Internal Control, Organizational Commitment and Performance of
Sasirangan Small and Medium Industries in South of Kalimantan
Khuzaini, M. Zainul, and Rizqan Abrari
Kalimantan Islamic University, South Borneo, Indonesia
Keywords: Internal Control, Organizational Commitment, SMI Performance.
Abstract: The type of research conducted in this research is quantitative research which aims to explain the partial and
simultaneous relationships between variables through testing hypotheses. The sample of this study was SMI
(Small and Medium Industries) of Banjamasin Sasirangan in South Kalimantan, namely 35 units of SMI
Sasirangan. The results of this study indicate that the results of the validity and reliability test of all
instruments in the variables are significantly related and reliable and also have been tested for classical
assumptions consisting of Normality Test, Multicollinearity test, and Heterocedasticity Test, which shows
no deviation. The analysis technique using Multiple Linear Regression Method is carried out in this study,
and can be concluded that Internal Control and Organizational Commitment simultaneously have a
significant influence on the SMI Performance in the city of Banjarmasin, as for the magnitude of the
influence can be seen from the terminated coefficient or r2 = 0.169.
The success of a company in carrying out its
business activities can be measured through its
performance. Performance can be interpreted as the
development of achievements or results that have
been achieved by the company during operation,
both achievements in the financial and non-financial
fields (Boso, et al. 2013). And according to (Hafeez,
et al. 2011) performance is seen as a concept used to
measure the extent to which market achievements
have been achieved by a product produced by a
company. In order to achieve good performance
again satisfying the company, it is demanded to have
an advantage in competition in order to be able to
outperform the competition in its business
environment. Of course, to maximize performance,
there needs to be internal control of a company. This
is reinforced by Nugroho Widjayanto (1985:4)
internal control is a system that is interwoven in the
organization by applying various methods and other
benchmarks with the aim of running activities
according to what is outlined . This statement was
reinforced by the AICPA (American Institute of
Certified Public accountants) in Wilopo (2006: 349)
explaining that internal control is very important,
among others, to provide protection for the entity
against human weaknesses and to reduce the
possibility of errors and actions that are not in
accordance with the rules. Managing and
implementing good internal control will make it
easier for a company to achieve its objectives.
Internal control has a significant effect on company
performance. Explicitly to improve the performance
of companies other than through internal control also
needs to be supported by Organizational
Commitments. Robbins (1989).
Organizational commitment according to
O'Reilly (1989) is as a person's psychological bond
to the organization which includes work
involvement, loyalty and a feeling of trust in
organizational values. Furthermore according to
Luthans (2006) strong desire to remain as a member
of a particular organization, the desire to strive
according to the wishes of the organization and
certain beliefs also accept the values and goals of the
organization. Organizational commitment can also
be considered as a key aspect of company
performance Greenberg and Baron (2003: 160).
Organizational commitment also facilitates
faithfulness in the work as well as acceptance of
organizational values and goals to improve company
performance. Seeing the strength of the results of the
Khuzaini, ., Zainul, M. and Abrari, R.
Internal Control, Organizational Commitment and Performance of Sasirangan Small and Medium Industries in South of Kalimantan Indonesian.
DOI: 10.5220/0009023600002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 536-543
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
study of the influence of internal control and
organizational commitment on the performance
above, the researchers are motivated to review the
effect of internal control on the performance of
SMIs, the influence of organizational commitment
on the performance of SMIs, so that a research
model that integrates SMI Performance variables is
built. the development of Sasirangan SMI in South
Borneo, especially the city of Banjarmasin is quite
small. Because of the tightness faced by South
Kalimantan Sasirangan industrial companies
triggered by weaknesses to compete with similar
products. Admittedly, the Sasirangan industrial
business in South Borneo, especially in
Banjarmasin, still has many weaknesses, among
others, the ability to compete with other batik
products classified as still low, especially batik
products that have Sasirangan motifs from China.
When compared with batik products from China the
price and quality of the South Kalimantan
Sasirangan are still far behind. Made batik from
China has better quality and cheaper price, this is
because the artificial batik products from China the
production process has used more modern
technology, namely by using a printing machine so
that the production process can run very quickly,
certainly more time efficient, and can produce more
quality batik products with more quantities
compared to the results in South Borneo.The product
of South Borneo Sasirangan, the production process
still uses the old method, aka it is still very
traditional and manual, so that the production
process is slow and inefficient. The quality produced
by SMI Sasirangan in South Borneo has not met the
standard quality, the motives between the one
product and the other products are of varying
quality. And also the low competitiveness of
Sasirangan SMIs in South Borneo was triggered by
the weak ability possessed by Sasirangan batik
businessmen to find out the changes in customer
interest in the motives and quality of Sasirangan,
thus resulting in the difficulty of producing the truly
SMI industry in South Borneo. according to what the
customer wants, and results in reduced customer
satisfaction. While the desire to make changes to the
production process by shifting from more traditional
manual methods to more modern ways of using
printing machine technology has not been done so
far, due to the limited capital possessed and to
maintain the authenticity of Sasirangan South
Borneo fabrics.
