Educators Human Resource Management at Department of Ternate
City North Maluku Province
Rustam Hasim, Mukhtar Yusuf
and Oktosiyanti Abdullah
Pancasila and Civic Education Study Program, Khairun University, Ternate, Indonesia
Keywords: Management, Human Resources, Educator and Education Department of Ternate City.
Abstract: This research entitles Human Resource Management of Educators at the Department of Education of Kota
Ternate. The background of this research explains the process of human resource planning of education
personnel of Education Office of Ternate City. The goal of this study is to find out the process of
recruitment, career development of educators, and evaluation of performance of education personnel at
Education Office of Ternate City. This study uses a naturalistic qualitative approach to describe the human
resources management of educator naturally, deeply and intactly by obtaining information and deep
interpretation of the meaning of human resource management in accordance with the reality of the field.
The data were collected through observation, interview and documentation from iinformants consisted of
officials from the Education Officer, principals, teachers and school committees. This study shows that
human resources management at the education department in Kota Ternate has not been optimal in ithe
arena of equal distribution of teacher placement, administration, management, development, upper vision
and technical service to support education process in education unit. The gap of the location in the rural
area and in the city is the main problem found in this research.This location contributes to the performance
of teacher carrying their obligation.
Human resource management is the core of an
organization, either public or non-public
organizations, as a way to achieve a goal. The goal
will be realized if every organization utilizes and
empowers all its resources. Therefore, improving the
quality of human resources is a fact that must be
conducted by a planned, intensive, focus, and
affective, efficien development process (Hasibuan,
2006: 14). The implementation of human resource
management at Ternate City Education Office
should have been achieved optimally if only all
levels function in organizational structure work
optimally in accordance with their respective
capacities. In this connection, all functional levels in
the organizational structure of the Department of
Education of Ternate have vital roles in the
management of education in the area, and also can
be expected to boost the implementation of resource
management (educators) that play a role in a
professional manner (Renstra of Education Office of
Ternate City, 2013: 12).
This research is based on the lack of availability
of proportional teachers in some sub-districts in
Kota Ternate. Yet, the availability of teacher tends
to be excessive on the island of Ternate than those
in a few sub-districts outside Ternate Island such as
Hiri Island Subdistrict, Moti District and Batang
Dua District. The excessive of teachers is not only
found at elementary level but also in both junior and
high school. In the city, some school have more
teachersthan subjects offered that their teaching
hoursobligation is small. Conversely outside the
District of Ternate Island are found schools that does
not have any expert teachers in one subjet. To cover
up the gap, other teachers who are not expert in the
subjects, handle the subject. The question is rised in
this article is whether the inequality of teacher
distribution and availability of teachers related to the
management (quality) of governance of educators
(HR) which is the task of the Deapartment of
Education in Kota Ternate or whether the inequality
is related to the provision of educators each year by
the government.
Hasim, R., Yusuf, M. and Abdullah, O.
Educators Human Resource Management at Department of Ternate City North Maluku Province.
DOI: 10.5220/0008897500600068
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 60-68
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
In addition to the uneven distribution of
distribution and teacher qualifications at each level
of educational unit, the implementation of human
resource management education department of
Ternate City still have many other problems such as;
(1). Planning of teachers (teachers) has not been
clearly visible for the short and long term. (2).
Planning and recruitment of educators (teachers) at
the Ternate City Education Office, the
implementation still depends on the provisions of
the Regional Personnel Board. (3). Recruitment of
educators (teachers) is not suitable to the needs (4).
Development of careers of educators (teachers) is
still limited and has not fulfilled the needs, (5).
Performance evaluation of teachers (teachers)
conducted is still lacking and not comprehensive for
all employees. (6). Compensation (incentive money)
outside working hours at the education office of
Ternate City is still low, (7). The education office of
Ternate City has not optimally imposed its function
as a technical coach in education in the region, (8).
Weakness of governance system characterized by
education funding has not been based on the budget
mapping allocation system for the needs of each unit
of education program, and (9). The administrative
and managerial capacities of education managers are
weak, contributing to the lack of public participation
and the business world towards the financing of
educational programs.
