The Effect of Motivation and Discipline toward English Reading
Dini Hidayati
, Marhamah
, Yulie Marlina
and Gusneti Ilyas
Universiti Sain Malaysia, Malaysia
Islamic University of Jakarta, Indonesia
Universitas Krisnadwipayana, Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: motivation, learning discipline, and learning achievement
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of motivation and discipline to learn together the
learning achievement of the students' English reading. Knowing the influence of motivation to learn to read
English learning achievement of students. As well as determine the effect of the discipline of learning to
read English learning achievement of students. This study uses survey, The population in this study is total
VIII classes totaling 90 learners, while the number of samples by using the formula obtained 90 respondents
Slovin, The results showed that there is significant influence learning motivation of independent variables
(X1) and the Discipline of Learning (X2) jointly against English Reading Achievement (Y). There is a
significant influence of independent variables X1 (Motivation) on the dependent variable Y (Achievement
Learning English Reading). There is a significant influence of independent variables X2 (Discipline Study)
on the dependent variable Y.
Of the many factors that can affect student
achievement motivation factor and discipline
students' learning needs attention in order to achieve
teaching objectives.
As a basic assumption can be said that if the
students' motivation high and positive student
discipline, it would be a good learning performance.
This is due to motivation is a factor that can
motivate a person to obtain the desired achievement.
While discipline is an effective internal dimension
phenomenon in the form of a tendency to react or
respond to an object, either positively or negatively.
(Shah, 2000: 135).
In the process of learning and teaching, a student
needs to have discipline discipline by doing
exercises that strengthen itself to always accustomed
to obey and heightens the power of self-control.
Discipline arising from his own consciousness will
be more encouraged and durable than the discipline
that arises because of the scrutiny of others.
As mentioned by Sincere Tu'u (2004: 37) that the
emerging discipline for self-awareness, the students
excel in learning, without the discipline of good
teaching and learning-conducive. Students who have
a strong motivation will determine the level of
achievement or failure of the learning activities of
students, motivated learning is essentially learning
appropriate to the needs, drives, motives, interests,
which exist on students. Motivation is part of the
principles of teaching and learning for motivation to
be one factor that determines the effective learning
(Djamarah, 2000: 123)
In relation to learning, motivation is closely
related to self-actualization needs that motivation
greatest effect on students' learning activities. If
there is no motivation to learn in students, it will
cause a feeling lazy to learn well in following the
process of teaching and learning and working on
individual tasks of teachers. People who have high
motivation in learning will arise great interest in
doing the task, build discipline and learn healthy
habits through the preparation of study schedules
and execute it diligently.
Hidayati, D., Marhamah, ., Marlina, Y. and Ilyas, G.
The Effect of Motivation and Discipline toward English Reading Achievement.
DOI: 10.5220/0009918229332939
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2933-2939
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on the above it is clear that the motivation
is very important in the learning process, because the
motivation to encourage students to undertake
certain activities related to teaching and learning.
Discipline and high motivation to learn important
owned by each student for discipline and high
motivation to learn will help students learn in a
focused and organized so as to create an effective
learning environment.
But in fact the field may be said, that every
student is different in learning motivation and
attitude toward a subject taught in schools, so that
the learning achievement was different. Things like
this can happen there are any subjects including
English, and can be found on the achievements of
learning to read English.
Based on the observations of the author at the
time of observation to SMPN 23 Bekasi, student
achievement in the subjects of English can be seen
in the table below.
Table 1: Student achievement in the English subject
No. School
1. 2011 -
70 68
2. 2012 -
71 69
3. 2014 -
72 69
Source: The average value of SMPN 23 Bekasi
English is a very important lesson for the
students, because the students' English language can
open wider and able to follow the flow of the
advance of technology and information. However,
English is still very much a scourge for students,
many students still felt burdened in learning English
especially in reading (reading) English.
It can be seen from reading the English learning
achievement of students who are still below the
passing standard. So we can conclude there is still a
low motivation and discipline in learning English,
especially in reading.
This is why researchers conducting research with
the aim to determine:
Effect of motivation and discipline to learn
together the learning achievement of the students'
English reading.
Influence the motivation to learn to read English
learning achievement of students.
Influence the discipline of learning to read
English learning achievement of students.
This research carried out in junior high school
students in the city of Bekasi. The research was
carried out in stages, namely at the stage of
preparation researchers in July 2015 through
February 2015. The detailed implementation of a
research can be seen in the table below.
This study used survey method. Survey methods
conducted to determine the effect of variable to
variable Y X1, X2 variable influence to variable Y
and the influence of two independent variables X1
and X2 to variable Y.
Thus, researchers will reveal the effect of
learning motivation (X1) to the achievement of
learning to read English language learners (Y), the
effect of learning discipline (X2) on the achievement
of learning to read English learners (Y) and the
effect of learning motivation (X1) discipline of
learning (X2) together to achievement learn to read
English learners (Y).
The sample in this study determined from the
total population. The first phase determines the
sampling technique, in this study used multiple stage
sample. Namely, a sample drawn from population
groups, but not all members of the group become
members of the sample population (Moh. Nazir,
1983: 332)
In accordance with the opinion of M. Nazir, in
this study, researchers set VIII classes totaling 90
learners as population.
Further determination of the research sample
study was randomly (random sampling). The
sampling technique used Slovin formula (Ridwan
and Engkos A. Kuncoro. 2011: 49), namely:
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Information :
n = Number of Samples
N = Total Population
d2 = Precision (set at 10% with 95% confidence
Steps are being made to take samples of the
study are:
Set a whole population of learners class VIII
SMPN 23 Bekasi and SMPN 24 Bekasi, totaling 500
students, consisting of 12 classes.
Specifies the number of samples by using the
formula obtained by the number of 90 respondents
Data collected by using a questionnaire form
research instrument. The scale of assessment for all
of the variables have a selection of five categories
response, namely: (a) Strongly agree, (b) Agree, (c)
Neutral, (d), Disagree and (e) Strongly disagree.
Answer given weight value to 1. Instruments tested
before use in the research. From the achievement
testing is used to get the research data, with the five-
point scale questionnaire. The instrument is based on
the theories used. Questionnaires were distributed to
students who were respondents in this study.
The variables in this study consisted of two
independent variables and the dependent variable.
The independent variable was the motivation to
learn Siwa and discipline of study, while the
dependent variable was the focus of the research is
the achievement of learning English.
In this study, there are three instruments that will
be tested, namely the instrument of learning
motivation, discipline and learning achievement
students learn to read English.
In the descriptive analysis will be carried out
engineering data presentation in the form of a
frequency distribution table, chart polygons and
histograms for each variable of the study. In
addition, each group of data variables of learning
motivation (X1), the discipline of learning (X2) and
the achievement of learning to read English (Y) will
be processed and analyzed measures of central
tendency and layout as the mean, mode and median
as well as the size of the deviation of such range,
variance, standard deviation, skewness and kurtosis.
The processing to test the descriptive analysis was
conducted using SPSS 22.0.
Data collected and already tested the item
discrimination, reliability test, the prerequisite test
(test for normality of distribution and relationship
linearity test) as a precondition perform data
analysis. The hypothesis in this study were tested
using regression analysis. Implementation analysis
using SPSS version 20.0 and the results are reported
as follows:
3.1 Relationship between Variable
Pro-social behavior as dependent variables,
religiosity and the tendency of authoritarian
parenting as an independent variable has met the test
for normality of distribution and relationship
linearity test. Relationships between variables
simultaneously. SPSS 20.0 statistical calculation
results with the technique of regression F regression
= 0.7758; p = 0.001 <0.01 (significant). Means there
is a significant relationship between religiosity and
the tendency of authoritarian parenting with pro-
social behavior.
3.2 Relationship between Variable
SPSS 20.0 statistical calculation results with the
partial correlation obtained partial r = 0.94; t
regression = 0.803; p = 0.425> 0.05 (not significant).
Means there is no significant relationship between
religiosity and pro-social behavior of adolescents.
This means that the rise and fall of religiosity, is not
followed by ups and downs of teenage pro-social
behavior. This means that religiosity cannot be used
as predictors of pro-social behavior change in
SPSS 20.0 statistical calculation results with the
partial correlation obtained partial r = -0.395;
regression t = -3.644; p = 0.001 <0.01 (significant).
Means there is a very significant negative correlation
a. n =
The Effect of Motivation and Discipline toward English Reading Achievement
between the tendency of authoritarian parenting with
pro-social behavior, increasingly authoritarian
upbringing in boarding the adolescent more pro-
social behavior. Therefore, the tendency of
authoritarian parenting can be used as a prediction of
the rise and fall of pro-social behavior of teenagers.
