Information Seeking Behaviour in the Mualaf Communities
of Al Falah Mosque in Surabaya
, Meinia Prasyesti Kurniasari
Department of Information and Library Studies, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Information and Library Studies, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: information needs, information seeking behaviour, spiritual, mualaf
Abstract: Everyone has an awareness of their spiritual needs as an impact of the existence of the soul within man.
Spiritual needs can be obtained from various paths, and one of them is through religion. Some people study
the Islamic religion and finally choose to embrace the religion of Islam as their life guidance in the process
of meeting their needs of spirituality. The purpose of this study was to determine the behaviour of
information seeking among Mualaf at Al Falah Mosque in Surabaya. This research used the approach of the
Information Search Process theory. This theory explains the existence of initiation, selection, exploration,
formulation, collection and presentation in every process of information seeking among Mualaf. The
research method used was quantitative and descriptive with the number of respondents totalling 30 people
who were mualaf at the Muhtadin Institution in Masjid Al Falah, Surabaya. The number of Mualaf in
Indonesia in 2016 was 2,491 people. There was an increase in the number of Mualaf by around 5-6 percent
in the previous year. The number is expected to continue to increase given the current and numerous studies
about the religion of Islam. The number of Mualaf who made a pledge at Al Falah Mosque in Surabaya in
2017 was recorded at 161 people. The results of the research shows the involvement in each stage of the
Information Search Process concerning information seeking behaviour among the Mualaf registered and
active in the Muhtadin Institute of Masjid Al Falah. The conclusions of this study indicate that Mualaf in
Surabaya begin information seeking from the urge to become a Muslim. Good Muslims then encourage
Mualaf to search for information through information channels that are deemed appropriate to their
information needs. Satisfaction after sharing the information with fellow Mualaf is the end result of the
information seeking process. This process replaces anxiety and confusion with a sense of satisfaction at the
beginning of the process of information seeking.
The road to pursuing a career in Library and
Information science is not forthright and there is no
straight direction in which to travel. Sometimes,
people who pursue a career as librarians as their
chosen profession experience some detours and
experience another job in their life. It also rare to
hear of university students who have been taught to
become a librarian from the beginning (Lo, 2017:
p.424). The librarian profession has not been in
much demand and is often unpopular in the
community, including school librarians. There are
37,133 school librarians in 365,000 school libraries
in Indonesia and 1,700 principals. The profession of
school librarians is duplicated by that of school
teachers. School librarians with a background of
Library Science are few, and there are distinct
advantages and disadvantages in this profession.
Besides, there are overlaps in the rules to being a
librarian, starting from recruitment, the career path,
the public image and through to their welfare.
Researchers are interested in knowing how the
choice to become a school librarian is formed by
people who pursue the profession of school
librarians with such conditions in place.
The self-image of the librarian profession is lost
to professions such as lecturers and teachers who are
still in one particular area of education. This
profession has been researched by Korneliza Pert
concerning the professions as a source of income.
The result is that librarians served in sixth position
Panji, . and Kurniasari, M.
Information Seeking Behaviour in the Mualaf Communities of Al Falah Mosque in Surabaya.
DOI: 10.5220/0008819602300232
In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs (ICoCSPA 2018), pages 230-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-393-3
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
out of seven professions that are in demand after
doctors, teachers, constructors, economists and
lawyers. The latter is occupied by system’s
engineers or programmers. The National Library of
Indonesia and the librarian institution currently has
700 employees, including 178 functional librarians
and with one third being "librarians in passing", i.e.
functional librarians with no formal education
background in library and information science,
which involves ordinary people without any library
education performing the duties of a librarian.
The career path of a school librarian is limited
because of the potential of teachers to fill the
position of the Head of the Library with the presence
of Permendiknas Number 25 Year 2008. It is
because of a lack of appreciation and low welfare.
Endang Fitriyah Mannan's research on School
Librarian Retention in Surabaya 2010 stated that the
first salary received by school librarians is between
500 thousand and 1 million, and it can be even less
than 500 thousand rupiah depending on the
institution where the librarian works. This situation
is happening to school librarians in Surabaya. A
Bambang Prakoso Librarian in SMKN 10 said that
his salary was still below the minimum wage for
labour, at around 1 million rupiah. Mas Dwi, the
librarian of SMKN 2 in Surabaya, confirmed that the
salary he received after 5 years of work was two
million rupiah.
This study has explained the rationale choice
underlying the act of becoming a librarian and has
sought to know whether it serves as a quick way to
achieve the individual’s life goals. Are they
conscious in determining and choosing the librarian
profession as an individual preference or is there
something else involved? What is the impetus for an
individual who sets their choice as becoming a
school librarian? Is being a school librarian based on
a strong inner drive and done solemnly by the
individual, so then it will be directed and bring good
results into their life?
