Utilization of Arafura’s Ocean Current Potential using Gorlov Helical
Turbine as an Energy Source for Cold Storage Platforms and Fuel
Distribution in Overcoming Fisheries Logistics Problems in Eastern
Muhammad Rizqi Mubarok
, R. O. Saut Gurning
and Muhammad Badrus Zaman
Dept of Marine Engineering, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, 60111 Surabaya, Indonesia
Fish Storage, Integrated Fishing Platform, Fuel, Ocean Flow Energy.
Indonesia is a country that has the second largest fishery resource in the world after China. But the level of
fish supply for public consumption is still very lacking. This is caused by various things including the uneven
development of fishing port infrastructure, lack of appropriate technology to support fisheries activities, the
amount of fuel used so that it is not proportional to the amount of fish catches obtained, and the absence of
adequate fish storage places makes fishermen use tools that are not environmentally friendly. Not only that, fish
is a commodity that is easily damaged and requires a means to reduce the rate of damage and deterioration of
fish quality. To overcome these problems an Integrated Fishing Platform was made by utilizing the potential of
ocean current energy for fish storage and distribution of fuel in overcoming the problem of fisherman logistics
in eastern Indonesia. The working principle of this platform is to utilize the current potential with gorlov
helical turbine to change the potential current into electrical energy, where the electricity output is to electrify
cold storage and semi-submersible construction as a bunker or fuel storage for fishermen.
Indonesia is an archipelago with an ocean region
reaching two-thirds. It is full of sustainable potential
of Indonesian marine fish resources which reaches 65
million tons per year scattered in the waters of the Ter-
ritorial Zone and the Indonesian Exclusive Economic
Zone. Indonesia has an area that has the most fish-
eries resources, namely in the Arafura Sea. Arafura
is one of the waters in Indonesia ”the golden fishing
ground” in the Indonesian fishing industry. The sus-
tainable potential (MSY) of 771,600 tons / year con-
sists of pelagic fish, demersal fish, shrimp, squid, lob-
sters and reef fish, Arafura Sea has become an ”inter-
esting factor” for large-scale capture fisheries that use
ships¿ 30 GT (Mulyana, 2012).
Consumption far exceeds the number of the world
community, which is 30 kg per capita per year, while
the level of fish supply for world consumption is 17.2
kg per capita per year. However, all the sustainable
potential of Indonesian marine fish resources, only
20% have been utilized (KKP, 2011). This is very
much influenced by the fishing process by Indonesian
Unfortunately, Indonesian fishermen are still not
able to maximize their catch because they experience
many problems, such as the uneven development of
fishing port infrastructure, lack of appropriate tech-
nology to support fisheries activities, the amount of
fuel used is not proportional to the amount of fish
catches obtained, and the absence of a place Adequate
fish storage makes fishermen use all means to get lots
of fish so they use tools that are not environmentally
friendly such as cantrang. Cantrang is a fishing gear
that is active with operations carried out at the bottom
of the waters. Not only that, fish which is a commod-
ity that has perish ability requires a means to reduce
the rate of damage and deterioration of fish quality.
Therefore, the means that must be available in the
Indonesian fishing industry is a place for storing fish
in the form of cold storage that serves to preserve fish
so that freshness and quality are guaranteed, and also
facilitate the distribution of fish to consumers. In In-
donesia, the spread of cold storage is uneven and only
concentrated in Java. The amount of electricity needs
is an important problem in the development of cold
storage. By looking at the energy potential of Indone-
sia’s ocean currents reaching 5 m/s in the Capalulu
Mubarok, M., Gurning, R. and Zaman, M.
Utilization of Arafura’s Ocean Current Potential using Gorlov Helical Turbine as an Energy Source for Cold Storage Platforms and Fuel Distribution in Overcoming Fisheries Logistics Problems
in Eastern.
DOI: 10.5220/0008548701950200
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology (SENTA 2018), pages 195-200
ISBN: 978-989-758-436-7
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Strait, North Maluku, and reaching 3 m/s in the wa-
ters of Nusa Tenggara (Lubis, 2016) and from various
problems, a solution is created, an independent plat-
form that utilizes the potential of ocean current energy
as a cold storage power source, and utilizes a semi-
submersible system for the distribution of ship fuel in
Eastern Indonesia. In this study the authors used a
research method that is a simulation method.
Indonesia has a lot of energy resources. As for the po-
tentials energy, the greatest potential is in the marine
sector. From the table can be concluded the theoreti-
cal potential of ocean energy is very large (Nyuswan-
toro, 2012). But only a little for its technical potential,
this is due to limited technology that is insufficient to
develop this ocean energy. In addition to the techno-
logical limitations that are still less developed, there
is no concrete solution from the government to maxi-
mize the potential of energy source from ocean sector
(LIPI, 2017). According to the World Energy Coun-
cil (WEC) trends in Europe are beginning to switch
to alternative energy using wind turbines (Wang et al.,
2017), and it will be predicted by 2050 that most of
Europe has already turned to alternative energy using
turbine (Kumar and Saini, 2015).
The government has actually mapped potential
areas for energy development in the marine sec-
tor. The map covers potential areas for the develop-
ment of ocean currents, sea breezes and ocean waves
(Hardisty, 2017). The area covers most of eastern In-
donesia, which we know that eastern Indonesia still
has a low electrification ratio of less than 40% (Min-
istry of Energy and Mineral Resources, 2016). Actu-
ally, the government has started to develop by creat-
ing a prototype renewable energy implemented by Re-
search and Technology Centre (BPPT) (LIPI, 2017).
One of them is by installing the ocean currents energy
under the Suramadu bridge and on one of the beaches
in Yogyakarta. Both prototypes are Oscillating Wave
Column (OWC).
However, this solution is considered less because
the powerplant system is only utilizing the tidal en-
ergy of ocean waves. Therefore, we make a proposal
by helix turbine. It is expected that with our new idea
will be more effective in exploiting the energy poten-
tial from the marine sector. And hope is as a solu-
tion to handle the energy crisis in Indonesia and to
state the development in Indonesia. This is because
to grow up the regional economy must have infras-
tructure, including the most important is the availabil-
ity of electricity (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Re-
Figure 1: Fisheries Distribution in Arafura Sea
Figure 2: Design Platform
sources, 2014).
3.1 Potential Application Selection Area
Based on the results of the location survey that the
author has reviewed, a suitable location is found to
lay the platform, namely the waters of the Arafura
Sea between Australia and Papua Island in the Pacific
Ocean. The Arafura Sea has an average sea flow ve-
locity of 2 m/s (Ministry of Energy and Mineral Re-
sources, 2014). The map of Arafura sea as shown in
Figure 1.
3.2 Design Platform Analysis
This platform is designed with 40 m x 40 m with
height of platform 6 m. with volume ballast that can
be replaced to bunker of fuel for fisherman ship is
1585.60 ton.
Gorlov Helical Turbine is very suitable to be ap-
plied to straits in Indonesia. This is due to Gorlov
Helical Turbine characteristics that are able to oper-
ate with very low sea current velocities of below 2.5
m/s and produce about 4 MW of energy. Helix Tur-
SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology
Figure 3: Gorlov Turbine Under Platform
Figure 4: Five Dock in Platform
bine also examined the characteristics of the foil. The
research was carried out using various turbine mod-
els with different foil angles. The results showed that
the angle of foil has an effect on turbine efficiency.
When the angle δ = 135
, the turbine shows the best
efficiency. With an angle of 135
, so the efficiency
increases to 54%. So, the best turbine design is the
Helix Turbine with 135
foil angle (Akimoto et al.,
2013). The figure of gorlov helical turbine as shown
in Figure 3.
There are five docks that can accommodate 10
vessels measuring 20 gt, 5 ships measuring 40 gt, 3
vessels measuring 40 gt, and 1 vessel measuring 100
gt. The figure of dock as shown in Figure 4.
One cargo ship with a capacity of 100 gt will be
used to distribute fish in cold storage to land. Delivery
is done every three days. The figure of cargo ship as
shown in Figure 5.
At each pier there is a refueling vessel that can fill
Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) and Marine Diesel Oil (MDO).
The figure of Refueling Component for Fishing Ship
Figure 5: One Cargo Ship That Can Deliver to Dobo
Figure 6: Refuiling Component for Fishing Ship
Figure 7: Semi - Submersible Platform
as shown in figure 6.
The platform structure is made with the concept of
semi-submersible which is equipped with anchor that
is lunged under the sea. This is so that the platform
can be easily moved from one place to another. The
figure of Semi - Submersible Platform as shown in
Figure 7.
There are eight cold storage units with the re-
quired total power capacity of 300 kW. This cold stor-
age has a capacity of 10 tons each with details of two
cold storage for shrimp, three cold storage for tuna
fish, and three cold storage for skip-jack fish. The fig-
ure of cold storage unit as shown in Figure 8.
3.3 Gorlov Helical Turbine Analysis
The following will show the Gorlov Helical Turbine
simulation calculation with the specified specifica-
tions for Platform that will be placed in the Arafura
Sea which has an average ocean current velocity of 2
This turbine was chosen because of its charac-
teristics which are able to operate with a speed of
ocean currents below 2.5 m/s. Gorlov Helical Tur-
bine also analyzed the characteristics of the foil. The
research was carried out using various turbine mod-
Figure 8: Cold Storage Unit
Utilization of Arafura’s Ocean Current Potential using Gorlov Helical Turbine as an Energy Source for Cold Storage Platforms and Fuel
Distribution in Overcoming Fisheries Logistics Problems in Eastern
Figure 9: Gorlov Helical Turbine with 135
foil (Akimoto
et al., 2013)
els with different foil angles. The results showed
that the angle of foil has an effect on turbine effi-
ciency. When the angle δ = 135
, the turbine shows
the best efficiency. With an angle of 135
, so the ef-
ficiency increases to 54%. So, the best turbine de-
sign is Gorlov Helical Turbine with 135
foil corners
(Pongduang et al., 2015). The figure of gorlov helical
turbine with 135
as shown in Figure 9.
Gorlov Helical Turbine will be installed in the
center, center of the generating platform. Gorlov He-
lical Turbine installed in this power plant has inno-
vations, namely the ball bearing system on its axis
which makes the turbine can move more freely in all
directions, so that it can receive ocean current energy
from various directions. This makes the energy of
ocean currents that can be used more.
From the results and calculations on the genera-
tor and gearbox, the total power produced by Gorlov
Helical Turbine is 4866.66667 kW. The figure of CFD
Table 1: Calculations of Available Fuel volume
Volume Bunker 40x40x1m 1,600m
Density 0.991 ton/m
Capacity of Bunker 1,600m
x0.991 1,585.6ton
Figure 10: CFD Results for Selected Turbine
turbine with 135
as shown in Figure 10. From the cal-
culation of the electricity distribution, the total power
produced by Gorlov Helical Turbine is 4866.67 kW
while the electricity demand for 1 cold storage is 300
kW, so that the energy produced can meet the needs
of up to 16 cold storage units but on this platform, the
energy is utilized to meet the needs of 8 cold storage
units in accordance with the potential of fish in the
waters of the Arafura Sea.
3.4 Fuel Calculation Analysis for
Fishing Vessels
Table 1-3 will show the calculation of the fuel planned
to be distributed on fishing ship in Eastern Indonesia.
Table 2: Fuel Tank Capacity of Each Ship
No Ship Dimension Tank Capacity Fuel Mass
1 100 GT 200 0,1982 ton
2 40 GT 90 0,0892 ton
3 20 GT 40 0,0396 ton
From the calculations, the fuel on the platform
with a capacity of 1,585 tons can be distributed to
three types of vessels each day that sail in the Ara-
Table 3: Total Capacity of Ship Tanks in a Day
Dimension Amount Capacity Endurance
100 GT 50 Unit 10.000
Total platform
of fish ships
40 GT 70 Unit 6.300
20 GT 100 Unit 4.000
Amount 20.300 79 Days
SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology
Figure 11: Flow of Fuel Distribution from Land to Platform
Figure 12: Fuel Distribution Flow from the Platform to the
Fishing Ship
fura sea as many as 50 ships measuring 100 GT, 70
ships measuring 40 GT, and 100 vessels measuring
20 GT with each each tank is 200 l, 90 l, and 40 l. So
this platform can supply fuel needs in the Arafura sea
waters within 79 days.
3.5 Fuel Filling System for Fishing Ship
The ship refueling system is applied to the platform.
Fuel on land will be transferred to the Oil Tanker ves-
sel via a hose connection on the right and left sides
of the vessel connected to the main filling pipe. Fur-
thermore, when the Oil Tanker ships arrive at the plat-
form, the manifold is transferred to the fuel pipe to the
tail pipe to each storage tank. On the platform, semi
submersible construction serves as a storage tank.
Furthermore, the fuel in the storage tank will be
processed with the following stages:
Fuel from storage tanks will be transferred to set-
tling tanks. Settling tanks are tanks that are de-
signed to precipitate dirt and water that are carried
away by fuel. The settling tank capacity is de-
signed to be able to supply minimum fuel for 24
hours of engine operation when the settling tank
is fully charged.;
Furthermore, specifically for heavy fuel oil will be
channeled to the centrifuges to produce clean fuel.
The clean fuel will be distributed to the Service
Tank, while the water will be accommodated in
the Sludge Tank.;
Service Tank Serves to supply fuel to the fishing
ship engine.
4.1 Conclusions
Based on the problems and objectives of this study,
some conclusions were obtained to answer the formu-
lation of the problem in this paper, there are :
This Platform is designed using Gorlov Helical
Turbine as a cold storage electric power source
with a capacity of 80 tons. In addition, is built
with semi submersible construction that can ac-
commodate ship fuel supply.;
This Platform can be used as a solution to over-
come the lack of infrastructure in the form of
scarcity of cold storage in eastern Indonesia. We
utilize gorlov helical turbines to utilize the en-
ergy potential of ocean currents in the target area,
namely the Arafura sea which reaches 2 m/s. With
the simulation method using solid works flow
simulation, we get a power of 4.8 Mw. This en-
ergy output is sufficient to meet the power require-
ments for using 80 tons of cold storage.;
This Platform can overcome the problem of fuel
distribution for fishermen in eastern Indonesia.
This platform is able to accommodate a fuel vol-
ume of 1585 tons, with the assumption that the
ships that sail in the Arafura sea waters as many
as 50 vessels measuring 100 GT, 70 vessels mea-
suring 40 GT, and 100 vessels measuring 20 GT
with each tank of 200 l, 90 l and 40 l. So this
platform can supply fuel needs in the Arafura sea
waters within 79 days.;
4.2 Suggestions
The number of fishermen in eastern Indonesia pre-
cisely in the Arafura sea waters has enormous poten-
tial but there are still many obstacles in the form of
cold storage and distribution of fuel. So, we should be
able to solve the problems faced by fishermen. With
the completion of the existing logistical problems of
fishermen, the utilization of potential in eastern In-
donesia is more optimal.
Utilization of Arafura’s Ocean Current Potential using Gorlov Helical Turbine as an Energy Source for Cold Storage Platforms and Fuel
Distribution in Overcoming Fisheries Logistics Problems in Eastern
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SENTA 2018 - The 3rd International Conference on Marine Technology