Incorporating WebQuest as an Internet-based Learning Device
in EFL Writing Class
M. Zaini Miftah
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya, Indonesia
Jalan G. Obos Komplek Islamic Centre, Palangka Raya, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia, Postal Code 73111
Keywords: Incorporating, WebQuest, Internet-based Learning Device, Teacher Instruction, EFL Writing Class
Abstract: This article reports the result of a study investigating how WebQuest as an internet-based learning device
can be incorporated in EFL writing class which is section of a wider case study on Using WebQuest in
Indonesian EFL writing class. Twenty-three EFL students enrolled in the course of Argumentative Writing
and an English teacher at the English Education Department of Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya
Indonesia became the subjects of the study. The activities of teaching writing using WebQuest as an
internet-based learning device in EFL writing class were as the data sources. The researcher himself
equipped with research instruments; observation checklist, field notes, interview, and documentation, were
used for the data collection. The collected data were further analysed to draw a conclusion. The results show
that WebQuest could be incorporated in the activities of writing in Indonesian EFL writing class through
WebQuest activity as the guideline in the process of producing essay by adjusting the writing process
activities according to the guidelines in the WebQuest menu; introduction, tasks, process, resources,
evaluation, and conclusion.
Incorporating technology in the teaching of English
should be applied in the 21
-century teaching and
learning. The use of technology such as internet is
now almost applied in the education field. It is in
line with Elwan’s (2007) argument that internet
affects several kinds of education and it can be
implemented by teacher and students in the teaching
and learning activity. Also, Cahyono (2010b) argues
that information and communication technology
(ICT) has become a significant element of life and
the kinds of ICT have been incorporated in various
sections of life such as in the field of education.
From the statements, it is assumed that the use of
technology such as WebQuest is applicable in the
teaching of English, particularly in the writing
The teaching of writing gets more benefits from
the use of technology such as WebQuest. By
entangling them in a WebQuest activity as their
internet-based device, students have the chance of
being opened up to the target language that is
writing in the English language by getting on the
website and students may use WebQuest as internet-
based media to facilitate their English language
learning (Chuo, 2007, p. 2). WebQuest has given
fact to be a considerable value as language learning
device for students by engaging them in a WebQuest
activity and they establish writing by incorporating a
reading activity to writing process via this online
tool (Kocoglu, 2010). By using WebQuest, it assists
to expand students’ view by broadening thought and
notion on different themes, obtaining critical
thinking and problem-solving skills, and developing
creativity (Kuimova, Golousenko, Nikiforov, &
Shcherbakov, 2015) that strongly match with the
characteristics of the 21
-century teaching and
WebQuest with its teaching procedures could be
as learning device to develop critical thinking skill
(Lim & Hernandez, 2007), and it is the inquiry-
based learning activity that could be as a learning
tool to enhance problem-solving ability (Elwan,
2007). Also, by incorporating the technology via
WebQuest application in an English class, teachers
apply it as the fun teaching technique or strategy for
their writing classroom (Hadriana, 2017, p. 64).
In the instruction process of using WebQuest,
teachers plan and provide the teaching materials
Miftah, M.
Incorporating WebQuest as an Internet-based Learning Device in EFL Writing Class.
DOI: 10.5220/0009019000002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 218-225
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
using a web page linked to a topic that is going to
discuss in which students are given opportunity to be
engaged in improving their target language with the
authentic materials (Al-Khataybeh & Al-Awasa,
2016, p. 113).
Additionally, in teaching of English as foreign
language (EFL) particularly teaching writing,
WebQuest is now an effective learning device, and it
can strongly motivate students in learning
(Alshumaimeri & Bamanger, 2013). Almasri,
Alfadda, and Alshumaimeri (2011) state that using
WebQuest activity in foreign language learning can
direct students to enhance their writing skills. Thus,
by incorporating WebQuest in English class of
writing, it can help teachers to engage their learners
in the teaching of writing in the 21
-century era.
WebQuest was established in 1995. At San
Diego State University (SDSU), Dr. Bernie Dodge
firstly introduced it as an inquiry-oriented learning
activity in which all information students need can
be explored and found from internet with a
particular web page (Dodge, 2001). WebQuest leads
students to have an approach in their problem-
solving through learning process (Dodge, 2001).
Also, WebQuest can be applied in writing learning
for all levels and ages of students, and it is an
authentic assignment supported with the internet
resources in which students can obtain all
information to be summarized, synthesized, and
evaluated for the particular assignment being tasked
by their teachers (Yang, Tzuo, & Komara, 2011). In
addition, WebQuest contains six major elements:
introduction, task, process, resource, evaluation, and
conclusion (Dodge, 2001; Hadriana, 2017). Thus, by
using WebQuest in writing instruction it could
engage the students in a way of the writing learning
through the process of writing that agrees with the
components of the WebQuest model.
In the process of writing instruction, Al-
Khataybeh and Al-Awasa (2016) suggest that to be
the effective use of time when implementing
WebQuest activity, students can use the links of web
page given by teacher and then explore for all
information related with the topic they are going to
learn write. The students can apply it through both
individual and collaborative activities. In short, the
use of WebQuest in language learning such as
writing learning can enhance communicative
interaction among learners and give them chance to
be engaged in the writing process.
The various points related to the use of
WebQuest in English language teaching more
specifically in writing instruction in the context of
first and second or foreign language settings have
been examined. A study conducted by Chuo (2007)
investigating the effects of the WebQuest writing
instruction program on EFL learners' writing
performance. It is suggested that integrating web
resources into EFL writing instruction using the
WebQuest model is effective for increasing learners’
writing performance and it strongly provides an
interesting learning experience.
Abbitt and Ophus (2008) examined a research
investigating the impacts of the WebQuest
instructional strategy on teaching and learning of
writing. The results indicated that the strategy using
WebQuest activity had significantly given a high
effect towards students’ collaborative writing
abilities and their attitude.
Kocoglu (2010) investigated comparing the
effects of WebQuest EFL university students'
reading and writing performance. The results
revealed that using WebQuest in EFL reading
instruction enhanced their reading comprehension.
On the other hand, the WebQuest activity did not’
significantly improve students’ abilities in writing
because they did not follow the steps such as
introduction, development, and conclusion.
Therefore, it needs to engage students in the writing
process when applying WebQuest activity with the
high support of the authentic materials available in
Almasri, Alfadda, and Alshumaimeri (2011)
conducted a study on how WebQuest as an internet-
based learning tool gives impact on the EFL
students’ writing skills. Results showed that
WebQuest activity engaged students in the
environment of classroom interaction in which they
could work collaboratively and got motivation in
writing learning.
Alshumaimeri and Bamanger (2013) applied an
experimental study to find out the significant
difference between EFL students taught using
WebQuest writing instruction and those taught using
traditional instruction. The findings indicated that
the writing performance of the students taught using
WebQuest was better than those taught using
traditional methods. Its difference is affected from
the terms of length, vocabulary, and grammar. It
means that WebQuest activity significantly gives
effects on students’ writing skills in the teaching of
Another study was conducted by Al-Khataybeh
and Al-Awasa (2016). It investigated the impact of
using WebQuest on improving students' writing
skills. Results showed that there was statistical
difference between experimental group taught using
WebQuest and control group taught traditionally.
Incorporating WebQuest as an Internet-based Learning Device in EFL Writing Class
Therefore, it really needs to apply WebQuest in the
teaching of writing by training teachers on how to
implement it in writing class.
However, few studies have been conducted in
the Indonesian EFL context. Cahyono (2010a) did a
study on helping students learn English using
WebQuest. It had been applied a WebQuest to the
students taking an Introduction to Linguistics course.
Also, he showed how WebQuest could be used in
the teaching of English for EFL students. The
students’ performance was in the forms of the
information in a table and a written report based on
the information.
