The Influence of Job Security, Organizational Support, and
Psychological Contract on Job Satisfaction in Organization X
Maindra Fauziannisa
, Badri Munir Sukoco
and Dewi Retno Suminar
Postgraduate, UniversitasAirlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Economy, UniversitasAirlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Psychology, UniversitasAirlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Job Security, Organizational Support, Psychological Contract, Job Satisfaction
Abstract: This research aimed to find out the influence of job security, organizational support, and psychological
contract on job satisfaction in company named X. This research was conducted on employees of PT. X in the
Surabaya area with the number of research subjects as many as 145 people. The data collection tool in this
research is the questionnaire of Job Security measuring instrument compiled by De Witte (2000),
Organization Support tools compiled by Eisenberger (1986), Psychological Contracts by Rousseau (1989),
and the measurement of job satisfaction composed by Spector (1997). Reliability of the working safety scale
is 0.786, organizational support is 0.896, psychological contract is 0.893, and job satisfaction is 0.947. Data
analysis was performed with techniques with the help of IBM SPSS 20.0 software. The result showed there
is a positive influence of job security on job satisfaction with significance value of 0,000. Positive influence
of organizational support on job satisfaction with significance value is 0,000, and positive influencer of
psychological contract on job satisfaction with significance value is 0,015. This can be interpreted that the
higher job security, organizational support, and psychological contract perceived by individuals, the higher
job satisfaction of the individual.
Job satisfaction is a pleasant or unpleasant emotional
state in which employees perceive their work, this is
evident in the attitude that employees show towards
their work (Sulianti 2009). The link between job
satisfaction and performance is also examined by
several researchers from year to year, among others,
Robbins (2003, in Amin 2015) states job satisfaction
refers to the general attitude of employees to the job.
job satisfaction is an important aspect in the
company, employees who have low job satisfaction
cannot achieve psychological maturity in work, and
allow to become frustrated in their work (Sulianti,
2009). In a study conducted by Latorre (2016)
mentioned the factors that can lead to job satisfaction
such as job security, organizational support, and
fulfillment of psychological contract
Job Security in work can be perceived by
employees as a signal that companies pay attention to
their welfare, therefore this can lead to positive
exchanges and improve employment relationships.
The existence of job certainty is generally understood
as an antecedent of job satisfaction and has been
proven by various studies (Buitendach & De Witte,
2005; Hellgren, Sverke, & Isaksson, 1999, in Latorre,
Organizational support is defined as a form of
employee opinion regarding the extent to which
firms assess contributions and care about employee
welfare based on employee performance and whether
it is in line with the socio-emotional aspects of
employees (Eisenberger, 2002). The existence of
support provided by the organization has a positive
impact, and in the theory of social exchange it is
explained that it can increase the probability of
mutual responses (Latorre, 2016). The form of
support from the company can produce a positive
attitude on the employees to the job that makes
employees feel satisfied.
The next factor that can affect job satisfaction
refers to Latorre's (2016) study is the psychological
contract. The psychological contract illustrates how
the reciprocal emotional societal bond between
Fauziannisa, M., Sukoco, B. and Suminar, D.
The Influence of Job Security, Organizational Support, and Psychological Contract on Job Satisfaction in Organization X.
DOI: 10.5220/0007538801330136
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 133-136
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
employee and employer (company) depends on the
firm's promises, the employee's obligations, and the
extent to which the promise is met (Rousseau, 1995).
The high fulfillment of these promises resulted in a
positive response from employees. Conway & Briner
(2005, in Latorre, 2016) mentions that a
psychological contract fulfilled will affect job
satisfaction on employees.
Based on the explanation of the problem, the
authors are interested to conduct research related to
the effect of job security, organizational support, and
psychological contract on employee job satisfaction
in organization X. It is important to see which
independent variables can affect employee work
satisfaction conducted in Surabaya, Indonesia.
2.1 Job Satisfaction
Job satisfaction is the degree to which the employee,
with the orientation of affection (feeling) or positive
attitude, achieves positive outcomes relating to his or
her work, either in general or a particular personal
aspect (Smith, 1969) In addition, job satisfaction can
be interpreted as individual beliefs over work owned
now includes promotional opportunities,
employment conditions, and opportunities for long-
term careers (Borg & Elizur, 1992). Spector (1997)
argues that the dimensions that make up job
satisfaction are divided into 14 sides, including
appreciation, communication, co-workers, benefits,
working conditions, work environment,
organization, organizational rules and procedures,
wages, employee development, promotional
opportunities, security, and supervision.
2.2 Job Security
Job security is defined as the stability and
continuation of work perceived by individuals
(Probst in Tahira, 2003). Occupational security
according to Borg & Elizur (1992, in Davy 1997) is
defined as the individual's belief in current
employment includes promotional opportunities,
employment conditions, and opportunities for long-
term careers. Work security is essentially a global
construct, this definition allows a person's perception
of job security that can be affected by the continuity
of employment and stability of the job (Tahira, 2003)
2.3 Organizational Support
Organizational support in this study uses perceived
organizational support theory which can be
interpreted as a form of corporate support that is
perceived as a global belief about the extent to which
companies can assess contributions, pay attention to
welfare, hear complaints, pay attention to life to be
achieved and can be trusted to treat employees fairly
Eisenberger, 2001).
2.4 Psychological Contract
The Psychological Contract in Armstrong (2006) is
defined as an unwritten contract regarding the
expectation of the employee and his employer
regarding mutual employment. Sparrow (1999)
defines the Psychological contract as an open
agreement about the expectations between
employees and companies for each other and
receiving in return for employment. Psychological
contracts represent a dynamic and reciprocal
agreement, expectations will increase as commitment
increases over time. A psychological contract is an
unwritten contract that deals with aspects of social
and emotional exchange between workers and
employers (Armstrong, 2006).
2.5 Relationship Between Variables
Job security is an important aspect in employee job
satisfaction, in the study of Nikolau (2002) explained
that employees in America who have a job security
have a higher value of satisfaction compared to
employees who feel unsafe at work. Whereas In
Dixon's research (2007) explained that the support of
the organization that is when the company can meet
the socio-emotional needs of employees such as
emotional support and affiliation can have a positive
impact on organizational commitment, employee
retention, performance, and job satisfaction.
Companies that uphold the importance of
psychological contracts will increase employee trust
in management, increase organizational
commitment, and include high levels of job
satisfaction (Anoraga, 2001 in Fujiasih, 2017).
Summarized in a study by Latorre (2016) that there
is a positive influence on job security, organizational
support, and psychological contracts on individual
job satisfaction.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
This research is quantitative, with regression analysis
techniques, using a simple random sampling
approach, with a total of 145 respondents working in
company X in the Surabaya area. Instrument used is
job satisfaction questionnaire by Spector (1997) as
many as 36 items with reliability of 0.947, work
safety questionnaire by De Witte (2000) as many as
4 items with reliability of 0.786, organizational
support by Eisenberger (1986) as many as 8 items
with reliability of 0.896, and psychological contract
questionnaires by Millward & Hopkins (1998) as
many as 18 items with reliability of 0.893.
Table 1: Regression Table
Based on the calculation, the effect is obtained with
significance value of 0.000 (<0.05) on job security
variable (X1) on job satisfaction (Y). Based on the
dimension of job security variable, significance value
from Concern dimension is 0.000 and significance
value from certain dimensions is 0.040. With these
results, they can be concluded that the two dimensions
in the job security which certain and concern
dimensions affect the job satisfaction.
In the variable of organization support (X2), it
influenced on job satisfaction (Y) with significance of
0.000 (<0.05). Based on the calculation of the
dimensions, which is supervisor support dimension
and fairness dimension, the dimension that affects job
satisfaction is supervisor support dimension with
significance value of 0.000.
While psychological contract variable (X3)
influenced on job satisfaction (Y) with significance
0.015 (<0.05). Based on the calculation of the
dimensions, which is relational contract dimension and
transactional contract, the dimension that affects job
satisfaction is the relational dimension with a
significance value of 0.000.
The results of this study support previous research by
Latorre (2016) that there is a positive influence on job
security, organizational support, and psychological
contracts on individual job satisfaction.
In line with previous research on the effect of job
security on job satisfaction by Utama (2015) that
employees who feel safe in work tend to have high job
satisfaction. The more the individual feels that his job
is safe, the higher the job satisfaction is generated.
Therefore, the influence given by Job Security variable
to Job Satisfaction variable is positive influence, where
the dimension of Job Security that influences the high
Job Satisfaction is the dimension of the low level of
anxiety (concern dimension) and confidence in the
company (certain dimension) both have a positive
influence on satisfaction individual work.
Furthermore, the positive influence of
organizational support to job satisfaction, where the
supervisor support dimension have a greater influence
on job satisfaction. So it can be illustrated that the
higher the organization's support is perceived by the
Model 0 Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
-.181 -.027 -.181 -.104 -.181 -1.174
-.002 -.024 -.002 .056 -.002 -1.721
Employee Status
.075 .082 .075 .043 .075 .435
Years of Working
.115 .100 .115 .059 .115 1.708
Supevisor Support
Transactional Contract
Relational Contract
0.068 0.563 0.068 0.472 0.068 0.515
Delta R2
0.068 0.495 0.068 0.404 0.068 0.447
Delta F
2.555 78.138 2.555 52.847 2.555 63.469
.000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .015
Job Security
The Influence of Job Security, Organizational Support, and Psychological Contract on Job Satisfaction in Organization X
employee, the higher the job satisfaction the individual
feels. The results of this study are in line with previous
research by Baliarti (2014) that to the positive and
significant relationship between organizational
support and job satisfaction.
The result of the analysis dimensions of
organizational support variables in this study is
different from the previous research which explains
that employees are motivated to improve the work if
the working relationship is built on a fair social
exchange (Blau 1964). While in this study fairness
does not affect employees Job Satisfaction.
Furthermore, there is a positive influence of
psychological contract on individual job satisfaction,
so it can be illustrated that the higher psychological
contracts are fulfilled by the company, the higher job
satisfaction will be. The positive influence of
psychological contract on job satisfaction is in line
with previous research by Anoraga (2001) that
employees who work in companies that uphold the
importance of psychological contracts will be able to
increase the level of job satisfaction in their
In psychological contract there are two dimensions
studied namely transactional dimension and relational
dimension, In this research which have positive
influence to job satisfaction is relational contract while
transactional contract does not affect to job
satisfaction. Along with previous study by Raja, Johns,
Ntalianis (2004, in Sukoco 2018) that individuals with
relational contracts, tend to have higher job
satisfaction and have stronger commitment to the
There is a positive influence between job security,
organizational support, and psychological contracts on
job satisfaction in organization X employees. In the job
security variable, the dimensions that affect job
satisfaction are low levels of anxiety and confidence.
While in the organizational support variable, the
dimension that affects job satisfaction is the supervisor
support, while the dimension of fairness does not affect
job satisfaction. Furthermore, in the psychological
contract dimension, the dimension that affects job
satisfaction is the relational contract dimension,
whereas the transactional contract does not affect
employees job satisfaction.
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School