The Application of Technology as a Factor of Success in the
Transportation Business Online:
Case Study on using Technology Application Taxi Online
Abdul Haris
Student of Doctorate Program of Islamic Communication UIN SU Medan Communication of Islam Department
Keywords: Application of Technology, Business Online, Transportation Online.
Abstract: Public transport is known as two-wheeled motorcycle taxis. In big cities such as Jakarta, this type of
transport are familiar and have been around for a long time. The community is very helped by the existence
of this mode of transportation. Especially in areas of dense traffic and small roads. There is a kind of motor
is also using human power. The community generally in using this type of transportation is due to the ease,
speed, and the costs are quite affordable. With the advancement in technology and information services for
visitors any progress in line with the needs of the community that always like to get a service that is easy,
safe, fast, and cheap. The use of technology applications on the GO-JEK service (a taxi service using the
online application) has helped increase the income of the drivers and help the community get the service
easily. There is hardly any difficulty in access for the public and motorcycle taxi drivers of the increase in
revenue was the result of a very useful innovation make the lives of carpenters who is now better known as
the GO-JEK. The impact of another successful GO-JEK was from the inception of the kinds of business that
can also generate additional revenue for entrepreneurs GO-JEK and driver’s. The effort is meant is the
service delivery of documents and the delivery of food services and other services using the application as a
communication conduit.
In big cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan
traffic congestion problems have become a daily
problem for the community. The cause of this
bottleneck is very diverse, including imbalances in
the number of motor vehicles with available road
segments. Progress that is not comparable between
the two is almost certainly because if it is calculated
the number of vehicles is always increasing
progressively. That's why traffic jams often occur
especially at certain hours where the user of the road
races with time to get to the destination. Besides the
growing number of unbalanced vehicles and
roadways added to the congestion factor is the
behavior of motorists who often do not adhere to
traffic rules and ignore the ethics of manners in
driving. This is certainly very disturbing between
one rider with another rider. In addition to the cause
of the chaotic traffic in particular are the
motorcyclists who less obey the rules of traffic
where the number continues to increase as a result of
the ease to own a motorcycle. This means that the
system of financing factors that contribute in
multiplying the number of two-wheeled motor
vehicles on the highway.
Public transportation users who are struggling
with time are in dire need of a fast, safe,
inexpensive, and easy access mode when they are
needed. Therefore it is necessary that the mode of
transportation that provides the needs of the
community. The means in question is the
transportation and the means that can connect the
transport user with the transport provider.
Application technology on GO-JEK online has
helped many people in using this two-wheeled mode
of transport. Technological applications have played
a major role and become a supporter of success in
the online transportation business.
GO-JEK was born from the idea of the CEO
(chief executive officer) and Managing Director of
Nadiem Makarim who claimed to be an ojek user.
Motorcycle taxi is a very effective transportation for
mobility in the city congestion. With his experience
when riding motorcycles on the streets that jammed
he then created GO-JEK, a shuttle service with a
Haris, A.
The Application of Technology as a Factor of Success in the Transportation Business Online: Case Study on using Technology Application Taxi Online.
DOI: 10.5220/0009021400002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 382-387
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
modern ojek-based order. PT GO-JEK Indonesia
which has been passing its journey since 2011. GO-
JEK is made from indonesia which was first born
with good intention to provide solution to facilitate
daily life in the middle of urban congestion. At that
time, how can people get easy, safe, convenient, and
reliable services with clear tariffs, while partners can
become easier in getting customers and increasing
revenue. The organized GO-JEK service is well-
liked by the community and partners, although the
number is still very small compared to now. At that
time, the services offered by GO-JEK include
transportation, courier, and shopping. Goal PT GO-
JEK time is to improve the performance of the
motorcycle taxi drivers. In 2015 PT GO-JEK
decided to provide GO-JEK services in the form of
an application. So GO-JEK becomes a technology-
based solution that facilitates all the daily life needs
of the community. This is where the growth of GO-
JEK becomes very significant. When the GO-JEK
app is launched in 2015, there are three services
offered: transport, instant courier, and shopping.
GO-JEK has features in the form of transport
services that can be ordered online, using GO-JEK
APP (apps) that can be downloaded via smartphone
or with other gadgets, consumers can order GO-JEK
drivers to access all 10 services, with how to enter
the person's address to find out the cost of using the
service, then use the use my location service to
direct the driver to where the person is located.9
GO-JEK offers 8 (eight) service features that can be
utilized by its customers ie Go-Send Goods), Go-
Ride, Go-Food, Go-Mart, Go-Glam, Go-Massage,
Go-Go, Go-Clean, GoBusway and Go-Tix.
emphasizing excellence in speed, innovation and
social interaction. GO-JEK is a company in legal
status as a service provider. GO-JEK is also working
with several business partners as a supporter in
operating GO-JEK itself, as GO-JEK company
implemented a recruiting partner system in order to
increase employment for ojek drivers who were not
yet tied to any company. The establishment of GO-
JEK Company is based on Law Number 40 Year
2007 regarding Limited Liability Company, as the
legal basis for establishment of GO-JEK Company
and become a company that has legal status. In
practice, PT GO-JEK INDONESIA is registered at
KEMENKUMHAM as an Application Service
Provider Company. This company as a liaison
between passengers (consumers) with ojek driver
(business actor) easily. 9 http://www.go- accessed on March 6th at 21:22
WIB 11 As a technology company, GO-JEK has
Trading Business License (SIUP), Business Place
License (SITU), Domicile Certificate Company
(SKDP), Company Registration (TDP) and
Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP). 3.
Motorcycle Taxi Online as a Public Motor Vehicle
The definition of transportation according to Article
1 number 3 UULLAJ is "the movement of people
and / or goods from one place to another by using a
vehicle in a road traffic space". According to the
Decree of the Minister of Transportation No. 35 of
2003 on the Implementation of the Transport of
people on the street by public transportation,
Transports are "the movement of people and / or
goods from one place to another by means of
vehicles". Based on article 1 point 10 UULLAJ jo
article 1 point 5 PP Number 74 Year 2014 on Road
Transport states that public motor vehicles are "any
motor vehicle used for the transport of persons and /
or by a fee". Basically, the existence of motorcycle
taxi as a motorcycle has two advantages and
uniqueness since ojek can provide door to door
service, can reach difficult locations such as alleys
and narrow roads, or able to pass the traffic jam. But
motorcycle taxi drivers are said to be illegal public
transport, because there is no regulation specifically
regulating motorcycle taxis in motorcycles. The
existence of motorcycle taxi itself can be said to be
needed by the community. Motorcycle taxi is said to
be the transport of people with two-wheeled motor
vehicles. Not specifically regulated on motorcycles
as public transport vehicles, because there are some
problems in the administration of ojek registration as
a public motor vehicle in the Department of
According to Daymon & Holloway (2008), case
studies are a research strategy with multiple sources
of evidence (qualitative, quantitative, or combined
evidence) of a time-limited and observed
observation unit. To quote Daymon & Holloway's
opinion, this research method uses case study
approach that is by taking the example of cases by
describing qualitatively, researching the facts
available and available in the field.
According to Yin the case study was conducted
using evidence obtained from empirical experience in
investigating. The case study methodology can be
used if:
1. Researchers have little information about the
subject matter
2. The focus of research is a phenomenon that has
been going on
The Application of Technology as a Factor of Success in the Transportation Business Online: Case Study on using Technology Application
Taxi Online
Based on the opinion of this case Yin studied and
presented in the form of scientific papers and
published with the aim to be known by the people as
a contribution in the analysis of development of
science and technology applications online transport
2.1 Data Source
There are two sources used are primary data and
secondary data. Primary data is data obtained by
researchers directly (from first hand), while
secondary data is data obtained by researchers from
existing sources.
Primary data obtained from the respondents through
questionnaires, or data from interviews with
Secondary data can be records or documentation of
the company in the form of absenteeism, salary,
financial reports publications company,government
reports, data obtained from magazines, and so forth.
In this research the data source used is primary data
source and secondary data source. That is the source
of data sourced on the subject of where the data can
be obtained. The interviews were conducted to
collect the data, and the source of the data was from
the respondent, the person who answered the
questions, written or oral, the respondents were
drivers and customers.
2.2 Data Collection Technique
Data collection techniques in this study using
interviewing techniques (interviews) with the
informants (informants). Interviews are
conversations and frequently asked questions to get
data and research information. Interviews are
conducted separately with four resource persons,
namely Online Transport Service Sales, and Online
Products, online consumers, online business experts,
and marketing communications experts.
2.3 Analytical Technique
The analysis in this study uses qualitative data
analysis intended to obtain a comprehensive
overview of what is covered in the problems studied
conducted in the field at the time of data collection.
In the process of analysis, according to Miles and
Huberman there are three main components that are
intertwined models or interactive models, namely:
2.3.1 Data Reduction
Data Reduction is the process of selection, focusing
on simplification, abstraction, and transformation of
"rough" data arising from written notes in the field.
Data reduction continues throughout the qualitative-
oriented project. Data reduction is not something
separate from the analysis. Data reduction is a form
of analysis that sharpens, directs, discards the
unnecessary, and organizes the data in such a way
that its final conclusions can be drawn and verified.
2.3.2 Data Presentation
Presentation of data is a series of information that
allows research conclusions can be done. By looking
at data presentation, research will be able to
understand what is happening and allow to do
something on the analysis.
2.3.3 Conclusion
From the presentation of data that has been
compiled, then the researcher can draw a final
conclusion. Miles and Hubberman, explained that in
the analysis activities and data collection activities is
a cyclical and intractive process.
The researcher moves between four "axes" of the
coils during data collection, then moves back and
forth between data reduction activities, data
presentation, and conclusions.
2.4 Research Sites
The location of the research was conducted in
Medan, Palembang, Lampung, Jakarta. Respondents
who become the object of this study are the drivers
and customers in the towns operating area GO-JEK
online include the city of Medan, Serdang Bedagai,
Tanjung Morawa, Lubuk Pakam, Binjai and the area
reached by the service GO-JEK using online
application services. Operating times are adjusted to
the operating hours of the online GO-JEK service.
The Internet is a global system consisting of
computers and computer networks that are
interconnected, which communicate using TCP / IP
protocol. Although the Internet was originally
intended for simple data exchange, the Internet has
now grown affecting the entire domain of society,
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
such as economics, socialization, information, health
services, education, and so on.
To run online business advertising GO-JEK can
not be separated from the above technological tools.
And customers who will order services must also
have a service and adept using the above
technological means. The affordable cost and ease of
operation make it attractive for anyone to use GO-
JEK services.
Basically, the online advertising business model
is like a media business model. You must have read
media, such as Kompas,, certain brand
magazines, and so forth. Well media businesses
usually earn revenue from advertising. When we
want to run an online business with advertising
business model then we will play in the field of
media, exactly online media.
Figure 1. Information System Components.
3.1 Information System Components
Software: is a component that enables hardware
to process data through specified
communications procedures and networks.
Go-Jek offers software in the form of Android
apps, iOS, and also Website. So users can
connect and utilize existing information
Hardware: are the physical devices through
which the software is located.
Go-Jek uses the Smartphone as a hardware that
will be installed in the form of Go-Jek applications
by the user.
People: is all parties responsible for the
development of information systems,
processing, and data usage.
In Go-Jek there are the following parties:
Programmer, System Analyst, Database
Administrator, Driver or other service
successor, User / Passenger, and others.
Database / Data: The components of
information are stored systematically, so it can
be used to support the activities of the company.
At Go-Jek, among others are passenger data,
driver data, location coordinates, Go-Pay data,
and others.
Computer Network: is a medium that connects
all components together.
Go-Jek uses the Internet network, so it can
connect users or clients with their cloud-based
information systems.
Procedures: A set of rules that are used to
realize the data processing and the
corresponding output conformity.
Matters concerning systematic processes in Go-
Jek applications, such as SOP Booking, SOP
Payments, Recruitment SOP, and others
3.2 Motorcycle Ticket
Motorbike taxis are the most common form of
unlicensed transportation in Indonesia, where they
are known as motorbikes. Ojeks can be found in
most areas of the country, from cities where traffic
congestion usually inhibits other forms of
transportation, to rural areas inaccessible to four-
wheeled vehicles. Due to traffic, motorbikes are
often the fastest form of transportation, especially in
Jakarta. Many people choose them in taxis, which
are safer, but slower and more expensive.
Many motorcycle taxi drivers have their own
vehicles or buy them on credit, although in some
areas, stolen motorcycles are common. The
widespread domestic and cheap motorcycles made
by Honda, Yamaha, and Suzuki, and the cheaper
ones imported from China, as well as the credit
schemes used to buy this, have resulted in the rapid
growth of motorcycle taxis. Ease of SIM can also be
a supporting factor.
Figure 2. Motorcycle Taxi
The Application of Technology as a Factor of Success in the Transportation Business Online: Case Study on using Technology Application
Taxi Online
The picture above shows the motorcycle
motorcycle and the driver who is waiting for
passengers at the motorbike base. The sight of a
motorcycle taxi driver was waiting. It was a sight a
few years back. Currently the ojek driver is no
longer waiting at the base, but has been more active
to visit prospective passengers. This is because the
users of this transport and the driver has been
actively using application technology with internet
support. And it is very clear how important the
application technology on online transport process.
3.3 Internet Marketing
Internet Marketing consists of two words, internet
and marketing. According to Wikipedia, the internet
is a world-scale computer network that allows
people to interact using services such as email,
online chat, file transfers and web pages. While
marketing in the Indonesian language is called
Marketing, a process aimed at knowing the
desire of consumers, allocate products or services in
accordance with the wishes, making a consumer
interested in the product or service. A marketer has
the main task of making consumers familiar with the
products or services offered through marketing
techniques. Without a marketing effort, a company
usually will not be successful for long periods of
From both the above meanings, the word Internet
Marketing. Internet Marketing is actually simple in
meaning though difficult in implementation. Internet
marketing is commonly referred to as online
marketing or E-marketing. Differences internet
marketing is the use of internet media to support the
marketing process, so that the marketing process
more effective, faster and cheaper cost.
Internet business is also known by the name of
online business is a business trend that some of the
last period of development is very rapid. This is
because the growth of internet users is very rapid
from year to year. So with the increase of internet
users is then the provision and service in this field
continues to increase so that internet users are
spoiled with various conveniences. Ease of acquired
certainly does not rely on one particular sector but
thorough in all sectors. There's nothing we can not
get from the internet. From the kitchen to the living
room, from feet to head, office, school, automotive,
and many more sectors, maybe even hundreds of
categories that can all be met from the internet. Just
by sitting at the computer, can be at home, at the
office, at the hotel or wherever as long as you can
access the internet, we can order it to meet the needs
or business, which required only notebook / PC and
Hand Phone Android with internet access. Of
course, this ease becomes the choice of many
3.4 Application Technology
How can application technology serve many things?
The answer is with internet support. Application
technology that has been designed in such a way can
be run after connecting to the internet. As for online
motorcycle taxis, then as an absolute requirement is
to be connected to the internet. Motorcycle drivers
and passengers must be equally oppressed through
interenet. So you can imagine how important the
relationship between the application and the internet.
Online transport business is highly dependent on the
internet and must have its own application, which
should be designed as easy and as easy as possible.
Starting from the type of mobile phone used up to
how much Internet quota should be available into
knowledge that can be formed and spread quickly
and does not take long to master it.
Figure 3. GO-JEK drivers online
Figure 4. Passenger GO-JEK Online
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
1. In its daily operation PT. GO-JEK Online
desperately needs internet device support.
2. Digital equipment at GO-JEK operators is a
vital tool for GO-JEK and for customers of GO-
3. According to the manager of PR GO-JEK the
equipment provided is indeed in the designation
of drivers GO-JEK, Customer GO-JEK, and
stakeholders growing.
4. The form of the devices has been prepared in
such a way that it is very easy to use for
operator, drivers, and customers.
Two-wheeled online transportation has been well
known and widely used in Indonesia, especially in
big cities. This mode of transportation has become
the choice of lower, middle, and top society. To be
able to use this means of transportation users and
drivers in dire need of application technology that
must be connected to the internet. Without
application and internet technology we cannot order
and use online transportation services. Vice versa,
online transportation service providers must have the
ability to operate the application technology and its
devices. Therefore, as an important factor of
application technology is one of the keys to success
in the online transportation business.
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The Application of Technology as a Factor of Success in the Transportation Business Online: Case Study on using Technology Application
Taxi Online