The Problems of License Patent Agreement in Indonesia
Agung Sujatmiko
Faculty of Law, Airlangga UniversitySurabaya, Indonesia.
Keywords: Agreement, License, Patent.
Abstract: This paper will elaborate the legal principles used in a patent license agreement. To analyze this
substantive, this work will apply normative legal research. At the end, this work offers some substantive and
pragmatic approaches. The substantive approach will discuss and examine some theories, norms, and
policies. The freedom of contract principle is the main principle of contract to legalize a patent license
agreement. Freedom of contract is applied in the manufacture of a patent license agreement. According to
the freedom of contract, the parties are free to formulate the license agreement including but not limited to
royalty payment, dispute resolution, and the end of the license agreement. The other basic principle of
contract covering a patent license agreement is mutual benefit. This principle requires that the parties must
obtain economic value (profit) on the agreement. Licensor is willing to obtain royalty payments from the
licensee. The royalty belongs to economic rights which are transferable in order to maximize benefit of the
patent to the licensor. In addition, another principle is the principle of equality. Equality does not mean only
the licensor who has a right to terminate the license agreement but also the licensee does.
Indonesian Patent Law regulated by Law Number
13 Year 2016. Article 76 (1) states that a patent
holder shall have the right to grant a license to other
person on the basis of a licensing agreement in
order to perform acts as refered to in article 16.
Article 76 (2) said, unless agreed otherwise, the
scope of a license as referred to in paragraph (1)
shall cover acts as referred to in article 19 and shall
continue for the term of the license granted, and
shall be effective for the entire territory of the
Republic Indonesia. Article 16 cover exclusive right
of patent holder. The exclusive right contain of
rights and obligation of a patent holder. As one of
business contracts, patent license agreement also
contains some principles on the law of contract
which become the foundation for the parties in
making and performing the contract. The principles
on the law of contract are stipulated in Burgerlijk
Wetboek. Those principles are the basis that must be
obeyed by the parties, so that the license agreement
is made not to harm any of the parties and also can
be performed fairly.
Patent license agreement use the principles of
contract law contained in the general agreements of
contract. Regarding the principles of contract, once
the decision to license has been made, a suitable
strategy must be developed (Robert C. Megantz,
The principles used in the formation and
performance of a patent license agreement are :
2.1 Principle of Freedom of Contract
This principle asserts that the trademark license
agreement is made under the freedom of contract.
Freedom of contract is applied in the formation on
trademark license agreement. The parties are free to
determine the contents of the license agreement in
accordance with their wishes concerning royalty
payment, dispute resolution, and the termination of
the license agreement.
Based on this principle, the parties are expected
to gain their expected profits. The trademark owners,
called licensor, will have huge economic benefits, as
well as the licensee. This is as stated by Yohanes
Sogar Simamora that the freedom of contract is very
important in supporting the interests of economic
Sujatmiko, A.
The Problems of License Patent Agreement in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0007549306720675
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 672-675
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
actors, (Simamora, 2005). Yohanes Sogar
Simamora’s opinion was inspired by Atiyah’s
opinion stated that the contents of the contract
generally relates to economic exchange, (Simamora,
Therefore, Yohanes Sogar Simamora further
stated that the law of contract is a legal instrument
governing the exchange of it and provide protection
to the injured party, (Simamora, 2005).
The principle of freedom of contract is also
known in English law. As stated by Anson "a
promise is more than a mere statement of intension
for it imports a willingness on the part of the
promiser to be bound to the person to whom it is
made" (Soenandar Et All, 2001). Because of this, the
principle of freedom of contract was applied
While according to the Taryana Soenandar, the
Principles of International Commercial Contracts
(UNIDROIT) embodiment of freedom of contract
are: (Soenandar, Et. All, 2001).
a. freedom to determine the contents of the
b. freedom to determine the form of the
c. contract binding as law ;
d. mandatory rules as an exception, and
e. international characteristics and the purpose
of UNIDROIT principles that must be
considered in the interpretation of the
2.2 Principle of Consensualism
This principle is based on the provisions of Article
1320 BW governing the validity of terms of the
contract, which requires for :
1. consent of the parties ;
2. the capability to make an agreement;
3. certain objects ;
4. lawful cause
2.2.1 The Agreement of the Parties.
Consent is the basis of the occurrence or the birth of
an agreement, including trademark license
agreement. An agreement is considered to occur at
the time of the meeting of minds by the parties to
make a contract. Consent implies that the parties
mutually express their interests to close a deal and
the will of the parties in accordance with the will of
the other party, (Thamrin, 2007). The terms of this
agreement, each party's position is principled,
because it directly concerns against what the will of
the parties. The will is what is really desired to do by
the party, (Thamrin, 2007). Subekti argues that
consent is the meaning of consensus, means that
between the parties concerned reached a conformity
of will, what was intended by the party is also
intended by another, (Subekti, 1985).
2.2.2 The Capability to Make an
The second terms in the license agreement, that this
has to be made by a notarial deed. In the deed, of
course, as the notary public officials will require that
the parties must fullfil the requirements of Article
1330 BW about the capability for the person. When
the parties come before the Notary, they will be
asked concerning the age of each party at the time
when they enter into a contract. If the parties do not
fullfil the age requirement, the notary must refuse to
make deed of the contract.
2.2.3 Certain Objects;
The third requirement is a particular case has two
meanings, mean an object and non- material object,
(Thamrin, 2007). Understanding of a material object
is as set out in Article 1333 and 1334 BW using the
word goods, which include motion goods, the goods
remain, and intangible goods, both existing and or in
the future. While the notion of a non material
suggests that the reference to a particular thing is a
performance in a contract. The performance may
give something, do something or not to do
something. The patents are categorized as movable
intangible things. As movable intangible things,
patents can be the object of the agreement, in this
case is in the form of a patent license agreement. In
this context, it seems more appropriate if certain
things are given meaning as an object of an
agreement which has had a clear character for both
parties in the agreement. Clarity about the object of
the agreement has an important meaning, because it
will make it easier for the parties in performing the
rights and obligations. If the object of the agreement
is unclear, vague or are not likely to be
implemented, this will result in the null and void
2.2.4 Lawful Cause
Article 1337 BW asserts that any reason is
prohibited, to the extent prohibited by law, or if
contrary to morality or public policy. According to
that provisions relating to the validity of the
agreement as the fourth provision that lawful cause
The Problems of License Patent Agreement in Indonesia
means the agreement must not be contrary to law,
morals and public policy. According to
Niuwenhuiscausa is the goal of the agreement, the
goal to be achieved by the parties to an agreement,
(Saragih, 1985). Niuewenhuis requires that the causa
or lawful reason in principle agreements must not be
contrary to the law, morality and public policy.
2.3 Principle of Equal Position
If we see the rights and obligations as explained
before, the licensor and the licensee have the same
position (equals). That Equal position is proved in
the termination of a contract, which is not only
owned by the licensor but also owned by the
licensee. So, in the license contract, when the
licensor can not properly fulfill its obligation, the
licensee may request cancellation of the agreement,
and vice versa. This is a reflection of equality
between them. In addition, the right to propose a
lawsuit and trademark infringement is not only
owned by the licensor as the owner of the trademark,
but also by the licensee. In this case the position of
the licensee to ask for the compensation damages for
patent infringement is also given by the Patent Act.
2.4 Principle of Mutually Beneficial
This principle requires that the parties must obtain
economic value (profit) on the agreement they made.
Licensor obtains royalty payments received from the
licensee. That payment is a benefit to the licensor,
because the economic value on the trademark
contribute to its owner.
As one of property rights, patent contains the
economic rights that can provide benefits in the form
of royalties. In fact, the economic rights can be
diverted or transferred to anyone else (transferable),
so that the other person as a recipient of transfer of
rights can also take some benefits. The economic
benefits gained by a licensee is without spending a
lot, the licensee can use the patents that have been
well known to consumers, so as to make easier on
marketing. Remembering, both gain the economic
benefits, that’s why the principle of mutual benefit is
very familiar to the patent license agreement. It was
as stated by Theofransus Litaay, “Licensing is a
system for the holder of rights may benefit
economically from the right without have to lose
their property”, (Litaay. 2007). The opinion
emphasizes that each party obtain significant
economic benefits of the agreement made, without
the party, in this case, the licensor of the patent
owner loses the ownership of patent rights. The
economic benefits of its form is the benefit that can
be valued in money. It was also as said by Agus
Yudha Hernoko that the significance of contracts in
business practice is to ensure the exchange of rights
and obligations fairly to the parties, so as to create a
contractual relationship that is safe, fair and
mutually beneficial, rather than vice versa, to the
detriment of either party or even detrimental to the
contracting parties, (Hernoko, 2007).It is in line to
Hayyanul Haq which states, provide benefits and
happiness for the wider community is the goal of the
establishment of the State listed in the Constitution
of the State. (Haq, 2014).
2.5 Principle of Good Faith
Yohanes Sogar Simamora stated that the principle of
good faith has a very important function in contract
law. The principle of good faith applies not only at
the stage of performance, but also before the signing
and closing of a contract phase, (Simamora, 2006).
Yohanes Sogar Simamora further argues that there
are two meanings of good faith. First, in relation to
the performance of the contract as specified in
Article1338 Paragraph (3) BW. In this regard, good
faith or bonafides should be interpreted as reasonabe
and fairness behavior between the the parties
(redelijkheid en bilijkheid). Knowing whether a
behavior was reasonable and fair is based on
unwritten objective norms. Second, good faith is
also defined as a state not aware of any defects, such
as payment in good faith as provided in Article 1386
BW, (Simamora, 2005).
The provision is clearly to protect the good faith
of the licensee that they have the right to use a patent
be void by the courts. Furthermore, Article 97
paragraph (2) and (3) Law Number 14/2001 states
that the Patent Art as a person act in good faith, he
was not required to pay royalties to patent owners
are void, but the real owner of the patent. If the
advance royalty payment was paid at once on the
licensor, the licensor must give the part of a royalty
to the patent owner who isn’t void comparable to the
remaining time of the license agreement. What is
contained in the provisions above is a proof that the
principle of good faith has become one of the
requirements in the making of a patent license
agreement. The parties must uphold these principles,
so that the license agreement can be run properly
and not cause problems later on.
The principles of the patent license agreement
are basically general principles contained in BW.
This is because the practice of the Patent License
Agreement in Indonesia is based on principles set
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
out in BW, before the Government Regulations
governing patent licenses is mandated in Article 80
of Patent Act.
The Problems of Patent License Agreement
There are some problems regarding patent license
agreement that are:
Firstly; when the parties do not obey the obligations.
It caused the other party lose some incomes.
Secondly: when the licensee use a new patent in the
same kind. Thirdly; when the patent become public
domain. It means that the duration of licensee
agreement quite long than the patent. The
registration of patent of patent license, so far not
running well, (Ana Nisa Fitriani, 2014). It can make
uncertainty in implementation patent license
agreement. The problems must be solved, because it
caused the goal not running well. To overcome the
problems, the government must make a regulation
regarding patent license. The supporting regulation
must be ready, and the supervision of patent license
agreement must be strengthened. It is in line to
Loughlan that there are also some areas of patent
law in which patentees are prevented from
exercising to the full the exclusive rights given by
the patents regime (Patria Loughlan, 1998).
The government should immediately submit a Draft
of Government Regulations governing patent
licenses which is set out the form, content and
procedure of listing application of license
agreement, therefore, there is a legal certainty and
the dispute between the parties of the agreement can
be resolved. The existence of government regulation
that will govern the patent license is also very useful
for the Directorate General of IPR to control any
license agreement which is contrary to the Patent
Act.The draft must be suitable to the problems of
patent license agreement.
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The Problems of License Patent Agreement in Indonesia