Factors That Influence the Level of Development Inequality in
Districts / Cities Sumatera Utara Province
Patryano Gusti Anggara
, Muhammad Fitri Rahmadana
and Indra Maipita
Department of Economics, Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan, North Sumatra, 20219, Indonesia
Keywords: Williamson Index, GRDP Per Capita, HDI, The Government Expenditures Budget
Abstract: Inequality Development in North Sumatra Province during the period of 2012 to 2016 shows an increasing
condition. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence development inequality in the
Regency / City in North Sumatra Province using panel data. With the independent variable GRDP Per
Capita, HDI, Government Expenditures Budget while the dependent variable is the Wiliamson index in
districts / cities in North Sumatra province. Data obtained by the Central Sumatra Provincial Statistics
Agency (BPS) during 2012-2016. The method used is Square Least Panel (PLS) with Fixed Effect Model
(FEM). The results showed that GRDP Per Capita had a negative effect on the Wiliamson Index of 35.52%
and significant, HDI had a negative effect on the Williamson Index of 18.26% and significant, the
Government Expenditures Budget had a negative effect on the Wiliamson Index of 32.9% in North Sumatra.
Development inequality in principle is an economic
imbalance that implies poverty and inequality. In
order for inequality and development between an
area and other regions not to create a widening gap,
the implications of policy towards the development
cycle of development must be precisely formulated
(Suryana, 2000).
The most common inequality discussed is
economic inequality. Economic inequality is often
used as an indicator of differences in average per
capita income, between income level groups,
between employment groups, and / or between
regions. The average per capita income of a region
can be simplified into Gross Regional Domestic
Product divided by the population. Another way that
can be used is to base on personal income which is
approached by the consumption approach (Widiarto,
2001). To measure the inequality of regional
economic development, the Williamson Index is
Regional disparity arises due to the lack of equity
in economic development. This can be seen from the
existence of advanced regions with underdeveloped
regions, or less developed regions. This inequality in
development is due to differences in development
between regions.
During 2012-2016 there were still inequality in
the provinces in Indonesia, using the relative per
capita GRDP approach. Williamson Index results for
development inequality nationally show that
development inequality is still very high or inter-
provincial development is uneven with the
Williamson Index from 2012-2016 on average> 1.
And one of the provinces in Indonesia that has
increased development inequality from 2012 -2016
is North Sumatra Province. One of the prominent
problems of inequality in North Sumatra Province is
the disparity between regions as a consequence of
the concentrated economic activities in the area
adjacent to the Provincial Capital. (Alisjahbana,
Inequality causes economic inefficiencies,
because inequality is high, overall savings rates in
the economy tend to be low, because high savings
rates are usually found in the middle class. Although
rich people can save in larger amounts, they usually
save in a smaller share of their income, and of
course save with a smaller share of their marginal
Anggara, P., Rahmadana, M. and Maipita, I.
Factors That Influence the Level of Development Inequality in Districts / Cities Sumatera Utara Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0009504605170523
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 517-523
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
income (Todaro, 2006). This negative impact causes
high inequality to be one of the problems in
development in creating prosperity in a region.
Economic growth is one indicator of public
welfare. Where when an area has high growth, the
area can be said to be a prosperous region. One
indicator of the level of welfare of the population of
a region is the per capita GRDP figure. GRDP is the
net value of final goods and services produced by
various economic activities in an area in a period
(Hadi Sasana, 2001), While GDP per capita is often
used as an indicator of development. The higher the
per capita GRDP of an area, the greater the potential
source of income for the region due to the greater
income of the people of the area (Thamrin, 2001).
This also means that the higher the per capita GRDP
the more prosperous the population of a region. In
other words, if income is high and evenly distributed
between regions, income inequality decreases.
Income inequality between regencies / cities in
North Sumatra. During 2013 to 2016, the highest
and ever increasing per capita income was in the city
of Medan. Then it was followed by Toba Samosir
Regency which although in 2013 the income per
capita was still below Asahan Regency, but in 2013
to 2016 the income per capita of Toba Samosir
Regency was more than that of Asahan Regency.
