The Effect of Accountability, Transparency, and Oversight on The
Value for Money Budget Management Concept
Muntu Abdullah
, Vina Olivia P
., Andi Basru Wawo
, and Agus Widodo Mardijuwono
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Haluoleo, Kendari, Indonesia
Department of Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia,
Keywords: Accountability, Oversight, Transparency, Value for Money Budget Management Concept.
Abstract: The purpose of this research is to determine the partial and simultaneous effects of accountability,
transparency, and oversight on the value for money budget management concept. The research design was
causal-associative and the research method used was a survey questionnaire. The population for the research
were all of the employees who worked at the Financial and Regional Assets Management Agency (Badan
Pengelola Keuangan dan Aset Daerah) of Kendari Municipality, which amounted to 104 individuals. The
sample, which was determined through the use of purposive sampling, was 71 people who were competent
in the field of finance and accounting. The results show that accountability has a partially significant effect
on the value for money budget management concept (t-count 5.535 > t-table 1.667 at a significance level of
0.000 < 0.005), transparency has no significant effect on value for money (t-count 0.148 < t-table 1.667 at a
significance level of 0.883 > 0.05), and oversight partially affects the value for money budget management
concept (t-count 2.759 > t-table 1.667 at a significance level of 0.007 < 0.05). The results of the analysis
show that the variables of accountability, transparency, and oversight simultaneously affect the value for
money budget management concept (F-count 54.630 > F-table at a significance level of 0.000 < 0.05). From
the study, we conclude that this research model can be used to predict because the independent variables
(accountability, transparency, and oversight) simultaneously affect the value for money budget management
Government administration is conducted by
arranging activities as outlined in a government
budget, while budget implementation must be
accounted for in the form of a government
accountability report. The consequences of
economic progress and community development
mean that the implementation of a government
budget is required in order to ensure that the
accountability and transparency of the management
of government finances is enhanced and timely
(Mothe, 2004).
Accountability, transparency, and oversight are
expected to be realized in local financial
management, and the form of accountability,
transparency, and oversight of budget management
with regard to community services is the financial
accountability report.
Accountability relates to the obligation to
demonstrate accountability or to answer for and
explain the performance and actions of a person,
agency, collective leadership, or organization to a
party who has the right or authority to request
information or accountability (Simbolon, 2006). The
activities of governmental and non-governmental
institutions produce information required by
interested parties, and therefore transparency is
needed (Reddel & Geoff, 2004; Sabo & DeRose,
2012). Transparency signifies openness and honesty
to the community based on the consideration that the
community has the right to open and thorough
information relating to the accountability of the
government with regard to the resources entrusted to
it and its compliance with legislation (Hafiz, 2000).
Accountability and transparency require
oversight as a means of linking the targets and
realization of each program, activity, or project that
the government implements. The implementation of
oversight management is one of the most important
Abdullah, M., P, V., Wawo, A. and Mardijuwono, A.
The Effect of Accountability, Transparency, and Oversight on The Value for Money Budget Management Concept.
In Proceedings of the Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics Symposium 2018 on Special Session for Indonesian Study (JCAE 2018) - Contemporary Accounting Studies in
Indonesia, pages 5-8
ISBN: 978-989-758-339-1
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
factors for the success of a policy; without
implementation, public policy will be mere
documentation, and therefore oversight is an integral
part of the management of state or regional finances
(Sukrisno, 2005).
According to Wasistiono (2003), public services
relate to the provision of services either by
government, private parties on behalf of the
government, or private parties to the public, with or
without payment, in order to meet the needs and
interests of the community. Public services can
therefore be interpreted as providing services to, or
serving the needs of, people or communities who
have an interest in the organization, in accordance
with rules and procedures that have been
Public accountability is the obligation of an
agent holder to provide accountability through
presenting, reporting, and disclosing all activities
and actions to the principal, who has the right and
authority to ask for accountability (Mardiasmo,
2002, p. 20),
According to Andrianto (2007, p. 20),
transparency means real and thorough openness as
well as providing space to all levels of the
community so that they can actively participate in
the process of managing public resources. When
linked to budgets, transparency can be defined as an
openness to communities that includes government
functions and structures, fiscal policy objectives, and
the projections of the public finance sector.
The oversight process relates to the empowered
and effective monitoring, inspection, and evaluation
by the leadership of a unit or organization of work
activities or programs in order to determine
weakness or deficiencies; by so doing, such issues
can be improved by authorities higher up the ladder
so as to achieve previously formulated goals
(Nawawi, 1994, p. 8).
Value for Money (VFM) is an important concept
in public sector organizations. According to
Andrianto (2007, p. 89), the concept of VFM relates
to an appreciation of money, in that every currency
should be properly valued and used as efficiently as
possible. Mardiasmo (2002, p. 4) maintains that
VFM, as a concept of public sector organizational
management, is based on three main elements:
economy, efficiency, and effectiveness, while VFM
is at the core of performance measurement in
government organizations. In this sense, government
performance cannot be judged on the output side
only, but inputs, outputs, and outcomes must be
considered holistically.
This research utilized a causal-associative research
method, which intended to test hypotheses relating
to the relationship between two or more variables. In
this regard, the present research tested hypotheses
for the relationship between four variables:
Accountability, Transparency, Oversight, and the
Value for Money Budget Management Concept.
3.1 Population and Samples
The population for this research was 104 civil
servants working at the Financial and Regional
Assets Management Agency (Badan Pengelola
Keuangan dan Aset Daerah) of Kendari
The sampling technique used in this research was
purposive sampling, in which a group of subjects is
chosen based on certain characteristics considered to
have a close relationship with the characteristics of a
population that are known beforehand (Margono,
2004, p. 128).
The criteria specified in determining the sample
were: a) civil servants; b) period of work 2 years;
and c) 71 people who were competent in the field
they handled.
3.2 Operational Definition
The operational definition of a variable is based on
the observable characteristics of that variable. The
operational definition of the variables in this
research are as follows:
3.2.1 Accountability (X1)
Accountability relates to the obligation of a person
or an organizational unit to account for the
management and control of resources and the
implementation of entrusted policies in order to
achieve the objectives or goals that have been set out
in the planning document through the form of
periodic accountability.
3.2.2 Transparency (X2)
Transparency is a principle that ensures public
access or freedom to obtain information relating to
JCAE Symposium 2018 Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics Symposium 2018 on Special Session for Indonesian Study
governance so as to encourage the public to
participate in regional development programs.
3.2.3 Oversight (X3)
Oversight is an activity undertaken by the leader or
supervisor of work units towards all subordinate
employees with the purpose of knowing, assessing,
and evaluating that established activities or work
programs have been implemented in accordance
with applicable legislation.
3.2.4 Value for Money Budget Management
Concept (Y)
The Value for Money budget management concept
refers to the implementation of budget management
that prioritizes the achievement of result and
considers inputs, outputs, and outcomes holistically
in relation to three main elements: the economy,
effectiveness, and efficiency of the performance of
an organizational unit’s programs or activities.
The regression tests results (Table 1) are as follows:
Table 1: Regression test results.
The regression model can be described as follows:
 
Y = Value for Money
= Transparency
= Oversight
4.1 Accountability (X1)
Based on the equation results from the first
regression analysis, relating to the relationship
between the variables Accountability and Value for
Money Budget Management Concept (Y), the tcount
value for accountability at 0.000 significance is
5.535, while the ttable value at α = 0.05 is 1.667.
Thus, it can be see that tcount> ttable (5.535 >
1.667), with a t significance level of 0.000 < α =
0.05. This result shows that accountability has a
partially significant effect on the Value for Money
budget management concept, and therefore H1 is
4.2 Transparency (X2)
Based on the equation results from the second
regression analysis, relating to the relationship
between the variables Transparency and Value for
Money Budget Management Concept (Y), the tcount
value for Transparency at 0.883 significance is
0.148, while the ttable value at α = 0.05 is 1.667.
Thus, it can be seen that tcount< ttable (0.148 <
1.667), with a t significance level of 0.883 > α =
0.05. This result shows that transparency has a
partially non-significant effect on the Value for
Money budget management concept, and therefore
H2 is rejected.
4.3 Oversight (X3)
Based on the equation results from third regression
analysis, relating to the variables Oversight and
Value for Money Budget Management Concept (Y),
the tcount value for Oversight at 0.007 significance
is 2.759, while the ttable value at α = 0.05 is 1.667.
Thus, it can be seen that tcount> ttable (2.759 >
1.667), with the t significance level of 0.007 < α =
0.05. This result shows that oversight has a partially
significant effect on the Value for Money budget
management concept, and therefore H3 is accepted.
4.4 Simultant Test (F Test)
For further analysis, an F test was used to test the
effect of the independent variables simultaneously,
and the regression results are as follows:
Table 2: Simultant test results.
Based on Table 5.11 above, the Fcount value is
greater than the Ftable value (54.360 > 2.74), with
significance value = 0.000, which is lower than the
significance level = 5% (0.000 < 0.0.5). Therefore, it
can be concluded that, with a confidence level of
95%, accountability, transparency, and oversight,
when expressed simultaneously, have an effect on
the Value for Money budget management concept,
meaning that H4 is accepted.
The Effect of Accountability, Transparency, and Oversight on The Value for Money Budget Management Concept
Based on the results described in the previous
section, the following conclusions have been
1. Accountability has a positive and partially
significant effect on the Value for Money
budget management concept.
2. Transparency has a positive and partially non-
significant effect on the Value for Money
budget management concept.
3. Oversight has a positive and partially significant
effect on the Value for Money budget
management concept.
4. Using multiple linear regression data analysis,
accountability, transparency, and oversight
simultaneously have a positive and significant
effect on the Value for Money budget
management concept.
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