An Improved Ad Hoc Approach based on Active Help Method to
Detect Data Flow Anomalies in a Loop of Business Process Modeling
N. Chadli, M. I. Kabbaj
and Z. Bakkoury
Mohammed V University, Avenue des Nations Unies, Rabat, Morocco
Mohammadia Engineering School, Avenue Ibn Sina, Rabat, Morocco
Keywords: Data Flow modeling, Active Help, Loop Modeling, Verification, Validation.
Abstract: The data flow in business process modeling is created and distributed by the exchange of data moving from a
task to another in information systems. Among open issues in workflow modeling is the detection of errors
for data flow and control flow correctness. Recently researchers have focused on detecting errors by applying
an active help with a concept of Data-Record. However, this method does not support a loop modeling yet.
The goal of this paper is to apply an active help with a Data-Record concept in order to detect data flow
anomalies in loop modeling. We propose to improve the active help approach by some suitable Rules for loop
modeling. In this context, a decision node, using a data connection as an input data, replaces the connector
Xor-split. The input data of the decision node is returned to the last activity by a feedback when the error
message is found. The proposed approach is validated using a deterministic finite state process model which
uses a logic Boolean predicate (Yes or No) to specify the routing of an input data. Moreover, anomalies such
as Missing Data, Conflicting Data and redundant Data are used. The verification is triggered when an anomaly
is detected, where the system is locked until a correction is performed. The results show that Missing Data
anomalies are efficiently handled by the proposed approach.
Currently, many business functions such as
purchasing, manufacturing, marketing, engineering,
and accounting have been automated by most
organizations, (A Basu, RW Blanning, 2000). To use
these functions, the data exchange in an information
system is necessary for each task to the next in the
business process management. In this sense, each task
requires input and output data. Specic collection of
tasks, resources and information elements make up a
workow system as in (A Basu, RW Blanning, 2000).
Indeed, the business process activities are realized
throughout tasks in the information systems. Also,
business process activities can be achieved by
information systems without any human involvement
(TH Davenport - 1993 – books). In fact, in the
business process management, it is necessary to use a
workflow system in order to interplay between data
flow created by a data exchange of information
systems and the control flow in a workflow.
Consequently, data flow is important for business
process integration because data is always classified
when conducting inter-organizational business and
data errors could still happen even given syntactically
correct activity dependence. However, the focuses of
control perspective and data perspective to describing
the logical order of tasks and the information
exchange between tasks on verification is for most of
the techniques, i.e., on the discovery of design errors.
Certainly, the ow-oriented nature of workow
processes styles the Petri net formalism is a natural
contender for the modeling and analysis of workows
(LIU Cong, Q ZENG, D Hua ,2014). In the time of
processing, there are many issues found when a
continuous passage the data flow of a process models
from an activity to the next. Many solutions have
been proposed by researchers to resolve the data flow
anomalies, as each activity needs operational
information to define the state of data, that is Read,
Write or Destroy. Therefore, this operation can
specify the state of data in the activity to another that
can cause missing data, conflicting data and
redundant data (SX Sun, JL Zhao, JF
Nunamaker,2006). An approach ad hoc uses active
help (MI Kabbaj, A Bétari, Z Bakkoury, A Rharbi,
2015) is proposed in a linear model and Xor-split with
two branches. This approach helps as to verify in each
Chadli, N., Kabbaj, M. and Bakkoury, Z.
An Improved Ad Hoc Approach based on Active Help Method to Detect Data Flow Anomalies in a Loop of Business Process Modeling.
DOI: 10.5220/0009775402840290
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies (ICCSRE 2018), pages 284-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-431-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
time the task and corrected the errors in the same time
used a locked system and a concept DataRecord (MI
Kabbaj, A Bétari, Z Bakkoury, A Rharbi, 2015).
