Comparing Metacognitive Skill between Problem-based Learning
Combine Question Student Have and Problem-based Learning
Combine Learning Journal
, Eny S. Rosydatun
, Silak Hasiani
, Ghina Rohmatulloh
and Nila Zuqistya
Biology Education Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,Ciputat Indonesia
Keywords: Metacognitive skill, problem-based learning, question student have, learning journal.
Abstract: Metacognitive skills is a very important skill possessed by students regarding the ability for planning,
monitoring and evaluating the cognition process in order to achieve its learning objectives. This research
aimed to determine comparing metacognitive skill between Problem-Based Learning combine Question
Student Have and Problem-Based Learning combine Learning Journal. The research methods used Pretest-
Postest Nonequivalent Control Group Design with ninety-six senior high school students in South
Tangerang. The Anova Test result shows there are significant differences on metacognitive skill (F = 9,388,
p < 0,05) with the intervention of PBL (control), PBL combine QSH (first experiment), and PBL combine
LJ (second experiment). Tukey Test results showed there are significance difference on metacognitive skills
with PBL versus PBL-QSH (p=0,000 < α = 0,05) and PBL versus PBL-LJ (p=0,010 < α 0,05). There was
no significance difference on metacognitive skills between treatment PBL-QSH versus PBL-LJ (p=0,520 >
α = 0,00). The three aspects of metacognitive skills, planning, monitoring and evaluation have significant
differences in the overall treatment.
In this 21
century, people are being pushed and
demand to master various skills. Thus, on this case,
education is expected to prepare students mastering
these various skills in order to be a successful
individual in their life. Important skills in the 21
century are still relevant to the four pillars of life
which include learning to know, learning to do,
learning to be and learning to live together. Each of
the four pillars consist of special skills that need to
be empowered in learning activities. For example,
critical thinking skills, problem solving,
metacognition skills, communication skills,
collaboration skills, innovation and creation skills,
information literacy skill and many other (Zubaidah
2017). This is affirmed by (Ozturk 2017) that
teaching metacognitive to individuals is the main
goal of education since the 21
century, students
must be able to build strong content knowledge with
response to various audiences, tasks, goals, critical
disciplines by synthesizing from various sources.
Metacognitive skills also needed more than ever in
order to aid individuals and groups in becoming
more adaptable and flexible (Hogan et al. 2015).
One of the skills that students must have is the
metacognitive skills. John Flavell defined
metacognitive in the end of 1970’s as “cognition
about cognition phenomena” or in short “thinking
about thinking” (Lai 2011). Metacognitive refers to
high-level thinking skills that enable active control
regarding the relationship of cognitive processes in
learning (Livingston 2003).
Metacognition is a person's knowledge and
awareness about his cognition and ability to regulate
his cognition process. Metacognition knowledge
includes declarative, procedural and conditional
knowledge. The process of cognition has three
essential functions, namely planning, monitoring and
evaluating the process of cognition in order to
achieve the goals (Boekaerts 1999). And its
strengthened by (Balcikanli 2011), that there are
three skill categories that have an important role in
regulating student skills related to the learning
process, namely the skills of planning, monitoring
and evaluating.
Zulfiani, ., S. Rosydatun, E., Hasiani, S., Rohmatulloh, G. and Zuqistya, N.
Comparing Metacognitive Skill between Problem-based Learning Combine Question Student Have and Problem-based Learning Combine Learning Journal.
DOI: 10.5220/0009915028922899
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Recent Innovations (ICRI 2018), pages 2892-2899
ISBN: 978-989-758-458-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Based on the observation and interview in high
schools located in South Tangerang, biology
teachers stated that metacognitive skills are new,
assessment for metacognitive skills is still small, and
there is no specific learning model to improve
students' metacognitive skills.
Students begin learning when faced with
problems, at that time the conditions creates
stimulus in student’s metacognitive experience.
Skilled problem solvers reflect the metacognitive
skills used during the problem solving process
(Delvecchio 2011). Thus, we need a problem-
oriented learning model.
