Anthropometrical Characteristics and Somatotype of Junior
Rhythmic Gymnasts of Republic of Croatia
Radaš Josipa, Furjan-Mandić Gordana and Gruić Igor
Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, Croatia, Horvaćanski zavoj 15, 10000, Zagreb, Croatia
Keywords: Body Composition, Rhy
thmic Gymnastics, Program Level, Differences, Morphology.
Abstract: Aim of this study was to determine anthropometric measures (body height, body mass and body mass index)
and somatotype (endomorph, ectomorph, mesomorph) of junior rhythmic gymnasts of Republic of Croatia,
for every program level (A, B and C). The purpose was to determine if there are differences in morphological
characteristics of junior rhythmic gymnasts of Republic of Croatia, for every program level (A, B and C),
biological age and ranking achieved on competition. There were statistical differences between junior
rhythmic gymnasts regarding biological age and program level, but not in regard to ranking achieved on
competition. Average height of the rhythmic gymnasts is 160 centimetres, average body mass is 48 kilograms
and body mass index are approximately 18 kg/m
. Somatotype of rhythmic gymnasts of A program
was 2,23-2,81-4,43.
Relevancy of morphological characteristics
(somatotype and body composition) in total
equation/formula of success is observable in
conventional sports in particular, where harmony of
the body and aesthetics of movement structures are a
primary element of evaluation for the judges, who
then determine the score. Importance of specific body
constitution of rhythmic gymnasts for achieving a
high level of performance execution was documented
by many authors (Claessens et al., 1991, 1992, 1997).
Typical body constitution for a specific discipline has
a positive impact on execution and is a factor which
prevents injuries in sports (Poliszczuk and Broda,
Vandorpe et al. 2011, Zuniga et al. 2011, Siatras
et al. 2009, 2010 agree that morphological
characteristic in aesthetical activities are important
factors in improvement of execution, and
differentiating between elite and sub-elite athletes,
which is additionally supported by studies from
Menezes and Filho, 2006, Quintero et al., 2011,
Purenović-Ivanović and Popović, 2014, Arriaza et al.,
2016. Choreographies of conventional movement
structures (such as rhythmic gymnastics, dancing,
figure skating and other) have to be in accordance to
morphological characteristics of the performer
(Miletić, 2007).
Study was carried out on registered junior rhythmic
gymnasts in Republic of Croatia, and the following
clubs have been encompassed: KRG Leda, Zagreb,
GK Maksimir, Zagreb, GK Aura, Zagreb, KRG
Zagreb, Zagreb, GK Vindija, Varaždin, KRSG Poreč,
Poreč, KRSG Gazela, Pula, GK Šibenik, Šibenik, and
GK Dišpet, Šibenik.
Sample was comprised of 55 female rhythmic
gymnasts, divided into three groups. First group
(n1=15, body mass 46,88±8,87; body height
161,01±8,67; body mass index 17,92±1,95) was
comprised of rhythmic gymnasts of the highest
program level in rhythmic gymnastics - A program
(international program), which is the most
demanding. Second group (n2=20, body mass
46,34±8,26; body height 158,32±6,25; body mass
index 18,36±2,24) was comprised of rhythmic
gymnasts of B program level (national program), and
the third group (n3=20, body mass 50,90±7,51; body
height 161,51±5,24; body mass index 19,45±2,40)
was comprised of rhythmic gymnasts of C program
level (school program), which is the lowest program
Josipa, R., Gordana, F-M. and Igor, G.
Anthropometrical Characteristics and Somatotype of Junior Rhythmic Gymnasts of Republic of Croatia.
DOI: 10.5220/0007231901650169
In Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2018), pages 165-169
ISBN: 978-989-758-325-4
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Age of rhythmic gymnasts in the sample was
equable, which presents and important prerequisite
for data analysis, average age 13-15 years.
Sample of Variables
Sample of variables was comprised from three criteria
variables: program level, subject age and their
ranking on competition.
