Dynamics of Hope in Hemodialysis Patients in Rsudza Banda Aceh
Khairatun Nisak
, Lely Safrina
and Marty Mawarpury
Department of Psychology, Medicine Faculty, Universitas Syiah Kuala
Keywords: Hope, Chronic Kidney Disease Patients, Hemodialysis Therapy.
Abstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a permanent progressive loss of kidney function, transpiring over a long
period of time and irreversible, however the psychological consequence commonly experienced by CKD
patients may impact their treatment. Hope is a purpose-related unit of cognition that that can help patients
cope with psychological effects so they can undergo maximum treatment. This study aimed to understand
hope concept in hemodialysis patients. This study was a qualitative study with a case study approach.
Sampling technique was purposive sampling with 4 respondents undergoing hemodialysis therapy and data
was collected through interview and observation. The result showde that all four of the respondents had low
hope. On the other hand, in terms of the quality of hope, which are pathways and agency, each respondent
had differences of perseverence in facing their illness. In this research, family and partner support, self-
efficacy, and acquiescence in God’s will were factors affecting hope.
One of chronic diseases becoming major health
problem in the world today is chronic kidney failure
(Riset Kesehatan Dasar [Risksdas], 2013). The
disease has high prevalence every year (Himmelfarb
& Sayegh in Asti, Hamid & Putri, 2014). Prevalence
of chronic kidney failure patients in Indonesia is at
0,2 %, it reaches 475.282 people, and prevalence of
chronic kidney failure in Aceh is the second highest
in Indonesia at 0,4 %, it reaches 17.977 people. The
prevalence keeps increasing as age grows (Riskesdas,
Chronic kidney failure disease (so-called CKD) is
gradual loss of kidney function (progressive), which
is incurable (irreversible), and happens for long time
and permanent (The Indonesian Society of Internal
Medicine, 2009). CKD occurs gradually, which can
be monthly or even yearly, and cannot be cured
(Nurani & Mariyanti, 2013). Damage of kidney
function may be inhibited if patients undergo
treatment regularly. Two methods to manage kidney
failure are a kidney transplant and a hemodialysis.
The kidney transplant is defined as the most ideal way
to manage end-stage kidney failure, because it may
overcome all kinds of kidney function degradations
(The Indonesian Society of Internal Medicine, 2009).
Another management for degradation of kidney
function which is frequently applied for CKD patients
is hemodialysis, because the former therapy, kidney
transplant, remains limited due to many obstacles like
availability of kidney donor, operation technique and
post-operation treatment (Nurani & Mariyanti, 2013).
Hemodialysis is defined as cleaning blood therapy
conducted routinely and largerly to keep life quality
and prolong survival of acute and chronic kidney
disease patient by cleaning blood from excessive
concentration of substances inside body with a
machine in form of artificial kidney called dialyzer
(Schiffl, Lang & Fischer, 2002). Hemodialysis
therapy has to be undertaken for 12-15 hours every
week, or at least 3-4 hours per-therapy (Nurani &
Mariyanti, 2013).
Hemodialysis therapy has effects on patients i.e. it
may improve life quality, reduce stress of patients
(Rodrigue, Mendelbrot & Pavlakis, 2011).
Hemodialysis has physical and psychological effects
on patients. The physical effects are hypotension,
chest pain, nausea, vomiting, and dialysis stability
disruptions like convulsion, pain and muscles cramp
(Suzanne & Brenda, 2001). Psychological effects are
anxiety, sleep problem, and considering to suicide
(Theofilou, 2011).
Hemodialysis therapy which must be undertaken
by patients for 12-15 hours every week requires failure
kidney patients to undergo therapy routinely and
regularly as schedule. It may make patients physically
exhausted like being sick during therapy, or
Nisak, K., Safrina, L. and Mawarpury, M.
Dynamics of Hope in Hemodialysis Patients in Rsudza Banda Aceh.
DOI: 10.5220/0008791702650270
In Proceedings of the 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences (SKIC-MHS 2018), pages 265-270
ISBN: 978-989-758-438-1
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
psychologically exhausted. However, hemodialysis
therapy does not make CKD disappear or cured. The
condition often makes patients lose their hope.
Hope is essential to have and develop among
patient, because hope is psychological resource which
is able to assist patients cope their chronic disease
(Elliot & Olver in Duggleby dkk., 2012). Literally,
harapan is different from hope, which is defined as
desiring something to happen (Kamus Besar Bahasa
Indonesia [KBBI]), while hope is not only a desire
but also a process to reach the desire.
Snyder (2000;2007) defined hope as a cognition
unit related to a purpose consisting of pathways, the
ways to reach the purpose and the agency containing
the ability of individual along with motivation to
reach the purpose. Hope may be as protective factor
against psychological pressure in patients (Santos,
Sigulem, Areco, Gabbay, Dib, Bernardo, 2015).
Emmons (2004) stated the same thing as Snyder that
hope was future-oriented, which meant a form of
some good possibilities in the future with quite high
probability. However, in defining hope, Emmons did
not explain the process to realize the hope, because
according to him, hope is just future-oriented which
comes without process to realize it. Damon (2012)
defined hope similar to Snyder, that it was related to
importance of purpose, a reachable thing when an
individual got close to one’s life purpose. Difference
of the theory from Snyder’s is Damon does not
provide aspects to reach the purpose of the hope.
Hope could be beneficial for patients with chronic
diseases, it can reduce pain that is experienced by
patients (Berg, Snyder, & Hamilton, 2016), it may
improve motivation and self-efficacy of sick patients
(Berg, Snyder, & Hamilton, 2016), it may make
patients possible to consider their purposes and
achievement toward their diseases and arrange plan
first to cope with the obstacles. It may make patients
minimalize a stress which will be faced so that they
will not be too exhausted to face their diseases
(Hirsch & Sirois, 2016). One with high hope has an
ability to develop ways to reach desired purposes and
motivate oneself to reach the purposes (Snyder in
Selvam & Poulsom, 2012).
The researcher considers research about hope in
CKD important to do, the researcher is interested to
conduct the research about hope with aim to know an
image of hope in patient undergoing hemodialysis
therapy in dr. Zainoel Abidin General Hospital,
Banda Aceh, because the hospital is general hospital
of Aceh Province which has dialysis installation for
50 machines and is able to serve 400 patients every
week (Una, 2014).
In this research, the researcher will refer to hope
theory by Snyder, because the theory has been used
in 12 research found by the researcher during
literature study, an example of a research which used
Snyder theory is conducted by Hirsch & Sirois (2016)
about hope in patients with chronic diseases. In
addition, Snyder also has develop an instrument for
hope theory, either for qualitative research or for
quantitative research with good validity and
reliability. According to literature review, the theory
was mostly used in patients with chronic diseases.
However, research about hope is still limited in Asia.
According to Snyder (2000), there are two aspects
of hope, as follows:
a. Pathways, is a capacity to find a way in order to
be able to reach a purpose. The path into the
purpose is important in order to get success
opportunity from the hope. Pathways thoughts
will emerge in the first six month when patient is
b. Agency, is motivational component which is
required to reach a purpose. Agency reflects one’s
judgment toward an ability to be persevering in
getting the purpose. Agency thoughts will emerge
in the next six month after pathways thoughts
Factors influencing Hope.
There are several factors that influence hope as
1. Emotion. Hope is emotion, although hope is
managed by cognition, environment may
influence the development and the damage of
hope (Lopez, Snyder & Pedrotti, 2007).
2. Cognition. Hope is often considered as emotion, a
feeling makes ones possible to defend their belief
in frightening condition. Hope is a thought or
belief that individual may keep moving toward the
purpose (Lopez, Snyder & Pedrotti, 2007).
3. Obedience. Depression patients usually suffer
from desperate feeling or lose hope on themselves
and sometimes they do not fully obey the
undergone medication to improve their health
(Simoni, Frick, Huang, 2006).
Patients will keep undergoing therapy repeatedly
based on their kidney condition and docter’s advice,
depression patients often have desperate feeling and
lose hope on themselves and sometimes they do not
fully obey the undergone medication to improve their
health (Simoni, Frick, Huang, 2006). Patients without
hope tend to not obey the medication (Simoni, Frick,
Huang, 2006).
The research question is how is hope in
hemodialysis patients ?
SKIC-MHS 2018 - The 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences
This research was used qualitative method with study
case approach, a study involves a problem which is
explored through one or several cases in limited
system (Creswell, 2007). The researcher preferred
study case because wanting to understand an abstract
construct, by looking at image of hope in patient
undergoing hemodialysis therapy.
1. Respondent characteristics
a. Hemodialysis patient undergoing the
therapy for at last 18 month, because:
- in at least 12 bulan, aspects of hope, pathways
thoughts and agency thoughts, will have emerged
from an individual (Snyder, 2000).
- physical condition has experienced edema
(hands, legs, or stomache is swollen), in this
condition, patients tends to be stress and depressed
about changes in their body (Theofilou, 2011).
b. Ready to be respondent
2. procedures of respondent selection
The technique to select respondent was purposive
sampling. Purposive Sampling is a technique used by
the researcher if having certain considerations in
selecting the sample. Respondents were selected
based on certain criteria which had been set in
advance based on problem and purpose of the
research. Research location was in dialysis room in
The Zainoel Abidin General Hospital Banda Aceh. In
this research, the researcher interviewed four
respondents based on characteristics in this research.
The four respondents were interviewed in two steps
of interview which took place in 2 months 17 days.
The data analysis method which was used by the
researcher was modification model of The Stevick-
Colaizzi-Keen (Moustakas, 1994).
The respondents in this research was 4 (four)
patients who underwent hemodialysis therapy. The
table of the description of the respondents who were
involved in the research about hope in hemodialysis
is as follows.
Table 1.
Civil Servant
Civil Servant
Working at
Banda Aceh
Banda Aceh
Banda Aceh
Banda Aceh
Length of
3 years
3 years
3 years
7 years
Initial History
Hope experienced by the three respondents was
different. MS had the worst pathways and agency
among the other respondents, MS often broke
prohibition required by the doctor, had no motivation
and purpose, because he thought life was not special
and surrendered with what happened.
WF had different pathways and agency, WF
obeyed the hemodialysis therapy schedule as the
doctor required, WF never missed to attend the
therapy, however, WF said that she sometimes broke
the prohibitions like the requirement to drink enough
water, as the result she suffered from shortness of
breath. WF had good motivation to survive, her
children and husband supported her to keep
undergoing hemodialysis, but WF said that she was
not sure about gaining recovery by undergoing
FH also had different pathways and agency as
WF, she obeyed the schedule of hemodialysis, but FH
occasionally broke the recommendation by the doctor
like the prohibition to excessively drink water and do
excessive activity. FH explained that the only way to
keep healthy and make the children happy was by
keeping undergoing the hemodialysis therapy,
however she had no any plan for her life.
HA had the highest quality of pathways and
agency of the four respondents, HA never broke the
prohibitions which were required by the doctor and
always underwent the therapy routinely as the
schedule. HA really wanted to be recovered in order
that she could make her dream come true, but HA was
not sure that she could recover by undergoing
hemodialysis therapy
The result showed that the four respondents had
low hope, because they did not meet the indicators of
behavior from each aspect of hope, but if it is seen by
the quality of hope, each respondent had different
hope. HA was the only respondent who had good
quality of hope, because HA showed her obedience
toward the doctor’s recommendations, it could be
seen from her physical was healthier than the other
three respondents. Snyder (2000) stated that a
character of individual who had good hope was the
individual was able to mark one’s ability to be
persevering in getting one’s target.
The difference of hope of the four respondents
could be caused by various factors, i.e. family support
and the length of therapy, from the beginning of the
diagnosis to the present time. WF and FH explained
that family support was very essential for them,
because it could strengthen them to keep undergoing
the hemodialysis therapy. The result above is in
accordance with the previous research conducted by
Rosland, Heisler, and Piette (2011) which stated that
Dynamics of Hope in Hemodialysis Patients in Rsudza Banda Aceh
family support was significantly able to affect
patient’s obedience toward the treatment, moreover,
obedience was the factor that affect hope.
HA was the respondent undergoing the longest
treatment of the four respondents, for 7 years. The
other three respondents had undergone the treatment
for 3 years. It made HA have the highest quality of
hope of the four respondents which can be seen from
her pathways and obedience behavioral indicators. It
is in accordance with previous research which stated
that patients who had endurance would show higher
obedience toward a therapy (Medeiros, Arantes,
Tajra, Santiago, Carvalho, Liborio, 2016).
The four respondents did not have good
qualification of hope, because they did not meet two
of three factors which affected hope, cognition and
obedience factor. The four respondents were not
certain that their recovery could be achieved by
hemodialysis therapy, because they thought that
hemodialysis therapy was not healing therapy, but the
therapy to make them still in well condition.
Basically, hemodialysis therapy may recover, it can
be seen from the development of URR (Urea
Reduction Ratio) which is checked every week, the
higher ratio, the less toxic inside blood and it means
that therapy goes effective. Several factors influence
the successful therapy, like age, nutritional intake and
the obedience level (The Indonesian Society of
Internal Medicine, 2009).
Three respondents, MS, WF, and FH said that
they broke the prohibition required by the doctor, like
drinking excessive water and consuming prohibited
food. It showed that they did not have obedience
which was one of the factors affecting hope, the more
individual obeys, the more hope improve
progressively (Simoni, Frick, Huang, 2006).
According to the result, there are other topics
arouses besides the aspects of hope, i.e. family
support, partner support, self-efficacy and
resignation. Two of four respondents stated that
family support was essential for them in undergoing
the hemodialysis therapy, like being accompanied by
the children during the therapy. It is in accordance
with previous research which showed that family was
the most essential supporting resource for patients
(Ahrari, Moshki, Bahrami, 2014). Furthermore, a
respondent, WF, said that partner support was
necessary for her, her partner accompanied and
waited for her during comma, cleaned her body when
she was unconscious, and took care of her until now.
So that, WF got encouraged to undergo the treatment
as required. It is in accordance with other research
about partner support which stated that partner
support significantly could decrease pain suffered by
patient with chronic disease (Williams & Cano,
The four respondents had low self-efficacy, they
told that they were not certain that the hemodialysis
therapy could recover their disease. They believed
that the therapy was only for making them keep
healthy. Low self-efficacy is as the result of low hope
of patients, as the research by Berg, Snyder, Hamilton
(2008) which stated that individual with good hope
was able to improve one’s self-efficacy. Therefore, it
is important to conduct clinical approach for
hemodialysis patients to improve their self-efficacy
(Tsay & Healstead, 2002).
Later on, the four respondents also mentioned
about their resignations on what they suffered. They
perceived the disease was the test by God and they
just resigned on what they suffered. It is in
accordance with previous research which found that
patients with chronic disease would give up with their
disease (Riva, Montali, Wirth, Curioni & Williams,
The research result is confirmed by several
previous researches finding that patients with was
caused by negative experience, death of family
member because of chronic disease or lack of social
support, no support from expected others (Davidson
& Simpson, 2006; Eliott & Olver, 2009; Buckley &
Herth, 2004). A research found that patients with
good hope possessed high social support, they were
encouraged to be able to achieve their target despite
difficult condition (Billington, Simpson, Unwin,
Bray, & Giles, 2008).
Hope is a unit of purpose-related cognition which
consists of ways to achieve a purpose and self-ability
along with motivation to achieve the purpose i.e.
pathways and agency. The result showed that the four
respondents had low hope, furthermore if it seen from
quality of hope, each respondent had different hope,
different perseverance in facing their disease.
Based on affecting factors, only one factor of
three factors was performed by the respondents,
emotion factor. Interestingly, there were other topics
emerged in this research, family support, partner
support, self-efficacy and resignation. Those topics
could influence hope in the four respondents, so that
the respondents could not achieve the target they want
The limitation of the research was limited time
with respondents because the respondents’ health
condition was unpredictable.
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Table 2: Table of the difference of hope among the
1. Obey the therapy
2. Have solutions
3. Keep obeying the
1. Have motivation
2. encouraged
3. have life plan
4. Optimistic (sure to
Tema lain
1. Family support
2. Partner support
3. Low Self-efficacy
4. Resignation
SKIC-MHS 2018 - The 2nd Syiah Kuala International Conference on Medicine and Health Sciences