The Effect of Picture and Picture Learning Model with Scientific
Approach towards the Outcomes of Economy Learning of Tenth
Grade Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lubuk Pakam in the
Academic Year of 2015/2016
Nurul Shadrina Bintang
, Ummi Chairani
, Opy Triansyah
, Eduward Situmorang
and Swara Kasih
Kartini Putri
Economics of Education, Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Picture and Picture Learning Model, Scientific Approach
Abstract: The purpose of this research was to find out the outcomes of economy learning taught by using leaning
model of Picture and Picture and scientific approach higher than the outcomes of economy learning with
conventional method of class XIIS students of MAN Lubuk Pakam of the 2015/2016 academic year. This
research was conducted at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lubuk Pakam, Karya Agung Street, Komp. Pemda Deli
Serdang. The population of this research is all tenth grade students of MAN Lubuk Pakam with the 280
students in total who spread into eight classes. The sample was taken in two stages. In the first stage of class
sampling, of eight classes, two were taken using cluster-sampling technique while in the second stage, of 73
students, 60 students were taken using random-sampling technique with 30 students for each class. The
outcomes of this research showed that the outcomes of economy learning taught by using Picture and
Picture learning model with scientific approach is significantly higher than the outcomes of economy
learning which were taught using conventional method. This was proven by the outcomes of the analysis by
using the testing of t which showed that tvalue = 5,67 and the value of ttable = 1,67on the rate of
significance of 5 % and dk = 58. Then, tvalue> ttable (5,67 > 1,67), this means that H0 was rejected and Ha
was true. It can be concluded that the outcomes of economy learning of class X IIS students taught using
Picture and Picture learning model with scientific approach is significantly higher than the outcomes of
economy learning taught by using conventional method.
Education is a conscious effort to grow the potency
of human resource through the activity of teaching
and learning process. The purpose of education is to
create high quality human resource who is able to
face the challenge in this globalization era. Until this
time, the quality of education in Indonesia is
relatively lower than that of other countries.
Education is one of the realization of culture of
human that is dynamic and development laden.
Because of that, the change or the development of
education is something that is supposed to happen
along with the change of life culture. The change in
term of the improvement of education on every level
needs to be continuously done as an anticipation of
future needs. Education that is able to support the
development in the future is an education that is able
to improve the learners’ potency, therefore, those
who are involved are able to face and solve the
problem of their lives.
Teachers play an important role in the success of
their students. The teachers do not only teach, but
they also must have a conscious and critical attitude
to make changes and improvements in learning.
According to Raharjo (2012: 1) "A teacher acts as
the manager of the teaching and learning process,
acting as a facilitator who seeks to create teaching
and learning conditions, develop learning materials
and improve students' ability to listen to lessons and
master the educational goals to be achieved".
However, in reality, there are still teachers in
learning process who always demand their students
Bintang, N., Chairani, U., Triansyah, O., Situmorang, E. and Putri, S.
The Effect of Picture and Picture Learning Model with Scientific Approach towards the Outcomes of Economy Learning of Tenth Grade Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lubuk Pakam in
the Academic Year of.
DOI: 10.5220/0009496601320136
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 132-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
to learn but rarely give lessons about how students
should learn. In addition, there are teachers who
demand the students to solve problems, but rarely
teach how the students can solve problems.
Teachers only demonstrate the lesson to students
without seeing the learning needs of the students.
With the application of conventional methods by the
teacher when delivering the learning material, it
makes the students only wait for information from
the teacher, students are less active, lack of
interaction between the teacher and students and the
learning process that is centered only on the teacher.
The same thing also happened in the class X IIS
at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lubuk Pakam. Based on
an observation, it could be seen the domination of
the teachers that lessened the students’ opportunity
to involve actively in the learning process and it
made the students less creative. The other students
activities were merely watching the teachers
demonstrating the lesson and making notes about
things considered as important. Regarding this
matter, the teachers did not teach using a learning
model that make the students easier to understand
the lesson taught. It could be seen by the average
score of the test of the students, which are far from
the standard. Standard set by the school is 75 while
the number of students of class X IIS 1 who passed
the standard was only 13 students (37 %). Similar
with that, while the number of students of class X
IIS 2 who passed the standard in daily test I, II, III
was only 14 students (37.8 %). Therefore, it can be
concluded that students who managed to pass
Minimum Learning Mastery Standard was only 30
% and 70 % did not manage to score above the
Minimum Learning Mastery Standard.
The low learning outcomes of the school are
thought to be influenced by several factors such as
the lack of attention of students in the teaching and
learning process because of the lack of learning
motivation of students with conventional teacher
teaching patterns, as well as the teacher's lack of
knowledge about innovative learning.
