The Importance of Community Participation in Supporting
Education in Schools amid Issues of Illegal Levies by the Saber Pungli
Team in the Educational Environment
, Paningkat Siburian
and Sukarman Purba
Universitas Negeri Medan, Medan -Indonesia
Keywords: Education, Community, Participation, Illegal Levies
Abstract: The success of education is not only determined by the process of education in schools and the availability
of facilities and infrastructure, but also determined by the community environment. Education is a shared
responsibility between government, schools, society. This means implying that parents and the community
have the responsibility to participate, to think and provide assistance in school education. In developed
countries, schools are created by the community, so that the quality of schools is the center of their attention
optimally by parents, stakeholders, communities and institutions in the community. In fact, we often find
schools that do not have good names in the community, they will eventually die. This is because schools are
not able to make good and harmonious relationships. Likewise, quality schools will be sought and even the
public will pay high prices as long as children are accepted at school. Community empowerment needs to be
improved, the current dilemma of the latest issue with indications of a lot of fees at school is seen as
extortion which makes the role of the community weaker, because so far the community has participated in
schools through SPP or money to school committees through school committee committees known as
contributions the committee, in the presence of Tim Saber Pungli when this made the Society further away
from school, with a dilemma between school fears in the indication that illegal costs had an impact on the
loss of Community Empowerment in Schools.
Society and education
1. Why does education show people?
The success of education is not only determined by
the education process in schools and the availability
of facilities and infrastructure, but also determined
by the family or community environment. Education
is therefore a shared responsibility between
government (school), family and society. It’s means
to imply that parents and the community have a
responsibility to participate, to think and provide
assistance in the provision of education in schools.
The high participation of parents in schooling is
one of the hallmarks of good school management,
meaning the extent to which the community can be
empowered in the education process in schools is an
indicator of the school's management. Community
empowerment in this education is essential for good
schools (Kumars, 1989). The level of community
participation in the educational process at this school
seems to have a major impact on the progress of the
school, the quality of teaching services in schools
that will ultimately affect the progress and
achievement of children in school. This is explicitly
stated by Husen (1989) in his research that students
can learn a lot because it is stimulated by homework
provided by teachers and will work well thanks to
their parents' efforts in providing support.
Other studies that reinforce what is stated above
by Levine and Hagigus, 1988) suggest that the
family environment, the way of parental treatment of
their children as one of their ways of participation in
education can enhance the intellectual of the child.
This parent's participation is heavily dependent on
the characteristics and creativity of the school in
using the approach to them. This means that the
community will participate optimally in the
implementation of education in the school is very
dependent on what and how schools approach in
Zulfikar, ., Siburian, P. and Purba, S.
The Importance of Community Participation in Supporting Education in Schools amid Issues of Illegal Levies by the Saber Pungli Team in the Educational Environment.
DOI: 10.5220/0009495103190327
In Proceedings of the 1st Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science (UNICEES 2018), pages 319-327
ISBN: 978-989-758-432-9
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
order to empower them as partners of quality
schools. This is confirmed by Brownell that
community knowledge about the program is the
beginning of attention and support. Therefore,
parents / communities who do not get explanations
and information from schools about what and how
they can help schools (especially in rural areas) will
tend to not know what they will do, how they should
do something to help the school. It is as a result of
their incomprehension. In developed countries,
schools are indeed created by the community, so the
quality of school is at the center of their attention
and they always strive to be defended. This can
happen because they already believe that schools are
the best and convincing way to nurture the growth
and growth of their children. Given the high
confidence in the ability of schools in the formation
of their children in building a good future, they are
actively and optimally participated from the
planning, implementation and supervision of the
management and administration of schools, due to
high awareness of the community concerned.
The importance of parent / community
involvement on the success of this education has
been proven by Richard Wolf in his research which
concludes that there is a very significant correlation
(0.80) between the family environment and the
learning achievement. This research in Indonesia has
also proved the same.
Such high participation does not seem to occur in
developing countries (including Indonesia).
