Language Use of Scientific Works at Higher Education in Java
Kundharu Saddhono, Purwadi, Yusuf Muflikh Raharjo
Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Language Use, Scientific Works, Higher Education, Java Island
Abstract: The use of language in scientific work is a matter that has been agreed the rule with reference to the
linguistic rules and regulations. Speak error in scientific work of students (thesis and dissertation) remains a
recurring error occurred, with not in accordance with the general rules of spelling Indonesian handbook,
according Permendikbud number 50 in 2015. This study aimed to describe the language errors contained in
scientific papers students at universities in Java, especially at the level of spelling, word choice, sentence
structure and paragraph structure. In addition, this study also describes the causes of the fault speaking in
scientific work that is often repeated. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative content
analysis approach. The result of this research is the discovery of a major fault in the level of spelling and
sentence structure. Structures that are not consistent or inconsistent is also a common mistake in scientific
work of students in Java. The factors that cause the occurrence of error is less their language intensive
guidance regarding the rules of language between lecturers and students and the lack of understanding in the
use of Indonesian rule, as a general guideline Indonesian spelling.
Indonesian language has a role as a media to convey
human thought. Indonesian language is also a tool in
forums or a scientific nuanced. This is in accordance
with Regulation number 24 2009; 35; 1 stating that
the Indonesian language must be used in the writing
of scientific papers and scientific publications in
Indonesia. Therefore, there is a need for special
attention that the use of the Indonesian language
must be in accordance.
Scientific work is a form of results for the
academic community as contribution to society that
is responsible in terms of science. Scientific work is
also the final work for students who want to
complete their studies at a certain level. In
Indonesia, there are four types of final tasks, namely
Final Task for Diploma Program, Thesis for
Undergraduate Program (S1), Thesis for
Postgraduate Program (S2), and Dissertation for
Doctorate Program (S3). All of these scientific
works are required to be compiled in Indonesian in
accordance with the correct rules. As a final project,
a students’ scientific works not only describe the
process of pouring ideas or thought in writing, but
also the entire event of the research process
conducted by observing scientific principles, namely
rational, factual, systematic, and objective in the
procedure of proof as well concluding.
Universitas Sebelas Maret as one of the
universities in Java requires every student of
undergraduate level to make thesis writing at the end
of their study period. As evidence to seeing the
importance of thesis writing activity, Universitas
Sebelas Maret gives six credits for the study. Thus,
the thesis writing is expected to be completed utterly
and as best as possible. In terms of format, the
structure of writing should be in accordance with the
rules that have been set in the handbook of thesis
writing in each faculty. From language aspect, as a
scientific paper thesis should be written using
language format that meets the scientific standards
and must comply with the standard of Indonesian
rules. Rohmadi et al. argued that standard language
is a variety of languages used in official
circumstance, for instance is in writing scientific
papers and research reports (Rohmadi, Saddhono,
Wardani, et al, 2008)
Scientific work written by someone must be
justified. This implies that the scientific work must
use a specialized scientific language in accordance
with the field, so that what is discussed in more
detail and depth. According to Suriasumantri the
characteristics of scientific language as a medium of
scientific work include: (1) reproductive, (2)
Saddhono, K., Purwadi, . and Raharjo, Y.
Language Use of Scientific Works at Higher Education in Java.
DOI: 10.5220/0009019900002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 284-288
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
unambiguous, (3) not emotive, (4) the use of
standard language in spelling, words, sentences, and
paragraph, (5) the use of the scientific term, (6) is
denotative, (7) rational, (8) there is intercapal
cohesion, (9) straightforward or direct to the target,
and (10) effective use of sentences (Suriasumantri,
2007). But the problem, in thesis writing activities
conducted by students it was found that there were
many language errors. The mistakes made are
violations of language rules that include: word
formation, proper selection of words, grammatical
composition of sentences, paragraph formation,
reasoning arrangements, and an improved
application of Indonesian spelling (Listiyorini,
2005). This condition of course can lead to the low
quality of scientific writing (especially theses)
produced. In addition, these mistakes if left
unchecked can certainly cause communication
disruption between the writer and the reader.
