Speech Application Programming Interface for English
Pronunciation Learning
Achmad Teguh Wibowo
, Moch Yasin
, Mohammad Khusnu Milad
, Muhammad Andik Izzuddin
and Faris Mushlihul Amin
Departement of Information System, UIN Sunan Ampel, Jl. A Yani 117, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Learning, Teaching, Media, Speech Application Programming Interface, Human-Computer Interaction.
Abstract: Teaching and learning activity is a compulsory activity that should be done by all citizens in Indonesia for at
least nine years. This activity involves a role of a teacher in teaching students. A learning material, such as
English language, should be practiced by students for better understanding, whereas the quality of English
teachers in Indonesia varies between people. This tends to make students have differing levels of skill mastery
in this language learning depending on the teacher, especially in pronunciation. Current development of
technologies allows people to be more interactive. One of these technologies is the Speech Application
Programming Interface. This technology allows people to talk to the computer. This research proposes a new
learning method that involves a computer system that displays a set of attractive images and has the ability to
listen to student’s voice. Voice input is converted into text and will be matched to the data using an if-then
method. If the text is in the data, the student’s answer is correct. Thus, human-computer interaction can
improve the learning process because students become happier and have more standardized pronunciation
skill results.
In the learning and teaching activities at a school,
interactions take place between a teacher and students
or between a student and another when there is a
group learning activity. In these interactions, a
learning process occurs. Learning is generally defined
as a process that brings together cognitive, emotional,
and environmental influences and experiences to
obtain, improve, or make changes, knowledge, skills,
values, and worldviews (Illeris, 2000).
A teaching and learning process is a process of
action that is done intentionally, which then leads to
a change, the situation of which is different from the
actions caused by others (Suryabrata, 2001).From the
definition, not all changes refer to teaching and
learning. Some changes contain a conscious effort to
achieve certain goals. A teaching and learning
process will be more effective if it is not only taught,
but also practiced directly.
Current technological developments have been
able to facilitate teaching and learning activities to
become more interactive. One of such developments
is the Speech Application Programming Interface
(SAPI) technology. SAPI is the result of research
conducted by Microsoft Corporation in the form of
technology and standards for speech ingestion that
can be processed by a computer (speech-to-text)
(Syarif et al., 2011).
This research’s product is a computer-
/application-based learning medium. This application
will try to translate a user's speech into text, which
will be matched with the existing database. If the text
matches the data that appears, the user will get an
additional point. If it does not match, it will switch to
the next question without giving the user additional
The use of the SAPI technology for the teaching
and learning of English pronunciation in the early
childhood education can be an interesting solution.
Because by utilizing computers a learning process can
be more interactive and less boring, the principle of
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is to make the
system engage in dialogues with the user in as
friendly and efficient a manner as possible.
Wibowo, A., Yasin, M., Milad, M., Izzuddin, M. and Amin, F.
Speech Application Programming Interface for English Pronunciation Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008903800002481
In Proceedings of the Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference (BEST ICON 2018), pages 321-325
ISBN: 978-989-758-414-5
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2.1 Natural Language
Natural language is an interactive communicative
mechanism. The computer cannot understand the
instructions that humans use in everyday language.
Natural language can understand written input and
speech input (Dix, 2009). However, there are still
deficiencies in terms of ambiguity in syntactic and
semantic aspects. The oral dialogue system consists
of several components needed so that the system can
function successfully, including speech recognition
and text-to-speech systems (Mc Tear, 2004).
2.2 Speech Recognition
Each speech recognition system essentially runs a
process for recognizing human speech and turning it
into something that is understood by computers
(Amundsen, 1996). Research into effective speech
recognition algorithms and processing models has
lasted almost since computers were created. There are
4 key operations of listening and understanding
human speech.
1. Word separation is the process of creating
discreet from human speech. Each section can be
a large or small phrase as a single syllable or a
word part.
2. Vocabulary is a list of sound items that can be
identified by speech recognition engines.
3. Word matching is a speech recognition system
method that is used to search for voice parts in the
vocabulary system.
4. Speaker dependence is the extent to which speech
recognition machines depend on vocal tones and
individual speech patterns.
The last element of speech recognition is grammar
rules. Grammar rules are used by speech recognition
software to analyze human speech input in the
process of trying to understand what someone is
saying. There are many grammar rules, each of which
consists of a set of pronunciation rules. One of them
is the context-free grammar (CFG). The main
elements of CFG are the following:
1. Word, a list of valid cases to say;
2. Rules, greeting structures for words used; and
3. List, word list for use in rules.
2.3 Speech Application Programming
Interface (SAPI)
Two basic types of SAPI machines are text-to-speech
and speech recognition. The TTS system synthesizes
text strings and files into speech audios using
synthetic sounds. On the other hand, speech
recognition converts human-spoken audios into
readable text strings. The application can control text-
to-speech by using ISpVoice's Component Object
Model (COM). After the application is created, call
ISpVoice: Speak to generate speech output from
some text data.
An application has two choices of speech
recognition engine types (ISpRecognizer). A shared
recognition that might be shared with other speech
recognition applications is recommended for most
speech recognition applications. To create an
ISpRecoContext for a shared ISpRecognizer (shared),
the application only needs to make a
CoCreateInstance COM call to the
CLSID_SpSharedRecoContext component. For large
server applications that will run alone on a system,
where performance is the key, the InProc speech
recognition engine is more appropriate. In order to
create ISpRecoContext for ISpRecognizer InProc,
firstly, the application must call CoCreateInstance on
the CLSID_SpInprocRecoInstance component to
create its own ISpRecognizer InProc. Next, the
application can call ISpRecognizer:
CreateRecoContext to get an ISpRecoContext.
