patterns of these fundamentalist groups against the
tafkir verses and their implications for the attitude of
their assessment of the existence of non-Muslims in
Research on online social media of Islam has
actually been done before, namely: 1) Haidi Hajar
Widagdo article entitled “Kekerasan dalam Dunia
Digital (Tinjauan Islam Terhadap Perubahan Gaya
Radikal di Era Digital” published in Journal of Fikr
Vol 2, No 2, December 2017(Widagdo, 2017). 2) M.
Mustaqim's article entitled “Pergulatan Pemikiran
Islam Di Ruang Publik Maya (Analisis terhadap
Tiga Website Organisasi Islam di Indonesia),”
published in Jurnal Penelitian, Vol. 7, No. 2,
August, 2013 (Mustaqim, 2013) 3) M. Fakhruroji's
article, “Dakwah Islam Dan Inovasi Media: Peluang
Dan Ancaman Media Global Atas Dakwah Islam,”
in the JurnalKomunika, Vol. 4, No. 1, January-June,
2010(Fakhruroji, 2010) 4) The article was written by
Z. Fikri, “Narasi Deradikalisasi di Media Online
Republika dan Arrahmah,” " in the
JurnalLekturKeagamaan, Vol. 11, No. 2,
2013(Fikri, 2013). But from various existing studies,
no one has focused on the interpretive analysis
conducted by fundamentalists in their website
related to the takfir verses. Therefore, this study
seeks to fill this lacunae.
The internet as a virtual public space is utilized by
several Islamic organizations in promoting the
interests of their respective organizations.
In this section, the researcher tries to explain
some of the previous studies related to the object of
study under study.
The first research was successfully carried out by
Haidi Hajar Widagdo in 2017. The research was
titled "Violence in the Digital World (Islamic
Review of Changes in Radical Style in the Digital
Age)". The research contains a change in the
conventional era towards the digital era. This has led
to many changes in the models of the streams in the
world, including radical schools. Radicals that have
the characteristics of violence are not only seen in
the real world but also have entered the digital era,
namely cyberspace. Many people are victims of
mental weakness and self-confidence. In addition,
this can cause someone's inferiority complex, rarely
interact or socialize with the surrounding
environment until it reaches the realm of self-torture.
The most frightening thing is when someone decides
to kill himself as a result of radicalism.
The approach used in the study is the habitual
curricular approach, scientific and educational
approaches, political approaches, and spiritual
approaches. The results of this research are that
religion is the mediator and filter of all acts of
conduct that are negative in the real world and the
real world. The conclusion of this study is that in the
present era, the mouth is no longer the main means
Non-Muslim Face in Islamic Social Media: Analysis of Islamic Websites on Takfir Verses
of delivering messages, but the hand that has now
evolved helps the role of the mouth as the
messenger. Unfortunately, some people are wrong
when positioning their hands as a current tool for
verbal abuse. Cyberbullying is increasingly
prevalent on social media, both in the form of body
shaming, calling name, and towards the internet that
tends to signal someone. Therefore, religion is used
as an intermediary to resolve these problems.
Subsequent research was carried out by
Muhammad Mustaqim in 2013. The study was titled
"The Struggle of Islamic Thinking in Maya Public
Space (Analysis of the Three Islamic Organizational
Websites in Indonesia)". Similar to the research of
Haidi Hajar Widagdo, this study analyzes the
tendency of the struggle of Islamic thought in the
digital age (cyberspace). In today's digital era, there
are many social organizations especially Islamic
organizations that utilize cyberspace, namely
websites. Each Islamic organization has an official
website. The object of research in this problem is
Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) which represents the
fundamentalist-transnational group, the Liberal
Islam Network (JIL) which is a representation of the
liberal group, and the Nahdatul Ulama (NU) which
represents the middle (moderate). This research
focuses only on the content contained in the three
websites (ideology and mission) which includes
thought, communication, interaction, da'wah, and
political movements.