The existence of language errors in the students’
thesis can be caused by the influence of attitudes and
awareness of themselves, the influence of mother
tongue, and the influence of the environment. Public
opinion states that mistakes may come from student
carelessness, lack of knowledge, and interference.
As stated by Setyawati that there are three possible
causes of language errors (Setyawati, 2010). The
three possibilities are: (1) influenced by first
acquired language, (2) the lack of understanding of l
language use, (3) imperfect language teaching.
Coming from the problem, there is one action
that can be applied related to language errors in the
students’ scientific works. That is language errors
analysis. Language error analysis is a procedure
used by researchers and language teachers, which
includes collecting error samples, identifying errors
in the sample, explaining the error, classifying the
error, and evaluating the level of language error
(Guntur & Tarigan, 2011). Through language errors
analysis, it shows the use of an appropriate and
correct Indonesian language in accordance with the
determinants of communication and grammatical
rules. If its use is beyond the determinants of
communication and grammatical rules it can result
in irregularities and is considered to contain
language errors.
This language error analysis activity is part of
work that is integrated with language learning
(Saddhono & St. Y Slamet, 2014). Language errors
should not be seen as an inability of students in
language. Language errors in the process of
acquisition and learning are processes that influence
students in learning the language. The results of the
error analysis activities can contribute to make
improvements to the teaching of language and then
help students to correct previous mistakes. In
addition, the existence of language error analysis is
expected to have a positive impact that can be a
good example of appropriate use of Indonesian
language, especially in thesis and in general writing
lessons. So that the misuse of the Indonesian
language in students’ thesis can be minimized and
even eliminated.
This research was conducted at Universitas Sebelas
Maret Surakarta. This research used descriptive
qualitative approach. Moleong quoted the opinion of
Bogdam and Taylor stating that qualitative method
is research procedures that produce descriptive data
in the form of written or oral from object and
observed behavior. The type of research used is case
study (Moleong, 2010).
The main data in this research were students'
essay and transcript of interview result. Data
analysis techniques used in the research is
interactive model analysis. This analysis involves
the following. (1) Data Collection; the main data in
this study was thesis of UNS students and interviews
with informants both lecturers and students. This
was done by recording all forms of errors that exist
in the students’ thesis and interviews with
informants. (2) Data Reduction; Data reduction is
the process of selecting, focusing attention on
simplifying, abstracting, and transforming raw data
that arises from written records in the field (Miles &
Huberman, 1994). (3) Data Presentation; Data
presentation is an important part of data analysis.
According to Sutopo data presentation is a series of
information organization, description in the form of
a complete narration that allows researchers to draw
conclusions (Sutopo, 2006). Through the data
presentation, the collected data is grouped into
sections with the type of problem so that it is easy to
be seen and understood so it is easy to be analyzed.
(4) Drawing conclusion; Based on the results of the
analysis of errors in the use of Indonesian language
thesis and interviews with some informants both
lecturers and students, then drawn conclusions.
Language Use of Scientific Works at Higher Education in Java
3.1 Faculty of Economy and Business
Based on the analysis that had been done, the form
of language errors that found in the Faculty of
Economy and business thesis UNS as follows. First,
spelling mistakes include: misuse of capital letters,
use of italics, use of word combinations, use of
prepositions, the use of number symbols, the use of
periods, and the use of commas. Second, errors in
the field of diction, including: word misconduct and
word accuracy. Third, the error in sentence level,
including the sentence coherence. In addition to the
errors mentioned above, the thesis that became the
source of research also had other errors. Other errors
included: inconsistent use of letters / words and
repeated explanations in paragraphs. For example
the use of inconsistent letters / words, namely the
writing of Regional Revenue (Pendapatan Asli
Daerah) written by using acronyms (PAD) and was
not written in acronyms. Capital letter error (18),
standard word error (14), comma error (7),
preposition error (6), number symbol error (4), colon
error (4), incorrect word error (4), misconduct
writing (3), period error (1). Based on the analysis
that had been done, there were several factors that
caused the error of language in the thesis of
Economic Development Study Program of Faculty
of Economy and Business.