Predictor variables were comprised from 4
measures of morphologic characteristics: body mass,
body height, body mass index and somatotype
(endomorphic somatotype component - pronouncedly
displays subcutaneous fat tissue, which is determined
through addition of upper arm, abdomen and back
skin crease; mesomorphic component - pronouncedly
displays how developed is the musculoskeletal
system, and is determined through body height,
diameter of knee and elbow, corrected upper arm
circumference and corrected lower leg
circumference; ectomorphic component - displays
linearity of the body and is determined with ponderal
index, through relation of body mass and body height.
Measurement of morphologic characteristics was
conducted in accordance with International
Biological Program (IBP – International Biological
Program) instructions, which prescribes
measurement methodology and predicts measuring
the left side of the subject's body (Mišigoj-Duraković
et al., 1995). To determine the somatotype of
rhythmic gymnasts, Heath and Carter method (1967)
was used. Biological age of subjects was determined
in a way that time was calculated in months which
have passed from the year of first menstruation
(menorrhea), until the date of the conduction of tests.
Testing Protocol Description
Tests were conducted in the pre-competition period
on all subjects with the same assessors and with
uniform measurement procedure. Most of the
measurements for the purpose of this study were
conducted in the diagnostic centre at Faculty of
Kinesiology, University of Zagreb. Some
measurements were conducted in rhythmic
gymnastics clubs from which the subjects originate.
Measurements were performed by a team of educated
and professional assessors. The assessors are
professors of kinesiology and formerly educated
graduates of Faculty of Kinesiology. After the
measurements were finished, data from worksheets
were entered into a computer for further analysis.
Data Analysis Methods
Analysis of data was conducted with Statistica for
Windows, ver 10.0. Descriptive statistical parameters
were calculated: arithmetic mean (AS), standard
deviation (SD), minimal (MIN) and maximal (MAX)
results, range (RAS), Skewness and Kurtosis.
Distribution normality was determined by
Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. After the somatotype was
determined, and before further analysis of results,
"partialization" was performed (according to Milas
2009, Gruić 2016), according to biological age (in
relation with the period from menorrhea until the
testing). Differences between models, according to
age, program level and ranking, were determined by
multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), and
partial differences were determined by univariate
analysis of variance (ANOVA). Statistical
significance was tested with the error of 5% and
controlled by application of Bonferroni correction.
Table 1: Analysis of normality of distribution of
anthropometric variables of junior rhythmic gymnasts of
Republic of Croatia.
Variables max D p
AMT 0,10 p > .20
AVT 0,07 p > .20
AITM 0,11 p > .20
ENDO. 0,18 p > .20
MEZO. 0,11 p > .20
EKTO. 0,18 p > .20
Max D-highest level of deviation, p-level of significance of
K-S test, AMT – body mass, AVT – body height, AITM –
body mass index, ENDO. – endomorph somatotype
component, MEZO. – mesomorph somatotype component,
EKTO. ectomorph somatotype component.
Results from Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
conducted on data from anthropometric tests
collected from junior rhythmic gymnasts of Republic
of Croatia indicates that there is a normality of
distribution of all analysed variables (table 1.), and
that there are no statistically significant deviations
from the normal theoretical distribution (p >.20);
which is also confirmed through skewness values.
K-BioS 2018 - Special Session on Kinesiology in Sport and Medicine: from Biomechanics to Sociodynamics
Table 2: Descriptive statistical parameters of anthropometric variables of junior rhythmic gymnasts of A, B and C programs
of Republic of Croatia.
Variable N R Min Max AS SD V Skew. Kurt.