In addition, while the effort to increase
knowledge and skills through education and training
have not been well implemented, the focus of
attention is more on the education of increment such
as adum, adumla, sepama, sepamen, and sepati.
Furthermore, the number of teachers assigned to
university study assignments is still relatively small
for the S2 and S3 levels including technical and
functional education. Yet, those who participate to
improve their knowledge and ability in education
and training are selected based on their close relation
to the policy-makers, not on their ability and
potentiality. Moreover, there is a tendency of an
unclear career development effort that seems
unprofessional. It is so easy for teachers to be
transferred from one unit to another without any
clear consideration. A principal is dismissed from an
old position and placed in a new position without
being supported by a benefit analysis and
competency support meanwhile there are still many
teachers who have not qualified enough to be
certified due to their academic qualification (Kota
Ternate in numbers 2012, 19).
Based on those facts, the Education Office of
Ternate City, as an institution that has the authority,
is responsibility to seek and improve the
procurement of teachers in schools in Ternate. This
can be done by planning to enhance various skills
and expertise. Thus the Education Office of Ternate
City only received details of the needs of teachers at
each level of educational unit in their respective
regions. The results of this mapping will give input
whether the distribution of teachers in every level of
educational unit is proportional or not. The problem
is the extent to which the Ternate Municipal
Education Office map out to track the distribution
and availability of the teacher.
This paper describes the implementation process
of human resource management of educational staff
of Ternate City Education Office, by focusing on the
functions of planning, recruitment, career
development and performance evaluation. In theory,
the existence of human resources is very important
for an organization, both public organizations and
non-public organizations that have the same goal to
be achieved. The goal will be realized if every
organization by utilizing and empowering all its
This research was conducted at the Office of
Education of Ternate City, North Maluku Province.
This study lasted for four months starting from
January to April 2017. Research subjects or data
sources in this study consists of key informants and
informants. While the subject of this study consists
of Head of Department, Head of Sub Department of
Labor, Kasubdin Dikdasmen, Kabid. Peningkat
Quality Teachers & Education Personnel, Head of
Informal & Non-Formal Education Office of
Education, Head of Sub-section and Staffing,
Kasubag Prog. & Planning, Head of UPTD
Kecamatan, Principals, Teachers and School
Committees that can provide information relevant to
the focus of this research namely human resource
management of educators at Ternate City office.
The type of this research is qualitative descriptive,
using qualitative naturalistic approach, that is
describing human resource management of educator
by Ternate City Education Office, naturally,
complete in depth and intact. A naturalistic
Educators Human Resource Management at Department of Ternate City North Maluku Province
qualitative approach is used to obtain information
and deep interpretation of human resource
management of Ternate City Education Department
in accordance with existing reality in the field. A
naturalistic qualitative approach aims to obtain
accurate data information, data collection based on a
reasonable situation, direct and what it is about the
description of the condition of the object of research
is expressed in an actual and accurate and
emphasized on the natural atmosphere of how
human resources management of educators is carried
out by the Education Agency in Kota Ternate.
3.1 Data Collection and Analysis
Data collection in this research is done through
several techniques, namely; observation, interview
and documentation. In data collection, researchers
communicate and interact with the subject of the
researcher. In data collection, the three methods are
not used separately from one another, the rival is
used together. One method completed other
methods, according to the circumstances. (Moleong,
2007: 6).
The data collected in this research are analyzed
by using qualitative descriptive approach. Data
collected at the beginning of the study through
observation, interviews and direct documentation
were recorded for analysis. Data were analyzed
using the developed model. There are three
component model which is done in analyzing
qualitative data that is; (1) data reduction. This
activity was carried out by reducing to select,
summarize, simplify, and transform data arising
from written records in the field. (2), Data
Presentation (data display means the researcher
examined the flow of data presentation by
categorzing compiled information the data reduction
and then presenting data in the form of narrative
text, images and tables. (3), Drawing Conclusion/
Verification is the final flow of analysis of this data.
The conclusion presented is a final and permanent
finding that can address the research problem
(Mulyana, 2006: 175).
