Analysis of Implementation in Accounting Learning Model based
Scientific Approach: Naturalistic Qualitative Study at SMK PGRI
Turen Malang
Yunia Rohmatin,
Sunaryanto, Puji Handayati
Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords: Implementation of Learning Model, Scientific Approach, SMK PGRI Turen Malang
Abstract: This study aims to determine how teachers understand the meaning of learning scientific approach,
implementation of scientific learning approaches (planning, implementation, and evaluation), and
implementation of learning models based on scientific approaches (scientific approach) at SMK PGRI
Turen Malang. This study uses a qualitative approach design with a type of phenomenological research
based on Dyer theory. The results of the study show (1) The learning scientific approach at the SMK PGRI
Turen Malang means the teacher of the learning process using a scientific approach is the implementation
of learning between existing theories and then connected with daily life (the environment) of students. (2)
The learning process using the scientific approach carried out by accounting teachers at SMK PGRI Turen
Malang was considered not optimal by researchers in implementing the 2013 Curriculum. (3)
Implementation of two learning models namely inquiry-based learning (IBL) and problem-based learning
(problem-based learning / PBL) has been implemented even though it has not been maximized and the
project-based learning model (project-based learning has not been implemented at SMK PGRI Turen
Malang. The renewal of this research for the first time is to determine the extent of implementation of
scientific approach learning accounting models.
Educational activities compiled in a programmed
manner with the curriculum In Law No. 20 of 2003,
the curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements
regarding the purpose, content, and material of
learning and the methods used to guide the
implementation of learning activities to achieve
certain educational goals. rump and Dalmes F.
Miller (in "improvement secondary school", 1973),
curriculum is a method of teaching, and learning,
how to evaluate students and all programs, changes
in teaching staff, guidance and counseling,
supervision and administration and structural matters
regarding time, number of rooms and the possibility
of choosing subjects. In the 2013 curriculum, the
learning process used uses learning with a scientific
approach. The Scientific Approach (scientific
Approach) is a distinctive feature and becomes a
distinctive strength of the existence of the 2013
Curriculum. Hosnan (2014: 34) states that a
scientific approach is a learning approach that
directs students to actively construct concepts, laws
or principles through scientific stages. Some
learning models, strategies, or methods can be
applied by the teacher by integrating elements of the
scientific approach to learning. Learning models
with scientific approaches namely inquiry-based
learning, problem-based learning (PBL), and
project-based learning (PjBL) (Sani, 2014: 76).
Based on Dyer theory (in Sani, 2014: 53), the
scientific approach (scientific approach) in learning
has components of the learning process, among
others, observing, asking questions, trying /
gathering information, reasoning/association, and
forming networks (communicating). To apply the
components in the learning process, an educator
needs a plan of learning activities or commonly
called a learning training plan (RPP). According to
Minister of Education and Culture No. 65 of 2013
concerning Process Standards, Learning
Implementation Plans (RPP) are plans for face-to-
face learning activities for one or more meetings. A
good lesson plan is a learning plan that must have
three main points, among others; 1) learning
planning, 2) learning implementation, and 3)
learning evaluation. As well as developing in detail
from a subject matter or a particular theme that
Rohmatin, Y., Sunaryanto, . and Handayati, P.
Analysis of Implementation in Accunting Learning Model based Scientific Approach: Naturalistic Qualitative Study At SMK PGRI Turen Malang.
DOI: 10.5220/0008787601100117
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 110-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
refers to the syllabus so that learning takes place
interactively, inspirational, fun, challenging,
efficient, motivates students to actively participate,
and provides sufficient space for initiative,
creativity, and independence according to talent,
interests, and physical and psychological
development of students. In the learning
implementation plan, educators also need to
determine the learning model that is in accordance
with the scientific approach. Will it use inquiry-
based learning, problem-based learning (PBL), or
use project-based learning (PjBL)?