From the phenomena above, the problems to be
examined in this study are to examine the extent to
which the efforts carried out or carried out by SMI
Sasirangan in increasing their superiority in
competing in order to improve their business
performance through Internal Control and
Organizational Commitment. Due to the competitive
advantage is the most important thing in the business
world for the company to outperform the
competition with its competitors. And competitive
advantage can be produced by good performance.
Therefore, to have an advantage in competing and
maximum performance, the company needs to
conduct Internal Control activities to be more careful
in production, which is more efficient in all things,
and obtain accurate information, especially knowing
the types and criteria that consumers want, knowing
weaknesses and strengths. strategies used by
competitors in the face of competition. In addition,
the company's performance also needs to be
supported by organizational commitment because
through organizational commitment loyalty will be
prioritized in fulfilling the company's vision and
mission, his love of the company will make a
positive contribution to its performance that will
create new products that are more unique, more
eifsien and more quality so that the creation of
excellence in competition in the business
2.1 Population
The population in this study is SMI Sasirangan in
the city of Banjarmasin. So based on the criteria the
number of population distribution of SMI
Sasirangan in Banjarmasin is 54 business units, and
taken as many as 35 business units.
2.2 Type of Research
The type of research used in this research is
explanatory research which is a study of things that
are still unfamiliar. Where researchers are not
familiar with the problem under study. According to
Umar (1999: 36) explanatory research (explanatory
research) is a research that aims to analyze the
relationships between one variable and another or
how a variable influences other variables. The
research method used is the survey method, through
this method the data is collected based on the
respondent's answers to the list of questions that the
researcher submitted through filling out the
Internal Control, Organizational Commitment and Performance of Sasirangan Small and Medium Industries in South of Kalimantan
2.3 Data Collection Technique
A number of written questions or statements about
factual data or opinions relating to the respondent's
self, which are considered facts or truths that are
known and need to be answered by the respondent. In
general, the purpose of using questionnaires or
questionnaires in research is to collect a number of
information relevant to the needs. Of course the
questionnaire requires a measurement scale in each
question. The measurement scale used by researchers
to measure each variable is a 1-5 Likert scale. The
Likert scale generally uses scale points and the
degree of agreement strongly disagrees until it agrees
strongly. In this study used the assessment range 1 to
5, with an explanation 1 = Strongly Disagree; 2 =
Disagree; 3 = Hesitate; 4 = Agree; 5 = Strongly
Then, data collection by conducting direct
interviews with SMI leaders in the batik industry
Sasirangan in Banjarmasin which were used as
respondents in this study by asking systematic
Observation, is one of data collection technique
used, where researchers make observations directly
to the object of research to see closely the activities
carried out (Riduwan, 2004: 104). Collecting data by
making direct observations with the SMI of the
Sasirangan batik industry in the city of Banjarmasin
which was used as respondents in this study.
2.4 Data Analysis Method
2.4.1 Classic Assumption Test
Data Normality Test aims to find out that the data
collected is normally distributed or not. Can be
known the sample taken from a population that is
normally distributed or not. If testing is normal, the
results of statistical calculations can be generalized
to the population. Normality test in this study can be
used Kolmogorovosmirnov test, the criteria are
significance for one-sided test results of calculations
greater than 46> 0.05 means normal distribution.
Data Normality Test is conducted with the SPSS
version 20 program.
Multicollinearity test aims to test whether the
regression model found correlation between
independent variables. To detect the presence or
absence of multicollinearity is done by looking at
the value of Tolerance Value and Variance Inflation
Factor (VIF). Tolerance Value measures the
variability of selected independent variables that are
not explained by other independent variables. So, a
low tolerance value equals a high VIF value because
VIF = 1 / Tolerance Value). The value commonly
used to indicate the existence of mulitkolonieritas is
the value of Tolerance Value <0.01 or equal to the
value of VIF> 10 so there is no multicolinerity
between the independent variables (Imam Ghozali,
2009: 96). The Multicollinearity Test is carried out
using the SPSS version 20 program.
