The Influence of Work Motivation and Organizational Culture on
Improving Employee Performance in Financial Division at
Companies in Energy Sector
Dita Bagus Hendra Kusuma
, Windijarto
and Pinky Saptandari
Postgraduate, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Management, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Work Motivation, Organizational Culture, Employee Performance
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of work motivation and organizational culture on
improving employee performance in the field of finance in companies engaged in energy located in east
Java. Organizational culture can help to improve employee performance. This is because it can create a
strong motivation for employees to develop the best ability to take advantage of opportunities provided by
the organization where they are sheltered. In realizing a suitable organizational culture applied to an
organization, it requires the support and participation of all employees within the organization. In an effort
to achieve employee performance in the field of finance it will be determined by several factors that
theoretically have a linkage that includes work motivation and organizational culture. This research uses a
quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to collect the required data. The sample used is 36
employees from finance. Based on the results of simultaneous analysis, work motivation variables and
organizational culture variables together affect employee performance. The result of the correlation
coefficient value has a strong enough relationship. While the value of coefficient of determination indicates
that the work performance of employees in finance is influenced by work motivation and organizational
In today's business world competition is getting
tighter, both in manufacturing and service industry
sectors. That is why companies are trying to adjust
to changes that occur inside and outside the
company. The smooth running of the company's
operations can not be separated from the quality of
labor. The better the quality of the workforce the
more smoothly the operations of the company. One
method that should be used by the leadership of the
company to improve employee performance is by
providing optimal motivation. Through the
motivation given to the employees then the effort to
improve employee performance can be achieved in
accordance with company goals.
Perry (2008) states that one of the factors behind
motivation is organizational culture. Another factor
that also has an influence on motivation is the role of
the manager. Learning theory suggests that
individuals learn gradually by paying attention to
others. The figure of a positive and credible manager
makes employees aware the behavior that is needed
in their social context and will try to imitate them.
Motivation is the process of calculating the intensity,
direction, and persistence of a person in achieving
goals. Employee motivation can help the company
achieve its goals.
An employee can do their job well because
they have a high work motivation, both from within
themself and from outside. When an employee does
not do a good job, the employee may not have the
motivation to work. Motivation is the provision of
motives, the inclusion of motives, or actions that
cause encouragement.
Motivation as a willingness to give the incentive
to someone concerned so that person is working
with all their power and efforts. Provision of
motivation is one of the goals of a leader for
employees to be motivated to work in accordance
with the reference work, so that the goal of the
Bagus Hendra K, D., Windijarto, . and Saptandari, P.
The Influence Of Work Motivation And Organizational Culture On Improving Employee Performance In Financial Division At Companies In Energy Sector.
DOI: 10.5220/0007537200450050
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 45-50
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
company can be achieved well. It also includes an
element of effort, i.e. a quality effort that is directed,
consistent with the goals of the organization. Finally,
motivational treatment as a process of fulfilling the
needs of motivated employees in a state of tension
and to relax their tensions out of effort. If the effort
succeeds in delivering the fulfillment of the need,
the tension will decrease. Motivation will not exist if
there is no need and achievement. Motivation grows
according to the level of needs, once fulfilled at a
certain level, then motivation again meets the higher
level and so on.
In general, organizational culture is a system of
shared organizational meaning adopted by its
members that distinguishes an organization from
others. Furthermore, organizational culture is simply
defined as the way an organization performs its role
or a set of shared beliefs, attitudes, norms and
behaviors so that each of its members is guided by
these factors to make continuous improvement.
The process of developing good performance is
generated if there is communication between
employees so as to form an internalization of a
strong and understood organizational culture in
accordance with organizational values that can
generate positive perceptions among all levels of
employees to influence the climate of employee
satisfaction, which has an impact on improving
employee performance.
Figure 1: Division Performance year 2017
Based on the description above, a study can be
made about the influence of work motivation and
organizational culture on improving employee
performance. The location and subject of this
research will be focused on employees of the
company's financial division in the energy sector.
The reason is that only the performance of the
financial sector has increased to exceed the expected
target, while from the other divisions in the same
year none exceeded the target set.
This paper takes steps to improve knowledge
about the influence of employees’ work motivation
and organizational culture in the company to
increase employee performance. This paper has two
objectives: (1) to investigate and analyze the
influence of work motivation on employees
influence on work performance (2) to determine
whether organizational culture of the company has
added value in motivating employees to achieve.
2.1 The Relationship between Work
Motivation and Employee
An employee can do their job well because they
have a high work motivation, both from within
themself and from outside. When an employee does
not do a good job, the employee may not have the
motivation to work. In one opinion motivation is the
provision of the driving force that creates the
enthusiasm of one's work so that they will cooperate,
work effectively and integrate with all their efforts
to achieve satisfaction.
