Bacterial Vaginosis in Gynecologic Outpatient Clinic
Dr. Soetomo Hospital January – June 2017: A Cross Sectional Study
Muhammad Arief Adibrata
, Rozi Aditya
, Khanisyah Erza Gumilar
, Manggala Pascawardhana
Budi Wicaksono
, Ernawati
, Agus Sulistyono
, Aditiawarman
, Hermanto Tri Joewono
Muhammad Nadir Abdullah
, Erry Gumilar Dachlan
Muhammad Ilham Aldika Akbar
Resident of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Soetomo General Hospital – UNAIR Hospital
Keywords: bacterial vaginosis, vaginal discharge, vaginal odor, nugent score.
Abstract: Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a common cause of vaginal discharge in women without a sign of inflammatory.
BV prevalence in Indonesia is around 17-32.5%, and most are women of reproductive age. To determine the
characteristics of patients with bacterial vaginosis. In this cross-sectional study, we include 113 medical
records of patients with whitish vaginal discharge complaints that accompanied by the results of vaginal
swab and Nugent Score at Gynecology outpatient clinic Dr Soetomo Hospital, period January 2017 to June
2017. Prevalence of BV in this study is 11,5%. The productive age of 15-64 years dominates as many as
112 patients (99.1%), with 96% patients married, and 10% already in menopause stated. The most frequent
symptoms found was vaginal itching (59.3%). The use of vaginal douching was found in 60% of patients.
The patients parity averaged 0-1 (nullipara and primparity) were 40%. From the risk factor, we found that
88% of patients did not smoke, majority of contraceptive methods used were IUDs of 49%, and the average
patient BMI status was overweight. Most comorbid infections found was candidiasis (20 patients). About 76
patients (78.4%) show good response to therapy by expressed negative BV with Nugent score criteria. BV
cases show a small prevalences in our gynecology outpatient clinic, but have a significant morbidity to
patients. Appropriate management is needed to improve healing rates and reduce the rate of bacterial
vaginosis recurrence.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the most common cause
of vaginal discharge in reproductive age women.
Symptoms are generally characterized by vaginal
discharge (most colored gray to yellow), thin,
homogeneous, smelling, and accompanied by
increased vaginal pH. BV is not an inflammatory
process, so the diagnosis is supported by several
simple clinical and laboratory criteria (Karim, 2016).
Bacterial vaginosis is a disease in the vagina,
caused by disturbance of normal environment of
vagina and vaginal microbiota population. In most
BV cases there are overgrowth of anaerobic bacteria
such as Garnerella sp, Prevotella sp and sp
Atopobium. and commonly affects reproductive age
women. BV infections increases the risk of type 2
HSV infection, Trichomonans vaginalis, Neisseria
gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis and HIV. The
prevalence of BV in Indonesia is around 17- 32.5%,
relatively high comparing to other southeast asian
countries such as Thailand 11.5 to 15.9%;
Philippines 7.5%; and Vietnam from 7 to 27.4%.
The risk factors of BV including multipartner sexual
activity, the use of IUDs, ethnicity, use of douching
product, smoking, menstruation, uncircumcised
patner, malnutrition, stress and genetic factors
(Kenyon, Colebunders and Crucitti, 2013)
Gram smear is a standard examination for
diagnosing BV, with sensitivity of 62-100% This
examination is evaluated by Nugent criteria.
(Nugent, Krohn and Hillier, 1991) However, the
data of the prevalence, characteristic and risk factor
of BV patients in Gynecology Outpatient clinic,
have never been reported. Because BV is the most
common vaginal discomfort, investigation of risk
factor BV is important to decide a proper
management for BV patient.
Adibarata, M., Aditya, R., Gumilar, K., Pascawardhana, M., Wicaksono, B., Ernawati, ., Sulistyono, A., Aditiawarman, ., Joewono, H., Abdullah, M., Dachlan, E. and Akbar, M.
Bacterial Vaginosis in Gynecologic Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo Hospital January June 2017: A Cross Sectional Study.
DOI: 10.5220/0008156303070311
In Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology (RCD 2018), pages 307-311
ISBN: 978-989-758-494-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All r ights reserved
This research is an analytic observational study with
cross-sectional design to determine the
characteristics and risk factors of BV in our
outpatient clinic. The study was conducted in
Gynecology Outpatient Clinic Dr Soetomo Hospital
Surabaya, in July-September 2017. Data was
collected from January to June 2017 from medical
records (secondary data). Sampling were obtained
with consecutive sampling method, with the
inclusion criteria were all patients with complain of
excessive vaginal discharge (flour albus), who had a
vaginal swab examination, and then assessed by
Nugent criteria. Data collected consist of age,
marital status, chief complaints, use of vaginal
douching, education, patient origin, parity, smoking,
contraceptive methods, BMI (Body Mass Index),
therapy category, comorbidity, menopausal status,
Nugent score, and relapse after Nugent score. The
spesific data collected includes the therapeutic
response and the factors associated with bacterial
vaginosis. Data were analyzed statistically using
SPSS program (Statistical Product and Service
Solutions) no 23. Comparison between groups was
performed by using the Chi-square test or Fisher’s
exact test for the categorical variables. Odds ratios
and 95% confidence intervals were calculated.
