Normal vs. Green Elementary School Students:
Comparison in Nature Relatedness and Pro-environmental Behavior
Aditya Benyamin
, Ratna Djuwita
and Amarina Ashar Ariyanto
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia
Keywords: Nature relatedness (NR), pro-environmental behaviour (PEB), green school.
Abstract: The lack of proper environmental education which develops an integrated self-concept with nature (nature
relatedness) is damaging our environment globally. This study aims to find out whether green school
(Sekolah Alam) modified curriculum actually created a significant difference in the nature relatedness and
pro-environmental behavior of their students by comparing them with normal elementary school students.
School location, nature exposure, age, educational, and residential history are controlled. In both schools
students were asked to fill the NR-Scale and self-report PEB questionnaire, in addition to behavioral
observation. The data was analysed using independent sample t-test. Result shows that that green school
students behave more pro-environmentally. Furthermore, there is no significant difference in their nature
relatedness. This might suggest that the green school curriculum only alters the behavior of their students,
but more importantly not their self-concept. In the discussion, it is explained how PEB could be preceded by
other factors which include contextual factors (governmental regulations, infrastructures, technology
advancement, etc.) and previous habits.
The world is currently facing a global environmental
threat with problems such as climate change and
extinction on our biodiversity (United Nations,
2015). The main contributor to this issue is no other
than human ourselves. As our population has grown
(World Bank, 2017), so has our consumption rate of
the resources around us. One of the behaviour
causing that environmental destruction is the
overconsumption of single-use plastic. Single-use
plastic entangled us in every aspect of our life to the
degree that we could call this era as the plastic age
(Lewis, 2016, Thompson, Swan, Moore, & von Saal,
2009). With over 80% used plastic accumulated as
pollution to our soil and other terrains (Geyer,
Jambeck, & Law, 2017), we can no longer stand still
to the matter at hand.
In the spirit of tackling this plastic age issue,
several solutions have been offered. Globally, world
leaders have agreed to create a greener future
through the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs;
United Nations, 2015). But, there are also so much
we can do as an individual as well. We can realize
that SDGs as an individual through behaving pro-
environmentally (Thøgersen, 2014). Pro-
environmental behavior (PEB) is human behavior
which has the capacity to alter the availability of
materials and energy in our environment, or
changing the structure and dynamics of the
biosphere or ecosystem itself (Stern, 2000).
In order to develop PEB, there are at least four
challenges according to Schultz (2011). First, our
current education does not necessarily designed to
enable this behavior. Second, the human mindset
tends to think in a short-term when it comes to the
threat to our environment. Third, our relationship
with nature seems so severed that we don’t consider
ourselves connected with nature anymore. Four, this
PEB is also influenced by an external factor which is
the pre-existing social norm. This study will focus
on the first and third challenges which could be
summarized with the terms environmental education
and nature relatedness (NR).
Nature relatedness is an understanding and
appreciation that humans are connected with all
other living things on earth (Nisbet, Zelenski, &
Murphy, 2009). It is said that this variable is a part
of how we define oursleve or our so-called self-
concept (Clayton & Myers, 2009). In the past, we
completely rely on nature for housings, foods,
clothing, and every single thing in our life. As
Benyamin, A., Djuwita, R. and Ariyanto, A.
Normal vs. Green Elementary School Students: Comparison in Nature Relatedness and Pro-environmental Behavior.
DOI: 10.5220/0008590404240430
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings (ICP-HESOS 2018) - Improving Mental Health and Harmony in
Global Community, pages 424-430
ISBN: 978-989-758-435-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
civilization advances, we grew farther and farther
from nature by living in concrete jungles and
removing close to all natural elements in our
surrounding (Barlett, 2009, Vining, Merrick, &
Price, 2008). This is worrisome since nature
relatedness has been proven to be one of the
antecedents of PEB. Someone with higher nature
relatedness will care more about nature, involved
with environmental activism and organizations, and
generally shows more pro-environmental behaviors
(Hinds & Sparks, 2008; Nisbet, 2013; Sparks, Hinds,
Curnock, & Pavey, 2014; Nisbet, Zelenski, &
Murphy, 2009). If this nature relatedness is not
properly cultivated in our current and future
generations, the behavior we elicit might be the
cause of our own global demise.