Moreover, they didn't use the loop when the system
ad hoc had a problem in a send message in a linear
model or model with Xor branches. In this way, the
same approach is used when adding a loop modeling
in the linear model with an Xor split in order to detect
the data flow modeling anomalies. Indeed, the Xor -
split is used to feedback an existing message errors at
a proceeding of modeling, this message errors
returned to the source activity where is created it up
to proceed of correction. Therefore, employ active
help (MI Kabbaj, A Bétari, Z Bakkoury, A Rharbi,
2015), and the rules for verification in the model, that
is triggered when some issue in the time of modeling
has occurred. However, the loop couldn’t assimilate
this approach to detect the anomalies not because the
active help is insufficient but because the rules of this
approach could only create and update. Subsequently,
it's proposed to enrich this approach with some
enhancements in rules and model in order for the
approach to be adapted by the loop. A decision node
is proposed like a connector that has a data connection
at the input data. In this case, it requires a Boolean
predicate (Yes=true, No=false) in a finite-state
automaton determinist, so we used the guarding (i.e.
blocking) tasks solely on the DataState (N Trcka, W
van der Aalst, N Sidorova,2008). In this context, we
implemented DataState to verify the last record state
of the dataset for each input and output in the activity.
In this manner, this data connection is a decision
variable that is a routing decision can be made based
on a set of data items inputted to the decision node.
Each of such data items involved in a routing decision
is called a decision variable (SX Sun, JL Zhao, JF
Nunamaker,2006). Also, this decision variable is
allowed to change the state of DataState that can be
initialized in each iteration of connection. Moreover,
there isn't the problem in the first iteration however
when the iteration is high requires an initialization of
the DataState.
The remaining of the paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 presents some approach and
concepts used in this paper. Section 3 shows that the
loop modeling cannot integrate assimilate the
approach with active help. In Section 4 presents the
new visualization of the approach. Section 5
concludes the paper and discusses the perspective.
Modeling in the business process has become very
important in recent years, with data-flow modelling
and verification being the two important challenges in
workflow system management. It had many works
stakeholders in this problem of anomalies of data-
flow and control flow in the workflow. Recently, data
flow formalization in process modeling has been
investigated by many researchers. In most
organisation, it is particularly important that the
responsible of key processes feel their interests are
represented during the latter phase. To achieve this,
the main stakeholders such as the heads of key
functions intersected by the process, the managers
with operational responsibility for the process,
suppliers of important change resources (e.g., the IT,
human resource, and financial functions), and process
customers and suppliers, both internal and external
should participate in the team during the design
phase. (TH Davenport - 1993 – books). In graph-
based approaches to business process modelling, data
dependencies are represented by data flow between
activities. Each process activity is given a set of input
and a set of output parameters. Upon its start, an
activity reads its input parameters, and upon its
termination, it writes data it generated to its output
parameters. These parameters can be used by follow
up activities in the business process (M Weske p.100
,2012). The importance of data-ow verication in
workow processes was rst mentioned in (S Sadiq,
M Orlo, W Sadiq, C Foulger, 2004). The information
perspective defines what data are expended and
produced with reverence to each activity in a business
process. Thus, the operational perspective requires
what tools and applications are used to execute a
particular task (SX S, JL Z, JF N, 2006). Many
approaches have been proposed for for data-ow
verication, these approaches enable systematic and
automatic elimination of data-ow errors as in (SX S,
JL Z, JF N, 2006). An approach of ad hoc that treated
the anomalies of data-flow for each activity by an
active help using a conception of dataRecord which
stored data with their state read, write and destroy
presented in (MI K, A B, Z Ba, A R ,2015). Indeed,
data flow perspective approach formally discovers
the correctness criteria for data-ow modeling. Petri
Net based approach is proposed for modeling the
control flow of workflow. We extended this model by
including the input and output of data flow and added
a complexity of algorithm for detecting the anomalies
of data flow as in (LIU C, Q Z, D H ,2014). Our
approach extends and generalizes data flow
verification methods that have been recently
An Improved Ad Hoc Approach based on Active Help Method to Detect Data Flow Anomalies in a Loop of Business Process Modeling
proposed. It also makes use of the concept of
corresponding pairs lately introduced in control flow
verification. It has, therefore, the potential to be
developed into a unified algorithmic procedure for the
concurrent detection of control flow and data flow
errors. The aim of this paper is to present an algorithm
called GTforDF, for data flow verification through
the detection of lost data. The paper also will explain
through practical examples how GTforDF detects
data flow errors in workflows and define an important
new error category called redundant data in loops that
can lead to data loss in some situations (HS Meda, AK
Sen, A Bagchi, 2007). The approach focuses on the
discovery of data flow errors in workflows such as
Redundant Data, Lost Data, Missing Data,
Mismatched Data, Inconsistent Data, and Misdirected
Data. To achieve this, we an analysis which uses
“The RWD Boolean Table Technique” that is
expressed in steps, to split data-flow from control
flow and to create Boolean table for each data
elements, and also to compare RWD Boolean table
for current task and next task until it gets to the end
of workflow as in (AE Rgibi, SZ Yao, JJ Xu,2012) .
