Towards a Platform Architecture for Digital Content
Olga Levina
FZI Research Center for Information Technology, Friedrichstr. 60, Berlin, Germany
Keywords: Digital Infrastructure, Content Platform, Platform Architecture, Platform Design.
Abstract: Digital platforms are currently being studied from different angles by information system scientists, software
developers and economists, since they have shown their potential to disrupt business domains and create novel
approaches for various business models. Nevertheless, the formal definition and the technical description of
the platform as a digital infrastructure remain heterogenous among the disciplines as well as users. In this
paper, process and methods used to derive technical and governance requirements for a digital content
platform are described. Being rooted in the participatory action design research, the results provide a focused
definition as well as realization suggestions for the digital artefact that can be used to be mapped on other
disciplines as well as to the management of technical and governance-related aspects on digital infrastructures.
Digital infrastructures offer a space for connecting
content, data, hardware and software that is generally
accessible over the online network. A digital platform
is one specification of such an infrastructure with the
focus on creating and making specific content usable
by interested parties. As such, it has the potential to
generate network effects as well as discussion-based,
i.e. open, innovations as defined by (Chesbrough,
2003), in the context of information services creation
or digital support. Principles and discussions on how
such an infrastructure can be designed and governed
has been one of the rising research topics in
Information Systems Research in the last decade,
confirming the status of digital platforms as
marketplaces as an essential part of the future
technology and economic development.
In this paper, we focus on the description of a
digital platform that acts as a content intermediary
with the goal to combine information applications and
services for the electricity and mobility domains, thus
providing a marketplace for the accordant actors and
a common ground for open innovation of information
services. The energy and mobility domains are
increasingly getting into focus in the context of the
environmental and governmental debates.
Nevertheless, they are mostly considered separately,
despite the growing number of topics that require
their conjoint analysis. Furthermore, both domains
are increasingly important in the context of urban
development and emerging services and
technologies. For the design and realization of the
envisioned platform, it is assumed that providing a
digital space for combining these domains will
benefit the development and sustainability of the
resulting information services. The engineering
problem addressed here is thus about how to
systematically develop a digital space that allows
content provision and its usage in urban context
considering multiple stakeholder groups including
technology, government and private industry. To
address these issues the Participatory Action Design
Research (PADR) approach is chosen. PADR
provides a framework that addresses the cross-
disciplinary challenges of the urban informatic
research (Bilandzic and Venable, 2011). This
research area is known to consider a multiplicity of
stakeholder groups into the development of the IT
The presented artefact is a result and a digital
space for further participatory content development in
the urban mobility context. The platform is designed
to provide governed access and content curation for
the system users. The process of the architecture
development is outlined. It is based on the classic
process known from the systems analysis domain
(Satzinger et al., 2015) and structured software
design. Furthermore, a stakeholder and actor structure
is provided and the governance decision matrix is
described. Other methods used for platform
realization are use case and process design that serve
Levina, O.
Towards a Platform Architecture for Digital Content.
DOI: 10.5220/0006875501740181
In Proceedings of the 15th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2018) - Volume 1: DCNET, ICE-B, OPTICS, SIGMAP and WINSYS, pages 174-181
ISBN: 978-989-758-319-3
Copyright © 2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
as basis for the actual technical realization. This
approach was chosen as the digital content platform
is an information technology (IT) artefact as well as a
user-centred solution requiring a multi-disciplinary
view on its development. Therefore, it is suggested
that the described approach can be applied within
different domains where a marketplace for
information exchange needs to be developed. The
paper is structured accordingly. First the state of the
art on the current understanding of digital platforms
and infrastructures are established, then the design
process for the platform as well as the results are
described. Discussion of the applicability and current
experience with the design as well as the conclusion
finish the paper. Hence, the main contributions of this
paper are twofold: first the design process and its
results are described as a part of the participatory
action design research. Then, the applicability of the
design decisions is reflected on providing a starting
point for the development of reference architectures
in the area of digital infrastructures.
