The Effect of Enterpreneurship Education and Family Environment
on the Enterpreneural Interest of Tenth Grade Students of SMK
Swasta Eria Medan in the Academic Year of 2017/2018
Ummi Chairani
, Opy Triansyah
, Eduward Situmorang
, Swara Kasih Kartini Putri
, Nurul Shadrina
and Muhammad Bukhori Dalimunthe
Postgraduated student Education Of Economy, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Faculty of Economics, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, Family Environment, Entrepreneurial Interest
Abstract: This research aimed to find out (1) how big the impact of entrepreneurship education is on the
entrepreneurial interest of students (2) how big the influence of family environment is on the entrepreneurial
interest of students (3) how big the impact of entrepreneurship education and family environment is on the
entrepreneurial interest of the tenth grade students of SMK Swasta Eria Medan in the academic year of
2017/2018. The variable used in this research is entrepreneurship education and family environment as
independent variables and entrepreneurial interest as the dependent variable. This research is a research on
population with 75 tenth grade accounting students of Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Swasta Eria Medan as
the respondents. The techniques of collecting data used are observation, interview and questionnaire.
Validity and reliability test were conducted to test the validity and the reliability of the variables of
entrepreneurship education, family environment and the entrepreneurial interest. The result of this research
indicated that (1) entrepreneurship education had significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest which is
shown by the tvalue>ttable, which is 9.487>1.666 with significance level value of 5% (2) family
environment had significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest, which is shown by the tvalue >ttable,
which is 4.391 > 1.666 with significance level value of 5% (3) entrepreneurship education and family
environment had significant effect on the entrepreneurial interest, which is shown by the tvalue >ttable,
which is 7.218>2,736 with significance level value of 5% and R2 0.788 or 78.8%.
Unemployment is regarded as one of economy
problems Indonesia is facing at this moment.
Unemployment is a result of the number of labor
forces that is not proportional to the number of jobs.
One of the solutions taken to overcome
unemployment is by creating entrepreneurship. The
government's effort to create entrepreneurship is
through education. Education must be able to play
an active role in preparing educated humans and
Vocational High Schools (SMK) is one of the levels
of education that is expected to be able to overcome
To direct students to have the desired mindset,
the mindset of the children must be focused on the
independent efforts rather than expecting work from
others. It is better to create a job than expecting job
from someone else. To form an entrepreneurial
human being and able to do entrepreneurship in
vocational students, then what must be embedded
first is the interest in entrepreneurship itself.
Noore (in Suryana, 2006: 63) suggests that
factors that influence entrepreneurial interest are
seen from internal factors, namely tolerance, risk
taking, personal value, entrepreneurship education,
entrepreneurial experience, age, and commitment.
While the external factors are family, friends of
parents and social networks.
The provision of entrepreneurial knowledge
through entrepreneurship education to vocational
students is very necessary. The higher the
entrepreneurial knowledge of the vocational
students, the more their insights will be opened
about entrepreneurship. Ideally, schools can help
shape students' interests in entrepreneurship.
Chairani, U., Triansyah, O., Situmorang, E., Putri, S., Bintang, N. and Dalimunthe, M.
The Effect of Enterpreneurship Education and Family Environment on the Enterpreneural Interest of Tenth Grade Students of SMK Swasta Eria Medan in the Academic Year of 2017/2018.
DOI: 10.5220/0009496902130216
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 213-216
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Entrepreneurship education is one of the factors that
triggers interest in entrepreneurship. A person who
has obtained training, seminars, entrepreneurship
courses will be interested in entrepreneurship.
In addition to the provision of the entrepreneurial
education, another factor that that has effect on the
interest in entrepreneurship is the family
environment. Family support can be used as
encouragement and motivation to grow interest in
entrepreneurship. The family can also encourage
students by giving a real picture about advantages to
have business of their own. The family environment
is the primary education environment that is first
received by a child as from the family children first
get education and guidance since their birth.
According to Kasmir (2011: 6), encouragement
in the form of a strong motivation to advance from
the family is also the initial capital to become an
entrepreneur. The profession background of the
parents is one of the factors that plays a role in
children's interest in entrepreneurship where the
work of parents is entrepreneurial. Therefore, their
children are expected to continue the parent's
business or to create their own business.
