Design Guidelines for Urban Aesthetic to Strengthen Visual Quality
at Town Corridor in Pontianak City Center
Andi Zulestari Z
, Nunik Hasriyanti
and Ismail Ruslan
Architecture Department, Faculty of Architecture, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Jenderal Ahmad Yani Street, Pontianak
78124, Kalimantan Barat Province, Indonesia
Urban Design Department, Faculty of Architecture, Politeknik Negeri Pontianak, Jenderal Ahmad Yani Street, Pontianak
78124, Kalimantan Barat Province, Indonesia
Faculty of Sharia and Islamic Economics, Institut Agama Islam Negeri Pontianak, LetJend Suprapto Street, Kalimantan
Barat Province, Indonesia
Keywords: street corridors, trade areas, urban aesthetic, visual quality
Abstract: Pontianak, as the capital city of West Kalimantan Province, has a very rapid development at this time.
Construction of buildings and commercial buildings has greatly improved, especially in arterial road and
collector road corridors in the city center. Along with the development, it should be balanced with the quality
of the road space. However, in reality, it only shows the beauty of the building and has not provided the beauty
of the corridor space, so it needs to be identified, evaluated and analyzed to achieve visual images that provide
aesthetic corridor space. The purpose of this study was to identify the physical characteristics of the road
corridor space, especially the building facade at Diponegoro Street, Agus Salim Street, and Gajahmada Street,
in order to design the direction of the city's aesthetic design and to strengthen the visual quality of the road
corridor based on spatial quality elements. This research is included in the type of qualitative-descriptive
research, which is carried out using an analytical approach by identifying physical characteristics of corridor
space based on unity design, assessing visual quality based on identification of spatial quality elements of
space, and directing the design. The expected results are the direction of urban aesthetic that strengthens visual
quality in the corridor in Pontianak City Center.
As part of the urban environment, the road corridor
needs to have visual qualities that can shape the
observer's experience and perception in
understanding the picture, structure, and meaning of
the city. So far, the development in Pontianak City
has only paid attention to buildings and their
functions, thus ignoring the quality of urban design.
One of the qualities is the visual quality of the road
space. Visual quality of the street space should be
considered to be part of the city development because
the quality of the city also starts from the road space.
In a city, the visual impression of an observer in
an area can determine the character of an urban area.
The community's impression of the visual
environment can strengthen the meaning of space and
indicate the character of the appropriate environment.
The visual system is a unit of urban visual elements
that can provide comfort and visual enjoyment as a
result of the formation of the physical elements of the
region/city. Pontianak, as the capital city of West
Kalimantan Province, has a very rapid development
at this time. Construction of commercial buildings
and other buildings has greatly improved, especially
in arterial road and collector road corridors in the city
Along with the development, it should be
balanced with the quality of the road space as an
aesthetic supporter of urban space and a link between
existing buildings. This connection will greatly
influence the comfort and security of the users of the
existing road space. The current condition of the road
corridors in Pontianak visually still does not show an
urban aesthetic aspect that can provide an increase in
visual quality of space. The buildings on Gajahmada
Street, Ahmad Yani Street, Tanjungpura Street, Sutan
Syahrir Street, Diponegoro Street, Teuku Umar
Street, and other streets with various forms of
buildings, only show the beauty of the building and
Zulestari Z, A., Hasriyanti, N. and Ruslan, I.
Design Guidelines for Urban Aesthetic to Strengthen Visual Quality at Town Corridor in Pontianak City Center.
DOI: 10.5220/0008905000002481
In Proceedings of the Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference (BEST ICON 2018), pages 39-48
ISBN: 978-989-758-414-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
have not provided the beauty of the corridor space, so
it needs to be identified, evaluated, and analyzed to
achieve visual images that provide aesthetic corridor
The importance of this research is to identify the
physical characteristics of the road corridor space,
especially the building facade on Diponegoro Street,
Agus Salim Street, and Gajahmada Street, in order to
strengthen the corridor's visual character and to
design the design direction of the city to strengthen
the visual quality of the road corridor based on spatial
quality elements of an outdoor space.