A three-layer workflow model for designing a
workflow was proposed in (FJ Wang, CL Hsu, HJ
Hsu ,2006). They characterized the behavior of an
artifact by its state transition diagram and identified
six inaccurate usages affecting workflow execution
and a set of algorithms a set of algorithms to detect
these inaccurate usages in workflow specification is
presented (FJ Wang, CL Hsu, HJ Hsu ,2006). An
approach in data flow issues proceedings for mapping
BPMN to Petri-Net to provide a systematic technique
of possible flows related to the data flow of business
process Data flow issues and BPMN mapping to Petri
Net: Road map as (AES Rgibi,2015). In a nutshell,
the objective of this paper is merging the Decision
Node with an input data and a logic Boolean by the
guard to find a new solution to solve the problems of
data flow anomalies in the business process with a
loop modeling in a linear model and Xor split.
In the case where an ad hoc method is applied in
a simple linear model with a loop, the system is
triggered when an error message of transmission is
produced. So, a feedback is structured to return error
to correct it. Otherwise, the modeler continues to
execute the next task as in figure 1. So, the feedback
requires the verification to detect data flow anomalies
in each system workflow instance. Consequently, the
output data became an input data in an information
exchange system of data flow. Indeed, at the moment
of the error message is returned, the approach is
triggered, and the verification is required to detect the
anomalies in each system workflow instance. As a
result, in the feedback and in each activity the output
data becomes an input data in an information
exchange system. Additionally, in a workflow, each
activity performs a comparison operation on a data
element. Thus, data operations are spontaneous, when
an activity A is reading data, the item d is an input
data. The same, when an activity A carry out a writing
operation on d, d is the output data from A as in (SX
Sun, JL Zhao, JF Nunamaker,2006). Furthermore, it
is proposed to verify some anomalies such as Missing
data, conflicting data, redundant data for loop
modeling applying the approach rules (MI Kabbaj, A
Bétari, Z Bakkoury, A Rharbi, 2015).
Figure 1: Description of linear model and loop modeling.
3.1 Description of Symbols Used in the
Model Looping
The tables 1, 2 and 3 define and describe the
symbols and operations used in the model in figure 1.
Table 1: Description of Data item.
Data item Description
m Message1(email)
m’ Message2(email)
d destination
e error
a Accuse
ICCSRE 2018 - International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies
Table 2: Description of activities.
Activities Description
A1 Write email
A2 Corrected email
A3 Send email
N1 Decision Node
Table 3: Description of Operation.
Operation Description
R Read
W Write
D Destroy
I Input
o Output
3.2 Verification the Model with a Loop
We apply the Rule 1 of approach (MI Kabbaj, A
Bétari, Z Bakkoury, A Rharbi, 2015) in the example
below in figure 2. Rule 1:
“For an activity, a given data d with the state
(x,y,z), if d is inserted for the first time in the
DataRecord and x 0 we have an error ==>
uninitialized data (missing data).”
The conclusion is that data item d is detected as
missing data in activity A2 in figure 2 & table 4
Figure 2: Data Flow modeling in linear model.
Table 4: Simple state without iteration.