Hoyneman and Loxley stated that in developing
countries most families cannot yet be expected to
help more and lead student learning, so that students
in developing countries spend less time in learning.
This is because many community / parents of
students have not understood the basic meaning of
their role in children's education. Even Made Pidarta
stated that in rural areas where the level of
socioeconomic status is low, they almost ignore
educational institutions and they fully surrender their
child's education responsibilities to the school.
2. The need to manage school relationships with
the community
The educational environment is everything that
exists and takes place around the educational process
(human and physical environment) all of these
environmental circumstances play a role and
contribute to the process of improving the quality of
education and the quality of educational graduates.
Top Management Attention (School Focus) should
strive to integrate educational resources and make
the most of it, so that all of these resources
contribute to the provision of quality education, one
of the sources that needs to be governed is the
community environment or parents, including
stakeholders. The question is: why education
management needs to handle the community (need
school relations and community), optimally parents,
stakeholders, community leaders and institutions in
the community.
School organization is an organization that
embraces open system, as open system means
educational institution will not willingly,
consciously or unconsciously will always occur
contact relationship with its environment called
supra system. These contact relationships are needed
to keep the system or institution from becoming
extinct. An organization that isolates itself, including
the school as an organization if it does not make
contact with its environment, will gradually die.
Naturally (cannot exist), because the organization
will only grow and develop if supported and needed
by the environment. Only an open system has a
misanthropy that is an ongoing effort to block the
possibility of entropy or extinction. This means that
the death of an educational institution will depend
on and determined by the school itself, in terms of
the extent to which it is able to maintain and
maintain its communication with the wider
community or he wants to become an open
In reality we often encounter schools that do not
have a good name in society will eventually die.
This is because the school is not able to make good
and harmonies relationship with the supporting
community. With a variety of reasons people do not
want to send their children to school, which
eventually makes the school die by itself. Similarly,
a quality school will be sought and even the public
will pay a high price as long as the child is accepted
at the school. This favorite and non-favorite school
seems to be closely related to the ability of the
principal to approach and support his community,
such as community leaders, business leaders,
religious leaders and political figures or
Hence, since Hajar Dewantara stated that
education takes place in three environments, namely
family, school and community environment. This
means that education will not work if all three
components do not work together in harmony.
Kaufman mentions the partners / partners not only
consist of teachers and students only. But also the
parents /community.
From the above description it is clear that
educational institutions are not independent
institutions in fostering the growth and development
of sons, but they are an inseparable part of a broad
society, and together with society build and improve
all efforts to advance the school. This can be created
if educational institutions are willing to open up and
explain to the community what and how the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
community can play a role in helping schools /
educational institutions to advance and improve the
quality of education.
Schools in essence implement and have a double
function to the surrounding community. What Stoop
calls the service function and function of the leader
(a function to promote society through the
establishment of qualified human resources?)
Any educational activity, let alone innovative,
should be communicated with the community,
especially the parents of the students, so that they
understand why the activity should be done by the
school and on which side they can play a role in
assisting the school in realizing the innovative
With a harmonious relationship there are several
benefits of school relations with the community
(school Public Relation), namely:
For schools / educational institutions:
a. Enlarge the self-inspection drive, because as it
is known that the concept of education now is
by the community, for the community and from
the community and began the implementation of
school-based management, the school
supervision, especially the quality of the school
will be done either directly or indirectly by the
community, among others through education
councils and school Committee.
b. Facilitate / mitigate school loads in improving
and improving the quality of education at the
school level. This will be achieved if the school
is really able to make the community as a
partner in the development and improvement of
schools. The community will fully support and
help if the school is able to demonstrate quality
c. Allows improvement of teaching profession.
Because basically the best laboratories for
educational institutions is the community itself.
d. Community opinion about school will be more
positive / correct. Positive opinion will greatly
assist schools in realizing all programs and
school development plans optimally, because
good opinion is the main capital for schools to
get help from various parties.
e. The community will participate in providing
control / correction to the school. So schools
will be more careful.
f. The moral support of the community will grow
towards the school making it easier to obtain
material assistance.
For the community, with a harmonious
relationship between school and community then:
1. Community / parents will understand about
various matters concerning the implementation
of education in school
2. People's wishes and hopes for school will be
more easily communicated and realized by the
3. The community will have the opportunity to
provide suggestions, suggestions and criticisms
to help schools create quality school.
1 Basic Concepts of Community Participation
As described in the previous section, that the school
as an institution cannot be separated from the
community in the neighborhood school. The
interconnectedness of the school with the
community will be increasingly felt for parents as
children grow and develop juvenile delinquency,
substance abuse, low learning achievement and other
learning problems.
To understand what and for what school and
community relations programs need to be applied
intensively in the management of education, the
following will address some key issues: Definition,
Purpose, Principles of school relationships with the
2 Understanding
In general, people can say when contacts, meetings
and other things between schools and people outside
the school are connected with the community. Is this
what is meant by school relation with society?
Arthur B. Mochlan stated that school public
relations is an activity done by schools or
educational institutions to meet the needs of the
community. What exactly is the community's need
for educational institutions (schools)? Communities
(more specifically parents) send their children to
school so they can become adult human beings
beneficial to their lives and to society in general.
Practically we often hear the parents want their
children to be achievement in school (especially
NEM). This means the needs of society is the
implementation and service of quality teaching and
learning process with quality output also. This will
be a burden for the school; with all the limitations it
has (energy, cost, time and so on)
Understanding above gives a signal to us that the
relationship of schools with the community more
emphasis on the fulfillment of community needs
associated with educational institutions.
When examined the above understanding, it
seems more directed to the pattern of one-way
relationship, namely the willingness of schools /
educational institutions to meet the needs of the
community on matters relating to educational
The Importance of Community Participation in Supporting Education in Schools amid Issues of Illegal Levies by the Saber Pungli Team in
the Educational Environment
institutions. This means that the school is lacking,
getting back from the community.
A more complete definition is expressed by
Bernays as quoted by Suriansyah (2000) which
states that school relations with the community are:
Information given to the public (providing
information clearly and comprehensively to the
Persuasion directed at the public, to modify
attitude and action (persuade people to change
attitudes and actions they need to take on schools).
Effort to integrated attitudes and action of the
institution with its public and the public with the
institution (an effort to conduct attitudes and actions
undertaken by schools with attitudes and action
made by the community on a reciprocal basis, from
school to community and from society to school)
The above understanding gives us an idea of
what is really the essence of school and community
relationships. The most important thing from the
above understanding is the information given to the
community whose impact can change the attitude
and actions of the community towards education and
the community to give Sesutu for education
By understanding the two concepts of school
relationships with the community above, we can
make a simple understanding of the relationship
between school and community as a "process of
growing activities and fostering mutual
understanding to the community and parents about
school vision and mission, school work program,
face and various other school activities" This
understanding provides the basis for the school that
the school needs to have a clear vision and mission
and work program, so that the community
understands what the school wants to achieve and
the problems faced by the school in achieving its
goals through various activities undertaken by the
Thus they can think about what roles the
community / parents and other stakeholders can do
to help the school.
A deep, clear and comprehensive understanding
of the school is one of the factors driving the birth of
their support and support to the school. This is in
line with what was suggested by C.L. Brownell as
quoted by Suriansyah (2001) which states that:
Knowledge of the program is essential to
understanding, and understanding is basic to
appreciation, appreciation is basic to support.
Based on the opinion expressed by Brownell
mentioned above, it can be claimed that schools /
educational institutions need to do some activities in
implementing the management of community
participation in order to achieve the expected results
and empower the community and other stakeholders.