AMT - A 15 26,2 34,5 60,7 46,88 8,87 78,60 -0,03 -1,28
AVT- A 15 27,4 146,4 173,8 161,01 8,67 75,14 -0,19 -1,10
AITM- A 15 7,91 15,13 23,04 17,92 1,95 3,82 1,07 2,32
ENDO -A 15 3,5 1 4,5 2,23 0,86 0,75 1,36 2,60
MEZO -A 15 2,9 1,5 4,4 2,81 0,88 0,77 0,20 -0,93
EKTO-A 15 4,5 1,5 6 4,43 0,96 0,92 -1,94 6,61
AMT – B 20 31,8 30,6 62,4 46,34 8,26 68,25 -0,10 -0,21
AVT- B 20 24,3 142 166,3 158,32 6,25 39,08 -1,07 0,94
AITM- B 20 9,85 13,69 23,54 18,36 2,24 5,04 0,12 0,59
ENDO -B 20 3,5 1,5 5 2,98 0,85 0,72 0,59 0,23
MEZO -B 20 4,5 1,6 6,1 3,41 0,86 0,74 1,26 4,97
EKTO-B 20 4,5 1,5 6 3,95 1,06 1,13 -0,11 0,59
AMT – C 20 27,38 34,9 62,28 50,90 7,51 56,35 -0,61 -0,57
AVT- C 20 17,8 150,8 168,6 161,51 5,24 27,41 -0,11 -0,85
AITM- C 20 8,02 15,35 23,37 19,45 2,40 5,78 -0,24 -1,12
ENDO –C 20 3,5 1,5 5 3,15 0,97 0,95 -0,09 -0,65
MEZO –C 20 3 1,9 4,9 3,27 0,88 0,77 0,27 -0,57
EKTO-C 20 4,5 1 5,5 3,53 1,40 1,96 -0,14 -1,00
N – number of subjects, R – range, Min. – minimal, Max. – maximal, AS – arithmetic mean, SD – standard deviation, V –
variance, Skew. – Skewness, Kurt. – Kurtosis, AMT – body mass, AVT – body height, AITM – body mass index, ENDO. –
endomorph somatotype component, MEZO. – mesomorph somatotype component, EKTO. ectomorph somatotype
Through descriptive analysis, it was determined
that rhythmic gymnasts of A, B and C program were
of equable height and mass, with the average height
of 160 centimetres and with average body mass of 48
kilograms. Body mass index of approximately 18
shows that rhythmic gymnasts are
exceptionally lean, with a low percentage of
subcutaneous fat tissue, which are characteristics of
elite rhythmic gymnasts, which are expected to have
a graceful body composition. Somatotype of rhythmic
gymnasts of A program was 2,23-2,81-4,43 and
indicates that rhythmic gymnasts of A program are of
ectomorph constitution, which means that their
muscles are elongated and "defined", there is a
pronounced linearity of the body. Somatotype of
rhythmic gymnasts of B program was 2,98-3,41–3,95
and indicates that rhythmic gymnasts of B program
are of mesoectomorphic constitution, that is, basic
component is ectomorphic, with addition of
mesomorphic component. In trainees of C program,
there is an equable distribution of all three body
constitutions, with somatotype 3,15-3,27-3,53.
Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) has
shown that there are statistically significant
differences between junior rhythmic gymnasts in
measured morphologic characteristics according to
biological age (p<0,001) and type of program
(p<0,001), on a global level. According to achieved
ranking on competition, statistical significance was
not determined.
