The Effect of Flipped Classroom toward ESP Students Reading
Iswatin Hasanah, and Yudhi Arifani
University of Muhammadiyah Gresik, Sumatera Street 101 GKBt, Gresik, Indonesia.
Keywords: ESP, Reading Comprehension, Flipped Classroom
Abstract: Flipped classroom can be one of alternatives for teaching reading in ESP class. This study was aimed to
know the effect of flipped classroom using video linked in telegram toward ESP students reading
comprehension. 49 ESP students of Accounting class in D1 Equivalent English program was engaged in
treatment group while 37 students of informatics engineering class received only traditional teaching.
Quasi-experimental was implemented as the design then analysed in Mann Whitney test and Wilcoxon
signed-rank test. The post-test scores of both two groups in Mann Whitney test showed significant
difference improvement (p = 0,004) confirmed by a paired-non parametric Wilcoxon signed-rank test
showed statistics value of the treatment group (W=5,720) having a significantly higher value than control
group (W4,225). Means flipped classroom was significantly effective for enhancing ESP students reading
comprehension. As the conclusion, applying flipped classroom is helpful for students as autonomous
learners to master the ESP reading materials. However, this study found some factors need to be considered
for the success of flipped classroom implementation such as students’ motivation, readiness, responsibilities
and technical problems. So, it is suggested for the next researchers aware of those factors.
Along with the development and existence of
technology, Flipped Classroom gains popularity
among researchers and educators in the world
(Yilmaz, R., 2017, Du, S. C., Fu, Z. T., & Wang, Y.,
2014, Webb, M., & Doman, E., 2016, Evseeva, A.
M., & Solozhenko, A., 2015). The terminology is
switched or flipped from which the traditionally
learning done inside the classroom and do
homework outside. In the flipped classroom,
students view online videos, read material on books,
modules, website, blog and other sources at home.
As policy, students have to understand the important
concept of knowledge before coming to the class
engaging in active learning activities such as group
discussing, do certain exercises, debates, quiz,
project, summarize etc. (Gilboy, M. B., Heinerichs,
S., & Pazzaglia, G., 2015, sung 2015, Evseeva, A.
M., & Solozhenko, A., 2015). Flipped classroom as
part of blended learning which combine e-learning
or web based lecture and face-to-face classroom
session technique. Students did not listen the
teachers delivered in the class but outside. They first
prepare for the classes by watching online videos'
lecturer instead of a passive-style lecture, receive
individual instruction, workshops and several
activities conducted the classroom learning process.
(Halili, S. H., & Zainuddin, Z., 2015, Nishigawa, K.,
Omoto, K., Hayama, R., Okura, K., Tajima, T.,
Suzuki, Y & Matsuka, Y., 2017, Thai, N. T. T., De
Wever, B., & Valcke, M., 2017). According to
Wang, (2016) flipped classroom has a positive
learning impact on the students’learning
performance and technology usage facilitates in the
flipped classrooms’ implementation.
In Indonesian context, the flipped classroom still
considered as new teaching model influenced the
change of the students attitudes and affected their
willingness (Afrilyasanti, R., Cahyono, B. Y., &
Astuti, U. P., 2016, 2017). Previous studies
revealing about its effectiveness where students
learn materials (e.g., by watching lectures through
video or online video) at home attained a positive
learning result that students learn what is pertinent to
them based on their learning needs actively, ready
and independently for receiving the lessons
(Afrilyasanti, R., Cahyono, B. Y., & Astuti, U. P.,
2016, 2017, Azizah, D., & Fitri, A. 2017,
McDonald, K., & Smith, C. M., 2013). Flipped
Hasanah, I. and Arifani, Y.
The Effect of Flipped Classroom toward ESP Students Reading Comprehension.
DOI: 10.5220/0009019100002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 226-236
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
classroom trained students attitudes as the
autonomous learning involve their learning
motivation. It also gave chance for the teachers to
improve students learning outcome. (Qiang, 2018).
Flipped Classroom helps students for learning the
content independently and increased their self-
efficacy (Enfield, 2013, Latif, S. W. A., Matzin, R.,
Jawawi, R., Mahadi, M. A., Jaidin, J. H., Mundia,
L., & Shahrill, M., 2017).