The next highest per capita income is Karo Regency,
although in 2013 it was still lower than Asahan
The lowest per capita income in 2013 until 2016
was Pakpak Barat Regency, then, the second lowest
per capita income was Nias Regency, although in
2013 and 2014 Nias Regency per capita income was
still higher compared to Pakpak Bharat District, but
on average from 2013 to 2016 Nias Regency was
still lower compared to Pakpak Bharat Regency. The
next lowest per capita income is Pakpak Barat
For North Sumatra Province during 2013 until
2016 per capita income continued to increase. In
2013, North Sumatra's per capita income was only
Rp. 25,391,986.04, - but in 2016 the income per
capita of North Sumatra Province reached Rp.
36,371,825.67, -. Still not evenly distributed and the
development gap in North Sumatra Province can be
minimized by utilizing the maximum potential of
each region to advance the regional economy
concerned in order to reduce inequality that occurs.
Economic development in an area can be said to
be successful if a region / region can increase
economic growth and improve people's living
standards equally or better known as the Human
Development Index (HDI). The problem that occurs
is the HDI in each region is different, this makes the
HDI value to be one of the factors that influence
income inequality between regions / regions.
Lisnawati (2007) states that "In the context of
regional development, the Human Development
Index (HDI) is set as one of the main measures
included in the Basic Pattern of Regional
Development." This indicates that HDI occupies an
important position in regional development
management. The function of HDI and other human
development indicators will be key to the
implementation of targeted planning and
In 2016, North Sumatra Province had an HDI
value of 70. This value was still lower than the
national HDI value of 70.18. Although the province
of North Sumatra is ranked 8th out of 37 provinces
in Indonesia, but with the increasing value of
inequality every year, it has indicated that HDI in
North Sumatra Province needs special attention from
the provincial government so that its function is a
measure of the success of development in North
Sumatra province can be achieved.
Based on BPS data from North Sumatra Province
in 2016 the highest HDI value in North Sumatra was
Medan City at 79.4. Then the cities of Pematang
Siantar and the city of Binjai were 76.9 and 74.11
respectively. The lowest HDI value is West Nias
City at 59.03. Then followed by South Nias City and
Nias City at 59.14 and 59.75 respectively.
The rate of HDI in North Sumatra Province from
2014 to 2016 has increased. Although all regions in
North Sumatra province experienced an increase in
HDI values, there were several regions in the North
Sumatra province which still had low HDI values
and were far below the other regions. Therefore, this
is where the role of the North Sumatra provincial
government is needed in resolving regional
development inequality so that regional equity in the
North Sumatra province can increase. This is
because the low or high HDI will have an impact on
the level of productivity of the population, the lower
the HDI, the level of productivity of the population
will be low then low productivity can affect the low
income, and vice versa if the higher the HDI the
higher the productivity of the population push the
level of income to be higher (Hidayat 2014).
Government expenditure is one of the tools of
government intervention in the economy which is
considered the most effective. The expenditure is the
consumption of goods and services carried out by
the government as well as financing by the
government for the purposes of government
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
administration and development activities in the area
(Sukirno, 2002).
Heshmati (2014) states that many countries in
Asia will always pursue high economic growth
because for them if economic growth is prioritized,
then equity will be successful.
Regional financial capacity is shown in the form
of the Regional Budget (APBD). According to Law
No. 32 and 33 of 2004 the Regional Budget is an
annual financial plan. Regional governments are
discussed and agreed upon jointly by the Regional
Government and the Regional People's
Representative Council (DPRD), and are stipulated
by regional regulations. APBD contains details of all
regional revenues on one side and all regional
expenditures on the other side. Before 2003 the
APBD from the expenditure side consisted of
routine expenditure and development expenditure,
(Suyana Utama 2009).