The cultivation of one’s self-concept that relates
to nature should’ve been done since early stages of
our development, yet research on nature relatedness
and its relation with PEB in children is still
minimum based on the researchers’ literature study.
Nature relatedness is said to develop since we are a
child, or specifically in middle childhood stage (6-11
years old; Clayton & Myers, 2009; Chawla, 1999;
Degenhardt, 2002; Wells & Lekies, 2006). In this
stage, children start to form and compare their views
on him/herself’s current state (real self) and in the
future (ideal self; Papalia & Martorell, 2014). This
view is determined by experiences with nature we
acquire during childhood and will continue to direct
whether we consider ourselves as an
environmentalist or not.
One stakeholder who could be a major supplier
of that experiences with nature is school. Especially
because children spend a lot of time on school
ground. In Indonesia, elementary schools usually
start at 7 a.m. and end at around 12 a.m to 2 p.m.
Furthermore, children’s significant others who
influence their development started to shift from
parents alone to teachers and peers (Papalia &
Martorell, 2014). These differences in experience
with nature, teachers, and peers could be observed
through the school’s environmental education
policy. Environment education itself is a part of
personal-social education (PSE) which is a
multidisciplinary field that tried to elevate the
knowledge and awareness on environment and
relevant challenges in order to develop the attitude,
motivation, commitment to make decisions based on
information and acts responsibly through pro-
environmental behavior (UNESCO, 1977).
In Indonesia, aside from the official curriculum
disseminated by the Ministry of Education and
Culture, there is a considerably new trend of Nature
School (Sekolah Alam). Nature school has a nature-
savvy value which is created in order to give their
students familiarity and closeness with nature
(Sekolah Alam Indonesia, n. d.). They consider
nature as a source of children’s learning process. To
accomplish that, they provide opportunities for their
students to learn outdoor on a vast green area of the
school and classrooms with open access to nature.
Adding to that they have routine outbound activity
every week and actually teach several pro-
environmental behaviors such as waste segregation,
recycle, and bring their own lunch box or drinking
bottles. They based their curriculum, including the
environmental education, on religious teachings of
Islam. This might be a unique approach compared to
most researches on environmental education in
Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic
(WEIRD) samples (Henrich, Heine, & Norenzayan,
2010). Most researches on those samples based their
environmental education on a more westernized
Compared to Nature School, most public
schools don’t give as much concern about
environmental education. In Indonesia,
environmental education is either integrated through
other subjects or taught in a distinctive local subject
(Muatan Lokal; Soerjani, Yuwono & Fardiaz, 2007).
Through other subjects, environment education is
taught in civics, natural science, and religion for
examples. On the other hand, local subject only
applies to several regions in Indonesia as each
region has their own unique local subjects.
Environment education is generally only given
formally through lectures, discussion, or direct
experiences in indoor classes (Muntasib, Masy’ud,
Rushayati, Meilani, & Rachmawati, 2015; Muslicha,
2015). As a result, Indonesian public schools
environmental education is deemed to be ineffective
(Soerjani, Yuwono & Fardiaz, 2007).
These differences in environment education
curriculum are suggested to create a difference in
the students’ nature relatedness and pro-
environmental behavior. Though, there is no specific
research on the differences environment education
creates on nature relatedness to the researchers’
awareness, this study wants to prove this possibility.
By definition alone and how it is realized differently
in nature and public schools, environment education
should be able to create a significant difference
between students in the two schools. Next, the
different environmental education applied in nature
and public schools should also create a significant
difference between their students’ pro-
environmental behavior. As suggested by research
Normal vs. Green Elementary School Students: Comparison in Nature Relatedness and Pro-environmental Behavior
such as from Collado, Staat, and Corraliza (2013),
environment education such as nature camps has
been proved to develop PEB. This study aims to test
this possibility in a different context of environment
education in the formal education provided by
Indonesia’s nature and public schools. In summary,
there are two main research problems in this study.
First is to test whether there is a significant
difference in nature relatedness between nature and
public schools students. Second, is to test whether
there is a significant difference in pro-environmental
behavior between nature and public schools
2.1 Respondents
The sample is acquired through a purposive and
accidental sampling method. Participating schools
are selected purposively after consulting with
Indonesia Nature Schools Network (Jaringan
Sekolah Alam Nusantara) for which school would
represent Nature School’s concept most properly.
Through that consideration, 7 nature schools are
selected in the area of Jabodetabek (Jakarta, Bogor,
Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi) which is Indonesia’s
capital megapolitan. Afterwards, the public school
were selected by listing down all schools located in
2 kilometers radius as a match for each nature school
based on the database provided by the Ministry of
Education and Culture. This done so that the
environment surrounding each school is controlled.
The curriculum used in each public school must also
match the curriculum used in nature school (2006 or
2013 curriculum). Furthermore, only schools which
implement no international curriculum (such as
International Baccalaureate or IB in short, or
Cambridge International Examination or CIE in
short) that could be included as participant in this
research. Through that selection process, 7 public
schools were acquired as a match of each nature
Accidental sampling was used to determine
which student would participate in this study.
Students were given a parental consent form days
before the assigned date of the research and asked to
request their parents to fill out the form. Only those
who completed this form and was present during the
day of the research would be included as the
participant. Aside from that, we establish 3 criteria
to select the participants. First, they must be
officially enlisted as a fifth-grade student in their
school to control age, educational level, teachers’
and peer’s value. Second, they must be enlisted there
since the first grade and never move to other schools
to make sure of the consistency of curriculum they
receive. Third, each student must have lived in
Indonesia for 6 years minimum to control past
environmental conditions and cultural influences.
Through this sampling process, 533 participants
were then acquired with 57% were from public
schools, 53.3% were male, and age range varies
from 10-13 years old (M = 10.88).
2.2 Measures
2.2.1 Nature Relatedness (NR)
An adaptation of Nature Relatedness Scale (NR-
Scale) by Nisbet, Zelenski, and Murphy (2009) is
used. The adaptation process includes back-
translating items in the questionnaire, expert
judgement, interviews with participants of similar
characteristics, and confirmatory factor analysis
(CFA). This questionnaire consisted of 7 items with
good model fitness (X2 = 867.783; RMSEA =
0.083; CFI = 0.939; TLI = 0.909; SRMR = 0.037)
and standardized factor loading ranging from 0.514-
0.643. Goodness of fit of measurement models is
based on insignificant X
with p > 0.05, CFI > 0.90,
TLI > 0.90, RMSEA < 0.05, and SRMR < 0.05
(Hooper, Coughlan, & Mullen, 2008). All items
should also have significant standardized factor
loading (p < 0.050; Wijanto, 2015). Participants
were required to answer in a 4-points Likert scale
ranging from strongly disagree-disagree-agree-
strongly agree). Sample item includes “nature is
important for me (alam penting bagiku).”
2.2.2 Pro-Environmental Behaviour (PEB)
Table 1: PEB Self-Report Norm
(2) (3) Few
Plate >8 5-8 3-4 0-2
Glass >8 6-8 3-5 0-2
Straw >8 5-8 3-4 0-2
Bag >7 5-7 3-4 0-2
The PEB measured specifically in this research are
consumption of four different single-use plastic
including plastic plates, glass, straws, and bags. To
quantify these behaviors, two methods were used
which are a self-report questionnaire and behavioral
observation. Four items in the questionnaire asked
how many of each of those aforementioned single-
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
use plastic products they used in the past week.
Participants have to answer with the estimated
number of plastics they used. This number was then
categorized to four level of consumption from
plentiful (1) to just a few (4) based on the date
acquired. Detailed norms for each category on every
behaviour is shown in Table 1. Each row of the
behaviors listed represents the amount of specific
products participant used in the past week.
Table 2: PEB Observation-FGD Norm
Behavior Reasonin
Not Pro-
Not Pro-
1 2
Pro-Evironmental 3 4
PEB was also measured through a structure
observation. In the observation process, participants
were told that they will be given foods and
beverages. Each participant was asked whether they
want to use a reusable product or single-use plastic
for each behaviour. The reasons why they chose
reusable or single-use product were then asked
through a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Scoring
based on the behaviors elicited and their reasoning
are shown in Table 2. Score from both observation
and self-report were then combined. Participants
with higher scores are considered to behave pro-
2.3 Procedure
This study is conducted through mainly four steps
after each participant has confirmed their eligibility
by submitting the parental consent form. The first
step is that all participants were divided into groups
of 4-7 students. Each group was accompanied by a
research assistant to ensure that they understand
each item and instruction, also to guide the FGD
session later on. Secondly, participants were
instructed to fill out the questionnaire. Third,
participants were called one by one to the post where
the behavioral observation was done. Each
participant was asked to choose a reusable or single-
use plastic plate, glass, to use straw or not, and to
use a plastic bag or not. Each participant’s answers
were noted. In each group, the research assistant will
then begin the FGD after all participants have made
their choices. Data was then analysed through
independent sample t-test in SPSS program.
Table 3: Descriptive Statistics of NR and PEB
Variables Mean SD
3.39 .46
2.62 .69
2.67 .89
2.57 .85
NR = Nature Relatedness; PEB = Pro-Environmental
Behavior (self-report and observation data averaged);
PEB-SR = Pro-Environmental Behavior Self-Report;
PEB-O = Pro-Environmental Behavior Observation.
First of all, descriptive analysis of the acquired data
shows that both NR and PEB is higher than the
hypothetical mean of 2 out of the maximum score of
4. NR has the mean of 3.39 (SD = .46). PEB has the
mean of 2.62 (SD = .69) which specified according
to its measurement of self-report with a mean of
2.67 (SD = .89) and observation with a mean of 2.57
(SD = .85). These numbers indicate that most
students used at least 3-8 plastic plates, glasses,
straws a week and 3-7 plastic bag a week. They used
at least 1 single-use plastic product every single day.
Figure 1: PEB Observation-FGD Result
Group 1-4 as listed in Table 2. PEB Observation-FGD
Furthermore, from the analysis of the
participant’s reasoning behind their behaviour, it is
found that they usually behave pro-environmentally
without pro-environmental reasoning (PEB-O score
= 3) or act not pro-environmentally but with pro-
environmental reasoning (PEB-O score = 2). The
majority (40%) showed the later condition, followed
by the first (34%). Only 19% showed PEB with pro-
environmental reasoning (PEB-O score = 4), and 7%
who didn’t show PEB with not pro-environmental
reasoning as well (PEB score = 1). Thus, it can be
concluded that their behaviour doesn’t match their
reason, for causes that will be discussed further in
the discussion.
Normal vs. Green Elementary School Students: Comparison in Nature Relatedness and Pro-environmental Behavior
Table 4: Independent Sample t-test Result
Variables t df Sig.
-1.06 531 .292 .04
10.33 513.18 .000** .56
4.29 531 .000** .08
11.65 531 .000** .07
NR = Nature Relatedness; PEB = Pro-Environmental
Behavior (self-report and observation data averaged);
PEB-SR = Pro-Environmental Behavior Self-Report;
PEB-O = Pro-Environmental Behavior Observation.
From the independent sample t-test it is found
that there is no significant difference of nature
relatedness t = -1.056, p < 0.05 (two-tailed) between
nature schools (M = 3.37, SD = 0.54) and public
school students (M = 3.41, SD = 0.39). Although the
average score of nature relatedness in public school
students is higher, it is not significant. Thus,
hypothesis null for the first research problem is
failed to be rejected.
There is a significant difference t = 10.328, p <
0.01 (two-tailed) on pro-environmental behaviour
between nature schools (M = 2.95, SD = 0.59) and
public schools students (M = 2.38, SD = 0.66). It is
proven that nature schools students behave more
pro-environmentally than public schools students.
More specifically looking at the result from the two
methods of PEB measurement, there is a significant
difference t = 4.29, p < 0.01 (two-tailed) of PEB
measure through self-report method between
students from green schools (M = 2.86; SD = .85)
and public schools (M = 2.53; SD = .90). There is
also a significant difference t = 11.65, p < 0.01 (two-
tailed) of PEB measure through self-report method
between students from green schools (M = 3.01; SD
= .70) and public schools (M = 2.24; SD = .80).
According to this result, the alternative hypothesis
for the second research problem is accepted.
To conclude this research, the first hypothesis is
accepted while the second failed to be proven. There
is a significant difference in pro-environmental
behaviour, but not in nature relatedness between
green and normal (public) schools students. First, we
will discuss why there is no significant difference in
nature relatedness between the two sample groups.
Self-concept is said to develop during childhood and
considerably fixed during adolescent stage (Papalia
& Martorell, 2014). The changing state of self-
concept in childhood might explain why nature
schools students don’t significantly differ from
public school students. The result of each school’s
curriculum might not be augmented yet in their self-
concept. Furthermore, unstable experiences in
childhood might also create unstable self-concept,
which in this case unstable experiences with nature
such as moving from one place to another frequently
might make one’s connection to nature unstable too.
Thus, they don’t view themselves as nature related
persons yet (Clayton & Myers, 2009). Further
investigation should look out whether this difference
would be augmented in adolescent or not.
This results might also due to the fact that nature
schools don’t actually target their students’ self-
concept, but their values instead. But, even values
requires continuous repetitions of experiences which
could develop it (Schwartz, 1992). This should be
put into nature schools management consideration,
since a nature-related self-concept might determine
more various pro-environmental behaviour
regardless of the specific ones being taught at
school. So the school could guarantee that students
who received their environmental education
curriculum would actually be greener individuals in
general. Nature schools could prioritize developing a
nature related self-concept as one of their long-term
goals and implemented through their school
regulation, learning plan, teaching prompts, and
many other methods. And even then, a child’s value
or self-concept should still be doubted as their own,
as Cheng and Monroe (2012) found that parental
value predicts a child’s PEB more than other
Next, we should discuss how there is a
significant difference in PEB despite that there is no
difference in NR. Even though PEB could be
explained by NR, there are many other variables that
are able to predict PEB. Stern (2000) stated that
there are at least 4 categories of factors which could
explain PEB. First is attitudinal factors including
norms, beliefs, and values. Basically, this category
covers almost all internal psychological variables
explaining PEB. NR should also be in this category.
Form this category alone, PEB might be explained
by other variables such as values and belief. These
variables should be a focus on future researches.
Furthermore, this category does not only covers the
attitudinal factors of oneself but also other. As
someone’s attitude, belief, and even-self are prone to
the effect of social desirability. Responses given
within this research might also have been tempered
by this effect, thus becoming one of the limitations.
ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings
Second, contextual or external factors which
include interpersonal influence (persuasion,
modelling, community expectation etc.),
governmental policies, incentives, financial state,
family conditions, and many more. Demographic
variables such as gender are also part of this
category and should be more rigorously controlled in
future study. Third, personal capabilities which
include knowledge, ability, time availability, and
resources availability. Environmental education
might also alter these variables, which then change
how pro-environmental someone might behave.
Fourth, is habit and routine. Future studies should
also collect data regarding past behaviors and how
participant behave across context such as in home or
with other certain people.
The significant difference in PEB should also be
followed up with caution as this research found that
children’s behaviour doesn’t match their reasoning.
Children might use single-use plastic (not PEB) so
they can reuse it to make handicrafts (pro-
environmental reasoning) or don’t use plastic (PEB)
just to reduce their financial expenditure (not pro-
environmental reasoning). It should have been better
if these are not the case. Thus, school should
reconsider their environmental education strategy to
develop proper environmental knowledge and belief
so they can have pro-environmental reasons the next
time they have to choose between single-use plastic
or more sustainable options. This would fit an
existing value-belief-norm (VBN) model by Stern
(2000) which explains the belief that our behaviour
has certain consequences to nature or Adverse
Consequence (AC) is one of the antecedents of PEB.
Furthermore, school management should also be
informed the hierarchy of sustainable consumption
and production as stated in the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) number 12 that suggests
to prioritize reducing consumption of unsustainable
products before their waste management. Currently
Indonesia, and green schools specifically is only
focusing on the later through their trash bank and
waste segregation policy. All and all, this research
would be the first step to formulate a better
environmental education not only in green schools
but hopefully also in public schools.
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ICP-HESOS 2018 - International Conference on Psychology in Health, Educational, Social, and Organizational Settings