The Analysis of the Role of Principal Leadership in Improving School
Productivity of Elementary Schools in Medan Sunggal in the
Academic Year of 2017/2018
Opy Triansyah
, Eduward Situmorang
, Swara Kasih Kartini Putri
, Nurul Shadrina Bintang
Ummi Chairani
Postgraduate State University of Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: Role Of Principal Leadership, School Productivity
Abstract: This study aimed to find out how the role of principal leadership is in improving school productivity of all
elementary schools of Medan Sunggal district. This research was conducted using case study method. The
population of this study is the principal, teachers, and all students of State Elementary Schools in Medan
Sunggal. The technique used in collecting the sample is purposive sampling technique. While the data used
in this research are interviews, observations, and documents, which then were analyzed using interactive
techniques. Based on the findings obtained from the field, it can be concluded the role of principal
leadership in improving school productivity in elementary schools are: a) to motivate the teachers and
students b) to give example of leadership by being disciplined c) to pay attention to the welfare the teacher
d) to implement and observe the process of the resources used to achieve an effective and an efficient goal
d) to balance the input and output comparison and show how to use them.
Education is a very important aspect of life, because
in this very modern era education has become a
benchmark of someone's success. That's where
humans compete to get the best education and
improve the way to determine the quality of their
education. the quality of someone's education is
determined by the place where he gets his education
in educational institutions, one of which is school.
Schools are educational institutions and formal
organizations in which lies the elements of students,
teachers, employees and principals as leaders. In an
institution, especially schools, they also carry out
school management functions namely management
of education. Every organization or institution
always needs and has a leader in carrying out every
management activity. The success of an organization
depends heavily on how the leadership in the
organization. Leaders are people who occupy
positions, carry out the duties of leadership Sondang
P Siagian in Abdul Aziz Wahab (2006: 83) states
that, "Leadership is the core of an organization and
management, so that the success of an organization
in achieving its goals depends on the ability of its
leaders in moving. The Principal is the manager or
the leader of the school who is in charge of directing
all the people and facilities in the school. Thus, the
principal is someone who plays a huge role in
determining the school atmosphere.
School is an organizational unit led by a
principal. An effective leader is a leader who
influences and directs all the behavior of his
employee in such a way. The reason for this is to
make all of his employees' behavior is in line with
the principal as the leader in his school must show
positive attitude and discipline so that it can be an
example of discipline for school resident, especially
for the teachers and employees. The teachers and
employees are the important elements for the
success of the vision and mission of a school, so that
the school is expected to have quality products later.
Productivity plays a role in the world of
education. Indirectly, school productivity will affect
the academic quality and students' morale. If school
productivity is high, then the student achievement
will increase. School productivity is not something
that stands alone, school productivity is affected by
Triansyah, O., Situmorang, E., Putri, S., Bintang, N. and Chairani, U.
The Analysis of the Role of Principal Leadership in Improving School Productivity of Elementary Schools in Medan Sunggal in the Academic Year of 2017/2018.
DOI: 10.5220/0009496701370140
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 137-140
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reser ved
several factors, both internal and external factors.
External factors relate to the school system, namely
the authority that is hierarchically above it, and the
condition of the school which surround it. The
connection between this system will affect the
quality of the teachers' performance. While the
internal factors are related to the teacher's personal
characteristics in carrying out his duties as a teacher,
and his interaction with the schools’ environment, as
well as the leadership of school principals also
school systems and policies. School productivity in
elementary school can also be seen from the quality
of graduation in the form of achievement in the
academic field, seen from the acquisition of the
graduation results in each year and the percentage of
graduation. While non-academic achievements are
seen from the success of schools in various
competitions and championships in both the arts and
sports. The achievements in the academic field of
Medan Sunggal Elementary Schools are still not
satisfactory because of the data obtained from the
UPT sub district, even though the percentage of
graduated students was high in the 2017/2018 school
year, only 1 student did not graduate because the
percentage of graduation was achieved from the
Graduation Standard (SKL) was very low.
Based on this, the question arises "What is the
principals’ leadership role in increasing school
productivity in the Elementary Schools in Medan
Sunggal Sub-district?" This research focuses on the
leadership of principals and productivity. The
objectives to be achieved from this research are: (a)
to find out how the role of principal leadership in
school productivity in Public Elementary Schools in
Medan Sunggal.
Educational Leadership Concept
The word lead (lead) is derived from the word Anglo
Saxon which is generally used in North European
language, which means the road or route of the ship.
