Digitizing Zakat Management in Improving
LAZ Accountability
Amin Wahyudi
, Puji Handayati
Faculty of Islamic Economics and Business of IAIN Ponorogo
Universitas Negeri Malang
Keywords: zakat, accountability, LAZ, digital-internet
Abstract: In response to the increasing potential growth of zakat, the increasing growth of the provincial level
of zakat management institutions also occurred. However, the community's response to the
presence of the institution still relatively low. The community prefers to channel zakat directly to
those who are entitled to receive it. This study aims to examine the financial accountability of zakat
management institutions at the provincial level by looking at the utilization of digital-internet
technology as a tool for financial disclosure to donors and other stakeholders. This research is
qualitative research with interpretive descriptive methods. Data collection was carried out by
observing the official websites of the provincial-level Amil Zakat institution. The content analysis is
used to analyze the research objectives. The results of this study indicate that none of the 9
institutions of provincial level amil zakat uses digital-internet technology or online media as a tool
for financial information disclosure. This finding indicates that the accountability of periodic
reporting of the provincial amil zakat institutions still low. Therefore, this study recommends that
the provincial amil zakat institution, using digital-internet technology as a tool to perform their
accountability, since it is more effective and efficient. There is also a need to encourage the
government to urge the provincial-level Amil Zakat institutions to disclose their financial reporting
on their official websites as part of their financial accountability, because it is in line with the
needs of the community.
Indonesia with a large Muslim population has a
large potential zakat fund. The UN Study of UIN
Syarif Hidayatullah (2005) estimates the potential of
Indonesian Islamic philanthropy in the amount of
Rp. 19.3 trillion (0.8% of GDP 2004). Study of
BAZNAS - IRTI IDB / Firdaus et., Al. (2012)
founds that Indonesia's zakat potential to have
reached Rp 217 trillion (3.4% of 2010 GDP).
Wibisono (2015) founds Indonesia's zakat potential
in 2010 reached IDR 106.6 trillion (1.7% of 2010
GDP) (Wibisono, 2016).
Canggih et.al (2017), stated that the potential and
realization of zakat in Indonesia for five years (2011
to 2015) was experiencing positive growth even
though the realization amount was still very small.
The figures for potential zakat funds and their
realization are as follows:
Table 1: Potential and Realization of Zakat Funds in
Potency [Rp]
Realization [Rp]
Source: Research by Canggih et al, entitled Potential and
Realization of Zakat Funds in Indonesia
The gap between realization and potential,
encourages people to optimizing the utilization of
zakat by establishing the amil zakat institutions. The
number of zakat management an institution which
registered and authorized by the National Zakat
Agency (BAZNAS), in 2018, was 53 institutions,
Wahyudi, A. and Handayati, P.
Digitizing Zakat Management in Improving LAZ Accountability.
DOI: 10.5220/0008783500050013
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Research Conference on Economics and Business (IRCEB 2018), pages 5-13
ISBN: 978-989-758-428-2
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
consisted of 19 national level institutions, 9
provincial level institutions and 25 district and city
level institutions (HTTP: //pid.baznas.go.id/daftar-
baznas-daerah-laz). In addition to this amount, there
were also few BAZNAS representatives in each
province and city.
However, the public trust in the zakat
management institution is relatively low. Most
people prefer to give zakat individually [to a poor
relative, for instance] instead of channeling it
through zakat management institutions. This is
because the impact of giving can be more
immediately felt compared with payment through
zakat institutions. The Eighteen (18) survey of
Public Interest Research and Advocacy Center
(PIRAC) show that the level of public trust in zakat
institutions in 2004 was only 15% (Nikmatuniayah
and Marliyati, 2015). This poor of trust was caused
by the lack of proper financial reporting of the zakat
management institution, which causes the zakat
payer to be unsatisfied. Insufficient financial
reporting also raises doubts about the accountability
of zakat institutions (Sudjali, 2017)
A Research conducted by Rini in 2015 under
concerning the Internet Financial Reporting
Application to Improve the Accountability of Zakat
Management Organizations, shows that out of the 19
national level zakat management institutions in
Indonesia, only one institution provide their
financial reporting via the internet. This shows that
the accountability of zakat institutions can be said in
a low condition (Rini, 2016).
Accountability at least defined as submission of
information to muzakki who have given the mandate
to the amil zakat institution (LAZ) to channel their
zakat to those who have the right to receive
(mustahik). One of the information that must be
submitted by LAZ is financial information or
financial statements. With financial information,
sharia accountability can be revealed. In addition to
accountability, the purpose of providing financial
information or financial statements is to provide
useful information for users in the context of
decision making. Therefore the provision of
information must meet the relevant qualifications.
Providing irrelevant information will cause the
information to be in vain because it cannot be used
for decision making. Among the relevance of
information is the use of media in accordance with
the information user.
In this digital era, where the internet has become
the lifestyle of most people, which includes muzakki,
the delivery of financial information by utilizing
digital-internet technology is certainly effective,
because in addition to meeting the needs of users, it
also has a wide range. This is because zakat
institutions, in general, especially provincial-scale
zakat institutions have donors with a wide area.
Based on the background of the above
discussion, this study intends to examine the
accountability of zakat management institutions in
provincial-level in related to the utilization of
digital-internet-based technology [online] as a
medium for delivering accountability of zakat
management institutions.
2.1 Zakat in Islamic Teachings
Literally, the word zakat means growing,
developing, blessing, holy, healthy or good, and
praiseworthy (Ibn Manthur, tt). According to the
fiqh, term zakat is a certain amount of property that
is obliged by Allah to be handed over to those who
are entitled to receive it (Qardlawi, 1973). Al-Jaziri
(1994) defined zakat as a grant of belonging to
certain people with certain conditions. In an
economic perspective, zakat is a movement to
transform the economic life of an economy that is
individualistic, materialistic, capitalistic, liberalistic
which is driven by greed in the pursuit into
togetherness and prosperity of social welfare
(Sariati, 1994).
According to Ali (1998), the purpose of zakat is
follows; (1) Improving the status of the poor (2)
Fostering kinship among Muslims and humankind in
general (3) Eliminating the stinging and striving
nature of property owners (4) Developing a sense of
social responsibility in a person, especially those
who have no assets (5) As means of income
equalization to achieve social justice. To achieve
those goals, the implementation of zakat must be
based on: (1) Principles of religious beliefs; (2)
Principles of equity and justice; (3) Principles of
productivity; (4) The principle of reasoning; (5) The
principle of freedom; (6) Principles of ethics and
fairness (Mannan, 1970).
In the study of zakat, zakat is often juxtaposed
with infq and shadaqah. Infaq is a common
terminology whic includes all of sthe ocial
fundraising to help the needs of the weak. The word
infaq is more specific, namely- giving which
unbinnd with formal obligations and based on
willingness. On the Other side, zakat is a formal
obligation which bind with certain conditions and
amount, such as the the amount of wealth that must
be paid zakat or the precentage of zakat that must be
paid. However he infatq is related to the necessity
and condition of the person in need (Munir, 2011).
Shadaqah literally means strength. In the
terminology of fiqh, shadaqah is defined as a giving
in order to achieve purely the pleasure of Allah.
Taimiyah in his opinion defines shadaqah as
something that is given to expect the pleasure of
Allah which is done purely on the basis of religion
and worship without expecting anything or any
exchange from anybody. The giving is meant to
serve those who need. (Munir, 2011).
In Sharia Accounting, zakat is defined as
property that must be withdrawn by muzakki in
accordance with sharia regulation to be given to
those who are entitled to receive it (mustahiq). Zakat
is a sharia obligation that must be transferred by
muzakki to mustahiq, either directly or through the
amil institutions. On the other hand, the infaq/assests
donation is given voluntarily by the owner, either
with limited/determined and unrestricted
distribution. Infaq and shadaqah are voluntary
donations, whether determined or undetermined
distribution by the donors (Board of SAS, 2016).
In order to achieve its objectives and functions
optimally, it is necessary for the officer in charge on
zakat handling to withdraw the zakat from muzakki
and distributing it to mustahik. This is evident from
the command of zakat in QS Taubah 103 which
states; "Take zakat from some of their property, with
that charity you cleanse and purify them and pray for
them. Surely your prayer (becomes) the tranquility
of the soul for them. Allah is all-hearer and all-
knowing ". Regarding the command in the verse, it
is clear that the verse is not addressed to muzakki but
to the other parties [amil zakat administrators].
Moreover, in QS at-Taubah verse 60, it is also
mentioned the existence of amil as the party entitled
to receive a share of zakat.
Hafidhuddin (2002) explained that amil zakat is
those who carried out all activities related to zakat
management, starts from the collection, maintenance
until the distribution process, as well as
administrative activities related to the cashflow of
the zakat funds. Sabiq (2008) explained that amil
zakat is a person who appointed by the government
or government representative to work on the zakat
collection from the rich people. Thus, amil does not
only manage zakat, but also has to obtain the
legitimacy from the government, without the
legitimacy then it cannot be called as amil.
In the Indonesian context, the zakat management
institution that represents amil is the National Zakat
Agency [BAZNAS] with its organizational
hierarchy; BAZNAS in Provincial Level and
BAZNAS in Regency / city level. This is because
only BAZNAS has the mandate to manage zakat
from the government. The Amil Zakat Institute
[LAZ] which established by the community is an
institution that assists BAZNAS in performing its
functions, utilizing zakat, infaq and shodaqah to be
more optimal (Indonesian Law No. 23 of 2011).
2.2 Zakat Management Accountability
Accountability is translated into Indonesian
language as a state of accountability, circumstances
can be asked for answers (Enchols and Sadili, 1997).
In the perspective of Agency Theory, accountability
is a logical consequence of the relationship between
the owner [principal] and management [agent]. The
owner has given a full mandate to the management
to manage the organization, so as a consequence, the
management conveys accountability to the owner for
the mandate received (Nikmatuniayah et.al, 2017).
Accountability is a social relationship between
organizational actors that involves take and give
reasons to perform or an obligation to explain and
justify behavior.
In a manager's perspective, accountability is a
process of providing information to explain and
justify the fairness of any action or inaction and
results. This principle ensures the owners that they
have the opportunity to acknowledge by whom and
how decisions are made and the reasons that
triggered the decision making and what the results
are. Thus, the fulfillness of accountability requires
the existence of information transparency which
refers to the openness of the [agent] manager to the
owner to get the valid information and the
confidentiality of the company as the working
element (Sudjali, 2017).
In Islam, despite having accountability as secular
social relations, it also has a sacred relationship. The
s only false,
are essentially entrusted [trustworthy]. Humans have
wealth because God entrusts the property to humans
to be managed so that useful to life. Without any
mandate, humans do not possess any property. Thus,
the position of human being is only an agent while
the principal is Allah. As the consequence as a
manager, then humans must follow Islamic sharia
which is Allah's provision. Furthermore, in the
framework of managing assets, humans mandate
assets to the others or cooperate with each other.
The existence and success of the organization as
an agent in carrying out the mandate given by the
Digitizing Zakat Management in Improving LAZ Accountability
owner cannot be separated from the support of
individuals or organizations outside the owner which
called stakeholders (Nikmauniayah et.al., 2017).
Ebrahim (2003) in Sudjali (2017) explained that
stakeholders of non-profit organizations including
zakat institutions, can be classified into three major
groups: (1) resource providers (2) regulators (3)
beneficiaries and communities as the service users in
the broader definition, which include religious
organizations, supervisory institutions, advisors,
media, and academics.
The implementation and management of zakat by
the Amil Zakat Institute [LAZ], is a religious order
that has a clear foundation in the holy book [al-
Qur'an] (Sudjali, 2017). Zakat and its management
are Allah's commands. Therefore stakeholders from
the zakat institution consist of sacred stakeholders
and secular stakeholders. Sacred stakeholders are
God, while secular stakeholders are resource
providers, regulators, beneficiaries, and those who
carried out supervisory functions. Accountability to
Allah means that the management of zakat by LAZ
must be performed in accordance with Islamic law.
Secular accountability means that zakat management
has the truth according to criteria and human needs
as secular stakeholders. Zakat institutions must also
be responsible to those who affected by the activities
of zakat agents, such as beneficiaries and other
One of the information that must be conveyed in
the management of zakat is about financial
management based on sharia principles. The
purposes of delivering information in the financial
reporting by zakat institutions are (1) Providing
information to help the evaluation of the fulfillment
of amil zakat responsibilities. (2) Providing
information on the compliance of amil zakat on the
sharia principles. (3) Improving compliance on
sharia principles of all transactions and business
activities. (4) Improving management efficiency and
effectiveness. (5)   
(Board of SAS, 2016). According to Zaid (2014), in
order to the financial information used to help its
users for decision making, financial information
needs to be conveyed in a way that is possible to be
utilized. The basic principles of financial
information in order to be beneficial are: (1)
Relevant, (2) Reliable, (3) Understandable, (4)
In large organizations, the stakeholders are
varied and there is a gap between individuals that
involved in accountability relationships. This means
that stakeholders cannot observe organizational
activities directly. Therefore, reporting must be
submitted using such media which appropriate with
stakeholders conditions, such as: the internet,
internal printed media, mass media, dialogue, oral
reporting, and / or social interaction (Zaid, 2014).
Accountability can be delivered trough digital-
internet-based technology. With digital-internet
technology all entities in the environment will
always be connected and enable to share information
with each other at high speed so they can
disseminate information in real-time and can be
accessed anytime and anywhere. Digital-internet
technology has the following advantages: (1) Social
Machines, (2) Global Facility and Virtual
Production, (3) Smart Products, (4) Smart Services
(Prasetyo and Sutopo, 2017).
Moreover, the internet can be reached by a large
number of stakeholders with minimum marginal
costs and provides the opportunity to engage
dialogue interactively with stakeholders. With this
technology, organizations can disclose large amount
of information in compare with the other media.
Although this technology offers significant
opportunities in disseminating accountability
information, most non-profit organizations only use
the internet to disclose promotional information
rather than to disseminate the accountability
information (Sudjali, 2017).
2.3 Conceptual Framework of Zakat
Management Accountability
Conceptually, the relationship of accountability in
the management of zakat can be described as
Figure 1: Chart of Accountability relationship in the
management of zakat
(1.a) Allah gave wealth to muzakky (1.b) Allah
mandated the government to manage zakat (2.a)
Muzakky mandated zakat distribution to amil (2.b)
The government mandates the implementation of
zakat management to amil (3) Amil distributes the
assets of zakat to mustahiq (4) As a form of
accountability, amil submits reports to muzakky and
the government
This research is using the qualitative method with
interpretive. This study took the case of nine
provincial zakat institutions, as follows: (1) LAZ
Baitul Maal FKAM (2) LAZ Yayasan Nurul Fikri
Palangkaraya (3) LAZ Dompet Amal Ibn Abbas
(DASI) West Nusa Tenggara (4) LAZ Dompet
Social Madani (DSM) Bali (5) LAZ Harapan Dhuafa
Banten (6) LAZ Solo Peduli Ummat (7) LAZ Dana
Peduli Ummat East Kalimantan (8) LAZ Yayasan
Al-Ihsan Central Java (9) LAZ Semai Sinergi Umat.
The data collection in this study was carried out by
observation and documentation of the institution's
web address as the object observed starting from
April 25 to July 01, 2018.
As explained by Creswell, the analysis and
interpretation carried out in this study follow the
procedure as follows; (1) Processing and preparing
data for analysis; (2) Read the entire data. This step
is intended to build a general sense of the
information obtained and reflect its overall meaning;
(3) Data Coding. The coding is the process of
organizing the data by collecting parts according to
the topics. (4) Describe the settings, categories and
themes to be analyzed. This description involves the
effort to deliver detail information concerning the
events of the financial reporting of zakat institutions.
(5) Describe in a narrative manner the results of the
analysis (6) Make interpretation or interpret the data.
Interpretation in this case is in the form of meaning
that comes from the comparison between research
results and information derived from the theory
(Creswell, 2016).
LAZ is a public institution, since the LAZ collects
and manages zakat, infaq, alms and endowments
(ziswaf) funds, which are public funds. As a public
institution, LAZ is bound by Law No. 14 of 2008
concerning Public Information Openness (UU KIP).
LAZ is considered as a public institution that are
required to disclose information of its organizational
activities (Mubarok and Fanani, 2014) including
financial information to the public.
Based on the BAZNAS report published on its
website, there are 9 zakat institutions in provincial
level all of which are equipped with internet
Table 2: List of names of Amil Zakat Institutions and their
Internet Websites
Source: https://pid.baznas.go.id/rekapitulasi-laz-
The nine institutions already have their owned
websites and can be accessed easily. Unfortunately,
the information available and easy to access
provided by the zakat institutions is only for non-
financial information. Except for LAZ Yayasan
Nurul Fikri Palangkaraya, all these institutions do
not provide a menu of financial reports on its
website. Although providing a menu of financial
reports on its website, the Nurul Fikri Foundation
Palangkaraya LAS financial report cannot be
accessed. In addition, the financial information also
unavailable by searching it via the google search
engine. During observations, researcher has been
googling with keywords: laporan keuangan+[nama
lembaga], but it is not available.
Availability of website addresses and facilities to
access information related to LAZ shows that they
ease the stakeholders to access information needed.
In its position as zakat manager, the zakat institution
is the recipient of the mandate or as an agent. While
donors with various parties who provide financial
and non-financial supports can be seen as principals
or owners. The existence and success of zakat
management institutions are attached with the role of
stakeholders, so that in this case, the ease of access
of information performed by zakat institutions is a
logical matter.
The availability of these facilities also shows that
the zakat institution is adaptive to the development
of digital technology where the internet has become
a current lifestyle (https; // Ekonomi.kompas.
com/read/2018). The results of research conducted
by the Indonesian Internet Network Organizing
Association (APJII) from the Indonesian Penetration
and Internet User Behavior survey in 2017, showed
that 143.26 million of the 262 mill 
population are connected to the internet. It means, as
Digitizing Zakat Management in Improving LAZ Accountability
many as 54.68 percents of Indonesia's population is
connected to the internet. Of the 143 million people
or 29.63 percent spend four to seven hours per day
using the internet. While the other 26.48 percent
spend more than seven hours a day inaccessing the
internet. Within a week, 65.98 percent of
Indonesians access the internet in seven days, half of
them access the internet from a smartphone or tablet
(Pratiwi, 2018).
Unfortunately, the available information in the
-financial information.
LAZ do not provide financial reports on their
websites or online-basis. This is probably based on
the assumption that donors give donations with full
sincerity so they do not need any report for their
donations. A sincere person can be described as a
religious-spiritual person. As expressed by Emmons,
Barrett, & Schnitker (2008) in Chizanah, a religious-
spiritual person is a pro-social person because of the
person easy to empathize, honest, fair, and show
respect to the pro-social norms. The behaviors
shown in the social context are helpful behavior,
altruism, and having an anti-violence attitude and
conflict avoidance (Pratiwi, 2018).
LAZ's position on the donations they received
was as the recipient of the mandate [agent] or the
recipient of the mandate from the owner of the
donation (principal), namely muzakki. In essence,
Muzakki also as the recipient of the mandate of the
assets they controlled. The real owner of the
property is Allah SWT. Both muzakki and zakat
institutions are jointly positioned as recipients of the
mandate from Allah.
Mandate (amanah) in etymology (lughawi
approach) from Arabic in the form of mashdar from
(amina-amanatan) which means honest or
trustworthy (Munawir, 1994). According to Al-
Maraghi (1964), the mandate is something that must
be nurtured and maintained in regard to being
achieved to whom with the right to possess it. The
mandate consists of 3 types, namely: (1) Human
trust in God (2) Human trust in others (3) Human
trust to themselves.
The consequence of the acceptance of the
mandate, the muzakki must obey Allah as the
ultimate owner by carrying out orders in the form of
paying zakat. The zakat submitted by muzakki to
LAZ is intended for those who are entitled to receive
it. In this context, the position of LAZ is the
representative of muzakki to distribute their zakat to
those who are entitled to receive in proper, in
addition to gain the pleasure of Allah, in reality to
help those who are entitled to receive. Muzakki
needs information concerning the achievement of
the goals of paying zakat. Therefore, as the recipient
of the mandate, LAZ must perform according to the
 interests. LAZ must convey information
to muzakki that the donations they received were
distributed according to the interests of muzakki.
Thus, the absence of a financial report clearly
violates the principle of this mandate.
The absence of financial reports that are easily
accessed by donors certainly makes it difficult for
donors to know the allocation of donations that have
been given (Endahwati, 2014) and makes it difficult
for other stakeholders to get information about the
management of financial resources carried out by
LAZ. This is contrary to the demands of public
accountability that the community wants (Indriani
and Nanda, 2017).
By not publishing financial reports online,
community also have difficulty or evenmore unable
to carry out supervision on LAZ management as
required by the law. Supervision is needed to control
the LAZ, so there are no deviations on the goals that
have been set to be achieved and from the rules that
have been enacted. Supervision also becomes a
correction and improvement of goals and rules
deviation. The weak supervision system will lead to
fraud action and moral hazard which can cause some
drawbacks to the parties concerned or society in
general (Nurhasanah, 2013). RI Law No. 23 of 2011
concerning Zakat Management states that the public
can participate in the supervision of zakat
management carried out by BASNAS and LAZ in
the form of (1) access to information on zakat
management carried out by BAZNAS and LAZ; and
(2) information delivery on the event of irregularities
in the management of zakat carried out by BAZNAS
and LAZ.
Another consequence, accountability in the
aspects of sharia is weak and not even guaranteed.
Zakat is a kind of worship that involves assets with
detailed shariaconditions. Zakat is taken from people
who have fulfilled the minimum required to pay
zakat [muzakki] and only be distributed to those
who fulfill the conditionsto receive it [mustahik]. As
mentioned in the Al-Qur'an Surat al-Taubah verse
60, recipients of zakat consist of (1) Fakir, (2) Poor,
(3) Riqab, (4) Gharm (5) Muallaf (6 ) F Sablillah
(7) Ibn sabil; and (8) Amil. Distributor of zakat
funds to other than the 8 groups is not justified or
illegal in sharia.
The unavailability of financial reports in digital-
internet-based media also shows that LAZ does not
meet the criteria of good governance which become
a demand andeven the needs of the present time.
Good governance can be defined as the
implementation of solid and responsible
development management in accordance with
democratic principles and efficient markets,
avoiding faulty allocation of investment funds, and
preventing corruption both politically and
administratively, implementing budget discipline,
and also to create a legal and political framework for
the growth of business activities (Mindarti 2016).
In the perspective of good governance, an
organization must be able to provide financial
reports in a transparent and relevant manner. Among
the meanings of transparency and relevant for the
current era is digital-internet-based delivery. This is
because people have a very large dependency on the
use of information technology. A survey in 2014
conducted by Nokia explained that one of four
people admitted that their duration on the online
surfing was muchmore than their duration to sleep
for each day. They have higher levels of addiction to
social media like Twitter and Facebook compare
with smoking (Nessy, 2014).
The difference in treatment in the delivery of
information between financial and non-financial can
also raise suspicion by the public about the integrity
of the management and accountability of LAZ which
leads to the weak interest of muslims to pay tithe
through LAZ. This is certainly not beneficial in
functioning zakat as an instrument to build the
welfare of the people in a conducive socio-economic
condition. Weak trust in LAZ causes muslims to pay
zakat individually. If this happens, the distribution of
zakat is uneven. A group of mustahik, because they
have a dean relationship with a relatively large
number of muzakki, they will get abundant zakat.
Whereas other mustahik groups, because they only
have a relationship with a small number of muzakki,
then getting a small amount of zakat can even have a
group of mustahik who do not get the zakat rights at
all. This is certainly far from the goal of tasyri
Zakat management by LAZ has several
advantages, including: (1) Ensuring certainty and
discipline of zakat payments; (2) Maintaining the
inferiority complex of the zakat mustahik when
dealing directly to receive zakat from the muzakki.
(3) Achieving efficiency and effectiveness and the
right target in the use of zakat assets according to the
priority scale that exists in a place. (4) Shows
Islamic Shi'ism in the spirit of Islamic governance
(5) Facilitates coordination and consolidation of
muzakki and mustahik data. (6) Facilitate reporting
and accountability to the public. (7) Professional
management. (Qadir, 2016)
However, juridically, the absence of submission
of financial reports through internet media does not
completely violate the law. The law does explain
that zakat management is based on [a] Islamic law;
[b] trust; [c] benefits; [d] justice; [e] legal certainty;
[f] integrated; and [g] accountability. However, the
law does not require zakat institutions to publish
financial statements online. The law on zakat
number 38 the year 1999 only oblige zakat
institutions to provide financial reports regularly
without explaining the reporting media. Law no. 23
the year 2011 concerning the Management of Zakat
only requires zakat institutions to report on the
implementation of the collection, distribution and
utilization of zakat which audited to BAZNAS
The results of this study strengthen the research
results of Nikmatuniayah and Marliyati, which
stated that the financial accountability of zakat
institutions in national-level are relatively weak. The
number of Muslim population in Indonesia occupies
the highest position compared to other religions. In
2015 the percentage of the Muslim population
reached 81 percent of the Indonesian population
(Pangestu and Jayanto, 2017), with a high level of
economic and religious prosperity. This is evident
from the growing number of pilgrims which has
increased for the last few years
(https://haji.kemenag.go.id). On the other hand, the
amount of zakat payment is still relatively small.
Chairman of the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS)
Bambang Sudibyo in the Focus Group Discussion of
Contextual Zakat Fiqh in Jakarta, stated that based
on research data from BAZNAS, the potential of
zakat in Indonesia in 2016 reached Rp. 286 trillion.
At the national level, zakat which can be collected
by the new official amil institutionsreached Rp 5.1
trillion or 1.78%. It means that there is still a large
space of zakat collection potential
(http://khazanah.republika.co.id). Pangestu and
Jayanto (2017) explained that the accountability of
the management agency has positive influence to
improve the interest of people to pay zakat.
In the management of zakat, LAZ is the recipient
of a mandate with complex accountability relations.
The management of zakat carried out by zakat
institutions is a manifestation of the implementation
of Allah's order regarding the obligation of zakat.
Therefore, he must submit to Islamic Sharia. In his
function as amil, he is a representative of BAZNAS
in order to optimize the use of zakat. Therefore, he
must submit to the regulations and provisions
stipulated by BAZNAS. Regarding the distribution
of zakat, he received the mandate from muazakki as
Digitizing Zakat Management in Improving LAZ Accountability
a donor. He also has a relationship with mustahik as
a recipient of zakat. The existence of zakat
institutions cannot be separated from the role and
support of the general public. Therefore zakat
institutions have both vertical and horizontal
Accountability means that individuals or
organizations provide reports to the authorities and
responsible for their actions in response to
information needed by interested parties. Otherthan
being justified to the needs of the stakeholders, the
way they perform the responsibility of the zakat
institution must be in accordance with Islamic
sharia. In regard to financial reporting, zakat
institutions should also meet the needs of muzakki
and must also comply with the provisions of the
regulator, such as the government, BAZNAS and the
Accounting Standards Board.
LAZ financial statements should be prepared in
accordance with the regulations stipulated by
Islamic financial accounting standards set by the
Indonesian Association of Accountants. The
financial statements of zakat management
institutions include; [a] statement of financial
position [b] report on changes in funds [c] report on
changes in assets managed [d] cash flow statement
and [e] notes to financial statements. (SAS Board,
Regarding the lifestyle of the people of the
present era who much rely on online media, the
financial statements should be published in the
official website of the institution with facilities for
stakeholders in real time and real place. The
government as the regulator, both through the
BAZNAS and the Ministry of Religion should
oblige zakat institutions to report their financial
statements on time by online basis.
Based on the above discussion, it appears that the
use of digital-internet-based technology by zakat
institutions in the provincial level on the delivery of
financial reports is still low. All agencies have used
online media to provide non-financial information
and have not used it for financial reporting. This
shows that the financial accountability of zakat
management institutions on a provincial level is still
weak. This also does not fulfill the good governance
which becomes the demand of the community from
public institutions. Thus, the accountability of zakat
management institutions, whether it is national or
provinciallevel, can be concluded to be weak.
This study recommends that: Zakat institutions to
use online-internet-based media as the tool to
disclose financial statements. By improving the
accountability of zakat institution, it is expected that
the level of public trust in the zakat institution would
be increased along withthe increasing amount the
zakat from the community distributed through zakat
institutions, The BAZNAS, and the Government
should formulate regulations that required zakat
institutions to submit their financial statements
online in a timely manner and The government
through the inspectorate general of the ministry of
religion should conduct monitoring and supervision
on zakat institutions, especially regarding financial
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Digitizing Zakat Management in Improving LAZ Accountability