Kota Ternate Municipal Education Officer hold
responsibility in the level of local government under
the control of the Mayor to exercise the authority of
regional autonomy in the field of education in the
context of decentralization. In implementing this
function, the organizational structure of Ternate
Kota Ternate Education Office consists of; Head of
Office, Head of Administration, Head of General &
Personnel, Head of Planning & Finance, Kasubdin
Dikdasmen, Kasubdin Infrastructure Sector, Sub
Director of Education Personnel, and Functional
Group. To impose educational organizations, vision
and mission are formulated as the guideline and
foundation for achieving expected goals. The Vision
Education Department of Kota Ternate is the
realization of Quality Education Towards Cultural
City and Civil Society. Therefore, based on the
results of the research, the following will explain the
results of research on human resource management
of educators by Ternate Kota Education Office as
4.1 The Planning of Educator Human
From the results of observations and interviews,
Kota Ternate Education Office performs several
important stages which are regularly carried out and
planned such as before planning process of educator
human resources, offcers conduct evaluation and
analysis. These evaluation and analysis are
conducted every year aimed to know educators
demanded in each schools.
Secondly, after the evaluation and analysis
results are known, Ternate Municipal Education
Office held a cooperation meeting in order to
propose the planning of educators demand with
Badan Kepegawaian Daerah ( the agency of
Regional Personnel Agency). The purpose of this
coordination is to obtain the process of planning
which runs smoothly, clearly, directed and in
accordance with the needs of education staff of
Ternate City education. It is intended that the
planning of educators should be implemented
rationally, be analyzed systematically and it process
run effectively and efficiently based on the needs
and goals of education.
Third, after a meeting with the relevant parties,
Ternate Municipal Education Officers conducted
planning process. In this process, the officers are
guided by the needs and shortages of teachers at all
levels of education (TK-SMA).
Fourth, after the planning of educators resources
are successfully arranged, the implementation is
submitted to the head of administrative division
head of sub- the general part of employment.
According to the survey results of Kota Ternate
Education Office 2015, Kota Terate has 97
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
elementry schools, 933 teachers, and 18814
students. Junior High School (SMPN) is about 14
schools with the number of teachers is around 476
people, and the number of students is about 6540
people. Sate High School consists of 9 schools with
333 teachers and 5936 students. Vacational High
school is about 5 schools, 211 teachers and 2777
students. For more details see the following table:
Table 1: Numbers of Teachers at State Elementry, Junior and Senior High Schools at Ternate City
Level of School
Quantity of
Study group
Level of Teacher’s Education
( %)
Junior HS
Senior HS
Source: Education Office of Ternate City 2017
From this table it is found that the distribution of
teachers in each school is not evenly distributed in
each level of education either in elementary, junior
high and high school. Some schools have more
teachers, others have limited ones. Schools that have
excess teachers are almost scattered throughout Kota
Ternate, such as South Ternate Subdistrict, Ternate
Tengah, Ternate Utara and Ternate Island. While the
school is experiencing shortage of teachers spread in
several subdistricts outside Ternate Island is
geographically far from the city of Ternate is the
District of Batang Dua Island, District Moti and
Kecamatan Island Hiri.
In addressing the need for these teachers, the
National Education Office of Kota Ternate
conducted teacher planning by coordinating with
Kabit of National Education Office of Ternate City.
This attempt is expected that there will be no
shortage of teachers at all levels of education in
Ternate so that the number of teachers school. In
relation to the planning, the Dinas Pendidikan plan
to evaluate the needs of teachers in schools through
three stages; first, short-term planning is annual
planning or planning that is made to be implemented
in less than 5 years, referred to as an operational
plan. This planning is an elaboration of the medium
and long term plans. Second, medium-term planning
covers over 5-10 years. This planning is the
elaboration of a long-term plan, but it is more
operational, and third, long-term planning covers
coverage over 10 years up to 25 years.
Thus it can be concluded that the planning of
educators by the Education Office of Ternate City is
an effort or steps that are made to plan human
resources of educators in the future to meet the
needs of teachers in each school. Good planning
should produce good education personnel, and be
relevant to development needs. In this case the
Ternate Education Office in the planning of
educators is guided by the needs of teachers in each
school and in accordance with their respective field
of study proposed by the principals. Planning will be
done as well as possible if education leaders are
truly convinced of the importance of education so as
to provide support in the formulation of human
resource development plans.
