Educational Value of Character Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari and Implications in Guidance and Counseling Services
Khairullah, Akhmad Rizkhi Ridhani, and Aminah
Guidance and Counseling Program, Faculty of Teacher and Training Education, Universitas Islam Kalimantan
Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia
Keywords: Character Education Values, Guidance Services and Counseling, Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari.
Abstract: Character education is currently a hot topic in the world of education, especially formal education in
schools. The government also supports through the reinforcement of strengthening the character education.
Indonesia is rich in culture of course has characteristics in every area scattered from sabang to marauke.
South Kalimantan as one part of Indonesia has a special characteristic of its strong community with
religious keislam, which where the nuance is instilled by one of Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari. He
is a great scholar in South Kalimantan Province and he is a very productive person in his time. Many of the
books he corals include: (1) sabilal muhtadin (fiqh book), (2) ushuluddin treatise (tauhid), (3) tuhfatur
raghibin (tauhid book), (4) kanzul ma'rifah (tasawuf) (7) al-qawlul mukhtashar (book about Imam Mahdi),
(8) books of astronomy (astronomy), (5) the book of astronomy, (5) lugthatul 'ajlan, , (9) fatawa sulaiman
kurdi (containing his fatwa Sulaiman Al-Kurdi), (10) kitabun marriage (marriage procedure in Islamic
Shari'a). From the books of this reef there are many values of character education with Islamic religious
content. These values will be the main focus of researchers to move information and analyze the
information through the design of realistic ethnographic research, resulting in a concept of character
education. Furthermore, for the results of this study provide a meaningful contribution to the world of
education then through this guidance and counseling services will be the concept of character education
Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari in one unit so that gave birth to a new concept.
Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari is a prolific
writer many books that he corals include: (1) sabilal
muhtadin (fiqh book), (2) ushuluddin treatise (tauhid
book), (3) tuhfatur raghibin (tauhid book) , (4)
kanzul ma'rifah (Sufism), (5) lugthatul 'ajlan (the
book of jurisprudence specifically on women's
issues), (6) the book of faraid (book of inheritance
division), (7) al-qawlul mukhtashar (book containing
Imam Mahdi ), (8) astronomical books (astronomy),
(9) fatawa sulaiman kurdi (containing his fatwa
Sulaiman Al-Kurdi), (10) kitabunikah (marriage
procedure in Islamic sharia). From the books that he
coral there are many values of character education
with Islamic religious content. These values, when
applied to formal education institutions, will
certainly be a value that means to all of us in shaping
the character of the nation's children which have
been mandated in Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning
the Indonesian National Education System.
We need to realize that the character values of
the Indonesian people who are rich in the variety of
cultures, tribes and religions are beginning to fade
away, along with the entry of western culture which
clearly contradicts our culture in Indonesia. Ramd
hani (2014) explains the crisis of character or
morality is characterized by an increase in the crime
of violence, drug abuse (drug), pornography and
porno-action, and promiscuity. Not a few of us met
the news on television, newspapers, and online
media that discusses the moral deterioration of the
nation as well as the association Besas Tauran,
drugs, and so on.Between (2015) reported on the
online media, there are two junior high school
students who do nasty in Tangerang caught the local
municipal police officers were doing nasty behind
the building of Highways and water resources in the
district of Tangerang regency Tigaraksa. Both of
them committed immoral acts under lush trees and
were finally secured by Satpol PP officers. When
asked and taken to the Satpol PP office, the two
Khairullah, ., Ridhani, A. and Aminah, .
Educational Value of Character Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari and Implications in Guidance and Counseling Services.
DOI: 10.5220/0009018300002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 164-173
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
different types of students admitted their actions.
From the cases of lewd acts committed by a
generation of underage nation we can imagine how
big the morality of the nation's children today is.
Guidance and counseling services that are
integrated in the world of education certainly cannot
be underestimated. This is because guidance and
counseling services also contribute to realizing the
Indonesian national education system. The guidance
and counseling service itself is a process of
assistance provided to individuals by S1 qualified
education experts in the field of guidance and
counseling, so that individuals develop optimally in
accordance with the stages of development. Gibson
and Metchell (2011: 43) counseling is a helping
profession which means a concept that underlies the
role and function of counselors in the community, as
a helping profession whose members are specially
trained and licensed to carry out a unique but
meaningful process of assistance. individuals served.
