The Application of Good University Governance to Intellectual
Capital on University Medan Area
Linda Lores
, Mas'ut
, Iskandar Muda
and Syafruddin Ginting
Student Postgraduate, Faculty Economic and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia
Lecture Faculty Economic and Business, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan Indonesia
Keywords: Good University Governance, Human Capital, Structure of Capital, Relational capital, Performance of
Abstract: The purpose of the study is to find out the effect of the application of the principle of Good University
Governance to the realization of Intellectual Capital (IC) and its impact on the performance of institutions in
the Universitas Medan area environment. The method used is explanatory research. This research sample is
a permanent lecturer and kopertis lecturer who is on duty and an employee at UMA, Samples are drawn by
purposive method. Research data includes primary data and secondary data. The data in this study was
obtained by distributing questionnaires. The method of data analysis using SPSS From the distribution of
100 questionnaires that can be analysed as many as 75 questionnaires so that the response rate in this study
is 75 %. In results show that the implementation of University Governance has a significant and significant
effect on Human Capital and Relationship Capital. In application of University Governance has no effect on
the Capital Structure and University Governance has an impact on the performance of institutions in each
field in the Universitas Medan area.
Intellectual capital is an important thing that must be
managed by Higher Education, moreover
Knowledge and Expertise as outputs and inputs at a
university. The main output of PT is knowledge, and
must be transferred in the results of research,
publications, students, and for the benefit of the
users. The intellectual capital approach is very
important at universities, mainly due to the fact that
“knowledge” is the main output and input for the
University (Ramirez,Corcoles Y, 2013). According
to (Elena, S, 2004)Management of intellectual
capital is important at the university mainly due to
the fact that the university's main goal is the
production and dissemination of their knowledge
and investments that are more important in research
and human resources. Knowledge that must be
transferred is the duty of the Higher Education so
that educational goals can be achieved and
competition between universities can be avoided by
making the right competitive strategy in the
management of Higher Education. This is a difficult
task for the university or PT in the creation of
intellectual capital owned. Good management
creates good results. One mechanism of higher
education in dealing with such competition is by
displaying excellence and resources possessed
(Constantine, 2005).
Colleges here in after abbreviated as PTS is a
university that was founded and / or held by the
public (UU, 2012) to implement the Higher
Education based mandate given academic
Government Delegation e d an arbitrary Resource
provided by the Foundation. In the implementation
of quality education and Accountable management
necessary governance arrangements (Governance)
PTS good fit with the purpose of higher education.
The term governance refers to the decision-making
process in an institution where the institution
develops policies and objectives to achieve them and
monitors the achievement of organizational goals
Lores, L., Mas’ut, ., Muda, I. and Ginting, S.
The Application of Good University Governance to Intellectual Capital on University Medan Area.
DOI: 10.5220/0009510012021207
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 1202-1207
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Carnegig D,Garry Jacquiline Tuck, 2010) states that
governance is an organizational arrangement in
allocating and regulating organizational resources.
Good University Governance (GUG) reflects the
success of the university that produces qualified
graduates who are ready to compete in the world of
work. D requires high work and discipline in
educating, as well as teaching cultural values, ethics,
community relations and quality educators.
Based on the above problems, the authors are
interested in nailing research at the University
Medan Area to see how the implementation of good
governance is carried out by the Field University
Medan Area with several strategies and policies that
can create University goals. This research focuses on
the application of good university governance to
create Intellectual capital at the University Medan
Area. Research purposes
1. To find out the application of Good University
Governance has an effect on Human Capital
2. To find out the Good University Governance
has an effect on the Capital Structure
3. To know Good University Governance is
influential towards Relational Capital
4. How is the Impact of good University
Governance Implementation on University
2.1 Intellectual Capital
Intellectual capital is the knowledge, experience, and
capabilities of employees, as well as sources of
knowledge stored in databases, systems, work flows,
cultures, and management philosophies within the
organization. In (European Commission, 2006)
Intellectual capital (IC) The combination of
intangible resources and activities “allows
organizations to transform a bundle of material,
financial and human resources in a system capable
of creating stakeholder value” Intellectual capital
has a significant interest in gaining competitive
advantage and for an organization's capacity to
create value (Stewart, T.A., 1997) (Sudarsanam S
Sorwar, G, Marr,B, 2005) Sudarsanam et al., 2003)
(Sudarsanam S Sorwar, G, Marr,B, 2005).
