Increasing Industrial Competitiveness in Rural Areas through
Institutions Strengthening and Human Resource Development
Heri Nurranto
, and Fajar Kurniadi
Faculty of Education and Social Science, Universitas Indraprasta PGRI, Jakarta -Indonesia
Keywords: Competitiveness, business institutions, human resource development
Abstract: This analysis aims to improve the competitiveness of Small and Medium Enterprises in the regions by
implementing strategies for strengthening business institutions and developing human resources. This
analysis is based on direct observation, especially in small businesses of palm sugar producers and etawa
goat milk farmers in Kebonharjo, Samigaluh, Kulonprogo, Yogyakarta. The research method used is
qualitative research method that combines of qualitative data and literature review. Data were obtained from
direct observation and interviews with respondents who were considered to be able to represent information
and understand the problems by Small and Medium Enterprises in Kebonharjo, namely the village head
(lurah) and several other village officials, head and secretaries of farmer groups, etawa goat milk breeders,
palm sugar producers and activists of Small and Medium Enterprises in the regions. The results of the study
indicate that the two types of businesses that have been carried out in the area have not been optimal in
carrying out product innovations. Various obstacles such as access to marketing, farmer motivation, level of
managerial knowledge and steep mountainous geographical conditions have resulted in slow distribution
processes. based on existing problems this research offers two conceptual strategies for creating product
innovation and competitiveness Small and medium enterprises are strategies to strengthen business viability
and empower human resources through increasing knowledge and skills.
Entering the digital era or many people say the
current era of globalization, competition between
businesses is becoming more open. As a result, a
strong company or organization can continue to
defend itself and master and improve marketshare,
while entrepreneurs who have low strength will find
it difficult to maintain their business consistency and
experience a faster decline until finally they cannot
run their business. In advanced economies,
opportunities for careers and promotions will be
increasingly limited only to people who have higher
education, quality people for knowledgeable work
(Drucker, 2006:247).
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are part
of business actors who also play a competitive role.
SME are still the type of business that is popular and
became the foundation of life for the people of
Indonesia. In addition, its role in economic growth
in Indonesia in the growth of Gross Domestic
Product (GNP) is very large.
The Ministry of Cooperatives and MSMEs in
the 2017 achievements report states that MSMEs
have contributed to the National GDP of Rp.7,005
trillion or about 62.57% of total GDP. The
description of the contribution is 38.90% micro
business, 9.73% small business and 13.95% medium
The strategic role is expected to be a momentum
for economic growth in Indonesia to be stronger
starting from the root (micro economic) and not only
macro policies that often become practical policies
in an effort to tackle the impact of the global
economic. Looking at its large role, it is important
for all parties to be able to see more closely what
and how the problems or obstacles experienced by
small entrepreneurs. The reality of SMEs that are
bankrupt, low capital, products that are less varied,
use of traditional tools and lack of market access still
occur in many small and medium entrepreneurs in
Nurranto, H. and Kurniadi, F.
Increasing Industrial Competitiveness in Rural Areas through Institutions Strengthening and Human Resource Development.
DOI: 10.5220/0009501307170722
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 717-722
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
The development of SMEs needs more attention
from all parties, both the government, the business
community, financial institutions and banks,
universities and other parties so that the strength of
SME becomes more resilient and able to compete in
today's digital era.
The existence of the Asean Economic
Community (MEA) ensures that MSMEs must be
stronger in their needs to strengthen their position.
SMEs need a large role from various elements, for
example by strengthening partnerships with the
private sector and the public sector to create an
independent economy. MEA becomes a threat as
well as an opportunity for MSMEs in Indonesia to
be able to grow a role in regional and national
economic growth. Strengthened by the concept of
regional autonomy, at least the position of MSMEs
in the regions can be more fully concentrated by
empowering local area resources to create regional
special products. for local governments, this is when
strengthening regional competitiveness through the
full strength of MSMEs that grow and develop in
their regions.
The strategy to strengthen business institutions
and the development of Human Resources is a
strategy that can be implemented by regional and
central government in reviving and strengthening
MSMEs in Indonesia. With these strategies, it is
expected that competition currently dominated by
large companies does not erode the opportunities of
MSMEs to develop their potential and strength to be
able to compete.
The definition of rural industry is narrow, namely in
small scale industries and households (IKRT).
Sajogyo and Tambunan (Kuncoro, 2014: 293) Rural
industries are a form of transition between artisan
industries and modern industries. In Indonesia, rural
industries tend to be connoted with or as a tool for
rural development (with small-scale industries and
households) and open parts of modern industrial
development. White (Kuncoro, 2014: 295)
classification of rural industries lies in the criteria of
resource-based industry which is contrasted with
foot loose industry. Resource-based industry is
supportive and has a multiplier effect on the
agricultural and industrial sectors based in rural
areas, while foot loose industries tend to create an
enclve economy, namely the lack of integration of
industries concerned with other industries in the
Therefore the limitations of rural industries are
small industries whose resource base is in rural
areas, including agro-industry and various industries.
With regard to rural industries, at least rural
industries can be identified as micro, small business
and medium-sized businesses.
After the 2010 ASEAN Free Trade Area
(ACFTA) in 2015 entered the era of the ASEAN
Economic Community (AEC) or in the future in
2020 Indonesia must deal with other Sree Trade
Area forums such as APEC which demand the
Indonesian economy, including MSMEs must strive
to position themselves in the market. At present
Indonesia's position in the Asean Economic
Community is ranked 36th globally and 4th place
among ASEAN countries (World Economic Forum,
The main concept of the MEA is to create
ASEAN as a single market and unity of production
base where there is free flow of goods, services,
factors of production, investment and capital and the
elimination of tariffs for trade between ASEAN
countries. Through strengthening this collaboration
it is hoped that it can reduce poverty and the level of
economic inequality among ASEAN countries
through a number of mutually beneficial cooperation
(Wilantara and Susilawati, 2016 : 16). The WEF
considers that Indonesia has a competitive level in
general at the top level, but it is still low in terms of
technological preparedness and labor market
efficiency which still ranks Indonesia as 96th in the
world rankings.
Empowerment of MSMEs is a comprehensive
process that is an active process between motivators,
facilitators and community groups that need to be
empowered through increasing knowledge, skills,
providing various facilities and opportunities to
achieve access to natural resource systems in
improving community welfare (Sumodiningrat and
Wulandari, 2015: 20) . The empowerment process
should include enabling (creating a conducive
atmosphere), empowering (strengthening
community capacity and capability), protecting
(protection from injustice), supporting (guidance and
support) and foresting (maintaining a conducive
condition to stay balanced).
Technological advances affect the cycle of
human resource competence. Expertise in the form
of skills, knowledge and work attitudes obtained at
this time, is not necessarily still valid in the future or
is still up to date when technology has changed
procedures, forms and functions (Silitonga,
Dubois and Miley (Sumodiningrat and
Wulandari, 2015: 19) argue that the basics of
empowerment include:
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
a. Empowerment is a collaborative process between
client and work executant mutually beneficial.
b. The empowerment process views the client system
as a component and ability that provides a way to
source of income and provide opportunities.
c. The client must feel himself as a free money agent
can influence
d. Competence gained and improved through life
experience, a strong special experience than the
state that states what is being done
e. Empowerment includes the path to sources of
income and the capacity to use these sources of
income effectively
f. The empowerment process is a dynamic,
synergistic, ever changing and evolutionary
problem that always has many solutions
g. Empowerment is the achievement through parallel
structures of individuals and the development of
The concept of corporate entrepreneurship or
intrapreneurship is needed to increase the growth of
MSME entrepreneurs. Rosabeth Kanter (Dhewanto,
2013:7) Through the concept of corporate
entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship within the
company will be able to increase company revenue
and be able to make the company survive in difficult
economic conditions.
According to the Law in Indonesia No. 20 of
2008, article 38 paragraph 2 that, coordination and
control of empowerment of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises is carried out nationally and
regionally which includes the formulation and
integration of policies and programs,
implementation, evaluation, and general control of
the implementation of MSMEs empowerment
including business partnership management and
financing of MSMEs.
The Medium Term Development Plan (RPJM)
in the 3rd Indonesia (2015-2019) development of
MSMEs is directed to strengthen overall
development by emphasizing the development of
economic competitive advantage based on available
human resources, quality human resources and the
ability of science and technology(Bapenas, 2015).
This study uses a research and development
approach (R & D)of qualitative research. The
method used is exploratory and evaluative method to
identify various symptoms and root problems that
occur in small dan medium enterpreneurs of
inovations strategies and development of products
milk etawa and palm sugar in Kebonharjo,
Samigaluh, Kulonprogo Yogyakarta.Research
procecessing with direct observations, interview,
questionare and reference study.
Data be collected from our respondents who
were considered to be able to represent information
and understand the problems by Small and Medium
Enterprises in Kebonharjo, namely the village head
(lurah) and several other village officials, head and
secretaries of farmer groups, etawa goat milk
breeders, palm sugar producers and activists of
Small and Medium Enterprises in the regions.
6 months of research implementation, starting from
April to October 2018. This analysis is a
development of our research that measures the level
of innovation of etawa and palm sugar products in
the same place.
Profile of Kebonharjo Rural Industry From 2017 the
village report Kebonharjo Village, District
Samigaluh, Kulon Progo Regency, the village
revenue of Rp. 19,726,435, -, village funds Rp. 852
526 000, -, tax-sharing and regional retribution Rp.
38,453,744, village fund allocation of Rp. 709 770
189, - aid kotaRp district. 195,000,000, and other
income of Rp. 15,987,854, -so that the total income
of the village of Rp. 1,690,387,081, -. The fund
allocation is for rural development 61.2% (Rp.
1,034,547,777, - the organization of village
government, 32.7% to Rp. 553 101 398, -, fostering
civic Rp. 73.53105 million, - as well as the
empowerment of Rp. 29,206,856, -.
Kebonharjo Village has considerable potential
to become one of the villages that gives birth to
SMEs with a characteristic of local wisdom. Of the
10 hamlets in the village there are various kinds of
products and concentrations of each hamlet's
Table 1: Business Distribution in Kebonharjo
No Sub-Village
Business Category
1 Jarakan
Nature tourism, fishing,
welding workshop
2 Gowok Milk Etawa
3 Kaliduren Palm sugar, contruction,
local foods
4 Dungsambuh
Coconut fiber and local
Increasing Industrial Competitiveness in Rural Areas through Institutions Strengthening and Human Resource Development
5 Kedunggupit
goat breeders and
6 Gebang
bamboo, wood and coconut
fiber craft.
7 Pelem goat breeders
8 Jeringan
goat breeders and plant
9 Kleben
plantations, vegetables and
10 Pringtali ecotourism and temple
Source : Internal Data Kebonharjo, 2018
The Kebonharjo government in 2017 has
allocated a community empowerment fund of Rp.
29,206,856, -. From the totalk it was used for the
activities of the capacity of village heads, village
officials and village consultative bodies of Rp.
4,512,000, productive business and economic
training activities Rp. 15,831,856, agricultural
business training activities Rp. 1,910,000,
entrepreneurship training activities Rp. 5,577.00, -
and the capacity building activities of social
institutions amount to Rp. 1,376,000.
The large potential of the industry in
Kebonharjo village also has several weaknesses
which until now are still a major problem
developing the industry in the countryside. Some of
the fundamental weaknesses faced by business
people in the village of Kebonharjo are that some
people have not yet managed their business in total,
how to produce which are still traditionally very
traditional, geographic relative steep, lacking
business motivation, depending on natural
superiority, low capital, access distribution and
marketing, substantive economic activities and
community comfort in the natural comparative zone.
Strengthening Business Institutions
In the face of changing macroeconomic landscapes
at the local, national and global levels, forcing each
local government in Indonesia to begin reviewing
their approaches and perspectives in managing their
regions (Kertajaya dan Yuswohady, 2005:4).
Strengthening business institutions in the regions is
one of the important things to encourage innovation
in MSMEs in enhancing regional competitiveness.
The strategy to generate product innovation and
competitiveness of SMEs in Kebonharjo Village,
especially etawa goat milk and palm sugar, this
study offers two (pillars) strategies, namely business
institutional strategies and human resource
development strategies.
The business institutional strategy is based on
the scope of SME business problems that range from
the level of resistance to change, the perception of
capital / capital, the delay in adapting to changes in
the business environment and the attachment of old
patterns in conducting business. So based on this
problem the strategy to deal with internal changes in
etawa goat milk farmers is to find and optimize the
farmers' intellectual capital, integrate with the
natural environment, culture and build a network of
partnerships or cooperation on the right goals or
targets in developing etawa goat milk business.
In the business institutional strategy, we can see
4 (four) main dimensions, namely internal change,
environmental intellectual capital and business
networks. Each of these dimensions can be
implemented with concentrated goals as outlined
a. Internal changes
The strategy that can be applied to internal
changes is that SME businesses in Kebonharjo
Village must be able to respond to false
opportunities. Relevant parties are needed, for
example village government or programs run by
educational institutions and experts to provide
understanding of business opportunities, for
example involving them in various scientific
meetings or marketing and business management
training programs.
Through the program, the result is the
motivation of SME entrepreneurs to move to carry
out business activities in total so that
entrepreneurs are not tempted by other types of
businesses that are new to the trend or as if they
have greater opportunities than the business
currently being run.
The second implementation is to provide
learning to the younger generation or provide
training and increase knowledge or share business
experience with the younger generation. While the
third strategy is that SME entrepreneurs both
etawa goat milk and palm sugar must be able to
determine their business performance standards.
This is also a form of business vision that has a
clear and measurable target.
Overall, the institutional strategy on the
internal change dimension aims for small
businesses to focus on doing business, efficiency,
creating sustainable businesses between
generations, encouraging innovation, stimulating
independence and stimulating increased
production / productivity volumes.
b. Intellectual Capital
The government and the people of Kebonharjo
Village must have sufficient intellectual capital,
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
that is, everything that is a non tangible or non-
physical asset and resource of an organization or
The implementation of strategies that can
stimulate the strengthening of intellectual capital
is to increase knowledge and skills of human
resources, strengthen organizational structure and
organizational culture as organizational capital
and accurate flow of information / communication
as a form of information capital that is useful for
business development. In addition, intellectual
capital can also be done by adopting technology to
stimulate creativity, productivity and compliance
with applicable laws.
Intellectual capital strategy targets that can be
implemented by the Kebonharjo Village
Government or those who have interests as far as
possible are able to grow business professionals,
improve mental and knowledge entrepreneurs,
foster business motivation, business / product
innovation, inspiration and open access to
business opportunities, prioritize strong business
visions and able to create a good organizational /
business culture.
In addition, the target of the success of the
intellectual capital strategy can provide access to
market expansion (marketshare), develop
partnership strategies, strengthen and access
capital, and encourage expertise in making
appropriate business strategy decisions.
The various strategies and target targets were
carried out so that goat milk and palm sugar or
other products in Kebonharjo Village were
regional / market-based products. It takes business
intelligence that is owned by businesses and
governments to create various SME strategic
targets. In the end, SMEs will be able to create
products that have quality and value to meet
customer desires so that they form a regional
brand equity.
c. Environment
Environmental aspects are an important factor in
the growth and development of business
enterprises run by small communities, especially
in the Village of Kebonharjo, Samigaluh,
Kulonprogo. So that a strategy for environmental
analysis is needed by understanding comparative
advantage and the balance of the natural
environment and socio-cultural environment.
Understanding of comparative advantages
reinforced by business ethics and the expected
knowledge of targets in this environmental
strategy can create a balance of nature /
ecosystems, environmental care, sustainable
regional development, local wisdom and strong
social responsibility.
d. Business Network
Business network strategies can be implemented
by collaborating to create quality, horizontal
cooperation between SME entrepreneurs and or
cooperatives and vertical cooperation.
The implementation of these strategies is
directed to the success of SMEs to create products
that have quality standards, competitiveness of
regional / distinctive products, business
communities, business clusters, reduce operating
costs. The strategic application of SMEs in
Kebonharjo Village can create the image of
regional brands as a means of competitiveness,
foster marketing relationships, one village one
product, be able to run supply chains, ensure
continuity of availability of raw materials and
expand market access both nationally and
Human Resource Development Strategy
In enhancing the competitiveness of regional SMEs,
the government and SMEs can implement the
concept of human resource development strategies
in 2 (two) key dimensions, namely the dimensions of
continuous education and training.
a. Education
The education dimension is an important factor in
strengthening and creating the quality of human
resources (HR). The implementation of strategies
that can be implemented in the education
dimension is to improve the managerial
capabilities of SMEs and business assistance and
strengthen SME business strategies.
The target of the implementation of the
strategy is to increase management / managerial
knowledge and understanding, sensitivity and
skills in dealing with business problems and
knowledge and understanding of new business
strategies. Success in implementing strategies in
the right dimensions of education can stimulate
and bring forth business innovation and enhance
business creativity.
b. Training
The training dimension is interrelated with the
education dimension, where training emphasizes
measurable skills for SMEs in the region. It takes
parties who partner with the government or
business people in implementing education and
training strategies. Some implementations that can
be implemented in training strategies are
Incubator-based training, core competencies,
needs-based training, cooperation-based,
Increasing Industrial Competitiveness in Rural Areas through Institutions Strengthening and Human Resource Development
professional training and the concept of two-way
or participatory training.
The target of this training is to improve
competency, expertise, negotiation /
communication, confidence and understanding of
competency standards. Training must be carried
out in a directed and continuous manner so that
the implementation of the training is in accordance
with the needs / on target to foster SMEs that are
ready to compete with strong HR capacity.
Education and training in business strategies for
SMEs must also be able to form a broader network /
market and establish strong SME partnership
commitments with partner parties. The openness of
SME business actors to the problems faced can
encourage governments, institutions or private
companies to implement training programs on target
or effectively so that internal weaknesses can be
strengthened comprehensively. Another goal of the
training strategy is to increase the expertise and
understanding of SMEs in the division of tasks or
areas of cooperation that will be carried out in the
concept of a win-win solution partnership.
Based on the description of conclusions as follows:
1. The competitiveness of rural industries is
enhanced through the implementation of
strategies to strengthen institutions that support
SME businesses and develop human resources
appropriately and sustainably as needed
2. Strengthening Strategy Business institutions can
be focused on the dimensions of internal
change, intellectual capital, the environment and
business partnership networks.
3. The HR development strategy can be carried out
a strategy that focuses on the dimensions of
education and training focused on the problems
faced by SMEs in a sustainable manner.
4. It takes the role of the regional government, the
central government, educational institutions or
other parties to develop and empower
communities in professional business activities
as a means of competitiveness
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