3.2 Faculty of Law Thesis
After analyzing language errors in thesis of Faculty
of Law UNS it was found 21 types of language
errors, especially in writing, 3 of them were found in
huge numbers, namely the initial capital letter error
were 11, 18 errors of prepositions, and standard
words as 18 errors. From such analysis it was
concluded that the author had not fully understood
the spelling and grammar that existed so that errors
appeared as above. In addition to absence factors
and lack of knowledge about spelling and grammar,
it was found another factor that is the accuracy so
that errors such as "slip of the pen" or lapses
occurred. Lapses is a mistake in writing due to
accidental or omission in writing a word. In addition
there is inconsistent words, sometimes by using
capital letters as a prefix sometimes not. Many of the
phrases were ambiguous and there was no variation
and effected to monotonous form and there were
some sentences that were repeated in the next
3.3 Faculty of Social and Political
Sciences Thesis
The typical language used by FISIP students is in the
form of long and circling elaborations. This is very
tiring for the reader. Plus the students often make
mistakes related to punctuation, spelling, and other
key things in scientific writing. Sentences tended to
long. In that long sentence there were many
redundant and inappropriate words. As a result, the
sentences were not unified and ambiguous. In a word
level, the students of this faculty had made a lot of
language errors, especially in terms of: (1) -space
(use of capital letters, italics, standard vs. non-
standard words, inappropriate borrowed words etc.
and (2) punctuation (point, comma, conjunction,
stirrup, etc. which were misplaced). At the level of
sentence many also encountered errors (such as:
ineffective sentences, illogical sentences, and
incoherent sentences). As for paragraph levels, errors
occurred was numbers of main idea in one paragraph
so it was difficult for readers to understand.
3.4 Faculty of Medical Thesis
The style of thesis writing in faculty of medical
students is as follows. First, spelling errors included:
misuse of capital letters, use of italics, use of
derivative words, combined use of words, use of
compound words, use of prepositions, use of number
symbols, use of periods, and use of commas.
Second, errors in diction level, include: word error.
Factors considered to encourage errors in both
spelling and term or grammar. These factors can be
either external factors or internal factors from a
writer. Language rules mastery was still inadequate.
Authors who had not mastered appropriate
Indonesian language rules in terms of spelling,
diction, sentence, or paragraph. The influence of
foreign languages. Due to foreign language affected
for example in terms of words choice or diction.
Especially the use of popular words in the field of
medicine or terms from Latin. Lack of writing time.
When it comes to writing skills as a process it is
clear that there are three stages to be completed
during the writing process, those are pre-writing,
writing, revising. In fact, during revision phase, a
review stage related to the quality of writing
(including grammar) that should be done by
students, was rarely done because of lack of time.
3.5 Faculty of Teaching and Education
Language skills are important aspect that must be
possessed by a person. Because language skills can
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
support performance, express feelings, ideas, and
means of exchanging information. In the academic
field, language skills are used in scientific writing.
One form of scientific work contained in the level of
Higher Education is a thesis. In thesis writing
requires a variety of considerations and references
linguistic rules. However, the thesis still encounters
language errors. Based on the analysis of language
errors contained in this thesis, it can be concluded
that there are still some errors, namely punctuation,
pause of each word, italics in foreign words,
inconsistent use of words, and inappropriate
selection of diction.