Based on the description above, the purpose of
this study is to find out whether there is an influence
of entrepreneurship education and family
environment on entrepreneurial interest in
entrepreneurship of the tenth grade accounting
students of SMK Swasta Eria Medan in the
academic year of 2017/2018.
Entrepreneurship Education Theory
According to Asmani (2011: 120), entrepreneurship
education is a weapon that destroys unemployment
and poverty, and becomes a ladder towards the
dream of every society to be financially
independent, has the ability to build individual
prosperity, while at the same time entrepreneurhsip
contributes to developing the welfare of society.
Therefore, entrepreneurship education can be
defined as an effort by educational institutions to
instill knowledge, values, spirit and entrepreneurial
attitudes towards students and students to equip
themselves to be independent, creative and
innovative human beings.
Entrepreneurship education teaches
entrepreneurial values that will shape character and
behavior for entrepreneurship so students can be
independent. Entrepreneurship education is also able
to equip students with various entrepreneurial
competencies which will bring great benefits to their
Family Environment Theory
Djali (2012: 99) stated that the Family Environment
is the first place where life begins and is very
influential on student success.
The importance of education for students in the
family environment has effect on the success of the
Entrepreneurial Interest Theory
According to Kurniawati (2015: 75), Interest in
entrepreneurship can be seen as an intention to
create a new organization or business or as a risk-
taking behavior to start a new business.
Entrepreneurial interest is the desire, interest and
willingness to work hard or to be strong-willed to be
self-reliant or to fulfill their needs without feeling
afraid of the risks that will be experienced, as well as
the strong will to learn from failure.
Population is a generalization area consisting of
objects / subjects that have certain qualities and
characteristics set by the researcher to be studied and
then drawn conclusions. If the subject is less than
100 people then the sample should be taken entirely
from the population. Therefore, in this case the
researcher chose the sampling technique by means
of total sampling, namely sampling the entire
population of 74 students.
The method used for collecting data are
observation, interview and questionnaire. The testing
of the research instrument was done before the
questionnaires were given to the respondents. The
testing of the instruments was conducted with
validity and reliability test. Validity test results
obtained that rvalue > rtable therefore, the variable
X1 is said to be valid 23 items, variable X2 is said to
be valid 21 items, and variable Y is said to be valid
21 items while the results of reliability are cronbach
alpha values greater than 80%, then, instruments is
said to be reliable. If the data are said to be valid and
reliable, then the next stage is data analysis.
Research data analysis in this study was conducted
with classical assumption and multiple regression
analysis. Two kinds of classic assumption tests used
in this study are: Normality Test, and Homogeneity
Test. In this study, there were two independent
variables with one dependent variable, namely
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
entrepreneurship education (X1), family
environment (X2), which affects the interest in
entrepreneurship (Y).
The relationship of these three variables is a
straight line (linear) so that this study used multiple
regression. Multiple linear regression analysis in this
study was used to determine the effect of
independent variables and dependent variable.
To find out the effect of entrepreneurship education,
and the family environment on entrepreneurial
interest, it can be seen from the results of multiple
regression analysis. In the analysis, there are several
classical assumptions that must be met, namely
normal distribution, and homogeneous data. In the
P-plot graph, the data spreads around the diagonal
line and follows the direction of the histograph line
to the normal distribution pattern, so the dependent
variable Y (Entrepreneurial Interest) meets the
assumption of normality. The homogeneity test is
seen from the dependent variable Y, the mean
value> 0.05 is 0.452> 0.05, so it can be said that the
variance of each sample is the same (homogeneous).
Table 1: Enterpreneurial Interest
Table 2: Family Encironment
Table 3: Model Summary
The analysis used in this study is linear regression
with three predictors, which are entrepreneurship
education (X1), family environment (X2), and
entrepreneurial interest (Y). This regression model
can be used to determine the effect of
entrepreneurial education, and family environment
on entrepreneurial interest simultaneously and
Based on the results of the table coefficients,
multiple regression equation was obtained as
Y = 9,127+ 0,630X1 + 0,521 X2
The regression equation means:
Constant = 9,127
This value was taken from the unstandardized
coefficients in the table of coefficients. If the
independent variables (entrepreneuriship education,
family environment) are considered equal to zero,
then the average interest in entrepreneurship is
Coefficient X1 = 0.630
If the entrepreneurship education variable increases
by one point while the family environment variable
is constant. Then, it will result an increase in the
entrepreneurial interest by 0.630
Coefficient X2 = 0.521
If the variable learning achievement has
increased by one point while the variable work
practices of the industry and family environment are
considered to be correct, it will cause an increase in
entrepreneurial interest by 0.521.
Based on the ANOVA table above, it can be seen
that the significance value of the F test was 0.000
<0.05 so it can be concluded that there was an
influence of entrepreneurship education and family
environment together on students' entrepreneurial
Based on the table of coefficients above it can be
seen that the significance value of the three variables
was <0.05, so it can be concluded that there was an
influence of entrepreneurship education on
entrepreneurial interest, and family environment on
entrepreneurial interest.
To see the magnitude of the influence of the
independent variables on the dependent variable as a
whole can be seen in the following summary model
Based on the summary model table, the adjusted
R2 value of 0.788 (78.8%) means that the
independent variables of entrepreneurship education
and family environment together influence the
dependent variable of entrepreneurial interest in the
tenth grade accounting students of SMK Swasta Eria
Medan at 78.8%. While the remaining 100% -
78.8% = 21.2% is explained by other variables
outside this research.
The Effect of Enterpreneurship Education and Family Environment on the Enterpreneural Interest of Tenth Grade Students of SMK Swasta
Eria Medan in the Academic Year of 2017/2018
The magnitude of the contribution of industrial
work practice variables to students' entrepreneurial
interest was equal to (0.630)2 x 100% = 39.69%,
and the magnitude of the environmental contribution
to student entrepreneurship is equal to (0.521)2 x
100% = 27.15 %.
Entrepreneurship education of the students can
foster the entrepreneurial interest of the students
because during approximately 3 consecutive years in
the entrepreneurship education, students were taught
directly in the Business World or World Industry,
they were taught about the intact and real knowledge
of how to create something new and different. This
is in accordance with what was stated by
Prawirokusumo (in Surayana, 2006: 11) that
Entrepreneurship contains a complete and real field
of knowledge, that is, there are complete scientific
theories, concepts and methods. Entrepreneurship is
a scientific discipline that has its own object, namely
the ability to create something new and different,
Entrepreneurship is a tool to create equity of
business and income, or fair and prosperous people's
The amount of influence of students'
entrepreneurship education showed that there was a
sense of accounting interest from students of SMK
Eria Medan to become an entrepreneur. If this
condition is driven by an entrepreneurial teacher to
provide motivation, it can develop the
entrepreneurial interest for the students. The
influence of the family environment on students'
interest in learning was quite small, due to lack of
encouragement from parents towards their children's
interests, so that interest cannot develop. Parents
should give encouragement / motivation to their
children to develop their desired talents and
interests, with a better encouragement from parents,
a child will have more confidence to become an
entrepreneur. From these results, schools, teachers,
students and parents are recommended to give
motivation to their children that after graduation
they do not have to be an employee, but they can be
an entrepreneur.
If everyone thinks of being an entrepreneur,
Indonesia's unemployment rate can be reduced as the
presence of young entrepreneurs can employ the
labor forces. Regarding this, the school in this case
has a role which teachers of entrepreneurship
subjects always need to provide motivation and also
provide entrepreneurial material using some
approaches, such as approaches by describing the
success of some entrepreneurs and those who have
not been successful. The reason is to make the
students who take entrepreneurship subject
interested and can grow interest in student
entrepreneurship. This is in line with what Kasmir
said (2011: 6) that Encouragement in the form of a
strong motivation to advance from the family is also
the initial capital to become an entrepreneur.
Based on the results of this study it can be concluded
that there was a significant effect of
entrepreneurship education and family environment
on the entrepreneurial interests of students partially
and simultaneously. From this research, it can be
suggested that: to make channel the children's
interests properly, teachers of entrepreneurship
subject and parents should provide motivation to
children to become an entrepreneur, and family
environment conditions should also be considered
as it can influence children to become entrepreneurs.
Asmani, Jamal Ma’mur. (2011). Sekolah Entrepreneur.
Yogyakarta: Harmon.
Djali. (2012). Psikologi Pendidikan. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara.
Kasmir. (2011). Kewirausahaan. Jakarta : PT.Rajagrafindo
Suryana. (2006). Kewirausahaan Kiat dan Proses Menuju
Sukses. Bandung : Salemba Empat.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science