To overcome these problems, various efforts are
needed to overcome them. One of which is by
applying innovative and constructive learning
models in developing learning processes that are in
accordance with the curriculum developed. One
learning model that can be used as a way out of the
problems that can be chosen to be applied in
learning is Picture and Picture learning model with
scientific approach.
With the implementation of the Picture and
Picture model with the scientific approach, students
are expected to be able to understand economic
subject easily. Besides that, students are also
expected to be more applicative because the teaching
given is based on problems related to the real world
they experience and thus they can apply it in
everyday life. This learning helps students process
the information that has been formed in their minds
and it arranges their own knowledge about their
social life and their surroundings. With such
learning, the knowledge gained will last longer and
the benefits will become apparent.
This is supported by research conducted by
Rahman (2012). The result of the study showed that
there were significant differences in the outcomes of
learning geography in the experimental class with
control class. It was proven that the result of the
analysis using the t test showed that the significance
was 0.017. Therefore, the significance value is 0.017
<0.05, then H0 was rejected which means that there
was a difference in experimental class learning
outcomes compared to the control class with the use
of the Picture and Picture model in the experimental
Based on the explanation above, the writer was
interested in conducting research entitled "The
Effect of Picture and Picture Learning Models with
Scientific Approach towards the Outcomes of
Economy Learning of Tenth Grade Students of
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lubuk Pakam in the
Academic Year of 2015/2016".
According to Shoimin (2014: 122) "The Picture and
Picture learning model is a learning model using
images that are paired or sorted into logical
sequences". Therefore, the Picture and Picture
learning model is a learning model that invites
students to think logically and systematically using
image media related to the subject matter displayed
as interesting as possible in the form of cards and
power points.
The use of this image media plays a very
important role in the teaching and learning process
as image media can facilitate student understanding
and strengthen their memory. Picture media can also
motivate learning and provide a relationship
between subject matter and the real world.
According to Levie and Levie (in Arsyad, 2013: 12)
"the use of image media will produce better learning
outcomes for tasks such as remembering,
recognizing, recalling, and connecting facts and
concepts. On the other hand, verbal stimuli gives
more dividing results if learning involves
consecutive memories.
Learning to use multiple senses (sight and
hearing) based on the concept above is very much in
accordance with the Picture and Picture learning
model. Learning models like this will provide
The Effect of Picture and Picture Learning Model with Scientific Approach towards the Outcomes of Economy Learning of Tenth Grade
Students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lubuk Pakam in the Academic Year of
benefits for students because students will learn
more than material only presented in the visual
stimulus or just audio stimulus. The use of the
Picture and Picture model is able to contribute
greatly to the success of the students’ learning.
Picture and Picture learning model are not free
from strengths and weaknesses. Picture and Picture
learning model is an active, innovative, creative, and
fun learning model. However, to choose the right
material used in the Picture and Picture learning
model is quite difficult, and the Picture and Picture
learning model requires adequate facilities.
According to Hosnan (2015: 34), "scientific
approach is a learning process designed in such a
way that students actively construct concepts, laws
or principles through observing stages (to identify or
find problems), formulate problems, propose or
formulate hypotheses, collect data with various
techniques, analyzing data, drawing conclusions and
communicating concepts, laws or principles found ".
Therefore, scientific approach is an approach to
learning that is carried out through various stages in
which it requires high level of reasoning.The criteria
of the scientific approach are said to be a learning
approach because in the scientific approach the
problem presented to students is a problem related to
real life, so that students do not make guesses the
answer to the problem, students are also expected to
be able to think critically, rationally and be able to
account for the conclusions obtained.
Hosnan (2015: 37) states that "the scientific
approach in learning has steps, namely: 1).
Observing, 2). Questioning, 3). Reasoning, 4).
Trying, 5). Establishing networks for all subjects.
The conventional method or the lecture method
is also called traditional learning methods because
this method has always been used by the teacher as a
learning method in the teaching and learning
process. According to Hamruni (in Supriyono, 2013:
475), "the conventional approach is the approach
applied by the teacher to the new students to the
extent of providing knowledge or skills to the extent
of knowing, not to putting the values of social and
humanity insight and practical mastery of life
provision. "
According to Hasyim (2012), "conventional
learning method is a learning method that
emphasizes the process of delivering material
verbally from a teacher to a group of students with
the intention to make the students able to master the
lesson material optimally".
Based on the description above it can be seen
that learning activities are only teacher-centered.
Therefore, the teacher has an important role in the
learning process and students are the passive
followers and recipients of one-direction learning.
The role of teacher in this conventional model is not
only as a good facilitator and mediator, but also
teacher has the learning authority.