Researchers use ideology as a basis foranalyzing
each organization because ideology is used as a
guide in running the organization. The results of
these studies, the ideology of HTI according to the
author is more likely to be utopian fundamentalists.
Fundamentalists because of Islamic ideas and
systems in the beginning (Rasulullah, al-khulafa
'arRashidin and Khilafah) became the basis for being
applied in the present. So there is an effort to divert
the Islamic system in the early days to the modern
era today. Various strong attributes at the time of the
Prophet in Arabia were applied as they are today in
Indonesia. Utopian for trying to dream of the glory
of Islam that had been realized in the past. And, the
glory can only be realized through the Islamic
Caliphate system. We can get this tendency in
almost all writings, opinions, editorials, news on the
HTI website. JIL which tends to be more liberal.
Liberals because they are free in thinking and
interpreting religious authority. Rational because in
almost every result of his thoughts, the role of the
ratio takes precedence, sometimes even overriding
the authority of the sacred text. This liberal thinking
becomes a paradigm in religion. This can be
demonstrated through various articles and
discussions that are more critical and sometimes
controversial. Whereas NU is more traditional-
moderate ideology. Traditional nuances arise
because of high appreciation of classical texts and
local traditions. This can be seen through studies of
classical books, halaqah, and writings that are
mostly sourced from the yellow books. Moderate
tendency because of being soft towards various
things that are considered the opposite. Besides that,
permissiveness towards various syncretic local
traditions is maintained, although it is also not a
priori towards modernity. The conclusion of this
study is that ideological differences and interests
between organizations sometimes give birth to an
indirect battle of thought, or what is often called the
war of thought (ghozw al-fikr). Three Islamic
organizations in Indonesia, each of which represents
a particular axis, namely Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia
(HTI), the Liberal Islam Network (JIL), and
Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) play the role of virtual public
space in carrying out organizational goals. The
website holds various agendas, hegemony, and
interaction space to realize the vision of each
organization. This struggle of thought can be
enjoyed by the public, and the public can choose
which ones are relevant, suitable, and best in their
Next is the research conducted by Moch.
Fakhruroji in 2010. The study was titled "Islamic
Da'wah and Media Innovation: Opportunities and
Global Media Threats on Islamic Da'wah". This
study contains the development of propaganda
science on social media, namely websites. Media is
one of the tools used to deliver da'wah. Islamic
da'wah activities are like experiencing a massive
evolution in public space, where da'wah as a process
of offering spiritual teachings appears in various
forms. The diversity of da'wah activities is of course
driven strongly by other elements, namely the
propaganda media. In da'wah disciplines, the media
itself is actually more likely to be understood as a
channel (channel) used by both individual and
communal proselytizing agents to deliver messages.
In a global society, one of which is characterized by
the increasing number of people with high levels of
access to information that da'wah is actually at the
intersection. On the other hand, Islamic da'wah has a
very big interest in the existence of information
media. Meanwhile, in another perspective, it may be
that the existence of da'wah is substantially facing
threats because the presence of the media appears as
a very valuable innovation and can help the
development of da'wah. However, at the same time,
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
da'wah is dealing with media hegemony which is
invading or colonizing Islam. Based on this
explanation it can be concluded that this study
focuses on looking at the problem using a
prospective approach to da'wah and media studies so
that it finds a meeting point that can lead to
mutualism symbiosis between the two.
The results of this study are that something
called commodification in the context of da'wah
with this new approach has so far been one solution
that is realized by following the market's will.
However, this does not mean that religion is one of
the commodities traded as long as da'wah is not
under the control of the capitalists. In this position,
da'wah must have bargaining power with the media
so that they can maintain idealism in delivering
religious messages.
The next research is the research that has been
carried out by Zainal Fikri entitled "Deradicalisation
Narrative in Republika and Arrahmah Online
Media" in 2013. This study discusses de-
radicalization according to the online version of the
Republika and Arrahmah Islamic media. This study
aims to clarify the meaning of deradicalization in
Indonesia and contribute to the implementation of
deradicalization projects. The study was conducted
by textual analysis using the main approach of
paradigmatic and syntagmatic analysis. This study
found that Republika reported that deradicalization
was an effort to prevent radical ideology and
straighten the understanding of Islam. For
Arrahmah, deradicalization is part of: (1) the war on
Islam, and (2) deflecting Islamic teachings.
