Identification of Students Misconceptions in School and College on
Eka Murdani, S. Sumarli
Sekolah Tinggi Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (STKIP) Singkawang, Jl. STKIP, Kelurahan Naram, Kecamatan
Singkawang Utara, Kota Singkawang, Kalimantan Barat, 79251, Indonesia
Keywords: Students Misconceptions, Kinematics, School and College
Abstract: This study aimed to determine the misconceptions that are often experienced by students in school and
college on kinematics. The method that was used is quantitative descriptive. The sample was 48 students
and 144 college students in Singkawang that had studied the kinematics. The results showed that the
average of students who have misconceptions still very high at 76.0%. The identification results showed that
the average of students experienced misconceptions on several kinematics topics, that are (a) Position,
Distance, Displacement, Velocity, and Acceleration, occurred a misconception of 67.7%, students assumed
that the distance is traveled by objects is equal to the displacement magnitude, (b) Regular Straight Motion
and Regular Straight-Changed Motion, occurred a misconception of 93.8%, students considered that objects
are moving vertically upward, working two forces that are an upward force is greater than the gravitational
force which downward direction, (c) Parabolic Motion, occurred a misconception of 92.7%, students
assumed that slope of a tangent to the parabolic motion curve can be used to calculate the magnitude and
direction of velocity, and (d) Circular Motion, occurred a misconception of 83.0%, students assumed that
objects are moving horizontal circular with constant speed have a constant velocity.
In learning to understand the concept of physics,
students often experience difficulties. Students
follow physics material not with an empty head, but
actual student head is full of experience and
knowledge about physics. In the experience formed
preconceptions or early concepts of students about
the events of physics in everyday life. This
preconception is not necessarily true. If in the
learning process the teacher did not pay attention to
the preconception then in the head of students will
occur mixing or preconception clash with the actual
concept. This mixing will cause students to have
difficulty in learning physics which will ultimately
lead to misconceptions in students (misconception)
(Berg et al., 1990).
Suhendi et al. (2014) stated in the process of
learning educators/teachers are still a lot of use of
learning that is informative and frequently asked
questions, this can cause students to lack the
scientific concept. Yuliana, Karyanto, and Marjono
(2013) stated that the lack of mastery of the concept
experienced by students can lead to misconception.
Misconceptions are the initial concept possessed not
in accordance with the scientific concept.
Many students argue that physics is difficult to
learn because it is just a collection of mere formulas
that cannot be understood the meaning. This opinion
arises because the habit of learning physics students
oriented to the formulas and discussion of the
problem directly without learning the concepts first.
Students only memorize the formula and only
skillfully perform the calculations without
understanding the meaning or concept that is being
done/studied. Difficulties in understanding the
concept of physics will lead to misconceptions.
Physical learning that is only based on textbooks
or in other words textbook is still used as the main
source of information in the learning process can
cause some problems, because the mistakes that
occur in textbooks can lead to misconceptions of the
concept of self in students. In addition to the errors
in textbooks, students often have difficulty in
understanding the text contained in textbooks, and
there are also science fiction books whose concepts
deviate to attract readers. Negative things in the
textbook can lead to misconceptions.
Murdani, E. and Sumarli, S.
Identification of Students Misconceptions in School and College on Kinematics.
DOI: 10.5220/0009016800002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 75-82
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
From some facts above shows that there are
several factors that cause misconception. According
to Suparno (2005), in general, the cause of
misconceptions there are five groups of students,
teachers, textbooks, context and way of teaching.
