Undergraduate Nursing Students Perception on the Implementation
of Curriculum based Competency
Rijal Maulana
, Ardia Putra
Students at Faculty of Nursing, Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Department of Nursing Management, Faculty of Nursing, Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh, Indonesia
Keywords: Competency Based Curriculum, Undergraduate Nursing Students, Nursing Education
Abstract: Competency based curriculum is a curriculum developed based on the element of competence that can help
students to achieve the highest competency profile as a nurse graduate. The purpose of this research is to
evaluate the undergraduate nursing student’s perception about the implementation of competency based
curriculum at their faculty. Descriptive quantitative design was used for this study, with cross sectional
approach. Sample included in this study were 382 and data collection using questionnaire sheet and
analyzed by using descriptive analytic. Result of research: 372 respondents (97,4%) apply small group
discussion method is well, 318 respondents (83,2%) apply role-play and simulation method is well, 329
respondents (86,1%) apply collaborative learning method is well, 367 respondents (96.1%) apply problem-
based learning/inquiry method is well, 361 respondents (94,5%) apply self-directed learning method is well.
It is recommended to the nursing curriculum education unit to continue developing the competency based
curriculum method based on the National Qualification Framework (NQF) of Indonesia so as to the process
of achieving graduates who can compete in the workplace.
One of the objectives of providing education by an
institution is to provide and produce graduates who
have the ability and competitiveness in a searching,
acquiring and finding a job. Other issue about
competitiveness reported that the human resources
in Indonesia are still at a low level. Recent
information from the World Economic Forum
(WEF) submitted through The Global
Competitiveness Report 2016-2017 shows that
Indonesia's competitiveness rating dropped from
rank 37 to rank 41 out of 138 countries. This rating
is still lower than other Southeast Asian countries,
namely Singapore at third place, followed by
Malaysia at 23
and Thailand 27 (Ristekdikti, 2016,
Nowadays, the learning process in college has
changed from Teacher Centered Learning (TCL) to
Student Centered Learning (SCL), where the
ownership of learning is no longer centered on
lecturers but students who actively construct science,
so that emphasis is not only on theory also on how a
work is done. If the curriculum is run, it is not
difficult for students to change themselves from less
competent to competent of graduates with hard skills
and soft skill (Sailah, 2008, p.33).
Competency Based Curriculum is a highly
strategic formal tool for underlying comprehensive
learning and education management in universities.
It is important to realize that college graduates
should be designed to be agents of change by
developing an optimal curriculum oriented to values,
knowledge, skills, attitudes and ethics (Sudjarwadi,
2010, p.3).
Competency Based Curriculum method can
produce various benefits in lecturing process and
outcome of graduates. Firstly, can help students to
develop self-potential optimally and in accordance
with the demands of workplace. Secondly, improve
the quality of graduates with the expected
competencies that can be applied in the community.
Thirdly, the achievement of competencies with
orientation mastery learning based on authentic
assessment in the process. Finally, the autonomy of
learning management by increasing the role of
department and staff of lecturers in developing
various learning innovation for the innovations for
the improvement learning outcomes (Dantes, 2009;
in Syarif, 2011).
Maulana, R. and Putra, A.
Undergraduate Nursing Students Perception on the Implementation of Curriculum based Competency.
DOI: 10.5220/0008395600002442
In Proceedings of the Aceh International Nursing Conference (AINC 2018), pages 141-146
ISBN: 978-989-758-413-8
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Faculty of Nursing Syiah Kuala University has
applied Competency Based Curriculum bymethod of
Student Centered Learning (SCL) for each lecturing
starting from academic year of 2010/2011. In this
method, every learning is doneassessment soft skills
students through face toface learning activities both
in class, tutorial, and practice in laboratory.
(Academic FKep-USK, 2015).
Based on the results of research conducted by
Ikram and Kamil (2016) and supported by Agus
(2009, p.81) on the effectiveness of the application
of PBL method to learning achievement, it was
found that 62.5% of students solve problems with
group discussions, such as skill answer and respond
to questions, communicate orally according to the
activity in the step of analyzing the problem with the
method of seven jumps. Therefore, the ability to
analyze and solve the problem is a competency that
is very important to be owned by a nursing student
in order to achieve the profile of nurse graduates
This research type is quantitative research using
cross sectional study design. It conducted on May
2018 at Faculty of Nursing Syiah Kuala
University. The sample in this research is 382
Reguler A students with total sampling technique.
Data were collected by using questionnaires that
compiled by researchers based on the theory of X
and Y McGregor (2002) in the form of Likert Scale
consisting of 4 choices of answers. This
questionnaire was consisted of: demographic data,
and statement about Competency Based Curriculum
method. Some steps processed data: editing, coding,
transferring, and tabulating. It was categorized by
good and less grades by using the cut of point
This study was analyzed by using univariate
analysis, in order to find the frequency distribution
of research variables. This research was conducted
after obtaining a letter of passing ethical test from
the Ethics Committee of the Faculty of Nursing,
Syiah Kuala University which aims to protect and
ensure the confidentiality of respondents.
Before data were collected, validity test was
conducted on 20 students from the Faculty of
Medicine, Syiah Kuala University. The results
showed that from 39 statements, there were 38 valid
statements where the r-value of the table using the
5% level was 0.444.The reliability test in this study
was conducted with Cronbach's Alpha Test,
indicating that the Cronbach's Alpha value was
0.967, so the statements contained in the
questionnaire were considered reliable.
Characteristics of respondents are described in Table
1. Most respondents were 20 years old (37%),
identified as women (93.7%), and from the
generation 2017 (31.2%).
Table 1. Demographic data of study participants (N=382).
Age (year)
Students’ perceptions on the implementation of
competency-based curriculum are described in Table
2 below.
Table 2. Students’ perceptions on the implementation of
competency based curriculum (N=382).
Method Category f %
Small group
Good 372 97,4
Poor 10 2,6
Role playing
Good 318 83.2
Poor 64 16.8
Good 329 86.1
Poor 53 13.9
Problem based
Good 367 96.1
Poor 15 3.9
Self-directed learning
Good 361 94.5
Poor 21 5.5
Based on table 2 above, it can be concluded that the
application of small group discussion method to
students Faculty of Nursing Syiah Kuala University
is viewed in good category (x 15-24) that is 372
respondents (97.4%). Based on table 2, it was
concluded that the application ofrole play and
AINC 2018 - Aceh International Nursing Conference
simulation method to the students Faculty of
Nursing Syiah Kuala University was in good
category (x 12,5-20) that is 318 respondents
(83,2%). Based on table 2 above, it can be
concluded that the application of the learning
method of collaborative learning to the students
Faculty of Nursing Syiah Kuala University of is in
good category (x 12,5-20) that is 329 respondents
(86,1%). Based on data in table 2 above, it was
concluded that the application of problem based
learning / inquiry method to the students Faculty of
Nursing Syiah Kuala University is in good category
(x 15-24) that is 367 respondents (96,1%). Based
on table 2 above, it was concluded that the
application ofself-directed learning method to the
students Faculty of Nursing Syiah Kuala University
is in the good category (x 10-16) that is 361
respondents (94.5%).
Findings of this study concluded that the application
of small group discussion method to students in
Faculty of Nursing Syiah Kuala University is in
good category that is 372 respondents (97.4%).
According to the Directorate General of Higher
Education (2014, p.58), discussion is one of the
elements of active learning and is part of many SCL
learning models. Here students are asked to create
small groups (5-10 people) to discuss materials
provided to lecturers or materials obtained by
members of the group. Small group discussion is a
way of presenting a lesson that exposes students to a
problem of statements or questions to discuss and
solve together. Based on the results of research
conducted by Insiyah (2016) obtained results that
small group discussion to provide benefits for
students, such as; students will be more comfortable
participating in their groups, providing opportunities
for full participation, more student interaction, and
students can learn to build teamwork.
The results of this study are also supported by
research conducted by Hayadi (2015) on improving
learning outcomes through of small group discussion
method on students with a sample of 26 respondents.
The results showed that 26 students who followed
the learning using SGD got the most value 82
(26,2%). So it can be concluded that learning by
SGD method improves student-learning outcomes of
Manna Midwifery Academy significantly.
According to the researcher, learning by group
discussion method will create student skills such as
critical thinking to solve problems, exchange
experiences and information, and public speaking,
thus making all students active in the learning
The application of role play and simulation
method to the students in Faculty of Nursing Syiah
Kuala University was in good category that is 318
respondents (83,2%). The Directorate General of
Higher Education (2014, p.58) indicates the
simulation is a model that brings a similar situation
to the real into the class. Simulations can take the
form of role plays to practice verbal and nonverbal
communication, practice team skills, develop
problem solving, and develop empathy skills. The
result of this research is supported by Setiawati
(2016) research on the implementation of role
playing in improving learning outcomes with a
sample of 39 students. The results showed that the
learning outcomes of learners by using the role
playing method has increased, the learning outcomes
in question is in terms of affective learners
participate actively and cognitively with the results
of the increase in the exam of learners.
Results of research conducted by Solikhah
(2016) about the implementation of role-play
method in subjects of public speaking for students of
English majors at IAIN Surakarta as many as 26
respondents. The result shows that the learning of
public speaking using the technique of role playing
is well done where there are three aspects that show
the achievement consistently, that is learning activity
(83,98%), individual appearance (81,41%) and
formative test (81,54%).
According to researchers the application of role-
playing method is interesting, fun, and can make
learners want to interact in it. Through the method of
learning role playing skills and the ability of learners
will develop like responsibilities in learning, public
speaking that’s well, colleagues in the learning
process, and creative problem solving that will be
difficult to develop if using traditional teaching
techniques. In addition, students who are dominated
by the majority of women make them prefer to do
techniques role play, so they can apply it well in
every tutorial lesson. This is also supported by
research conducted by Marita, Amanati, and
Kuswardani (2017) on the influence of role playing
method on the ability habits of mind of therapy
students with 80 respondents showed that the score
habits of mind students after using role playing
method is 76,8% is higher than before the
application of role playing method is 71,8%, which
Undergraduate Nursing Students Perception on the Implementation of Curriculum based Competency
includes the ability to think creatively, critically, and
self-regulation with p-value 0.000 <(0.025). So, it
can be concluded that the role playing method can
be affect the habits of mind physiotherapy students.
Findings of this study also indicates that the
application of the learning method of collaborative
learning to the students of Faculty of Nursing Syiah
Kuala University of is in good category that is 329
respondents (86,1%). Collaborative learning is a
method of learning that focuses on cooperation
among students based on consensus that is built by
the members of the group (The Directorate General
of Higher Education, 2014, p.60). Based on the
results of research conducted by Ginting (2017) on
the effectiveness of collaborative learning and
independent learning for knowledge on the students
of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lampung
with a sample of 200 respondents, the results
showed that an increase in knowledge of both the
collaborative learning and independent learning,
with an average each increase was 48.50 and 44.50
with p-value 0.000. So it can be concluded that there
is a significant difference to the students' knowledge
between the group of collaborative learning and
independent learning.
Furthermore, other research results by Bakri
(2016) on the implementation of learning model of
collaborative learning type numbered heads together
in improving students' learning motivation in the
subjects of PAI Class XI in SMA Negeri 5
Palembang with a sample of 67 respondents,
indicating that there is a significant difference
between student learning motivation on PAI subjects
in the experimental class and control class
with a
significant level of 5% (t
= 9.90). So it can
concluded that there is a significant difference
between students' learning motivation of
experimental class using model of collaborative
learning type numbered heads together and learning
motivation of control class students who do not use
model of collaborative learning type numbered
heads together on the subject of PAI in Class XI
SMAN 5 Palembang.
While according to the researcher's view this is
due to the advantages of collaborative learning
related to higher learning achievement, developing
leadership skills, learning more fun, deeper material
understanding, improving interpersonal skills and
developing future skills. This is supported by
Sudarman's (2014) research on the application of
collaborative learning method to improve the
understanding of subject research methodology
materials with a sample of 95 respondents. The
results showed that of collaborative learning method
has a higher contribution in improving the
achievement of material understanding and student
learning outcomes than conventional learning.
Based on data in this study, it was concluded that
the application of problem based learning / inquiry
method to the students in Faculty of Nursing Syiah
Kuala University is in good category that is 367
respondents (96,1%). According to the Directorate
General of Higher Education (2014, p.61) problem
based learning / inquiry is learning by exploiting
problems and students must conduct searching
information (inquiry) to be able to solve the
problem. There are four steps that students need to
do in PBL / I, which first receives problems relevant
to one / some of the competencies required by the
lecturers, secondly searches the relevant data and
information to solve the problem, the third organizes
the data and links the data with problem, and fourth
analyze the PBL / I problem solving strategy is to
learn to make use of the problem and the student
have to search / extract the information (inquiry) to
be able to solve the problem.
The results of this study are supported by
research Syarif (2011) on the analysis of the
development of soft skills of students between the
methods of problem based learning and approach
lecturing in Faculty of Nursing Syiah Kuala
University with a sample of 30 respondents. The
results of this study indicate that the average soft
skill of students on PBL learning method is 122.63,
while on learning method lecturing with an average
of 116.27. The conclusion of this research is there is
a significant difference soft skill student on learning
method of PBL and lecturing (p-value = 0,038);
alpha = 0.05).
According to the researchers' perspective, the
application of PBL method to students at the
Nursing Faculty of Syiah Kuala University has
introduced presentation techniques and completed
several cases in accordance with the expected
competencies, so as to hone the ability to solve
problems, convey ideas, leadership skills, listen to
other people's opinions and teamwork.
In addition, supported by Syahreni and Afifah
(2015) research on the relation of the application of
collaborative learning method and problem based
learning with the motivation to learn in the students
Faculty of Nursing Indonesia University with a
sample of 143 respondents. The results show that
there is a significant relationship between the
application of learning methods CL and PBL with
the motivation of student learning Nursing of
Indonesia University (p<0.05). This method
application is very contribute to the achievement of
AINC 2018 - Aceh International Nursing Conference
student learning motivation compared with the use
of conventional learning methods.
Based on table 6 above, it was concluded that the
application of self-directed learning method to the
students in Faculty of Nursing Syiah Kuala
University is in the good category that is 361
respondents (94.5%).
According to the Directorate General of Higher
Education (2014, p.59) self-directed learning is a
learning process undertaken on individual student
initiative itself. In this case, the planning,
implementation, and assessment of the learning
experience that has been undertaken, done all by the
individual concerned. While the lecturer only acts as
a facilitator, who gives direction, guidance and
confirmation of the progress of learning that has
been done the student.
The result of this research is supported by Safitri
(2014) about the effectiveness of self-directed
learning in terms of personal intelligence to the level
of understanding of IKIP PGRI Bojonegoro students
with a sample of 89 respondents. The results show
that is self-directed learning method more effective
than thedirected learning model both in general and
for each category of personal intelligence.
According to the researchers' view this is because
using SDL methods can help grow and hone active
learning habits in students, a sense of individual
responsibility to awaken and empower students, that
learning is their own responsibility. In other words,
students are encouraged to manage or lead
themselves, such as time management, priority
management, conflict management and stress
This is also supported by Chairunnisa (2016)
research on the relationship of Self Directed
Learning (SDL) with the cumulative achievement
index of students in the Faculty of Psychology
University of Muhammadiyah Malang with a sample
of 346 respondents. The results showed that there
was a significant positive relationship between SDL
with student GPA (r) = 0,524 p = 0,000 <0,05. In
addition, it was found that the influence of self-
directed learning on the students' GPA was 27.4%,
while 72.6% were influenced by factors not studied
in the study.
Based on the results of research and discussion that
have been done, it can be concluded that the
application of Competency Based Curriculum
method through small group discussion method, role
playing and simulation, collaborative learning,
problem based learning / inquiry, and self-directed
learning to students in the Faculty of Nursing Syiah
Kuala University is in the good category. It is
recommended to the management Faculty of
Nursing Syiah Kuala University to continue to
develop Competency Based Curriculum method
based on National Qualification Framework of
Indonesia so as to improve the process of achieving
graduates who can compete in the workplace.
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