Some of these activities are:
Always provide periodic explanations to the
community about school education programs,
problems encountered and progress that can be
achieved by the school (serves as accountability). In
order to understand the program by the community
to touch the basics it must begin with the
explanation of vision and mission as well as the
goals of the school as a whole. What is meant by
your school's vision and mission can deepen on
other reference books. The reality is that not all
schools are aware of or have a deep understanding of
school vision and mission, so when people want to
know deeply about it, the school (teachers, students,
administrative staff, etc.) cannot give detailed
explanation. This will give a bad impression to the
If the explanations are understood by society and
what is desired and the programs are in accordance
with the needs of the community, their appreciation
of the school will grow. The growth of this award
will encourage their support and assistance in the
school. Thus, the school program must be in line
with the needs of the community. Because the
customers and users of school graduates are the
community or with the words of the school's
customers are essentially students and parents of
students and the community. Therefore, the needs
and customer satisfaction is the main thing that must
be considered by the school institution. For example:
how will the community help schools if schools are
held by religious and fanatic communities, schools
never program school activities that are religious, so
schools are isolated from their communities. Schools
become for the environment of their own
communities. This condition encourages people not
to get involved in participating in school. Starting
from the description above, it appears that the huge
benefits for schools and the community if the school
relationship with the community really can be
manage and realized in full accordance with the
above concept.
In addition to the benefits described above, the
proper execution of school relations with the
community will provide other advantages such as:
The community / parents and other stakeholders will
understand clearly about the school's work, vision,
mission, goals and work program, school progress
along with the problems faced by schools in a
complete, clear and accurate manner.
Community / parents and other stakeholders will
know the problems faced or may face the school in
achieving the desired school goals. Thus they can
see clearly where they can participate to help the
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
Schools will deeply remember the background,
wishes and expectations of the community towards
school. The introduction of community expectations
and student’t parents educational institutions,
especially schools is an important element in order
to foster strong support from the community. If this
is created, then apathy, indifference and ignorance
will disappear. The question is, have the school
know the expectations of the community? Or now
the schools impose their hopes on the community!
Let us analyze these conditions based on experience
and vision so far in the practice of educational
training at the primary school level. If we have not
done so, then it is time to start the school to improve
itself to build partnerships with the community or
stakeholders for school progress.
In reality that is found in institutional-
educational institutions today seems still little to find
patterns of relationships that can encourage the
creation of the four main points above. This is due to
the perception that the improvement of school
quality and the improvement of learning process is
done by the school or government side unilaterally.
While the community and parents of students simply
requested assistance in the form of finance alone or
there is a kind of perception as if the school is
responsible for improving the quality. This
misperception is the result of a lack of understanding
of the community about education as well as the
understanding of the school people about what and
how school management should be maintained with
the community. Besides, community empowerment
still tends to funding aspect.
3 The Purpose Of School Relations With The
What exactly do you want to achieve in school
relations activities with the community? Elsbree Dan
Mc Nally was quoted by Suriansyah (2001) as
saying that community-based activities aim to:
a. To improve the quality of children's learning
and growing.
b. To rise community goals and improve the
quality of community living
c. To develop understanding, enthusiasm and
support for community programs of public
d. From this opinion it is seen that what is to be
achieved in school relations activities with this
community is not only get financial assistance
from parents or community, but further than
that is the development of children's learning
ability and improvement of life quality of
society, which in the end can grow their support
for education.
How is the relationship between school and
community with improving the quality of
community life, you try to discuss and analyze in
As a comparison material, you can learn the
purpose of school relationships with the community
put forward by L. Hagman as follows:
a. To get help from parents or community, what
help? Remember this help is not just money!
b. To advance the education program.
c. To develop togetherness and close cooperation,
so that all problems and others can be done
together and in a timely manner.
From various descriptions above can be
concluded by relation of school or educational
institution with society actually aim to increase:
a. Quality and lessons. The quality of school
graduates in the aspects of conge, affective and
psychomotor will only be created through the
process of learning in class or outside the
classroom. Quality learning process will be
achieved if supported by various parties
including parents / students.
b. Quality of student learning outcomes. The
quality of student learning will be achieved if
there is a shared perception and action between
schools, and parents. Togetherness is mainly in
providing direction, guidance and supervision of
children / students in learning.