Table 3: Multivariate differences in morphologic
characteristics of rhythmic gymnasts according to ranking,
biological age and program level, acquired with
Variable Wilks`Lambda F p
RANG ,82 .71 ,73
BIOL.DOB ,50 3.32 ,00
PROGRAM ,21 3.93 ,00
Wilks`Lambda – value of Wilks`Lambda, F – approximal F
– value, p- error, RANG – ranking achieved on competition,
BIOL.DOB – biological age, PROGRAM - A, B or C
Through acquired partial differences of
morphologic characteristics (table 4.) in relation to
Anthropometrical Characteristics and Somatotype of Junior Rhythmic Gymnasts of Republic of Croatia
achieved ranking on competition of junior rhythmic
gymnasts of Republic of Croatia, it was determined
that there are no total/global differences, and that
statistically significant differences do not exist in any
of the tests. ANOVA method did not display any
statistically significant differences in observed
anthropometric variables according to the program
level, although, there was a general impact
(Wilksλ=0,21; F=3,93, p=0,00) and with a certain
reserve in conclusions of partial impact of body mass
(AMT, F=2,55, p<0,09*). Statistically significant
differences were determined in biological age, body
mass (p<0,001), body height (p<0,001) and body
mass index (p<0,001), which indicates to probable
contributions of these factors that have an influence
on increase of body mass and body height, changes in
body composition, pubescence, etc…
Table 4: Partial differences of junior rhythmic gymnasts of
Republic of Croatia in morphologic characteristics
according to ranking, biological age and program level,
acquired with ANOVA.
Variables F p
AMT 2,01 0,16
AVT 0,87 0,35
AITM 1,55 0,22
AMT 41,87 0,00
AVT 19,59 0,00
AITM 27,25 0,00
AMT 2,55 0,09*
AVT 1,91 0,16
AITM 2,06 0,14
Morphologic characteristics are one of more
significant factors for success in rhythmic gymnastics
(Di Cagno et al., 2008), next to psychological
behaviour (Sedeaudet et al., 2014; Di Cagnoet et al.,
2009), food (D
Alessandroet et al., 2007), age and
maturity (Tringaliet et al.,2014.)
In former studies of Calderona et al (1986),
Claessensa et al. (1991), Branda (1994), Purenović-
Ivanović et al. (2016) body height of rhythmic
gymnasts was approximately 150 (±5) centimetres,
and body mass 40 (±3) kilograms, which are values
that are approximately 5 centimetres and 5 kilograms
less than in Croatian rhythmic gymnasts. The same
authors have stated that with an increase of results in
observed variables, there is a tendency of decrease in
the score of performance execution. Results of
descriptive analysis of anthropometric variables
displayed in this study were acquired from rhythmic
gymnasts from all program levels (A, B and C),
therefore, it is not out of the ordinary that the results
in body mass and body height are somewhat higher in
regard to results of elite gymnasts.
Somatotype of rhythmic gymnasts of A program
(2,23- 2,81- 4,43) is in accordance with studies from
other authors (Branda 1994, Claessens et al. 1991,
Purenović-Ivanović, Popović 2014), and it can be
concluded that the body type of rhythmic gymnasts
"adapted" to the judging criteria on competitions. The
gymnast will achieve a better "impression" on the
judges if a standard where lean constitution benefits
the aesthetical impression is satisfied, where
somatotype of the gymnast is located in an ectomorph
space. Besides the linearity of the body (lean and long
muscles), gymnasts from B program exhibit a
developed musculoskeletal system (2,98-3,41-3,95).
In gymnasts from C program, there is an almost equal
dispersion between all three types of body
constitution, with somatotype 3,15-3,27-3,53. That is
not unexpected, because C program is the lowest
level, and there is no selection in that type of program,
to make it possible for all interested children to
participate in recreational exercising of rhythmic
gymnastics, and to compete in competitions on school
Besides the conducted partializations of results
according to biological age, it was determined that
differences are large enough, and that the sources
could be observed in secondary morphological
characteristics, movement efficiency, subjective
evaluations of scores of performance executions and
other factors which are not encompassed in this study
and, therefore, they limit the study. It can definitely
be concluded that when participation in rhythmic
gymnastics is not dependant on the result, then, it is a
sport that can be practiced by children of all
somatotypes. When there is an ambition for achieving
results, then acquired results enable clear insight into
and limited control over the somatotype through
training, nutrition, selection, etc.
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Anthropometrical Characteristics and Somatotype of Junior Rhythmic Gymnasts of Republic of Croatia