Efforts to Increase Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes using
KWL Learning Model (KNOW-WANT-LEARN)
Chandra Anugrah Putra
Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya, RTA. Milono, Km. 1,5, Central of Borneo, Indonesia
Keywords: Indonesian Language, Learning, KWL Model
Abstract: This research is aimed : (1) to improve Indonesian language learning activity by using learning model
KWL, (2) to improve Indonesian language learning outcomes by using learning model KWL. The method
that used by researcher is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) that labour solved or answer the problem
paced in situation right now. The result of this research stated that the implementation learning model
KWL could to improve Indonesian language outcomes the Vth grade students of Primary school 1 Lunuk
Ramba Basarang District Kapuas Regency. It was based on the result of the research with the result score
in learning activity that has been done during twice cycle. Could be conclude that : the implementation
learning model KWL could to improve students learning outcomes, it could be seen from the pre-action
average = 59, the average of first cycle = 62 with the classical completeness 60%, and the average of second
cycle = 78,3 with the classical completeness 93%.
In essence, education is an activity that has lasted
the same age as humans, meaning that since the
existence of human beings there have been
educational efforts in order to give the ability of the
students to be able to live in society. Education is
expected not only be theoretical, but must always
relate to the surrounding environment, so that
learners are able to absorb concepts easily and can
apply knowledge in everyday life. But until now
education is still not in accordance with expectations
and has not achieved optimal results, this is
especially the case in Indonesian language lessons.
According to Susanto (2012: 242) "Indonesian
is a fundamental subject that has been taught since
kindergarten up to university, because Indonesian
has an important role in the intellectual, social,
emotional development of learners, and is a support
success in studying all areas of study". Learning a
language is essentially learning communication.
Therefore, language learning is directed to improve
the ability of learners in communicating, both oral
and written.
Language skills for every human being are
indispensable in everyday life, as human social
beings interact, communicate with other beings
using language as a medium, both communicating
using spoken and written language. Meanwhile,
Sumantri (2015: 342) stated that "In the process of
learning the teacher is expected to present the
learning materials with interesting so that learners
are expected to be easy to understand the material
convey, active and concentrate in learning, and the
expected learning outcomes of learners increased”.
But in reality, in learning activities of learners less
understanding of the material presented, learners are
less active and concentrate in learning, which then
affects the learning outcomes of learners.
The low learning outcome of Indonesian language
is caused by several factors, one of which is the
learner does not understand the material presented
by the teacher, so that the impact on the learning
outcomes of Bahasa Indonesia becomes low and not
in accordance with the predefined strandar that has
been established. At the time of learning took place
students are also less concentrated and less active as
rarely ask questions or answer questions asked by
teachers, so it takes a strategy that can build
understanding of learners in learning Indonesian and
make learners participate actively in learning
It cannot be allowed to continue because the
purpose of learning will not be achieved well in
every lesson learned. That fact is a problem that
must be handled by teachers and other relevant
parties. One effort that can be done so that learners
Putra, C.
Efforts to Increase Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes using KWL Learning Model (KNOW-WANT-LEARN).
DOI: 10.5220/0009015800002297
In Proceedings of the Borneo International Conference on Education and Social Sciences (BICESS 2018), pages 22-27
ISBN: 978-989-758-470-1
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
are interested and easy to understand the material
presented is by connecting the material with the
experience and knowledge of the students, and using
the learning media in accordance with the material
to be delivered, in an effort to improve learning
outcomes learners can be done using the
Know-Want-Learn (KWL) learning model.
Learning using the KWL strategy learning model
can help teachers to live a background of knowledge
(knowledge already possessed or previously
accepted) and the interests of learners on a topic.
This KWL strategy involves three basic steps that
can help learners to provide an understanding of
what they already know, determine what they want
to know and recall what they have learned.
Learning model can be interpreted as a way, as well
as pattern, which has a purpose to present the
message to learners that must be known, understood,
and understood that is by making a pattern or sample
with materials selected by educators / teachers in
accordance with the material given and conditions
within the classroom. Generally the term model is
defined as a conceptual framework used as a guide
in doing an activity, learning.
