The Hybridization of Mathematics in Literary Works to Increase
Students’ Motivation in Learning Mathematics
Saiful Latif
, Susana R. Bahara
and Karman La Nani
Language Education Study Program, Khairun University, Ternate-City Indonesia
Mathematics Education Study Program, Khairun University, Ternate-City Indonesia
Keywords: Literature, Mathematics, Poetry, Motivation
Abstract: This research is motivated by the existence of a paradigm that mathematics is only related to numbers that
seem difficult and rigid. The two disciplines of Science and literature are still considered have different
study that is impossible to put them together. Philosophically, literature adheres to philosophy of idealism
and phenomenology, while science is a scientific product and adheres to the philosophy of materialism and
positivism. Therefore, the hybridization of mathematics in literary works is one of the ways that can change
the paradigm of mathematics. Poetry is one of the works that is very popular with all circles. Thus, the
presentation of mathematics in poetry will remove the impression of rigidity. Writing mathematical poetry
work uses an experiential learning model which is consists of several stages, namely concrete experience,
reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, active experimentation. In other words, this research aims
to find out whether the hybridization of mathematics in literary works provides motivation in learning
mathematics. The type of research is descriptive quantitative research. The research subjects were 85
students of fifth semester at Department of Mathematics Education. Data collection techniques are
questionnaires and interviews. Questionnaire data analysis technique uses a Likert scale. The results of the
study show that (1) the hybridization of mathematics in literary works can contribute to the learning of
mathematics. This can be seen from the work of mathematical poetry. (2) the hybridization of mathematics
in literary works can provide motivation to learn mathematics which can be seen from the results of the
questionnaire that there are 0% stated strongly disagree, 9.41% or 8 students stated disagree, 51.76% or 44
students agreed, and 38.82% or 33 students stated strongly agree. Thus, it can be concluded that the
hybridization of mathematics in literary works give a positive effect on motivation in learning mathematics.
Science and literature are two disciplines that are
visible in contrast, so the merging of the two still
sounds very taboo. This paradigm was then broken
by Pramono and Ansori (2016) in a study entitled
"Phenomenon of the hybridization of science in
literary works" which concluded that the
interdisciplinary study between science and
literature could complement the lack of both
disciplines. For science, literature can be used as a
medium for delivering science that is too rigid and
seems "haunted", while literature can use science as
a medium to develop stories in each work so as not
to appear too absurd and dry in the creative process
of literature. So that Saryono (2015) said that the
background of literary and scientific hybridization is
one of which is shifting the view of mono-
disciplinary towards inter-disciplinary.
Mathematics is very closely related to literature.
This was revealed by Sa'adillah (2014) that Reviel
Netz, a professor at Stanford University, revealed
the similarities between Hellenistic poetry and
mathematical texts in the same era in ancient
Greece, and finally echoed a creed, that mathematics
same with literature, mathematics is Literature.
Likewise with Sofia Kovalevskaya, creator of the
Cauchy-Kovalevsky Theorem, said that it was
impossible to become a true mathematician without
having the soul of a poet.
Mathematics basically contains beauty. In his
research entitled Mathematics, national character,
and his role in the development of science and
technology”, Widodo (2011) quoted an explanation
Latif, S., Bahara, S. and Nani, K.
The Hybridization of Mathematics in Literary Works to Increase Students’ Motivation in Learning Mathematics.
DOI: 10.5220/0008900402530259
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 253-259
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
from Soehakso who was the first mathematics
professor in Indonesia, that mathematics had a very
interesting pattern, that made him often said that
mathematics like the prettiest girl in the whole
world. This was also conveyed by Sriyanto (2007)
that mathematics as an integral part of human
culture contains dimensions of humanity and has its
own beauty. Beauty is usually explained through its
elements such as harmony, order, harmony, balance,
uniformity, wholeness and so on. Thus, the purpose
of this study was to determine whether the role of
the hybridization of mathematics in literary works
on motivation to learn mathematics.
Soedjadi (1994) argues that in school, mathematics
teaching can be oriented to the values contained in
mathematics, among others, aesthetic values, namely
values related to "beauty" and the value of beauty or
stimulation, namely the value associated with power
beautiful flavor generator.
In literature, poetry is a literary work that is very
popular with all circles. Pradopo (2005) explains
that the poem expresses thoughts that evoke
feelings, stimulates the five senses imagination in a
rhythmic arrangement.