From some results of previous studies, Ayu
(2017) has stated that the most influential visual
quality is cohesiveness and conformity, continuity,
and sequences, whereas according to Pawitro (2015),
aspects that are important to be considered in efforts
to restructure and improve City areas related to 'the
urban Esthetic' include: (1) City Open Space Scale,
(2) Role and Function of City Open Space, (3)
Attraction to City Open Space, (4) Landscape and
Green System Conditions in the Area, (5) Vista
Condition (Landscape), (6) Viewing Direction
(View) to the surroundings, (7) Diversity of
Architectural Potential in the Region, (8) Aesthetic
Elements in the Region, (9) Clarity of Regional
Characteristics (10) Condition-based Maintenance of
Old Building, (11) Condition of Shelters, Zebra
Crossing and Pedestrian Bridges, (12) Sidewalk
Conditions and Pedestrian Lines, (13) Signage in
Regions, and (14) Arrangement of Ads or
By allocating objects forming corridor space
along with visual characteristics possessed by the
principles of visual aesthetic preparation, it is
expected that the road corridor space can provide
positive visual quality to the observer so that this part
of the city can contribute to the overall image of the
environment and city. The roads that need to be
considered are Jalan Diponegoro - Jalan Agus Salim
-Jalan Gajahmada, which are primary collector road
that connects trade centers in the city of Pontianak.
The development of these roads is also included
very quick with the construction of hotels and centers
of culinary activities along these roads. Jalan
Diponegoro, Jalan Agus Salim, and Jalan Gajahmada
have a main generator that functions as regional
generator nodes, namely the Flamboyan Market and
coffee shops spreading evenly along this road. This
area is dominated by shops, supermarkets, services,
mixed-use buildings, car showrooms, workshops,
banks, hotels, shophouses, and shops.
These three roads are now in the stage of
improving the quality of the pedestrian space, but it
must be also balanced by the aesthetic quality of the
road corridor, especially the quality of building
facade which should follow aesthetic uniformity with
consideration of design unity. Several public realms
(public facilities), such as the streetscape (road space
processing), pedestrian interaction between the road
and the building (frontage), the shape and type of
building, building height, street furniture, parking
spaces, open spaces, are not well facilitated,
especially on Diponegoro Street, Agus Salim Street,
and part of Gajahmada Street, so that the visual
quality of the road corridor becomes uncontrolled and
less directed. This will affect the spatial aspect of the
city, especially in the visual quality of the city.
According to these facts, there are problems that
need to be addressed using the form of research
questions as follows: How can the design unity be
used to identify the physical characteristics of the
corridor space of Jalan Diponegoro, Jalan Agus
Salim, and Jalan Gajahmada in order to strengthen
visual aesthetic character of the corridor?
The purpose of this study was to identify the
physical characteristics of the road corridor space,
especially the building facade at Jalan Diponegoro,
Jalan Agus Salim, and Jalan Gajahmada to strengthen
the visual character of the corridor and to design the
direction of the city's aesthetic design to strengthen
the visual quality of the corridor based on the spatial
quality elements of an outdoor space, namely shape,
size, continuity, height of frame, floor configuration,
architectural characteristics of surround buildings,
and sculpture. The research objectives were achieved
through an analytical approach by identifying the
physical characteristics of the corridor space based on
unity design, assessing visual quality based on
identification of spatial quality elements of space, and
directing using design guidelines.
This research is included in the type of qualitative-
descriptive research, which is a research that seeks to
describe the current problem solving based on data.
This approach also presents data, analyzes, and
interprets an existing phenomenon. In this study,
there were research objectives achieved through an
analytical approach by identifying the physical
characteristics of corridor space based on unity
design, assessing visual quality based on
identification of spatial quality elements of space, and
directing design.
From the target, the data will be analyzed based
on: 1). Analysis of physical identification of the
facade corridor space based on unity of the design on
BEST ICON 2018 - Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference 2018
location of observation. 2). Visual quality analysis of
observed road corridors 3). Designing directives that
strengthen the visual aesthetic quality of the corridor
The analysis technique used in processing data is
explained as follows:
1). Identification analysis of the physical condition of
the area will use evaluation analysis techniques.