If seen from previous research, Rahmawati et al
(2015) completed their research with focus on one
learning model that is problem-based learning
(PBL), while in this study, researchers focused on
three learning models to find out the lesson plans for
learning (RPP), whether or not they have met the
components of learning in accordance with Dyer's
theory. (natural) the conditions and activities of
teaching and learning activities at SMK PGRI Turen
Malang and focusing on "How Implementation of
the Accounting Learning Model Based on Scientific
Approach in SMK PGRI Turen Malang?" with sub
focus research is as follows:
1. How is the teacher's understanding of the
meaning of learning scientific reach at SMK
PGRI Turen Malang?
2. How do teachers implement the scientific
learning approach at SMK PGRI Turen Malang
when viewed from the process of planning,
implementation, and evaluation?
3. How is the implementation of the learning model
based on a scientific approach (scientific
approach) at SMK PGRI Turen Malang?
2.1 Data Collection
Based on the focus of the problem under study, this
research is included in qualitative research. The type
of research used in this study is phenomenology.
The research is intended to uncover phenomena and
orient the subjective experience of accounting
educators at SMK PGRI Turen Malang. The purpose
of this study is to get a clear and real picture of the
results of data analysis by researchers about the
implementation of abased accounting learning model
scientific approach. In this study, researchers acted
as instruments as well as data collectors.
Researchers as planners, implementers of data
collectors, analysis, data interpreters, and in the end
he became the reporter of the results of his research.
In this study the researchers participated passively,
the researchers were present but were not involved,
meaning the researchers came at the place of activity
of the people being observed but were not involved
in the activity (Satori, 2010: 115).
The data source of this study consists of primary
data sources and secondary data sources. The
primary data source is obtained directly from the
original source, namely the researcher informants
through interviews with accounting educators at
SMK PGRI Turen Malang. Whereas for secondary
data in the form of documentation in the form of
syllabus and learning implementation plan (RPP)
made by accounting teacher of SMK PGRI Turen
Malang. The procedure for collecting data in this
study uses a systematic procedure with observation,
interviews, and documentation. Observations were
made in 5 observations in a face-to-face class that
began the first week of April to the first week of
May. Then interviews are conducted via email,
social media and via mobile phone. The researcher
conducted interviews with three informants in depth
with the research subject, Dra. Sri Jonari M.Sc., Drs.
Kusnadi and Wahyu Khoiril Hidayat SE, S.Pd. And
the documentation in this study uses learning tools
in the form of syllabus and learning implementation
plans (RPP) made by accounting teachers at SMK
PGRI Turen Malang.
2.2 Data Analysis & Measures
In this study, researchers adopted data analysis
techniques proposed by Miles and Huberman (in
Satori, 2010: 221), namely:
1. Data Reduction
Researchers provide an overview of the data
analysis process that departs from data obtained
from the field, then data reduction, then display
the data in the form of a pattern until the
conclusion is drawn.
a. Primary data, the primary data source comes
from in-depth interviews with informants.
Data is collected without the addition and
subtraction of interview results.
b. Data reduction, done by summarizing the
results of interviews in the form of certain
points or classification.
c. Display Data, the presentation of data is
presented in the form of a pattern, then the
data is described again in narrative form.
Analysis of Implementation in Accunting Learning Model based Scientific Approach: Naturalistic Qualitative Study At SMK PGRI Turen
2. Presentation of Data (Display Data)
Presentation of data in this study is carried out in
the form of narrative/description. The researcher
displays data by connecting one phenomenon
with another phenomenon.
3. Withdrawal of conclusions in this study is carried
out after the data analyzed has finished. From
this conclusion, patterns, models, themes, and
other relationships are supported. Mechanical
checks the validity of the data include a test of
credibility (credibility), dependence test
(dependability), the test of certainty
1) Test credibility (credibility)
Test conducted to determine the level of
confidence in the data examined.
a. Extension of Observation, the researcher
carried out an extension of observation by
following the research subjects in teaching
in the classroom for 3 weeks with 6
b. Perseverance Observation, researchers
make observations more carefully and
continuously. explain in detail and
systematically in accordance with the focus
of the problems in the study. Perseverance
of observation alone is solely to deepen the
contents of the problem under study.
c. Triangulation technique, researchers use
triangulation techniques by checking data to
the same source with different techniques.
For example, data obtained by interviews,
then checked by observation,
documentation, or questionnaire.
2) Addiction Test (dependability)
To know the whole set of research, it is also
necessary to test the dependence
(dependability). Testing by independent
auditors is done to obtain an objective
picture of the research process carried out
by the researcher, both when determining
the problem, entering the field, determining
the data source, analyzing the data, testing
the validity of the data, and finding results
in the study. In this research, what is meant
by independent auditors is the process of
consultation with the supervisor.
3) Test Certainty (confirmability)
The results should be appropriate
procedures and in accordance with the
conditions of the field or can describe fully
the actual situation. Another thing that is
also important in the certainty test is that
the research process does not exist, but the
results are there. This will result in a loss of
trust level.
3.1 Result and Discussion
A. Teacher's understanding of the meaning of the
learning scientific approach at SMK PGRI Turen
Based on the results of research with
informant 1, informant 2, and informant 3 it can
be seen that the scientific approach is interpreted
by the teacher at SMK PGRI Turen Malang with
a learning process that has a theme, this theme or
competency in the process of implementing the
learning will be connected with the daily
life/situation of the students. As an educator,
nature is only guiding and directing so that the
hope is that students develop their abilities more
and can provide advice/solutions to the problem
formulation that is being raised as a special
discussion. Besides that, the scientific approach
itself for the teacher has the purpose of how to
make the students always feel curious and
challenged by the curiosity in every material that
will be delivered. The scientific approach is
interpreted as daily learning.
"The scientific approach related to what is
conveyed in theory can be applied in the
outside world, connected with everyday life.
Suppose accounting records are financial.
What we can do is related to the theory that
exists with our daily lives. For example,
recording a journal, recording a journal in
this theory, we do it. We get pocket money
from our parents, what allowance, we spend
on anything, all of us take notes. If
bookkeeping is done, there will be income
and expenditure. That is the same as learning
by using a scientific approach that is
scientific in nature and is in the daily scope. "
In the scientific approach, there are 5
components of learning that are used as the basis
for implementing a scientific-based learning
model. These five components are the process of
observing, asking, trying / experimenting,
associating, and communicating (5M). From the
results of the study with the three informants
mentioned that the observing process becomes
dominant to do because both the teacher or
students develop a pattern of thinking by
learning to pay more attention to one particular
thing by making warmth during the learning
process. This is in accordance with the opinion
of Abdul Majid (2014: 214) which reveals that
the process of observing is a process when a
teacher trains students to pay attention (see, read,
hear) from an object or object. The form of
implementation of 5M at SMK PGRI Turen
according to the informant:
"Observing we often do and become
dominant, especially if we have talked about
public sector accounting and accounting
fields. What kind of observation? Yes, for
example, if someone builds a mosque or
other public service place. There must be
budget allocations and budget plans. To get
into the realm of what our costs are is not
possible. So my children told me to make a
budget then at the end I told them to present
the results of the observation. Starting from
the relocation of the budget, what is up to
good government, transparency etc. I
deliberately did not focus on the budget
discussion. What for? Yes, solely so that
children can develop their thinking patterns
more and have the assumption that all the real
sciences are interconnected with each other. "
From the above screenshot, the teacher can
see from the level of concentration and calm of
the students. Then in the realm of knowledge can
be seen from the results of the report or not in
carrying out the tasks given by the teacher. When
the work is seen coherently means students can
be said to master the material.
B. Implementation of the scientific learning
approach at SMK PGRI Turen Malang when
viewed from the process of planning,
implementing and evaluating learning
Implementation of the scientific approach
in Curriculum 2013 (K13) is inseparable from
the three learning processes namely the process
of planning, implementing and evaluating
learning. The results of the study with informant
1, informant 2, and informant 3 states that the
learning planning process begins with making a
Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) then three
learning activities (introduction, core, closing)
and evaluation of learning with authentic
assessment. The following is an interview quoted
by the Informant related to learning planning.
"The preparation is to make lesson plans,
semester programs, annual programs then
breakdown to RPP then implemented in
gradual learning, but ideally when the
semester program has been designed but
the material is made in semester one or odd,
for example, this material is submitted to
the allocation amount so many hours.
There, it can be designed at meetings to so
many. Just at the time of execution and
suppose we have not made the lesson plan
at least we have completed before the
learning time. So the learning time, the
lesson plan has been completed and in the
semester program at least there is also
already. If we finish it right at the
beginning of the semester it is also difficult,
then in the RPP there will also be
developed, for example, we make lesson
plans, then there are new developments and
information during the learning process.
From there it can be added again in the
lesson plan. "
The next step is the process of implementing
learning. The implementation of learning itself is
divided into three activities including preliminary
activities, core activities, and closing activities.
Preliminary activities usually contain the perception
of the material to be discussed, meaning that the
teacher gives a little description of the material to be
discussed in the next few hours. Giving a general
description (a perception) to students can be done in
different ways. This depends on the creativity of
each teacher/teacher. Entering the classroom with a
pleasant face and a warm smile that is charming
becomes its own advantages to attract the attention
of students.
After the preliminary activities, the next stage is
the core activities whose implementation is more
focused for some time because accounting requires
high concentration so that there are times when the
learning atmosphere must be truly conducive so that
students are more focused. But after the material was
delivered and the time the students who did the task,
the atmosphere relaxed again even in the core
activities if the atmosphere was not supportive with
hot weather, the informant as the instructor teacher
Analysis of Implementation in Accunting Learning Model based Scientific Approach: Naturalistic Qualitative Study At SMK PGRI Turen
gave an offer by playing music as an
And last is the closing activity usually contains a
review of the material that has been delivered when
the learning takes place. Review conclusions in the
form of core keywords in the material discussed.
The keywords were chosen so as to facilitate the
difficult and minimize the discussion.
The planning and implementation stages of
learning have been carried out, and the last is an
evaluation of learning. Evaluation of learning in the
scientific approach is an evaluation process that is
more directed at process evaluation. The final score
in the exam is not a determinant of whether students
are capable and whether they master or accept
material in learning. In its implementation, learning
evaluation also requires schools to develop the
ability to create a framework/model of assessment
even though at the end of the final form/model
remains the stipulated conditions. The following is
an explanation of the Informant about the process of
conducting the assessment.
"For the evaluation/assessment model, schools
make their own, the guidelines for each basic
competency (KD). Every KD must be evaluated
but we (the teacher) remain on the existing signs,
meaning that for example, this child does not
reach the minimum completeness criteria (KKM)
this child should have remedies, enrichment etc.
Then there is the final evaluation with the value
in the form of practical value and the final value
combined but the process value yes every KD
and practice is also the value of the process
practice is also indirect because it is gradual. "
C. Implementation of learning models based on
scientific approaches (scientific approach) at
SMK PGRI Turen Malang
There are three learning models in the
implementation of learning models based on a
scientific approach namely inquiry-based
learning, problem-based learning, and project-
based learning (Sani, 2014: 76).
1. Inquiry-Based Learning (inquiry-based learning)
Inquiry-based learning (IBL) is learning
that engages learners in formulating questions
directed to conduct an investigation in an effort
to build new knowledge and meaning.
stations in an effort to build new knowledge and
Learning is learning that can be done
individually, generally, the analysis or
experiment conducted by students is simple and
can be answered immediately. As has been done
by the following informant who discussed the
issue of concepts and implementation of the
environment. The environment is not only
interpreted based on the theory of this A and B
like this. But a discussion about the environment
towards how to protect the environment and
what if the environment is polluted, what impacts
will occur later.
The following is an interview quoted by the
"For example, discussing environmental
issues in professional ethics, children not
only know the theory that the environment
is interpreted as an explanation but how I
make children have their own
understanding of the purpose and purpose
of the existence of a balanced environment
amidst many industrial factories. "
From the above question, it can be seen that
informant 2 as an educator tries to develop the
ability to analyze students in understanding
learning material. Students are required to speak
up, seek, ask, analyze and convey. This is felt to
be enough to hone the mindset of students so that
the inquiry learning model is used as a learning
model based on the scientific approach.
2. Problem Based Learning (problem-based
learning / PBL)
learning Problem Based Learning (PBL)
was first popularized by Barrows and Tamblyn
(1980) at the end of the 20th century (Vienna
Sanjaya, 2007). Problem Based Learning (PBL)
is a learning approach that begins with solving a
problem, but to solve the problem students need
new knowledge to be able to solve it (Hamruni,
2009) in Suyadi (2003: 129). The syntax
relevant to teacher behavior is as follows.
Table 1.5 PBL Syntax and Relevant Teacher Behavior
Examples of learning problems made by informants
(accounting teachers) at SMK PGRI Turen Malang,
following excerpts from interviews conducted by
"I, if learning is based on problems, usually my
children give a case, I make groups and I ask to
observe and understand the cases. I provoked a
number of questions and I asked for an analysis
of several aspects that would have entered into
daily life. For example, in terms of social,
economic, psychological etc. Or if they have
more opinions than I specify, I invite you. New
for the next meeting is the practice of doing
journaling to financial statements. "
Based on the information above, it is known that
informant 1 tried to invite students to think more
critically in addressing what was seen and found.
Informant 1 teaches how to analyze and work on a
more complex problem. So that children develop a
slightly longer thinking pattern.
3. Project-based learning (PjBL)
PjBL is defined as learning with long-term
activities that involve students in designing,
making, and displaying products to overcome
real-world problems. The syntax of PjBL
according to Abidin (2014: 172) is as follows.
Implementation of a project-based learning
model is the most difficult learning to be carried
out according to informants. This is felt
reasonable because it requires a long time and
really needs more ability for each student. It's not
easy, but every school has its own way of doing it.
Like what was done by informants, in the
implementation, the informants collaborated with
the entrepreneurship program. Although it has not
been effective, at least students can carry out
analysis from the start and make products. What is
accounted for in accounting is how much has been
used up to make one product, where the market
prey, what goods are sold is not approximately,
attractive or not, has economic benefits or not etc.
From there, students will present their results. The
following is an interview quoted by the Informant.
"The most difficult thing is communicating.
We collaborate with entrepreneurship
programs. Now entrepreneurship makes a
product, where we insert it into it. Just don't
synergize with teaching, so getting into
accounting like you make this product runs
out if you sell it doesn't sell. Not just finished,
if possible, it must have a sale value. So that it
is more productive and has economic
benefits. What economic benefits? At their
end, I told them to present the results of each
group. "
1. The importance of thinking that is open to a
teacher in implementing learning uses a
scientific approach. This is important because
Phase Teacher Behavior
Phase 1:
orientation to
Teachers Deliver learning
objectives, explain logistics
(materials and tools) what needs to
be needed for problem-solving and
provide motivation to students pay
attention to problem-solving
Phase 2:
students for
learning The
The teacher helps students define
and organize learning so that it is
relevant to problem-solving.
Phase 3:
Support then in
Teachers encourage students to seek
out the appropriate information,
conducting experiments, and seek
explanations and troubleshooting.
Phase 4:
Develop and
and exhibit
them The
Teacher assists students in
planning according to the tasks
given such as reports, videos, and
models, and helps them share with
each other about their work.
Phase 5:
evaluating the
process The
The teacher helps students to
reflect on the results of their
investigation and the learning
processes that have been carried
Analysis of Implementation in Accunting Learning Model based Scientific Approach: Naturalistic Qualitative Study At SMK PGRI Turen
the problem faced by teachers is how to
process and develop existing ideas to be more
creative, innovative and productive for
students. Therefore, the more emotional
closeness between teachers and students is
necessary for its implementation.
2. Good communication between teacher and
students in the implementation process in the
preliminary, core and closing activities is the
key to the success of learning. Thus, it is hoped
that mutually beneficial cooperation will be
established while simultaneously encouraging
new ideas to emerge from both students and
3. Three learning models in the scientific
approach do not have to be forced into the
implementation of the scientific approach. But
the learning model is seen by informants as a
tool to facilitate the delivery of material.
Various types of learning activities make the
learning process more inspirational and fun, of
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Analysis of Implementation in Accunting Learning Model based Scientific Approach: Naturalistic Qualitative Study At SMK PGRI Turen