4.2 Human Resources Recruitment of
Recruitment of teachers (teachers) at the Office of
Education of Kota Ternate conducted refers to the
needs and shortages of teachers in each school that
has been planned previously by using academic
selection, administration, health, and qualifications
that have been determined by the Regional
Personnel Agency (BKD). The recruitment process
Educators Human Resource Management at Department of Ternate City North Maluku Province
of the education staff of the Ternate City Education
Office determined three types of tests to select: (1).
Administrative selection, health selection, academic
selection and selection materials have been
determined by the central government, (2).
Placements for older teachers are done with
promotion, rotation, and demotion. (3). Organize
education and training according to the need to
improve teacher performance.
Based on the results of research, recruitment of
educators by Kota Ternate Education Office aims to
get a professional and the best qualified teachers.
Recruitment of new teachers needs to be held to
meet the needs of schools that still require a lot of
classroom teachers especially elementary school
teachers and specific subject teachers for junior and
senior high schools scattered in several subdistricts
in Ternate City such as; District of Batang Dua
Island, Moti Sub-District and Hiri Island Sub-
district. Recruitment of new teachers is needed to fill
positions appropriate to the field and done in
accordance with the needs of schools, and
requirements that have been determined.
This recruitment is done not just fill the gap of
teachers or just get an ordinary teacher, but a
dedicated and profesional teachers who are able to
improve the quality of education. The ideal teacher
needed is a teacher who well understands the true
profession. This is because the quality of education
in Ternate dependen on the recruitment and selection
procedures implemented. To be able to know the
level of education and ratio of teacher-students at
SMP and SMA Ternate City can be seen in the
following table:
Table 2: Student Ratio and Teacher at Elementary, Junior and Senior High School Based on Data at City of Ternate
Elementary S
Junior HS
Senior HS
Pulau Batang Dua
Source: Education Office of Ternate City 2017
The success of Education Office of Kota Ternate
to get qualified teachers can not be separated from
efforts to hold good recruitment. An excellent
teacher recruitment will produce positive outcomes
for schools. The more effective the recruitment and
selection process the teacher receives, the more
likely it is to get the right teacher. In addition,
effective recruitment and selection will directly
affect teacher productivity and performance. Thus,
the recruitment implemented by the Education
Office of Ternate City to find human resources to
cover the shortage of classroom teachers or subjects
in every level of education in the city of Ternate can
be overcome. Besides that, the Education Office of
Ternate City should stick on guideline or
commitmnet when recruiting School Principals and
School Supervisors. It should be based on the need
which too fulfill a vacant position. In recruiting
Principals and School Supervisors always pay
attention to the analysis of positions so that it can
recruit the right person and in accordance with the
position. Nopetism based on a close relations should
be avoided.
Thus it can be concluded that the recruitment of
educators conducted by the Education Office of
Ternate City is a series of activities to get the right
teacher to fill vacancies or lack of teachers who have
competence and in accordance with the
qualifications as determined by the Education
Office. Implementation of teacher recruitment is
based on the needs of teachers and in accordance
with the qualifications required by the school. Thus,
the Office of Education of Ternate City in holding
recruitment of educators to fill the shortage of
teachers required by schools adjusted to the rules of
the Regional Personnel Board.
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
4.3 Human Resource Development of
The human resources development program of
educators by Ternate City Education Office
includes; teacher training program at every level of
education (elementary, junior and senior high
school). The improvement of the educational process
is done through the development of teacher
personality, attitudes, and technical professionalism
skills through the upgrading and utilization of the
Teachers Working Group, Subject Group Teachers,
Principals Working Group, and School Supervisory
Working Group. Teacher quality improvement is
also done equal elementary school teacher program
(PGSD). Aims to improve the quality of primary
school graduates through the improvement of
teacher education at the minimum level of Diploma
Two (D-II). Teacher quality improvement is also
done through promotion of teacher position.
Promotions include core positions, study guide
teachers, principals and school supervisors.
