The Influence of Design Creativity Experiment on Learning
Outcomes: A Survey in Vocational High Schools in Jakarta
Dewi Suliyanthini
and Nahuda
Universitas Negeri Jakarta
Key words: Learning outcomes, creativity experiment.
Abstract: This study was aimed to determine the influence of design creativity experiment on students’ learning
outcomes in Decoration Design subject. The dependent variable in this study is the learning outcomes, and
the independent variable is the design creativity experiment. This quantitative study was carried out by
conducting design creativity experimentson the population of Fashion and Design Vocational High Schools
in Jakarta. The sample of this study comprised of 172 students of XII grade who enrolled in the Decoration
Design subject. During process, design experiment prioritizes the basic understanding of design, skill,
innovation and creativity of the decoration design making idea. The beauty in the process of making
ornamental fabrics lies on the employment of a variety of basic embroidery techniques and the material of
media used. The basic understanding of design and the accuracy of the decorating techniques collaboration,
the selection of size and color of the decoration as well as the base material as a decorative medium, will
enhance the beauty and selling power of the product. The result of this study suggested that there was a
significant influence of design creativity experiment on students’ learning outcomesfor making decorative
design. in class XII of Fashionand Design Vocational High Schools in Jakarta.
Vocational High School (or Sekolah Menengah
Kejuruan - SMK) currently implements Decoration
Design subject into the learning curriculum,
whichtrains and educates students to be creative in
creating decoration on the parts of clothing to make
it look more beautiful so that it can enhance not only
the aesthetic value but also the selling power. One of
the productive subjects in fashion design major of
Vocational High Schools is decoration making,
teaching various techniques to make ornaments on
the clothing. Various kinds of basic skewers and the
provision of pattern with the dye is what will be
developed and creatively turned by students into a
variety of decorative clothing that is applied with
various clothing materials.
Starting from the types of white
embroidery, colored embroidery, to the use of screen
printing techniques or painting on the cloth, in which
even with a high level of creativity, humans can
change the function of the axis of the stove into an
ornament in clothing. During the learning process,
Vocational High School students are taught with
more varied media including the use of electronic
devices connected to the internet. It is intended as an
additional material of knowledge so that students
can be more creative in modifying or designing
decoration on the fabric. The use of various
supporting facilities and infrastructure in learning
activity is intended to increase the knowledge or
insight of students in decorating and beautify the
look of a clothing.
Various techniques in decorating fabric can
also be applied not only to a design of a fabric but
also to parts of clothing such as hats, bags, shoes,
shawls, veil, and even household linen. This skill
subject has a lot of benefits, not only that the making
process is not too difficult, but the materials used are
also very easy to get. However, the making process
requires a good imagination, high perseverance, and
comprehension or application of design basic
knowledge that students get from previous subjects.
Suliyanthini, D. and Nahuda, .
The Influence of Design Creativity Experiment on Learning Outcomes: A Survey in Vocational High Schools in Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0009918129272932
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2927-2932
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
According to David Cambell, there are three
categories of creativity characteristics, which are:
1) Main characteristics: the key to generate
ideas, views, inspirations, solutions, new
ways, inventions.
2) Possible characteristics: that which makes it
able to retain creative ideas, once it has
been found it still stands alive.
3) Side characteristics: it is not directly related
to the creation or keep the ideas that have
been found alive, but often affects the
behavior of creative people.
Reni Akbar Hawari in her book entitled
Keberbakatan Intelektual stated that the
characteristics of creativity are as follow:
1) Has a deep curiosity
2) Often asks substantial questions
3) Expresses a lot of ideas, solutions to a
4) Enable to express opinions
spontaneously and confidently
5) Has / appreciates a sense of beauty
6) Is prominent in one or more field of
7) Enable to find solutions of a problem
from various perspectives
8) Has a sense of humor
9) Has a sense of imagination
10) Enable to propose thoughts, solutions
to various problems differing from
other people (original)
11) Is fluent in producing various ideas
12) Enable to face problems from various
Creativity does not arise spontaneously but
through a process. The process of creativity,
according to Bobbi De Porter & Mike Hernacki
(2001: 31) in their book Quantum Learning, flows
through the following five stages:
1) Preparation: defines problems, goals,
or challenges
2) Incubation: digests the facts and
cultivates them in mind
3) Illumination: urges to surface, ideas
4) Verification: makes sure whether the
solution really solves the problem or
5) Application: takes steps to follow up
the solution
Learning outcomes are everything students can
do or master as a result of learning (Nasution, 1999).