The flipped classroom identified as innovative
and effective instructional approach which totally
bring down the traditional instruction by switching
class instruction at home. This teaching model
commonly asked students watching video at home
and use the class time for discussing, solving
complex concepts and answering questions where
students are being encouraged to learn actively. The
teacher’s role is for guiding and facilitating them for
discussing and giving professional feedback as good
self-learning. (Hwang, G. J., Lai, C. L., & Wang, S.
Y. (2015). In a flipped classroom, students watch
video lectures at home through screen casts then
class time is spent for engaging students through a
variety of several learning activities (Schultz, D.,
Duffield, S., Rasmussen, S. C., & Wageman, J,
2014). The flipped classroom delivers lecture
contented to students at home through electronic
device via teacher-created videos or online video
linked as interactive lessons and they use class time
for practical application activities (Arnold-Garza,
2014, Clark, 2015). According to Mehring (2016)
kinds of tools are able to use for creating the
student-centered in the flipped classroom. They are:
1) Videos; The biggest notice for the teachers is
determining if students are doing the pre-class
assignments or not (e.g., watching the videos at
home). Being able for assessing the
students’understanding can be possible by instruct
them from many free programs available on the
internet now days , It possible for the teacher to
embed questions and links to the web sites and
pictures to stop the video play and to collect the
students' data as students watch. Free programs such
as Edpuzzle at, Zaption at and eduCanon at, or several
paid programs such as HapYak at etc. are just a few choice that
allow teachers to create interactive flipped videos.
Therea are many several video channel that
everyone can access online by searching the
keywords related to the video’s tittle or by linked. In
the flipped classroom, Video becomes the media for
the students. They learn and try to understand the
material as kind of input for getting information
replaced the teacher’s explanation in the traditional
teaching method.
2) Programs for English Foreign Language
reading; Almost in EFL reading classes are tried to
build the vocabulary, reading speed and fluency.
Students come to class to practice reading drills by
getting the teacher’s or lecturer’s feedback, but there
is only few interactions among classmates and the
teacher. Then students back to their home and try to
comprehend the reading text and accomplish the
assignment of reading tasks before the next meeting.
It can be an alternative way to thrift the time in the
classroom, so the students are able to do several
activities in the class; such as answer questions,
group discussion, do the worksheet etc.
3) Clickers or student response systems; During in
the class, it is possible for using some clickers or
student response systems. Clickers mean an
interactive technology system that possible for
instructors to compose and propose or provide
questions to students and collect it immediately. We
can also view overall students response such as
Kahoot at, Socrative at www. and Pear Deck at
They are example of several free programs which
allow teachers to assess students face-to-face. Here,
the teacher can conduct quiz related the quetions
from the reading text.
Regard to those effectivenesses, there are also
numbers of critiques which found in some other
previous studies. It possible to make mistakes.
Effective “flipping” needs careful and well
preparation to get ready of the lessons which needs
time and effort of both the teachers and students for
conducting to the success of flipped classroom itself
so it is importsnt to increase the interaction between
them (Roehl et al., 2013, Mortensen, C. J., &
Nicholson, A. M. 2015, Chilingaryan, K., &
Zvereva, E. 2017). The students were not fully
prepared before entering the class, as they did not
watch the video lecture at home yet or did not do the
lecture’s instruction yet. (Strayer, 2007).
From those Previous studies the researcher wants
to investigate the effectiveness of the flipped
classroom toward ESP students reading
comprehension. Moreover, teaching ESP (English
for Specific Purpose) has become challenging for the
because the learning materials content having more
difficult level than EAP (English for Academic
Purpose). The material discussions are more
complex related to each major, include in teaching
reading. “In comparison with teaching EGP (English
for general purpose), teaching ESP usually faces a
The Effect of Flipped Classroom toward ESP Students Reading Comprehension
lot more challenges. Focusing on the specific needs
of the learners based on the need analysis,
concentrating more on language in context and on
the students’ need to acquire a set of professional
skills and particular job-related to each function,
ESP remains a major testing experience for every
teacher in charge of it.” (Falaus, 2017). The barrier
is not only come from how the English teachers can
mastered the ESP materials well but also how to
make the students understand the ESP materials
well, especially in teaching reading toward ESP.
Students do not use English as daily communication
but if students are required to read textbooks in
English, there is a need for reading comprehension
courses in ESP which which its tasks related
academic content that need high-level linguistic
proficiency and background knowledge. (Alemi, M.,
& Ebadi, S. , 2010). The important thing is how to
make students comprehend the ESP reading
materials itself, considered that it isn’t easy so
particlar teachingstrategies are necessary such as
Flipped classroom teaching model. “The benefits
often mentioned for flip teaching is that students are
given more opportunities to develop higher order
thinking under teacher guidance” (Hung, 2014). This
study focus to the effectiveness of flipped classroom
towards ESP students reading comprehension at D1
equivalent English program at university of
Muhammadiyah Gresik. Because its really necessary
to be studied regarding it can be one of consideration
as the teaching model for teaching ESP reading
comprehension or for any case which have the same
problem. Students score improvement for achieving
learning outcome is very important, so it is hoped
that students are able to graduate with satisfied
score. This study is expected to give contribution for
the teachers to solve the teaching problem and
become reference for the next researcher who wants
to conduct research study about flipped classroom.
2.1 Research Design
This study used quantitative quasi-experimental
design in order to investigate the comparison
between the treatment and control group for
knowing their differences. The reason why did this
study conduct the quasi experimental research
because it was related to the university policy did
not possible randomize the groups. Quasi
experimental methods involved creating and
comparing the group which are rather frequently
used when it is not possible to randomize the
individuals for both groups. (White & Sabrwal,
2014). Quasi-experiments is where the condition of
lack randomize, self-selection situation, where the
units choose treatment by themselves and it can be
chosen by teachers, administrator selection or others
for deciding which persons should get in the
treatment group. (William 2002). According to
Jannah, (2017) stated that This design involved an
independent variable manipulation but control and
experimental group cannot be taken randomly.
2.2 Participants
The population of this study were the students of D1
Equivalent English program at University of
Muhammadiyah Gresik in academic year
2017/2018. The sample were students in class B and
class L. They were divided into two groups. The
treatmet group treated with video-aided Flipped
classroom to understand their ESP reading materials
which consist of 49 students of B class major in
accounting. The control group refers to the students
who learned ESP reading text by using traditional
model which consist of 37 students of L class major
in informatics engineering.
2.3 Instrument
Reading test was the instrument of this study. In
order to get the data, this study adopted pre-existing
condition from the students reading final scores in
the first semester then conducted post test-only.
2.3.1 The Validity of the Test
An instrument can be mention valid when measure
what should suppose to be measured, when an
instrument accurately measures of any decided
variable it is considered as valid instrument (Muijs,
2011). There are five main types of test validity
among them are; face validity, content validity,
construct validity, criterion validity and reliability.
(Taherdoost , 2016). The instrument items of this
study conducted the content of validity. The
judgemental approach for deciding the content
validity involves literature reviews and continue
with the evaluation by the expert judges, the
procedure of its judgemental approach requires
researchers with experts in order to facilitate
validation. (Taherdoost , 2016). Before the
instrument was tested, validity test was done by two
experts validation who applied technology into their
collage teaching and composed ESP book proofed
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
by ISBN. The instrument then revised based on their
suggesstion. The process continued for the validity
test items analysed by using SPSS 15.0 in Correlate
– Bivariate which showed significant score < 0,05.
2.3.2 The Reliability of the Test
Reliability defined as ‘the level of test scores are
free from error’s measurment (Muijs, 2011). The
higher correlation value indicated instrument is more
reliable. (Gazali, 2016). According to Creswell
(2002) there are various types of reliability, they are
test-retest reliability, alternate forms reliability,
alternate forms and test-retest reliability, internal
consistency reliability and inter-rater reliability. The
estimating of reliability should show consistency
(Rosaroso, 2015). Reliability could be identifid the
testing methods for stability and consistency.
(Muhammad, Sulaiman, Sern, Salleh, 2015). The
reliability of this instrument analysis was carried
out, Cronbach's Alpha showed 0,831 (N: 86)
acceptable for implementing.
2.4 Procedures
The procedures for this study conducted in seven
weeks and divided into three major phases,
including (1) a preparation phase (2) implementation
phase (3) an evaluation phase for the assessment. In
the preparation phase the researcher prepared
everything include checked the curriculum of the
course, checked the reading topics and materials,
prepare the test item. Next, is the implementation
phase and it covered one topic choice of ESP
reading materials only based on this course
curriculum, they are; the reading materials in chapter
6 for the treatment group while for control group is
focused on reading materials on chapter 4. Both
groups are from different majors which having
different learning materials too, but the researcher
found there was a similar topic discussed in those
two groups reading materials (the topic about “E-
commerce in chapter 6 for Accounting B class and
in chapter 4 in informatics engineering L class).
Based on the curriculum of P2B (Language Center)
of the university of Muhammadiyah Gresik that D1
Equivalent English Program, especially in ESP
course for the second semester, the 4 skills
(Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing)
percentage for the contents of every major are
different related to the result of the need analysis for
each department learning outcome. The reading
itself is having the largest percentage of the weight
that contributed in ESP materials than other skills
percentages. The reading percentage of those two
groups are 35% which as illustrated in table 1 below:
Table 1: ESP reading topic based on the course curiculum
of P2B (Language Center) UMG (University of
Muhammadiyah Gresik).
Group ESP-Reading
Weight ESP-
Students are able
to identify,
synthesize stated
and unstated
information from
the text related to
‘Introduction To
Business Business
Ethics’ ,
‘Introduction To
Accounting ‘ ,
‘How To Do
Monthly Budget,
‘Getting Ready
To Invest ‘ and
35% Chapter 6:
to e-
success, the
dangers of e-
for e-
Students are able
to identify,
analyze, and
synthesize stated
and unstated
information from
the text related to
‘Introduction to
IT Career’,’ IT
Knowledge (Basic
(Hardware and
‘Future Career in
IT (electronic
Doing a Business’
35% Chapter 4:
(what is a
startup and
growth?, E-
commerce or
for e-
and the
dangers of e-
The Effect of Flipped Classroom toward ESP Students Reading Comprehension
It were evenly distributed over seven-weeks
period. They were six weeks implementing and one
week evaluation. During six weeks implementation,
the students were asked to read for understanding
the reading material on module or any reading text
that they can access online related to the topic and
asked them to watch videos in their home from the
links given via telegram application. The aim of
giving these video linked was expected to help the
students for comprehending the reading material
which in traditionally teacher explained about the
text in the classroom but here students could learn
the explanation from the lecturing video or even
online video in their home as the supporting
information or input related to the text that they had
to read and learn. Additional video clips can be
optional study that cover topics which can be
prepared to fulfil the learners who want to explore
beyond the syllabus (kurihara, 2016). Among those
links of videos are as below:
1. (what is E-comerce)
2. (Start An Online Business )
3. (major type of E-commerce)
4. (What is E-Commerce and difference between B2C,
B2B & C2C?)
5. (What is B2B, B2C, C2B, C2C ?)
6. (What is Online Branding? )
7. (What is fulfillment by Amazon)
8. (what is shipping?)
9. (E-business Risk 1)
10. (Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic
11. (International Laws Regulating E Commerce)
12. (E-commerce Law)
After that they did certain activities in the class
such as group discussing, quiz, presentation and
doing several exercises in worksheet provided by
lecturer. While there was no treatment for control
group, they only learned the reading material on
module in the classroom as traditional way. Then in
the week-7, both groups were given post-test as the
evaluation phase.
2.5 Procedures
2.5.1 Treatment Group
Week-1 to 2 The lecturer divided the students
into several groups then instructed them to read and
learn the text on module about E-commerce and
watched the videos about “E-commerce and types of
E-commerce” linked via telegram at their home
before attending the class. While, in the classroom
they were guiding for group discussion and wrote
their discussion result about E-commerce, B2B,
B2C, C2C and C2B with each example. They had to
write and draw it in a cardboard paper then they had
to present it in front of the class. Because the time
was limited, so the lecturer continued the group
presentation for the next meeting in week-2. Then
the lecturer gave the feedback.
Week-3 The lecturer discussed the exercises
on module related E-commerce after that conducted
“the top rank game” which students should listen to
lecturer’s questions related to E-commerce and types
of E-commerce that they had learned before. The
students’ answer should be written in a piece of
paper, and they should show it up with their hands
when lecturer gave the instruction. If the students
could answer correctly they could continue to join
this game to next questions, but if the students
answer were incorrect, so they should stop and
couldn’t join the next level. The game continued
until found the winner. Then the lecturer gave the
reward to the winner.
Week- 4 The lecturer instructed the students to
read and learn the text on module about 4 Key
Components to E-Commerce Success and watched
the videos about “online branding, fulfilment and
shipping cost” linked via telegram at their home
before attending the class. Then during in the
classroom, the lecturer conducted a quiz, which the
lecturer dictated some questions related to the
materials and asked the students to write their
answer in a paper individually. After that the lecturer
collected all students answer then exchange to other
students and corrected the answer together. In the
end, the lecturer reviewed material.
Week – 5 students were instructed to read the
text about “The Dangers of E-Commerce"and
watched videos about “ E-business Risk 1 and
Advantages & Disadvantages of Electronic
Commerce” linked via telegram at their home before
attending the class. Then in the class students invited
to join the reading quiz by using KAHOOT student
response systems application related to the reading
material about “ The danger, advantage and
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
disadvantage of E-commerce”. Kahoot could be used
for creating interactive classroom activities through
question-and-answer exchanges, with real-time
histogram results of student responses (Hung, 2017).
Here the students should access on
their each mobile phone or their each device. The
students then entered their nick name and joining it.
Here, they had to answer the questions provided by
lecturer which displayed on the projector’s screen,
so everyone could see and read the questions. The
students should answer by clicking and responding
from the system. The quiz conducted with two types
which was divided into two sessions. The first
session was the multiple choice type and then the
second session was jumbled type. The lecturer gave
the reward for the winners and finally lecturer gave
the feedback by reviewing the material.
Week – 6 students were asked to read the text
about “government regulations for e-commerce”
from the internet and access videos about
“International Laws Regulating E Commerce and E-
commerce Law” linked via telegram at their home
before attending the class. They were asked to make
small group and discussed answering several
exercises in the module after that asked each group’s
representation to write the answer on the white
board then corrected together. Finally, in the seventh
week, the lecturer provided the post-test quiz as the
part of assessment.
2.5.2 Control Group
Week – 1 to 2 The lecturer explain about E-
commerce then divided the students into several
groups then instructed the students to read, learn and
discuss the text on module about E-commerce and
watched the videos about “E-commerce and types of
E-commerce. Continued to make presentation slide
as group homework then conducted group
presentation in the week-2.
Week – 3 The lecturer reviewed the last
reading material then explained about what is a start-
up (starting for the E-commerce) and sustainable
growth. The lecturer ased students to read and learn
the texts after that asked them to exercises on module
then chose them randomly to write the answer on the
whiteboard to discuss the correct answer together.
Week -4 The lecturer asked students to read
the text about “Government regulations for E-
commerce” a loud together, then asked the students to
learn the text and did the exercises about the text on
module. The teacher asked the students to exchage
their answer with their friend then discussed the
correct answer together.
Week-5 to 6 Teacher explained about some
problems reagrard to the danger that may appear in
E-commerce. Students were divided into small
groups and instructed to read, learn and discuss the
text about “The Dangers of E-Commerce" then
asked each group to prepare the presentation as
homework, after that contied to group presentation
in week 6.
2.5 Data Collection and Analysis
The data collection of this study is taken from
students’ scores of reading test, while the technique
to collect the data was conducting the reading post-
test for both treatment and control group as the
evaluation phase. The data result analyzed and
tabulated through SPSS by using Mann Whitney test
to compare the post test scores of both treatment and
control groups then interpreted the data results.
Before doing further statistical analysis, it is
important to evaluate the normality and
homogeneity of variance assumption. The results of
normality tests on reading comprehension data was
displayed in table 2. Among three data, only the
control group post-test data violates normality
assumption as measured either by Kolmogorov-
Smirnov (p = 0,003). Therefore, a non-parametric
tests that are less restrictive about distributional
assumption were used for all data analysis.
Furthermore, the Levene’s Test on table 3. showed
that the assumption of homogeneity of variance was
met. This finding was then confirmed by non-
parametric Mann Whitney test for two independent
samples. Both groups indicated no statistically
difference on the pre-existing conditions of reading
comprehension (p = 0,179) as displayed in table 4.
Table 2: Results of the test of normality
Statistic df Sig.
Pre_Cond_Treatment ,097 37 ,200
Post_Test_Treatment ,122 37 ,179
Pre_Cond_Control ,113 37 ,200
Post_Test_Control ,183 37 ,003
The Effect of Flipped Classroom toward ESP Students Reading Comprehension
Table 3: Results of Levene’s Test
Sum of
F Sig.
1099,299 1 1099,299 3,210 ,077
28768,794 84 342,486
Total 29868,093 85
Table 4: Results of Mann-Whitney’s Test of Pre Condition
Mann-Whitney U 753,000
Z -1,342
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,179*
The reesearch Question of this study ;
Is Flipped classroom effective for enhancing the ESP
students reading comprehension?
For answering that research problem, the detail
explanation result for all of the descriptive statisctics was
displayed in table 5.
Table 5: Descriptive Statistics
N Mean
49 64,73 2,390 16,727
10,6 (16.47%)
49 75,51 1,598 11,184
37 57,51 3,394 20,642
10,78 (18.4%)
37 68,11 1,757 10,687
As not expected, an improvement within the
control group was found higher (10,6 point or
18,4%) than in the treatment group (10,78 or
16,47%). However, an independent two samples
Mann Whitney test was then conducted to evaluate
if the improvement was statistically significant or
not. Table 6. showed there is a significant difference
improvement on post test of reading comprehension
between groups (p = 0,004). This outcome was also
confirmed by a paired-non parametric Wilcoxon
signed-rank test. Although both groups showed
significant improvement on reading
comprehension(p< 0,001) but the absolute value of
Wilcoxon statistics of the treatment group
(W=5,720) showed a higher value than of the control
group (W=4,225).
Result of this study supports the hypothesis that
the intervention has successfully improved reading
comprehension on the treatment group.
Nevertheless, it is interesting fact that the control
group also showed significant improvement
although the students did not get any special
treatment. Regarding this fact, the researcher
presumed that the intervention was not effective
enough. But even the result of control group post
test in the descriptive statistic showed higher
significant improvement, but the difference scale of
both groups were not having far differences (that is
only 1, 93%). Moreover, it could be seen in table 7.
as had explained before which from the Result of
Wilcoxon signed-rank test showed that the treatment
group is 5,720 while the control group is 4,225. It
showed that treatment group having significantly
higher value than the control group.
Table 6: Result of Mann Whitney Test of Post Test Data
Mann-Whitney U 579,000
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,004
Table 7: Result of Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Post_Test_Treatment -
Z -5,720
Sig. (2-
,000 ,000
From the result finding above that between pre-
existed condition and post-test of the treatment
group having improvement. As described in table 5.
The mean scores of the pre-existed condition of the
treatment group is 64,73 < 75,51 (from the mean of
post –test of treatment group) also supported in table
7. Wilcoxon statistics of the treatment group
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
(W=5,720) showed a higher value than of the control
group (W4,225). It can be stated for answering the
research problem that the flipped classroom has
significantly effective for enhancing ESP students
reading comprehension. As supported by other
previous studies, such as conducted by
Hashemifardnia, Namaziandost and Shafiee (2018),
which in that study the researcher used paired
samples t-test and independent samples t-test for
analysing the effectiveness of flipped classrooms on
the students' reading comprehension and the findings
showed that the students who received instruction
through flipped classrooms had better performance
compared to traditional classrooms. The results
statistically revealed that experimental group
significantly did better than the control group (p <
.05). Lee and wallace (2017) also stated that the
students in flipped classroom performed better in
their final grades than the non-flipped classroom.
The flipped classroom teaching model was effective
in language learning. Students are given the chance
to review and having idea of the content from the
lesson outside the class, they also spend the time to
learn and take their notes regard to the lesson.
(Alsowat, 2016).
This study found the potential that could be
discussed related other factors which might
influence the implementation of flipped classroom.
Such as students’ readiness, responsibility,
motivation and technical problems. It was found that
some students in the treatment group were not ready
enough for flipped classroom, some of them did not
watch the video at home and did not read or learn
the reading material which was instructed to be
learned at home. They did not have the reading
habits, consequently not all students of the treatment
group who engaging pure-flipped classroom. This
fact was interested to be discussed regarding how
important of the roles of both teacher and students
who should having the readiness to conduct the
flipped classroom.
Regarding the students’ readiness and
responsibilities toward the adaptation process of
flipped classroom model. The researcher found that
in the previous three weeks conducting this flipped
classroom implementation, some students seem were
not ready yet with this teaching model. Eventhough
for about 75% students in the treatment group were
ready for adapting in flipped classroom but others
around 25% students were not. They confessed
having not enough time to watch the video or even
read the text at their home. Siegle (2014) also stated
students are not completing for learning contents
succesfully for watching videos outside the class.
Conducting from that appearance problem, the gave
the assignments to the students in treatment group in
week- 4 to 6, they should submit it in the beginning
of the class. They had to summarize the reading
material which they had read outside the class and
also took note the important point of the videos that
they had learned outside the class too. It was hoped
as the controlling to make sure that all of the
students were really engaging in this flipped
Technical problem such as heavily-loaded of the
network connection and out of the internet data
connection. Of course it influenced the successful of
this flipped classroom itself. Means some of them
were not ready and did not prepare well before
joining the classroom activities. As stated by Chen,
2017 beside most of the students have not enought
time for watching the video outside the class, they
also sighed heavily-loaded requirements. Regarding
this problem, according to khoiriyah & Aji (2016)
that the teacher must prepare tool of learning so that
the learners can access the content easily.
Motivation was becoming other factors outside
the researcher’s reach that also been found. The
students considered that flipped classroom model as
the new teaching model for them, because in
Indonesia itself, the students do not having usual
autonomous learner environment before, and of
course it also influenced the students motivation
during the implementation of flipped classroom. As
stated in Yılmaz (2017) that students' motivation
problems probably from the low readiness level for
e-learning. According to Smallhorn (2017), stated
that attending flipped classes is strongly linked to
learning outcomes and that students who are poorly
engaged are more likely to fail the topic. So, that’s
why build the students’ motivation and eager for
engaging the flipped classroom is really important.
For those factors discussed, it is important for
the next researcher aware of factors that probably
can appear It is also needed for providing the
assignment to control students learning readiness.
In addition, from this quantitative study findings
revealed that from the flipped classroom was able to
enhance the ESP students reading scores. So,
applying flipped classroom is helpful for students as
autonomous learners to master the ESP reading
materials. They were stimulated to become more
active in learning due to flip teaching. During the
activities in the classroom, they become attractive
The Effect of Flipped Classroom toward ESP Students Reading Comprehension
for joining the teaching and learning process such as
group discussion, group presentation, joining
question and answer quiz or doing exercises from
the lecturer or from their ESP module itself. But
there were also some students who were not ready
for the class, some of them didn’t watch the video
link and read for learning the reading material at
home. It is because the students are not familiar
enough with autonomous learning. The other barrier
is because there is no reading habit too. Regarding
the problems, the next researcher need to provide the
assignment to control students learning readiness or
for encouraging them to read and learn also watch
the video links given for supporting them to
comprehend those ESP reading materials in their
home. It is suggested for the next researcher who
conduct blend learning to be aware of those factors
that might be influenced the flipped classroom
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