Analysis of Influence of Population, Investment and Inflation on
Regional Taxes with Gross Regional Domestic Products as an
Intervening Variable: Case Study Districts and Cities in North
Sumatra Province
, Indra Maipita
and Muhammad Fitri Rahmadana
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan-Indonesia
Keywords: Regional Tax, GRDP, Population, Investment, Inflation.
Abstract: Regional tax is one source for increasing regional income, in 2016 the regional tax in North Sumatra
regencies and cities if averaged contribution of 6.14% to regional income means that the districts and cities
in North Sumatra are very dependent on the central government through funds balance to manage his own
household. This study aims to test and analyze simultaneously and partially the influence of population,
investment, and inflation on gross regional domestic products and the influence of population, investment,
and inflation on regional taxes with gross regional domestic products as intervening variables in districts
and cities in the province North Sumatra. This type of research is quantitative research using secondary
data. The research data used is panel data, with a population of 33 districts and cities in North Sumatra in
2013-2016. The method used is multiple regression and path analysis by adding intervening / mediating
variables with SPSS and AMOS program analysis tools. The results of simultaneous analysis that
population, investment, and inflation have a significant effect on Gross Regional Domestic Product and
population, investment and inflation have a significant effect on regional taxes through Gross Regional
Domestic Product in districts and cities in North Sumatra Province. Based on partial research that
population and inflation have a significant effect on Gross Regional Domestic Product and investment does
not affect the Gross Regional Domestic Product. Then the Gross Regional Domestic Product can mediate
the relationship between the population and inflation with regional taxes, while the Gross Regional
Domestic Product cannot mediate the investment relationship with regional taxes.
Legislation No. 32 of 2003 which has been replaced
by law Number 23 of 2014 jo. Number 9 of 2015
concerning regional government and law Number 33
of 2004 concerning financial balance between the
central and regional governments, with the issuance
of the law, the regional government has been given
the authority to regulate its own regional household.
Each region certainly strives to fill the coffers of its
budget which has been set in the Regional Budget
(APBD), including from Regional Original Revenue
(PAD), which is one of the sources of the PAD in
the form of regional taxes.
In accordance with the government system that
applies in our country, taxes are managed by the
central government and regional governments.
Taxes managed by the central government are a
source of state revenues contained in the State
Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN), while
taxes managed by regional governments are a source
of regional revenue contained in the APBD. Based
on law Number 28 of 2009 concerning regional tax
and regional retribution, each for the type of tax has
been clearly stipulated regarding the subject of tax
and object tax and the tax rate that applies according
to the existing rules.
Law Number 33 of 2004 Fiscal Balance between
the Central and Regional Governments stipulates
that among regional financial receipts comes from
PAD which consists of several components of
income, namely tax returns, regional levies, regional
company yields, and regional wealth management
results after being separated from legal component
of taxes, levies and other regional income.
In an effort to finance increased expenditure, the
government can increase taxes and / or loans. Higher
Zulaili, ., Maipita, I. and Rahmadana, M.
Analysis of Influence of Population, Investment and Inflation on Regional Taxes with Gross Regional Domestic Products as an Intervening Variable: Case Study Districts and Cities in North
Sumatra Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0009508005860593
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 586-593
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
taxes will increase production costs and can reduce
private sector investment. The government
sometimes increases spending and investment in
unproductive projects or the government sometimes
mis-allocates resources and impedes economic
growth (Olulu et al, 2014). The following are data
regarding Regional Taxes in the Districts and Cities
throughout the North Sumatra region.
The overall contribution of regional tax to PAD
in 2016 can be seen as an average of 54.90%, down
0.66% from 2015, which is 55.56%, while we can
see the contribution of regional tax to income of
6.14%. This proves that the districts and cities in
North Sumatra are very dependent on the Balancing
Fund allocated from the central government to the
regional government. Of the entire regencies and
cities in North Sumatra province, only two regencies
and cities have contributed to regional income,
namely Deli Serdang district (10.70%) and Medan
city (26.99%), the rest of the value of local tax
contribution to regional income far below the
average, where the average distance of each region
should not be much different, even in North Nias
district only 0.42% of the influence of regional tax
on regional income can signify a low regional
capacity in terms of earning income from the sector
taxation to manage the household needs of the
region and only expect assistance from the central
government through a balance fund.