There has been much research on
misconceptions, one of which is done by Rahayu
(2015). He studied misconceptions of students of
SMAN 2 Kabupaten Tangerang and obtained the
result that the percentage of students who
experienced misconceptions of 44.25% of the 40
students studied. The misconception or
misconception of two-dimensional motion study
materials (parabolic motion and circular motion) is
present in indicators analyzing position vectors,
speed and acceleration of parabolic motion, and
indicators formulating the relationship of position,
velocity, and acceleration of parabolic motion. This
misconception does not only occur in SMAN 2
Tangerang students but also experienced by high
school students in general, and even can happen to
In physics, there is a branch of science that
studies the motion of objects called mechanics. The
branch of mechanics is divided into two namely
Kinematics and Dynamics. Kinematics is always
taught before it is taught Dynamics, Heat,
Thermodynamics, Sound, Vibration and Waves,
Electrics-Magnetism, Optics and Modern Physics or
Quantum Physics, so kinematics becomes very
important in physics learning before entering other
branches of science from Physics. Therefore,
selected kinematics material as the material of this
research. Given that there are still misconceptions in
physics, especially in the branches of kinematics,
further research is needed on the types of
misconceptions that occur to students in school and
2.1 Conceptual, Conception,
Preconception, and Misconception
Theory of Tayubi (2005) stated, "concepts are
things, events, situations, or traits that have
distinctive features and are represented in every
culture by an object or symbol". According to the
Great Indonesian Dictionary, the concept is a mental
picture of objects, processes or anything that is
outside the language, which is used by reason to
understand other things. By having a human concept
will be easy in communicating with others.
Yuliana, Karyanto, and Marjono (2013) stated,
"conception is a student's interpretation of a certain
concept of science". Interpretations between
individuals and other individuals will be different,
this is due to the difference in capturing information
at the time of the study. Conception is the
interpretation of a student to a concept he obtained
after obtaining information or studying a particular
science in the formal class.
Suparno (2005) described the learner before the
formal class has a preconception or concept of the
concept. Preconception is an early concept that
students have about a science. Preconception owned
by learners often contains misconceptions. Pujianto,
Nurjannah, and Darmadi (2014) explained that if the
preconceptions of the students do not match the
knowledge given by the expert or scientist, then the
student will experience misconception. The
misconceptions can come from parents, friends and
the environment. The preconceptions that students
have of the physics concepts that students learn
themselves through their experiences in everyday
life have a big role in shaping scientific concepts.
The preconceptions of learners show that their
thinking continues to be active in understanding
something. If the misconceptions of misconceptions
are not immediately corrected, they can disrupt the
formation of scientific concepts.
The misconception is a conception contrary to
the conception of physicists (Berg et al., 1990).
From that understanding, misconception can be
interpreted as a conception that is not in accordance
with the scientific understanding or understanding
received by scientists.
Kurniawan and Suhandi (2015) stated
misconception is a failure in connecting or
explaining the events that exist around with the
concept possessed. According to Muliyani and
Kaniawati (2015), misconceptions can be seen in
concepts that do not fit with scientific concepts.
Misconceptions due to errors of information that
cause errors in the understanding of concepts and
thoughts. Vakani et al. (2012) revealed that
misconceptions tend to be possessed by students.
Suhendi et al. (2014) described the term
misconception associated with a different conception
of students with generally accepted scientific
concepts. Misconceptions are defined as strongly
held conceptions and are stable cognitive structures
but not the same as the conceptions of scholars or
scientific concepts. Based on the understanding that
has been described by the researchers can be
concluded that misconception is a mistake in
understanding the concept of learning materials that
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
can cause a mismatch between the concept
possessed by the person with the scientific concept.
2.2 Conceptual Change
Conceptual change is a condition in which students
make changes to their initial concept of being
incorrect into actual concepts or scientific concepts.
Makhrus, Mohammad, and Widodo (2014)
described conceptual change can occur if prior
knowledge is reunited or conflicted with new
information. Discrepancies between the knowledge
that learners have with new information can lead to
cognitive conflict. By generating cognitive conflict a
teacher or researcher can convince learners to make
conceptual changes to their conceptions that are
inconsistent with scientific concepts. New long-term
concept changes can occur when students see the
relevant and general matters of the scientific concept
contextually. The essence of conceptual change is to
change the concept of misconception into a scientific
2.3 The Cause of Misconceptions
Suparno (2005) identified five main causes of
misconception ie students, teachers, textbooks,
context and teaching methods. Each of these
common causes is caused by special causes, as listed
in Table 1.
Table 1: The Causes of Misconceptions (Suparno, 2005)
Main Cause Special Cause
a. Preconception
b. Associative Thinking
c. Humanistic Thinking
d. Wrong Intuition
e. Development Stage of Students’
f. Students’ ability
g. Students’ learning interest
a. Not mastering the material,
b. Not a graduate from the field of
c. Not revealing students’
d. Relationship of teacher-students are
not good
a. Wrong explanation
b. Wrong write especially on the
c. The degree of difficulty of writing
books is too high for students
d. Students do not know the technique
of reading a textbook
Main Cause Special Cause
e. The concept of science fiction books
deviates to attract readers
f. Cartoons who often make
a. Students experience
b. Different language
c. False conversational friends
d. Confidence and religion
e. Parental or other erroneous
f. Student life context (TV, radio, film
that wrong)
g. Feelings of pleasure or displeasure,
free or depressed
How to
a. It only contains lectures and writes
b. Direct to mathematical form
c. Not revealing student misconceptions
d. Not correcting wrong homework
e. Models of analogy
f. Models of practical
g. Models of discussion
h. Models of narrow demonstration
Research on misconception has been widely
practiced, as Helm (1980), on misconceptions
physics among South African students. There is still
much more research on misconceptions or
preconceptions such as Clement (1982). Scientists
see that misconceptions are disturbing but students
often prefer the wrong concept because it is more
perceived by students. Even after learning, these
misconceptions remain inherent, thus preventing the
learning process (Demirci, 2005). Research on some
of the ways of picking misconceptions has not been
fully overcome because these misconceptions are
durable and difficult to change.
2.4 How to Overcome Physics
Although it is difficult to overcome misconceptions,
there is still a way that can be done to overcome or
at least reduce misconceptions in students. There are
several steps that can be taken to overcome or at
least reduce the misconceptions as put forward by
Berg et al. (1990) below:
a. The first step is to detect students'
preconceptions. Before the lesson begins, the
teacher should know the preconceptions that are
in the mind of the student. Preconception can be
known from the literature, from diagnostic tests,
from direct student activity observation, and
from teacher experience.
b. The second step is to design a learning
experience that starts with the preconceptions
Identification of Students Misconceptions in School and College on Kinematics
and then refines the already good part and
corrects the wrong part of the concept. The main
principle in the correction of misconceptions is
that students are given a learning experience that
shows the contrast of their concepts with natural
events. It is thus expected that the contradiction
of new experiences with the old concept will lead
to a correction of conception.
c. The third step is to practice questions and
questions to train new concepts and refine them.
The questions and questions to be used should be
chosen so that the distinction between the correct
conception and the false conception will arise
The method used for this research is a method of
misconception research on students in school and
college by using the concept of kinematics problems
consisting of 18 items of multiple choice questions
with five choices of answers. Based on the five
possible answers, there is only one correct answer
and four other answers are wrong or misconception.
This problem is adapted from Isliyanti and Rizal
(2011), which has been tested with the legality test
with the result 88.87%. This percentage informed
that students who read the question and write the
question of each item, 88.87% of students are able to
know the purpose of the problem. Because students
are able to know the purpose of the problem that
tested then the misconception that occurred in the
student is not because students are not able to know
the purpose of the problem but it has happened
misconception on the student if he answered the
wrong problem.
The study population consisted of
SMA/MA/equivalent students in the Education
Department of Singkawang City and the Religious
Affairs Department of Singkawang City and
students at the existing universities in Singkawang
city. All students are considered to have a
heterogeneous ability, as well as on students. All
students that become samples are students who have
studied kinematics consisting of 48 students in
school and 144 students in college. The study was
conducted in Singkawang in 2016.
Analysis of the answers of students who answered
correctly and incorrectly for each question can be
seen in Table 2. Based on Table 2, it can be seen that
on average from all samples, only 24% of students
who answered correctly every question given and as
many as 76% of students answered wrongly.
Based on the analysis of each question, then in
the list of misconceptions that often occur in
students as shown in Table 3. Based on Table 3, the
misconceptions experienced by students on
kinematics can be said to be very large i.e. more
than 50% of students experience misconceptions.
This proves that the preconceptions that students
have from their daily experience are largely
incompatible with scientific concepts. Mismatch
between preconceptions that students have with
scientific concepts causes misconceptions among
students (Berg et al., 1990; Pujianto, Nurjannah, &
Darmadi, 2014; Suhendi et al., 2014; Kurniawan &
Suhandi, 2015; Muliyani & Kaniawati, 2015) .
The students' misconceptions need to be resolved
as early as possible so that they do not occur in the
next generation. One way to do this is to compile a
collection of discussions on misconceptions on
kinematics. This collection of discussions can be
used as a guide for teachers or lecturers in teaching
physics, especially in the parts that most often occur
misconceptions. After the teacher or lecturer knows
the parts of kinematics that often occur
misconceptions, teachers and lecturers are expected
to be able to develop the most effective learning
strategies so that students are able to understand the
concept of kinematics correctly.
Some learning strategies that can be considered
to be applied in learning include learning with
experimental methods. The learning provides a
direct learning experience to students in conducting
scientific investigations so that it helps students gain
a deeper understanding of the concepts learned
(Murdani & Sumarli, 2019). In addition, multiple
representation based learning also helps reduce
students' misconceptions. This is because the
learning is designed to uncover the students'
preconceptions with various representations that are
given in stages so as to help students understand
concepts correctly in accordance with scientific
concepts (Kusumawati et al., 2019).
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Table 2: Analysis of True and False Answers of Every Problem
and MA
Students who
have received
and MA
who have
1 26 75 101 52.6 22 69 91 47.4 100.0
2 29 108 137 71.4 19 36 55 28.6 100.0
3 37 78 115 59.9 11 66 77 40.1 100.0
4 40 95 135 70.3 8 49 57 29.7 100.0
5 47 122 169 88.0 1 22 23 12.0 100.0
6 45 118 163 84.9 3 26 29 15.1 100.0
7 42 115 157 81.8 6 29 35 18.2 100.0
8 46 132 178 92.7 2 12 14 7.3 100.0
9 28 79 107 55.7 20 65 85 44.3 100.0
10 31 89 120 62.5 17 55 72 37.5 100.0
11 33 101 134 69.8 15 43 58 30.2 100.0
12 46 130 176 91.7 2 14 16 8.3 100.0
13 42 116 158 82.3 6 28 34 17.7 100.0
14 47 126 173 90.1 1 18 19 9.9 100.0
15 35 127 162 84.4 13 17 30 15.6 100.0
16 37 132 169 88.0 11 12 23 12.0 100.0
17 27 88 115 59.9 21 56 77 40.1 100.0
18 40 119 159 82.8 8 25 33 17.2 100.0
Average 37.7 108.3 146.0 76.0 10.3 35.7 46.0 24.0 100.0
Table 3: The Misconception that Often Occurs in Students
Topics of
The Misconception that Often
Occurs in Students
Total of
Correct Concept
velocity, and
An object can overtake
another object if the
acceleration is equal.
1 53.1% An object can overtake another
object only if both have the same
The distance traveled by
objects is always the same as
the displacement.
2 67.7% The distance traveled by objects
can be equal to the displacement
and can also be greater than the
If the speed is zero then the
acceleration is always zero.
3 65.6% If the speed is zero then the
acceleration is not necessarily
zero, likewise if the acceleration
is zero then the speed is not
necessarily zero.
straight motion
(GLB) and
straight motion
From the position graph to
time, if two objects are in the
same position then must have
the same speed.
4 74.7% From the chart,
A train moves GLB (v fixed or a
= zero).
Train B moves GLBB (a
negative = slowed).
After reaching time t
, train A
can overtake the B train marked
with the position of train A equal
to the position of train B.
Both trains have the same speed
at some time before t
Heavy objects will get to the
floor earlier than light objects
(on systems that are only
influenced by the force of
5 91.3% Objects of mass and small
objects will reach the floor
simultaneously (in gravitational
influence only systems).
Identification of Students Misconceptions in School and College on Kinematics
Topics of
The Misconception that Often
Occurs in Students
Total of
Correct Concept
Heavy objects that touch the
ground with a speed greater
than a light object (on a
system that is only affected by
the force of gravity)
6 87.8% Acceleration of falling objects is
equal and independent of the
mass of objects (on the system
only affected by the force of
The dropped object will get to
the floor earlier than the
object being fired horizontally
(on a system affected only by
7 83.7% Objects dropped and horizontal
fired objects will reach the
ground at the same time (on the
system only affected by gravity)
It can be seen from the picture
that on an upward-moving
vertical object works two
styles of force that is a larger
upward force of a downward-
gravitational force (on a
system affected only by
8 93.8% The force acting on an upwardly
moving vertical object is a
downward gravitational force
(the system is affected only by
the force of gravity).
Objects moving upward
vertically lose the force as a
result of the force of gravity,
but the force of gravity is
greater than the force that is
directed upwards because the
ball loses its speed.
9 56.6% The ball is moving upward, there
is a force of gravity that acts on
the ball causing the ball to
Objects that are moving
vertically upwards have
speeds that go upward but
have no acceleration.
10 63.2% When an object moves vertically
upwards the direction of velocity
and opposite acceleration
(upward speed direction and
downward acceleration
There is no force acting on the
object when the object is at its
highest point (vertical motion
11 69.4% The object remains influenced by
the force of gravity when the
object is at its highest point of
motion (upward vertical motion).
With the air friction being
negligible, the thrown balls
have a bigger ground
pounding speed than the ball
thrown up.
12 93.1% By ignoring the air friction, if a
ball is thrown up and another ball
is thrown down with the same
initial speed then both balls will
reach the ground with the same
At the highest point of
parabolic motion, the object
has a vo sin θ velocity
(negligible air friction).
13 84.0% In a parabolic motion (with
negligible air friction), the
speed of the bullet when at the
highest point of the path is v
In the parabolic motion, the
slope of the tangent to the
curve at a given price x can be
used to calculate the
magnitude and direction of
14 92.7% In the parabolic motion, the slope
of the tangent to the curve at a
given price x can only be used to
calculate the direction of velocity
but not the magnitude.
Objects that experience
parabolic motion with greater
elevation angle will pound the
ground with greater speed (air
friction can be ignored).
15 80.6% Objects with parabolic motion
with greater elevation angle will
pound the soil after moving
objects with smaller elevation
angles (with negligible air
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
Topics of
The Misconception that Often
Occurs in Students
Total of
Correct Concept
When the object reaches the
highest point of the parabola
path then the velocity and
acceleration are zero.
16 84.4% When the object reaches the
highest point of the parabola path
then the minimum velocity and
constant acceleration velocity but
both are not equal to zero.
Objects that are farther away
from the rotary axis have a
larger angular rate.
17 58.7% People who are farther away
from the rotary axis have a larger
linear rate.
Horizontal circular motion
with constant speed has a
fixed speed.
18 83.0% A horizontally circular moving
object of constant speed will
have a constant acceleration.
From the research result, it is found that the average
of students in school and college experiencing
misconception is still very high, that is 76.0%. The
results of the identification of the average students
most misconception on each topic of kinematics are:
(a) Position, Distance, Displacement, Velocity, and
Acceleration, misconception of 67.7%, most
students assumed that the distance traveled by
objects (b) Regular Straight Motion and Regular
Straight-Changed Motion, a misconception of
93.8%, students considered that objects are moving
vertically upward, working two forces that are an
upward force is greater than the gravitational force
which downward direction. (c) Parabolic Motion, a
misconception occurs of 92.7%, students assumed
that slope of a tangent to the parabolic motion curve
can be used to calculate the magnitude and direction
of velocity (d) Circular Motion, a misconception
occurs of 83.0%, the students assumed that objects
are moving horizontal circular with constant speed
have a constant velocity.
Suggestion from this research are (1) after the
teacher know the kinematical parts which often
happened misconception then it is
suggested/expected to the teacher able to arrange the
most effective learning plan so that the student is
able to understand the concept of kinematics
correctly, and (2) on kinematics, it is advisable to
further research on the types of misconceptions in
other physical materials and supplemented by a
collection of discussions of misconceptions that
have been found.
Acknowledgments are conveyed to STKIP
Singkawang for awarding research grants under
contract number: 903/B/U/XI/2015.
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