The biggest expenditure from the local
government is prioritized for basic, secondary and
vocational education. Local governments administer
primary and secondary education reflecting the
benefits of regional budgets. With an educated
workforce it will increase the productivity of an
The allocation of government expenditure for
North Sumatra and Regency / City Provinces in
North Sumatra province is very fluctuating for each
year and tends to increase. But the increase was also
accompanied by the level of inequality in North
Sumatra province which also tended to increase
resulting in less optimal government spending to
alleviate inequality in the province of North
The expenditure budget of the Regency / City
Government in North Sumatra Province differs
significantly between existing Districts / Cities. The
highest Regency / City Government expenditure
budget is Rp. 5,380,363,861 in Medan City followed
by successively Deli Serdang Regency of Rp.
3,529,117,634, and Langkat District Rp.
1,826,780,689. If we analyze the district with the
lowest expenditure budget, which is a newly
established regency or a district that has been
created, this should be a serious concern for both the
Central Government and the Provincial Government
in the division of regions that are deemed irrelevant
to be re-divided.
If these conditions are allowed, in the future the
level of inequality will be wider because per capita,
HDI, and government expenditure are interrelated.
Because of this, action needs to be taken so that
income inequality in North Sumatra Province can be
The Williamson Index is an analytical tool used to
measure inequality between regions. This index is
used to measure the coefficient of a region's
weighted variation and income disparity in the
development process. The Williamson index also
measures the spread of per capita income levels
between regions relative to the center where each
region's deviation is weighted by its contribution to
the population of the region as a whole.
Williamson index formula:
The advantages of Williamson's Index are easy
and practical in seeing disparities. While the
disadvantage is the Williamson Index is aggregate so
that it is not known which areas contribute to
disparity (Achjar, 2004). Williamson index (IW),
with the magnitude of the value between 0 and 1.
The greater the IW, the greater the gap, on the
contrary if IW gets smaller (close to 0), the more
evenly distributed IW value <0.3 means that the
income disparity is relatively low, IW between 0.3 -
0.5 is in the moderate category, then it is said to be
high if IW> 0.5 (Kuncoro, 2004).
The relationship between per capita income of a
country and the inequality of income distribution
among its inhabitants is explained by a hypothesis
proposed by Simon Kuznets (Arsyad, 1999). Using
data between countries and data from a number of
surveys or observations in each country with time
series data, Kuznets found a relation between
income inequality and the inverted U-level income
per capita. Kuznets stated that in the early stages of
economic growth, income distribution tended to
deteriorate (rising inequality), but at a later stage
income distribution would improve (downward
inequality) (Kuznet, 1971).
The inverse U hypothesis proposed by Kuznets is
based on Lewis's theoretical argument about
Factors That Influence the Level of Development Inequality in Districts / Cities Sumatera Utara Province
population movements from rural (agricultural
sector) to urban (industrial sector). Rural areas that
are very densely populated cause the wage rate in
the agricultural sector to be very low (whereas in
urban areas the wage rate is relatively high because
the population or labor is relatively small) and
makes the supply of labor from that sector to the
industrial sector unlimited (Sri Isnowati, 2007).
The Human Development Index (HDI) / Human
Development Index (HDI) is a comparative
measurement of life expectancy, illiteracy, education
and living standards for all countries worldwide
(BPS, BAPPENAS, UNDP, 2001). The HDI also
reveals that a country can do much better at a low
income level, and that a large increase in income can
play a relatively smaller role in human development
(Todaro and Smith, 2004). Inequality that occurs in
a region will affect the level of community welfare
in the region.
The human development index and income
inequality have interrelated relationships. According
to Becker (in Agus Iman Solihin, 1995), states that
HDI has a negative effect on inequality, Becker
examines more deeply the role of formal education
in supporting economic growth stating that the
higher the formal education obtained, the higher the
productivity of labor. This is in accordance with
human capital theory, namely that education has an
influence on economic growth and will reduce
income disparities because education plays a role in
increasing labor productivity.