c. The quality of growth and development of
learners and the quality of society (parents of
students) itself. The quality of society will be
built through educational processes and reliable
educational outcomes. Quality graduates are the
main capital to build the quality of society in the
4 Principles of school relationships with the
Some of the principles that are considered and
considered in the implementation of school
relationships with the community are as follows:
a. Integrity
This principle implies that all school relations
activities with the community must be integrated, in
the sense of what is described; delivered to the
society must be integrated information between
information on academic activities and non-
academic activities. Avoid as far as possible the
efforts hidden activities that have been, are and will
be run by educational institutions, to avoid
The Importance of Community Participation in Supporting Education in Schools amid Issues of Illegal Levies by the Saber Pungli Team in
the Educational Environment
misperceptions and suspicion of educational
institutions. This is very important to improve the
assessment and trust of the community / parents to
the school, or in other words the transparency of
educational institutions is very necessary, especially
in the era of reform and this information, the public
will be more critical and dare to give direct
assessment about institutions education,
b. Continuity
School relations with the community must be done
continuously, not only incidentally or occasionally,
for example, only once a year or once in a semester /
quarter, or only attended by the school when it will
seek financial assistance to parents / community.
This is what causes.
People always assume that if there is a school
call to come to school is always associated with
asking for money assistance.
The fact so far shows that the invitations to
parents of students from schools are often
represented to others, so their presence only ranges
from 60% - 70% or even less than 30%. When this is
conditioned, it is difficult for schools to have strong
support from all parents and students.
The development of information, the
development of school awareness, the problems of
schools and even the problems of student learning
always appear and grow at all times, therefore need
a continuous explanation of information from
educational institutions for the community / parents
of students, so that they are aware of the importance
of their participation in improve quality of education
of his sons and daughters,
c. Coverage
The granting activities of the confirmation should be
comprehensive and cover all aspects / factors or
substances that need to be conveyed and known by
the community, such as the curricular program,
curricular activities, remedial teaching and other
activities. This principle also implies that all
information should be complete, accurate and up to
d. Simplicity
This principle requires that in the process of school-
to-community relationships, both personal and group
communication, the information giver (school) can
simplify the various information presented to the
community, in accordance with the conditions and
characteristics of the listener (the local community).
meaning that;
The information presented is expressed in words
that are friendly and easy to understand and the
use of the term wherever possible adapted to the
level of understanding of the audience.
Use of clear words, liked by the community or
familiar to the listener.
The information presented uses a local cultural
e. Constructiveness
School relations programs with communities should
be constructive in the sense that schools provide
constructive information to the community. Thus the
community will respond positively about the school
and understand and understand in detail various
problems (problem and constrain)
The school faces. This principle also means in
the presentation of information should be objective
without emotion and engineering. Beside the
information presented should be able to build the
will and stimulate to think for the recipient of the
information. Constructive explanations will appeal
to society and will be accepted by society without
certain prejudices; this will lead them to do
something in accordance with the wishes of the
f. Adaptability
School relations programs with the community
should be tailored to the circumstances within the
community. Especially the adjustment to the
activities, customs, culture (culture) and information
materials that exist and apply in the life of the
5. The procedures for implementing school
relations with the community
The procedures for implementing school relations
with the community are carried out through the
following four stages:
a. Analyzing the community
The first activity in the implementation of
community participation management is to analyze
the community that is related to the target of society,
condition, character, needs and desire of society for
education, problem, faced by society and other life
aspects of society such as habit, attitude, ) etc. This
is very important, because misunderstanding about
the condition of the community, will cause programs
that are developed and developed by schools in the
context of community empowerment for education
will be less precise. To do this analysis there are
several ways you can use:
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
1. School residents have high sensitivity about the
community environment or parents who become
the citizens of the school. At this time many
issues are developing in the community /
parents about education, both deliberately
developed by certain people and that developed
due to educational policies by education
officials including policies taken by schools
such as about BOS, donation money for new
students and etc.