Hiteroskedasticity test
This method is by looking at the scatterplot
graph between the standardized predicted value
(ZPRED) and the residual studentized (SRESID).
There is no particular pattern on the scatterplot
graph between SRESID and ZPRED where the Y
axis is Y which has been predicted and the X axis is
the residual (Y prediction - Y is real).
2.4.2 Regression Analysis and Multiple
Regression Analysis
In conducting regression analysis in this study, the
results obtained from the questionnaire were
processed using statistical tests. The statistical test
used is regression analysis and multiple regression
techniques using the SPSS Version 20 program.
With multiple regression equations, namely:
Y = α + β1X1 + β2X2
Where :
Y: Performance of SMIs
X1: Internal Control
X2: Organizational Commitment
β: Regression coefficient
α: Constants
2.4.3 Hypothesis Test
In testing the hypothesis in this study, the results
obtained from the questionnaire were processed
using the F test and t test using the SPSS Version 20.
F test aims to test the hypothesis whether there is a
significant influence between internal control and
organizational commitment to the performance of
SMI simultaneous, while the t test aims to test the
hypothesis whether there is a significant influence
between internal control and organizational
commitment on the performance of SMI partially.
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
3.1 Normality Test
The normality test is displayed in the following
image fields:
Figure 1. Histogram diagram
By looking at the graph display of the histogram
and the normal graph the plot can be concluded that
the histogram graph displays a distribution pattern
that is near normal. Whereas in the normal graph the
plot shows points spreading around the diagonal
line, and its distribution follows the direction of the
diagonal line. These two graphs show that the
regression model is appropriate to use because it
meets the assumption of normality.
3.2 Multicollinearity Test
Multicolonearity test is used to test whether the
regression model found a high correlation between
independent variables. A good regression model
should not have a high correlation between
independent variables. The multicollinearity testing
method used in this study is by looking at the value
of Inflation Factor (VIF) and Tolerance in the
regression model. If the VIF value is less than 10
and Tolerance is more than 0.1, then the regression
model is free of multicolonearity. The results of the
Multicollearance test can be seen in Table 5.1 below
Table 1. Multicollerity Test
Based on table 1 above shows the VIF value of
3.849 is less than 10 for both variables, it can be
concluded that the regression model does not occur
multicollinearity problems.
3.3 Hiteroskedasticity Test
Hiteroskedasticity can be detected by looking at the
plot graph between the dependent variable predictive
value (ZPRED) and the residual (SRESID).
Detection of the presence or absence of
hiteroskedasticity can be done by looking at the
presence of a particular pattern and the scatter plot
graph between SRESID and ZIPRED where the Y
axis is Y that has been predicted, the X axis is the
residual (Y prediction - real Y) that has been on
studentizet. Can be seen in Figure 2 below.
Figure 2. Scatterplot diagram
Internal Control, Organizational Commitment and Performance of Sasirangan Small and Medium Industries in South of Kalimantan
Based on the scatter plot graph above, it can be
seen that the points spread randomly and spread both
above and below the 0 in the Y axis field. It can be
concluded that there is no heteroskadestisias in the
regression model, so that the appropriate regression
model is used to predict the performance.
3.4 Hypothesis Testing
Table 2. Results X1 Against Y
Table 3: Results of X2 against Y
Table 4. Results of X1 and X2 against Y.
Unstandardized Coefficients
t Si
B Std. Erro
Beta Zero-orde
Partial Part
1 (Constant) 8,149 4,782 1,704 ,098
endalianInternalX1 ,187 ,213 ,163 ,879 ,386 ,315 ,153 ,142
anisasiX2 ,369 ,226 ,304 1,634 ,112 ,386 ,278 ,263
a. Dependent Variable: KinerjaY
Table 5. Hypothesis Results
No Hypothesis r
1 Internal ControlSMI Performance 0,099 3,501 1,689 Significant
2 Organizational Commitment SMI
0,149 2,136 1,689 Significant
3 Internal Control and Organizational
mmitmentSMI Performance
0,169 F
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Based on table 5. above can be explained the results
of testing the hypothesis as follows:
1) Hypothesis one (H1) is accepted, which means
that Internal Control significantly influences the
Performance of SMI, at 9.9% and the remaining
90.1% Performance of SMI is influenced by other
2) The second Hypothesis (H2) is accepted, which
means that the Organizational Commitment
significantly influences the performance of the SMI,
by 14.9% and the remaining 85.1% The performance
of the SMI is influenced by other factors.