Slameto (2010), "learning is an effort process
carried out by individuals to obtain a new behavior
change as a whole, as a result of the individual's own
experience in the individual' sinteraction and
Slameto (2010) "learning outcomes are the value
of the overall activities of measurement, processing,
interpretation, and consideration to make decisions
about the level of understanding of students after
conducting learning activities in an effort to achieve
the learning objectives that have been set. The
learning outcomes illustrate the progress, failure,
and determine the type and level of difficulty of each
student and the factors that cause difficulties when
learning, if the learning is good, the learning
outcomes can be affected." It can be concluded that
learning outcomes are a level of mastery of students
towards the lessons obtained by means of effort and
tenacity both individually and in groups that are
shown by the increase of the obtained value
The population in this research is all the students of
class X Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lubuk Pakam of
2014/2015 academic year with the 280 students in
Sampling in this study was carried out in two
stages. In the first stage of class sampling, two
classes were taken from eight classes with cluster
sampling technique. In the second stage the
sampling for students from 73 students was taken by
simple random sampling as many as 60 people (each
class of 30 people), this was done to maintain the
loss of samples.
Data analysis method in this study used
Descriptive Analysis Method, Normality Test,
Homogeneity Test, And Hypothesis Test.
Descriptive analysis was used to determine the true
state of the Picture and Picture learning model with
scientific approach to economy learning outcomes.
Normality test was used to find out whether the
sample taken comes from a population that is
normally distributed or not. The homogeneity test
aimed to find out whether the data has a
homogeneous variance or not. Testing the
hypothesis to determine the effect of economic
learning outcomes taught by the Picture and Picture
learning model with a scientific approach is
significantly higher than the economic learning
outcomes that weretaught by conventional methods.
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
In the experimental class the treatment was given
using a Picture and Picture learning model with
scientific approach while in the control class were
treated using conventional methods. Before given a
treatment, both of the classes, at the beginning of the
learning, were given a pre-test and at the end of
treatment, a post-test was given. Therefore, it was
obtained that the average score of the pre-test for the
experimental class was 66.67 and the average score
of the pret-test of the control class was 54.66, the
average score of the post-test of the experimental
class was 80.50 and the average score of post-test of
the control class was 66.6.
For the normality test of the pre-test score of the
experimental class Lvalue = 0.1221 and Ltable =
0.1617 while for control class L
= 0.1535 and
= 0.1617 distributed normally. For the post-test
score of experimental class Lvalue = 0.0905 and
= 0.1617 while L
= 0.1224 and L
0.1617 distributed normally. In the homogeneity test
of pre-test score F
= 1.43 while F
= 1.85. For
the score of the post-test F
= 1.06 while F
1.85, therefore, it was obtained a conclusion that
both experimental class and control class are
Based on the results of the analysis, research data
showed that the data is normally distributed and the
sample comes from a homogeneous population.
With normal and homogeneous distribution, the
results obtained in the study can represent the entire
population. After conducting the the normality and
homogeneity test of the data obtained from the result
of the research, then hypothesis was tested.
From the conducted hypothesis test, it can be
known that Hais accepted dan H0is rejected. From
the calculated hypothesis, it was obtained that t
5.67 while t
in dk n1 + n2¬ – 2 = 58 and real
levelα = 0.05 is 1.67. Then, with predetermined
criteria,there was a comparison that the outcomes of
economy learning taught usingthe Picture and
Picture learning model with with scientific approach
was higher compared to students' economiy learning
outcomes taught using conventional methods on the
subject of government economic policy.
Therefore, based on the research conducted at
MAN Lubuk Pakam, the t test of the comparison of
two independent samples matched, with significant
level 0,05 it was obtained tvalue> ttable, which is
= 5,67 > t
= 1,67. This means Ha was
accepted dan H0 was rejected. In other words, the
hypothesis that says the outcomes of economy
learning taught by usingPicture and Picture learning
model with scientific approach is significantly
higher than the outcomes of economy learning
taught using conventional method for the students of
X IIS class MAN Lubuk Pakam in the Academic
year of 2015/2016 was proven
Based on the results of the research and discussion,
it can concluded that the outcomes of economy
learning taught by the Picture and Picture learning
model with the scientific approach is significantly
higher than the outcomes of economy learning
taught by the conventional method of class X IIS
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Lubuk Pakam in the
academic year of 2015/2016. This is proven by the
testing of t where tvalue>ttable (5.67 > 1.67)
Based on the research conducted, the authors
suggest that the teacher at school Madrasah Aliyah
Negeri Lubuk Pakam use the Picture and Picture
learning model and the scientific approach. The
reasons are the implementation of the Picture and
Picture learning model makes the material taught
more directed, it makes the students capture teaching
material more quickly,it also can develop students'
reasoning power to think logically, learning is more
memorable because students can observe the
pictures directly prepared by the teacher.
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UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science