A digital platform is defined by Tiwana et al., (2010)
as an extensible codebase of a software-based system
that provides core functionality shared by the
modules that interoperate with it and the interfaces
through which they interoperate. The authors also
point out that different notions of the platform
definition exist in different disciplines and outline
why the digital platform should be considered as an
Information Systems (IS) artefact: “platforms offer
the IS discipline an unusual opportunity to bring the
IT artifact into the core of theory development about
how platforms evolve and to contribute unique
insights distinctive from strategy, economics, and
software engineering” (p. 677). Digital platforms are
often positioned in the context of a digital ecosystem
(Ghazawneh and Henfridsson, 2011; Manner et al.,
2013; Rickmann et al., 2014; Schreieck, 2016;
Tiwana, 2013; Uludag et al., 2016). An ecosystem in
the ecology studies is defined as a dynamic complex
of communities and their environment that interact
with each other as a functional entity (Schulze et al.,
2005). In the context of a digital platform the other
communities are: the platform provider, platform
owner, platform user, i.e. consumer, as well as
technology, application and data providers, i.e.
developers of the platform content.
Another understanding of a digital platform
includes its consideration as an Internet intermediary
that not only provides a technical infrastructure and
the information management of the applications run
on it, but also presents the content that satisfies all the
active groups, i.e. actors, at the platform. The
provided content can originate from different sources
such as third parties, users or from the platform
provider (Perset, 2010). This is also the view that is
taken in this research. The goal of the platform as an
intermediary is to bring two sides of the information
market, i.e. the information suppliers and information
seekers, together and thus to create an added value.
Similar to the physical marketplace, a digital platform
needs to provide a functional environment to facilitate
the transactions as well as to create an environment
for trust. Additionally, catering to a specific
community requires definition and governance of the
chosen focus and community.
The ecosystem elements are interacting towards
the preservation and advancement of the success of
the platform. As platforms are affected by network
effects, the success of a platform is determined by
having enough participants on the development side
to attract the customer side and vice versa. These
stakeholder interests need to be aligned by the
platform governance. The definition of the digital
platform as an ecosystem provides valuable insights
into the potential stakeholder and governance
structure. Therefore, the existent research was
reviewed to derive these aspects. The
abovementioned platform content developers can be
detailed in sub-groups such as service providers, data
providers and application providers (Levina, 2016).
In the following, the design process of a technical
architecture for a digital platform that addresses the
domains of electricity and mobility information
services are described. The stakeholder structure as
well as the resulting requirements are presented. The
content construction is addressed in the works by
[blinded for review].
The presented artifact is the result of the Participatory
Action Design Research (PADR) approach that stems
from the urban informatics (Bilandzic and Venable,
2011) approach. This research method provides
valuable support when new technological means to
support everyday life in urban environments, e.g.
using mobile and ubiquitous computing, need to be
developed. Such research needs to recognize the
urban hybrid space as an ecology of people, place and
technology, thus handling multiple stakeholder
groups. Following this paradigm, we suggest a digital
Towards a Platform Architecture for Digital Content
platform that has been developed using open sources
technologies and that provides a digital open space
for urban content related to the mobility and
electricity issues.
From an engineering standpoint “a platform
design consists of a basic architecture, comprised of
sub-systems or modules and the interfaces between
these modules” (Meyer et al., 1997), (p. 91). For a
platform to provide added value for the implementing
domains, the modules need to profit from the
emerging network effects and be able to embed
different actor roles. Thus, the design and governance
structure of the envisioned content platform described
here are based on the four major principles:
compatibility and adherence to the existing (open)
standards in the related domains,
privacy- and security-by-design,
user focus,
content suitability.
While the technological standards describe the
general requirements towards the software and
hardware architecture, remaining aspects are directed
at the multi-disciplinary environment. Privacy and
security issues, often regarded as part of the IT
governance, are strongly dependent on the definition
of the actor roles that are involved into the design and
operation of the platform as well as the data that is
being exchanged, provided or stored in the platform
context. The platform is to be designed as an
interaction environment that supports informational
needs but also respects the prerogative of the
purposeful data transfer. Thus, privacy- and security-
by-design principles are realized by performing
several security and privacy related analysis. The
analysis processes were based on the existing security
and privacy requirement analysis approaches such as
SQUARE (Chen et al., 2004) and PIA (Wright and
De Hert, 2012).
To be able to provide end-users with information
from multiple sources it is important to define the
management of the produced and retrieved data. Here
a provider-based data management is suggested.
