Literacy Assessment Ability of Creative Thinking in 21
Science Learning
Ridwan Jusuf, Wahyu Sopandi, Ana Ratna Wulan, dan Udin Saefudin Sa’ud
Basic Education Department, Universitas Khairun,
Chemistry Education Department, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Biology Education Department, UPI
Education Administration, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia,
Keyword: 21
Century literacy assessment.
Abstract: This study aims to determine the student teachers' literacy skill in creative science thinking assessment. The
method used in this study is a survey method in the form of documents of creative science thinking
assessment literacy questions that have been validated by education experts consisting of creative thinking
indicators: fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.The subjects in this study werethe eighth-
semester students of elementary school teacher education program.The results of the study obtained fluency
(41%), flexibility (33%), originality (29%), elaboration (46%). Whereas, based on the standard indicators of
assessment literacy it was obtained: selecting the assessment method (20%), developing the assessment
method (12%), managing the assessment results (14%), using the assessment results when making decisions
(16%), developing assessment procedures ( 15%), communicating the results of the assessment (13%), and
recognizing unethical valuation methods (10%).This illustrates that the assessment skills of creative science
thinking assessment of the elementary student teacher candidates are still in the low category. The lack of
understanding of the creative thinking assessment is due to the lack of reading resources about creative
thinking assessment literacy held by students and the basic education study program curricula that have not
yet accommodated indicators of creative thinking, especially learning evaluation courses.
An assessment needed on 21
century learning is an
assessment functioning as learning. By using an
assessment as learning system, teachers are able to
integrate both in a learning process. A quality
teaching can be seen also in the quality of
assessment instrument arranged by teachers, and
vice versa, the quality of the instrument mentioned
can illustrate the quality of learning process
In the learning process, an assessment is needed
to determine the characteristics and provide an
assessment to students. Assessment can be used for
a variety of purposes, such as determining student
classes, national accountability, monitoring systems,
allocating resources to an area, placing or
monitoring students, determining interventions,
improving teaching and learning, or giving
individual feedback to students and parents or
guardians. Newton (Suurtamm et,al, 2016).
Rotherdam & Willingham (Wijaya & Nyoto,
2016) noted that the success of a student depends on
century skills, and one of the life skills that must
be possessed in the 21
century is the ability to think
creatively. Creative thinking skill is the ability or
thought process to provide new ideas that can be
applied in problem solving (Munandar, 2012).
Students must learn to acquire it; therefore, the
current learning activities must be adapted to the
development of knowledge in the 21
century that
integrates literacy skills, knowledge skills, skills and
attitudes, and technology mastery. Literacy becomes
an important part of a learning process. Students
who can perform literacy activities to the maximum
will certainly get more learning experiences
compared to other students (Kemendikbud, 2013).
Based on the results of interviews with a lecturer
who teach elementary learning evaluation courses, it
was found that as long as the lecturer taught the
subject he had never taught or measured the creative
Jusuf, R., Sopandi, W., Wulan, A. and Sa’ud, D.
Literacy Assessment Ability of Creative Thinking in 21st Century Science Learning.
DOI: 10.5220/0008896600110017
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2018), pages 11-17
ISBN: 978-989-758-439-8
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
thinking skills of students (the student teachers),
because the lecture process was only referring to the
description in the curriculum of the elementary
school teacher education program (PGSD). This is
supported by documentation on questions of mid-
term exam, final exam and course descriptions in the
curriculum in PGSD. Specifically, for elementary
learning evaluation subject, the material and
evaluation of students' creative thinking skills have
not yet to appear. As a result, the student teachers
passed with an understanding of inadequate key
assessment concept (for example, validity, bias, etc)
and low self-efficacy to use judgment (Volante &
Fazio, 2007). Therefore, elementary school teacher
candidates (the students) must be prepared as early
as possible in their assessment literacy skills, so that
they have good knowledge as a provision to become
teachers later. For this reason, the problem in this
study is: how is the ability of elementary school
students, teachers to understand the creative science
thinking assessment in elementary school for
century learning?
In this 21st century, the human resources needed
are human resources that possess 21
competencies. These competencies include critical
thinking skills, creative thinking skills,
communication skills and collaborating skills. Thus
the four competencies of the 21
century can be said
as a generic goal of the learning process and based
on this, the assessment that must be developed has to
be an assessment that can be used to support the
achievement of these objectives. Learning
assessment is data collection executed by adhering
to certain principles. Assessment should be carried
out by adhering to the six general assessment
principles as stated below:(1) The main purpose of
the assessment; (2) the assessment criteria; (3) the
assessment must be carried out fairly; (4) the
assessment must be professionally developed; (5)
the assessment must be delivered clearly and
continuously; and (6) the assessment must be open,
continually reviewed, evaluated, and systematically
corrected (Abidin, 2016).
Literacy assessment is present when a person has
knowledge and skills related to the assessment
needed for competent performance, people's
responsibility "(Popham 2009). Literacy assessment
requires an understanding and use of appropriate
judgments based on basic theoretical and
philosophical knowledge of student learning
measurements (Volante & Fazio, 2007).
Literacy understanding of creative thinking
assessment is important to be developed in higher
education, because students' assignments generally
tend to be more directed at solving problems in the
real world context. Students are not only introduced
to theories / concepts in the scientific field, but are
also encouraged to deal with relevant problems
around them which require a higher level of
thinking. Learning in higher education is essentially
a planned and patterned activity to create an
atmosphere and provide services so that students
learn effectively. For the lecturers, the main task that
must be executed is to plan and perform learning
and make an assessment of every material that has
been taught. The three are inseparable unity systems.
Effective and meaningful learning requires an
appropriate and comprehensive assessment system.
The standard literacy assessment proposed by
Sanders & Vogel (1993) are as follows:
1.1 Teachers Must Be Skilled in
Choosing an Appropriate
Assessment Method for Instructional
Teachers who meet this standard will have the
conceptual skills and applications following it. They
will understand how valid assessment data can
support instructional activities such as providing
appropriate feedback to students, diagnosing group
and individual learning needs, planning individual
education programs, motivating students, and
evaluating learning procedures. Assessment choices
vary and include questions and tests submitted by
the text and curriculum, standardized criteria and
reference tests, oral assessments, spontaneous and
structured performance assessments, portfolios,
exhibitions, demonstrations, rating scales, examples
of paper writing and written tests, school work and
homework, peer and self assessments, student
records, observations, questionnaires, interviews,
projects, products, and opinions of others.
1.2 Teachers Must Be Skilled in
Developing Assessment Methods
That Are Appropriate for
Instructional Decisions
Teachers who meet this standard will have the
conceptual skills and applications following it.
Teachers will be skilled in planning information
collection that facilitates the decisions they will
make. They will know and follow the right
principles to develop and use assessment methods in
their teaching, avoiding common difficulties in
student assessment. Such a technique might include
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
several options listed at the end of the first standard.
The teacher will choose a technique that is in
accordance with the intent of the teacher's
instruction. Teachers who meet this standard will
also be skilled in using student data to analyze the
quality of each assessment technique they use.
Because most teachers do not have access to
assessment specialists, they must be prepared to
carry out their own analysis.
1.3 Teachers Must Be Skilled in
Managing, Publishing, and
Interpreting the Results of
Assessment Method Produced
Externally and Those Produced by
Teachers must be skilled in managing, publishing,
and interpreting the results of various assessment
methods. Teachers who meet this standard will have
the conceptual skills and applications following it.
They will be skilled in interpreting the results of
assessments made by informal and formal teachers,
including performances of students in class and
homework. Teachers will be able to use guidelines
for publishing essay questions and projects, stencils
for publishing response choice questions, and
performance rating scales. They will be able to use
this in a way that produces consistent results.
1.4 Teachers Must Be Skilled in using
the Results of Assessment in Making
Decision on Individual Students,
Lesson Plan, Curriculum
Development, and School
Teachers who meet this standard will have the
conceptual skills and applications following it. They
will be able to use accumulated assessment
information to develop good instructional plans to
facilitate the development of student education.
When using assessment results to plan and/or
evaluate instruction and curriculum, the teacher will
interpret the results correctly and avoid general
misinterpretations, such as based on decisions on
scores that do not have curriculum validity. They
will be informed of the results of local, regional,
state, and national assessments and about
appropriate uses for improving student, class,
school, district, state and national education.
1.5 Teachers Must Be Skilled in
Developing a Valid Student
Assessment Procedure That Uses
Student Assessment
Teachers who meet this standard will have the
conceptual skills and applications following it. They
will be able to design, implement, and explain
procedures to develop values that consist of various
things from various tasks, projects, classification
activities, quizzes, tests, and/or other assessments
that they may use. The teacher will understand and
can articulate why the values they provide are
rational and fair, so that they reflect their preferences
and judgments. The teacher will be able to recognize
and avoid incorrect assessment procedures such as
using value as a punishment. They will be able to
evaluate and modify their assessment procedures to
improve the validity of interpretations made by them
about student achievement.
1.6 Teachers Must Be Skilled in
Communicating the Results of
Assessment to Students, Parents,
Other General Audiences, and Other
Teachers who meet this standard will have the
conceptual skills and applications following it. The
teacher will understand and be able to provide a
precise explanation of how the interpretation of
student assessment must be moderated by other
socio-economic, cultural, linguistic, and background
factors. The teacher will be able to explain that the
results of the assessment do not imply that these
background factors limit the development of the
student's final education. They will be able to
communicate with students and their parents or
guardians how they can assess the progress of
student education.
