Using Weblog to Enhance Students’ Motivation and Engagement in
the Introduction to Journalism Class
Rina Marnita AS
, Vicha Faradika
Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Andalas, Padang, Indonesia
Keywords: Weblog.Teaching Aid, Motivation, Journalism.
Abstract: Motivation, what causes someone to act, both extrinsically and intrinsically, is very significant in determining
the achievement of the objectives of a learning. An action class research which employ web blog as a teaching
aid was conducted to examine students’ motivation and engagement in the Introduction to Journalism class.
Eighty -five students enrolled in the Introduction on Journalism course were treated as the participants of the
research. The students were assigned to make a web blog as a place to place their writings to be read by their
friends and the public. The students’ involvement or engagement in the course is assessed from the number
of the task they do, the quality of their writing while their motivation is seen from their feedback about the
class at the end of the course. The research shows that 45% of the students got a very good grade (≥86); 27%
good (≥80-85), and 19% fairly good (≥76-79), 5% passed, and 5% failed. Both the learning achievement and
the students’ comments indicate that using web blog as a teaching aid has satisfactorily made students engaged
in the class and are enthusiastic about news writing.
Journalism is the activity or profession of writing for
newspapers, magazines or news websites or preparing
news to be broadcast (Oxford, 2016). Introduction to
Journalism is a compulsory subject for students of
English Department of Faculty of Humanities,
Andalas University. The learning objectives of the
course are 1) to introduce students to journalism; 2)
enable them to write news of certain types, and 3)
provide them with some experience in journalistic
Journalism is a form of communication, but it's
distinct from other forms. It is unique because it's a
one-way message, or story, from the journalist to the
audience. It's most unique because the message isn't
the journalist's personal story or subjective thoughts.
Instead, the journalist acts as a conduit, narrating an
objective story about something that happened or is
happening, based on his or her observations and
discoveries. This type of storytelling comes in many
different forms, including:
1. Breaking news
2. Feature stories
3. Investigative reports
4. Editorials
5. Reviews
6. Blogs
The students appears to have limited knowledge
of journalism. And, when they are asked whether they
want to work as a journalist the answer was primarily
‘no’. One study (Alkazemi, 2017) shows that
journalism is the second lowest top career choices to
the students of a senior high school in Ghana,
although 38% of 2000 sample students state that
journalist is a prestigious profession. In fact, today
journalism seems to have a peculiar fascination for
young people in seeking careers (Alkazemi,
2017). A recent study by Acheampong (2017) on the
students’ motivation on mass communication class
shows that most respondents have a positive view on
journalism education.
Thus, in order to make ‘Introduction to
Journalism’ course interesting to all students, a
teaching method that may attract their attention to
engage in the class is required. A class action research
was done to study whether or not blog may improve
students’ motivation and engagement in the
Introduction to Journalism class. It is particularly to
examine the effect of using weblog as an online media
to the students’ participation (motivation and
engagement) in the class activities and to the
students’ achievement in the learning objectives.
Here, blog is treated as a media for students to write
Marnita AS, R. and Faradika, V.
Using Weblog to Enhance Students’ Motivation and Engagement in the Introduction to Journalism Class.
DOI: 10.5220/0008681901510155
In Improving Educational Quality Toward International Standard (ICED-QA 2018), pages 151-155
ISBN: 978-989-758-392-6
2019 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
their tasks and one tool for the lecturer to assess the
students’ learning achievement.
In psychological perspective, motivation is
described as a state that energizes, directs and
sustains behavior(Acheampong, 2017). It is a term
that is used to refer to factors that activate, direct, and
sustain goal-directed behavior (Alkazemi, 2017), and
is believed as ‘always be at the heart of teaching and
learning (Kormos and Csizér, 2008). Motivation is
the main reason that inspires a person to move
forward (Kormos and Csizér, 2008). It is described
(Kormos and Csizér, 2008; Lo and Hyland, 2007;
Ryan, 2000; Ryan and Deci, 2000) that one’s
motivation might be stimulated or inspired by others
or events (extrinsic motivation) or it may come from
within the individual (intrinsic motivation).
Motivation may be affected by one’s self
determination, the ability to make choices and
exercise a high degree of control. It is described
(Ryan, 2000) that self-determination can be supported
by providing students with opportunities to be
challenged and then increasing students' interest,
competence, creativity and desire to be challenged
and increase students’ engagement in their study.
In education, student engagement refers to the
degree of attention, curiosity, interest, optimism, and
passion that students show when they are learning or
being taught, which extends to the level of motivation
they have to learn and progress in their education[4].
Several research have proved that motivation is
essential in learning process and affect students’
engagement in the class activity (Oxford and Shearin,
1994; Ryan, 2000). Alkazemi (2017) has done a
research to observe students’ perspective toward
journalism and career as a journalist, and find that
jounalism is not popular to the students and beeing a
jurnalist is not the main choise of career. A contrast
result is shown by Acheampong (2017) who did a
survey on the motivation of Kuwaiti students who
intend to major in mass communication. They have
faced a long process that begins in high school. The
finding depicts that all respondents viewed the field
of journalism positively and journalism education in
a positive light. The two research show that students
from different places and different exposure to
journalism may differ in viewing journalism or
journalism education.
A study by Jodai and Zafarghandi (2013)
investigates the effect of motivational factors on
English achievement in an intensive English course
attended by 164 Iranian male military staff (aged
from 20 to 30). The study which adopts a
contextualized version of the mini-Attitude
Motivation Test Battery (α=.70) uses four principal
variables, which are motivation, integrativeness,
organizational influence, and anxiety. The finding
shows that ‘integrativeness predicted the motivation
to learn English positively, and that motivation was a
positive predictor of English achievement’.
Blog has been considered as one of a great
educational tools in classroom teaching and is
considered as an ‘online journal’ that an individual
can continuously update with his or her own words,
ideas, and thoughts through software that enables one
to easily do so (Cambell, 2003). It gives students
complete freedom to publish content on the web. A
study by has proved that students viewed Weblog as
‘giving an opportunity and freedom for self-
expression in English and writing for both a local and
global audience’, It also can foster creative, analytical
and critical thinking skills, creates social interaction
and good relationships between writer and reader, and
supports the learning community (Cambell, 2003).
2.1 Research Design
The participant of the research is 85 students of
English Department who take ‘Introduction to
Journalism’ course. They are enrolled in the 3
semester of the 2016/2017 academic year.
- Every student is assigned to make a web blog
and post the class assignments and teaching
materials on the blog.
- The students are assigned to write at least 3 news
in different forms (photo news, feature story,
and broadcasting news). There is no restriction
as to the topic of the news to allow the students
choose topic of their interest. All the
assignments have to be posted on their blog.
- Besides posting their works on journalism, the
students are also assigned to post the teaching
materials obtained from the internet.
2.2 Assessment
The Marking System follows the system used by the
University. One’s achievement is valued using
number system, ranging from 0 to 100. The numbers
are then transformed into a letter system, ranging
from A to E. The value of each letter is based on 5
points scale basis. Thus, the highest grade is A, which
has a value ≥ 86 and the lowest is E (failed), which is
≤ 45,
Students’ engagement in the class activities is
assessed from 1). Number of Posting/Writing, 2).
ICED-QA 2018 - International Conference On Education Development And Quality Assurance
Diversity of Topics, and 3). Blog Performance.
Students’ engagement is also assessed from their
attendance during the semester and punctuation in the
dateline set to post every task/writing on the blog.
Both contributes 10% to the final grade.
The number of posting/writing. The number of
writing is seen from the number of task posted on
every student’ blog. There are 5 tasks given during
the semester: two news, one feature story, one
opinion, and one broadcasting news (news based on a
video-taped interview). The highest grade is given to
those who do at least three works. Those who write
more that the compulsory tasks are considered as the
motivated students and those who write less is less
Diversity of topics. The diversity of the topic is
assessed from the students’ choice of the topics of the
news or opinion based on the event in the surrounding
(university life or neighborhood situation) to the
international events or news. Those who write on
relatively the same topic is considered as less
interested in the class activity.
Blog Performance. The students’ blog
performance is used to assess student’s interest in the
activity of writing and journalism. It is measured from
the design of the blog such as the use of color, picture
and supporting media (such as pictures, caricatures,
video or music) and the size and type of font used that
may affect the readability of the text. They are
marked as very interesting, interesting, and less
The motivation of the students in the course is
seen from the students’ comments about the course
written as the feedback to the methods used and the
class in general. A response is categorized positive if
it uses a verb or an adjective to express a positive
opinion or feeling toward something like the verb
‘like’, ‘interest’, ‘enjoy’ or adjectives ‘interesting’,
‘good’, ‘excited’, etc.
The result of the class action research is described
from the two main aspects being assessed.
3.1 Number of Posting.
The number of postings is seen from the number of
writing posted by the students on their blog. The
compulsory writing is 5. Of 85 students, 4 did not
follow the class at all and thus were considered failed.
The lowest number of posting or writing is 3, the
highest is 7. Table 1 shows that 40 (47%) of the
students posted more than what is required, and 22
(26%) posted less than the minimum number
Table1: Number of Posting on the students’ blog
Number of posting
Number of Students
∑ =85
Table I shows that only 11.9% of the total students do
the assignment as the minimum requirements. They
are students who retake the subjects. About 55% of
the students do the assignment above the minimum
requirement, of which 21.6 % has more than what is
3.2 Diversity on topics
The topic of the students’ writings varies. The topic
ranges from events or situations found in various
places in the university to those in overseas, such as
Korea and US.
3.3 Blog Performance
It is found that all students’ writings about news or
future stories are supported by at least one picture or
photo. Of 85 students, 22 use videos for their news or
future stories and the teaching materials. Only one
blog used music as the background of the blog. Figure
1 presents the students’ grade for blog performance.
Figure 1: Students’ Final Grade
D C- C- B- B- B+ A- A
Number of Student
Using Weblog to Enhance Students’ Motivation and Engagement in the Introduction to Journalism Class
Figure 1. shows the distribution of students final
grade calculated in the end of the class. As it can be
seen from the figure, 45% of the students got a very
good grade (≥86) ; 27% got good grade (≥80-85),
19% got fairly good grade (≥76-79), 5% passed, and
5% failed.
3.4 Students Motivation in the course
The students’ comments about the class as stated in
their feedback to the class varies significantly. The
number of response belong to the positive response is
83%, neutral is 10% and negative is 7% and the
content of the statement as shown in the students’
responses below:
Because of that, I know how to write a news
in blog
I began to understand how to make the news
well and correctly
I feel this class is much trained me in doing a
research like knowing the right way of
interviewing, writing a news with precise
and accurate.
This class goes as what I expected and I’m
very satisfied. I have learnt about the
necessary things about journalism, but I still
want to learn more about this subject.
the first i feel heavy to write the blog but after
i realized that this blog can make me string
beautiful words
this class is interesting and helped me with
my writing and conversation skill. This class
also gives me an understanding of what is
journalism and what its role in society. The
class was taken very enjoyably.
Similarly, a negative response is viewed from the
adjective used and the content of the statement.
There are only 4 students whose comments falls to
the negative type. The statements are:
It's just that this class is not conducive
because the number of students is too much
Class is crowded
It is better to have two classes in the future
I cannot learn a lot as the class is too
crowded. I cannot hear the voice of the
lecture because students at the back are
Neutral. Statements that describe the aim of
creating the blog or do not contain a particular
judgment about the class or method used are
considered neutral. There are two students who
have no specific view of the class.
I make this blog for the Introduction to
journalistic tasks.
This is blog is aimed to fulfil my task in
Introduction to Journalism class.
This small research has proved that:
1. weblog as a teaching aid can improve most
students’ engagements in the ‘Introduction to
Journalism’ class. Although only a few students
claim that they are interested in working as a
journalist, using blog as a tool in teaching
journalism can enhance students’ engagement in
the class activity and result in a good
achievement in the learning objectives.
2. Weblog appears as an appropriate teaching tool
to involve students in writing activities. Most of
the students claim that the activity of writing
news is an enjoyable thing.
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Using Weblog to Enhance Students’ Motivation and Engagement in the Introduction to Journalism Class