Learning outcomes are the behavioral changes that
students gain after learning activities. The
obtainment of these behavioral change aspects
depends on what the students have learned. Learning
outcomes achieved by students in school is the goal
of learning activities.
According to Bloom, the taxonomy of
learning outcomes include three areas, namely the
cognitive, affective and psychomotor.
Kratwohlasserts that affective learning is a learning
result that is difficult to measure. This learning
objective is related to feelings, attitudes, interests
and values / categories of affective learning
objectives, namely: acceptance, assessment,
organizing ability, and lifestyle formation.
Slamento in Harminingsih (2008) states
that the students' learning outcomes are influenced
by two main factors, which are the factor from
within the students (internal) and factor that comes
from outside of the students or environmental
According to Sadiman, the learning
outcomes are the change of behavior in students,
which concerns both the changes that are
knowledge-based (cognitive), skills-based
(psychomotor) as well as related to values and
attitudes (affective).
According to Hamalik (2008), learning
outcomesare the change of behavior in a person that
can be observed and measured in terms of forms of
knowledge, attitudes and skills. The change can be
interpreted as an occurrence of good enhancement
and development from not knowing to knowing
This study used quantitative method by
conducting experiment on 172 XII’s grade students
of Vocational High Schools (SMK) in Jakarta as a
sample, meanwhile data processing was conducted
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
by using correlation in the form of relation between
variables by using questionnaires.
This instrument was tested previously before
being applied directly on the study sample. This
instrument was tested on vocational students who
enroll in decoration making subject outside of the
population or sample used or research sample in
total of 20 students. Calculation of the items’
validity was conducted with product moment
correlation, because the instrument is in
questionnaire form, that is:
:correlation coefficient between x
and y
X : items score
y : total score
N : size of data
The reliability of the instrument as a
measuring tool is the ability of the instrument to give
a constancy in measuring a symptom. The
calculation of the reliability coefficient of creativity
instrument wasperformed by using Alpha Cronbach
test with the following formula:
= reliability coefficient
k = the amount of questions
= the amount of score variants
= total score variants
Based on the data obtainment which was
measured by using affective and figural test
instruments, a score range of 6.5 with the highest
score of 23 and the lowest score of 16.5 was gained.
Based on the data analysis, it was found that the
average score was 18.55. The creativity score with
the highest frequency was 39 at interval 18.3-18.8.
The lowest frequency was 3 at interval 22.5 to 23.3.
The distribution of creativity score can be seen from
the following table:
Table 1: Distribution table of creativity frequency score.
Median Absolute
16.5-17.3 16.9 13 7.55%
14.4-18.2 17.82 22 12.79%
18.3-18.8 18.55 39 22.67%
18.9-19.7 19.3 34 19.76%
19.8-20.6 20.2 35 20.34%
20.7-21.5 21.1 19 11.04%
21.6-22.4 22 7 4.06%
22.5-23.3 22.9 3 1.74%
TOTAL 172 100%
The result of simple linear regression
analysis that had been executed on the basic design
competency variable with learning outcomesof
decoration making generates regression "b" of 0.99
and constant "a" of -9.3. Thus, it could be concluded
that the relation between design creativity
variablesand learning outcomesof decoration making
can be described in the following regression
equation: Ŷ = -9.3 + 0.99 X.
The F test was executed to examine the
level of simple regression equation significance and
linearity, which is shown in following table:
Table 2: Anava table for significance and linearity of
regression equation tests.
Source of Variants df
of Total
Regression (a)
Regression (b/a)
Linearity Deviation
Standard Errors
**Significant Regression Analysis (F
= 3.90)
Linear Regression Analysis (F
= -0.90<F
From the test above, it could be concluded
that the relation between creativity (X) and the
design learning outcomes (Y) was very significant
either simply or partially. It can also be interpreted
that the higher the creativity of the students was, the
higher the work in making the design will be.
The Influence of Design Creativity Experiment on Learning Outcomes: A Survey in Vocational High Schools in Jakarta
Therefore, there was a positive significant
influence between creativity and design learning
outcomes. It was proven by a simple linear
regression equation Ŷ = 43.3 + 1.55 X whose
significance was tested atα = 0.05. From the result
of a simple correlation, it is foundthat the score of
= 0.323 and the determination coefficient
0.104. This shows that 10.4% of design learning
outcomes is determined by creativity.