1.7 Teachers Must Be Skilled in
Acknowledging Unethical, Illegal,
and Inappropriate Assessment
Method and Information
Teachers who meet this standard will have the
conceptual skills and applications following it. They
will know the laws and case decisions that affect the
practice of assessing classes, school districts, and
assessing their country. The teacher will realize that
various assessment procedures can be misused or
used excessively so as to cause harmful
Literacy Assessment Ability of Creative Thinking in 21st Century Science Learning
consequences such as humiliating students, violating
students' rights to confidentiality, and not using the
standard achievement test scores of students to
measure teaching effectiveness.
The assessment carried out by the teacher in the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum experienced
many obstacles including the aspects that must be
assessed. The assessment carried out together with
the learning process, so that the teaching and
learning process became less effective and felt
burdened because they had to sum up each student's
overall value and then describe the value. This
indicates that elementary school teachers experience
difficulties in applying 2013 curriculum especially
those relating to assessment in 21
century learning.
The issue of 21
century skills is of concern to
observers and education practitioners. The North
Central Regional Education Laboratory (NCREL)
and The Metiri Group (2003) identified the
framework for 21
century skills, which are divided
into four categories: digital era proficiency,
inventive thinking, effective communication, and
high productivity. The 21
century competency
framework shows that core subject is inadequate;
students must be equipped with; 1) creative-critical
ability, (2) strong character, (3) support for the
ability to utilize information and communication
technology (Dadan, 2012)
Partnership for 21
Century Skills (2002)
identified six key elements for 21
century that are
encouraging learning: (1) emphasizing core subject
knowledge; whatever skills developed must be based
on knowledge of the contents of the main subject
matter and an understanding of the main
characteristics; 2) emphasizing learning skills;
students need learning skills consisting of three
skills, namely skills related to information and
communication, thinking and problem solving skills,
interpersonal skills and self-regulating skills. A
teacher needs to integrate these skills in learning
intentionally, strategically and to the greatest extent;
(3) using the 21
century tool to develop learning
skills; students need to learn how to use tools that
are essential for everyday life and to be productive
at work. The ability to utilize ICT is very necessary
in the 21
century;(4) Teaching and learning in 21
century context; students learn material through
examples, applications, and real-world experiences
both inside and outside the school; (5) teaching and
studying the contents of 21
century; educators need
to integrate knowledge and skills in the 21
(6) Using the assessment of 21
century that
measures 21
century skills; to measure skills in the
century, high-quality assessments are needed so
that they can measure student achievement in 21
century elements. For effective instruments to be
used, they must be made appropriately.
The type of research used was descriptive qualitative
research. Qualitative descriptive research was used
to describe the problem under study. The study was
conducted in the Department of Basic Education in
the faculty of teaching and education in Khairun
Ternate University, with the research subjects of the
2015/2016 elementary school student teachers with
total 26 students and the instrument used to obtain
data was creative science thinking assessment
literacy questions, interviews and documentation.
3.1 Results of Creative Science Thinking
Skill Test
The learning process includes planning,
implementation, and assessment. Assessment is one
of the instruments used to determine the extent to
which achievement of learning objectives has been
set previously. One of the skills that must be
possessed by student teachers is creative thinking
assessment literacy to deal with changes in the 21
century learning. The implementation of the science
thinking skill test for 2015-2016 PGSD students
based on indicators of creative thinking resulted:
Table 1: Creative Thinking Test Results.
Indicators of creative
1. Fluency 41%
3. Ori
4. Elaboration 46%
Based on the results of the creative science
thinking literacy ability test above, it can be
concluded that the ability is still in very low
category. This means that the understanding of
students as student teachers is still very low,
therefore they should be given a good understanding
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
early on (starting at college), so that they can apply
that knowledge to the real world.
There are many aspects used in assessing student
learning outcomes, but I emphasize more on the
presence, activity, and honesty of students in
working on the problem. However, the mastery of
theory or knowledge will follow naturally if students
achieve those 3 qualities “ (Hidayati, 2016).
Figure 1: Understanding of Students / Prospective
The learning process includes planning,
implementation, and assessment. Assessment is one
of the instruments to determine the extent to which
achievement of learning objectives has been set
previously. Course competencies will also be
achieved well because students tend to be more
disciplined in teaching and learning activities.
Nonetheless, authentic assessment actually
emphasizes the quality of learning outcomes and
does not focus on how high the students' value is.
Assessment of learning outcomes as a process of
gathering and processing information to determine
the achievement of learning outcomes students need
data as information that is relied upon as the basis
for decision making (success/failure of students in
achieving a competency). To assess this learning
outcome, lecturers are not only required to
determine what aspects need to be assessed, but also
know how to assess these aspects.
