Working Motivation Reviewed from Self Concept and Working Head
of Raudhatul Athfal School (RA) Pekanbaru City
Ida Windi Wahyuni
Program Studi Pendidikan Islam Anak Usia Dini, Fakultas Agama Islam, Universitas Islam Riau, Jl. Kaharuddin
Nasution, Pekanbaru, Riau
Keywords: Work Motivation, Self-Concept, Working Period
Abstract: This study aims to find out about the relationship between self-concept and working period with the
working spirit of the City of Raudhatul Athfal (RA). The subject of the study was 27 principals of the
Raudhatul Athfal (RA) City of Pekanbaru. The data collection uses questionnaire techniques. Data analysis
techniques are using regression techniques. The results showed that (1) there was a positive relationship
between self-concept and motivation of the work of the head of Raudhatul Athfal (RA) Pekanbaru City,
meaning that the better the self-concept of the head of the RA, the better the motivation was, (2) there was a
positive relationship between working with the motivation to work the head of Raudhatul Athfal (RA) in
Pekanbaru City, it means that the longer the working period of the RA head, the better the working period
will be, and (3) there is a positive relationship between self-concept and tenure with the work motivation of
the head of Raudhatul Athfal ( RA) City of Pekanbaru.
Schools are formal institutions that carry out
education that has the ability to develop educators
and education personnel, and utilize all the potential
that exists in schools, both the potential that comes
from within the school itself or from outside the
school. A good school is a school that has a
supporting component that is the main foundation of
the success and progress of the school itself. The
supporting components include, principals, teachers,
students, collaboration between teachers and parents,
and school management. These components must be
interrelated and cannot walk on their own, so the
need for communication, motivation, and a sense of
belonging as a whole. The school principal strives to
develop communication with parents, students,
school residents, so that continuous two-way
communication is established (Wibowo, 2014),
continuous, healthy, positive, communicative and
constructive (Arifin, 2015).
The functions and objectives of National
Education contained in Law No. 20 of 2003
(National Education System in Article 3) as follows:
National education functions to develop the ability
and shape of dignified national character and
civilization in order to educate the life of the nation,
aims to develop the potential of students to become
faithful and devoted to the Almighty God Esa,
noble, healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative,
independent and a democratic and responsible
citizen (Mulyasa, 2009).
Motivation that is directed can create a solution
to the work well in accordance with the wishes of
the school. Motivation is a positive desire from the
school component that will benefit the school as a
whole. The work motivation of the principal remains
and is embedded in him influenced by several things
that can make the school's component needs fulfilled
through good school performance. The principal's
social competence is marked: (1) skilled in working
with others who are mutually beneficial and
beneficial; (2) able to participate in social activities;
and (3) having social sensitivity towards other
people or groups (Permendiknas, 2007). With
School Based Management (SBM) schools are given
the authority to manage their own schools. SBM is a
school management model by giving greater
authority at the school level to manage their own
schools directly. With this great authority, schools
have autonomy, responsibility and participation in
determining school programs. The next problem is
the extent to which schools differ when innate
abilities and socio-economic and cultural
backgrounds of students, teachers, principals, school
supervisors and school committees are very diverse
Windi Wahyuni, I.
Working Motivation Reviewed from Self Concept and Working Head of Raudhatul Athfal School (RA) Pekanbaru City.
DOI: 10.5220/0009016000002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 36-41
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Nurkolis, 2005). Therefore, it is generally
recognized that someone who develops true
professional performance must begin with changes
in their perceptions and beliefs related to teaching
and learning(Gow & Kember, 1993; Ho, Watkins, &
Kelly, 2001 in Yeung,
The factors that influence the motivation of the
principal work include self-concept and working
period. Self-concept is a view or self-confidence
towards the whole self, both with respect to
strengths and weaknesses, so that it has a large
influence on the overall behavior displayed
(Wahyuni, 2011), and how individuals want
themselves as human beings who are expected and
beneficial to the surrounding environment. Self-
concept is formed from the learning process and not
innate factors, developing from the interaction of
individuals with their environment.
The principal as the top leader in educational
institutions plays an important role in developing the
quality of his institution. The role of self-concept
and working period is one of the factors in
motivating the work of the principal. The working
period of the principal influences his work
motivation. Allegations, while principals who have
experienced for less than 3 years, have experienced
many difficulties in solving the problems they face.
Because background and leading experience are two
aspects that influence the work motivation of the
principal. Beginner school principals with an
undergraduate (S1) education background especially
with the academic field of teacher training are more
easily adapted to the school environment. On the
other hand, principals who are not of an educational
background who are not undergraduate and coupled
with no experience teaching and leading, will find
many problems in school. The level of difficulty
found by school principals is decreasing in certain
aspects along with the increasing experience as a
manager at his school. In addition, serving as the
principal for the reason that the school is his own,
the school stands on its own initiative and the
foundation is privately owned.
Based on data obtained from the Madrasah and
Religious Education Section, only 30% of principals
have an early childhood education background, such
as Kindergarten Teacher Education (PGTK) or
Teacher Education Raudhatul Athfal (PGRA). The
majority of RA Teachers have a background in
Religious Education, such as Tarbiyah, Sharia,
Islamic Law, or Aliyah Madrasah. Besides that,
there are some of the alumni of education, but most
of them are not related to early childhood education.
While the RA curriculum addresses general early
childhood learning which is integrated into the
Islamic religion.
In addition, the experience (period) of the
teacher's work also affects the work. Allegations
while teachers who teach 1 to 3 years’ experience a
lot of difficulties in solving the problems they face.
Because the background and teaching experience are
two aspects that influence teacher competency in
education and teaching. Beginner teachers with
undergraduate education (S1) background especially
with the academic field of teacher training are more
easily adapted to the school environment.
Conversely, teachers who are not from an
educational background who are not undergraduate
and plus have no teaching experience, will find
many problems in the classroom. The level of
difficulty found by teachers increasingly decreases
in certain aspects along with the increasing
experience as a teacher.
This is the background of this research problem.
Researchers are interested in knowing how the work
motivation of school principal Raudhatul Athfal is
viewed from the concept of self and the period of
work. Based on the above problems, the hypothesis
is proposed, namely (1) there is a relationship
between self-concept and work motivation, (2) there
is a relationship between working period and work
motivation, and (3) there is a relationship between
work period and self-concept with work motivation.
2.1 Work Motivation
Motivation is a process initiated and maintained by
activities directed at achieving goals (Schunk,,
2012). According to Nawawi (2000), motivation is a
condition that encourages or becomes a cause of
someone doing an action/activity that takes place
consciously. Motivation requires a physical or
mental activity. Physical activities include effort,
persistence, and actions that can be observed
directly. While mental activities include cognitive
actions such as planning, memorizing, organizing,
monitoring, decision making, problem solving, and
progress assessment. Work motivation is part of
motivation in mental activities.
According to Maslow (Widianto, 2013), humans
will be encouraged to meet the strongest needs
according to time, circumstances and the experience
involved following a hierarchy. In this context the
first level needs that must be met before other needs
are physiological needs such as hunger, thirst, sex,
Working Motivation Reviewed from Self Concept and Working Head of Raudhatul Athfal School (RA) Pekanbaru City
housing, sleep and so on. Furthermore, the next need
arises which influences the safety and protection of
hazards, threats and dismissals from work. After the
first and second needs are met, a third need arises,
namely social needs, namely the need for love and
satisfaction in establishing relationships with others,
satisfaction and feeling of having received in a
group, a sense of family, friendship and affection.
The next two needs are the need for appreciation
(status, position, self-respect, reputation, and
achievement) and self-actualization needs (using
self-potential, growth and self-development). A
lower need is not lost if a higher need arises. So, if a
need reaches its peak, then that need stops being the
main motivator of behavior, but even though the
needs have been satisfied, those needs still influence
behavior, only the intensity is smaller. This is
because human needs are interdependent and
Work motivation is defined by Siagian (in
Mashiitahili, 2010) that work motivation as a driving
force that causes a member of the organization to be
willing and willing to move their abilities (in the
form of expertise or skills), time and energy to carry
out various activities that are their responsibility and
fulfill their obligations in order achievement of goals
and objectives of the organization that have been
predetermined. So, work motivation is a growing
urge in a person, both from within and outside
himself to do a job with high enthusiasm using all
the abilities and skills he has.
Work motivation occurs because of the needs
that must be met. According to Siagian (2001),
factors that influence work motivation consist of
internal factors and external factors. Internal factors
include one's perception of self, work performance,
self-esteem, personal expectations, desires and
needs. External factors include the type and nature
of work, workplace organization, environmental
situation, and the applicable reward system. Work
motivation can also be the hope of each employee to
be their driving force in achieving their goals
(Hasibuan, 2012). Someone who has inner
motivation can enjoy his work so that he can be seen
in his behavior. and find satisfaction in doing so
(Handoko, 1987).
2.2 Self-concept
Andayani & Afiatin (1996) explained that self-
concept is formed through individual learning
processes in their interactions with the surrounding
environment. This interaction will provide
experiences or feedback received from the
environment, so that individuals will get a picture of
themselves. Once the importance of other people's
assessment of the formation of self-concept, so that
Allport (in Helmi &Ramdhani, 1992) suggests that a
person will see who he is through the assessment of
others towards him.
Self-concept is an individual's view of who is an
individual, and that can be obtained through
information provided through information provided
by others to the individual (Mulyasa, 2009). This
opinion can be interpreted that the self-concept of an
individual can be known through information,
opinions, judgments or evaluations from others about
him. In everyday life indirectly, individuals have
assessed themselves. Self-assessment includes the
nature of himself, others can respect him or not, he
includes people who look attractive, beautiful or not.
Aspects of self-concept according to Berzonsky
(1981 in Maria Ulfah, 2007) are physical, social,
moral and psychological aspects. personality,
confidence, responsibility, experience,
independence, maturity, feeling and awareness.
Factors that influence self-concept, namely age,
level of education and environment.
2.3 Year of Service
The period of work according to Handoko (1987),
said that the period of work is the length of time a
person works in a company in which there are
elements of experience and learning both for
themselves in work, themselves with the
environment and management and leadership
systems experienced during work.
This study involves variables of self-concept and
tenure (independent variable), and work motivation
as a dependent variable (dependent variable). The
subjects used in this study were all the heads of
Raudhatul Athfal (RA) totaling 28 principals.
The measuring instrument used in this study is
the work motivation scale and self-concept scale.
The study used the principal motivation work that
was adopted from the Pay and Organization
Development book in Sastrohadiwiryo (2005) which
had been adapted from the results of Prasesti (2012)
research with the results of Cronbach alpha
reliability test of 0.923 with performance,
opportunity and reward aspects.
Self-concept instruments use instruments that
have been adapted from the "The Q-Sort" technique
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
developed by Stephen Son (1952). The "The Q-Sort"
technique is an instrument to get an overview of
various aspects of yourself. The researcher uses the
instrument that has been used by Rosilawati (2005)
which includes personality, confidence,
responsibility, experience, independence, maturity,
feeling and awareness. The data analysis technique
used in this study is regression analysis based on
SPSS for Windows.
This research uses descriptive analysis that is to
calculate the mean value and standard deviation. The
mean value is used to determine the average
respondent's answers from the observed variables.
The high and low rating of respondents on each of
these variables can be seen from the mean bride. in
this calculation the researcher is helped by using
SPSS for windows version 16.0.
Based on the results of descriptive analysis for
work motivation variables obtained a minimum
score of 70 with a maximum value of 93, mean
(mean) 80,67, standard deviation 6,78, median
(middle value) 78.0, and mode (tendency appears)
77,0. Then the data description of the work
motivation of RA heads in Pekanbaru City can be
seen in the table as follows.
Table 1. Description of Work Motivation
Score Kategorisasi Number of
(µ+1,0 ) X 72 X Head 26 96,3
(µ-1,0 ) X < (µ+1,0 ) 60 X < 72 Medium 1 3,7
X < (µ-1,0 ) X < 60 Low 0
The table above states that the Head of RA of
Pekanbaru City has a high category of 26 people
(96.3%) and is in the medium category of 1 person
(3.7%) and none of them are in the low category.
Thus, it can be concluded that the Head of RA in
Pekanbaru City has high work motivation.
The results of descriptive analysis for self-
concept variables obtained a minimum score of 69
with a maximum value of 90, mean (mean) 80,
standard deviation of 5.72, median (middle value)
79, and mode (tendency to appear) 78. Then the
description of the self-concept data of the head RA
in the city of Pekanbaru can be seen in the table as
Table 2. Description of Self-Concepts
Skor Kategorisasi Jumlah Subyek Prosentase
(µ+1,0 ) X 75 X Tinggi 27 100
(µ-1,0 ) X < (µ+1,0 ) 62,5 X < 75 Sedang 0 0
X < (µ-1,0 ) X < 62,5 rendah 0 0
The table above states that the Head of RA of
Pekanbaru City who has a high self-concept is 7
people (100%) and no one is in the medium or low
category. Thus, it can be concluded that the Head of
RA in Pekanbaru City has a high self-concept.The
data on the working period of the Head of RA City
of Pekanbaru is stated in the following table.
Table 3. Years of Service
Masa Kerja JumlahSubyek Prosentase
0 – 3 tahun 5 18,5
4 – 6 tahun 5 18,5
7 – 9 tahun 9 33,3
10 – 12 tahun 5 18,5
13 – 15 tahun 3 11,1
Working Motivation Reviewed from Self Concept and Working Head of Raudhatul Athfal School (RA) Pekanbaru City
Based on the statistical analysis between the self-
concept of the principal's work motivation, the
correlation coefficient (r) = 0.279 and the coefficient
of determination (r2) = 0.078. This means that there
is a strong influence between self-concept on work
motivation, it can be concluded that the contribution
of self-concept to the teacher's work motivation is
only 1%. These results show that self-concept is one
of the factors that influence work motivation.
Work motivation and self-concept of the heads
of RA in Pekanbaru City are stated to have a high
category. The self-concept of the principal is one of
the supporting factors for the working motivation of
RA head of Pekanbaru City. The results obtained
imply that the higher the self-concept of the
principal, the higher the work motivation of the head
of RA Kota Pekanbaru.
Individuals who have a positive self-concept are
individuals who understand well about themselves
so that they will accept their strengths and
weaknesses, their self-assessment will be more
positive in their views of life and can design life
goals in facing reality. Thus, the head of the City of
Pekanbaru RA who has a high self-concept has a
strong influence on his work motivation in leading
educational institutions based on aspects of the
development of the child's age.
Significant and positive influence on self-
concept variables on the work motivation of the
head of RA proves that the theory that states self-
concept will determine the condition of the RA head
and is expected to increase the motivation of his
work in the literature in line with the proposed frame
of mind. Thus, through this study proved that self-
concept is one of the determining factors for work
motivation, in addition to other factors. Thus, the
first hypothesis put forward in this study is proven.
The results of the statistical analysis between the
working period of the principal's work motivation
obtained the correlation coefficient (r) = 0.043 and
the coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.002. This
means that there is a strong influence between the
working period on work motivation, it can be
concluded that the contribution of the work period to
the teacher's work motivation is only 1%. This result
shows that working period is one of the factors that
influence work motivation. The longer the working
period of the head of RA Kota Pekanbaru, the higher
the motivation of his work. The length of work
period will affect his work experience so that his
work motivation will be even higher.
Furthermore, the results of the statistical analysis
between self-concept and tenure on the principal's
work motivation obtained the correlation coefficient
(r) = 0.279 and the coefficient of determination (r2)
= 0.078. This means that there is a strong influence
between self-concept and tenure on work
motivation, it can be concluded that the contribution
of self-concept to teacher work motivation is 1%.
These results show that self-concept and tenure are
one of the factors that influence work motivation.
Work motivation is something that gives rise to
enthusiasm or work motivation. Motivation is giving
or driving that creates excitement for someone to
work together, work effectively and integrated with
all efforts to achieve satisfaction. Work motivation
possessed by the head of the City of Pekanbaru RA
is a psychological condition that encourages the
heads of RA to carry out business or activities to
achieve school goals and individual goals, it has
been proven in this study that work motivation has
been influenced by self concepts and years of
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