The university's strategic objectives are defined
for each component of intellectual capital such as
human, structural and relational components
(Babayi,NF:Bohloli,z and Rahili,GH.R, 2012).
(Leitner K, H, 2002) has developed a model of
academic intellectual capital valuation based on a
systematic approach that relates to the three main
components of intellectual capital.
2.2 Human Capital
Human Capital consists of knowledge, skills and
abilities of employees. Forms of Human Capital
combine the capabilities of Employees in
organizations that help organizations solve business
problems. Human capital is internal capital among
individuals and organizations are unable to take over
and own them. Intellectual capital is described for
universities and higher education institutions. The
university's strategic objectives are defined for each
component of intellectual capital such as human,
structural and relational components
(Babayi,NF:Bohloli,z and Rahili,GH.R, 2012).
2.3 Capital Structure
Structural capital can be of any kind that exists in
organizations and supports employees (human
capital) in their work. Structural capital is under the
organization ownership, even when employees leave
the organization, it exists there (Lopez,D.C, 2008).
Structural Capital relates to the ability of the
organization to fulfil the organization's routine
processes and structures that support employees'
efforts to produce optimal intellectual performance
and overall business performance, for example: the
company's operational systems, manufacturing
processes, organizational culture, management
philosophy and all forms of intellectual property
owned by the organization.
2.4 Relational Capital
Relational Capital is a market relationship, power
relations and cooperation between companies,
educational institutions and people, which comes
from a strong sense of belonging and cooperative
capacity to progress. There are studies that apply
quantitative, empirical, and econometric techniques
in an effort to verify the existence of relational
capital and the importance of innovation activities in
companies or organizations. Development of one
goal requires cooperation with other parties that are
mutually beneficial. Relational capital is more
appropriately linked to the world of education
compared to customer capital. Relationships in the
world of education are not simply termed customer
2.5 Principles of Good Corporate Governance
According to Artikel 3 of (regulation of the minister
of state Per-1/MBU/2011, 2011):
The Application of Good University Governance to Intellectual Capital on University Medan Area
1. Transparency (transparency), namely openness
in carrying out the decision-making process and
openness in disclosing material and relevant
information about the company;
2. Accountability, namely clarity of function,
implementation and Organ accountability so
that company management is carried out
3. Responsibility, which is the suitability in the
management of the company towards sound
laws and regulations and corporate principles;
4. Independence (independence), which is a
condition in which the company is managed
professionally without conflict of interest and
influence / pressure from any party that is not in
accordance with the laws and regulations and
healthy corporate principles;
5. Fairness, namely justice and equality in
fulfilling the rights of Stakeholders
(stakeholders) arising based on agreements and
laws and regulations.
University Governance is in the form of
behaviour, methods or methods used by an
institution universities to utilize all the potential and
elements that are owned optimally (Ministry of
Education, 2004).
This type of research is explanatory research with a
survey method, the population in this study were all
Permanent Lecturer lecturers, Non-Permanent
Special Lecturer foundations and Lecturer Kopertis
University Medan area andand permanent
employees who are directly related to academics.
And the sampling method is purpose sampling The
type of research data is quantitative data, data
sources are primary data and secondary data.
Primary data is done by distributing questionnaires
to respondents in this study. Secondary data,
lecturers and permanent employees and the data on
the activities undertaken to realize the impact
capital as well as the form of management IC.
questionnaire filled out using the Likest scale 1 to 5.