In general, student assessment programs were
conducted by lecturers in the realm of knowledge,
attitude, and skills. Knowledge domain assessment
is done by assessing daily assignments, daily
examinations, midterms, and final semester
examinations. The instrument used in measuring the
ability of students in the realm of knowledge was in
the form of a description question with regard to the
level of Bloom's Taxonomy, so that students have
the ability to think higher in answering the questions
given. Observing student attitudes both inside and
outside the classroom, such as motivation to learn,
responsibility in doing assignments, discipline,
politeness, and honesty in doing assignments or
examinations was a way to do the assessment in
affective domain. In the other hand, the assessment
of the psychomotor domain was conducted by
assessing the active participation of students in the
learning process such as active questions, expressing
opinions, and presentation performance, as well as
the creative results of students' work.
Learning outcomes assessment provides
information to lecturers and students. For lecturers,
the information is one of which can be used to
determine the extent to which learning goals have
achieved based on the predetermined goals. While
for students, this information can be used to
determine their learning achievements after
attending lectures.
Stiggins (1991) noted that educated educators
must know "What they value, why they do it, how to
best assess achievement of interest, how to produce
good performance samples, what can be wrong, and
how to prevent problems before they occur".
Literacy assessments are very important so that
educators can support and measure teaching and
learning. In recent years, "given the increasing
importance of both large-scale and classroom
assessments, developing assessment literacy in the
needs of prospective teachers is an explicit
component of teacher education programs" (Deluca
& Klinger, 2010).Literacy assessment of student
teachers is seen as a key link in the relationship
between assessment of quality and student
achievement (Mertler, 2002) and teachers must have
an adequate level of assessment literacy (Popham,
3.2 Result of Literacy Assessment Skill
The implementation of the assessment literacy skill
test with an instrument developed based on the
description of the indicators of the Literacy
Assesment Standards (SLA) for students of the
2015/2016 prospective teacher obtained the
following results.
Science's creative thinking
Literacy Assessment Ability of Creative Thinking in 21st Century Science Learning
Table 2: Literacy Test Results Assessment Creative
No Assessment Literacy
Standard (SLA)
Test results
1. Choose an assessment
2. Develop assessment
3. Mana
e assessment results 14%
4. Use assessment results to
make decisions
5. Develop assessment
6. Communicate the results of
the assessmen
7. Recognize unethical
valuation methods
From the results obtained above, it can be seen
that the ability to choose the valuation method has a
higher value, even though it is still in the very low
category range, this means that the student teachers
already understand the various assessment methods
that will be used to develop the assessment
instrument. This is in line with the opinion of
Popham (2009) and Mardapi (2008) that the
selection of a good assessment method will have an
impact on the learning process and become a
reference for further policy. Likewise in the case of
developing assessment instruments, students need to
be provided with the development of assessment
instruments that can be carried out while attending
the evaluation course, so that they have a good
understanding of the development of assessment
instruments. Sugiyono (2008) & Gable (1986) said
that a less developed product is a learning
assessment instrument
Figure 2. Assessment Literacy Understanding
Teachers are required to be able to choose and
use appropriate and useful evaluation tools in
providing positive feedback for educators and
schools so that, ultimately, learning assessment from
schools or institutions, where the learning process
takes place, can be a positive value for the quality of
the school itself.
In the end the students (students) who carry out
the evaluation can better prepare themselves in
facing various tests, either pre-test or post-test,
summative or formative tests, evaluations conducted
by evaluators from outside or inside. Those will not
be the worrisome main factor in the learning
assessment for their evaluation results.Stakeholders
now expect teachers to be able to provide a notion
for the assessment tools they use. Unfortunately,
most teachers nowadays know little about
assessment because they are traditionally not trained
for it (Popham, 2004, 2009a). In fact, "one of the
most serious problems in the education profession
today is that the level of Literacy assessment of the
educators is very low" (Popham, 2010).
These skills help teachers engage in instructional
adaptations where they "... use insights from
assessment to plan and revise instructions and
provide feedback that explicitly helps students see
ICTL 2018 - The 1st International Conference on Teaching and Learning
how to improve ..." (Shepard, Hammerness, Darling-
Hammond, & Rust, 2005). Significantly, Wiggins
and McTighe (1998) also argued that this skill needs
to be explicitly taught inasmuch as it does not
appear naturally to every teacher. Clearly, there are
many things that can be achieved by improving
teachers’ literacy assessment. This offers several
guarantees that teachers can choose assessment tools
that show students making adequate progress
towards the country's learning standards (Gardner,
2006; Popham, 2011; Stiggins, 2005).
1. Elementary school student teachers' ability to
understand creative science thinking
instruments is in the low category for all
indicators of creative science thinking.
2. Elementary school student teachers' literacy
assessment ability is in the very low category on
all indicators of the Literacy Assessment
Standard (SLA).
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Literacy Assessment Ability of Creative Thinking in 21st Century Science Learning