According to Gardner (Usman 2013: 307) "leaders
are the people who become examples, influence the
behavior of their followers through a number of
significant feelings of their followers. Being a
different example by giving an example ".
Leadership as one of the managements functions is
to achieve organizational goals. Wahjosumidjo
(2011: 17) states "leadership is translated into traits,
personal behavior, influence on others, patterns of
interaction, work relationships between roles,
position of an administrative position, and
perception of others about the legitimacy of
influence. "Educational leadership is related to the
principal's problem in increasing the opportunity to
hold meetings effectively with teachers in a
conducive situation. Mulyasa (2013: 17) argues that
"the principal's leadership performance is an effort
made and results that can be achieved by the
principal in applying school's management to
actualize the goal of education as effective and
efficient, productive and accountable". Good
principals are qualified. The quality is not claimed
by a leader or by those who will be promoted or
promoted to sit on that position, but by the quality of
the recognition from the subordinates or the
Principal’s Leadership
A principal is said to be successful when they
understand the existence of the school as a complex
and unique organization, and when he is able to
carry out the role as the person who is given the
responsibility to lead the school. Superior leadership
is built on values. Maxwell (Karwati and Priansa
2013: 177) that "people must trust the leader first,
then the vision. Trust is the foundation of leadership.
This means that the school's vision, mission, and
goals will succeed if teachers, staff, and other
employees believe in the principal’s leadership."
The principal main task consists of the creators of
the learning community, leaders, managers, and
supervisors. The task of the principal as a leader
reflects his duties as an innovator, and motivator.
While the duties of the principal as manager
represent the duties of the principal as an
administrator, because noting activities is one of the
manager's functions which is reporting. The task of
the principal as supervisor is to carry out
supervision, which carry out the supervision, which
is professional activities in order to improve the
school's quality and its components as a whole.
Based on Kepmendiknas Number 162 of 2003,
about the Teacher Assignment Guidelines as
Principal stated that "the duties of the principal are
educators, managers, administrators, supervisors,
leaders, entrepreneurs, and climate creators. These
tasks are often abbreviated as EMASLEC. the term
"productivity" comes from English word
productivity, which means the ability to produce
something. Whereas work means the activity of
doing something to make a living. The same thing
was stated by The Liang Gie that work productivity
is the ability to produce a work that is more than the
usual size that is already common. A slightly
different opinion is expressed by Hadari that
productivity can be interpreted as a comparison
between the results obtained (output) and the
number of work sources used as input. Productivity
is said to be high when the work performance is
produced meet the target, both in terms of quality
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
and quantity also meeting the standards which
already determined, in the other hand the
productivity is said to be low when the work
performance does not meet the target in both in
terms of quality or quantity. According to Whitmore
in Mulyasa stated that: "Productivity is a measure of
the resources to the amount of the employee
resources". It views productivity as a measure of the
use of organizational resources which is usually
expressed as the ratio of output achieved with the
resources used.
Factors that Influence Teacher Working
A teacher can achieve a high level of productivity if
it is supported by factors that influence it, both
internal which coming from the teacher himself and
those which coming from outside. Sedarmayanti
stated that the characteristics of productive
individuals which are: 1) constructive actions, 2)
confidence, 3) having a sense of responsibility, 4)
having a sense of love for their work, 5) having a
foresight, 6) being able to solve problems, 7) can
adapt to an environmental changing, 8) have a
positive contribution to the environment, 9) have the
power to realize its potential.
According to Mulyasa (2002: 92) productivity in
education is related to the overall process of
structuring and the use of resources to achieve the
goals of education effectively and efficiently.
Formally, productivity is a concise measure of the
quality and quantity of performance with the use of
defined resources. Productivity is measured at the
level of individuals, groups or organizations. As was
said by Malayu S.P. Hasibuan (2003: 123) states that
productivity is a comparison between output and
input and strengthens the way of using both the
sources in producing goods or services. The same
thing stated by Sutrisno (2010: 207) suggests that
productivity is output per unit, or output divided by
input, or rational between output and input.
Productivity in the education world is the best
comparison between the results obtained (output)
and the number of sources used (input). Productivity
can be expressed with both quantity and quality.
Output quantity is the number of graduates, while
input is the amount of school employee, and other
Buchari Alma (2005: 64) argues that school
productivity is a measure of effectiveness in the
form of equal input, quality output, output science
that is balanced with needs, adequate graduate
income; and efficient in the form of: high learning
motivation; high morale, trust of various parties,
financing as small as possible but great results.