Independent variable, we can view University
Governance as the application of the basic principles
of the concept of Good Governance in
governance systems and processes in higher
education institutions, through various adjustments
made based on other values that must be upheld in
the implementation of higher education in particular
and education in general. Principles of University
Governance that are measured include: Principles of
Transparent Personality, Principles of
Accountability, Principles of Responsibility,
Principles of Independence, Fairness Principles
Dependent variable is Human capital, indicators of
human capital is learning and education, experience
and expertise, innovation and creativity, Structure
Capital Indicator of structure capital is a system and
program, research and development, patent and
Relational capital is indicators of relational capital
are partnership strategies, licensing and cooperation
agreements, student relations, alumni and graduate
users, customer knowledge. Data Analysis uses
SPSS as an analytical tool.
4.1 Research Respondents
The questionnaires were sent as many as 100
questionnaires where the respondents in this study
were all permanent lecturers of the Permanent
Lecturer foundation, Non-Permanent Special
Lecturer and DPk lecturers as well as employees
who served in the University Medan area with a
work period of more than 1 year. The questionnaires
that were worth the results of the analysis were 75
questionnaires where the on-rate responder in this
study was 75 %. Respondents who participated in
this study were respondents who participated in this
study age; 40 years 40%, aged 31-40 years 37%,and
<30 years old 23% and years of service; 5 years (52
%), 2 to 3 years 30% and less than 2 years 18%, and
employee education S1(100%), for educated lecture
S2 97%, S3 3%.
Data Testing
Instrument Test, the testing of the research
instrument was conducted with conclusions, the
questions in the University Governance indicator
were 18 questions, after being tested the questions
that did not meet the requirements were issued,
namely X1.5, X1.2, X1.3, so the number of
questions became 15 questions. For variable Y1, the
number of questions is 13 questions, which do not
meet the requirements of Y1.3, Y1.7, Y1.12 Y1.13,
so the number of questions becomes 9 questions. For
variable Y2, the question items requirements are 11,
which do not meet the requirements of Y2.3 into 10
questions. The variable Y3 question 10 and those
that do not meet the requirements are Y3.5 so that
they become 9 items that are worth using. After
being tested again the questions in the indicator as a
whole are valid.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Classic Assumption Test
In the Normality Test shows the data tested normal
distribution is shown in the Kolmogorov-Smirnov
Test column for good governance governance
(log_x) with a significance value of 0.473> 0.05,
Intellectual capital (log_y) with a significant value
of 0.438> 0.05.
4.2 HypothesisTesting
Coefficient of determination
Table 1: Determinan Coefisien HC
Model Summary
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std.Error of the
1 .328
.108 .95 3.00095
a.Predictors: (Constant), X
Based on the table above, it can be seen that 32.8%
of the relationship between GUG and Human capital
, and GUG affecting Human Capital is 10.8% and
the effect is influenced by other variables not
discussed here.
Table 2: Determinan Coefisien SC
Model Summary
Model R R Square
R Square
Std.Error of the
1 .061
.004 -.010 3.44307
a.Predictors: (Constant), X
b.Dependent Variable: Y2
Based on the table above, it is 6.1% between GUG
and capital structure. GUG affects 0.04% capital
structure which means very little, and the rest is
influenced by other variables not included in this
Table 3: Determinan coefisien RC
Model Summary
Model R R Square
Adjusted R
Std.Error of the
1 .343
.117 .105 3.00849
a.Predictors: (Constant), X
b.Dependent Variable: Y3
Based on the table above it is 34.3 %% of an GUG
relationship with relation capital . GUG affects the
relation capital of 11.7% and the rest is influenced
by other variables not included in this study.
Hypothesis 1 University Governance influences
Human Capital
Table 4: Coefficients HC
Sig.B Std.Erro
1 (Constant)
37,047 6,510
5,690 .000
X .249 .084 .328 2,967 .004
Variable: Y1
Based on table 4. The test results show the level of
sig produced 0.004 <0.05 thus the hypothesis is
accepted and University Governance has a positive
effect on human capital. This indicates that
University Governance has a positive effect or role
in the formation of human capital consisting of
learning and education, experience and expertise and
innovation and the creativity of lecturers at
University Medan Area. The better the
implementation of the University Governance
principles, the better quality human capital will be
created. The better implementation of the university
governance principle will create creativity and
employee innovation, and also encourage more
active leadership to carry out education and training
for employees and lecturers in the University Medan
Area environment.