Promotion also takes into account the attitude and
personality in carrying out tasks that include the
activities of teachers in the community, social and
religious organizations, scouting, and stewardship in
PGRI. Teacher coaching programs are conducted
through courses related to all areas of study taught in
From the results of observation and interviews of
a number of informants in obtaining information that
the quality of primary school teachers, junior high
and high school in Ternate aims to improve the
quality of education results through the
improvement of attitudes, personalities, and
professional technical skills of teachers. The
development program of Ternate City Office is done
through the Center of Teacher Upgrading
Development (PPPG) for each subject area.
Coaching programs include; improving the quality
of technical skills, personality and professional
attitude of teachers in order to improve the quality of
teachers through the teaching process. Teacher
quality improvement is also done at the sub-district
level implemented by UPTD together with the
Education Office. Oprasionalisasi program is
implemented by schools through the school cluster,
and then applied at school level by the principal with
the teacher. In addition, promotion by credit lifting
system enables teachers to be passionate about
coaching programs. For the State Administration
Officer the promotion of a rank is essentially an
appreciation of the teacher's achievement when it is
given to the right person and time.
Nevertheless, there are still some teachers have
not received educational activities to increase
competence (training, training and upgrading) to the
maximum and not evenly in every level of
education. Most elementary school teachers are D-II
graduates. Besides qualified graduates of D-II level,
teachers are required to have pedagogical
competence, personality competence, social
competence, and professional competence gained
through professional education or teacher
certification. Efforts to improve the competence of
teachers through education and training activities in
all levels of education, whether it is the teacher or
subject class maupu subject but the realization is not
as comprehensive as adjusted to the allocation of
funds. Distribution of teachers in each school from
kindergarden to High School has not yet spread
evenly. Some schools have more teachers, while
some others has insufficient. Besides, many teachers
has not hold teacher certification.
Table 3: Student Ratio and Teacher at Elementary, Junior and Senior High School City of Ternate
Educational level
Total number of teachers
Source: Education Office of Ternate City 2017
The education and development programs of
educators by Dinas Pendidikan are based on the
needs of individual institutions, groups, and
individual educators. The development of educators
by Ternate City Education Office is intended to
stimulate, maintain, and improve the quality of
teachers in solving problems at school within the
framework of professional and career development.
Teacher career development indicates an increase in
the status of a teacher in carrying out his duties.
Ternate City Education Office in conducting teacher
career development, adjusting to the needs of school
Educators Human Resource Management at Department of Ternate City North Maluku Province
work by fulfilling the qualification of teacher status,
teacher allowance, and teacher certification to be
fulfilled. The development of educators is done
through education and training activities. This
activity aims to; (1). Eliminate the performance gaps
of educators due to their duty not in accordance with
the expected, (2). Enhance the ability of a flexible
workforce and be able to adapt to new technological
developments facing schools, and (3). Increase the
commitment (commitment) of educators to the
school and foster the perception that the school is a
good place to serve.
As professionals, teachers are required to
improve their professionalism through their own
learning and through the development and
development programs established by the Education
Office. Based on the results of research that the
improvement of professionalism of teachers in
Ternate City is done through seminars, training, and
education. The guidance of the teaching profession
includes the guidance of pedagogic competence,
personality competence, professional competence,
and social competence. Efforts that teachers can take
to improve their competence are participating in
forums or scientific activities such as; make
scientific papers, artwork, and technological works,
carry out research / professional work assessment
either individually or in groups.
Thus it can be concluded that the development of
human resources of educators conducted by the
Office of Education of Ternate City from planning
to implementation. In education, the development of
human resources of educators is the task of the
Education Office in assisting teachers in improving
the competence to become professional teachers. In
the development of human resources educators
Education Department of Ternate City is done by
way of training, courses, training, further education,
additional titles and promotion positions.
4.4 Evaluation of Human Resources of
Education Office
Implementation of teacher performance evaluation
by Education Office of Ternate City is done by using
the minimum service standard that fulfill element in
the assessment of job implementation as guidance
and benchmark to evaluate employee performance,
through performance evaluation every day,
performance evaluation every month, and evaluation
of year end performance. Evaluation of teachers'
performance by Ternate City Education Office was
conducted with the aim of: (1). Evaluation of
something that has been done by the teacher, usually
related to problems such as; compensation, teacher
additions / reductions, worker selection systems, (2).