Problem-based learning is an effective approach
in teaching high-level thinking processes. Problem-
based teaching is a learning approach where students
work on authentic problems with the intention of
compiling knowledge, developing inquiry, high-
level thinking skills, developing independence and
confidence (Trianto 2009). Problem-based Learning
(PBL) is the leading method among student-centered
methods that provides individuals with developing
their metacognitive skills. In order to do planning, to
provide alternative solutions, to analyze and
synthesize, to present the alternative solutions
provided, and to evaluate the process when a new
problem is faced, a person should be able to use
metacognitive skills successfully (Tosun and
Senocak 2013).
Research from (Danial 2010) and (Arifah 2017)
that Problem-based Learning (PBL) strategy has a
very significant effect on student metacognition
skills. Meanwhile (Yeyendra 2017) and (Fathinah,
Ibnu, and Suharti 2016) research results revealed
that the effect of using Learning Journals (LJ) with
the Problem Based Learning method can increase
the average metacognitive ability of students.
Another fact, in a study by (Kristiani 2015) revealed
that there is a positive relationship between
metacognitive skills and cognitive learning
outcomes of students in the use of scientific learning
in the 2013 biology learning high school curriculum.
Therefore, (Kurnia E and Sulistyo 2015) research
shows that the question strategy has asignificant
influence on learning outcomes; it is in accordance
with research that the Question Student Have (QSH)
strategy has an influence on learning outcomes.
However, information related to the effectiveness
of learning journals and student have questions
integrated with problem solving models of
metacognitive skills is still minimal. Hence, this
paper presents the findings of student’s
metacognitive skills towards the integrated QSH
PBL model and LJ’s integrated PBL model.
.1 Purpose of the Research
This research is a comparational research to
determine which one are better between the class
used PBL integrated with QSH or PBL integrated
with LJ.
2.2 Method Samples
This research was conducted at state senior high
school at Tangerang Selatan in the 2017/2018
academic year for ± 2 months. The sample were
selected by using random sampling technique.
This research used quasi experiment with
nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group (Cohen,
Manion, and Morrison 2005). There are a total of 96
students involved with this research, consisting of 35
male and 61 females with 32 students in the PBL
experiment QSH integrated, 30 students PBL
integrated learning journals and 34 students in
control class. Metacognitive skill instruments are
given before and after treatment in formal classroom
Learning Model Instrument N
SDV Min. Max.
PBL (X1)
Pretest 34 26,69 11,20 3.70 40,47
Posttest 34 50,44 10,24 25.93 70,37
PBL – QSH (X2)
Pretest 32 29,40 15,31 0.00 48,15
Posttest 32 63,54 12,59 37,04 85,19
Pretest 30 24,44 9,41 11,11 40,74
Posttest 30 60,00 15,21 33.33 96,30
Table 1 : Pretest and Posttest Metacognitive Skill.
Comparing Metacognitive Skill between Problem-based Learning Combine Question Student Have and Problem-based Learning Combine
Learning Journal
learning settings to 10
grade high school students in
South Tangerang.
2.3 Instrument
The research instrument is in a form of description
test. The instrument used refers to
the instrument of
metacognitive skills that have been developed by
(Zulfiani et al. 2018) on the development of
metacognitive skill instruments includes cognitive
questions on open ended problem solving forms
accompanied by questions that refer to
metacognitive skills.
The metacognitive test instruments skills are
calibrated in advance through several test stages
such as validity, reliability, differentiation and level
of difficulty. Based on the calibration test results, the
number of instrument questions consisted of 9
metacognitive skill questions and 3 cognitive
description questions with a Cronbach Alpha value
of 0.746 (high category).
The non-test instrument used in this research is
lesson plan, student’s worksheet, learning journal,
and observation checklist.
2.4 Data Analysis
The data analysis used is a prerequisite test and
hypothesis testing with the help of SPSS22.
Prerequisite test uses normality test (Kolmogorov-
Smirnov test) and homogeneity (Levene test).