Values of p < 0,05 were considered statistically
Table 1: Characteristics of Patients with symptoms of excessive vaginal discharge in Gynecology Outpatient Clinic of Dr
Soetomo Hospital (January-June 2017).
Variables n (%) median Variables n (%) median
Age (years)
<15 years
> 64 years
Menopause status
Originally patient
In the city
Out of town
Etnicithy patients
Marital status
Vaginal odor
Vaginal itching
Vaginal irritation
Vaginal douching
High School
≥ 3
0 (0)
112 (99.1)
1 (0.9)
11 (10)
102 (90)
61 (54)
52 (46)
77 (68)
32 (28)
4 (4)
108 (96)
5 (4)
62 (54.8)
67 (59.2)
3 (2.6)
5 (4.4)
68 (60)
45 (40)
37 (32.7)
59 (52.2)
17 (15)
45 (39.8)
39 (34.5)
29 (25.6)
31 BMI
Obesity 1
Obesity 2
Obesity 3
Category therapy
Metronidazole po
Metronidazole ovule
Combination po and
The combination of
po Metronidazole,
Clindamycin ovules
and po
Combination +
The combination of
Comorbid patients
Prolapsed uteri
Inf Gonorrea
Inf Trichomoniasis
Inf Candidiasis
Nugent score
Before therapy
After Nugent score
9 (7.9)
28 (24.7)
37 (32.7)
29 (25.6)
8 (7)
2 (1.7)
33 (29.2)
39 (34.5)
36 (31.8)
5 (4.4)
36 (31.8)
13 (11.5)
4 (3.5)
4 (3.5)
0 (0)
0 (0)
20 (17.6)
16 (14.1)
68 (60.2)
29 (25.6)
92 (81.5)
RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018
13 (12)
100 (88)
26 (23)
15 (13.2)
2 (1.7)
9 (7.9)
1 (0.8)
60 (53)
Recurrence after
normal Nugent
<3 months
3-6 months
> 6-12 months
> 12 months
Never relapse
21 (18.5)
0 (0)
11 (9.7)
25 (22.1)
20 (17.6)
16 (14.2)
41 (36.4)
This research is an analytic observational study with
cross-sectional design to determine the
characteristics and risk factors of BV in our
outpatient clinic. The study was conducted in
Gynecology Outpatient Clinic Dr Soetomo Hospital
Surabaya, in July-September 2017. Data was
collected from January to June 2017 from medical
records (secondary)
After treatment, re-examination of the Nugent
score was performed to evaluate the effectiveness of
therapy. The results showed 92 patients (81.5%)
had a nugent score 0-3, and 21 patients (18.5%) had
a nugent score >3. Good response was categorized if
Nugent score become 0-3 after therapy. The most
common complaint from all patients with positive
BV, had symptoms vaginal discharge (89,7%),
vaginal odor (56,7%) and vaginal itching (59,8%).
But in this study, there was no significantly
associated with bacterial vaginosis.
This study also analyzes the correlation between
variety risk factors with actual BV diagnosed by
Nugent score, as shown in Table 2. Risk factor
analised consists of menopause, vaginal douching
habits, obesity, IUD, etnicithy, and smoke habits.
We did not find any significant association between
all risk factors and the occurence of BV.
In this study BV positive cases were found in 97
patients who constitute prevalence of 11.5% in
Gynecology Outpatient Clinic Dr Soetomo Hospital.
99.1% of patients were on their productive age,
around 15-64 years old. This finding is consistent
with previous study, that women on productive age
is a risk factor for BV. And over 40 years old
women is also a risk factor for BV, due to
hipoestrogen state on perimenopausal period.
Decrease estrogen levels can increase vaginal pH,
leading to suboptimal environment for the growth of
Lactobacillus spp. (vaginal normal flora), but in
contrast excessive growth of other microorganisms.