Therefore, it can be interpreted that the
higher the creativity of students of Vocational High
School, the higher the score of learning outcomes in
the decorative design subject. On the contrary, the
lower the creativity of students of Vocational High
School, the lower the score of learning outcomes of
students in the decoration making subject.
Creative learning has become an important
part in improving the learning quality. The essence
of creativity is producing something new, even
better. Creating something will continue to provoke
students’ imagination. The teacher has an important
role in introducing and developing creative thinking
in students. There is no harm to try some of
following list above:
1. Appreciate students’ unusual questions and
fantasies. Actively asking is one form of
student creativity. They tend to be critical
and like to criticize everything. Their
imagination is very extraordinary that will
amaze us. As facilitator, you should not
limit the ideas and thing they curious to
know about. Give the best answer and try to
associate it with daily activities.
2. Try to be visual. After all, seeing pictures
and colors will be more interesting than
writing. Give and show inspirational
painting, pictures/photos, and videos to
students then ask them to make a story
about what they see frequently will give
good seduction to their brain.
3. Creative games. Make the variance of study
activity by applying creative games. This
creative games can be done by trying things
that students like.
For example, try role playing as detective,
vocabulary games, musical, debate, and
much more. In addition, you can use
learning media as origami paper, plasticine,
puzzles, and so on.
4. More projects. You can balance the theory
and practice by giving project to students.
From a project, students will use their
imagination a lot and have the chance to
express their creative ideas. Students will
also be provoked to find solutions for each
ongoing project.
5. Make exhibition of student’s work. Make
exhibition of what students make at
classroom or even school will be great
appreciation to the students. Students will
feel valued and encouraged to be more
creative. The class atmosphere will be more
energetic and colorful.
6. Use music. Play various types of music and
ask students to visualize them. You also
may invite students to try to understand the
lyric and make short story of the song.
7. Learn history in a fun way. Write a
dialogue scene between historical and
modern figures. Not only that, you can also
make a drama to enhance students’
imagination by playing role. Besides
drama, you can take a tour of the museum
so students may see and understand more
about historical event.
8. Do simple experiments. Can you dissect
animals or make simple electrical circuits?
Students will find it easier to understand
lessons by practice rather than theory only.
Developing student’s creativity can b done by
conditioning or building an atmosphere that triggers
the ability to think and work. The basis is mastering
knowledge and also applying those knowledge in the
form of skills. The teacher can also give a
recommendation to students to access thousands of
video lessons and question in class to support
children’s learning activities.
6.1 Creativity is Grown Not Formed
The ministry of education and culture
Anies Baswedan said, “Creativity is something that
is grown and not formed by government. So it
requires space to grow starting from home and
schools”. Therefore, Ministry of Education and
Culture encourages schools to make room for
students’ creativity. Both teacher and parents have
an important role in growing children’s creativity.
Enough room for students’ creativity, supported by
the guidance of teachers and parents will create a
creative habit. So that creativity gets a place at home
and school.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Ministry of Education and Culture said,
“The National Examination (Ujian Nasional – UN)
no longer determines student graduation, so it will
open the space for the expression school.” He also
mentioned that the current education curriculum in
schools not only regulates intra-curricular activities
but also extracurricular and non-curricular activities.
“The way to assess students need to be
changed because the way to evaluate them
encourages behavior change. When drawing, lessons
become a determinant of graduation, drawing
guidance will emerge. Ministry of Education and
Culture gave an example of Sweden that in 1766
already provide a space for freedom of expression in
the form of Media Freedom Law. Since 1766,
Sweden has been able to cultivate the creative
culture of its citizens. As predicted, current in
present, the creative industry in Sweden is very
The Ambassador of Sweden to Indonesia,
Johanna Brismar Skoog said that cultural diversity in
Indonesia is very diverse and amazing. "Indonesia
has an extraordinary diversity of cultures.
"Something that other countries do not have,"
explained Ambassador Skoog. Skoog believes media
freedom since 1766 has increased the critical power
and creativity of people. Skoog said that creativity is
also making Sweden able to innovate in various
fields. Skoog mentions that in the communications
sector there are Swedish companies that rank at the
top; such as Ericcson, the automotive companies,
Scania. “Creativity opens the way of sustainable
development. We believe that Indonesia will be the
center of world creativity because it is very rich in
One pedagogic theory (teaching science)
explains that the success of learning in class depends
on the quality of teacher, quality of teacher is
depending on the quality of principal, quality of
principal is depending on the quality of education
supervisor, and so on up to the vertical upwards,
Head of Education Service and The Ministry of
Education itself.