Finally, a speech recognition application must
create, load, and activate ISpRecoGrammar, which
basically shows the type of utterance to be
recognized, namely dictation or command and
control. First, this application creates
ISpRecoGrammar using ISpRecoContext:
CreateGrammar. Then, it loads the appropriate
grammar application either by calling
ISpRecoGrammar: loadDictation for dictation or one
of the methods ISpRecoGrammar: LoadCmdxxx for
commands and controls. Finally, this grammar rule is
activated so that speech recognition data starts the
application for commands and controls (Syarif et al.,
3.1 Thinking Framework
The framework for thinking in this research is shown
in Figure 1.
3.2 Flow Chart and Problem Solution
Flow charts and problem solutions from the Speech
Application Programming Interface for English
Pronunciation Learning appear in Figure 2 starting
BEST ICON 2018 - Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference 2018
from the user giving the voice captured by the
microphone. The data captured by the microphone is
processed by the SAPI which changes speech to text.
The resulting text will be captured into the input form
that will be matched into the database. If the text
matches the database, the points will increase and the
next question will be shown. However, if it does not
match, the user is given time to say the word again
within a specified time period (±15 seconds). If the
data input until the time is over is still wrong, the user
should proceed to the next question without getting
additional points.
Figure 1: Framework for Thinking.
Figure 2: Flowchart and Problem Solution.
4.1 View of Home
Figure 3 is the view of home of the application. In the
application view, there is a navigation that shows the
total points that are used for displaying the points
obtained by the user in using this application. There
is also a folder that is used to navigate the questions
in the application. There are other games to choose
and a timer that functions as a counter next to the
problem if the user does not answer correctly.
Figure 3: View of Home.
4.2 Wrong Answer
Figure 4 is the view of wrong answer of the
application. In the application display, it can be seen
that the map number 1 is red, which indicates that the
answer is wrong. Figure 4 can be seen below.
Figure 4: View of Wrong answer.
4.3 Right Answer
Figure 5 is the view of correct answer of the
application. In the application, it can be seen that
maps number 1, 2, and 3 are blue, which indicates that
the user's answers are correct. Correct answers will
affect the total points. In this view, the user gets total
points of 60, which come from 3 correct answers.
Learning Media
Speech Application Programming Interface for English Pronunciation Learning
Each answer is worth 20 points. Figure 5 can be seen
Figure 5: View of Right answer.
4.4 Finish View of the Application
Figure 6 is the finish view of the application. In the
application view, the total points that were
successfully obtained by the user are displayed, and
in the map, it is shown that there are 3 correct
answers, with the maps turning blue, and 2 incorrect
answers, with the maps turning red. In addition, there
is a message of total wages earned. Figure 6 can be
seen as follow.
Figure 6: Finish View of the Application.
4.5 System Testing
Application testing was conducted using computer
devices in the form of laptops and all-in-one desktop
computers with the following specifications: For
laptop we used Lenovo IdeaPad Z480 laptops,
hereinafter referred to as Laptop (specification as
seen on table 1) and Lenovo IdeaCentre desktop PCs,
hereinafter referred to as Desktop, with the the
specification can be seen on table 2/.
Table 1: Laptops specification.
Processor Intel Core i7
GPU Nvidia GeForce Cuda
Internal RAM 8 Gb
Wi-fi Ready
Bluetooth Ready
USB USB 2 and USB 3
Connectivity HDMI, camera, microphone,
Ethernet and USB
Storage HDD 500 GB
OS Windows 7
Table 2: Desktop computers specification.
Processor Intel Core i7
GPU Nvidia GForce Cuda
Internal RAM 4 Gb
Wi-fi Ready
Bluetoth Ready
USB USB 2 and USB 3
Connectivity HDMI, camera, microphone,
Ethernet and USB
Storage HDD 250 GB
OS Windows 10
The application testing result can be seen on table
Table 3: Results of application testing.
Features Laptop Desktop
Display the start page
Change points if the answer
is correct
The application keeps
countering if the answer is
Change the map to blue if
the answer is correct
Change the map to red if the
answer is wrong
Display the total points if
all questions are done
Use a man’s voice
Use a woman's voice
From the test results, it can be concluded that the
Speech Application Programming Interface for
English pronunciation learning has been completed.
It is suggested that future research should add
BEST ICON 2018 - Built Environment, Science and Technology International Conference 2018
facilities to make more applications such as vehicles,
animals, etc. and that this application should be
developed into a mobile-based application. The SAPI
technology can be used not only to learn English but
also to learn other languages such as Javanese,
Chinese, Arabic, etc.
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Developer’s Guide, Indianapolis, Sams Publishing
Dix, Alan, Janet Finlay, Gregory D. Abowd, and Russle
Beale. (2009). Human Computer Interaction, Third
Edition, New Delhi, Pearson Education
Hadi, Rahadian. (2005). Panduan Bagi Pemrograman
Microsoft Windows Common Control, Jakarta, Alex
Media Komputindo
Hendrayudi. (2009). VB 2008 untuk Berbagai Keperluan
Programming, Jakarta, Alex Media Komputindo
McTear, Michael F. (2004). Spoken Dialogue Technology
Toward the Conversational User Interface, London,
Syarif A, Daryanto T, Arifin MZ. (2011). Aplikasi Speech
Application Programming Interface (SAPI) 5.1 Sebagai
Perintah Untuk Pengoperasian Aplikasi Berbasis
Windows, Yogyakarta, SNATI 2011
Speech Application Programming Interface for English Pronunciation Learning