Petricevic et al in his study also found that the levels
of vaginal Lactobacillus spp. decreases with age,
supporting the higher risk of BV in older women
(Karim, 2016) (Kenyon, Colebunders and Crucitti,
Most patients (96%) were married, consistent
with previous studies finding that sexual intercourse
increases the risk of BV (Karim, 2016) (Bilardi et
al., 2016). The other symptoms that arise beside
vaginal discharge were vaginal odor 54.8%, and
vaginal itching 59,2%. The vaginal odor occurred
due to increased amin especially trimethylalamine
Table 2: Risk Factors Associated with BV.
Risk factor
BV Positive BV Negative
OR (95% CI) p-value
n (%) n (%)
Menopause 10 (10.3%) 1 (6.3%) 1,7 (0,2-14,4) 1.00
Vaginal douching habits 57 (58.8%) 11 (68.8%) 0,6 (0,2-2,0) 0.58
Obesity 41 (42.3%) 6 (37.5%) 1,2 (0,4- 3,6) 0.79
IUD 22 (22.7%) 4 (25%) 0,8 (0,2-3,0) 0.76
68 (70.1%)
25 (25.8%)
9 (56.3%)
7 (43.8%)
2,1 (0,7-6,2)
Smoke 11 (11.3%) 2 (12.5%) 0,8 (0,1-4,4) 1.00
isher’s exact tes
Bacterial Vaginosis in Gynecologic Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo Hospital January June 2017: A Cross Sectional Study
produced by microorganisms such as G. vaginalis,
M. hominis, and Mobiluncus spp, which is
overgrowth in BV. Semen which is alkaline (pH 7.2)
lead to the release of amin from its attachment with
the protein amine and producing a typical odor
(Karim, 2016) (Bradshaw et al., 2013).
The use of vaginal douching is a risk factor for
BV occurence in some women. This study found
that 60% BV patients frequently used vaginal
douching. Washing the vagina (douching) associated
with complaints of dysuria, vaginal discharge, and
itching of the vagina. Vaginal douching, reported to
cause changes in vaginal pH and reduces the
concentration of normal microbiota, facilitating the
growth of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria. The
cessation of this habit may reduce the risk of BV
(Brotman et al., 2008).
Most patients with BV in this study were
classified overweight and obesity. Ventolini et al
showed that obesity increases the risk of BV by 4
fold. Obesity is a mild inflammatory condition,
which affect the mechanisms of immunity in the
vagina. Obesity is an independent risk factor of BV
(Ventolini et al., 2017).
IUD is a contraceptive method that widely used
in patients with BV. Previous study showed that
IUD users had 1.84 times increased risk of BV. The
IUD can alter the normal vaginal flora, and promote
the growth of pathogenic bacteria (Joesof et al.,
2001) (Oduyebo, Anorlu and Ogunsola, 2009).
Analysis on our study showed contrary result, that
IUD was not significantly increases the risk of BV.
Most symptoms that emerged in this study was
excessive vaginal discharge, vaginal odor and
itching. These are in line with previous study
conducted by Abdul Karim and Jusuf Barakbah in
Dermatology Outpatient Clinic Dr. Soetomo
Hospital, where 33.3% of patients experiencing
vaginal odor and 28.6% complained vaginal itching.
Association between accompanying complain and
BV in this study were not significant (p>0.05).
In term of response to BV therapy, 78.4%
showed good result and improved condition, as seen
by negative BV examination. Treatment evaluation
was performed using vaginal swab then assessed by
Nugent score. Metronidazole and Clindamycin are
used as the first line therapy in this study, as
recommended by CDC in 2014 (Oduyebo, Anorlu
and Ogunsola, 2009) (Hoffman et al., 2016).
Metronidazole inhibit anaerobes that support
Gardnerella vaginalis but do not affect Lactobacilli
spp., thereby reducing the risk of late-stage relapse.
Clindamycin is effective alternative drug. All these
antibiotics have been shown to achieve cure rates of
70% to 80% after treatment (Oduyebo, Anorlu and
Ogunsola, 2009). The reccurance rate of BV after
successfull therapy show variety result, starting from
< 3 month until > 1 years, and fortunately 36.4% of
patients never experienced relapse This study did not
found any significant association between all risk
factors and BV.
In this study, it was concluded that the
characteristics of the patients who come to the
Gynecology Outpatient Clinic Dr Soetomo Hospital
complaining excessive vaginal discharge are on
productive age. Most patients diagnosed using
vaginal swab and Nugent score. The treatment of
BV using standard regimen such as Metronidazole
and Clindamycin still proven to be effective, and
able to prevent some relapse.Unfortunately in this
study we could not found any significant association
between all risk factors and BV.
The authors wish to thank all Resident Obstetric
Gynecolgy and staff in Gynecology Outpatient
Clinic Dr Soetomo Hospital for their dedication in
collecting data, and all the women whose
participation contributed to the success of this study.
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