Why so? The logical argument can be
directed at the central role of stakeholders (related
parties). Students are individuals who need guidance
and teacher is the guidance from every material and
values of life taught. Likewise, with the position of
school principals and education supervisors who
have full responsibility to improve the quality of
educational human resources.
To make the quality of education that is
integrated with the progress of the times, education
stakeholders must have the creativity to develop the
way of learning. Creative learning will make the
creative generation, facing the progress of the times
that keep developing.
In this point, teacher need to help student to
develop their critical thinking so it may create
generation with high creativity in every aspect in
life. However, at the level of students, developing
the creativity in life is more crucial so that they may
prepare themselves better when facing the future.
According to Professor of Emiritus
Education Prof H.A.R Tilaar (2012), student really
need to develop their creative thinking so students
may grow into the generation with entrepreneurial
spirit. We hope that the entrepreneurial spirit is no
present from empty space, but grown rough the habit
of thinking critically, creatively, and complex
How? Of course to answer this question we
require creative educators who are able to develop
teaching material into the riving force of creativity
in thinking students through various learning
For example, He explained that the embryo
of creative thinking is present when the curiosity is
epistemologically always residing in the teachers.
This stage of thinking is the basis of critical thinking
from a teacher. Critical-thinking teachers cannot
accept as they have been studied or delivered by
From this process, it can be understood that
a critical teacher will question the provisions that are
considered standard and no need to be questioned
anymore. This standard attitude will not produce
changes in society. It is at this point that creativity is
born from the critical thinking stage of everything
that is considered standard.
6.2 Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Creativity which is the embryo of human
entrepreneurship is not in one particular field; for
example, business and trade. Currently, people
identify entrepreneurship only with groups that are
capable and successful from business and trade
aspects. Even if you look at the stages above
epistemologically, the area of entrepreneurship is on
the level where people always think critically and
creatively so that they create things that are useful
for their society.
The Influence of Design Creativity Experiment on Learning Outcomes: A Survey in Vocational High Schools in Jakarta
If there is a writer who is so productive;
writing books, articles in various print media, online,
and many more, they can be defined as human
entrepreneurs. If measured materially, of course they
produce money from the effort of writing.
Furthermore, they succeeded in understanding a
science through their writings. Likewise, with other
fields which give benefits for people's lives.
Entrepreneurship lies in the soul and the
way of thinking. The success of the results of
thinking and enthusiasm is a result that is driven by
an action. So, if humans still have a soul and
critical/creative way of thinking that is oriented to
the good of humans, at that point we define them as
entrepreneurship. Likewise, for a teacher and all
education stakeholders, both in the field of
preparation of teaching materials, learning methods,
curriculum, instruments, and others.
It is undeniable that 21st century humans
are human beings who are open (inclusive), not
bound by previous provisions which are all standard.
He must have a new epistemology that does not take
for granted positively the things he faces. Here,
human beings think positively against the current.
This critical attitude is what makes humans able to
think creatively so that this process can be defined as
the foundation of creativity and entrepreneurship.
Development of creativity and
entrepreneurship should be a goal for a teacher,
principal, supervisor, parents, and the entire
community. Primarily in the learning process at
school, teaching material and curriculum must be
directed to the growth and development of students'
creativity. The process of manifestation of creativity
indeed is not easy even the process of internalization
can take so long if it is practiced incorrectly and not
Because the meaningfulness is the main
criterion in developing creativity, indeed teachers let
students to explore their competencies. In a
meaningful manner, the teacher let the creativity
seeds of the students grow well. So, it can be said
that creative thinking will produce entrepreneurial
humans; substantive way of thinking.
This study suggested that there is a positive
significance influence between creativity and design
learning outcomes. It is proven by a simple linear
regression equation Ŷ = 43.3 + 1.55 Xwhose
significance was tested atα = 0.05. The result of
simple correlation concludes that the value of r
0.323 and the determination coefficient of
0.104. It shows that 10.4% of design learning
outcomes is determined by creativity. Thus, it can be
interpreted that the higher the creativity of
Vocational High School students, the higher the
score of learning outcomes in the decorative design
subject. On the contrary, the lower the creativity of
Vocational High School students, the lower the
students’ learning outcomesin the decoration making
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ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation