Study of Women's Role in Increasing Family Income:
Case Study of Fisherman Families in Lengkong Village, Cilacap
Novita Wahyu Setyawati, Endah Prawesti Ningrum, and Supriyanto
Bhayangkara Jakarta Raya University
Keywords: Women's Role, Family Income.
Abstract: The problem of poverty is still identical in the community environment which is partly a livelihood as a
fisherman, until now it is still a classic coastal phenomenon. Where women fishermen have the potential as
a driving force for the empowerment of coastal communities. In this case, they have the potential to help
increase family income. In this study researchers chose to use a qualitative approach. Data collection
method uses in-depth interview techniques, observation, and documentation studies. The results show that
women in coastal areas have a very large contribution or role in increasing family income. Wife's income
contribution can be seen from the fulfillment of the needs of primary, secondary, and even tertiary families.
The relationship between husband and wife can meet family needs by working together to improve the
welfare of their families. The increasing role and duties of the wife as a breadwinner leads to an agreement
between husband and wife to share duties.
Indonesia is an archipelagic country with the
majority of its territory consisting of coastal areas,
and livelihoods as fishermen are still synonymous
with poverty problems which are still a classical
coastal phenomenon. Women fishermen have the
potential as a driving force to empower coastal
communities. In this case, the wife of the fishermen
is a household member who has the potential to help
increase family income. Therefore, efforts to improve
the welfare of fishing communities become an
important discourse in the development of coastal
areas. Coastal residents mostly work as traders, or
activities in marketing and processing fishery
TPI is a fish landing facility and at the same time
a selling place for catched fish. The existence of
these facilities is very strategic for the development
of the marine fisheries sector, because in this sector
provides a great opportunity for the emergence of
other employment sectors that are still associated
with the use of raw materials for fisheries resources,
such as the scanning industry, fish crackers, fish
drying, and fish trade. Through this sector has also
absorbed the available workforce in Lengkong
Village, Cilacap Regency and its surroundings.
For residents of Lengkong Village, Cilacap
Regency, marine resources are the main potential that
drives the village economy. In general, village
economic activities are fluctuating because they
depend heavily on the high and low productivity of
fisheries. If productivity is high, then the income
level of fishermen will increase, so that the
purchasing power of the majority of fishermen will
also increase. Vice versa, if productivity is low, the
level of income of fishermen will decrease so that the
level of purchasing power of people is low. Thus it
will affect the economic conditions of fishermen.
The dependence of fishermen on the sea became
one of the factors that led to the development of the
village of the arches and other villages. Where the
dependence can ultimately have an impact that is still
a phenomenon in the arch village, even in other
coastal villages in Indonesia, namely poverty.
Coastal or marine resources with high productivity
are basically expected to play an important role in
overcoming poverty which covers most of the fishing
communities in Indonesia in particular. Therefore, it
is necessary to understand the factors that cause
Setyawati, N., Ningrum, E. and Supriyanto, .
Study of Women’s Role in Increasing Family Income: Case Study of Fisherman Families in Lengkong Village, Cilacap Regency.
DOI: 10.5220/0009024600002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 602-607
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
fishermen's poverty, so that potential marine
resources can really play a role in encouraging
economic development through labor supply,
increasing PAD (Regional Original Revenue), and
improving the welfare of coastal populations, so that
in the end Other coastal villages in the coastal area
are ready to meet the era of regional autonomy.
Regional autonomy is an initial step for the
government to encourage regional regions in
Indonesia develop by maximizing the potential of
resources in their respective regions, both in the form
of natural resources and human resources. Women
with a greater number of men are potential resources
to be developed.
Based on a quick survey conducted by the women
of Dharma WanitaPersatuan in various coastal areas
of Central Java Regency, it was found that women
were generally left to sea between 1-2 weeks, while
the rest were ordinary fishermen (at night) and some
sailed for a month or more (joining a large ship), so
that it can be said that most of the responsibilities for
daily survival of the family are in the hands of
women as temporal single parents.
Things like this make efforts to empower or
intervene in the welfare of fishing families that focus
on the ability of women who are there.
The condition of the economic crisis experienced
by the Indonesian people at this time has a very
broad impact and burdensome the lives of people
from all walks of life. In an uncertain economic
situation, fishermen basically have to adjust. Among
others, by utilizing household members to work as an
effort to increase the income of fishermen's families.
Efforts to increase this income are pursued
through the efforts of productivity of all human
resources in the fishing family. Among the family
members of fishermen who are productive to
increase income are the wives of fishermen. Women
are a potential, where currently in global competition
that is getting stronger and tighter, the women's
empowerment program is very important in
responding to various challenges while taking
advantage of opportunities in the future. The position
of women who have tended to be placed lower than
men has caused a woman's ability to contribute and
develop potentials not maximally.
Women fishermen have the potential as a driving
force to empower coastal communities. The
percentage of women who are larger than men in the
Cilacap coastal area is the potential to increase the
income of the fishing community, where the position
of women who have only functioned as housewives
has been increased as breadwinners.
2.1 Women's Role
In essence, women are given a role in the domestic
sector in the family such as washing, cleaning the
house, sweeping, cooking, preparing children to go
to school, and others. This role is never separated
from their daily activities because it has become a
necessity besides no one else helps at home. The
role of women in managing financial resources is
very dominant. Fisherman household management is
very possible for the importance of the wife's role,
especially in household financial management.
Women also play a role in the decision-making
process in the household given that husbands have
been busy making a living. Women have a dual role
as breadwinners when their husband's income is not
enough to meet their household needs.
2.2 Factors Affecting the Role of
Women in the Economic Life of
Coastal Communities
Economic conditions are increasingly uncertain,
employment opportunities are increasingly limited
due to increasingly fierce competition, prices of
basic necessities are increasing, family income that
tends not to increase will result in disruption of
family economic stability. This condition
encourages housewives who previously only
engaged in the domestic sector, then participated in
the public sector by participating in supporting the
family economy.
The existence of women as a supporter of
household economic needs is needed because the
husbands who work as fishermen cannot depend on
income. Fishermen are those who depend their
livelihood on marine products. The daily life of male
fishermen has a job to go to sea, catch fish and sell it.
Going sailing looking for fish is the same as
speculating because the possibility of getting a fish
catch with no catch is 50%. If fishermen will go to
sea, it needs a large amount of capital for their needs
while at sea, the possibility of fishermen losing
money because they do not get the catch will increase
the deterioration of the household economy. The
problem of the inability of fishermen to be
productive throughout the season is one of the causes
of the economic resilience of low fishermen
households. In the famine season, fishermen will not
get income if they do not have alternative
livelihoods, or involve families to make money to
meet various household needs. Women's
Study of Women’s Role in Increasing Family Income: Case Study of Fisherman Families in Lengkong Village, Cilacap Regency
participation in making money is an alternative way
to get around the gap in income of fishermen in the
famine season, and increase the resilience of the
fisherman's household economy during the harvest
The fisherman's wife must work with the main
motivation of seeking additional insights in trying to
meet their household economic needs, which seems
to be a necessity. Family economic conditions where
the number of needs increases with increasing family
members, namely children and other social costs
such as education, health, and social. While the
husband's income which is only as a fisherman labor
is not enough to fulfill all these needs. Fishermen's
husbands only rely on fish catches from their work
activities at sea, where the gambling element
between getting fish catch is always there. For
fishermen who work for bosses / ship owners, they
must share the profits from the catches obtained
during sailing for about 20 days. The opportunity for
the role of women fishermen to have a good chance
of improving the household economy because their
husbands have good habits is to give up the results of
their fishing efforts to women and at the same time
give confidence to women to manage. Coastal
women can also work in various types of work both
related to the fisheries sector and those not related to
the fisheries sector. The role of women can be
involved in productive economic activities. These
forms of productive economy can be fish farming,
fish processing, fish marketing, and supporting
services such as the provision of other production
2.3 Family Income
Family income is the amount of real income from all
members of the household that is used to meet
shared needs and individuals in the household.
Family income is a reply to the work or service
or compensation obtained because of donations
given in production activities. Concretely family
income comes from:
1. The business itself: for example trading,
farming, opening a business as an entrepreneur
2. Working with other people: for example as civil
servants or employees
3. Results of the election: for example land leased
and others. Revenues can be in the form of
money or goods such as compensation in the
form of rice, housing facilities and others. In
general, human income consists of nominal
income in the form of money and real income in
the form of goods. (Gilarso, 2008)
If income is more emphasized on household
income, then income is the total amount of formal,
informal income and subsystem income. Formal
income is all income in the form of money or goods
received usually as remuneration. Informal income
in the form of income obtained through additional
work outside of the main work. While subsystem
income is income derived from the production sector
which is valued by money and occurs when
production with consumption is located in one hand
or small community. (Nugraheni, 2007).
There are several studies. Research on coastal
communities has often been carried out both
individually and in groups. Researches that have
been carried out include:
Research conducted by Slamet Widodo,
HendriBustamam, and Soengkono, in 2011 with the
title Model of Economic Empowerment of Poor
Fishermen Family Women through the Application
of Integrated Appropriate Technologies (Studies of
Fishermen's Families in Kelapa DistrictNorth
Bengkulu Regency). The results of this study
include: a) standardization of 4 (four) integrated
effective technology modules processing of random
fish is the basis for the development of business of
poor fisherman women, namely the dry fish business
module, fish nugget business module, fish farming
business module, and fish cracker business module;
b) the formulation of an integrated model of
appropriate technology development that is adapted
and adapted to the potential of human resources, the
potential of natural resources, social potential, and
existing environmental conditions; c) the
formulation of a model for empowering women
fishermen in coastal areas can be developed through
3 (three) stages, namely group development
(community development), pre-business
development, and business development.