2. Conduct observations through surveys of
customs, customs that support or even impede
the progress of education in the midst of
society. In this way it will provide great
possibilities for school residents to access
information, issues and community needs for
their children's education in schools
3. Conducting interviews and direct dialogue with
the community especially through key
informants, to find out what their needs and
aspirations are. To be able to implement this,
every school citizen needs to have a reliable
interviewing ability.
b. Conducting communication
The second stage in establishing school relationships
with the community is communicating with the
target community. In communication according to
John. L. Beckley, to succeed there are some things
to note are:
1. Practice self-control, in this case means before
giving information to others, make sure that the
information, instructions or targets given have
been done by the informer. Therefore, if the
school asks the community for the attention of
the school, ask the school first whether the
school has paid attention to the needs of the
2. Appraised and where deserve, meaning in
communication need to give appreciation to the
opponent of communication, although the award
is not always in the form of material, for
example do not look away when the opposite
communications speak, say good, nod and
3. Criticize tactfully, meaning if you want to give
criticism in communication, give wisely so as
not to disturb the feelings of others.
4. Always listen, make your effort to
learn to listen to others, including in this case
sensitive to other feelings by seeing the
symptoms that appear. For example do not push
to continue the conversation when it appears
comrade communication is very bored. Do not
dominate the conversation with others (the
opponents of dialogue), listen to what they say
(including their words through gestures),
understand and view the meaning, if there is a
difference of perception with them try to find
the equation, do not enlarge the difference.
5. Stress Reward, give reward / reward to the other
person if it is worth the award. The award in
question is not solely in material form, but also
in non-material form.
6. Considers the person interest, meaning pay
attention to the interest of each individual the
other person. Therefore, start a conversation
from a matter of interest, hobby or center of
attention of people.
The success of communication is the key to
success in achieving the goal of school relations
with the community (communication is a key to
successful team effort). This means that if you want
to succeed in empowering the community to
participate in the implementation of education in
school, then the first key that must be mastered is the
ability to communicate.
c Engaging the community
Involving the community is not just about delivering
messages but more than demanding active
community participation in school activities and
programs. How the techniques for the community to
be actively involved can you learn in the discussion
section of school relations techniques with the
community in the next
Engineering and Forms of School Relationship
With The Community
Edward F DeRoche says there are 20 ways to do
relations school with community, that:
If we look at some of these opinions, it appears
that the implementation of school relations with the
community can be done in various ways and media
both direct media and indirect media. Even in
today's technological developments, school
relationships with communities can actually be done
using modern technology such as internet telephony
and so on.
In developed countries particularly those that
embraced the decentralization system, schools were
reinforced and maintained by the community (wash,
1979). Their awareness as the owner and the person
in charge of education is very high, whereas in
The Importance of Community Participation in Supporting Education in Schools amid Issues of Illegal Levies by the Saber Pungli Team in
the Educational Environment
developing countries, the community is still very
much interested in the quality of education to the
government, even though the government itself is
very short of funds for that matter.
Some examples of community participation in
education are:
1. Oversee the personal development and learning
process of their children at home and if
necessary provide reports and consultations
with the school. This is rarely done by the
parents of students, given the busy work or for
other reasons.
2. Provide home study facilities and guide
youngsters to learn with full motivation and
3. Provide the learning supplies needed to study in
educational institutions (schools)
4. Trying to pay tuition and other education
5. Provide feedback to the school about education,
especially concerning his daughter's son.
6. Willing to attend school when invited or in need
by school
7. Participate in the discussion of solving
educational problems such as facilities,
infrastructure, activities, finance, work program
and so on.
8. Helping the learning facilities that schools need
in promoting the learning process.
9. Lend the tools in need of school for practice, if
the school requires it.
10. Willing to be a trainer / resource person when
required by the school.
11. Accept the students gladly if they learn in the
community environment (eg practicum)
12. Provide services / explanations to students who
are studying in the community
13. Being a good and honest respondent to research
students and educational institutions.
14. For educational experts willing to be ekpert in
fostering quality educational institutions
15. For journalists are willing to become donors for
school development
16. To facilitate education communication
17. Submitting proposals for educational
18. To control the course of education (social
19. For community leaders are willing to be
partners of education management in
maintaining and promoting educational
20. Participate in thinking and realizing the welfare
of education personnel.