According to Guritno (1999), government
expenditure reflects government policy. If the
government has established a policy to buy goods
and services, government expenditure reflects the
costs that must be spent by the government to
implement the policy. The theory about the
development of government expenditure was also
stated by economists, namely the development
model of the development of government spending,
and regarding the development of government
Musgrave and Rostow stated that the
development of state expenditure is in line with the
stage of economic development of a country.
According to Musgrave (1980) that in a
development process, private investment in the
percentage of GDP is greater and the percentage of
government investment in GDP will be smaller. In
the early stages of economic development, large
government expenditure is needed for government
investment, mainly to provide infrastructure such as
road facilities, health, education and other public
facilities. At the middle stage of economic
development, investment is still needed for
economic growth, but it is expected that private
sector investment has begun to develop. In the later
stages of economic development, government
spending is still needed, mainly to improve people's
According to Sukirno (2004), economic growth
is the development of activities in the economy
which causes the goods and services produced in
society to increase and the prosperity of the
community increases. This is in accordance with the
theory of development of Harrod-Domar which
explains that the formation of capital / investment is
an important factor that determines economic
growth. In his theory, Harror-Domar argues that
investment has an effect on economic growth in a
longer-term perspective.
This study uses secondary data with time series data
types during the period 2013-2016. With the data
used sourced from the Central Statistics Agency.
The data needed includes GDP per capita in rupiah
units, HDI value with an index value of 0 to 100,
government spending in rupiah units, and Wiliamson
index with an index value of 0 to 1 in North Sumatra
The data analysis method used in this study is
quantitative with a panel data analysis model or data
collection. Panel data is a combination of time series
data and time data (cross section). To overcome the
intercorrelations between independent variables
which can eventually lead to inappropriate
regression estimates, the panel data method is more
appropriate to use. The data used in this study are
time series data from 2013 to 2016 and cross
sections consisting of 25 districts and 8 cities in
North Sumatra Province. The function model of the
equations in this study area:
IW = β+ β1GRDPPC + β2HDI + β3GEB +εit
4.1. Selection of Models in Data Processing
In panel data processing, it is necessary to select the
most appropriate model between Common Effect
estimation models, Fixed Effect estimation models
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
and Random Effect estimation models. To choose
between the three estimation models there are
several tests that can be done, including :
4.1.1 Chow Test (F-statistical test)
This test is used to determine the most appropriate
model to be used between the Common Effect
estimation model or the Fixed Effect estimation
model, with the hypothesis:
H0 : choose to use the Common
Effect estimation model.
H1 : choose to use the fixed
effect estimation model.
This hypothesis test can be done by comparing
F-statistics with F-tables. If F-statistics > F-table
then H0 is rejected which means the most
appropriate model to use is the Fixed Effect Model
and can also be done by considering the probability
value (Prob.) For F-statistics. If the value of the
Prob. F-statistic < 0.05 (determined at the beginning
as the level of significance or alpha) then the chosen
model is Fixed Effect Model, but if > 0.05 then the
chosen model is the Common Effect Model
(Ekananda, 2016).
Table 1: Chow Test Results
From Table 1, the F-statistic value is 7.458908
with the F-table value at df (32.129) α = 5% is
1.0000000 so that the F-statistic value> F-table with
a probability of 0.0000 (<0.05), so H1 statistics are
accepted and reject H0, according to the results of
this estimation the right model used is the estimation
model Fixed Effect Model.
4.1.2 Hausman Test
This Hausman test is used to select the model that
will be used between the Fixed Effect estimation
model or the Random Effect estimation model, with
the following hypothesis test:
H0 : choose to use the Random
Effect estimation model.
H1 : choose to use the Fixed
Effect estimation model.
The Hausman test can be done by comparing
Chi-Square statistics with Chi-Square tables. If Chi-
Square statistics > Chi-Square table then H0 is
rejected which means the most appropriate model to
use is the Fixed Effect Model and can also be done
by considering the probability value (Prob.) For Chi-
Square statistics. If the value of the Prob. Chi-
Square statistic < 0.05 (determined at the beginning
as a significance level or alpha), the chosen model is
Fixed Effect Model, but if > 0.05 then the selected
model is Random Effect Model (Ekananda, 2016).