Maslow says that every individual has needs that
are structured hierarchically from the most basic
level to the highest level. Although Maslow's theory
is often used as a framework of analysis there is still
a weak side, because the hierarchy is interpreted as
terraced and can be analogous to a ladder, then
logically the two points may be climbed without
going through the first rung first and so on the last
rung. Whereas in reality, various types of human
needs are endeavored simultaneously, although with
different intensities. Differences in perceptions with
existing abilities mean people try to meet the
satisfaction of the perceived needs of the most
urgent by not ignoring all other needs.
The framework of needs expressed by Maslow’s
theory seeks to show the motives and stages of
human needs, whereas Herzberg’s theory provides
the concept of purpose and intensiveness that can
meet the needs. Thus, before determining what
factors can encourage or motivate employees, we
must first know where the employee is on the level
of which need. On the other hand, if it is known that
the goals to be achieved by employees can be
expected to be the strongest needs, such as money,
and goals tend to meet needs at the physiological
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
level and sense of security, interpersonal and
supervisory relations tend to meet social needs,
increased responsibilities, challenging jobs and
growth is a motivator that tends to meet.
In general, new employees tend to focus their
attention on satisfying the lower level needs in their
first job, especially security. But once satisfied, they
will strive to meet higher levels of need such as
intensive needs, creativity and responsibility. There
are two factors that affect one's work in the
organization, that is the factor of satisfaction that has
a driving effect for job performance and morale and
job dissatisfaction factors that have a negative
Motivators have the effect of improving job
performance or job satisfaction. Maintenance factors
prevent the decline of morale even though these
factors can not motivate, but can lead to job
dissatisfaction or decrease work performance.
Improvements to maintenance factors will reduce or
eliminate job dissatisfaction but can not be used for
the source of job satisfaction. Based on this reason
we made the following prediction:
Hypothesis 1: work motivation is a significant
influence on employee performance
2.2 The Relationship between
Organizational Culture and
Employee Performance
Organizational culture is a system of shared
organizational meaning shared by its members that
distinguish an organization from others (Robbins,
2010). Furthermore, organizational culture is simply
defined as the way an organizational performs its
role or a set of shared beliefs, attitudes, norms and
behaviors that guide each of its members on those
aspects to make continuous improvement.
According to Robbins (2003) the process of forming
good performance is generated if interpersonal
communication is established so as to form a strong
internalization of organizational culture and
understood in accordance with the values of the
organization that can generate positive perceptions
among all levels of employees to influence
employee satisfaction in a climate that impacts on
performance improvement in employees.
According to Greenberg (2003) the work
performance outcome results from the function of a
particular job or activity over a certain period of
time. In some ways employee performance is very
necessary for the implementation of the programs
planned yag, because the plan that has been neatly
arranged if lacking employee performance would
not be done properly. Achievement of work is a
result of work achieved in implementing the tasks
assigned that is based on the ability, experience,
sincerity and time.
Employee performance of a company is not
limited to the willingness and ability of employees
to implement the programs of the company, but also
to put forward ideas that can improve the welfare of
both employees and companies. Performance
appraisal is the process through which the
organization evaluates or assesses employee
performance. If the performance appraisal is well
executed, orderly and correct, it can help improve
work motivation and also increase organizational
loyalty from employees.
Based on this reason we made the following
Hypothesis 2: organizational culture has a
significant influence on employee performance.
3.1 Conceptual Model Analysis
The conceptual framework below illustrates a
relationship between one concept and another of the
problem to be studied. This conceptual framework is
used to connect and explain a topic to be discussed.
Picture 3.1: Conceptual model analysis
There are two factors that influence a person's
work in the organization, namely the satisfaction
factor that has a driving effect on work performance
and work morale, as well as job dissatisfaction
factors that have a negative influence. Intrinsic
factors have the effect of increasing work
performance or job satisfaction. Whereas extrinsic
factors prevent the decline of working spirit.
Improvements to maintenance factors will reduce or
The Influence Of Work Motivation And Organizational Culture On Improving Employee Performance In Financial Division At Companies
In Energy Sector
eliminate job dissatisfaction but cannot be used as a
source of job satisfaction.
Organizational culture is a consciously
coordinated social identity consisting of two or more
people with relatively identified boundaries that
function sustainably to achieve a common set of
goals. Furthermore, organizational culture is a
system of organizational meaning or shared meaning
adopted by its members that distinguishes an
organization from others. While work achievement
is a result of work achieved by a person in carrying
out tasks that are charged to them based on skills,
experience, sincerity and time.
This study focuses on work motivation and
organizational culture to improve employee
performance with assumptions on the study of
human resource development, and with a
concentration of business and industry the role of
culture and motivation is easier to form according to
the needs of the organization today.
3.2 Data Collection and Respondents
For this study data is collected from a state company
engaged in energy located in Surabaya province east
Java. In 2017 based on report data, the financial and
market division was able to exceed the target set by
the company, that is 35.83% of the target set by the
company at 31%. This is a very good category to
leave out of the five divisions as only the financial
section is able to exceed the target. Data was
collected using a survey questionnaire directly
addressed to employees of the finance division. This
study refers to the Kerjcie and Morgan formulas to
determine the sample size. According to Krjecie and
Morgan formulations with (P = 0.5), (d = 5%), the
confidence level of 95% and (N = 40) then the
sample size (n) for this study was 36.
3.3 Measures
All variables are measured on a Likert response
scale ranging from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5
(strongly agree). Motivation in this study was
measured using 10 indicators of motivational
theory.. This scale summarizes two dimensions of
motivation, as a motivating factor and as a nurturing
factor. The motivational dimension as motivator
factor consists of 5 indicators and as maintenance
factor consists of 5 indicators. Alpha Cronbach scale
is pretty good (α = 0.78).
The organizational culture in this study was
measured using 12 indicators of organizational
culture theory developed by Susanto (2004). Among
them are indicators of leadership, innovation,
conflict tolerance, management support, rewards and
communication patterns. Alpha Cronbach in this
scale is (α = 0.91)
While measuring the performance appraisal uses
8 indicators of theory developed by Greenberg
(2003). Among them are indicators of quantity and
quality of work, knowledge of individuals, ideas and
ideas given, and spirit in carrying out the task. Alpha
Cronbach in this scale is (α = 0.77)
Hyphotheses were tested by using multiple
regression analysis for each outcome variable.
Table 4.1: Partial test summary
Model t Sig.
1 ,940 ,354
2 3,750 0,001
3 3,094 0,004
Model 1: Constants
Model 2: Work motivation
Model 3: Organizational culture
Based on Table 4.1, it can be concluded that
the value of Sig. 0.001 < 0.05 so H0 is rejected
and H1 accepted. This shows that the partial
Motivation Work variable (X1) affects the
variable Work Achievement (Y). So, Hypothesis
1 is supported by this finding.
Based on Table 4.1, it can be concluded that
the value of Sig. 0.004 < 0.05 so that H0 is
rejected and H1 accepted. This shows that the
partial variable Organizational Culture (X2)
affects the variable Work Achievement (Y).
Then, Hypothesis 2 is supported by this finding.
Table 4.2: Summary of Multiple Regression Analyses
Model R
1 .560a .314 .296 2.335
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
a. Predictors: constant, work motivation,
organizational culture
b. Dependent Variable: employee achievement
Based on Table 4.2 knowing that the value of
multiple correlation coefficient (R), which is the
correlation between Work Motivation (X1) and
Organizational Culture (X2) is 0.560, it can be
concluded that the level of relationship between
variables is quite strong.
While the value of multiple determination
coefficient is 0, 314 or 31.4%. This value indicates
that 31.4% of Work Motivation (X1) and
Organizational Culture (X2) variables have an
effect on Work Achievement variable (Y) and the
rest, 68.6%, is influenced by other variables outside
of research.
Organizational culture began to concern
scientists throughout the 1950s, but only grew in
1980. In general, organizational culture is a
system of organizational meaning shared by its
members that distinguishes the organization from
others (Robbins, 2010). One of the factors
behind motivation is organizational culture.
Another factor that also has an influence on
motivation is the role of a manager (Perry,
Based on the data analysis undertaken, it can
be seen that the employee work motivation and
organizational culture either partially or
simultaneously have a significant influence on
the improvement of employee performance
within the company. This finding is supported by
previous research, which shows that work
motivation has a significant effect on employee
This relationship indicates that the higher
work motivation owned by the employee will
also increase the work performance of the
employee. This concept is supported in that there
are two factors that affect one's work in the
organization; that is the satisfaction factor that
has a driving effect on job performance and
morale and job dissatisfaction factors that have a
negative influence.
Another result of this research shows that
organizational culture has a significant effect on
the improvement of employee performance. This
is supported by a statement from Robbins (2010)
in which a good performance foundation process
is generated when interpersonal communication
exists to form a strong internalization of
organizational culture and is understood in
accordance with organizational values that can
lead to positive perceptions among all levels of
employees to influence the climate of
satisfaction for employees that impacts on
improving employee performance. This
conclusion is supported by previous research,
which states that organizational culture has a
significant effect on increasing employee
This study found that both the work motivation of
the individual employees and the organizational
culture of a company have a positive relationship
direction. This is because the higher value of
motivation and organizational culture will result in
increased work performance of the employees. In
this case the role of managers also plays an
important role because the ups and downs of
employee motivation will be directly related to the
leadership style of the manager concerned. Besides
that, organizational culture has a role as a driving
aspect that is able to improve motivation as well as
depending on how the company makes policy.
In addition, the role of managers in the company
is one of the factors that will determine the work
motivation of the employees they lead. The work
motivation of employees is influenced not only by
the individuals, but also by how well the manager is
leading. As good as any human resources owned by
the company, if it is not managed properly, sooner or
later the quality and commitment of the company
will decrease. However, employees are ordinary
people who have different needs. By giving more
attention to employees, there will be a sense of
respect in themselves so that it will make the
commitment to the company high and work
performance will be directly proportional. If an
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