Development of teachers related to; (a). Provide
feedback on the performance that has been
produced, (b). Giving direction for future
performance improvements. (c). The process
identifies the need for training and development.
In evaluating the problem of teacher gap in
Ternate City. From the study found that, there is a
lack of classroom teachers and subject teachers at all
levels of education. This is due to uneven
distribution in the placement of classroom teachers
and subject teachers by the Ternate City Education
Office. The problem of teacher gaps can be seen in
the ratio of the number of teachers, students, and
study groups is not proportional. The imbalance
amount is evidenced by the excess of classroom
teachers and subjects at all levels of education in
North Ternate Subdistrict, Ternate Tengah and
Southern Ternate. While in some schools such as
Kecamatan Pulau Moti and Kecamatan Pulau
Batang Dua, there is a lack of classroom teachers
and subjects at all levels of education.
Table 4: Number of Ternate City Teachers by Education Level City of Ternate 2017/2018.
Educational level
Diploma II
Diploma IV
Source: Education Office of Ternate City 2017
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
Thus the evaluation of the performance of educators
Education Department of Ternate City is to assess or
see the success and failure in implementing activities
and functions mandated to him as the vision and
mission of the Department of Education namely the
Realization of Quality Education Towards Cultural
Cities and Civil Society. Teacher performance
evaluation is actually a follow-up activity of
performance measurement, so that in evaluating the
performance of teachers should be guided by the
measurements and indicators that have been agreed
and determined.
Thus it can be concluded that the evaluation of
teacher performance by the Education Office of
Ternate City is basically done to measure the
performance of educators as well as to know how
well a teacher's performance in performing his job
duties and how much potential to develop. To find
out whether the human resource (teacher) has
performed the job / position in accordance with the
duties and responsibilities, it is necessary to do the
job assessment to measure the productivity of work.
This performance includes work performance, way
of working, creativity and career development
ability. By doing the job assessment can also know
the accuracy or inaccuracy of a teacher in carrying
out the work, so it can be a valuable information
material for the Education Office in taking the next
Based on data descriptions of research results and
discussion of the Human Resource Management
Educators Education Department of Ternate City
can finally be drawn conclusions as follows:
1. Planning of human resources Teachers Education
Office of Ternate City conducted in accordance with
the concept of guidance planning on the needs or
lack of teachers. Evaluate and analyze the needs and
shortages of teachers conducted every year by
proposals through meetings, meetings and
deliberations of work represented by heads of
departments, heads of administrative affairs, and
head of sub-division of personnel and planning. And
recruitment is done by the local government through
the Regional Personnel Board.
2. Implementation of recruitment of teachers
Education Department of Ternate City Education
has been referring to the needs or lack of teachers
who have planned. Furthermore, the implementation
of recruitment by using academic selection,
administration, health selection and qualifications
that have been determined. However, the
implementation still depends on the information on
the provision of recruitment of employees from the
Regional Personnel Board. The education office of
Kota Ternate is only planning and proposing criteria
and qualifications of employees, while the
implementation is done by the Regional Personnel
3. Teacher career development conducted by Ternate
City Education Office has been done by adjusting
the needs of a teacher's work, by fulfilling the
qualifications of professionalism. In the
development of human resources educators
Education Department of Ternate City is done by
way of training, courses, training, further education,
additional titles and promotion positions.
4. Evaluation of teacher performance conducted by
Dinas Education Office of Ternate has been done by
using minimum service standard, which fulfill
element in assessment of job implementation as
benchmark and guidance in assessment. In
evaluating teacher performance on a daily basis,
monthly performance evaluations, and annual
performance evaluations. In the implementation
emphasizes the aspect of attendance and discipline
to improve teacher performance.
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Peraturan Perundangan
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- Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor: 20 Tahun
2003 Tentang SistemPendidikan Nasional.
- Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor: 14 Tahun
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- Sumber data: Kependudukan dan Pencatat Sipil Kota
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- Sumber data: Dinas Pendidikan Kota Ternate tahun
- Sumber data: UPTD Dinas Pendidikan Nasional Kota
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- Sumber data: BPS Kota Ternate 2013
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning