Teachers’ Punishment Management towards Students in Learning
Process at SMPN 7 Ternate City
Anwar Ismail, Dewi Mufidatul Ummah
Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Khairun University
Keywords: Management, Punishment, Learning.
Abstract: This study aims to explore the teachers’ punishment management of students in the learning process at the
school environment. The research subjects were taken 32 students which used cluster sampling techniques
and used questionnaires and deep-interview as instruments. The type of this research is qualitative descriptive
to find out the description of conditions, background and correct ways in managing of punishment was done
by teachers and the psychological impacts by students. The result showed that there are some efforts to
manage punishment who made by teacher; 1) give a warning to students who made violations, so that students’
behaviour can change. 2). Giving punishment to students who continue or cannot stop doing violations, so
students can realize their mistakes such as cleaning up trash. 3.) Give examples of attitudes, like show good
discipline to students. Such as, teachers arrive early to school every day. 4) To give strong motivation to the
students, so they can be disciplined and obey the rules that have been set at the school.5). Calling students’
parents who break the school rules, so students can realize their mistakes and parents can pay more attention
to their children to change into better behaviour.
Childhood is the budding, potential, and young
generation as the successor of the ideals of the
nation's struggle, has a strategic role and has special
characteristics and characteristics that guarantee the
continuity of the existence of the nation and state in
the future. Children should be given the widest
possible opportunity to grow and develop optimally,
both physically, mentally and socially and have a
noble character, therefore safeguards and child
welfare should be carried out by providing guarantees
to the children for their rights and treatment, without
violence and discrimination.
Today, in the world of education in Indonesia in
general and in North Maluku, especially the treatment
of violence and discrimination both physically and
psychologically for children in school still occurs in
the educational environment; Elementary Schools
(SD), Junior High Schools (SMP) and Senior High
Schools (SMU), where there are still many teachers
who use violence as a tool and way of managing and
disciplining the class. What do students feel when the
teacher hits students at school? They will have bad
feelings about themselves so they feel ashamed of
their friends, stop learning and do not want to go to
North Maluku was one of the regions that had
experienced social conflicts from 2000 to 2003. At
that time, besides the community, children were also
directly and indirectly involved in the conflict at that
time. Starting from this event, we assume that
children involved directly and indirectly in post-
conflict have experienced mental upheaval such as
stress and deep trauma that have difficulty in making
decisions. If now, children experience physical and
psychological violence by teachers in school, and
then the feeling of stress and trauma will arise again
so that they will become rebellious, unproductive,
and quiet can even be trapped in an atmosphere of
very deep depression.
In teaching, a teacher is expected to be able to
determine the right teaching approach in the teaching
and learning process. To improve students 'reasoning
in the teaching and learning process it is also
necessary to create an approach that can increase
students' attention to the subject matter. In the process
of the approach, students are required to be able to act
and act actively so that the objectives of the teaching
and learning process can be achieved properly.
Ismail, A. and Ummah, D.
Teachers’ Punishment Management towards Students in Lear ning Process at SMP Negeri 7 Ternate City.
DOI: 10.5220/0008897600690074
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 69-74
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
One approach that can increase attention and
make students more active is by giving prizes in the
form of rewards and praise and punishment.
(Nasution, 1986: 78) said "Praise is an
encouragement for someone to study harder, praise is
always associated with good achievement".
According to Winkel (1984: 28), in addition to
providing the above motivation, giving penalties
needs to be implemented. This is so that students are
trying to avoid the punishment promised by their
teacher by trying hard to study.
Seeing this phenomenon, the author feels the need
to do a study to find out how the punishment
management of students in the learning process in the
school environment, namely in one of the junior high
schools in Ternate City; SMPN 7 Kota Ternate. In
2017, this school was one of the schools established
by the Minister of Women's Empowerment as Child
Friendly schools
1.1 Formulation of the Problem
The formulation of the problem in this study is "how
is management punished (punishment) by the teacher
towards students in the learning process?"
1.2 Limitation of Problems
The author limits the research on the punishment
(punishment) management of teachers towards
students in the learning process at SMPN 7 Kota
Ternate. The population to be taken is from class VIII
(Eight). The number of samples taken was 32
students using cluster sampling techniques
1.3 Research Objectives
The purpose of this research is to find out the
punishment management of students in the learning
process in the school environment.
2.1 Type of Research
This type of research is qualitative descriptive
research, conducted to find out how the description of
conditions, background and management of the
punishment carried out by the teacher and the
psychological influence felt by students of SMPN 7
Kota Ternate.
2.2 Research Location
This research took place at SMPN 7 Kota Ternate,
located on Jl. Siswa, Ternate city.
2.3 Data Collection Techniques
Data collection techniques used in this study are:
1) Questionnaire technique is a data collection
technique that is done by giving a set of questions or
written statements to the respondent to obtain data
about the type of punishment that the respondent gets.
2) In-depth Interview
Interviews were conducted using questions that were
increasingly focused so that information about
teacher punishment management of students in
Ternate City 7 Junior High School was collected in
depth and could meet the quota of information needed
by researchers.
In this qualitative research, the sampling
technique used was purposive sampling. In this case
the researcher will choose the informant who is seen
to know the best, namely the student and teacher as
the main structure in the educational institution, the
informant chosen is expected to develop according to
the needs and stability of the researcher in obtaining
data about the forms, background, and resolution of
the law, conducted by teachers to students in formal
education institutions.
Data that have been successfully extracted,
collected and recorded in research activities were
checked for its consistency and truth. Therefore, the
researchers must be able to choose and determine the
right ways to develop the validity of the data
obtained. In this study, the technique used to check
for the validity of research data was through
2.4 Data Analysis Techniques
1) Data Reduction
That is as a selection process, focusing on
simplifying, abstracting, and transforming rough data
that emerges from written records in the field.
2) Data Display
Display data includes various types of matrices,
images, networks and tables all designed to combine
information arranged in a form that is unified and
easily observed.
3) Conclusion
Conclusions are only part of a complete
configuration. The conclusions were also verified
during the research, namely by reflecting back what
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
was found again and exchanging ideas with others to
obtain the truth.
3.1 General Description of SMP 7 Kota
SMP 7 Ternate City has NPSN 6020066 and the date
of the decree on the establishment of schools on
January 10, 1994. The location of the school is
located at Jalan K.H Dewantara, Takoma Village,
Ternate Tengah Subdistrict, Ternate City and side by
side with several other schools. This middle school is
a fairly old school in the city of Ternate. Judging from
its location, it has quite strategic conditions because
it is in the education area along with other schools and
the location of the school is easily accessible and its
position is on the transportation route. In the
Academic Year 2018/2019 the school has as many as
1056 students divided into 36 study groups, which
stand on ± 2400 m2. Cared for by 60 permanent
teachers and 7 Education Personnel with a minimum
of S1 education.
Table1: Data of teachers and students at SMPN 7 Ternate
Male 21 0 21 503
Female 39 7 46 553
Total 60 7 67 1056
Based on the school's vision and mission, it is
illustrated that the mission carried out in State Junior
High School (SMPN) 7 Ternate City is the
implementation and development of learning in
improving the quality of education. In addition, from
2017 SMPN 7 Ternate City was launched by the
Ternate City Government and was inaugurated by the
Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child
Protection as a Child Friendly School. To meet the
category of child-friendly schools, there are
indicators that must be met, including schools, which
must be free from smoking, liquor and drugs
(Okezone News, March 09, 2017)
3.2 Student Condition
SMP Negeri 7 Ternate City until now has as many as
1056 students with 36 study groups and is divided
into two learning shifts namely morning learning and
afternoon learning. Regarding the data on the
condition of Ternate 7th Junior High School students
in the academic year 2018/2019 can be seen in the
following table.
Table 2: Data of Students at SMPN 7 Ternate City 2018.
Classroom 7 Classroom 8 Classroom 9
M F To
al M F To
al M F Total
177 209 386 178 185 365 148 159 307
3.3 Description of Teachers’ Punishment
Management of Students
Based on the field study, the researcher will present
the results of the research that is the management of
the teacher's Punishment in the learning process at
SMPN 7 Kota Ternate. The teacher has a goal or
outcome to be achieved from the punishment that is
applied to students. The teacher's efforts are as
3.3.1 Rule Violations by Students at SMPN 7
Kota Ternate
School regulations are an agreement agreed upon by
the school community in guarding the discipline and
behavior of the citizens inside. The purpose of this
regulation was to guard behavior and organize the
lives of school people so that the process of forming
identity and education ran smoothly without
interference. If there are undesirable disturbances that
will cause the education system that is designed can
not be run regularly.
Teachers’ Punishment Management towards Students in Learning Process at SMP Negeri 7 Ternate City
Regulations of SMPN 7 Kota Ternate which should
not be violated by students have been arranged in the
form of school discipline, but there are still students
who violate those who do not comply with the rules
made by school such as being late, smoking, violating
the rules of clothing or hair, no follow the dhuhur
prayer in congregation and others.
The researcher conducted data collection using
questionnaires and spread to 32 students of SMPN 7
Kota Ternate. Based on the results of questionnaires
distributed to 32 students.Data obtained from several
types of rule violations that were often carried out by
students gave rise to teacher penalties for not making
public relations (78%), made noisy in class (75%),
cheating (68% ) disturbing other students (59%),
arriving late (56%) and forgetting to bring books
(52%) and smoking (35%).
According to the results of interviews conducted
by researchers, it was found that the violations
committed by both male and female students in SMP
7 Ternate city were quite numerous and varied, from
violations which were quite small to repeated
Based on the analysis conducted on the results of
interviews with teachers and principals and
questionnaires, it can be concluded that there are
various types of violations carried out by students in
the 7th Junior High School of Ternate. Violations that
occur are not making homework, smoking, coming
late and not being disciplined about the schedule of
activities in the school such as apples or morning
ceremonies and dhuhur prayers in congregation.
Dhuhur prayer activities in congregation are one of
the activities carried out every day by the school
which aims to shape the character of students of SMP
7 Kota Ternate.
3.3.2 Types of Punishment by the Teacher
In line with its main task as educators in schools,
teachers perform educational performance tasks in
guidance, teaching, and training. All these activities
are closely related to the efforts of developing
students through exemplary, creating a conducive
educational environment, guiding, teaching, and
training students. With developments and demands
that are developing today, teacher roles experience
expansion, namely as coaches, counselors, learning
managers, participants, leaders, and learners. Ternate
State Middle School 7, the punishment given to
students who commit violations varies, it is seen from
the violations of what students have done. Students
who commit minor offenses will be given a sentence
in the form of advice not to commit another offense.
In reality students do a lot of moderate and moderate
budgeting. Whereas severe violations are rarely
carried out by students. The teacher's efforts are as
a. Giving a Warning to Students
Reprimand is needed as an effort to improve
behavior. Some things that must be considered in
reprimanding them are being directed to students who
violate existing rules, reprimand is done to avoid
warning that is rude, reprimand is given to students
who are not disciplined. Student discipline is
inseparable from students' negative behavior which is
increasingly alarming. It is undeniable that the
teacher is an important component in shaping student
behavior to be better and can direct students to
improve discipline on existing rules.
Based on the results of a field study with interview
techniques to the Principal and the teacher in getting
the data that there are operational Standards to
provide penalties for students. The first sequence is to
give a warning to the students concerned. If the
reprimand has not been found to change behavior,
then the School or the teacher will instruct parents to
call parents to come to school. It is expected that with
the intervention of parents, students will not repeat
the undisciplined behavior they did.
b. Giving Punishment to Students Who Break the
The success of achieving student discipline is not
merely seen from the absence of violations
committed by students. Students who have high
discipline are students who have obedience,
awareness of rules that have been determined by the
school, students who violate the rules will be
punished. Giving punishment to students who violate
school rules is an attempt by teachers to increase
student discipline to comply with the rules that have
been made by the school. penalties are given to
students who commit violations such as being late,
not carrying out school work, violating clothing rules
and even punishment for students who are found
smoking and sucking on glue.
Based on the results of the questionnaire analysis
distributed to students, there were several penalties
applied by teachers in SMP N 7 Kota Ternate. Of the
32 respondents, the students who filled out the
questionnaire were given physical punishment data
that were often obtained by students by hitting using
rattan (90.6%), pinching (90.6%), lifting garbage
(84.3%) and picking up garbage (78.1%). While
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
verbal punishment that is often obtained by students is
scolding (90.6%) and insulting with words (37.5%)
The results of the triangulation interview study
between the principal and the teacher were concluded
that the teacher applied punishment to students in
various ways such as hitting using rattan, giving
punishment with physical activities such as squatting
or sit ups. The teacher also uses the punishment
method by giving fines for any mistakes made.
Suppose one error is required to pay five thousand
rupiah. The results of the fine will be submitted to the
class cash to be managed.
The interesting thing that the teacher does in applying
punishment is that the teacher makes an initial
agreement with the students about the type of
punishment, the amount of punishment, and the giver
of punishment at the beginning of the school year or
the beginning of the learning process. So that even
though they have been serving for decades, the
teacher has never experienced problems related to the
punitive actions given to students. Students and even
parents have never protested the punishment given by
the teacher.
Based on the results of interviews with the
principal, the differences in punishment include,
among others, differences in the character of students
in North Maluku who tend to be harsh, this is due to
the geographical conditions of Ternate. He analyzed
this because of the character factors of students who
were influenced by home environment factors
(parenting) and the geographical conditions within
the equator.
From the results of triangulation of data between
the questionnaire analysis and the results of
interviews, the data found that there are several ways
to implement teacher punishment on students, namely
physical punishment that is sports such as sit ups,
walking squat, running, etc. In addition, most
teachers use physical punishment using rattan to
discipline their students. This is because the character
of students in North Maluku is different from students
in Indonesia in general. The difference in character is
in the background because of the family
environment9 parenting style) and the geographical
location of Ternate which is located in the equator and
coast. According to the data obtained, the teacher is
not able to modify the behavior of students if the
punishment is a verbal punishment (in the form of
angry speech and threats given by the teacher to
c. Give exemplary examples to students
In instilling discipline in students teachers must be
role models for students and be able to direct students
to improve discipline. Teachers should be able to be
a good example. If the teacher is unable to provide a
good example, students will not behave well. The
results of interviews conducted by the researchers on
September 12, 2018, obtained data from teachers that
in SMP 7 Ternate City is a child-friendly school and
teachers and students are prohibited from smoking in
the school area. This regulation was issued by the
school so that the teacher became a real example of
their students in school especially in terms of
From the interview results it can be concluded that
the teacher gives a real example of quitting smoking,
this is due to the regulations issued by the school so
that it is not done by the teacher.
d. Give Motivation
In improving students' discipline on school rules, one
of the efforts made by teachers in Ternate's 7th Junior
High School was to provide motivation to students.
Motivation is one of the most important dynamic
aspects; motivation is also the incarnation of motives
that can be seen from the behaviour shown by
someone. Motivation is very closely related to needs,
because indeed motivation arises because of need.
Someone will be compelled to act when there is a
need. This need creates a state of imbalance (ie
dissatisfaction), namely tensions, and the tension will
disappear when those needs are met.
It can be concluded that there is an effort made by
the school to motivate the school people. The
principal motivates his teacher by giving direction at
each teacher meeting related to the management of
punishment. This is done so that the teacher is not too
excessive in giving punishment to students. Likewise
the teacher also gives motivation to students so that
students remain disciplined with the rules set by the
school. Motivation given by the teacher uses the
economic token method, namely student achievement
can be exchanged with rewards / prizes that will be
given by the teacher. The motivation carried out by
the principal and the teachers of Ternate's 7th Public
Middle School will be extrinsic motivation, thereby
increasing the ego involvement of the school
e. Summoning Parents to Students Who Violate Rules
The calling of parents to students who break the rules
more than once is one of the efforts of Ternate City
Junior High School 7 to improve student discipline
such as students who are late, absent, yell at teachers
and also smoke. Students who get summon for parents
because they pulls out the lesson. Parents who get a
Teachers’ Punishment Management towards Students in Learning Process at SMP Negeri 7 Ternate City
summons from the school will be processed by the
student teacher of SMPN 7 Ternate City. This was
revealed in the results of the interviews conducted as
Based on the results of interviews with the
Principal and teachers of Ternate City Junior High
School 7 there is a mechanism for punishing students.
Such as reprimand and punishment given to students
unable to change behavior, the school will call the
parents of students who violate the rules. Skinner said
that the relationship between stimulus and response
occurs through interaction in the environment, then it
will cause changes in behavior. The results of the
above research can be concluded that the calling of
parents to students by teachers in applying discipline
to shape and change student behavior for the better.
The efforts made by teachers at Ternate 7th Public
Junior High School are stimuli where students
'response to the efforts made by teachers is students
become disciplined and reduce students who break the
rules determined by the school and shape students'
attitudes for the better.
4.1 Conclusions
Based on the research that has been done and has been
described in the discussion, it can be concluded that
the efforts of teachers in improving discipline in
students of SMP Negeri 7 Kota Ternate. The efforts
made by the teacher in improving discipline in the
learning process in a way
1. Give a warning to students who commit violations
so that student behaviour can change.
2. Giving punishment to students who continue to
commit violations so students can realize their
mistakes such as cleaning up trash.
3. Providing exemplary examples of discipline to
students so students can change for the better like
teachers who arrive early to school.
4. Provide motivation to students to be able to
discipline and obey the rules that have been set.
5. Summoning parents to students who break the rules
so students can realize their mistakes and parents are
more able to pay attention to their children to change
into better behaviour.
4.2 Suggestions
Based on the results and discussion above, there are a
number of suggestions to be conveyed in this study,
1. It is recommended not to resolve student violations
while in the school environment and in the learning
process by giving physical punishment to students.
2. Teachers can provide educative penalties rather
than just giving a warning to students so students will
become accustomed and will become aware of
3. In arranging or resolving the types of violations
committed by students while in school, the teacher
must look for alternative sentences that are more
moral and educative.
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ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning