Character Education for Young Generation through Local Wisdom
Culture Understanding in Global Era
Satrijo Budiwibowo and
Aris Wuryantoro
Postgraduate Program, Universitas PGRI Madiun, Jalan. AURI No. 16, Madiun, Indonesia
{satrijo, aris.wuryantoro}
Keywords: Character Education, Local Wisdom, Global Era.
Abstract: This research aims to describe (1) the challenge of the Indonesian nation in globalization era, (2) the need for
character education in the perspective of local wisdom culture, and (3) building characterized nation in the
global era. The research used qualitative by using phenomenological type method. Techniques of collecting
data were observation and in-depth interviewing to the informant of young generation in the forms of
individual and organizational in Madiun area. Data analysis by using interactive model of Miles and
Huberman. Results of the research reveal that: (1) there are eight points of the Indonesian nation’s challenge
in globalization era, namely (a) nationalism and national pluralism, (b) the global crisis, (c) primordialism,
(d) moral crises, (e) the crisis of good exemplarity, (f) socio-cultural crisis, (g) high levels of competition, and
(h) the nation's increasingly vague character; (2) the need for character education in the perspective of local
wisdom culture. Education as a humanization process focuses more on the role of human beings as social
creatures that have moral autonomy and cultural sensitivity. This means that humans as individual beings as
well as social beings must be able to manage conflict and appreciate the advancement of various cultures; and
(3) building characterized nation in the global era. The Indonesian nation must start a new phase in which
colonialism and oppression for any reason cannot be annulled from this country. Likewise with the umbrella
of justice must be enforced. The researchers concluded that there are five pillars of noble character of the
Indonesian nation that must be considered in educating character for the young generation in global era.
A nation is a collection of behaviors or values. Joint
that support a nation in general is a character and
mentality of the people who become the firm
foundation of the nation's value system. The collapse
of a nation is generally characterized by the declining
of nations cultural values and the splitting of local
wisdom culture although physically the existence of
the nation still exist and recognized (Djatmiko, 2006).
Building a nation by optimizing the role of young
people in global advantage cannot be separated from
the participation of government, youth organizations
or other non-government organizations. Moreover,
the role of institutions which have idealism and goals,
as the goals of national (never ending goals). As the
heir of the nation, the young generation must be
considered and nurtured.
The benchmark for the success of a nation is the
success of the young generation in the future, because
maintaining success is more difficult than achieving
the success itself (Zuhdi, 2009). The young
generation is the successor of the leadership baton,
the struggle to remain strong, along with the task, the
competition in various fields is also higher due to the
swift flow of capital turnover services throughout the
world that affect the national integrity, all may only
be lived with the quality of competence that is
powerless high competitiveness.
This research uses qualitative methods because the
data concerned appear in words rather than in
numbers. It efforts to provide broad, deep, and natural
explanation research about the subject. The type of
research is phenomenology, because researchers
attempt to dig and to reveal the meaning of
informant’s experiences about local wisdom culture.
Bogdan and Biklen (2007) state that researchers in the
phenomenological mode attempt to understand the
meaning of an event and interactions to ordinary
people in particular situations. In this case, the
Budiwibowo, S. and Wuryantoro, A.
Character Education for Young Generation through Local Wisdom Culture Understanding in Global Era.
In Proceedings of the Annual Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (ANCOSH 2018) - Revitalization of Local Wisdom in Global and Competitive Era, pages 484-487
ISBN: 978-989-758-343-8
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
researchers wanted to obtain the authentic
information from people who really experience it and
explore how that person gives meaning to his
experience. Techniques of collecting data were
observation and in-depth interviewing to the
informant of young generation in the forms of
individual and organizational in Madiun area. Data
analysis by using interactive model of Miles and
Huberman. Data analysis activities start from data
collection by using observation and in depth
interview techniques about young generation’s
attitude (young generation’s characters) in facing
global competition. Data obtained from observations,
interviews are recorded in field notes of what was
seen, heard, witnessed and also what findings
encountered during the study.
3.1 The Challenge of the Indonesian
Nation in Globalization Era
The challenges currently facing the Indonesian nation
are: (1) nationalism and national pluralism are
questioned and even national identity is questioned;
(2) the global crisis, which has broadly negative
impacts on every sector; (3) primordialism, pluralistic
demands that override the integrity of the nation and
accentuate the interests of the group or regional spirit
characterized by ignorance of the fate of the nation;
(4) moral crises, widespread public affairs, which
rationalize the country's children's rational becoming
weak, low social concern, and become fertile fields of
crime; (5) the crisis of good exemplarity, reality
shows that the adaptation of the elites both nationally
and locally is now very rare, as the future generations
reflect on their leaders, both formal and informal; (6)
socio-cultural crisis arises in various forms of
disorientation and delocalization in many societies
caused by euphoria of freedom that is excessive, the
disappearance of social patience to face increasingly
difficult life; (7) high levels of competition,
competitive challenges and increasingly selective
opportunities; and (8) the nation's increasingly vague
character, due to global influence.
3.2 The Need for Character Education
in the Perspective of Local Wisdom
Education as a humanization process focuses more on
the role of human beings as social creatures that have
moral autonomy and cultural sensitivity. This means
that humans as individual beings as well as social
beings must be able to manage conflict and appreciate
the advancement of various cultures. Tolerance and
cultural transformation should be guided slowly, not
a forced social revolution It is universally recognized
human status and dignity as a super value
(Bodenheimer, 1962). As Kant states: that humanity
should always be respected as an end itself
(McCoubrey and White 1996).
The challenges of globalization and democratic
processes are increasingly strong and diverse on the
one hand, and the world of education seems to be
more concerned with mastering the dimension of
knowledge (cognitive) alone and neglecting the moral
/affective education, a strong reason for the
Indonesian nation to generate commitment and
conduct character education based on local wisdom
(Smiers, 2009). Nation character education is
expected to be an alternative solution to overcome
various problems.
3.3 Building Characterized Nation in
the Global Era
The Indonesian nation must start a new phase in
which colonialism and oppression for any reason can
not be annulled from this country. Likewise with the
umbrella of justice must be enforced. After a long
time, the proclamation was echoed but until now this
nation has not been separated from colonialism.
No body knows that the colonization of the nation
itself is more dangerous than the colonization done by
other nations. Colonization by the nation itself will
undermine the joints of justice nation and state,
weaken the state system, lower the quality of life and
make the community as a slave in their own country.
Development that should displace poverty, instead of
displacing the poor society.
To build the character should be starts from an
education especially for the young generation so that
the culture of local wisdom of a nation does not fade
by the rampant of the global influence that is not in
accordance with the character of the nation. For that
there are five pillars of noble character of the
Indonesian nation that must be considered:
Transcendence. Recognizing that man is the
creation of a supreme God. From this
awareness will bring the attitude of servitude
solely to the One God. This awareness also
Character Education for Young Generation through Local Wisdom Culture Understanding in Global Era
means understanding the existence of self and
nature around so as to maintain and prosper.
Ketuhanan yang maha Esa (Believe in one
Humanization. Every human being is
essentially equal in the eyes of God except the
science and piety that distinguishes it. Man was
created as a potential subject. Kemanusiaan
yang adil dan beradab (A fair and binding
Diversity. Awareness of the many differences
in the world. However, being able to take
common ground to foster strength, Persatuan
Indonesia (Unity of Indonesia);
Liberation. Liberation for the oppression of
fellow human beings. Therefore, it is not
justified by human colonization. Kerakyatan
yang dipimpin oleh himah kebijaksanaan
dalam permusyawaratan/perwakilan
(Democracy led by the wisdom in
representatives deliberations);
Justice. Justice is the key to prosperity. Fair
does not mean the same, but proportional.
Keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia
(Social justice for all the people of Indonesia).
The noble values that need to teach the attitude in
everyday life include: honesty; loyalty and
dependability; respect; love; selflessness and
sensitivity; kind hearted and friendship; bravery;
peace; independent and potential; self-discipline and
moderation; loyalty and purity; and justice and
The young generation in coordinating the
movement has 3 (three) important roles:
As a character builder. In the midst of the
middle of the current globalization, then added
with a number of erosion of positive character
of the nation while the existence of symptoms
of amplification or strengthening of negative
mentality, such as lazy, corruptive and so on,
then the role of the younger generation is to
rebuild the nation's positive character. This role
is certainly very heavy, but the essence is the
willingness and commitment of the young
generation to uphold moral values above the
interests of the moment as well as collective
efforts to internalize it in activities and
activities everyday.
As a character enabler. Rebuilding the
character of the nation certainly will not be
enough, if not done empowerment
continuously. So the younger generation is also
required to take the role as a character
empowerment or character enabler. The
practical form is the willingness and strong
desire of the young generation to become role
models of positive character development of
the nation. This role is also not less weight with
the first role, because in addition to strong will
and collective awareness with high
cohesiveness, still needed the power to engage
in an arena of ethical conflict with other entities
in society and foreign entities.
As a character engineer. Referring to the
competitiveness adaptability to strengthen the
nation's resilience. This last role requires the
young generation to continue to learn. It must
be acknowledged that the development of the
nation's positive character, however, demands
the existence of appropriate modifications and
engineering adapted to the development of the
times. For example, the character of warrior
and patriotism certainly does not have to be
articulated in a physical context, but can be in
other non-physical contexts. The role of the
young generation in this case is expected by the
nation, because in their hands is the process of
adaptive learning can take place in the most
productive conditions.
It is hard for the young generation to play these
three roles simultaneously and interactively. It is still
necessary for the role of government and other
components of the nation in facilitating the
actualization of the role by the younger generation.
Nevertheless the concentration of role remains on the
younger generation. Without their active role in the
national revitalization movement mentioned above, it
is not impossible that the grinding of the nation's
cultural values will go on systematically and in the
end this nation will increasingly lose its integrity and
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Character Education for Young Generation through Local Wisdom Culture Understanding in Global Era