The other study was conducted by Hadriana
(2017). It discussed providing an innovation by
using WebQuest in EFL writing class. It showed that
the WebQuest activity can improve students’
motivation and engagement towards developing
their skills and knowledge of writing in English.
During the process of collaborative works, students
can develop their knowledge and skills based on the
information they gain from WebQuest.
The various findings of the previous studies
showed that overall WebQuest in the teaching and
learning English, particularly in teaching writing,
gives great impact on the students’ writing abilities.
However, it needs to explore in-depth investigation
particularly on how to incorporate WebQuest in
writing instruction in Indonesian EFL context.
EFL is learnt by the students of English
Education Department at Institut Agama Islam
Negeri Palangka Raya, Indonesia. Using technology
to teaching writing various types of writing such as
paragraph and essay writing has been put into
practice quite recently by the writing teacher.
Personal experience showed that in the writing class
where using WebQuest as an online tool, it has been
employed by the researcher in the process of writing
instruction. The writing instruction through the use
of WebQuest tends to be the big challenges, and it
needs to be built up and explored deeply. Therefore,
the investigation of incorporating WebQuest in EFL
writing class is to be the main topic of the current
study, and the study addresses the following
questions, “How can WebQuest as an internet-based
learning device be incorporated in EFL writing
The findings of this research contributed to
enrich the theory of the use of WebQuest in the
writing instruction of EFL context. Meanwhile,
practically, it gave meaningful contributions to the
students, teachers, and future researchers. Teachers
would get benefits from WebQuest as an internet-
based learning device that could be incorporated in
EFL writing class, and it is as one of the innovations
in teaching EFL writing. By using WebQuest in
writing activities, the students could collaborate to
their peers. WebQuest could assist students to build
up thinking skills, to improve writing motivation,
and to develop problem-solving skills. Also, it
would be provided insights for student writers about
knowledge and writing experience of how to apply
WebQuest activity in the writing class so that their
writing skills would increase.
The qualitative method was applied in this study.
The research design, research subjects, data sources,
research instruments, and data collection and
analysis are elaborated in the following parts.
2.1 Research Design
The study applied a case study research design
categorized as qualitative research. A case study
focused towards ‘an in-depth description of a single
group which can be a personal, a unit, a place, a
class, a policy, a program, a process, an institution,
or a community’ (Ary et al., 2010). Within this
framework, this study agrees with the
characteristics. It investigated the use of WebQuest
in the EFL writing class by describing the
incorporation of WebQuest as an internet-based
learning device in EFL writing class. It explored the
use of WebQuest in EFL writing class implemented
by a teacher and a group of the students in particular
class–Argumentative Writing class–as a natural
situation in which the interesting particular topic,
incorporation of WebQuest in EFL writing class,
was investigated deeply. Hancock and Algozzine
(2006) stated that applying case study research
means investigating a special theme with in-depth
analysis in a certain natural context. Indeed, the type
of the study was applicable in this context.
2.2 Subjects
This study was carried out in a course entitled
"Argumentative Writing". This course is offered in
the English Education Department of Institut Agama
Islam Negeri Palangka Raya Indonesia in the fourth
semester of the academic year 2017-2018. The
course met once a week for 16 weeks with each
class lasting 100 minutes. As stated in the course
syllabus proposed by the English Education
Department, the course assisted students to learn
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
how to write essay and to fully develop their skills in
producing essay in the form of argumentative essay
through the writing theory and practice. Twenty-
three EFL students enrolled in the course and an
English teacher became the subjects of the study.
2.3 Data Sources
The activities of teaching writing by incorporating
WebQuest as an internet-based learning device in
EFL writing class were as the sources of the data in
this study.
2.4 Instruments
The research instrument was the researcher himself
considered as the key instrument. The teacher-
researcher himself who was present in the setting of
the study was considered as the key instrument
called as Human Instrument. The researcher
equipped himself with some research instruments
consisting of an observation checklist, field notes,
interview, and documentation.
In the research, he got involved in the whole
process of incorporating WebQuest in writing
instruction of EFL writing class when collecting,
analyzing and interpreting the data during the
study. The researcher observed and wrote or
recorded what was happening directly during the
data collection in the classroom.
2.5 Data Collection and Analysis
How to collect the data were, first, the students were
introduced by the theory of how to write an
argumentative essay in several meetings.
Second, the participants are trained in using
WebQuest in EFL writing class. The procedures of
using WebQuest in the writing instruction is adapted
from Chuo (2007) and Alshumaimeri and Bamanger
(2013). The six attributes of WebQuest activities–
introduction, task, process, resource, evaluation, and
conclusion (Dodge, 2001; Hadriana, 2017)–are
adapted for each lesson plan in the WebQuest in
writing instruction.
Third, by using WebQuest as learning model
device, they were asked to write an argumentative
essay on the topic of their own interest for session
one (first writing task) and on the available topic for
session two (second writing task). While training on
using WebQuest in writing activities, the teacher-
researcher assigned the students to do writing task
conducted through the writing process–prewriting,
outlining, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
Fourth, when incorporating WebQuest in the
class of writing were implemented, the writing
activities were observed by the researcher through
participant observation. The observations were
conducted within the lecture activities. It is followed
by using field notes to know the participants'
behavior during the interaction of using WebQuest.
Finally, the researcher interviewed the
participants at the end of the writing activities. After
the data had been collected, the researcher then
analyzed the data through data analysis procedures:
data reduction, data display, and conclusion
drawing/verifying (Miles & Huberman, 1994).
The main purpose of this study was to investigate
how WebQuest as an internet-based learning device
can be incorporated in EFL writing class. To answer
this question, the process of incorporating WebQuest
in the process of teaching writing argumentative
essay was investigated by the teacher-researcher
during the two sessions of implementing WebQuest
in the writing class. WebQuest can be incorporated
in writing class via the process of writing. In the
writing activities, it should be an appropriate model
procedure of writing process approach through the
stages of writing such as prewriting, drafting,
revising, editing and publishing (Sabarun, 2011;
Miftah, 2015).
3.1 How to Incorporate WebQuest in
EFL Writing Class
The results of the investigation on how to
incorporate WebQuest as an internet-based learning
in EFL writing class show that the incorporation
should follow the teaching procedures by adjusting
the writing process activities according to the
guidelines in the WebQuest menu; introduction,
tasks, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion.
Here is the procedure.
First, the teacher introduces the theory of how to
write an argumentative essay in two meetings.
Students are assigned to do Task #1 to make a
debatable statement of their own topics of interest,
Task #2 to make a thesis statement that refers to the
Task #1, and Task #3 to make an outline of their
argumentative essay.
Second, the teacher trains on using WebQuest in
EFL writing class. In class and out of class activities,
students are assigned to do Task #4 to produce their
worksheet and argumentative essay. The worksheet
Incorporating WebQuest as an Internet-based Learning Device in EFL Writing Class
is for the guidelines for them to produce their essays.
They are asked to write their first drafts of
argumentative essay on their own topics of interest
by following the steps.
Step 1: Search on WebQuest of the argumentative
essay on the internet on the website address
about Playing Video Games: Good or Bad.
Step 2: Read and understand the WebQuest you
have found in Step 1 as the guidelines.
Step 3: Understand the guidelines of the WebQuest
that is the menu such as welcome,
introduction, tasks, process, resources,
evaluation, and conclusion.
Step 4: Follow the guideline in Step 3. Referring to
your own topic, write the explanation of
each menu in your worksheets such as
welcome, introduction, tasks, process,
resources, evaluation, and conclusion.
(For the Tasks, please adjust it according to
your own topic; For the Process, please
explore the new information or article
supporting your arguments in internet; For
the Resources, it contains the links of
internet existing the information of your
supporting arguments; For the Evaluation,
please adjust it according to scoring rubric
of argumentative essay; and For the
Conclusion, please conclude the process of
making argumentative through the use of
your WebQuest as the guidelines).
Third, the teacher gets students to do Task #5 to
do revising activity by using peer feedback
technique. They are assigned to make a group of 3 or
4 to do peer-feedback group. They should follow
The Guideline for Peer Feedback on Incorporating
WebQuest in EFL Writing Class (See Appendix) and
use the worksheet for peer feedback provided by the
teacher. Before doing peer feedback, the teacher
gives an explanation to do peer feedback activities.
Teacher shares The Guideline for Peer Feedback on
Incorporating WebQuest in EFL Writing Class to
students. There are three parts to be focused on peer
feedback. Members of the group should give
feedback on their peers’ argumentative essay. The
feedback covers: Part 1 focuses on giving feedback
on introductory paragraph; Part 2 focuses on giving
feedback on body paragraphs; Part 3 focuses on
giving feedback on concluding paragraph.
Fourth, the teacher asks students to do Task #6
to do self-editing activity. They are assigned to use
the self-editing worksheet by answering the
questions of the self-editing worksheet. The
worksheet can be found in the Book entitled
‘Writing Academic English (Fourth Edition)' written
by Oshima and Houge (2006, p. 329).
Fifth, the teacher gets students to do Task #7 to
do revising activity. They are assigned to revise their
argumentative essay. They should revise it based on
the feedback or suggestions from their peers (on the
peer feedback worksheets) and on the suggestion
from self-editing activity (on self-editing
worksheet). The product of this task is their revised
argumentative essay as the final product.
Finally, the teacher assigns students to do Task
#8 to do publishing activity. They are asked to share
or publish their argumentative essays on their own
With reference to the findings of incorporating
WebQuest as an internet-based learning device in
EFL writing class, it indicates that the process of
incorporating WebQuest in the EFL writing class
was applied by the teacher during two sessions of
using WebQuest activity through the process of
writing an argumentative essay. By involving
students in the WebQuest activity of the writing
class, it seems that they are able to apply WebQuest
as their learning model device and it is as their
guidelines for their writing process activities–
prewriting, outlining, drafting, revising, editing, and
publishing activities. The process of writing is
carried out through WebQuest activity as the
guideline in the process of producing essay by
adjusting the writing process activities according to
the guidelines in the WebQuest menu; introduction,
tasks, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion.
The findings fit with the recommendation from
Dodge (2001) and Hadriana (2017). It is stated that
WebQuest with the six attributes of activities such as
introduction, tasks, process, resources, evaluation,
and conclusion is applicable for writing instruction.
The incorporation of WebQuest in EFL writing
class applied by following the teaching procedure in
this study can assist students to access information
about their topics before writing in English as the
target language. They need English exposure by
reading materials related to their topics of writing to
have background knowledge before starting to write.
Kobylinski (2014) states that one of the benefits of
WebQuest activity in learning is that students obtain
actual information about the language they learn
from the valid resources.
In addition, the present study applied to
incorporate WebQuest in EFL writing class for the
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
teaching of writing an argumentative essay as the
genre as proposed in the course syllabus. The
incorporation of WebQuest in writing class leads
students to be engaged in writing activities
collaboratively with a group or individual activities.
WebQuest activity could assist them to develop
creative thinking, to improve writing motivation, to
develop problem-solving skills, and to build English
language competence particularly writing in English
as the target language. It is in line with the study by
Kuimova, Golousenko, Nikiforov, and Shcherbakov
(2015) and Al-Khataybeh and Al-Awasa (2016). It is
suggested that internet resources such as WebQuest
with the authentic materials can help students to be
an independent person or group work activities, to
increase their motivation and skills to solve the
problem, to think creatively, and to build language
The current study has investigated how WebQuest as
an internet-based learning device can be
incorporated in Indonesian EFL writing class.
WebQuest can be incorporated in writing class via
the writing process by using teaching procedure of
writing process approach through the stages of
writing such as prewriting, outlining, drafting,
revising, editing and publishing. Also, the process of
writing is carried out through WebQuest activity as
the guideline in the process of producing essay by
adjusting the writing process activities according to
the guidelines in the WebQuest menu; introduction,
tasks, process, resources, evaluation, and conclusion.
By engaging students in the use of WebQuest in the
writing class, they are able to apply WebQuest as
their learning model device and it is as their
guidelines for their writing process activities.
Referring to the findings and discussion of the
current research, it is strongly suggested to use
WebQuest as an internet-based learning device or
ICT-based media in teaching EFL writing.
WebQuest activity can motivate the students in a fun
learning in writing activity, and provide them to get
involved in writing activities. WebQuest with the
authentic materials can assist students to be an
independent person or group work activities, to
increase their motivation and problem-solving skills,
to develop critical thinking, and to build English
language competence.
The weakness of the present study is that during
incorporating WebQuest in EFL writing class, it was
not provided with the good access of internet so that
WebQuest activity applied in the writing instruction
could not be accessed well. It seems like the
technical problem happened during the study.
However, the WebQuest activity could be conducted
in class and out of class to be an alternative solution
to the technical problem so that the WebQuest
activity could run well.
This research has been supported by Lembaga
Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LP2M),
Institut Agama Islam Negeri Palangka Raya,
Indonesia. Thanks to the anonymous reviewers for
good suggestions on how to improve the paper.
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(2011). A preliminary study of the effect of the
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The Guideline for Peer Feedback on
Incorporating WebQuest in EFL Writing Class
Adapted from Oshima & Houge (2006)
You are required to provide feedback on your peer’s
works of argumentative essay by writing or giving
examples using your own version.
Part 1
Read the Argumentative essay.
Read the Introductory Paragraph.
Please give comments/feedback/suggestion
on the parts of the Introductory Paragraph.
Answer the questions:
1. Which type of organization does this essay use –
block or point-by-point? Please give comments.
2. Does the Introductory Paragraph contain an
explanation of the issue? Is it sufficiently and
clearly stated or not? Please give comments.
3. Does the argumentative essay begin with a more
engaging introduction? Is it sufficiently and
clearly stated with surprising statistics, for
example, or with a dramatic story? Please give
4. Does the Thesis Statement mention “both sides
of the issue” or give “the writer’s point of view”
only? Is it clearly and correctly stated or not?
Please give comments.
5. Does the Thesis statement use “expression” to
introduce opposing points of view, and use
“transitional signals of contrast” to connect the
opposing point of view to the writer’s counter
argument? Is it clearly stated or not? Please give
Part 2
Read the Body Paragraphs.
Please give comments/feedback/suggestion
on the parts of the Body Paragraphs.
Answer the questions:
1. Which type of organization does this essay use –
block or point-by-point? Please give comments.
2. Do the Body Paragraphs support arguments for
the thesis statement? Are they are sufficiently
stated or not? Please give comments.
3. Do the Body Paragraphs give an opposing
argument? Are they sufficiently stated or not?
How many opposing arguments are given?
Please give comments.
4. Where does the writer rebut the opposing
arguments with counterarguments – in one
paragraph or in a separate paragraph? Are they
sufficiently stated or not? Which
counterarguments are the strongest and most
convincing? Please give comments.
Part 3
Read the Concluding Paragraph.
Please give comments/feedback/suggestion
on the parts of the Concluding Paragraph.
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Answer the questions:
1. Does the Concluding Paragraph summarize or
restate the thesis statement? Is it correctly stated
or not? Please give comments.
2. Does the writer leave final thoughts (prediction,
consequences, solution, recommendation, or
quote an expert)? Are the final thoughts
sufficiently stated or not? Please give comments.
3. Does the writer persuade readers that his/her
opinion is the right one? Please give comments.
Incorporating WebQuest as an Internet-based Learning Device in EFL Writing Class