Arrahmah built an argumentative narrative about
deradicalization. Arrahmah argued that the
government's de-radicalization program must be
rejected. Because the first, deradicalization is part of
the war on terrorism, then the second is the war on
terrorism (war on Islam). So, de-radicalization is
part of the war on Islam. The war against terror and
deradicalization beats the war against God. Because
it wages a war against a Muslim who struggles to
practice Islam accordingly through the establishment
of the Khilafah Islamiyah / DaulahIslam and Islamic
law. A Muslim who has this goal is seen by the
BNPT and the United States as a terrorist, and his
struggle to achieve his goal is called terrorism.
According to Arrahmah, what Muslims do in the
struggle to uphold Islamic Sharia is jihad, not
terrorism, they are mujahid/mujahidin,not terrorists.
In addition to the meaning of the war on
terrorism as a war on Islam and de-radicalization is
part of the war on Islam, Arrahmah also stated in her
preaching that deradicalization was a diversion and
defection of Islamic teachings, softening Muslims
and Islamic teachings, and aimed to prevent the
establishment of an Islamic state, caliphate and the
application of Shari'a. From Arrahmah's reporting on
deradicalization, it can be concluded that what
Arrahmah did was counter-de-radicalization.
Arrahmah does not just accept terms related to
deradicalization, such as "terrorist", "radical",
"jihad". In the news, Arrahmah reverses the use of
the word "terrorist" which is usually synonymous
with Muslims. Arrahmah even labeled the enemies
of Islam as terrorists.
When viewed from a global war on terror
perspective, what is reported and supported by
Arrahmah is acts of terrorism and Islamic
radicalism. While Republika opposed terrorism in
the name of jihad. But does Arrahmah have to be
banned and closed by the site, because it spreads
radical notions and supports the act of "terrorism"?
From the perspective of law and press freedom in a
democratic country, it must be distinguished
between opinion and action. A person cannot be
punished because of the content of his opinion.
Someone who believes that jihad violence can be
done against people who fight Islam or someone
who believes that terrorism can be done, but not
necessarily they do what they believe. Arrahmah
which proclaims jihad and spreads radical ideas that
lead to terrorism cannot be prosecuted legally. Their
domain is still in the opinion, not yet in the area of
action. Therefore, in the name of democracy and
freedom, the government must not close this site.
This study is a text study. The method used is the
content analysis method that tries to explain the
content and the tendency of interpretation in text or
articles on the web. The philosophical study is used
to look at methods, or procedures in producing a
The source of this research data is data in the
form of articles about the interpretation of the verses
of takfir and non-Muslim status that is published on
the three websites studied namely,, and While the data
collection is done with the help of the Google search
engine on the third website with the keywords "non-
Muslim", "kafir", and words related to both themes.
This type of research is library research with
descriptive-analytical methods. the object of his
study was in the form of texts in three Islamic
websites (,
Non-Muslim Face in Islamic Social Media: Analysis of Islamic Websites on Takfir Verses
which led to the interpretation of verses relating to
the status of non-Muslims in the Qur'an.
4.1 Fundamentalism in Islamic
The existence of online media is very influential on
the attitude and mindset of the community. A
website has great power in influencing,
hegemonizing and providing subjective information
to the public in accordance with their respective
interests.(Mustaqim, 2013) It is also seen in various
Islamic websites that spread in cyberspace today.
The term fundamentalism is basically not derived
from the Islamic tradition but from the West-
Christian one. Then Western scholars used the term
to identify trends of thought in an Islamic tradition
almost identical to the Christian tradition they had
encountered.(Evisopandi, 2011) Some parameters to
classify fundamentalist groups in Islam, among
others: First, they tend to direct the Islamic values
back to the early Islamic period of the Messenger of
Allah and the Companions. Second, the totalistic
view of Islamic Shariah. They argue that the rules of
"shariah" sourced from the Qur'an and hadith are
something that is final, inclusive and
comprehensive. Thirdly, fundamentalists are legal
formalists. They have the vision to make the Shariah
the only foundation and foundation of the
State.(Evisopandi, 2011)
In its action, Islamic fundamentalist movements
tend to deny religious pluralism. According to Fouad
Ajami, the fundamentalist view of the world's order
of society is only two, namely al-Nizham al-
Islami(the social-Islamic order) and al-Nizham al-
Jahili(the social order of non-Islam / Jahiliyyah) so
they are unlikely to be found the intersection
between the two orders.(Evisopandi, 2011)
According to Zuhdi, behind the aims of
fundamentalist groups who aspire to the Islamic
society's order filled with the glory and grace of
God, but they often pollute the noble goal with
radicalism and tend to be vulgar by using harsh
words to corner others.(zuhdi, 2010) Researchers
identified three Islamic websites, namely,, and
which have typologies and special characteristics as
already mentioned. It can be found from their
interpretation through the articles contained
primarily relating to the interpretation of Qur'anic
verses about the status of non-Muslims. They often
use the terms "unbelievers", "enemies of Islam", and
other words that have the impression of their anti-
attitude towards group existence beyond their
4.2 Source and Method of
In an effort to interpret the Qur'an, fundamentalists
prioritize the intertext method by interpreting the
text of the Qur'an with other texts.
4.2.1 The Interpretation via Qur'an
The interpretation of the Qur'an with the Qur'an
(tafsi>r al-Qur'an bi al-Qur'an) in the classical
commentary treasury is the best interpretation
pattern so that the rule of al-Qur'an
yufassiruba'duhuba ' and. So from this rule, make the
main method for the fundamentalist group in
interpreting al-Qur'an. Such exegetical patterns can
be seen from the various interpretation articles
written on their website. Such as the interpretation of
the definition of unbelievers in the following verse:
"The disbelievers are indeed those who say:"
Allah is Al-son of Mary. "(Surat al-Maidah: 17)
In the interpretation contained in, 2017) stated that the
status of infidels is given to Christians because of
belief in Jesus as the son of Maryam as the form of
God on earth. This argument is then reinforced by
conveying other verses as hujjah of interpretation,
among them: QS. Al-Maidah: 73; QS. Ali Imran: 32;
85; and QS. Al-Taubah: 30.
In their commentary, infidelity has a
terminological meaning which means those who do
not embrace Islam. Gentiles are also the theological
terms of salvation in the world and the hereafter.
Eliminating pagan labels from non-Muslims is an act
contrary to the Qur'an.(Dafa, 2017)
Similarly, this model of interpretation is
conducted on the site, 2014) In one article
on the website, it is affirmed that all forms of
religion other than Islam are punished "infidels" on
the basis of the interpretation of the QS. Al-
Bayyinah: 1. The verse clearly indicates that all non-
Muslims are either scribes or non-kufr because they
are unwilling to accept Islam. After punishing the
status of "infidels" to all non-Muslims, they refer to
them as the worst of beings in the world that will go
to hell in accordance with QS. Al-Bayyinah: 6, QS.
Al-Anfal: 22-23; and 55.(Tuasikal, 2014)
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
2.2.2 Interpretation via Sunnah
In addition to searching for a comparison of the
Qur'an, they also use the Sunnah as the second
foundation in interpreting the Qur'an. In one article
in, the disbelief status for
absolute non-Muslims according to them other than
based on the Qur'an also because there is a saying of
the Prophet's Muslim history:
"For the soul of Muhammad who is in His hands.
There is no one of these people (ie Jews and
Christians), then he dies unlawfully at the
revelation I sent him unless he surely belongs to
the inhabitants of hell. "(Narrated by Muslim in
Al-Faith 153, Musnad Ahmad bin Hambal2:
After expounding this interpretation, they
concluded that whoever did not disbelieve the Jews
and the Christians, so he too was a kafir.(Tuasikal,
2014) In this case, there is a generalist effort and
expansion of the interpretation of the infidel term so
as to include also someone who does not have the
same attitude toward people who are considered
infidels like them.
In this case, it appears that there are anti-non-
Muslim attitudes and people who have close
relationships with him, even though it is from the
Muslims. The interpretation is not only based on the
verse but also based on the hadith narrated by Imam
Ahmad, who states:
Husayn ibn Muhammad has told us Abu Bakr
ibn Ayyasy has told us from Humaid al Kindiy of
'Ubadah bin Nusaiy from Abi Raihanah that the
Prophet said: "Whoever commends (rely on) to the
nine pagan ancestors for wanting strength and pride
with them then that person is the tenth in hell.”
(Pranoto, 2017)
In the interpretation of An-Nisa '138-140 on the
attitude that Muslims should take against the
unbelievers, explains Islam
giving the impetus to ask the izzah (glory) of Allah
and join the group of His believing servants which
has been established for them victory in the world.
For those who draw closer to the heathen then he is
part of their disbelief.
2.2.3 Interpretation via Scholarly Opinions
Furthermore, the interpretation pattern is done by
interpreting the Qur'an with the opinion of the
ulama. Some of the opinion scholars who often
choose them as interpretation references include:
First, the opinion of Shaykh as-Sa'di states that
the reason for the infidels is said to be cruel
creatures because they know the truth but they leave
it. They are the worst creatures on earth.(Pranoto,
2017)Secondly, the opinion of Shaykh Muhammad
bin Shalih Al-'Utsaimin also says that the Jews,
Christians, and the disbelievers are ugly
creatures,(Tuasikal, 2014) and Allah has made them
a sect of infidels by QS. al-Taubah: 30-
31.(Mengkafirkan Kaum Yahudi dan Nashrani,
2005)Third, the rules that have been formulated by
scholars. Although in its submission it is often not
clearly mentioned the source of the curiosity. Like
the obligation to abstain non-Muslims for Muslims.
They say, the one who denies the disbelief of the
Jews and Christians means he does not believe in
and deny Allah and the Messenger, while the denial
of Allah includes the disbelievers. So, someone who
doubts the disbelief of the Jews and Christians is
undoubtedly an infidel. This is based on the rules
already outlined by the scholars that say: whoever
ignores the disbelievers after being made an
explanation for him then he is an infidel.
Fourth, sometimes in their interpretation, there is
an attempt to refer to the famous mufasir like Ibn
Katsir. As in mentioned, when
there is a question about the interpretation of An-
Nisa's letter 138-140 and how the attitude towards
non-Muslims is then answered by stating that the
soft and sincere attitude of a Muslim to non-
Muslims is the attitude of a hypocrite with the basis
Ibn Katsir's interpretation of his work.(Pranoto,
2017) While quoting Sheikh Abu Bakr Jabir al-
Jaza'iriy, they said that every Muslim should believe
that all the teachings and religions other than Islam
are false and their adherents are infidels. Just
because the true religion of Islam and its followers
are believers and surrendered.(Pranoto, 2017)
2.3 Patterns and Interpretation
In general, Muslims in Indonesia is divided into
three: fundamentalist groups, liberalists,and middle
axis, not to fundamentalist, but also liberal. The
principle of the benefit of the ummah becomes the
group's religious paradigm. In addition, tolerant,
moderate, tawashut (always in the middle) is part of
the direction of organization movement.(Mustaqim,
2013) Among the three groups above,
fundamentalist groups are very firm in
demonstrating anti-non-Muslims attitude. Karen, the
fundamentalist term is more commonly used by the
media and academics although it does not all agree
with the use of the term because it contains
pejorative meaning towards Islam.(Rijal, 2010)
Non-Muslim Face in Islamic Social Media: Analysis of Islamic Websites on Takfir Verses
Fundamentalist groups attempt to express
romanticism in religion. With the spirit of returning
to the Qur'an and the Sunnah in purity, this group
seeks to understand and interpret the textual texts
based on the Qur’an. [14](Mujahidin, 2011) They
tend to formulate Islamic law based on the meaning
of the text (literally), regardless of the socio-
historical aspect of revelation derived, so this group
is known as the scripturalist and literalist.(Asriaty,
The textual approach in understanding the
Qur'an regarding the non-Muslim status appears to
be shown in the interpretation of the takfir verses
contained in their website. For example, in it is stated strictly and solely
based on the texts of the interpreted paragraphs (QS
Al-Bayyinah: 1) that all forms of religion and beliefs
other than Islam are "deviant and infidel". This
argument is based on them as the main principle in
the Islamic faith to be upheld. In fact, they assert
that the labeling of "infidels" to non-Muslims is
absolutely necessary, as is the case for every
Muslim. It must be done boldly and firmly(Tuasikal,
This statement is strictly conveyed on the
website In the article
described the naming of 'infidels' for non-Muslims is
part of the nash al-Qur'an. They are textually
affirmative, many of which are explicitly found in
the verses of the Koran that denounce infidelity in
non-Muslims regardless of their social stance
whether to reconcile or fight. With them not
embracing Islam, they automatically disbelieve.
2.4 Implications of Interpretation
2.4.1 Distortion of Meaning
If dug deeper, the meaning of the infidel term in the
Qur'an has many meanings. But all these meanings
are thrown away as one dominant meaning. As when
they interpret the term 'infidel' terminologically
meaning people who do not want to embrace Islam.
While theologically, the word 'kafir' is a determinant
of a person's survival in the world and the hereafter.
And they affirm that removing the 'infidel' label
from non-Muslims is an act contrary to the
Qur’an.(Dafa, 2017)
2.4.2 Rigid in thought and Radical in Action
Ontologically, the fundamentalists' interpretation
efforts on their sites are essentially a form of socio-
political critique of non-Muslims who are different
from theirs. Epistemologically, the source of the
interpretation made is based on the text of the
Qur'an, Sunnah, and opinion of the 'ulama.
However, in its taking it is often still subjective that
tends to blame other religions to impress what is
conveyed only sources that support the truth and
ideology claims that have been brought in early.
This interpretation has implications for anti-non-
Muslim attitudes and blind rejection of all beliefs
that do not conform to the standard of religion they
believe. Further implications can lead to all acts of
violence that ultimately justify all forms of terror,
anger, hatred,and destruction of other groups.
The influence of Islamic online media is very big
in shaping people's mindset about religious attitudes.
The influence of news and discourse in the online
media either directly or indirectly affect the mindset
and religious attitude in society. online media is one
among the mass media that is often used in an effort
to develop the ideology of radicalism.(Fikri, 2013)
One such influence is the emergence of
anarchism and terrorism against other groups. So in
July 2010, the President approved the formation of
Presidential Regulation no. 46/2010 and establishes
the agency of the National Agency for Combating
Terrorism (BNPT), in which the main function of
this institution is the overcoming of terrorist threats
which include prevention, protection,
deradicalization, prosecution and preparation of
national preparedness including prevention and
opposition to radical ideology propaganda,
deradicalization programs(Fikri, 2013; Sugiarto,
Lumenta and Mamahit, 2016).
From the above description it can be stated that:
first, the three websites studied have a method and
approach that is almost the same in interpreting the
text is a textual approach with the same and firm
conclusion that Islam and Muslims are the right
parties while others are kafir and vanity. Unbelief is
not limited only to those who reject Islam as a
religion but also those who do not disbelieve in
those they regard as kafir. Secondly, such
interpretations have implications for the belief that
followers of other religions should be invited to
convert to Islam because their infidelity must end.
Such beliefs can lead one to the behavior of violence
against other believers because they are pagan and
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Non-Muslim Face in Islamic Social Media: Analysis of Islamic Websites on Takfir Verses