According to Sumantri (2015: 38) "The model of
learning is a form of learning that is illustrated from
beginning to end, presented typically by teachers".
The same thing is expressed by Hamzah (2011: 219)
"The Learning Model is a plan or pattern that can be
used to form a curriculum (long-term learning plan),
designing learning materials, and guiding classroom
or other learning".
Dick and Carey (Sumantri, 2015: 40) stated that
"The learning model is a set of materials and
learning procedures used together to generate
student learning outcomes".
Based on the above explanation can be concluded
that the learning model is a conceptual framework
used as a guide in conducting an activity to support
learning activities. A good learning model should be
able to stimulate learners to be active in learning.
Not only physically, but also related to the mental
and emotional learners.
According to Farida (2009: 41), this model was
developed by Ogle in 1986, to help teachers revive
background knowledge and interests of learners on a
topic. Farida (2009: 41) "KWL provides the purpose
of reading and providing an active role of learners
before, during and after reading". This KWL model
can also strengthen the ability of learners in
developing questions on various topics.
Hamzah (2011: 108) says that Know-Want-Learn
Model is an extension of Know which means
knowing, Want meaning to want, and Learn which
means learning. Thus, the KWL strategy is a strategy
that can make a child think about what a topic is
known and what is known about the topic.
Based on the above explanation can be concluded
that KWL learning model is a strategy that can make
learners have an active role in thinking about what is
known before, during and after reading, this model
also aims to bring the initial knowledge of learners
about the topic of reading material given and
provide the freedom for learners to assess their
understanding of reading material.
According to Farida (2009: 41) there are three
basic steps that guide students in giving a way of
what they already know, determining what they want
to know, and remembering what they learn, as
1) First Step
This step is the Know (K) step of "what I know"
is a brainstorming activity of prior knowledge and
experience on the topic. It then generates categories
of information experienced in reading when
discordant suggestions occur in class discussions.
The teacher begins by asking questions, such as
"What do you know about ...?" And write down the
learners' responses on the board. Then continue the
discussion by asking the next question, such as
"Where did you learn about it?" Or "How do you
know?" When learners raised ideas in class
discussions and participated, learners also recorded
information they already knew about the topic being
2) Step Two
In the second step, What I want to learn (W), the
teacher guides the learner to develop a specific goal
of reading from a topic. From interest, curiosity, and
vagueness, generated during the first step, the
teacher rearranges the questions the learner asks and
writes the teacher on the board. Then the teacher
tries to lure the learner's questions and encourage the
learner to choose one question available on the
board. These questions are then presented as the goal
of reading a topic to be studied.
3) Third Step
Steps What I have Learned (L), is a step that
occurs after reading a topic. This activity is a
follow-up to determine, expand, and find a set of
reading goals. After that learners record the
information they have learned, identifying
Efforts to Increase Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes using KWL Learning Model (KNOW-WANT-LEARN)
unanswered questions.
KWL strategy learning models help learners to
explain their ideas about a concept, familiarize
learners with the knowledge they have learned with
what they read, and can strengthen learners' abilities
to develop questions on various topics. In addition,
the weakness of this KWL strategy learning model is
that learners who do not have basic knowledge or
prior knowledge of the topic will find it difficult to
fill in the columns and this model is less suitable for
readers with weak thinking and memory.
Researchers do learning by using KWL strategy
learning model. By using this learning model is
expected to improve learning outcomes and learning
activities of learners. Through KWL strategy
learning model, learners will be easy to understand
the material presented, and learners will be active in
following the learning activities of Indonesian, so
the result of learning Indonesian on the material
concludes the story of children's content in a few
sentences has increased.
The type of research used in this research is to use
Class Action Research (CAR) design, which is
planned with two cycles. TOD is defined as a
reflection of research by taking certain actions to
improve and improve classroom teaching practices
to be more qualified so that learners can achieve
better learning outcomes. According to Arikunto
(2015: 124) "Classroom action research is action
research conducted by teachers with the aim of
improving the quality of classroom learning
Classroom action research (CAR) is a research
that seeks to solve problems or answer problems
encountered in certain situations done in the
classroom in order to overcome the existing
problems and improve the quality of classroom
learning practices.