While testing the hypothesis using Anova test and
Tukey test (parametric) and Kruskal Willis test
3.1 Metacognitive Skil
Table 1 and Figure 1 summarizes the descriptive
statistics of pretest and posttest metacognitive skills
in each group with PBL as the control class. All of
the data were then tested statistically with the
normality test. Based on the results on Table 2 of the
normality test in class X1 (0.092), X2 (0.200), and
X3 (0.200)> 0.05, it can be concluded that when the
class has a value of metacognitive skills that are
normally distributed. Thus the homogeneity test
results obtained 0.152> 0.05. So it is concluded that
the three classes have the same variant of values.
Furthermore, because the data of the three
classes are normally distributed and homogeneous
the hypothesis tests used are parametric tests (Anova
and tukey tests). Table 3 shows the results of the
Anova test to prove the hypothesis whether there are
mean differences between treatments.
Figure 1 : Metacognitive Skill’s Mean based Learning Strategies.
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Table 2: Result of Prerequisite Test.
Learning Model
Prerequisite Test
Normality Test Homogenity Test
PBL (X1) 0.092
PBL – QSH (X2) 0.200
PBL – LJ (X3) 0.200
Normally Distributed
ANOVA test result obtained a probability value
<0.05, so it can be concluded that the average of the
three classes have significant differences in average,
further test are carried out by the Tukey test.
Based on the data on Table 4, it was concluded
that there were two classes that had significant
average differences, namely between the integrated
PBL classes with QSH and PBL, and between the
integrated PBL classes with LJ and PBL. Whereas
the class that does not have a significant difference
is between the integrated PBL class with QSH and
the integrated PBL with LJ. The result below show
that integrated PBL class with QSH will obtain
better metacognitive skill than without QSH. The
QSH strategy is integrated in the PBL model at the
stage of guiding individual investigation in groups.
The QSH technique in this study gives students the
opportunity to ask question directly to the teacher in
writing. The strategy allows students to actively
participate with indirectly maintain their self-
regulatory to ensure the question they ask get
answers. Self-regulatory activities are related to the
metacognitive skill that include planning,
monitoring, and evaluation. Metacognitive refers to
high-level thinking skill that include active control
regarding the relationship of cognitive process in
learning (Livingston 2003).
PBL integration with LJ proved to have a better
effect than PBL alone. According to (Sabilu 2008),
metacognitive skills can be developed one of them
by applying learning journals because learning
journals are a method that can improve the ability
to write and reflect on them. The application of
learning journals to improve metacognitive skills
will be better if done together with a learning
strategy that is able to accommodate the
empowerment of metacognitive skills, one of which
is PBL (Setiawan and Susilo 2015).
By writing learning journals, students attempt to
organize the previously presented information into a
coherent whole and to integrate it into their prior
knowledge. Learning journals were used as strategy
activators to help students activate meta-strategic
knowledge and to apply beneficial cognitive and
metacognitive strategies during learning (Cazan
Tabel 3: Anova Test Result.
Metacognitive Skill
Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F Sig.
Between Groups 3043,888 2 1521,944 9,388 ,000
Within Groups 15076,642 93 162,114
Total 18120,530 95
Comparing Metacognitive Skill between Problem-based Learning Combine Question Student Have and Problem-based Learning Combine
Learning Journal
Table 4: Tukey Test Result.
Dependent Variable: Metacognitive Skills
(I) Learning
(J) Learning
Mean Difference
(I-J) Std. Error Sig.
95% Confidence Interval
*. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level.
3.1.1 Metacognitive Skills: Planning,
Monitoring, and Evaluating
Based on the results of the normality test both
aspects of planning, monitoring and evaluation have
abnormal data results. Or p value <0.05. Then the
statistical test carried out is the nonparamteric test,
the Kruskal Wallis test. Table 4 describes the results
of the Kruskal Wallis test in three aspects of
metacognitive skills. Based on Table 4, test the
hypothesis of the Kruskal Wallis test, p planning
value (p = 0.002); monitoring (p = 0.023),
evaluation (p = 0.010) where p <0.05 which
concluded that there were significant differences in
aspects of planning, monitoring, and evaluating
between the control group and the integrated PBL-
QSH group, and PBL integrated Learning Journal.
According to Flavell, when students are faced
with problems, at that time students begin learning;
these conditions include stimuli in students'
metacognitive experience. Skilled problem solvers
reflect the metacognitive skills used during the
problem solving process (Delvecchio 2011).
(Hmelo, Gotterer, and Bransford 1997) argue
that problem-based learning is a different way of
using knowledge to solve problems, and it is this
‘functioning’ knowledge that involves the
metacognitive processes because problem-based
learning uses real world cases or problems as the
starting point, the processes involved in solving
these problems should lead to the development of
characteristics of metacognition. Problem-based
learning require the successful student to monitor
and direct the process of problem solving, bringing
memory of concepts and processes learned earlier to
bear upon the current problem, and the case is then
reviewed, requires reflection upon declarative,
procedural, and conditional knowledge. Therefore,
problem-based learning should be ideally tailored to
the rapid development of metacognition (Downing
et al. 2009).
(Tas and Sungur 2012) also revealed that PBL
provides students with opportunities for the
development of various skills; students collaborate
with each other to solve the problem, develop
critical thinking skills, learn to apply the knowledge,
and relate it with daily life experience. Students are
expected to apply the knowledge and demonstrate
metacognitive skills such as monitoring their own
Table 5: Kruskal Wallis Test Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Aspects Results.
Planning Monitoring Evaluating
Chi-Square 12,689 7,527 9,141
Df 2 2 2
Asymp. Sig. ,002 ,023 ,010
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
There are significant differences in metacognitive
skills between PBL and QSH integrated PBL as well
as between PBL and PBL integrated learning
journals. But there is no significant difference
between PBL-QSH and PBL-LJ. The three aspects
of metacognitive skills, planning, monitoring and
evaluation have significant differences between all
treatments. This shows that the differences in
interventions in each treatment affect all aspects of
their metacognitive skills.
The 2013 Curriculum Recommendation
recommends the PBL Model in Biology learning
that allows students to be actively involved in
learning and responsible for the learning process and
its metacognitive skills. Teachers can try to apply
the integrated PBL Model of integrated QSH and
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of Research in Educational Psychology 9(25): 1309–
Boekaerts, Monique. 1999. “Self-Regulated Learning:
Where We Are Today.” International Journal of
Educational Research 31: 445–57.
Cazan, Ana-Maria. 2012. “Enhancing Self Regulated
Learning by Learning Journals.” Social and
Behavioral Science 33: 413–17.
Cohen, Louis, Lawrence Manion, and Keith Morrison.
2005. Research Methods in Education 5th Edition.
New York: Taylor & Francis e-Library.
Danial, Muhammad. 2010. “Pengaruh Strategi PBL
Terhadap Keterampilan Metakognisi Dan Respon
Mahasiswa (The Effects of PBL Strategy to Students
Metacognition Skill and Respon).” Jurnal Chemica
11(2): 1–10.
Delvecchio, Francine. 2011. “Students’ Use of
Metacognitive Skills While Problem Solving in High
School Chemistry.”
Downing, Kevin et al. 2009. “Problem-Based Learning
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Education 57: 609–21.
Fathinah, Nurul, Suhadi Ibnu, and Suharti. 2016.
“Pengaruh Pembelajaran Berbasis Pemecahan Masalah
Berbantuan Jurnal Belajar Terhadap Kemampuan
Metakognitif.” Jurnal Pijar MIPA 11(1): 1–6.
Hmelo, Cindy E., Gerald S. Gotterer, and John D.
Bransford. 1997. “A Theory-Driven Approach to
Assessing The Cognitive Effects of PBL.”
Instructional Science 25: 387–408.
Hogan, Michael J, Christopher Dwyer, Owen Harney, and
Chris Noone. 2015. “Metacognitive Skill
Development and Applied Systems Science: A
Framework of Metacognitive Skills, Self-Regulatory
Functions and Real-World Applications.” In
Intelligent Systems Reference Library, , 1–35.