3.3 Donations Effective in Overall
Effective contribution to the overall result of R
square (coefficient) of 0.177, which means 17.7%
variable pro-social behavior is determined by
variable religiusitas and the tendency of
authoritarian upbringing, the remaining 82.3% is
determined by other variables not examined in this
4.1 Variable Learning English Reading
Achievement (Y)
Data read English learning achievement test results
obtained from 32 rounds of multiple choice
questions, which are obtained from the respondents
had an average of 67.83 with a standard deviation of
10.58, a median of 67.50, the minimum score 38 and
score 88. This maksmum showed that the average
achievement of learning to read English from
respondents included being. Standard deviation
score of 10.58 or equal to 156% of the average,
show differences between respondents' answers is
small. This indicates that the score data read English
learning achievement of the respondents are quite
From these descriptions can also be seen that the
average value and and a middle value (median) is
almost the same, namely 67.83 and 67.50. This
shows that learning achievement score data read
English in this study is quite representative. While
the score is above the average more than those who
are under the average, suggesting that students who
have high achievement more than the low.
4.2 Variable Motivation (X2)
Learning motivation scores obtained from the
respondents averaged 104.14 with a standard
deviation of 10.54, 104.00 median, minimum score
78 and score maksmum 128. The number of the
questions are valid in this instrument are 30 items
with a maximum score of each the questions is 5,
then the theoretical score range is 30 to 150. scores
standard deviation of 10.54 or equal to 10.1% of the
average, show differences between respondents'
answers were moderate. This indicates that the data
score motivation to learn of the respondents are
quite varied.
From these descriptions can also be seen that the
average value and and a middle value (median) is
almost the same, ie 104.14 and 104.00. This
suggests that learning motivation score data obtained
in this study are representative. While the score is
above the average more than those who are under
the average score data show that high motivation to
learn more than the low.
4.3 Learning Discipline variable (X1)
Scores discipline of study obtained from the
respondents had an average 89.77 with a standard
deviation of 8.88, the median is 89, minimum score
71 and score maksmum 112. The number of the
questions are valid instruments Learning Discipline
is 24 grains with a maximum score of each the
questions is 5, the theoretical score range is 24 to
120. scores standard deviation of 8.88 or equal to
9.89% of the average, show differences between
respondents' answers is small. This suggests that the
discipline of learning of the respondents are quite
From these descriptions can also be seen that the
average value and the median is almost the same,
namely 89.77 and 89.00. This suggests that the
Learning Discipline score data in this study is quite
representative. While the score is above the average
more than those who are under the average shows
that students who have a high Discipline Learning
more than low.
The calculation result of normality test, sig for
variaebl achievement adalah0,066 learn to read
English, the motivation of 0.200, and variable
learning discipline of 0.056, which means that all
values of each variable sig is greater than 0.05, so
H0 is accepted, with another said that the data from
all the samples in this study normal distribution.
Linearity test of the results obtained, the value in
column Deviation fromLinierity Sig line is 0.680,
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
which means greater than 0.05, so H0 is accepted, in
other words that the regression line between the
variable X1 and Y is linear. Values in column
Deviation fromLinierity Sig line is 0.083, which
means greater than 0.05, so H0 is accepted, in other
words that the regression line between the variable
X2 and Y are linear.
In the test results multikolinearitas in mind that
the results of Tolerance and the value of Variance
Inflation Factor (VIF) in each variable approaches
the number one. Based on the calculation results
obtained SPSS tolerance values of 0.835 and 1.197
VIF. So that there is no regression model
multicollinearity problem.
At this stage of hypothesis test obtained multiple
correlation coefficient independent variables
motivation (X1) and the Discipline of Learning (X2)
together on Learning Achievement English Reading
(Y) is equal to 0.545, this indicates that there is a
relationship being between the variables of
motivation (X1 ) and the Discipline of Learning
(X2) jointly against English Reading Achievement
The calculation of multiple correlation
coefficient significance testing can be seen in the
significant mark (a) on the RDI column of Table 4.6
.. From these calculations showed that the
correlation coefficient was significant, in other
words that there is a significant influence of the
independent variable motivation (X1) and the
Discipline of Learning ( X2) jointly against English
Reading Achievement (Y).
While the determination coefficient of 29.7%
indicates that the contribution of independent
variables motivation (X1) and the Discipline of
Learning (X2) jointly against English Reading
Achievement (Y) was 29.7%, the remaining 70.3%
for the influence of other factors.
6.1 Effect of Motivation and Discipline
Learning Together against English
Reading Achievement
The results showed a significant influence learning
motivation and discipline to learn together against
English Reading Achievement. This can be proved
by sig = 0.000 <0.05, and F count> F table, where F
count = 18.369 and F table = 3.101.
The learning achievement is influenced by
internal factors are factors that come from within the
students among others factors, intelligence, interest,
motivation, talent and external factors such as
factors of teachers, curriculum, and methods
pembelajran ,. According Sudjana (2010: 22),
academic achievement is the ability of the students
after receiving a learning experience. Furthermore
Wahidmurni, et al. (2010: 18) explains that a person
can be said to have been accomplished in the study
if he is able to indicate a change in him. Such
changes in between in terms of thinking ability,
skill, or attitude toward an object.
1. Readers who either hold a strategic role and
play an active role in the process of reading
2. Reading should occur in the context of
Motivation to learn is a process of
encouragement, direction and persistence of
behavior. In other words motivation as an energy
change in the person of a man marked by the onset
affective (feeling) and the reaction to achieve the
goal. Indicator motivation of students can be seen
through the following matters:
1. The motivation of self (internal) include
happy, achievement, compete, award
ideals/goals, excellence and
2. Motivation from outside the student
(external) include parents, family, friends,
teachers and the community.
Furthermore, discipline is an attitude, behavior or
actions of learners to undertake learning activities in
accordance with the decisions, regulations, and
norms set forth in writing, whether or not in writing
between learners and teachers in order to gain
mastery of knowledge, skill, and wisdom.
With the motivation and discipline of higher
learning owned by a student, then these students will
strive to achieve the highest achievement, including
the achievement in learning to read English. He will
try to follow each lesson well, always trying to
improve the knowledge, understanding, skills and
attitudes in the learning value that ultimately will
increase learning achievement.
The Effect of Motivation and Discipline toward English Reading Achievement
Of quantitative information and the theory
researchers concluded that there is significant
influence learning motivation and discipline to learn
together to achievement learn to read English.
6.2 Influence Achievement Motivation
to Learn to Read English
The study concluded there is significant influence
learning motivation towards learning English
achievement. Hal Reading Language can be
evidenced with sig = 0.000 <0.05, and t> t table,
where t = 4.105, and the table = 1.987.
The learning achievement is influenced by
internal factors are factors that come from within the
students among others factors, intelligence, interest,
motivation, talent and external factors such as
factors of teachers, curriculum, and methods
pembelajran ,. According Sudjana (2010: 22),
academic achievement is the ability of the students
after receiving a learning experience. Furthermore
Wahidmurni, et al. (2010: 18) explains that a person
can be said to have been accomplished in the study
if he is able to indicate a change in him. Such
changes in between in terms of thinking ability,
skill, or attitude toward an object.
Many factors affect the readability. The
principles of reading which is based on research that
most affect reading comprehension is as stated
1. Comprehension is the process of social
2. Literacy balance is a curriculum framework
that fosters understanding
3. Reading professional teacher (superior) affect
student learning
4. Readers who either hold a strategic role and
play an active role in the process of reading
5. Reading should occur in the context of
Of quantitative information and the theory, the
researchers concluded that motivasibelajar have a
significant impact on the achievement of learning to
read English
6.3 Discipline Influence on Learning
Achievement Learning English
The results showed a significant influence on the
discipline of study English Reading Achievement.
This can be proved by sig = 0.018 <0.05, and t> t
table, where t = 2.408, and the table = 1.987.
With a high learning discipline owned by a
student, then these students will seek an orderly
fashion to achieve higher performance, including the
achievement in learning to read English. He will try
to follow the discipline of each lesson well, always
trying to improve the knowledge, understanding,
skills and attitudes in the learning value that
ultimately will increase learning achievement.
a. There is a significant influence of independent
variables Motivation (X1) and the Discipline of
Learning (X2) jointly against English Reading
Achievement (Y), this can be proved by the Sig
= 0.000 <0.05 and F count = 18.369. Motivation
independent variable (X1) and the Discipline of
Learning (X2) together accounted for 29.7% of
the English Reading Achievement (Y).
b. There is a significant influence of independent
variables X1 (Motivation) on the dependent
variable Y (Achievement Learning English
Reading). This can be evidenced by the Sig =
0.000 <0.05 and t = 4.105,
c. There is a significant influence of independent
variables X2 (learning discipline) on the
dependent variable Y (Achievement Learning
English Reading) .It can be evidenced by the Sig
= 0.018 <0.05 and t = 2.408.
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