According to Thomas, J. Alan (1971: 12-23) school
productivity includes (1) The Administrator
Production Function (PFI); namely managerial
functions (administration); (2) The Psychologist's
Production Function (PPF); namely behavioral
(psychological) functions; and (3) The Economic
Production Function (EPF); namely economic
function (economical). this shows that school
effectiveness is very important, including
managerial, psychological, and economic, all of
which are interrelated.
This study used a qualitative approach, namely
research that emphasizes on the quality or the most
important thing of the nature of an item / service.
The most important thing from the nature of
something in the form of symptoms / social
phenomena, namely the meaning behind the incident
that can be made valuable lessons for a development
concept of theory.
This research was conducted at all 060887 public
elementary schools Medan Sunggal, observed by the
principal, and colleagues. The subject of the research
is a source of data that provides clarity of the data
regarding the problem being studied. The concept of
the research subject relates to what or who is
researched. Satori and Komariah (2010: 45) said
"research subjects are entities that influence research
design, data collection, and data analysis decisions".
The subject of this research was the principal, and
the teachers of all 060887 public elementary schools
Medan Sunggal in increasing its performance.
In qualitative research, the research instrument or
the tool is the researcher himself. The research
instrument is the researcher himself, because in
research that uses a qualitative approach researchers
are the main instrument. According to Riduwan
(2010: 71), "the research instrument describes all the
tool data collection used, data collection processes
and instrument quality determination techniques
(validity and reliability). The researcher makes a set
of observation guidelines, interview guidelines, and
documentation studies which are used as general
guidelines in the recording process. To obtain valid
data, especially those obtained through observation
and interviews, examination techniques are needed.
One technique used is to check the degree of
trust. Data and information that were obtained were
analyzed with a qualitative pattern and interpreted
continuously from the beginning of the research
until the end of the research.
The Analysis of the Role of Principal Leadership in Improving School Productivity of Elementary Schools in Medan Sunggal in the
Academic Year of 2017/2018
The role of school principals is very influential on
school productivity because of the rules applied by
the principal in improving teachers' discipline, in
which the principal tries to be an example in the
school environment by coming early and coming
home late and checking the teachers’ presence. And
this is also inseparable from the leadership style
applied by the principal in improving teacher
discipline, namely the style of telling.
The telling leadership style is carried out by the
principal at the teacher council meeting, in the style
of the principal telling every morning, by sitting at
the teacher council office, he monitors every teacher
who comes and reminds him immediately when the
teaching hours started. Competence can be
understood as a teacher's ability to carry out
responsibilities responsibly and appropriately. The
skills that must be have by the teacher including: the
ability to open the learning, mastering teaching
materials, classroom management, using the media.
Based on the results of research conducted by
researchers, the contribution of the principal's
influence on the productivity of schools in Medan
Sunggal Public Elementary School is good enough.
In essence, the leadership of a school principal will
make colors on school productivity to perform well.
Schools must be a means in improving the ability of
students so that they become productive, meanwhile,
the principal as a leader is able to become a
motivator, mediator and facilitator in improving the
quality of schools through high school productivity.
Based on the findings of the study in the field, as
well as the discussion of the results of the study, it
can be concluded about the roles of the principal in
improving school productivity, which are also the
answer to the research questions. The roles are: a) to
motivate teachers and students b) to exemplify
leadership by being disciplined c) to pay attention to
the welfare of the teachers d) to implement and
supervise the process of structuring the use of
resources to achieve effective and efficient goals d)
to balance the comparison of inputs and outputs and
showing how to use them.
Based on the findings of the research regarding
the effect of the principal leadership and teacher
performance on school productivity, the following
can be suggested: (1) For the principal, to optimize
leadership in order to improve teacher performance
in the learning process, it is expected for the
principal to able to increase school productivity,
which indirectly affects school productivity on
academic and students' morale (2) The performance
of teachers, to improve the quality of the process in
implementing learning in schools, is expected to
continuously improve their productivity so that they
become teachers who are professional in carrying
out their duties. (3) This study only examined the
effect of principal leadership in increasing school
productivity in public elementary schools in Medan
Sunggal. Therefore, it is still necessary to do further
research by selecting other variables that are still
within the scope of school productivity to explain
other variables that have a large influence on school
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science