Developing Descriptive Text Materials Dealing with 2013
Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Students
Ridwan Limpo
and Djuwairiah Ahmad
English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teaching Training, UIN, Alaudin Makassar Sulawesi-Selatan,
English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teaching Training, UIN, Alaudin Makassar Sulawesi-Selatan,
Keywords: R&D, Descriptive Text, 2013 Curriculum/K13, ADDIE Model
Abstract: This research aimed at developing the materials of Descriptive Text based on 2013 curriculum or K13 for
the Seventh Grade students in MTsN. Balang-Balang. Based on the preliminary study in July 2015, the
researchers found that both teacher and student did not have appropriate and well-understandable materials
in teaching and learning descriptive text. Moreover, teacher on implementing the K13 was unprepared due
to the lack of training given by the government yet the students found difficulties in learning English since
they did not have many sources except the students’ book provided by the government. The design of this
research was Research and Development (R & D) and the development model was ADDIE model. The
procedures included analyzing materials needed by students, designing the blueprint and developing the
materials through the syllabus of K13. Type of data obtained in this study was qualitative data while the
instruments were questionnaire and rubrics for teacher and expert. In this research, teacher and expert were
involved to validate the product Therefore, based on the teacher and expert judgment as well as try-out
design result, the developed descriptive text materials is applicable to be taught at the Seventh Grade of
Junior High School as an additional learning and teaching materials
The idea to conduct this research came directly
when the researchers visited and observed a teaching
and learning process at the Seventh Grade in MTsN.
Balang-Balang, Gowa, South Sulawesi Based on the
observation, it was found many obstacles in
implementing the 2013 curriculum. First, the
students were not interested in learning process.
Second, the teachers were not given authority to
arrange the syllabus because it had been set by the
government. Third, the teachers indeed developed
the learning planning process but the primary course
book was still limited. Furthermore, the teachers
claimed that the specialized training about the
implementation of the 2013 curriculum had not
flattened yet. Finally, those caused the
unpreparedness of the teachers to implement the
materials through 2013 curriculum in teaching.
Based on the observation above, the researchers
conducted a pre-experiment study in July 2015 at
MTsN. Balang-Balang. In this session, the
researchers identified the syllabus in 2013
curriculum referred the 3 and 4 basic competence
(KD 3 and KD 4). Those competences covered two
areas of the learning material. First, stating and
asking about the materials. Second, arranging the
materials in learning activities deal with observing,
questioning, collecting information, associating, and
communicating. The purpose of this preliminary
study was to identify the problem stated previously
by conducting a research which was appropriate
with the students’ need.
In the 2013 curriculum, the teachers should
design the material for teaching process based on the
syllabus that already arranged by the government.
The teaching plan should be more creative to attract
Limpo, R. and Ahmad, D.
Developing Descriptive Text Materials Dealing with 2013 Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Students.
DOI: 10.5220/0008218400002284
In Proceedings of the 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference (BELTIC 2018) - Developing ELT in the 21st Century, pages 367-371
ISBN: 978-989-758-416-9
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the students. However, it was the challenge for the
teachers to develop the teaching materials as well.
After identifying the factors above, the
researchers thought that teachers might have
reference as source for teaching. Teacher should not
only focus on the teacher’s and the student’s book
that have been provided by the government but also
need an extra reference to help them easier on
teaching the materials as well as the students
enjoying and understanding the materials. Hence,
the researchers believed that the problems should be
tackled and the best way to deal with the less-
applicable components on English teaching
materials on 2013 curriculum was to design English
teaching materials covered module based on
Curriculum/K13 which aimed to help both teacher
and student get easier in teaching and learning
process. Another reason on the way researchers
conduct this research was to develop the English
materials by designing a module as the additional
source for the teacher. The teachers’ book that
provided by the government was the main source at
the time while the teachers were obligated to design
their own material as attractive as possible.
This research focused on developing the English
material dealing with 2013 curriculum and
specifically for KI (Basic Competence) 3.10, 4.12,
and 4.13 about descriptive text. Furthermore, the
researchers formulated a study entitled "Developing
Descriptive Text Materials dealing with 2013
Curriculum of the Seventh Grade in MTsN. Balang-
As a field of study and a practical undertaking,
Material Development studies the principles and
procedures of many aspects of language teaching
materials, they are the design, implementation and
evaluation. (Tomlinson, 2011, p.2). In a study
written by Nation and Macalister (2009) it is said
that curriculum design involves many of the areas in
Applied Linguistic, such as language acquisition
research, teaching methodology, assessment,
language description, as well as material production.
While Richards (2001, p. 13) reveals that curriculum
development can be identified as writing process to
design more materials included gather the ideas,
contents, practices and reviewing text.
There are many kinds of model which can be
implemented in order to develop material such as
Borg & Gall model, Sugiyono model, Dick and
Carey model and Kemp model. However, the
researchers adopted the ADDIE Model by Drljaca et
al. (2017) because it is suitable for this study.
ADDIE stands for Analysis, Design, Development,
Implementation, and Evaluation.
The 2013 Curriculum is a re-form curriculum
from the KTSP, aims to improve and balance both
soft skills and hard skills of students such as;
religious, skill, and knowledge. However, this
research designs a product dealing with the
Indonesian Curriculum called K13.
Curriculum is the most contributed element in
order to achieve the potential quality of the
development process of the learners. Curriculum is a
potential experience set up in the school as a purpose
of disciplining the children and youth in group ways
of thinking and acting. Further, the outcomes of
Curriculum are the planned and guided learning
experiences formulated through the systematic
reconstruction of knowledge and experience.
In Modul Pelatihan Implementasi Kurikulum
(2013, p. 4) the 2013 Curriculum is the development
of curriculum with basic competence from the
previous curriculum in KBK 2004 and KTSP 2006
which has attitude, knowledge, and skill. There are
four competences for the 2013 Curriculum:
a) Core Competence or Kompetensi inti-1 (KI-1)
is set for religious competence
b) Core Competence (KI-2) is set for social
c) Core Competence/KI (KI-3) is set for cognitive
d) Core Competence/Kompetensi inti-4 (KI-4) is
set for skill competence.
This research is R&D research and the development
model used was ADDIE Model or Analysis, Design,
Development, Implementation, and Evaluation that
introduced by Steve J. McGriff, 2000. Therefore, the
procedure of this study as shown in the steps below:
Figure 1. The ADDIE’s Model (Drljaca et al., 2017)
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
a) Analysis - In the first step, the researchers
analyze the English teacher’s handbook as well
as the questionnaire which had been distributed
to the students at the Seventh Grade in order to
identify the students’ need. Following that, the
researchers identified the systematic English
materials which related to the syllabus of the
Curriculum set by the government for the
English teaching. Finally, from the teacher’s
syllabus the analyzing process was done and
decided to cover the materials about describing
people, animals and things.
b) Designing - English teaching materials in-line
with the K13 by covering the description of
people, animals and things materials was done
in this phase. After that, the researchers created
the systematic blueprint of the organization
materials, learning materials and the contents of
the materials. Last but not least, the researcher
also looking for several sources as the guidance
to design the English teaching material that are
suitable for describing people, animals and
c) Development - The lesson plan in blueprint is
developed in this stage.Hence, the developing
materials for describing people, animals and
things materials dealing with K13 has been
becoming the objectives of the course.
Furthermore, the researchers also organize the
English teaching materials systematically that
suitable to the scientific approach and learning
methods in Indonesian curriculum in order to
support the learning objectives and materials of
lesson plan developed. Following that, the
experts measured whether the product was
appropriate with students’ needs as well as the
goals and objectivities of the course or not.
Lastly, the experts claimed that final product
was ready to be implemented or tried out in the
next phase.
d) Implementation - The product is tried out in this
phase in order to measure the appropriateness
and suitability of the materials to the learners.
e) Evaluation - As the last steps in this method,
Evaluation was designed to measure the quality
of the materials as well as the appropriateness of
the developed materials. Formative and
Summative Evaluation are gathered in this
phase and one expert of 2013 Curriculum
became an evaluator for the students’ book.
4.1 Findings
Based on the research focuses integrated with
ADDIE model, this study revealed the result as
The need analysis result based on the English
teaching materials in the syllabus of Curriculum
/K13 that covered the 3.10, 4.12, and 4.13
competencies were expected to the students to be
able to make a short and simply descriptive text for
describing people, animals and things. First, the core
topic had been divided into twelve subtopics which
were appropriate with the total of the meetings. In
other words, materials of describing people, animals
and things were developed in several subtopics.
They were describing people itself, person who has
influence, describing photo or picture, person who is
close to you, descriptive text about animal in
general, feared animal, wild animal, describing pet,
describing things in general, my house, dangerous
things and my favorite thing. Second, each meeting
had a core skill and it was integrated with scientific
approach in K13 included observing, questioning,
collecting information, associating, and
communicating. Last, the researchers developed
learning instruction based on the type of activities,
they are individual, pair and group activitiy, the
amount of activities, and text structure. As the main
purpose of this research, the materials were
developed to provide the appropriate and well-
understandable materials for the Seventh Grade
students especially the students at MTs Negeri
Table 1: Result of questionnaire part A (showing the
response of the students).
Total Response
Do you like if the
teacher gives you the
learning formation
before the class
1. Yes =29
2. No = 0
What kind of
opening formation do
you like most?
1. Ice Breaking =0
2. Warming Up =3
3. Only pray =13
4. Motivation story =13
5. Small Games =0
If the class has
started, what do you
like to do?
1. Listening the
teacher’s explanation
2. Directly to practice
Developing Descriptive Text Materials Dealing with 2013 Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Students
3. Reading the
instruction from the
What kind of
learning material that
you like?
1. Text =12
2. Drawing =6
3. Dialogue =3
4. Presentation =8
What kind of
design that you expect?
1. Drawing
2. Colors design =4
3. Black and white
design =6
What kind of
design model that you
1. Caricature=1
2. Cartoon =9
3. The real picture =
In the part A, all students wanted to be given
the pre study-orientation before studying, they are
pray and motivation story, they wanted directly
listening the explanation, students liked when
materials given in a text form and more like if the
book was designed with real pictures as they saw in
the daily life. Furthermore, in part B, the researcher
came into a conclusion as shown in a table below;
Table 2: The result of questionnaire part B (showing
the response of the students).
In what way do you
like to learn Descriptive
1. Through conversation
2. By observing the media
3. Through Discussion =
4. Others =0
If the material is
about describing people,
who will you describe
1. Friend =11
2. World figure =7
3. Celebrity =2
4. Any other related =8
If the material is
about describing animals,
what kind of animal that
you want to describe?
1. Pets =14
2. Animals that found
around =5
3. Favorite animal =9
4. Any other related =1
If the material is
about describing things,
what kind of thing that
you want to describe?
1. Things in the school =9
2. Things in home =5
3. Things around us =8
4. Favorite thing =7
This part consisted of four questions, students
were liked “discussion and observing” when they
learn descriptive text, students would like to
describe about their friends, world famous people
and celebrity. Furthermore, when they were asked to
describe animals then they would like to describe
their pet, favorite animals as well as animals around
them, however, students would like to describe the
things in the class, things they liked most, things
around them and things that they found in their
home if when they were asked to describe about
Table 3:The result of questionnaire part C (showing
the response of the students).
What kind of learning
model do you like most?
1. Individual =3
2. Pair =7
3. Project group =2
4. Discussion= 17
What kind of model
project do you choose for
doing a project?
1. Individual project=0
2. Pair project =2
3. Group project =26
4. None of them =1
What kind of
presentation model do
you choose If you are
asked to present a related
learning material?
1. Individual presentation
2. Pair presentation =5
3. Group presentation =18
4. None of them = 1
Do you like a
teaching that combined
with game activities?
1. Yes=22
2. No=7
What difficulties that
you face in learning
English (Descriptive
1. The students did not
like very long text and
2. The students were
difficult to memorize
the new vocabulary.
3. The students were
difficult to translate the
materials in source
4. The students were
difficult to concentrate
during the learning and
teaching process.
Part C consisted of 5 questions, as a conclusion,
it was found that the students liked a learning model
with discussion, pair and individual, students also
liked doing the project with a group, and when they
were asked to present a learning material they would
like to present it with their group or with their
partner, however students wanted the teacher to
combine the teaching process with “games activity”,
and researcher also found some obstacles that
students faced when they were learnt descriptive
text; 1) Students did not like long text and dialogue
2) Students were difficult to memorize a dialogue
and vocabulary 3) Students were difficult to translate
the lesson into the source language, and 4) Students
BELTIC 2018 - 1st Bandung English Language Teaching International Conference
were difficult to concentrate during the learning
4.2 Discussion
The aim of this research was to develop the English
teaching materials by covering the K13 syllabus
(Describing people, animals and things). Therefore,
this research is Research and Development (R&D)
by applying the ADDIE Model.
a) The result of need analysis
The experts claimed that the materials were
suitable, appropriate as well as understandable
because the materials matched with the goals of the
course. Moreover, the expert stated that the language
used was clear and appropriate with students’ level
of English so it was understandable for them.
b) The Results of Designing the Blueprint
The results of product design included the
topics were divided into twelve meetings/lessons.
There was core skill in every meeting as a symbol to
achieve the purpose of study objectives and applied
the flows of skill as the steps to make both teacher
and student more straight forward in understanding
the content of material. Besides, the scientific
approach covering observing, questioning, collecting
information, associating and communicating became
the existing objective to arrange the related topic and
by adding learning instruction included type of
activity, amount of activity, and text structure as
additional qualified items in arranging the material
for developing phase.
c) The Result of Developing Materials
The expert stated that all items in the product
were proper and good to be used derived to the
students’ need as well as the blueprint designed.
d) The Result of Implementing the Materials
Based on the result, the materials had been
related to the current learning materials with the
learners’ learning experience previously. The
material was systematic (easy to the difficult, from
the concrete to the abstract) and also presented the
flow of skill to make learners understand. The
method and Scientific Approach of 2013 Curriculum
enabled to leave the question of why and how,
encouraged the learners to ask, facilitated the
learners to try, to observe, to analyze and provided
questions for the learner to reason like processing
logical and systematic thought. Again, it presented
the learners several of activities to communicate in
e) The Result of Evaluation the Product
In this evaluation, one expert and one English
teacher were involved to check the quality of the
product. They stated that the product was good and
well-designed to be learnt because it was appropriate
with the students’ need in the field.
The research was adapted from the ADDIE model
by Steve J. McGriff to develop English materials for
the Seventh Grade students referring to describing
people, animals and things materials. First, the
researchers spread out the questionnaires to know
the needs of the students and analyzed what English
materials existing in the syllabus used in K13.
Afterwards, they put them in the form of a blueprint
and developed a blueprint in the form of modules.
After developing the materials, they evaluated
formatively the materials to the expert twice by
using student book assessment rubric set by the
government. Furthermore, they tried out the product
to the learners and tried out to implement the
product in the classroom in order to measure the
appropriateness of the final product. Finally, the
experts decided whether the product has passed the
measurement or not until the experts claimed that
the materials expected to be a secondary book for
students and teachers existing at MTs Negeri
Balang-Balang, Gowa had well crafted. The
researcher had developed well-designed and proper
used materials for teaching Descriptive Text on
describing people, animals and things.
Drljaca, D., Latinović, B., Stankovic, Z., Cvetković, D.,
2017. Addie Model for Development of E-
Kemendikbud, 2013. Modul Pelatihan Implementasi
Kurikulum 2013 171.
Nation, I.S.P., Macalister, J., 2009. Language Curriculum
Design. Routledge.
Richards, J.C., 2001. Curriculum Development in
Language Teaching. Cambridge University
Tomlinson, B., 2011. Materials Development in Language
Teaching. Cambridge University Press.
Developing Descriptive Text Materials Dealing with 2013 Curriculum for the Seventh Grade Students