Table 2 :Hausman Test Results
Correlated Random Effects - Hausman Test
uation: REM
Test cross-section random effects
Test Summar
d.f. Prob.
7.694560 3 0.0528
From Table 2, the statistical Chi-Square value is
7.694560 with the Chi-Square table on df (3) α = 5%
is 7.815 so the Chi-Square value is statistics> Chi-
Square table with a probability of 0.05 (<0, 05) H1
is accepted and H0 is rejected so the panel data
model used is the Fixed Effect Model.
4.2 Hypotesis Result
4.2.1 T-Test (Partial Test)
The t-statistic test aims to determine the effect of the
independent variable GDP per capita, HDI,
Government Expenditures in the Regency / City of
North Sumatra Province.
Table 3: The Results of The T-Test
Variable Coefficient Std. Error t-Statistic Prob.
C -7.642758 2.979274 -2.565309 0.0115
PDRB -0.150958 0.042496 -3.552254 0.0005
IPM -1.608587 0.880617 -1.826660 0.0401
PP -0.106689 0.032423 -3.290567 0.0013
Table 3 is the result of testing the independent
variables namely Per capita GRDP, HDI, and
Government Expenditures partially on Development
Inequality in North Sumatra Province in 2013 -
2016. This study uses α = 5% or α = 0.05.
If written in an equation, the result is :
= -7.642758 - 0.150958GRDPPC
- 0.106689GEP
+ ɛ
From this equation it can be concluded as
Redundant Fixed Effects Tests
Equation: FEM
Test cross-section fixed effects
Effects Tes
Statistic d.f. Prob.
Cross-section F 7.458908 (32,129) 0.0000
Cross-section Chi-
square 172.823370 32 0.0000
Factors That Influence the Level of Development Inequality in Districts / Cities Sumatera Utara Province
1. The constant is - 7.642758 which means that if
the variable per capita GRDP, HDI, and
Government Spending is zero, it means that the
effect of the three variables on the value of
development inequality in North Sumatra
Province is - 7.642758 percent.
2. Perkapita GRDP variable has a t-statistic of -
0,150958 and the probability shows a value of
0,0005 which is smaller than the confidence level
α = 5% (0,0005 <0,05) so that this can prove that
the Perkapita variable has a significant negative
effect towards development inequality in North
Sumatra Province which means H1 is accepted
and H0 is rejected. The percentage percentage of
the Percapita variable coefficient is -0.150958,
which means that each increase in Percentage
Percentage of 1 percent will reduce development
inequality by 0.15 percent assuming the HDI
variable, Government Expenditures are
considered zero, meaning there is no increase or
decrease. This is in line with the results of the
study of Nita Tri Hartini (2015) who concluded
that an increase in GDP per capita would also
reduce the Development Gap.
3. The HDI variable has a t-statistic of -1.61 and
probability shows a value of 0.041 which is
smaller than the confidence level α = 5% (0.0401
<0.05), so this can prove that the HDI variable
has a significant negative effect on development
inequality in North Sumatra Province which
means H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected. The
HDI variable coefficient is -1.61, which means
that every increase in the HDI value is 1 percent,
it will increase the development imbalance by
1.61 percent assuming the GDP per capita
variable, and Government Expenditures
expenditure is considered to be zero, meaning
there is no increase or decrease . These results
are in accordance with the study of Nita Tri
Hartini (2017) who concluded that the human
development index has a negative and significant
effect on income inequality in the province of
4. The Government expenditure expenditure
variable has a t-statistic of - 0.106689 and
probability shows a value of 0.0013 which is
smaller than the confidence level α = 5% (0.0013
<0.05) so this can prove that the Government
expenditure expenditure variable has a negative
and significant effect on development inequality
in the district / city of North Sumatra Province
which means H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected.