Poetry is one of the literary products intended by
the poet as a medium to channel the contents of his
soul. The nature of poetry does create or create,
because with and through poetry someone creates
his own world, namely a world that contains a
picture of a particular atmosphere, a certain
impression, even certain messages both outward and
inward (Putra, 2010).
Regarding its function, Nuryatin (2010) explains
that Literature can provide the audience with beauty
and usefulness. This is one of the literary functions
that Horatius called dulce et utile, namely giving
usability and pleasure. In line with the phrase dulce
et utile of Horatius, it was stated by Edgar Allan
Poe, an American poet and writer as quoted by Rene
Wellek & Austin Warren that literature functions to
entertain and teach something.
Therefore, poetry is a recording and
interpretation of human experience that is changed
in the most meaningful form by providing language
(Ristri Wahyuni, 2014). Poetry as a personal figure
of a poet or personal expression means poetry is an
overflow of feelings or as a product of the
imagination of poets operating on perceptions
(Sayuti, 2002).
In poetry writing, the experiential learning model
is very effective, as presented by munawaroh et al
(2016) in his article explaining that the experiential
learning method is a suitable method to use poetry
writing skills because this method requires students
to process their experiences according to their
imagination, creativity and skills -each students by
further exploring students' thinking without any
harmful effects that can be expressed in writing.
The learning stages with the experiential learning
model (Indriana, 2011) are as follows:
a. Concrete Experience. Learning begins with
providing activities that are able to create an
atmosphere, and a conducive framework.
b. Reflective Observation. At this stage, students
actively find out about the aims and objectives
of the activities or events they experience.
Students tend to gather information and use
imagination to solve problems. This stage
allows students to be better at seeing concrete
situations with several different points of view.
c. Abstract conceptualization. At this stage
students begin to gather creative ideas based on
the two previous learning stages. These ideas
are put together into a concept or abstraction
which will then be developed into a new
product or innovation.
d. Active Experimentation. At this stage, students
begin to pour their ideas into a product
according to the concepts that have been
prepared in the previous stage.
Kolb (Sriyanti, 2013) added Generalize as the
final stage in learning with the experiential learning
model. At this stage, students present their work
which is then given criticism and suggestions by the
teacher and other students. This stage is used as a
basis for improving student work.
Step-by-step poetry copyright works using the
experiential Learning model as follows:
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
Figure 1: Experiential Learning Model.
Therefore, if mathematics is presented into
poetry, mathematics can be seen from a new
perspective that is more interesting and does not
seem stiff. In other words, poetry can help reveal the
other side of mathematics that is not only fixed on
numbers, but from the point of beauty. In other
words, by giving new experience and new
perspective can increase students’ motivation in
learning mathematics.
This research is a descriptive quantitative.
According to Sugiono (2012) this research method
can be interpreted as a scientific way to obtain valid
data with the aim of being able to find, develop, and
prove certain knowledge so that in turn it can be
used to understand, solve and anticipate problems.
The subjects of this study were the fifth semester
students at the department of Mathematics
Education of the Faculty of Teacher Training and
Education, Khairun University in the 2017/2018
academic year, which is consist of 85 people spread
across VA and VB.
Data collection of this research used
questionnaire and documentation. The questionnaire
in this study was a closed questionnaire.
Understanding the questionnaire or questionnaire
method according to Arikunto (2006) questionnaire
is a written statement that is used to obtain
information from the respondent in the sense of
personal reports or things he knows. While
according to Sugiyono (2012) questionnaire or
questionnaire is a technique of data collection
conducted by giving a set of questions or written
statements to respondents to be answered. The
questionnaire in this study was written questions that
were questioned to 85 respondents after attending
workshops and poetry works. Documentation is also
one of the data collections. The documentation in
this research is in the form of photos of research
activities from beginning to end.
Figure 2: Flowchart of Research.
The questionnaire data analysis technique uses a
Likert scale. As Djaali and Muljono (2017) explain
that the Likert scale is used to measure attitudes,
opinions, and perceptions of a person or group about
a phenomenon of educational phenomena.
In its measurement, each respondent was asked
for his opinion about an answer. The answer option
consists of 4 (four) and each has a different value.
This can be seen in the following:
Table 1: Alternative response to Questionnaire.
Skor Alternative Response
1 Strongly Agree (SS)
The Hybridization of Mathematics in Literary Works to Increase Students’ Motivation in Learning Mathematics
2 Agree (S)
3 Disagree (TS)
4 Strongly Disagree (STS)
The number of questionnaires obtained will be
explained by the researcher as a statement so that
qualitative data was obtained, and then the data was
converted into a quantitative form with a statistical
analysis approach.
4.1 Data Validity Testing
Validity testing is done with the help of a computer
using the SPSS version 20 program, in this study
validity testing was only carried out on 85
respondents. Decision making is based on the
corrected Item Total Corelation. Obtained from 30
questionnaire items after validation only 23 valid
questionnaires this is indicated by the acquisition of
significant values for each questionnaire, namely
above r-count > r-table 0.211, for df = 85-2 = 83; α
= 0.05.
Table 2: List of Motivational Questionnaires.
4.2 Reliability Test
Test reliability for question items that are declared
valid. A variable is said to be valid or reliable if the
answers to questions are always consistent. Based on
the results of reliability testing in Table 5.2, it is
known that the Cronbach alpha number is 0.881>
from the Cronbach alpha value of 0.6. Therefore, it
can be explained that the research instrument used to
be able to measure variables Motivation to learn
mathematics and is said to be reliable.
Questionnaire reliability
Table 3: Reliability Statistics.
Cronbach's Alpha
Based on Standardized
N of
.881 .882 23
Data on this questionnaire were obtained from
the results of questionnaires that had been
disseminated during the completion of the workshop
on Mathematics Hybridization in literary works. The
highest score obtained is 92 and the lowest 23. Each
question is measured with a score of 1 to 4. So that
the lowest value of expectation is 23 and the highest
92. From the score, the length of the interval class is
Table 3: Classification of Motivational Questionnaire.
Score Scale
70-92 Stron
47-69 A
24-46 Disa
≤ 23 Stron
Because in this instrument there are 23 statements,
the lowest score is 23 (the results of multiplication
between scores 1 with the number of statements 23
items), and the highest score is 92 (the result of
multiplication between scores 4 with the number of
statements 23 items). From the distribution data
obtained, a table of frequency distribution of
mathematics learning motivation was made as
Table 4: Frequency Distribution of Learning Motivation.
ree (1) 0 0%
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
ree (2) 8 9,41%
ree (3) 44 51,76 %
ree (4) 33 38,82 %
Amount of 85 100%
Based on frequency distribution of learning
motivation, the frequency distribution of answers
provided by questionnaire respondents showed that
respondents who stated that the assessment strongly
disagreed was 0%, meaning that no one answered
the category at all, there were 8 respondents who
answered No Agree or 9.41%, there were 44
respondents or 51.76% who agreed and 33
respondents or 38.82% who answered strongly
The most frequency of learning motivation,
indicated by 51.76% in the agree category that
learning motivation increases in mathematics
learning through literature and at least 0% or
strongly disagrees.
4.3 Normality Test
From the above output based on the Kolmogorov
Smirnov test, the Sig value is 0.478> 0.05, it can be
concluded that the data is normally distributed. The
table describes the results of statistical tests on the
dissemination of motivational data in mathematics
learning through literature with the Kolmorogov-
Smirnov one-sample test technique. From the table it
appears that the mean = 91.7529, standard deviation
= 6.71690 and a significant level of all sides with a
confidence level of 5% is 0.478. If the H1
hypothesis is formulated, it is normally distributed,
and H0 is an abnormal distribution. Then H1 is
accepted if p> 0.05, and H1 is rejected if P <0.05. In
table 5.5 shows that p = 0.478> 0.05. So H1 is
accepted, meaning that the motivation to learn
mathematics through hybridization of literary works
is normally distributed.
With the hybridization of mathematics in this
literary work it can be a refresher for both fields of
science, and especially for mathematical students
who can understand mathematical concepts from
different angles. In other words, the hybridization of
mathematics in literary works can be a stimulus that
can encourage mathematics students to better
understand mathematical concepts. This can also be
proven by the results of filling in student
questionnaires which show that there are 0% stated
strongly disagree, 9.41% or as many as 8 students
disagree, 51.76% or as many as 44 students agree,
and 38.82% or 33 students stated strongly in
Based on these data it can be illustrated that there
are 51.76% of students who can or more understand
mathematics through poetry, and make them want to
know a lot of things about mathematics, and there
were 38.82% of students who were enthusiastic
about learning mathematics after attending the
workshop, and said that mathematics lessons were
very interesting. While there were 9.41% who
disagreed because they were still having trouble
finding words in making poetry.
The introduction of mathematical hybridization
in literature to the 85 students in the fifth semester
(five) at the Department of Mathematics Education
through a workshop wih two presenters in the fields
of mathematics and literature, and also a poetry
reader who would read mathematical poetry. The
presentation of mathematics at this workshop was
devoted to the beautiful side of mathematics in
everyday life. As expressed by Soehakso who is the
first mathematics professor in Indonesia, that
mathematics has a very interesting pattern, he often
said that mathematics is like the prettiest girl in the
whole world.
The literature presentation at this workshop
focused on one of the literary works, namely poetry.
According to the Son (2010) the essence of poetry
does create, because with and through poetry
someone creates his own world, namely a world that
contains a picture of a particular atmosphere, a
certain impression, and certain messages both
outward and inward.
Mathematical hybridization in literary works is the
unification of mathematics and literary in the form
of mathematical poetry. In the stage of creating
mathematical poetry, students are guided by using
the experiential learning model, which is a method
that is suitable for poetry writing skills because this
method requires students to process their
experiences according to the imagination, creativity,
and skills of each student by further exploring
students' thinking without harmful effects that can
be stated in the form of writing (Munawaroh et al,
This is also supported by Wahyudi (2009) who
states that humans have the potential of the soul, that
is, humans do not just forget the experience. Even
the experience in his life settles in his life settling in
him. The deposition of experience is placed in the
deepest human mind. Humans have the potential to
be able to process that experience in the process of
imagination and make it in the form of literary
works. Literary works are born from the creative
The Hybridization of Mathematics in Literary Works to Increase Students’ Motivation in Learning Mathematics
process of the author. Poetry is born from the
creative process of the author. The learning stages
with the experiential learning model (Indriana, 2011)
consist of concrete experience, reflective
observation, abstract conceptualization, and active
At the stage of concrete experience, it begins
with reading a number of mathematical poetry works
accompanied by instruments that can make the
atmosphere more relaxed and pleasant. While
listening to mathematical poetry read out, students
are required to digest and understand the
mathematical concepts contained in poetry. This is a
stimulus that can guide students in understanding the
various mathematical concepts acquired during the
learning process of mathematics during lectures that
can be linked in their personal lives, or in other
words, these experiences are experienced or directly
felt personally.
Reflective observation stage, students begin to
connect their concrete experiences in the form of
various understanding of mathematical concepts that
will be used as information. Students are asked to
use their imagination to connect understanding
mathematical concepts with everything in life. This
can spur students to better understand various
mathematical concepts as information, so that there
is no expenditure of meaning when connected to a
At the stage of abstract conceptualization stage,
students have arrived at the stage of gathering
creative ideas after going through the two previous
stages of creative ideas in the form of concepts or
abstractions that relate experience in the form of
mathematical concepts that are realized in life that
are ready to be poured into the form of poetry.
The active experimentation stage is the final stage,
students are asked to pour all their imaginations in
the form of concepts or abstractions about the
experience of mathematical concepts in existing at
the stage of abstract conceptualization into a form of
poetry that will be presented.
From the results of the mathematical poetry
work, students poured out various understandings of
their mathematical concepts that were related to their
personal experiences in everyday life. This looks
different, both from the poem itself and mathematics
that can be understood from a different perspective.
Pramono and Ansori (2016) states that for science,
literature can be used as a medium for delivering
science that is too rigid and seems "haunted", while
literature can use science as a medium to develop
stories in each work so as not to appear too absurd
and dry in the creative process of literature.
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion
of research results, it can be concluded that:
a. Research on mathematical hybridization in
literary works can be a refresher for both fields
of science, and especially for mathematics
students to be able to understand mathematical
concepts from different angles.
b. Mathematical hybridization in literary works
can be a stimulus that can encourage
mathematics students to understand
mathematical concepts.
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The Hybridization of Mathematics in Literary Works to Increase Students’ Motivation in Learning Mathematics