Then the following are submitted regional tax
ratios in the aggregate of provinces, districts and cities
throughout Indonesia, where data is sourced from the
Ministry of Finance (APBD processed 2016):
Figure 1: Aggregate Provincial, District and City Tax
Based on tax ratio data in all provinces, it can be
seen that the average national tax ratio is 1.9%.
Provinces that have a tax ratio above the national
average of 12 provinces as shown in the graph above.
While the average local tax ratio in North Sumatra
province is 1.7% below the national average of 0.2%.
We can conclude the low potential of resources that
can be extracted in North Sumatra. When compared
with the province of Bali, which is 5.3%, the province
of North Sumatra is very far behind while the tourism
potential in North Sumatra is no less great than the
province of Bali.
The total tax for districts and cities in North Sumatra
in 2013 amounted to Rp. 1,040,323,251,000 and for
2014 Rp. 1,545,439,089,000, this shows a significant
increase from 2013 to 2014, namely 67.3%. For 2015
the total regional tax for each district and city is Rp.
1,521,291,460,000 and in 2016 amounting to Rp.
1,920,935,230,000 an increase of 79.2%. While from
2014 to 2015 there was a decrease in the amount of
regional tax by 1.58%, this can be seen from the data
of districts and cities that experienced a decrease in
regional taxes from 2014 - 2015 namely South
Tapanuli, Labuhan Batu, Langkat, Tanjung Balai,
Binjai, and Padang Sidempuan.
The government is trying to increase PAD
through regional taxes. According to (Richard A.
Musgrave and Peggy B. Musgrave, 1993) the size of
the tax is largely determined by the GRDP, so the
GRDP has an effect on regional tax revenues. GRDP
values in districts and cities throughout North
Sumatra have increased from year to year, on the
other hand regional income cannot be separated
from national income in terms of concepts,
definitions, metology, scope and data sources. This
is intended to maintain the feasibility and
consistency of the results of calculations and
simplification in comparative studies and other
analyzes, so the 2000 base year used at the national
level has been simultaneously applied throughout
Indonesia from the provincial to the district level
which previously used the 1993 base year.
One of the factors that influence PAD is GDP
growth (Abdul Halim, 2001). According to Clark
and Lawson good GDP growth shows a good
condition of economic growth. Economic growth is
an increase in real per capita income that continues
to be sourced from within the region. By achieving
high economic growth and equal distribution of
income means that it can directly reduce poverty.
The higher the regional GDP directly the regional
tax increases, so that the revenue of PAD also
increases (Lintan Gupita Prasedyawati, 2013).
According to Robert Malthus, the consequence of
a continuous increase in population is the demand for
food is increasing (Adisasmita, 2005). Not only food
needs, a large population also requires greater
infrastructure and public infrastructure. North
Sumatra Province is ranked fourth in the province
which has the largest population in Indonesia. The
development of the population will affect government
spending, if the development of the population
increases, the bigger budget will be needed.
Analysis of Influence of Population, Investment and Inflation on Regional Taxes with Gross Regional Domestic Products as an Intervening
Variable: Case Study Districts and Cities in North Sumatra Province
With the increase in population and GDP per
capita, it causes an increase in people's purchasing
power. With the increase in people's purchasing
power, regional income from the Tax sector has also
increased. The economic development of a region is
determined by the ability of the region to finance all
program activities that it has planned. In order to
implement the program, the regions need sufficient
funding, which is one of the dominant contributors
to fulfilling regional funding through regional taxes.
Efforts to increase regional taxes are by
increasing the welfare of the people in their
respective regions, through increasing investment,
increasing GDP, and stabilizing the pace of inflation.
With the increase in people's welfare, it is expected
that the ability and awareness of the community to
pay taxes will be carried out well.
The relationship of population, investment and
inflation to local taxes has been widely investigated.
In the Helti K A (2010) study in the analysis of
factors that influence local taxation and the level of
efficiency and effectiveness of collection stated that
among the variables of inflation, population, and GDP
that most affected local tax revenues was the
population. Whereas according to Muchtolifah (2011)
in the effect of GDP, inflation, industrial investment
and labor on PAD stated that simultaneously and
partially the GDP variable, inflation, industry
investment and labor have an effect on PAD, the
dominant variable affecting is GRDP.