In addition to the above, there are other opinions that
are developed based on some of the results of the
study, which details that public participation in
education that is expected by the school are as
1 Supervise / guide the children's habit of home
Some of the activities that can be done in
providing home studying habits guidance are as
a. Encourage the child to study regularly at home,
including in this case the role of parents to
guide and provide supervision to learning
activities at home
b. Encouraging children to develop timetables and
learning time structures and establishing priority
home activities oversight of implementation of
home study schedule becomes very important
for parents. This should receive attention for
schools to be given clear and complete
information about what and how they can do
these activities.
c. Guiding and directing the child in the use of
study time, play and rest.
d. Guiding and directing children to perform an
activity that supports lessons in school. Parents
are expected to play an active role in guiding
the child and giving them the opportunity to
engage in activities that support his self-
development towards maturity.
2 To guide and support the children's academic
a. Encourages and fosters the interest of children
to diligent reading and diligent learning (interest
in reading) the creation of a conducive climate
situation that fosters reading interest is needed
in the family environment so there is similarity
between the climate created in school with
home. This will accelerate the improvement of
children's learning quality.
b. Provide reinforcement to the child to perform
activities that benefit him / her. gift giving,
praise and other rewards are essential to
strengthen the child's positive behavior
c. Providing the right materials and facilities to
suit the child's learning needs.
d. knowing the strengths and weaknesses of
children and learning problems and efforts to
provide guidance
e. supervising homework, learning activities of
UNICEES 2018 - Unimed International Conference on Economics Education and Social Science
f. creating a home atmosphere that supports the
child's academic activities
g. Help functionally in learning and complete
school tasks on time.
3 Give encouragement to research, discuss ideas
and or actual events
a. encouraging the child to like to research has the
motivation to write analyst / scientific
b. providing facilities for children to conduct
c. encourage children to undertake scientific
d. Discuss and talk with children about new ideas,
ideas or about learning materials, useful
activities, and actual problems and so on.
4 Directing the child's academic aspirations and
a. Provide motivation for children to learn well as
stock of the future.
b. Encourage and cultivate the aspirations of
children in learning.
c. Knowing the acrivities of the childern’s school
in learn something
d. Knowing the standard hope school againt a
child in study.
e. Pesent at the teacher with parents students.
f. Give positive reward toward performance child
in the house.
Given the large influence of parents on the
achievements of cognitive, affective and
psychomotor aspects, Radin was quoted by Seifert &
Hoffnung (1991) explaining there are six possible
ways parents can do in influencing their children:
a. Modeling of behaviors, that is, the style and the
way the parent behaves in the presence of the
children, in the daily intercourse or in any
occasion will be a source of imitation for his or
her children. Therefore, parents or family and
community environment that shows negative
behavior will greatly affect the behavior of
children at home, at school, and in the
community. In this connection, it is necessary to
have common values and norms applicable in
schools with those that apply in families and
b. Giving rewards and punishments (reward and
punishment). The way parents reward and
punishment also affects the child's behavior.
c. Direct instruction (direct command), giving
orders directly or indirectly affect the behavior,
such as the expression of parents "do not be lazy
to learn if you want to gift" statement is actually
a wiser direct command, so it can foster
children's motivation to study harder . Many
people do not understand how rewards and
punishments will have an impact on the
educational process, consequently after a
deviation in behavior from excessive giving is
d. Stating rules (stating rules), stating and
explaining the rules by parents repeatedly will
give warnings to children about what to do and
what to avoid by children.
e. Reasoning. At times of aggravation, parents
may question the child's capacity to reason, and
the way it is used by parents to influence them,
for example, parents can remind their children
of behavioral gaps with values held through
statements. For example "now your rank is ugly,
Karen aka lazy to learn, not because you are
f. Providing materials and settings. Parents need
to provide various learning facilities required by
their children such as books and so forth. But
what books and facilities are appropriate to the
needs of the school, many parents do not
understand it.
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The Importance of Community Participation in Supporting Education in Schools amid Issues of Illegal Levies by the Saber Pungli Team in
the Educational Environment