Data State
(0, W
(0, W
The modeler chooses two solutions to correct the
anomalies of missing data, either not to read the data
item d in activity A2 (to destroy) or write data d in the
activity A2. Then, data d is not read in activity A2. In
this instance, before the first iteration, an error e has
occurred at processing in the activity A2.
Consequently, after drawing the model and using a
connector Xor-split to have the conditions for the
error e to occur. This model is considered as a finite
state determinist model with Xor-split as a node.
Indeed, if the error e is written in activity A2, the
feedback loop returns the message for correction,
otherwise, the process continues modeling. In fact, it
is required to verify the anomalies at modeling to
detect missing data in the two cases applying this
approach (MI Kabbaj, A Bétari, Z Bakkoury, A
Rharbi, 2015). Applying the Rule 1:
if e it is noteworthy that the DataState
(DataRecord) contains the latest data set, and
activities as in table 5. At the verification, the loop
cannot analyse the anomalies of data flow existed in
processing, so no missing data is detected.
Table 5: The first iteration.
Data State
, W
(0, W
(0, W
Otherwise, if e=, the system continues with the
modeling, and applies the Rules 4 and the process
verification continues as in table 6, and the
redundant data a is detected.
Table 6: The new dictionary with iteration.
Data State
, W
, W
(0, W
, 0)
(0, W
We conclude, that for loop modeling with a connector
Xor-split, even if they are based on data this will not
change anything in this approach (MI Kabbaj, A
Bétari, Z Bakkoury, A Rharbi, 2015), as the Rules are
not practicable. Therefore, it’s proposed to enrich this
approach (MI Kabbaj, A Bétari, Z Bakkoury, A
Rharbi, 2015) to take into consideration the loop
when the error in the message has occurred.
4.1 Description and Definition
Dataflow is often defined using a model or diagram
in which the entire process of data movement is
An Improved Ad Hoc Approach based on Active Help Method to Detect Data Flow Anomalies in a Loop of Business Process Modeling
mapped as it passes from one component to the next
within a program or a system, taking into
consideration how it changes form during the process.
Thus, data item of data flow has two roles; one is data
link which is connects an activity to another by an
input data and an output data. The two roles are to
transmit the information from one task to another. In
our situation data has the two roles and this data is
extended by read and write/update and destroy.
Consequently, when data transmit information there
are many errors to be tackled such asMissing data,
conflicting data and redundant data.
4.1.2 Decision Nodes
The decisions node is a conditional construct which
can also be modeled with a conditional node using a
logic Boolean predicates with a function guard that
can allow us to model decision points in which the
choice is made based on some data elements. When
the model uses decision nodes, usually their edges
have guards that are Boolean logic value specification
evaluated at runtime to discover if control and data
can be evaluated along the edge. Additionally, for
each individual control and data token evaluated by
the guards at the decision node to get precisely the
edge that the token will be extended across. we can
say that a decision nodes are Task nodes that
represent atomic manual automated activities or
subprocess that must be completed to fulfil the below
business process objectives (SX S, JL Zhao, JF
4.2 The New Approach
The approach based on method ad hoc applying an
active help attended with the concept DataRecord for
verification would be improved in order to be
compatible with the loop. Consequently, it is
suggested to enrich this method in order to be able to
apply Rules on a loop. Additionally, an Xor-split is
used by the model as a connector to feedback the
exchange data flow when the error message has
occurred. Indeed, it is proposed to use the Xor-split as
a decision node with a data connector at an input data
I(d). Moreover, this data connection is a routing
decision which can be made based on a set of data
items inputted to the decision node for a function to
return the data when the feedback with a read
operation in the activity A2 in which the error
message occurred. But this proposition needs the
concept DataRecord that it changed by a DataState
which is to be initialized for each iteration and carry
the latest activity and state of a dataset. The
verification of detection data flow anomaly is the
same, we keep an active help in an ad hoc approach.
Indeed, each activity has an input data I(d) formalized
as (RA,0,0), d is read in the activity A, and an output.