3) Third Hypothesis (H3) is accepted which means
that Internal Control and Organizational
Commitment significantly influence the
performance of SMI, by 16.9% and the remaining
83.1% The performance of SMI is influenced by
other factors.
The researcher realizes that in this study there are
still shortcomings due to the limitations of
researchers, as this study uses limited research
subjects, namely the Banjarmasin Sasirangan SMI as
many as 35 units. Another limitation is the variables
studied are only three variables, namely Internal
Control, Organizational Commitment and Company
Performance.Therefore, caution is needed in
generalizing the results of this study under different
conditions and subjects.
This research concerning the influence of
Internal Control, Organizational commitment to
Company Performance is still possible to be further
developed in future research. The things that might
be developed are further research can add variables
that affect performance such as leadership style,
compensation, motivation variables which
empirically proved to have a significant influence on
the company's performance and add the number of
respondents and indicators.
The results of this study can at least be an input
for the Banjarmasin city Sasirangan SMI in order to
improve the performance of companies in
Partially the influence of Internal Control on
Banjarmasin City SMI Performance based on the
calculation of correlation (r) of 0.315, it can be stated
that the relationship between Internal Control and
SMI Performance is positive. From the calculation of
statistical t test the value of t count is 3.501 and when
compared with t table of 1.689 it can be stated that t
count> t table then H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected,
this means there is a significant influence, so that
Internal Control is stated to have a significant effect
on the performance of Sasirangan SMI. Partial
internal control has a significant effect on the
acceptable performance of SMIs and Banjarmasin
city SMI Sasirangan must maintain indicators in
forming Internal Control especially in monitoring the
production process at all times and the company
owner must carry out these activities, so as to
encourage the Performance of Sasirangan SMI.
These results support Mulyadi's (2013: 164) theory
that checking accuracy and monitoring can drive
efficiency and encourage compliance with
management policies.
Partially the influence of Organizational
Commitment to Banjarmasin city SMI performance
based on the calculation of correlation (r) of 0.386, it
can be stated that the relationship between
Organizational Commitment and SMI Performance is
positive. From the calculation of statistical t test the
value of t count is 2.136 and when compared with t
table of 1.689 it can be stated that t count> t table
then H1 is accepted and H0 is rejected, this means
there is a significant influence, so stated
Organizational Commitment has a significant effect
on the performance of Sasirangan SMI. SMI
Banjarmasin Banjarmasin city must maintain the
indicator Organizational Commitment in forming
pride in having a company that emphasizes culture
and the company owner must carry out these
activities, so as to encourage the Performance of
Sasirangan SMI. These results support the theory of
Luthans (2006) that Organizational Commitment is a
strong desire to accept organizational values and
Simultaneously Internal Control and
Organizational Commitment to the performance of
the Banjarmasin Sasirangan SMI based on the
calculation of correlation coefficient (r) of 0.411, it
can be stated that the relationship of Internal Control
and Organizational Commitment to the Performance
of SMI is quite positive. From the statistical
calculation, Analysis of Variance Test (ANOVA) is
known that Fcount = 3.849 compared with F0.05, 35
= 3.28 then Fcount> F0.05; 35, then H3 is accepted
and H0 is rejected, this means that there is a
significant influence, so it can stated that Internal
Control and Organizational Commitment
simultaneously have a significant effect on the
Performance of SMI. The results of this study
support the results of previous studies such as Nanda
(2014), Airin Novi Aryati (2016), and Ananta Budi
Lasso (2016) that Internal Control and
Internal Control, Organizational Commitment and Performance of Sasirangan Small and Medium Industries in South of Kalimantan
Organizational Commitment simultaneously have a
significant effect on performance.
The researcher tries to provide suggestions as
input and consideration for the Banjarmasin city
Sasirangan SMI and the development of
Management Science especially Human Resource
Management and is expected to be useful for the
present, as well as the future, as for the suggestions
as follows: (1) SMI Sasirangan, Banjarmasin city
must improve its Internal Control, in accordance with
a clear vision and mission that makes the company
become professional in producing products that
increase consumer interest; (2) SMI Banjarmasin
Banjarmasin city should improve the Commitment of
Organization, with emotional involvement,
organizational goals and a re-understanding of the
values of this Organization will rebuild a better SMI
Sasirangan Performance.
For the next researchers who will conduct similar
research are expected to take other variable indicators
and in the next stage in collecting data besides using
by distributing questionnaires or questionnaires, can
also directly interact with company owners through
direct interviews in order to sharpen the analysis
results and discussion.
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Internal Control, Organizational Commitment and Performance of Sasirangan Small and Medium Industries in South of Kalimantan