Glading (2012: 8) counseling is a process in the
form of development or intervention. The counselor
focuses on the target client. So counseling involves
both choice and change. Furthermore Sutirna (2013:
12-13) guidance and counseling is assistance
provided by one (teacher / counselor / tutor) so that
those who are given services are more focused and
can make decisions appropriately for themselves and
their environment for today, a future that will come.
Based on the conditions described, of course, if
the values of Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari's
character education are integrated into guidance and
counseling services, we can assume that guidance
and counseling services with the contents of
character education values can answer children's
moral problems. current nation. The noble values of
South Kalimantan's culture that are identical with
religious Islam become preserved. Apart from that,
guidance and counseling services with the contents
of the values of Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari character education can be used as an
alternative for practitioners in formal education
institutions, especially practitioners in the field of
guidance and counseling to realize the Indonesian
National Education System .
2.1 Research Approach
In accordance with the focus of this study, namely
analyzing the values of Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al- Banjari's character education and its implications
in guidance and counseling services, the research
approach used is qualitative.
2.2 Research Design
In this study the design used by researchers was an
ethnographic design in which researchers used a
type of realist ethnography. Creswell (2015: 936)
Realist ethnography is a popular approach used by
cultural anthropologists, objective explanations of
situations that are usually written in the third person.
2.3 Data Collection Instruments, Data
Sources, Research Data Analysis
The following picture relates to data collection
carried out by researchers to obtain data. Can be
seen in table 1 below.
Table 1 Data Collection Instruments, Data Sources, Research Data Analysis
Instrument Data Type Subject Aim Analysis
Qualitative Syech student
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari, Juriat Syech
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Knowing the factual
conditions of the educational
values of the Syech character
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Qualitative Descriptions
(The Analysis Model
isactive ).(Sugiono, 2011,
Expert Validation Qualitative Academics with at least
a doctoral degree
Analyzing the basic concepts
of Islamic guidance and
counseling (Empirical Study
of Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari Character
Education Values)
Qualitative Descriptions
(The Analysis Model
isactive ).(Sugiono, 2011,
Documentation Qualitative Tomb guard Syech
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Knowing the factual
conditions of Syech
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari's relics
Qualitative Descriptions
(The Analysis Model
isactive ).(Sugiono, 2011,
Educational Value of Character Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari and Implications in Guidance and Counseling Services
In accordance with the focus of the research in
which research conducted a study to see how the
values of character education taught by Syech
Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari, as well as the
description regarding the implementation of
character values taught by Syech Muhammad
Arsyad Al-Banjari on guidance and counseling
Of course this is not easy for researchers, based
on data obtained by researchers during the field,
with a variety of different data sources to get
maximum results. The following are the results of
research obtained by researchers so that they can be
seen in the table below.
Table 2 Factual Conditions of Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari's Educational Values
No. Story Description Value of Character
1 Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari, he was born in Lok Gabang village on
Thursday morning at 15 Shofar 1122 H, to coincide with March 19, 1710 M.
The first child of a devout Muslim religious family, Abdullah and Siti
Aminah. Since his childhood, Allah SWT has shown strength in him that
distinguishes him from his peers.Where he is very obedient and pious to his
parents, as well as honest and courteous in association with his friends. Allah
SWT also bestowed upon him the intelligence of thinking and artistic talent,
especially in the fields of painting and khat (calligraphy).
2 Arriving in South Kalimantan , Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari was
given a plot of land by the sultan. The land but he used for agricultural
business ventures, he used also to establish schools,like boarding schools in
Java -pesantren. Ren Pesant in addition to teaching he used as well as the
p arty message. This is the first stephe made in the framework of renewal
efforts in the field of religion.
Environmental care
Social care
Spirit of nationality
Love the country
3 When delivering his knowledge, Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari has
several methods, in which one another supports one another. The methods
1. Bil things, good example (uswatun hasanah) which is reflected in the
behavior, movements and everyday words and witnessed directly by
his students.
2. Bil-oral, by holding teaching and recitation that can be followed by
anyone, both family, relatives, friends and friends.
3. Bil-kitabah, using talents that he had in the field of writing, so that
was born through the sharpness of the questioners of the books that
became the people's responsibility. His most monumental hand is the
book Sabilal Muhtadin Littafaqquh Fiddin, whose fame reached
Malaysia, Brunei and Pattani (southern Thailand).
The most famous book by Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad is Kitab Sabilal
Muhtadin , or complete is the Book Sabilal Muhtadin lit-tafaqquh fi
amriddin , which means in the free translation is "The way for people who
are guided to explore religious matters". Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad has
written for teaching and educational purposes, several other books and
treatises, including:
1. The Book of Ushuluddin , commonly called the Twelfth Book of
2. Book Tuhfatur Raghibin , which is a book that discusses questions
of faith and deeds,
3. Book Nuqtatul Ajlan , namely the book about women and orderly
husband and wife,
4. Kitabul Fara-idl , inheritance law .
From some of his treatises and some important lessons that he immediately
taught, his students were then compiled and became a kind of Terms of Law,
namely about the requirements of creed, prayer, purification, fasting and
relating to it, and for which it is commonly called the Parukunan Book . As
Friendly /
Like to read
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
No. Story Description Value of Character
for the field of Sufism, he also wrote down his thoughts in the Book of
4 After more than 30 years Sheikh Muhammad Arsyad studied in the holy land,
he finally mastered various fields of religion, in fact he and his friends did not
want to go home and wanted to continue their studies in Egypt, but the
intention was canceled due to their teacher Syekh Sulaiman Al-Kurdi who
stated that their knowledge is deep and wide enough and more important to
give lessons and guidance to their respective communities, finally they obey
their teacher's advice,
Hard work
Love the country
5 The role of Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari in the Banjar Sultanate was
to try to propose to the sultan to form the office ofMufti , while the purpose
of establishing this institution was to establish fatwas from every issue that
arose, lead and protect Muslims to be able to comprehend and pass Islamic
teachings perfectly including the application of Islamic law. This institution
is also able to bridge the problems faced by the ummah about religion with
the sultan as the ruler, and the issue of expansion related to the community,
so that when the sultan gets difficulties about religious issues he can ask for a
fatwa or advice from eapda mufti . The firstmufti in the Banjar Sultanate was
the grandson of Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari namely Muhammad As'ad
(son of the Syarifah and Usman line) and in the 19th century AD the
leadership of theMufti office was always held by Syech descendants
Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari
Love peace
Table 3 Implications of Character Education Values Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari in Guidance and Counseling
Framework Guidance and counseling
Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari Character
Education Value
Implications of Character Education
Values Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari in Guidance and
Counseling Services
Understanding Guidance is assistance given
to individuals to be able to
choose, prepare themselves,
and hold positions and get
progress in their chosen
Counseling is
a systematiceffort given by
counselors to counselees in
an atmosphere of face-to-
face relationships aimed at
overcoming a problem /
The value of Syech
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari's character
education is a meaningful
value for the life of
humanity in the world as a
provision for eternal life in
the hereafter. Value of
character education is taught
by Shaykh Muhammad Al-
Banjari Arsyad
throughproselytizing metho
ds bil -Lisan, proselytizing
bil-It, and proselytizing bil-
Guidance and counseling services with
the contents of the values of Syech
character education Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari is a service of assistance
provided by people who are experts in
the provision of guidance and
counseling byoptimizing an effective
communication, focusing on the goals
achieved, and utilizing reading material
references as alternative to help
individuals who have problems, so that
the problem is reduced and loosened so
that individuals can develop according
to their respective stages of
Aim The purpose of guidance
and counseling in general:
To help individuals develop
themselves optimally
according to their
developmental and
predisposing stages, and in
accordance with the positive
demands of their
The purpose of guidance
and counseling specifically:
The purpose of Syech
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari's educational values:
a. Correct individual
behavior that is not in
accordance with Islamic
b. Establishing a
harmonious connection
with family and society
in acting out the
responsibility of
forming and instilling
The purpose of guidance and
counseling services with the contents of
the educational values of the Syech
Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari
character are:
a. In general, that is to help
individuals achieve cognitive,
affective, and spiritual maturity in
order to be useful for the benefit
of the people.
b. In particular, namely to build and
shape the personality of
individuals who are Islamic
Educational Value of Character Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari and Implications in Guidance and Counseling Services
Framework Guidance and counseling
Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari Character
Education Value
Implications of Character Education
Values Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari in Guidance and
Counseling Services
The general purpose
description that relates
directly to the problems
experienced by the
individual concerned,
according to the complexity
of the problem.
the values of the
character of religious
c. Forming individual
personalities that are
independent, creative,
and have a sense of
responsibility to
themselves and others.
religious, so they can feel, think,
and act according to / have been
determined inIslamic Shari'a .
Principle There are several principles
of implementing guidance
and counseling including:
a. Guidance is a process
of helping individuals
so they can help
themselves in solving
problems they face.
b. The guidance should be
starting point (focusing)
on the individual being
c. Guidance is directed at
individuals and each
individual has its own
d. Problems that can be
by the guidanceteam wi
thin the institution
should be left to experts
or institutions that are
authorized to resolve
e. Guidance starts with
identifying the needs
felt by individuals
who will be guided.
f. Guidance must be
flexible and flexible in
accordance with
individual and
community needs.
g. The guidance program
in a particular
educational institution
must be in accordance
with the education
program at the
institution concerned.
h. The implementation of
a guidance program
should be managed by
people who have
expertise in the field of
guidance, can
The principle of the
educational values of the
Syech character Muhammad
Arsyad Al-Banjari, namely:
a. Using the bil-Lisan
method, bil-Hal, bil-
Kitabah as the main
method in forming and
developing Islamic
values so that
individuals form
b. Establish an individual
mindset to be able to
innovate, think openly,
be creative, productive,
and reflective.
c. Developing Qolbu (hear
t) of individuals to
always have faith and
devotion to Allah SWT,
to be honest,
trustworthy, and
d. Building a sense of self
for mutual respect
among religious people,
tolerance, mutual
cooperation, love of the
country, love of peace,
and a sense of national
The principle of guidance and
counseling services with the
educational values of the Syech
character Muhammad Arsyad Al-
a. The bil-Lisan method, bil-Hal, bil-
Kitabah as the main method to
help individuals develop towards
the better by emphasizing Islamic
religious values as their distinctive
b. Guidance and counseling with the
contents of the values of the Syech
character education Muhammad
Arsyad Al-Banjari focuses on the
formation, development, and
building of the main foundations
in individual personalities so that
they can be useful for the people.
c. Guidance and counseling with
thecontents of the educational
values of the Syech character
Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari
restores the nature of the
individual, in which the individual
is a creature so there is no effort
except with the permission of
Allah SWT.
d. Executing in Guidance and
counseling with the contents of
Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari's character education
values is an individual who has a
mindset towards a better direction
for himself and others, has a soft
and clean heart so that a high
sense of empathy arises, and have
a sense that is sensitive to the
surrounding environment,
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Framework Guidance and counseling
Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari Character
Education Value
Implications of Character Education
Values Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari in Guidance and
Counseling Services
worktogether and use
relevant resources that
are inside or outside the
education provider.
i. Should the guidance
program be evaluated to
find out the results and
implementation of the
Function The function of guidance
and counseling is:
a. Function of
b. Prevention function
c. Alleviation function
d. Maintenance and
development functions
The function of the
education of the Syech
character Muhammad
Arsyad Al-Banjari, namely:
a. The function of
understanding is where
human nature is a
creature that has no
power and effort except
Allah SWT.
b. Prevention function as
an effort to avoid the
impossible content.
c. The function of
developing the natural
potential of individuals
as noble beings from
other creatures.
The function of guidance and
counseling services with the
educational values of the Syech
character Muhammad Arsyad Al-
a. The function ofrahmatan lilalamin ,
which is where guidance and
counseling services bring a good
thing for all humanity.
b. The lillahitaala function, that is,
when carrying out the individual
therapeutic process, realizes that
everything is only at the will of
Allah SWT, humans can only pray,
strive, aim and trust.
c. Inner penentram function, where
therapeutic services are given to
individuals who are problematic so
that the problem is alleviated,
issued, and stopped, and returned
to a straight path.
d. The function of moral control,
where guidance and counseling
services are given to control
individual behavior so as not to
e. Guide function, where this service
is given to individuals who are
served so that they live their lives
in the world in accordance with the
provisions that already exist in the
Qur'an and Hadith.
Field The field of guidance and
counseling includes:
a. Personal
b. Social
c. Learn
d. Career
The focus of the field of
Syech character education
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari, which focuses on
the benefit of the people,
and this is reflected in the
books of essays, including:
a. The book of Usuluddin,
talks about monotheism
and to recognize the
attributes of Allah
b. Kitabun Nikah, discuss
the issue of marriage.
c. The Book of Faraidh,
The field of guidance and counseling
services with the educational values of
the Syech character Muhammad Arsyad
a. Personal Field, namely helping
counselees to understand, assess,
and optimize their potential.
b. The Social Sector, which helps
counselees understand, assess, and
optimize their potential, related to
human relations or between
humans while living life in the
world as provision in the hereafter.
c. Field of Learning, which helps to
be able to optimize learning skills
Educational Value of Character Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari and Implications in Guidance and Counseling Services
Framework Guidance and counseling
Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari Character
Education Value
Implications of Character Education
Values Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari in Guidance and
Counseling Services
talks about inheritance
d. The Book of Tuhfatur
Ragibin, talks about
groups of people.
e. As well as, the most
phenomenal is the Book
of the Abi-ul-Muhtadîn
fît-Tafaqquh bi Amrid-
Dîn (which means: The
Way of the Seekers in
Studying Religious
by referring to the Qur'an and the
Hadith as the first and foremost
source, so that an independent
attitude in the counselee develops
skills and learning styles.
d. Careers, in this service counselors
provide assistance in the form of
career planning services, career
interest directions, and direction of
future work prospects for the
counselee served by optimizing the
internal and external factors of the
counselee so that the counselee
served can determine the future of
his career.
e. The Family Sector, which is to help
the counselee who is served in
order to realize a family that
is sakinah,
mawaddah, andwarahmah .
f. Islamic Religious Sector, which
helps counselees to be able to
recognize their nature as creatures
on earth, restore counselees to a
straight path, stabilize their faith to
always behave well in accordance
with the demands of Islamic
Principle The principle of guidance
and counseling, namely:
a. Privacy principle
b. Principle of
c. Principle of openness
d. The principle of the
e. The principle of
f. Principle of activity
g. Principle of dynamism
h. Integrity principle
i. The norm of negativity
j. Expertise Principle
k. The principle of the
l. The principle of
Tutwuri Handayani
The principle of Syech
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari character education:
a. Godhead principle
b. Principle of honesty
c. Principle of tolerance
d. Democratic principle
e. Principle of change
The principle of guidance and
counseling services with the
educational values of the Syech
character Muhammad Arsyad Al-
a. The principle of divinity, which is
the principle by which everything
comes from God and returns to
God, so here the role of the
counselor is limited to the
individual intermediary to a
b. The principle of honesty, this
principle is used for each of the
individuals (counselors and
counselees) in which all behaviors
and actions are in accordance with
the conditions as they are.
c. The principle of tolerance, which is
where each individual (counselor
and counselee) respects one
another for differences.
d. The democratic principle, that is,
every individual (counselor and
counseling) who conducts the
therapeutic process has
the same orequal rights by
prioritizing discussion on the
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Framework Guidance and counseling
Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari Character
Education Value
Implications of Character Education
Values Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari in Guidance and
Counseling Services
results of the agreement by
prioritizing religious values and
norms, laws and customs
regulations, applicable knowledge.
e. The principle of change, namely
between counselors and counselees
together set goals that today must
be better than the previous day, in
this case the patience of the
counselor must be truly good, and
the counselee's belief must be truly
that the counselor is the
intermediary of the counselee leads
on a better change.
f. The principle of confidentiality,
namely the counselor as the service
provider can really keep the secrets
of the counselee served.
g. The principle of expertise, namely
where the counselor as an
individual who provides services,
in carrying out his duties must
really pay attention to
professionalism at work and if
needed other professional staff the
counselor can collaborate on work
with an agreed counselee.
h. Tut wuri handayani's principle,
namely to require guidance and
counseling services as a whole to
create a nurturing atmosphere,
develop exemplary and provide
stimuli and encouragement as well
as the widest opportunity for
counselees to progress.
Criteria for
Counselor criteria:
a. Having mastery of
b. Emotional mastery
c. Understanding of
d. Can be trusted
e. Have good psychology
Criteria for individuals who
can instill Syech
Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari's educational values,
a. Religious
b. Honest
c. Tolerance
d. Discipline
e. Hard work
f. Creative
g. Mandiri
h. Democratic
i. Curiosity
j. Spirit of nationality
k. Love the country
l. Appreciating
m. Friendly /
n. Love peace
Criteria for counselors in guidance and
counseling services with educational
values of Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari characters:
a. The counselor must have good
faith so that it becomes a role
model for the surrounding
b. Counselor, as professionals, do not
necessarily rely on the
professionalism in their work, but
more than that counselors should
and must realize that all the
successful delivery of services
that are interfering
tanggan helakasanakan Allah so
that they remain tawadhu counselor
in run the tasks and functions as
c. Counselors as experts who are
always able to innovate and show
Educational Value of Character Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari and Implications in Guidance and Counseling Services
Framework Guidance and counseling
Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari Character
Education Value
Implications of Character Education
Values Syech Muhammad Arsyad
Al-Banjari in Guidance and
Counseling Services
o. Like to read
p. Environmental care
q. Social care
r. Responsible
creativity, and have broad insights
in the implementation of guidance
and counseling services by taking
into account the rules of
values, norms , and applicable laws
with the main guidance to the
Qur'an and Hadith.
d. Counselors can and are able to
control every action or speech
verbally while doing therapeutic
processes or in everyday life in
other communities.
e. Counselors can establish good
cooperation with other professional
staff by prioritizing a sense of
f. The counselor in carrying out
therapeutic services is able to
maintain the confidentiality
expressed by the counselee so that
the counselor truly maintains the
trustee of the counselee in himself,
in this case the counselor is truly
The following conclusions from the results of
research conducted by researchers.
1. The value of Shaykh Muhammad Arsyad Al-
Banjari's character education is value: (1)
religious, (2) honest about caring for the
environment, (3) caring for the social, (4)
responsibility, (5) national spirit, (6) love for
the country, (7) friendly / communicative, (8)
creative, (9) fond of reading, (10) discipline,
(11) hard work, (12) independent, (13)
democratic, (14) curiosity, (15) love homeland,
(16) tolerance, (17) respect for achievement,
(18) love of peace .
2. Regarding the factual conditions of the
education of Syech character Muhammad
Arsyad Al-Banjari, based on the narrative of
the subject of the study and the stories of his
lifetime Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari
possessed and taught the values of character
education through various methods, including:
Bil-case, exemplary good (uswatun hasanah)
are reflected in the behavior, gestures and
speech-word daily and directly witnessed by
his student.
Bil-oral , by holding teaching and recitation
that can be followed by anyone, both family,
relatives, friends and friends.
Bil-kitabah , using talents that he had in the
field of writing, so that was born through the
sharpness of the questioners of the books that
became the people's responsibility. His most
monumental hand is the book Sabilal
Muhtadin Littafaqquh Fiddin, whose fame
reached Malaysia, Brunei and Pattani
(southern Thailand).
3. The establishment of the basic concepts of
guidance and counseling services with the
contents of the educational values of Syech
character Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari.
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Technology and Higher Education The Republic of
Indonesia has funded this research through the
Beginner Lecturer Research scheme grant.
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Educational Value of Character Syech Muhammad Arsyad Al-Banjari and Implications in Guidance and Counseling Services