Evaluation method, according to Hedman (1984),
includes the selection criteria. This analysis method
is divided into three steps:
Exploring or discovering the identity of the area
along the corridor of Diponegoro Street, Agus
Salim Street, and Gajahmada Street based on the
identity study aspect.
Determining identity elements that strengthen
the visual character of the street corridor based
on unity in design aspects (11 elements of
linkage design) and principles of visual aesthetic
arrangement (rhythm, sequence, proportion,
unity, symmetry, axis)
Summarizing problems related to visual
aesthetic aspects of identity elements as facts for
further analysis.
2). Character valuation analysis techniques are used
as a form of urban design analysis (Urban Design
Toolkit MFE, 2006). This method is divided into
three steps:
Making observations in the field of the
following character features:
Table 1. Character Feature Assessment
Source: Hedman (1984) and Urban Design Toolkit
Linking observations with existing conditions to
support observations
Evaluating the visual conditions and assessing
to find out the problem or physical potential and
the visual aesthetic character of space.
3). Triangulation analysis technique was used as a
technique to check the validity of data. In this data
triangulation technique, an analytical approach to
three data sources is used:
Empirical facts as data from the results of the
analysis of objectives 1 and 2 in the form of
problems related to aspects of research studies
References in the form of related theories,
policies, and case studies.
Experts are respondents who have an
understanding of structuring efforts related to
the problems under study.
Danisworo (Kompas article, 24 April 2018)
based his assessment on the capital city of Indonesia,
Jakarta, on three main principles, which are
functional quality, visual quality, and environmental
quality. Functional quality is the quality of a city that
guarantees the safety, security, comfort,
effectiveness, and efficiency of its citizens in their
activities. Visual quality is about the clarity,
aesthetics, character, and identity of the city.
Residents are easy to move because they are guided
by directions orderly, not chaotically. Meanwhile,
the quality of the environment is how Jakarta can
adapt to the environment concerning climate,
ecology, society, and culture.
Pawitro (2015), in his study on improving
important aspects in the aesthetic of the city in the
downtown area, has concluded that the aspects that
are considered to be important in the efforts to
restructure and improve the area are: (1) Scale of
City Open Space, (2) Roles and Functions of City
Open Space, (3) Attractiveness to the City Open
Space, (4) Landscape and Green System Conditions
in the Area, (5) Vista Condition (Landscape), (6)
Viewpoint (View) around the Area, (7) Architectural
Diversity in Regions, (8) Esthetic Elements in the
Area, (9) Clarity of Regional Characteristics (10)
Condition-based Maintenance of Old Building, (11)
Condition of Shelters, Zebra Crossing, and
Pedestrian Bridges, (12) Condition of Sidewalks and
Pedestrian Trails, (13) Signage to the Area, and (14)
Arrangement of Advertising/Advertising. Ayu
(2017) concluded from the results of the study that
the visual quality on Letjen. S. Parman Street was
classified as medium. The most influential form-
based code variable on Letjen. S. Parman street is
Feature character
of Facade
Upper facade and building cornice
Entrance (door, access ramps)
Windows (material, size, displays,
Security grilles
Color of Building
Height of frame
Floor Configuration
Architectural characteristics of the
surrounding buildings
Design Guidelines for Urban Aesthetic to Strengthen Visual Quality at Town Corridor in Pontianak City Center
vehicular lanes and parking. Moreover, visual
qualities, namely integration, suitability, continuity,
and sequence, are the most influential. This shows
that visual quality is formed from the suitability of
city elements as well as form-based codes with
standards, the surrounding environment, and the
consistency of form-based codes that result from
continuity and sequence.
According to some experts, describing the
visual quality of space in the road corridor can be
explained as in table 2:
Table 2. Indicators and Criteria of Visual Quality for
Corridor Space
quality of
space that
the feeling
of the
observer /
1. There are sequences of
interesting changes in
object view (serial
vision) / sequences)
2. The special
characteristics of a place
that distinguishes it from
other places through the
quality of the enclosure.
3. There is a harmonious
composition between
the objects forming the
1. There are two places
that are connected in a
neutral or hierarchical
2. There are elements that
visually connect the two
with clear
1. The form of a clear
space which is an
enclosed unit
2. The facade of the
building reflects the
3. The existence of a
unified composition of
the elements of the
corridor wall
with space
quality that
inspires the
1.The proportion of space
and mass forming gives
observer aesthetic
2.Objects in the corridor
sequences/continuity of
visual experience
Source: Synthesis from various sources, 2018
The scope of the study of City Architecture or
Urban Design (Paul D Spreiregen, 1969) in Pawitro
(2015) reveals that there are fields of study that
surround it. The scope of City Architecture or Urban
Design includes: (a) perspective and insight into the
'state territory' and 'urban area', (b) urban design at the
metropolitan city scale, (c) urban design and urban
scales , (d) elements of residency or residential areas,
(e) elements of entertainment and recreation places,
(f) elements of malls and plazas (open spaces), (g)
urban design on a single building scale, and (h )
handling the detailed (more detailed) scale of city
design activities. City aesthetics or the urban
aesthetics are the main goals of professional activities
of city architecture. Particular city or city area is
proposed in a proposal to the city government to
increase the aesthetic value of a particular city area.
The main focus of the efforts to improve the
city's aesthetic value is to seek, explore, and utilize
the potential of regional architecture in order to
realize the architectural physical appearance. The
above efforts are carried out in line with city planning
activities and urban design. Meanwhile, the approach
taken in the city architecture activity is a
comprehensive approach involving multi related
In large cities, especially in developing
countries, including the major cities in Indonesia,
efforts to create and realize the physical-ecological
environment and visual-aesthetic environment in
urban areas are in fact still lagging behind. Only in
the big cities of the metropolitan level, such as Jakarta
and Surabaya, the city government feels the need for
the references/guidelines/regulations relating to the
process of three-dimensional (3D) form of urban
areas. Architectural values of an urban area in several
major cities in Indonesia since the last three decades
have begun to be promoted towards the development
of a more intensive area with high socio-economic
value (Udjianto Pawitro, 2012).
2.1 Building Facade Components
Facade is a representation or expression of various
aspects that appear and can be observed visually. In
the context of urban architecture, building facades are
not only two-dimensional but also three-dimensional
in nature so that they can represent each building in
the public (city) or vice versa. For this reason, the
building facade component observed includes: A).
Gate and Entrance. When entering a building from the
direction of the road, one passes through various
gradations of something called "public". The position
of the entrance and architectonic meaning of the
entrance show the role and function of the building.
The entrance is a sign of the transition from the public
part (exterior) to the private part (interior). The
BEST ICON 2018 - Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference 2018
entrance is an element of self-statement from the
occupants of the building. Sometimes the entrance
position gives the role and demonstrative function of
the building. The path from the gate to the building
forms a virtual line that becomes the datum of the
composition. Here it can be observed whether the
balance that occurs is absolute symmetry or only
geometrically balanced.
B). Ground Floor Zone. The ground floor zone
is the most important urban element of facade. The
base of a building, which is the base floor, is the most
important urban element of a facade. Because it
relates to the transition to the soil, the use of material
for this zone must be more durable than that for other
zones. The ground floor has a certain meaning in
urban life. Because this area is the most directly
accepted by humans, often the ground floor becomes
a shopping mall and other commercial companies.
C). Windows and entrances to buildings.
Windows and doors are seen as free spatial units. This
element allows a better view of urban life, namely the
presence of openings from inside the building to the
outside of the building. Window functions as a light
source for interior space, namely the effect of light
penetration on interior spaces. The window is also a
building opening that allows views from and out of
the building. In addition, to meet its functional needs,
windows can also be a decorative element in the wall
area. The door plays a decisive role in the context of
the building, because the door prepares guests before
entering the room, therefore the meaning of the door
must be considered from various points of view. The
activity of entering space in a building is basically a
vertical wall penetration. It can be made with a
variety of designs from the simplest, such as making
a hole in the plane of the wall, to the form of a strict
and complicated gate. The position of the door on a
building is very important to further emphasize the
function of the door as a field between the outside
space and the space in the building. It is because the
location or position of a door is closely related to the
shape of the space entered, which will determine the
path configuration and activity patterns in the room.
D). Guardrail (railing). It is needed when there
is a danger in a room. The guardrail is also a physical
barrier that is used if there are social agreements
regarding space use. E). Roofs and Building Endings.
There are 2 types of roof, namely flat roof and alpine-
style roof, which is more common. The roof is the top
part of the building. The roof fixed in the context of
facade here is seen as a building boundary with the
sky. The skyline formed by the facade rows and the
building figures cannot only be seen as a barrier, but
also as an object that holds the secret and collective
memory of its citizens.
F). Signs and Ornaments on Facade. Signs are
all things that are installed by shop owners,
companies, offices, banks, restouts, and others in
front of the building. They can be in the form of
information boards, advertisements, and billboards.
These signs can be made together with the building,
but they can also be made separately from the
building. Signs in buildings, such as information
boards, advertisements, or billboards, are important
for all types of commercial buildings because these
signs are a form of corporate visual communication
to the public that informs the intentions of the
commercial company while ornaments are visual
completeness which has a role as an aesthetic element
in the building facade. Ornamentation on the facade
of commercial building, other than as a decorative
element of the building, is also as an attraction or
advertisement intended to attract people's attention.
2.2 Composition on Building Facade
Building facade itself depends heavily on changes in
sociocultural society. The diversity of the building
facade display is a modification of various design
elements that from time to time transforms.
According to Ching (2007), the visual form of
equipment that is the object of transformation and
modification of the shape of elements in the building
facade includes the figure, size, color, texture,
position, orientation, and visual inertia. It is strongly
against the selection of visual shape equipment so that
the appearance of the figure, color, size, texture, etc.,
often illustrates conditions and trends that are
emerging when the facade design is made.
To evaluate or study facade architecture,
according to DK Ching (2007), the visual
components that become objects of transformation
and modification of the building facade can be
observed by classifying the principles of formative
ideas that emphasize geometry, symmetry, contrast,
rhythm, proportion and scale.
Facades Geometry is a formative idea in
architecture that embodies geometrical
principles in a field or object in a built
Design Guidelines for Urban Aesthetic to Strengthen Visual Quality at Town Corridor in Pontianak City Center
environment, triangle, circle, rectangle, and its
Symmetry is a formative idea that directs
building design to a balance that occurs in the
built environment. It is divided into symmetry
with absolute balance, symmetry with geometric
balance, and symmetry with diagonal balance.
To build a balanced composition, symmetry
must be far more dominant than asymmetry. The
facade must have 'faces' which reflect different
planned solutions but remain symmetrical
within themselves (by analogy with the human
body). Side view can play a minor role in
balancing the front and back appearances.
Depth Contrast is a formative idea that takes into
account the color and dark and light differences
that occurs in the facade element. The level of
difference is categorized into 3 levels: very dark,
dark, bright.
Rhythm is an illustrative typology that shows
building components in the form of repetitions
on both large and small scale. The components
can be in the form of columns, doors, windows,
or ornaments. The small repeated scale is
categorized as monotonous rhythm while the
bigger one is categorized as dynamic rhythm.
Proportion is the comparison between one part
and the other part in one of the facade elements.
In determining the proportion of buildings, the
considerations are usually the limits applied to
the form, the nature of the material, the function
of the structure or the production process.
Because there is a basis in determining the
proportion, the determination of the proportion
of the shape and space of the building is entirely
the decision of the designer, that has the ability
to process architectural forms, develop basic
geometry forms and so on.
Scale, in architecture, shows a comparison
between building elements or space with a
particular element and its size for humans. In the
context of the building facade, the scale is the
proportion used to determine the size and
dimensions of the facade element
Facade configuration elements that can shape
the image of a building are:
1. Elements of space openings that can be in the
form of doors, windows, BV, and aesthetic
opening elements.
2. Field of building facade. If the façade is in solid
form, it will give closed impression, but if its
dominant material is transparent (void), it will
give the impression of being open and friendly.
3. Application of dominant facade material. For
example, dominance of glass or wood will give
warm and familiar impression.
4. Types and methods in finishing façade. The
facade that is finished with concrete exposures,
natural stone or paint will give a different
impression. Paint finishing will give warmer
impression than exposed concrete will.
5. Color processing techniques. Color is one
element that is very important to create an
impression and perception on the observer (the
person who sees it).
3.1. Contents of The Discussion
This study was conducted at trade area on Jalan
Diponegoro, Jalan Agus Salim, and Jalan Gajahmada
in Administrative Village of Benua Melayu Darat,
West Pontianak sub-district, Pontianak, West
Kalimantan (see Fig.1).
Figure 1. Observation Location a). Diponegoro Street, b)
H. Agus Salim Street and c) Gajahmada Street Pontianak
City, West Kalimantan (Source: Google Earth, 2018)
The location of observation is one of the areas
that became trade center in the city of Pontianak.
Commercial functions dominate so that various
economic activities in the form of goods and services
provision offered in this region. Each road corridor in
this area has dominance over the types of trade and
services offered in the morning, afternoon, and
evening. So, it clarifies the character of the trading
function on each path. During the day, this trade
center offers goods and services, such as household
needs, office supplies, vehicles, telecommunications,
banking, and culinary. Meanwhile at night, the area is
known as cafe street area with coffee shops located
along both sides of the lane or in other corridors
within the area.
3.2. Building Regulation
In general, land use in the Gajahmada street area,
BEST ICON 2018 - Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference 2018
specifically in the main corridor of Gajahmada Street,
and the connecting corridor to Tanjungpura Street are
dominated by trade functions and service buildings.
Diponegoro and H. Agus Salim Street are also
connecting street and corridors to the Tanjungpura
Street. These trade functions include shops, shopping
centers, stalls, and street vendors while service
functions include banking, hospitality, workshops,
offices and health services. Besides the above
functions, there are other functions in the main
corridors in this region, namely educational and
religious facilities as well as fire fighting facilities.
For residential functions in this area, there are
zones/blocks in the main corridor. The intensity of
land use in the area of the main corridor and
connecting corridors almost have KBD of 90-100%
with a building height of at least 2 floors and a
maximum of 16 floors with the basic building
coefficient level of 90-100% in average (Pontianak
City RTBL 2014). The density and distance between
buildings throughout the area are very dense and
3.3. Physical Identification Analysis of
Facade Corridor Space Based on Facade
3.3.1. Facade Elements on Diponegoro Street
and Agus Salim Street
These streets are two opposite street segments
separated by the Trench and each has one direction
and is directly interconnected with Gajahmada Street.
Figure 2. Serial Vision Mapping of Elements Facade on
Diponegoro Street and H. Agus Salim Street
(Source: Mapping and Documentation, 2018)
This street corridor is a trade area located in the
center of Pontianak. The function of commercial
buildings dominates this region so that trading
activities occur in the morning, afternoon, and night.
The building facade varies according to its function
(see table 3).
Table 3. Facade Elements of Buildings on Diponegoro
Street and H. Agus Salim Street
Observation Result
The use of rolling door doors with an average
width of 3 m for one door and doors with wood
The door on the building employs a garage
model, with a approximately 3m wide and a ±
2m height.
Canopies in several buildings have a height of 3
meters with aluminum material, 7 meters,
Canopy length ± 1.5 m, canopy height ± 4 m,
using concrete materials
Canopy length ± 2 m, canopy height ± 4 m, using
concrete materials.
dominant color follows the color of the wall
Concrete, plastic, wood materials
Guard &
There is no guardrail on the building.
fence on 2
, 3
, and 4
Lighting on buildings is on the ground floor
Lighting is on each floor of the building
No lighting (buildings without activity)
Lighting focuses on signage or building
In this building, there is no gate and entrance
because it is directly connected to the road.
There is no exterior display element in this
In front of the building, there are no plants, but
there are several plants beside the building.
There is pavement that directly connects to the
road, but there is no garden.
Some buildings have plants on 2
and 3
Signage Elements
There is no building signage in front of the
Some buildings have signage placed above the
A marker board placed above the building
There is no window display signage.
Some buildings have window display
There is no Mural signage
Upper Level Elements
There is no cornice. Cornice is at 2
and 3
The window in this building is made of glass, with
a simple design. Square shape
Wall materials in this building are concrete,
ceramics, glass, aluminum, and some walls of
buildings use steel material
Some buildings still retain their original shape,
but there are also buildings that have been renovated.
Design Guidelines for Urban Aesthetic to Strengthen Visual Quality at Town Corridor in Pontianak City Center
Facade elements will visually affect the visual quality
of the corridor so that this area needs to be identified
to find out its potential and weakness
3.3.2. Facade Elements on Gajahmada Street
Observations were made by making serial vision to
identify and analyze facade elements on the visual
quality of road corridors
Figure 3. Serial Vision Mapping of Facade Elements on
Gajahmada Street (Source: Mapping and Documentation,
The process of identifying facade elements was
carried out on both sides of the corridor to support
observation of the visual facade of the area (table 4).
Table 4. Building Facade Elements on Gajahmada Street
Observation Result
Storefront Elements
Canopies in several buildings have a
height of 3 meters with concrete
Canopy height ± 4 m, canopy is made
from concrete materials.
Canopy length ± 2 m, canopy height ±
4 m, concrete material.
dominant color follows the color of the
Concrete, plastic, wood materials
Use of a rolling door with a width of
3 meters and a height of 3 meters
Doors of wood material with a width
of 3 meters and a height of 3 meters
The door on the building employs
garage model, ± 3m width and ± 2m
Guard &
Security Grills
There is no fencing in the building.
fence is on the 2
, 3
and 3
balcony, 1 meter high
Railing from iron material is on the
balcony from 2
and 3
floor as a
safety requirement.
Lighting is on the ground floor only.
Lighting is on each floor of the
No lighting (buildings without
Lighting focuses on signage or
building markers.
Lighting is found in building signage
as a source of lighting
Main Gate
In this building, there is no gate and
entrance because it is directly
connected to the road.
There are two columns as canopy
support and circulation guide
There is no exterior display element.
Exterior display is according to the
product sold
There is secondary skin building with
floor and 3
floor, made from
metal material, ACP, concrete and
There are no plants, but beside the
building, there are several plants.
There is pavement that directly
connects to the road, but there is no
Some buildings have plants on 2
Signage Elements
There is no building signage in front
of the building.
Some buildings have signage placed
above the entrance.
A marker board placed above the
building canopy.
In the form of billboards vertically on
the ground floor of the building's
In the form of signage installed on the
secondary skin with an area covering
the 2
floor facade
Some buildings do not have window
display signage.
Building has a windows display
There is no mural signage
Upper Level Elements
There are no cornices
Cornice on 2
and 3
floors is clearly
visible on the building facade
Windows on buildings made of glass,
with a simple design.
Square shape
Classic form
Wall material in this building uses
concrete, ceramics, glass, aluminum as
materials and several walls of buildings
use steel material
Source: Analysis, 2018
BEST ICON 2018 - Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference 2018
3.4. Visual Quality Analysis of Corridors
Positive visual quality is explained in the criteria of
the principles of visual aesthetic structuring, namely
the existence of aesthetic composition (unity, balance,
rhythm), the sequence, the uniqueness and diversity,
and the continuity or visual continuity. Based on the
analysis of building facade elements located on
Diponegoro Street, H. Agus Salim Street, and
Gajahmada Street, there were several influences of
facade elements on visual quality.
Storefront Elements includes the same Awnings
with the same dominant height but there are
differences in width, material diversity, and color. The
entrance of the building is perpendicular to the road
without borders, but is emphasized by the increase in
the floor level towards the door of the building.
Rolling door has the same average height of 3 meters
with a wide width depending on the width of the
building while the materials are iron, aluminum, and
wood. The canopy functions as a reinforced main gate
with columns to direct circulation. It does not have a
guardrail because the terrace which functions as a
connecting corridor between buildings is directly
adjacent to the road. Some buildings have security
grills located on 2
, 3
and 4
floors for security
Certain buildings have exterior display elements
in accordance with the products marketed on the
ground floor and on the 2
floor with various
placement models. As a commercial area, trading
activities in this area are carried out until night so
lighting has a very important role. At night, the
activity is seen in buildings that have glass material.