O(d’) in activity A' as (0,wa',0) d' is writen in activity
A', e.g. if I(d) is accessed by activity A that produces
an output data O(d’) by activity A'. Otherwise, an
input I(d) has to be processed for the next task and
data will not updated. Thus, an input data I(d) is read
in the decision node and data d is chosen to be read in
the activity A2 in figure 3. In order to solve the above
problem in the precedent section, the Decision Node
N1 that is considered as an activity required by adding
an input data I(d) as a decision variable. Additionally,
a Boolean logic predicate (Yes, No) with a guard to
specify the routing of a Decision Node N1 that (Yes
=true & No=false) is added.
4.2.1 The Solution with a Decision Node
We began drawing the model for each task at the
moment of modeling applying the proposed
improvement of the approach. Therefore, if the error
e exists (e) the guard is "No", in this instance, the
system must be on feedback loop and read data d
(destination) in the activity A2 which has been I(d) in
the activity N1 that it couldn't be writen or updated in
A2. Otherwise, (e=) the guard is Yes, and no change
in the next activity A3 the model continues
processing. Consequently, the loops and Xor can only
read the data; it can't delete nor create nor update data.
In this case, the given data flow anomaly is only
missing data. In this case, the missing data rule would
be ameliorated, and the concept DataState manages
the state of each data in the activities which have been
reinitialised in each iteration, as in figure 3.
Figure 3: The conditional Node decision.
ICCSRE 2018 - International Conference of Computer Science and Renewable Energies
4.2.2 Rule Missing Data
For each iteration, DataState is initialized to record
the new stored data set and activity and the
decision node N1 has a guard No, the data d
is in read in activity A2, involving the
missing data.
if & , then d is read in the
next activity; therefore, involving missing data.
4.2.3 Rule of Message Error
When an error e is created in a task, an output O(e)
occurs, then the process cannot continue their task
until the next activity due to the error e.
Consequently, the loop starts, and if the guard is false
(No), the system is loaded to correct the error at the
next activity A2 (corrected email) in time of looping
by destroying it.
4.2.4 Interpretation
We suppose that the error e is corrected when the
system returns to activity A2 by applying Rule 2, and
the error e is destroyed. At the same time when the
preceding task is connected to node N1 by an input
data d, the system has a choice to return the message
by No to correct the error, that involve data d in
reading in activity A2. Applying Rule 1, the system
has detected an anomaly d in A2 missing data, after
verification and locking the system, the modeler
chooses to correct the anomaly with write data d in
activity A2 as in DataState in table 7.
Table 7: The new DataState with loop and Decision Node.
Data State Iteration
m (R
, W
,0) 1
m’ (0, W
,0) 1
e (0, W
, D
) 1
d (0, W
,0) 1
The decision Node has a connector input data I(d)
which is not depended on the number of iterations.
Consequently, our approach with a (rules 1 & rules 2)
are valid for n iteration:
when 1,  0 n iteration as in table 8.
Table 8: The DataState for n iteration.
Data State Iteration
m (R
, W
,0) n
m’ (0, W
,0) n
e (0, W
, D
) n
d (0, W
,0) n
4.3 Future Work
In the future, we will try to find a solution for the
other anomalies i.e conflicting data, redundant data
and to verify this method with a model checking to
verify of each instant the model by an active help at
the moment the anomalies are detected, a
computation tree logic CTL* in a temporal logic used
subset LTL is to be investigated, and to find an
example on which we can validate the model . (N Tr,
W van der Aal, N Si, 2008; EM C, O Gr, D P - 1999;
EA E JY Halper,1986).
The main focus of this paper is to use ad hoc approach
and active help and a concept of DataRecord to verify
data flow anomaly issues in loop modeling. In this
case, we ameliorate existing rules by adding a
decision node to make the grade by Yes or No. Also,
we reinitialize DataState in each iteration. As such we
have detected some anomalies of missing data, but we
could not detect the others anomalies i.e. conflicting
data and redundant data, because in the loop we can
only read but not create, or modify. Consequently, we
must ameliorate this approach in future work to detect
more anomalies of data flow modeling in the business
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