This study examined the reasons for becoming a
school librarian and how their rationality is formed
among the conditions in society. Thus, this context
can be formulated into two focus problems. The first
is why they chose to pursue the profession of school
librarian and the rationality of the librarian
profession among school librarians in the city of
Surabaya. The research was conducted qualitatively
using the social behaviour method from the
phenomenological perspective. This research
focused on knowing the cause of rational choices
among school librarians while the condition is still
considered to be unbeneficial. From the field data
alone, it was found that the salaries and other awards
received by school librarians are still below the
standard. Therefore, the study proves how rational
choices are formed to pursue the work of school
Initially they plunge in the world of school libraries
for various reasons, which can be analysed from the
informant information. There were no informants
who said that they worked on the basis of
compulsion due to economic pressure. The push and
economic constraints factor was a driving factor for
working as a school librarian, but not the primary
and first driver of action.
From the results from the six informants, it was
known that they claimed the profession of the school
librarian which came from their desires through
various motivations, such as being influenced by
their educational background, the work in the library
being considered lighter than their previous work
experience because there was no pressure, feeling
challenged by the management at the school library
as well as comparing the work of the school librarian
in their hometown with the city of Surabaya. Their
desire was also derived from the profession of
school librarian who, according to them, is an open
door to providing education because by they can
give children the correct information and education
is very important. This is because “information
literacy is a necessity for everyday life decisions and
is considered to be essential to the point that it was
endorsed by UNESCO’s ‘Information for all’
programme as a basic human right… (Demasson et
al., 2017: p.1).
Although there were informants who admitted to
entering the world of libraries by chance, after
experiencing the profession, they feel secure and
have been working for more than six years. The
awareness of careful consideration for those working
in the school library by Coleman is described in his
theory of norms. He argues that the norms are built
and conserved by some who see the benefits of
compliance within the norms and dangers posed by
violations of the norms. School librarians, as the
actor in school libraries, are automatically bound by
regulations applied in their school. This is as well as
the unity that the library within the organizational
structure represents still not standing alone;
librarians are encouraged to perform tasks in the
field of administration as well. With a mature
Information Seeking Behaviour in the Mualaf Communities of Al Falah Mosque in Surabaya
consideration, finally a candidate plunges into the
world of school libraries and becomes a librarian.
The actor has hopes and goals within their
actions, in an effort to realise that their hopes and
objectives can be achieved. They always undertake
careful consideration by prioritising the benefit
maximisation involved so then the actor receives
benefits from every action that he or she undertakes.
Differences in the hopes and goals are there but they
have something in common in that their interests can
be achieved by doing the actions of a school
librarian. In this context, the choice to become a
librarian school is to obtain a tool that is then used as
a follow-up to the goal of becoming a teacher,
because by becoming a school librarian, the actor
could receive more compensation regarding the
income of a teacher.
Another informant revealed that he wants to
become a lecturer and then with the knowledge
gained in the field of libraries, he could then take
further action to get compensation and use it to
finance himself to become a lecturer. There are also
those who make the school librarian profession their
goal, because of the easy recruitment process, the
job demands not being as heavy as their previous
job, as well as flexible work.
Webber's theory of rational choice states that the
ratio of one's personality is derived from two key
factors, namely the tools and the actors to achieve
the maximum benefit that underlies an action. In
pursuing the profession of school librarian as a
rational act, it cannot be separated from the objective
educational environment of the actor who is
equipped with a set of tools. However, it can occur
by looking at the opportunities and actions that can
be accepted and done as a rational effort. What is the
behaviour of the school librarian's election and how
does his / her rationality decide to prompt them to
work as a school librarian? Why do they persist with
their profession, in the midst of the problems that
librarians are plagued by? Based on the results of
research into the rational choice of school librarian
professions, the research formula is summarised as
In the beginning of their behaviour, their choice
comes from consciously thinking of pursuing the
profession of school librarian by considering the
tools that they have, and then moving on to the
external factors by looking at maximising the
benefits that they can gain from the profession of
school librarian. The action is based only on the
opportunities that are open and likely to be accepted
due to an action. The process of thinking afterwards
just weighs on the maximum beneficial aspect that
will be obtained by the rational actors. This thinking
process involves consideration if the actor tries to
perform actions that are inconsistent with the tools
that he possesses and what impacts it has on him. In
the end, we can see the advantages of the chosen
profession of librarian being an answer to the
necessities of life.
The advantages gained by the actors who have
the tools in accordance with larger libraries are
found to be in comparison with the actors who do
not have the tools. The actors with tool discrepancies
require time to adapt to the work in the library. The
opportunity to develop their knowledge of library
science is also wide open for actors with the
appropriate tools, with the development of the actor
increasingly allowing them to able to multiply their
tools, with the implication of obtaining maximum
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ICoCSPA 2018 - International Conference on Contemporary Social and Political Affairs