3.6 Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences Thesis
This MIPA thesis analysis is only one of the many
theses that had been written by undergraduate
students, especially in Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences. From the analysis, it can be
concluded as following; (1) MIPA's thesis took
many foreign terms; (2) There were still numbers
writing errors, such as: the use of capital letters, the
use of italics, derivative words writing, words
combination writing, prepositions, number symbols,
full stop, commas, non-standard words, use of
redundant words, improper use of words, illogical
sentences, incoherence phrases, and the writing of a
bibliography. There needs to be a follow-up of the
mistakes found in Faculty of Mathematics and
Natural Sciences theses. The follow-up not only
improved the structure and language that was wrong,
but also expected to change the paradigm of students
not to override the role of language in delivering the
results of the research they got.
3.7 Faculty of Agricultural Thesis
From the research and data collected, it can be
concluded that this thesis had many errors. Most
errors were the prefix of di- and ke-. Such mistakes
might occur because the author did not understand
the rules of language. Besides that, the error in
placing a space needs to be corrected. Because the
lack of research was fatal enough to cause a lack of
legibility. From the above conclusions, the editing
team suggested that Indonesian language courses
should be maximized in every faculty. Both students
and supervisors must understand and master
linguistic rules. This aims to improve the quality of
UNS students' thesis in terms of scientific writing
3.8 Faculty of Literature and Arts
From the results of the analysis of Indonesian errors
in the thesis of Faculty of Literature and Arts, there
were still errors found. From the findings of the
Indonesian language errors, the researchers thought
that these mistakes had become normal. But this
thesis was adequate because the language errors
found were in small numbers. Mistakes were: the
use of capital letters at the beginning of the sentence
(1), the use of capital letters in the names of people
(2), the use of capital letters in the names of
institutions and official documents (2), the use of
capital letters (6), the use of prepositions (4), the use
of commas (9), the use of non-standard words (6),
the use of redundant words (1), inappropriate use of
words (10), sentences which did not meet the
element of unity of ideas (3), and sentences that are
not unified (4). From several types of errors it can
already be seen which error the most and little. From
the mistake of the language of the writer of the
thesis, it happened because several factors, namely:
(1) in writing, the author lacked understanding of the
guidelines in the writing of the thesis, (2) the author
was not mastery in and not guided by Indonesian
Language Dictionary or Enhanced Letter of
3.9 Faculty of Engineering Thesis
Mistakes most found in the final assignment of
Architecture Engineering students were on the use of
capital letters in the beginning of the sentence. There
were many letters at the beginning of a sentence
written in lowercase. The foreign terms not in italics
were also many. Overall, the errors found in the
Architectural Engineering Students Final
Assignment were low. From many aspects of
language errors, in this Final Project of Architecture
Engineering students there were 9 aspects of error.
Other aspect errors were not too many. It can be
concluded that the students of Architecture
Engineering knew a lot about the aspects of Final
Based on research findings and data analysis results
on Indonesian error analysis in the thesis of UNS
students in 2014 conclusions drawn as follow. (1)
The form of language errors found in the thesis of
the Universitas Sebelas Maret students in the form
of spelling errors, diction errors, sentence errors, and
paragraph errors. (2) The spread of language errors
Language Use of Scientific Works at Higher Education in Java
found in the thesis of Universitas Sebelas Maret
students is as follows. Speech errors in the spelling
consisted of: misuse of capital letters; italics;
derivative words; use of word combinations; use of
compound words; use of the preposition; use of
number symbols; use of periods; and the use of
commas. Language errors in the field of diction
consist of: wrong words; common word; redundant
word; and word accuracy. Language error in the
sentence level consisted of: unity of ideas; sentence
logic; and cohesiveness. Language error in the
paragraph field. (3) Mistakes that often occurred in
the thesis of Universitas Sebelas Maret were caused
by several factors, for instance: the inadequate
mastery of Indonesian language, the lack of attention
to Indonesian grammar, the lack of reference to
Indonesian grammar books, the limited time, first
language and foreign language interference, and
thesis supervisors who have
not provided
maximum guidance.
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BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social