Hypothesis 2 University Governance has an effect
on Stucture Capital
Table 5: Coefficients SC
1 (Constant)
46,949 7,470
6,285 .000
X .051 .96 .061 .525 .601
a. Dependent
Variable: Y2
Based on table 5 above sig 0.601> 0.05, it means
that hypothesis 2 is rejected and concluded
University Govenance has no effect on capital
structure This indicates that the implementation of
the university governance principle does not create
university structure capital consisting of systems and
programs, patents, and research activities and
development carried out by the university. This
means that even though university governance is
implemented in this variable it does not make the
capital structure increase.
Hypothesis 3 Effect of University Governance on
Relational Capital
The Application of Good University Governance to Intellectual Capital on University Medan Area
Table 6: Cofficients RC
T Sig.B Std.Erro
1 (Constant)
22,818 6,527
3,496 .001
X .262 .084 .343 3.117 .003
a.Dependent Variable:
Based on the results of table 6, it can be seen sig -
0.03 <0.05 means that hypothesis 3 is accepted that
university governance has an effect on relational
capital which consists of partnership strategies,
licenses and cooperation agreements, student
relations, alumni and graduate users, customer
knowledge. This also indicates that the better the
implementation of university governance at the
University, the university will better understand
customer knowledge, closer relationships with
customers and further develop partnership strategies
with related parties.
The results of the above can be seen that the
aplication University Governance principles to
Intellectual capital consisting of Human capital,
Capital structure and Relationship capital can be
seen that Variable Indicators Human capital and
relationship capital are influenced by the application
of University Governance while capital structure is
not influenced by University Governance. The
impact on performance in several institutions at
Medan Area University further enhances the
principles contained in University Governance in
human capital and Relational Capital. Leaders and
academics continuously improve technology in the
field of knowledge transformation and development
for students, lecturers and employees. As the
implementation 1). More intensive conduct training
and employee competency development, 2).
Training and coaching for students who want to
compete. 3). Providing training, workshops and
improving competence of lecturers. 3). Conduct
partnerships and collaborations with government and
private agencies to create shared interests in the field
of education and development. Achieving
educational goals is a common goal, the University
provides each forum for activities carried out. Some
things can be seen clearly as the impact of work with
1). the more creative students take part in
entrepreneurial olympiade and competence in the
scientific field of each study program 2). Student
participation in the field of entrepreneurship can be
relied upon by participating in the PKM offered by
the Government. .3). Lecturers assigned to take part
in training and skill development, and employees are
given IT training for services. In the Capital
Structure section, University Governance has not
had much impact on capital structure, especially in
the field of research, and community service and
patent rights on products produced in Community
Service still have not achieved the desired target.
The actions taken by the University leadership
continue to try to motivate and implementation
several things 1). The Research and Community
Service institutions intensively carry out training
activities, workshops that can help lecturers in
creating works. 2). Motivate lecturers to active in
participating in research and service and publish
every work created. 3). The leadership makes
policies related to the activity in making scientific
1. University governance has a positive and
significant effect on Human Capital, meaning
that the application of university governance can
increase human capital at the University of
Medan area
2. University governance does not affect structure
capital, meaning that university governance has
not been able to create a capital structure at the
university field area.
3. University governance has a positive and
significant effect on relational capital, meaning
university governance can improve relational
capital at the field area university.
Suggestion for University governance has not been
able to create a capital structure, In order to create a
capital structure it is expected that the university can
improve the capital structure measured by the
system and program, research and development,
patents through Research and community service
institutions (LP2M) that have been built with
activities and policies that will be applied to
motivate researchers and lecturers.
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The Application of Good University Governance to Intellectual Capital on University Medan Area