Based on the type of research used is the use of
classroom action research (CAR) then the researcher
is the party who feel a problem that needs to be
resolved. The position of researchers in this study is
a very decisive factor. Therefore researchers are
involved and act directly as planners, teachers,
executors, data collection, data analyzer, and
reporting research results. Researchers should also
familiarize themselves with the subject of research
or learners, with the aim to obtain and collect data
that is really objective related to the problems
The design in classroom action research (CAR) is
characterized by cycles, each cycle consisting of
four stages: planning, action execution, observation
and reflection. Arikunto (2009: 17) said that
"Planning explains about what, why, when, where,
by whom and how the action is implemented". In
this planning stage the activities undertaken are:
reviewing the material and determining the
indicators, preparing the according to predetermined
indicators with KWL strategy learning model,
providing learning media and providing research
According Arikunto (2009: 18) "Implementation
of the action is the implementation or
implementation of the design that has been
determined that is about class action”. The
implementation of this classroom action research is
planned in 2 cycles. Implementation of the action is
adjusted to the planned implementation of learning
that has been prepared beforehand through planning
Arikunto, et al (2009: 127) states that
"Observation is the activity of observation (data
retrieval) to determine the effect of actions that have
been done. Implementation of observation takes
place at the same time as the implementation of the
action ". This activity is carried out collaboratively
with the help of classroom teachers while learning
activities take place to observe learners' learning
According to Arikunto (2009: 19) "Reflection is
an activity to bring back what has happened and has
done". The activities undertaken are assessing the
deficiencies and list the problems that arise in the
first cycle implementation, then with the
collaboration team to make follow-up planning for
the next cycle. Reflection is used to improve
planning and implementation of action in the next
Content validity is needed to answer the question
of the extent to which items on the test can measure
the overall material that has been taught. The high
degree of content validity can be established based
on rational analysis or expert consideration of the
contents of the test. This is a requirement that must
be met by the test results of learning, the level of
validity of the content of a test can be seen in the
planning or test grid. The more representative the
material that can be asked in the test shows the
higher the validity of the content.
Sugiyono (2013: 19) "Combined methods or
mixed methods are research approaches that
BICESS 2018 - Borneo International Conference On Education And Social
combine or link quantitative and qualitative
methods". In this research, data analyst technique
used to answer the problem formulation that has
been presented in Chapter I is by using concurrent
model (mixed combination).
According to Creswell (Sugiyono, 2013: 41)
states that "Concurrent model is a research
procedure, where researchers combine quantitative
and qualitative data in order to obtain a
comprehensive analysis to answer the problem
research". Data obtained through instruments that
have been collected before, then processed into two
types of data that is quantitative and qualitative.
Indicator is a benchmark or reference used to
determine the success of an activity or program, So
it is said to succeed if it meets all the components set
as indicators.
Description of the data presented in this study
consists of three types. The three types of data are
pre-action data, cycle I data, and cycle II data.
Pre-action data is preliminary test result data before
class action activity is performed. Data cycle I is
data obtained from the results of class action
activities that are applied in cycle I. Data cycle II is
data obtained from the results of class action
activities applied in cycle II.
Based on the data analysis done to the students, it
can be concluded the learners' learning results
obtained from the initial test or pre-test scored an
average of 59, out of 15 students, only 40% or 6
students who reached minimum criteria, as many as
60% or 9 students did not reach minimum criteria
that is 65. So the researcher continue the research on
cycle I by using KWL strategy learning model in
order to facilitate the learners in comprehending the
taught material.
The data of this research will be presented in the
form of test result data data (preliminary data in the
form of pre test, post test value of cycle I and post
test value of cycle II). Data of learning outcomes in
the learning activities of Indonesian language using
KWL strategy learning model can be seen in the
following tables and diagrams:
Table 1: Learning Outcomes Recapitulation
No. Name
Cycle I Cycle II
1. NA 30 65 85
2. KA 50 85 90
3. WI 78 63 65
4. KDA 86 66 100
5. MAP 80 75 90
6. WS 39 65 75
7. KS 76 70 100
8. NR 63 55 70
9. AGP 63 70 93
10. MA 10 20 50
11. MK 55 50 68
12. KI 70 36 69
13. KL 60 65 65
14. PAS 61 90 90
15. PH 65 55 65
Amount 886 930 1.175
Mean 59 62 78,3
Result 40 % 60% 93%
The increase in value graphs from Cycles I, II are
illustrated below:
Figure 1.
Based on the data analysis done to the students,
it can be concluded the learners' learning results
obtained from the initial test or pre-test scored an
average of 59, out of 15 students, only 40% or 6
students who reached minimum criteria, as many
as 60% or 9 students did not reach minimum
Efforts to Increase Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes using KWL Learning Model (KNOW-WANT-LEARN)
criteria that is 65. So the researcher continue the
research on cycle I by using KWL strategy learning
model in order to facilitate the learners in
comprehending the taught material.
The result of the research in cycle I which was
held on Saturday, August 13, 2016, that the students'
learning outcomes increased by using the KWL
strategy learning model, the total score of the
students reached 930 with the average grade 62 and
the classical learning completeness of 60% . In this
first cycle of 15 students, only 60% or 9 students get
65, 40% or 6 students get 65. It has not fulfilled
the minimum standard of learning mastery that is
85% with the average grade of 65, so the
researchers continue peneitian on cycle II.
The results of the research on cycle II that was
held on Monday, August 15, 2016, that the total
value of the total students reached 1175 with an
average grade of 78.3 and 93% complete learning
classical. It has met the minimum standard of
learning mastery that is 85% with the average grade
grade 65. So on the second cycle in the level of
achievement of the average value of mastery has met
the minimum requirement of completeness of
learning and has achieved the success indicator of
research that has been established that learning
outcomes 65 with 85% classical completeness.
From the result of the research, there has been an
increase of learning outcome of Indonesian language
by using KWL strategy learning model from
preliminary data with an average score of 59 and
40% clasical completeness, cycle I with average
value 62 and 60% classical completeness and cycle
II with value average 78.3 and 96% classical
completeness, it can be seen that the learning
outcomes increase from pre action, cycle I and cycle
Based on the studies that have been discussed can be
1. Student learning activities of grade V Primary
School 1 Lunuk Ramba on learning activities of
Indonesian language using KWL strategy learning
model increased, become more vibrant and active.
2. There is improvement of learning result of
Indonesian by using KWL strategy learning model
in V class student Primary School 1 Lunuk Ramba
basarang district of kapuas district of academic year
2016/2017. These improvements can be seen from
the learning outcomes of learners on the subjects of
Bahasa Indonesia, especially on the material read
quickly 75 words permenit. In the first cycle, the
average score of students was 62 with 60% classical
completeness and increased in cycle II with average
value of 78.3 and 93% classical completeness.
For the principal, it is expected to suggest the
teacher to apply the learning by using KWL strategy
learning model on the learning activities, in order to
improve the spirit and the learner activity in the
learning process and can improve the learners'
learning outcomes.
For teachers, it is advisable to use KWL strategy
learning model as an alternative in learning activities
especially Indonesian subjects so that learners are
more active, concentrated, and passionate in learning
activities, so as to improve learners' learning
outcomes. This is because the learning model of
KWL strategy is proven to increase the activity and
learning outcomes of learners in learning activities
Bahasa Indonesia. Schools need to provide facilities
and infrastructure to support learning activities so
that teachers and learners more easily in conducting
learning activities.
The researchers would like to extend their gratitude
to Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya for
their support, and to those who have supported the
researcher to continue working in the field of
educational research, hopefully the results of this
research can be useful for the community, especially
the innovators and experts education.
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Efforts to Increase Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes using KWL Learning Model (KNOW-WANT-LEARN)