Research conducted by Tri UtamiAkbarini,
IwangGumilar, and RoffiGrandiossa in 2012 entitled
Women Fishermen's Productive Economic
Contributions to Fishermen's Family Income in
Pangandaran, Ciamis Regency. This study resulted
in the wife of fishermen contributing large enough to
the family of fishermen as much as 31.32%. The
highest work time is spent on economic productive
activities around 9 hours. Decision making in the
household is carried out democratically dominated
by fishermen's wives in terms of meeting food needs
by 90% of the level of decision and purchasing
100% of household appliances.
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
This study uses a qualitative approach so that
problems can be examined more deeply and not
limited by measurement restrictions. The
involvement of researchers actively in research can
make it easier for participants to express their
Researchers conducted in-depth interviews with
informants and questions and answers to obtain the
data or information needed. Interviews in qualitative
research is the interaction between the interviewer
and the informant where the interviewer has a
general planning question but not in the form of a
specific question device that must be asked with
certain words and in a certain order.
According to Idrus, subject selection is done
purposively and avoids random selection. The
chosen subject is the key people or key person and
data source of the phenomenon under study. Based
on these criteria and adapted to the context of this
study, then the researchers set several people to be
used as informants (subjects), namely the wives of
fishermen or women who work in the field of
processing marine catches.
The process of implementing qualitative research
consists of several stages, namely determining the
focus of the problem, developing a theoretical
framework, determining methods, analyzing
findings, and drawing conclusions.
Poverty is a situational problem that engages
individuals or groups of people.Which is caused by
factors from outside the individual or community.
These factors are cultural, structural, and natural
If they look at the lives of fishermen, they have
worked hard but their economic life is still
deficiency. This can be due to the circumstances that
make it poor, such as the impartiality of the owners
of capital to them so that access to capital becomes
low, not infrequently the fishermen who go to sea do
not get catches if the weather is bad, so the costs
they incur are not balanced with the catch.
Table 1. Types of Fisher Wife Work in Lengkong Village, Cilacap Regency, 2014
No. Type of Work Total (Person) Percentage (%)
1 Fish Processor 15 50%
2 Processed fish sellers 10 34%
3 Stall owner 4 13%
4 Non-fishery trader 1 3%
30 100%
Source: Primary data processed, 2014
Source: Primary data processed, 2014
Figure 1. Education Level of Wife of Fishermen in Lengkong Village, Cilacap Regency, 2014
Based on an interview with Mrs. Sugiarti, a small
shop owner whose husband is a fisherman. Their
lives were once deprived and poor because they only
relied on their husband's income from going to sea.
But now their family's economic conditions are
Study of Women’s Role in Increasing Family Income: Case Study of Fisherman Families in Lengkong Village, Cilacap Regency
The role of women in coastal communities in
increasing the income of women fishermen families
in Lengkong Village. Has a dual role, namely as a
housewife and breadwinner to help increase the
family's economic income.
The following are the results of the interviews
conducted by mothers, where they said that they did
housework such as washing clothes, washing dishes,
cleaning and cleaning houses, shopping, and
cooking from 5 am to 8 am and then continued to
work to earn a living afternoon. After returning to
work for a living, they returned to work to clean the
house, accompany children to study, and watch
The income of the fishermen's family that is
minimal encourages fishermen's wives to be more
empowered and productive so that their family's
economy is better and more prosperous.
As some women said that their husbands never
demanded that his wife make a living, but the
husband's income as a fisherman did not meet the
daily needs of the family.
Similarly, the family of Ms. Kamsi is 47 years
old, has 3 children and 1 grandchild is a small shop
owner. Ms. Kamsi became the backbone of her
family because her husband did not work. His efforts
gave him considerable profits so he could meet the
needs of his family, send his children to school.
From the results of this study, it can be concluded
several things, namely:
1. Women's productive economic activities in
coastal communities use simple techniques and
equipment that do not require special education
and expertise.
2. The income of fishing families is generally
minimal even though they work hard, but the
results are low. This is due to the lack of
information, capital and technology of the
3. To increase the income of fishermen's family,
the dual role of women or fishermen's wife is as
a wife who performs a task or a job and earns a
living to help her husband meet daily needs.
There are even women who are the backbone of
the family because their husbands work
seasonally or do not work at all so that they rely
on his wife's income. Therefore, the role of
women is large enough to improve the family's
The suggestions that researchers can submit are
as follows:
1. The role of government or non-governmental
organizations is needed to make efforts to
empower women, especially in coastal
2. It is necessary to establish a joint business entity
or body that is managed professionally to
facilitate the fishermen in having access to
capital and not rely on large business
3. Increased income of fishermen households can
be done through efforts: empowerment of
household members who have entered the active
workforce, through skills training in the field of
fisheries and non-fisheries; and business
assistance that is implemented at the right time
and target that is able to overcome poverty in
fishing households.
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Study of Women’s Role in Increasing Family Income: Case Study of Fisherman Families in Lengkong Village, Cilacap Regency