Kristiani, Ninik. 2015. “Hubungan Keterampilan
Metakognitif Dan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Pada
Pembelajaran Saintifik Dalam Mata Pelajaran Biologi
SMA Kurikulum 2013 (The Correlation Between
Metakognitive Skill and Cognitive Learning Result of
Students in Scientific Learnings .” In Seminar
Nasional XII Pendidikan Biologi FKIP UNS 2015, ,
Kurnia E, Rinaldi, and Edy Sulistyo. 2015. “Pengaruh
Strategi Belajar Question Student Have (Pertanyaan
Dati Siswa) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Pada
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Lai, Emily R. 2011. Motivation: A Literature Review.
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Sabilu. 2008. “Pengaruh Penggunaan Jurnal Belajar
Dalam Pembelajaran Multistrategi Terhadap
Kemampuan Kognitif Dan Metakognitif Siswa SMA
Negeri 9 Malang.”
Setiawan, Deny, and Herawati Susilo. 2015. “Peningkatan
Keterampilan Metakognitif Mahasiswa Program Studi
Biologi Melalui Penerapan Jurnal Belajar Dengan
Strategi Jigsaw Dipadu PBL Berbasis Lesson Study
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Metacognitive Skill Improvement through Writing.”
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Tas, Yasemin, and Semra Sungur. 2012. “The Effect of
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Tosun, Cemal, and Erdal Senocak. 2013. “The Effects of
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Learning Journal
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Example of Metacognitive Skill Inventory
Content and
Article for Question Number 1.1 - 1.3
of Fungi
Identifiy general
of Fungi
Read the article below carefully!
Is it dangerous to eat moldy bread?
When you see fungi/mushrooms on bread, you actually only see the tip of the iceberg.
Do not ever eat the bread just by removing the moldy little parts. It can be said that
fungi/mushrooms have long threads like roots embedded in food and "you may not know
how far (fungus) has been removed," said Marianne H. Gravely, an educator from the
Department of Agricultural Food Safety (USDA) and United States Supervision
The USDA recommends removing bread and other baked food when moldy, because
microscopic fungi can cause allergic reactions and respiratory problems in some people.
Some fungi, under certain conditions, can produce harmful substances called
mycotoxins. The worst impact of this substance is aflatoxin, which can cause liver cancer
and is found mainly in nuts and corn when harvesting and storing in the granary. But,
consumers in the US can be relieved because the fungus is monitored by government
agencies. Quoted from the New York Times, Sunday (1/11/2015) afternoon, Gravely
said again that if you want to maintain some bread, Gravely recommends cutting most of
the area surrounding the fungus with a healthy margin to ensure you remove all parts of
the fungi/mushrooms. However, check all parts of the bread carefully because there may
be more invisible fungi. Fungi/mushrooms are an indication that bread may have been
stored too long and passed from the consumption limit. Moldy foods may also have
bacteria that are not visible to the naked eye.
USDA generally recommends removing most moldy foods, except for foods that are
intentionally fermented, for example salami and cheese. But if the fungus appears later,
not from the food ingredients, it should be discarded. Never sniff out the fungus you see
in food, because it can cause breathing problems if the mold spores are inhaled. Wrap
moldy food in a plastic bag before throwing it away, then throw it in the trash bin that
has a lid. Clean the area where the food is stored and check other food nearby to see if
they have been contaminated. The reason is, the fungus can spread easily through the air
or contact with contaminated food.
Source :
Problem : “According to you, what is the specific characteristic(s) between eatable
mushroom and poisonous moshrooms?
Content and
Metacognitive Skill’s
Type of
Number Of
of Fungi
step(s)/method(s) to
solving a problem/task
Essay 1.1
Write down the
step(s)/method(s) to solving
a problem above!
Analyzing the important
informations within
Essay 1.2
What information you
needs to solve that
ICRI 2018 - International Conference Recent Innovation
Content and
Article for Question Number 1.1 - 1.3
solving a problem/task
Assessing goals
Essay 1.3
According to you, is your
answering question number
1.2 appropriate? Give your
Comparing Metacognitive Skill between Problem-based Learning Combine Question Student Have and Problem-based Learning Combine
Learning Journal