2.1 Local Tax
Regional Tax according is compulsory contributions
made by individuals or entities to the regions
without balanced direct compensation, which can be
imposed based on applicable laws and regulations,
which are used to finance regional government and
regional development. Regional taxes have a dual
role, namely as a source of regional income
(budgetary) and as a regulator (regulator).
Theories that support tax collection According to
Aristanti Widyaningsih (2011: 11-12) the tax
collection theory provides an explanation of the
state's right to collect taxes. These theories are
among others:
Pikul Power Theory, The tax burden must be
paid must be adjusted to the capacity of each person.
To measure load power two approaches can be used:
• Objective elements, seen from the amount of
income and wealth a person has.
• Subjective elements, taking into account the
magnitude of material needs that must be met.
Devotional Theory, The basis of the fairness of
taxation lies in the relations between the people and
their country. As dedicated citizens, the people must
always realize that paying taxes is an obligation.
Theory of Purchasing Power Principles, The basis of
justice lies in the tax collection. It means collecting
taxes means attracting purchasing power from
community households for state households.
Furthermore, the state will channel back to the
community in the form of maintaining community
welfare. Thus the interests of the whole community
are preferred.
2.2 Total Population
The population of Indonesia in 2016 reached 262
million with the assumption of a development of
1.49% (World Bank Data) of the population issued
by the 2016 Central Bureau of Statistics. Meanwhile
for the population according to BPS data for the
North Sumatra region it reached 4, 26 million, if the
population in North Sumatra is set at 5.6% of the
total population of Indonesia.
Adam Smith's Theory, Adam Smith argues that
supported by empirical evidence that high
population growth will be able to increase output
through increasing levels and expanding markets
both domestic and foreign markets. The addition of
high population accompanied by technological
changes will encourage savings and also use
economies of scale in production. Population
addition is one thing that is needed and is not a
problem, but as an important element that can spur
development and economic growth. The amount of
income can affect the population. If the population
increases, the income that can be withdrawn also
increases. The greater the number of residents will
lead to increased demand for consumer goods, then
will encourage the economy of scale in production,
so that it will reduce production costs, and ultimately
will affect Regional Original Income. With the
tendency of population growth in turn, it will
increase Regional Original Income (Sukirno, 2003).
Population is an important element in economic
activity and in an effort to build an economy.
Increasingly fast population growth has made the
proportion of the immature population to be higher
and the number of family members increases. With
the increasing population, it means that more goods
and services are needed to meet the needs of the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
population who can increase the amount of
consumption, so that it can increase the per capita
income of the region.
2.3 Investments
Investment can be interpreted as spending or
expenditure on investors or companies to buy capital
goods and production equipment to increase the
ability to produce goods and services available in the
economy (Sukirno, 2006). Harrod-Domar Theory
Expressing that the model of economic growth is a
development of Keynesian theory. The theory
focuses on the role of savings and industry is very
decisive in regional economic growth (Arsyad,
1997). Some of the assumptions used in this theory
are that: The economy is in full employment and
capital goods in the community are fully utilized, In
the economy of two sectors (Households and
Companies) means the government sector and trade
do not exist, The amount of community savings is
proportional to the amount of national income,
meaning the savings function starts from the original
point (zero), The tendency to save (Marginal
Propensity to Save = MPS) is fixed, as well as the
ratio between capital and output (Capital Output
Ratio = COR) and capital-output ratio (Incremental
Capital Output), This theory has weaknesses,
namely saving trends and capital-output increase
ratios in reality are always changing in the long run.
Similarly, the proportion of labor and capital use is
not constant, prices are always changing and interest
rates can change and will affect investment. In the
endogenous growth model it is said that the
investment returns will be higher if the aggregate
production in a country gets bigger. It is assumed
that private and public investment in the field of
resources or human capital can create an external
economy (positive externalities) and spur
productivity that is able to compensate for the
scientific tendency to decrease the scale of yield.
An interesting implication of this theory is being
able to explain the potential benefits of
complementary investment in capital or human
resources, infrastructure facilities or research
activities. Given that complementary investments will
generate personal and social benefits, the government
has the opportunity to improve the efficiency of
domestic resource allocation by providing various
types of public goods (infrastructure facilities) or
actively encouraging private investment in
technology-intensive industries where human
resources are accumulated. Thus this model
encourages active government participation in
managing investment both directly and indirectly.
In Indonesia, investment or investment can be
classified into two parts, namely: Domestic
Investment (PMDN) and Foreign Investment (PMA).
2.4 Inflation
Increase the price of just one or two items not called
inflation, unless the increase extends to a large part
of the price of other items.
Keynesian Theory, Inflation occurs because a
society wants to live beyond the limits of its
economic capacity. The inflation process, according
to this view, is nothing but the process of seizing
part of sustenance among social groups who want a
greater share of what the community can provide.
The process of this struggle finally translates into a
situation where people's demand for goods always
exceeds the amount of goods available (the
inflationary gap). According to Irving Fisher in
Sadono Sukirno's book (2002: 25), the increase in
general prices or inflation (P) is caused by three
factors, namely the money supply (M), the velocity
of money circulation (V), and the amount of goods
traded (T). According to him inflation is the process
of raising prices of general goods that apply in the
economy. This does not mean that the prices of
various items rise by the same percentage. The
important thing is that there is a continuous increase
in the general prices of goods for a certain period.
The increase that occurs only once (although with a
large enough percentage) is not inflation.
Calculating Inflation Rate
GNP Deflator = (nominal GNP: real GNP) 100%
2.5 Gross Regional Domestic Product
According to (Sadono Sukirno, 2004) GDP is the
value of all goods and services produced within one
year in a certain area without distinguishing
ownership of production factors, but more requires
the existence of production factors used in the
production process, GDP is one of reflection
economic progress of a region. The increase in GDP
will cause regional income from the tax and levy
sector to increase. This has an impact on increasing
PAD in the area.
2.6 Effect of Gross Regional Domestic
Product on PAD
Gross Regional Domestic Products can be
interpreted as the value of goods and services
Analysis of Influence of Population, Investment and Inflation on Regional Taxes with Gross Regional Domestic Products as an Intervening
Variable: Case Study Districts and Cities in North Sumatra Province
produced in that country in a given year. These
goods and services are produced not only by
companies belonging to the population of the
country but by residents of other countries who
reside in that country (Sukirno, 2003).
The higher a person's income, the higher the
ability of people to pay various levies set by the
government. In the macro concept, it can be
analogized that the greater the GRDP obtained, the
greater the potential for regional revenue.
This study uses secondary data in the form of time
series during the years 2013-2016. The location of
this study is 33 (thirty three) regencies and cities in
North Sumatra Province The scope of this research
was carried out by focusing on the discussion of the
influence of population, investment, and inflation
and regional taxes on GRDP in districts and cities in
North Sumatra Province 2013-2016 .
Types and Data Sources of Research, This type of
research is quantitative research, which is research
that uses scientific methods that have criteria based on
facts, use principles of analysis, use hypotheses, use
objective measures, and use quantitative data. In
collecting data and information needed for research,
the data used is secondary data of City District in
North Sumatra province in 2013-2016.
Quantitative research tests the comparative
causal relationship of measured (parametric)
research variables. Comparative causal research is
research that compares causal relationships between
two or more variables in different time periods. This
study aims to analyze the direct and indirect effects
of independent variables on the dependent variable
through an intermediate variable with a path analysis
approach. This study uses statistics programs help
Figure 2: Path Analysis Approach.
Multiple linear regression models (multiple
regression analysis) can be called a good model if
the model meets the assumptions called classical
The first thing to do is to examine whether the
data is stationary or not. This Stasioneritas test needs
to be done because a regression analysis should not
be did when the data used is not stationary and
normally if it still done the resulting equations then
are a spurious regression.
4.1 The Results of the Analysis of the
Influence of Population,
Investment, Inflation on GRDP
Simultaneously and Partially
4.1.1 Simultaneous Statistical Test (F)
The probability value is 0,000. When compared with
the significance value of the test results against α =
0.05, then 0,000 < 0.05. That is, H0 is rejected
means, there is an influence of population,
investment, and inflation on GRDP simultaneously
at a confidence level of 95%.
4.1.2 Partial statistical test (t)
The t statistic test is done by comparing the
significance values smaller than α = 0.05. Can see
the results of testing the statistics t (partial test) on
the population, investment, inflation, against GRDP
described as follows. Variable number of population
has a coefficient number of 0.921 with a significance
value of 0.000 smaller than α = 0.05. This means
that partially the population variable has a
significant positive effect on the GRDP variable.
The investment variable has a coefficient number
of -0.023 with a significance value of 0.447 greater
than α = 0.05. That is, partially the investment
variable has a negative and not significant effect on
the GRDP variable. The inflation variable has a
coefficient number of 0.175 with a significance
value of 0.000 smaller than α = 0.05. That is,
partially the inflation variable has a significant
positive effect on the local tax variable.
The path diagram is then made, then broken into
sub-sectors so that the structure of the path analysis
can be described as follows:
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Figure 3: Analysis of Path Sub-sector 1.
Y1 = α1X1 + α2X2 + α3X3 + ε1
Y1 = 0.921X1 - 0.023X2 + 0.175X3 + 0.3332
Where :
ε1 = 1-R2 = 1 - 0.889 = 0.111 = 0.3332
R2 value of the hypothesis of the influence of
population, investment, inflation on GDP
simultaneously and partially in Table 4.9 is 0.889,
which means the coefficient of determination of the
contribution of independent variables to GDP in the
percentage of 88.9% (0.889 x 100%). This means
that 88.9% of the contribution of GRDP variables in
districts and cities in North Sumatra is explained by
population, investment, and inflation, while 11.1% is
explained by other variables.
4.2 The Results of the Analysis of the
Direct Effect of Population,
Investment, Inflation, and GDP on
Regional Taxes
The estimation of the effect of population,
investment, and inflation on local taxes with GDP is
an intervening variable.
4.2.1 Simultaneous statistical test (F)
That the probability value is 0,000. When compared
with the significance value of the test results against
α = 0.05, then 0,000 <0.05. That is, H0 is rejected,
meaning that there is an influence of population,
investment, and inflation on local taxes with GDP as
an intervening variable simultaneously at a 95%
confidence level.
4.2.2 Partial Statistical Test (t)
The t statistic test is done by comparing the
significance values smaller than α = 0.05. From the
results of table 4.13 above, we can see the results of
testing the statistics t (partial test) on the population,
investment, inflation, against GRDP described as
Variable number of population has a coefficient
number of 0.171 with a significance value of 0.165
greater than α = 0.05. That is, partially variable
population number has a positive and insignificant
effect on regional tax variables. The investment
variable has a coefficient number of 0.130 with a
significance value of 0.003 smaller than α = 0.05.
That is, partially the investment variable has a
significant positive effect on the local tax variable.
The inflation variable has a coefficient
number of 0.094 with a significance value of 0.048
smaller than α = 0.05. That is, partially the inflation
variable has a significant positive effect on the local
tax variable.
GRDP variable has a coefficient number of
0.663 with a significance value of 0.000 smaller than
α = 0.05. That is, partially the GRDP variable has a
significant positive effect on the regional tax
variable. This can be shown in sub-sector 2 below:
Figure 4: Analysis of Path Sub-sector 2.
From the picture of sub-sector 2 the path equation
can be made as follows:
Y2 = ߚ1X1 + ߚ2X2 + ߚ3X3 + ߚ4Y1 + ε2
Y2 = 0.171X1 + 0,130X2 + 0,094X3 + 0,663Y1 +
Where :
ε2 = 1-R2 = 1 - 0.783 = 0.217 = 0.466
The value of R2 of the second hypothesis of
0.783. That is, the coefficient of determination from
the contribution of independent variables to the
dependent variable is 78.3% (0.783 x 100%). That
is, 78.3% of local taxes are influenced by variables
of population, investment, inflation, and GDP, the
other 21.7% are influenced by other variables.
4.3 The Results of the Analysis of the
Influence of Population,
Investment, and Inflation on Local
Taxes with GDP as an Intervening
The testing of the hypothesis used is by conducting a
path analysis approach between the independent
Analysis of Influence of Population, Investment and Inflation on Regional Taxes with Gross Regional Domestic Products as an Intervening
Variable: Case Study Districts and Cities in North Sumatra Province
variables of population, investment, and inflation on
the dependent variable of regional tax with GDP as
an intervening variable. The applications used in this
path analysis are SPSS and AMOS.
Figure 5: Standardized Estimate Path Analysis.
The influence of one independent variable (X) on
the dependent variable (Y), both directly and
indirectly, is as follows:
5.1 Effect of Population, Investment
and Inflation on GDP
Simultaneously and Partially
The results of multiple regression analysis of
variable population, investment, and inflation on
GDP simultaneously are concluded that there is an
influence of population, investment, and inflation on
GDP in the districts and cities of North Sumatra as
evidenced by conducting simultaneous testing with a
significance value of 0,000 <0,05 and there is a
simultaneous influence of population, investment,
and inflation on local taxes with GDP as an
intervening variable with a significance value of
0,000 <0,05.
The results of testing the variable population
number on GDP shows a significance value of 0,000
<0,05, with a coefficient of 0.921, meaning that the
population has a significant positive effect on
GRDP. It can be concluded that population is one of
the factors to increase GRDP in regencies and cities
in North Sumatra Province, the increasing number of
population will also increase GDP. This is a reality
that if the population is managed properly, namely
by providing skills and improving education, the
number of residents will be a strength and will
contribute to the development process in this case
the GDP will increase.
Testing of investment variables against GRDP
with a significance value of 0.447> 0.05, with a
coefficient value of -0.762, meaning that investment
has a negative effect that is not significant or does
not affect GDP. The fact should be that with the
increase in investment, the GRDP will also increase,
because with the increase in investment,
employment and labor will increase, with increasing
employment, the income of each per capita will
increase, which will increase GRDP.
The test results of the inflation variable have a
significant positive effect on GDP, this is evidenced
by the significance value of 0.000 <0.05, with a
coefficient of 0.175. Inflation is one of the important
economic indicators that can provide information
about the development of prices of goods and
services paid by consumers. The annual GRDP
increases along with inflation fluctuations due to
economic growth, therefore with increasing inflation
it will also increase GDP in the districts and cities of
North Sumatra Province.
5.2 Effect of Population, Investment,
Inflation, and GDP on Regional
The population based on the results of the study
shows that the significance value is 0.165> 0.05 with
direct coefficient of 0.17, meaning that the
population has a positive and insignificant effect on
local taxes in regencies and cities in North Sumatra
Province, whereas if you see the effect of the
population on taxes the area through GRDP has a
significance value of 0,000 <0,05, meaning that if
through GRDP, the total population has a significant
effect on local taxes, with the indirect coefficient
value of 0,607 and the total influence is positive
Thus, if you look at the effect of population
numbers on local taxes, this study is contrary to Tax
is one of the important factors for investors in
determining the decision to invest in a country. In
theory, taxes affect investment decisions as long as
the tax imposition affects the amount of costs and
profits obtained by investors, so from this it can be
concluded that in the districts and cities in North
Sumatra Province the rate of regional tax imposition
on investors is still low so investors invest their
assets in the district and cities in North Sumatra
Analysis of the effect of inflation on district and
municipal taxes in North Sumatra concluded that
there was a significant positive effect of inflation on
local taxes with a significance value of 0.048 <0.05.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Then if through GRDP, inflation has a significant
positive effect on district taxes and the city of North
Sumatra with a significance value of 0,000 <0,05,
with indirect values of 0,119 and total influence of
The influence of GRDP on regional taxes in
aggregate has a significant positive effect because
the significance value is 0,000 <0,05 with a
coefficient of 0,663.
Population, investment, and inflation simultaneously
influence the GRDP of regencies and cities in North
Sumatra Province for the period of 2013 - 2016.
Partially the population and inflation have a
significant positive effect on GRDP, and investment
has a negative or insignificant effect or no effect on
GDP in regencies and cities in North Sumatra
Province for the period of 2013-2016.
The population, investment, inflation, and
GRDP have a positive direct effect on local taxes in
regencies and cities in North Sumatra Province for
the period of 2013-2016.
Variables for population, investment, and
inflation affect regional taxes with GRDP as an
intervening variable in districts and cities in the
North Sumatra Province for the period of 2013 -
2016. GRDP is not an intervening variable (unable
to mediate) on investment relations with local taxes.
GDP is an intervening variable (able to mediate) the
relationship between population, and inflation with
regional taxes.
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