The variable expenditure expenditure
government coefficient is - 0.106689, which
means that every increase in Government
expenditure is 1 percent, it will reduce
development inequality by 0.106689 percent
with the per capita GRDP variable assumption,
HDI is considered to be zero, meaning there is no
increase or decrease.
4.2.2 F-Test
To test whether the independent variables have a
simultaneous effect on the dependent variable, the F-
test is used by looking at probability and F-statistics.
The hypothesis is as follows :
H0 : Per Capita GRDP, HDI, and Government
Expenditure together have a significant
influence on Development Inequality in
North Sumatra Province for the period 2013-
H1 : Per capita GRDP, HDI, and Government
Expenditures have no effect on Development
Inequality in North Sumatra Province for the
period 2013-2016.
From the regression results, the F-statistic value
is 12.45468 with a probability of 0.0000 which
means it is smaller than α = 5%. The probability
value of F-Statistics in Table 4.11 is smaller than α =
5%, then H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected so it can
be concluded that together the variable per capita,
HDI, and Government Expenditures have a
significant effect of 12.45468 on Inequality
Development in North Sumatra Province for the
period 2013-2016.
4.2.3 Determination Coefficient Test Results (R²)
According to Gujarati and Porter (2012), the
coefficient of determination (R2) is used to measure
the goodness of fit of a regression line. This value
shows how much influence the independent
variables together can provide an explanation of the
dependent variable, where the coefficient of
determination (R2) is between 0 to 1 (0 ≤R2 ≤1).
The smaller R2 approaches 0, meaning that the
smaller the influence of the independent variable on
the dependent variable. Conversely, if R2
approaches 1, it indicates the stronger influence of
independent variables on the dependent variable.
Based on the results of panel data regression
analysis, the determination coefficient was 0.77.
This means 77 percent of inequality. Development
in 33 (thirtythree) regencies / cities in the Province
of North Sumatra in the period 2013-2016 can be
explained by the variable per capita, HDI, and
Government Expenditures. While the remaining 23
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
percent is explained by other variables not examined
in this study.
4.2.4 Interpretation of Analysis Results
Based on the statistical calculations that have been
done, it can be concluded that the resulting
regression is good enough to explain the factors that
influence development inequality in the Province of
North Sumatra for the period 2013-2016. But of all
the variables studied all variables did not have a
positive effect.
Based on the results of the analysis that has been
carried out regarding the factors that influence
development inequality in North Sumatra province,
the following conclusions are obtained :
a. From the coefficient of determination in the
estimation results, the variables of development
inequality in North Sumatra Province can be
explained by the variables of GDP per capita,
ipm and government expenditure can be
explained by the model used.
b. The variables used explain the development
inequality variables showing the direction of
influence in accordance with the hypothesis. Per
capita GRDP has a negative and significant
effect, IPM has a negative and significant effect,
and government expenditure also has a negative
and significant effect.
c. The magnitude of the coefficient value of the
variables that explain the variables of
development inequality, the largest is the
variable government expenditure, followed by
successive variables per capita GRDP and HDI
Based on the results of testing and discussion, the
following are some suggestions related to the results
of the study:
a. Development inequality in North Sumatra
Province is still in the category of low inequality.
However, the Government of North Sumatra
Province is expected to continue to provide the
greatest access to the community, especially the
creation of new jobs so that the employment
opportunities of the population are increasingly
high. Thus it will increase per capita income
which in turn will reduce the income disparity
b. Besides increasing the per capita income of the
population, the government should also make
budget allocations that better accommodate the
interests of the community, especially for vital
accesses that can improve the quality of human
c. Government expenditure is also an obstacle if it
is not managed wisely which in turn will trigger
development inequality. For this reason,
management of government expenditure must
prioritize aspects that require attention such as
education, health, poverty alleviation and so on.
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Factors That Influence the Level of Development Inequality in Districts / Cities Sumatera Utara Province