Some lightings in the buildings are seen on the ground
floor, some are on all floors of the building. Some
lightings are from exterior displays or building
signage, but some lightings are applied in the entire
building along with exterior displays and signage.
Landscape and planting elements are found on the
-floor balconies at several buildings that function
as residence, but some other functions, such as hotels,
also apply the concept of green wall like in the
building facade. Irregularities that affect the principle
of unity, proportion, rhythm and color of storefront
elements have a negative impact on the facade
component and on the visual quality of the region in
Signage Elements in this area include the diversity of
building signage in terms of form, placement, and
dimensions. Although the main purpose is as
information of building functions, it has a negative
influence on the visual quality of the corridor and the
area. In this case, the scale element as a comparison
between signage and space is not suitable because the
signage dimension is large enough that it is placed
vertically in front of the building to cover the identity
of the next building so that in serial view, it has a
negative impact on the visual quality of the area.
Upper Level Elements in the existing buildings on
Diponegoro Street, H. Agus Salim Street, and
Gajahmada Road which include windows that have
various forms in accordance with the function of the
building are colonial buildings that still retain their
facade and facade elements, but need to be
rejuvenated. Some buildings are modern style
buildings with the dominance of glass, concrete,
ceramics and aluminum as building materials.
Material diversity is related to their respective
functions. In terms of proportion, there is a couple of
buildings where the relationship between the facade
elements as a whole has become a unified visual
relationship. However, there are also a number of
buildings in serial vision of which the proportion is
not achieved because of the determination of certain
forms of buildings that affects their visual quality.
3.5. Design Guidelines to Strengthen
Aesthetic Quality Visual Corridor Space
Facade configuration elements that can form the
image of a building that can be the direction of urban
aesthetic design to strengthen Visual Quality in
Pontianak City Central Corridor are shown in the
table 5:
Table5. Design Guidelines of Urban Aesthetic
Facade Elements
of Existing
Design Guidelines of Urban
Applying conformity of building
openings with building functions
without eliminating the building's
original identity in the form of
uniformed doors and windows,
both vertically and horizontally,
especially in couple buildings.
Reducing solid or massive field on
the facade so that closed
impression can be minimized. The
use of the facade constituent field
with transparent (void) dominance
will give open and friendly
Application of the principle of
solid void in the building facade in
order to avoid the use of floor
sheaths by applying building
material in accordance with its
function and reducing the
dimensions of building signage so
it will not dominate the entire
building façade
Design Guidelines for Urban Aesthetic to Strengthen Visual Quality at Town Corridor in Pontianak City Center
Applying the facade finishing
method according to the original
material of the building to create
harmony and unity with the
surrounding buildings.
Applying building rejuvenation by
applying colors in accordance with
the concept and building materials
because color is one element that
has a role to create the impression
and perception in accordance with
the function of the area in general
and the function of building in
Based on the results and discussions that have been
carried out related to the building facade elements on
visual quality in the corridor of downtown Pontianak,
some conclusions can be drawn as follows; 1) There
is a diversity of building facade elements which not
only can achieve its objectives in providing
information on the function of buildings and regions,
but can also have a negative impact on the visual
quality of the corridor, 2) Use of building materials
that are not in accordance with its function as
dominant materials of the facade of the building
causes the buildings to not achieve unity and
alignment of proportions, scale and sequence of
surrounding buildings, 3) Form, dimensions and
placement of building signage that are not in
accordance with its function reduce the visual quality
of the corridor so that it has a negative impact on
serial vision of the corridor and region. According to
this fact, it is necessary to make arrangements in
accordance with the design of urban aesthetic by
applying the facade configuration elements that can
form the image of a building. Positive visual quality
through the criteria of the principles of visual
aesthetic structuring is namely the existence of
aesthetic composition (unity, balance, rhythm), the
sequence, the uniqueness and diversity, and visual
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Editor : Hilda B Alexander
BEST ICON 2018 - Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference 2018