User-related data are stored and managed by the
application provider, while the platform delivers user
and developer authetification and identification. As a
result, the information is stored and accessed in silos
constituting a decentralized access to user data.
As for the information supply side, the platform
backbone focuses on the infrastructure provision,
developer management and on the accordant quality
of service aspects such as availability and reliability
of the technical infrastructure. To adhere the design
principles, a middleware was chosen that can be
adjusted and changed according to the requirements.
Such a realization can be achieved using a service-
oriented approach or, in our case, an agent-based
approach to the provided information services
(Luetzenberger et al., 2015) was taken due to the
practical considerations within the project partner
Figure 1 shows the platform development process,
adopted from the domains of systems analysis
(Checkland, 2000), software design (Curtis et al.,
1988) and urban informatics (Bilandzic and Venable,
2011), with regard to the different stages of the
solution development (top-down) and to the different
platform dimensions of each step (left-to-right). The
process is shown as a sequence of steps to allow its
formal description. In the implementation phase, the
process was realized as an iterative heuristic, which
steps were defined by the feedback from the
preceding steps.
Figure 1: Process of the Platform Design.
Before the actual design, an environment analysis
was performed to identify relevant stakeholders for
the content platform, the entities interacting on and
with the platform, potential technical solutions for the
envisioned infrastructure, existing informational
services and applications addressing the content
domains in question as well as the general market for
content platforms in energy and mobility domains.
The artefacts of this first step of diagnosing and
problem formulation, was an actor and interaction
diagram (see figure 2) as well as the coarse technical
architecture. The informational solutions that were
already developed by the project partners and on the
market, were included into an accordant portfolio and
released on the platform during the architecture test
ICE-B 2018 - International Conference on e-Business
phase, as elements of the action planning and action
taking phases of PADR. The stakeholder definition
laid the first step towards role-based security and
privacy modelling that was crucial for the developer
guidelines and governance definition. Also,
stakeholder definition allowed for the first summary
of the requirements and expectations towards the
digital artefact. From the stakeholder analysis, main
roles interacting with the platform were defined. The
definition of roles within a platform ecosystem is an
important factor of the ecosystem design (Schreieck,
2016) and covers different aspect of the interactions
on the platform, such as ownership regimes (Bakos
and Katsamakas, 2008) and distribution of power
between the stakeholders (Bullinger et al., 2011).
Figure 2: Roles and Interactions on the content platform.
Figure 2 shows the roles involved and their
possible interaction with the platform. Data and
service providers, i.e. energy or mobility provider or
accordant devices, upload their content on the
platform for the application provider to access.
Application and service providers can use the data
and enhance them to derive useful information and
present it in a software application that is used by the
end-user, i.e. application (app) user. Given this
scenario and the assumption that the value of the
platform increases with the number of members for
each role, network effects are created justifying our
platform approach.
Figure 3: Excerpt form the governance decision matrix.
A decision matrix was created and is shown in its
excerpt in figure 3 to define the responsibilities and
requirements from the actors involved, also serving
as a rough governance outline that was later
specified in technical, legal or user requirements.
A UML use case diagram (Simsion and Witt,
2004) was constructed using actor roles defined in the
stakeholder analysis and the fist requirements
towards the platform. The use case diagram also
allowed a first review of the required versus already
realized functions that were set to support the
interactions on the platform. These functions were
realized using the JAVA agents, but other similar
realizations such as using (web) services or libraries
are also possible. The use cases also enabled the
definition of the core modules and accordant security
measures required by the actors. Thus, the
responsibilities were able to be divided between the
platform provider and platform owner.
Once the core use cases for the actors and the
platform were defined in workshops with future users
and developers, the core processes on the platform
were modelled according to the use cases using the
UML activity diagram that was later transformed into
a BPMN diagram as shown in the example in figure
After the technical architecture was set up, the
frontend development was started. Here, methods
form the UX domain such as interviews, surveys and
storytelling were used to define potential information
services and their realization.
Figure 4: Process for the use case developer registration.
Technology analysis included collecting and
discussing the requirements for the hardware and
software that were needed to realize the digital
content platform on the planned scale. Here, the
technological approaches for the realization of a
distributed architecture as well as distributed
applications were reviewed. Technological
approaches such as frontend development
frameworks were reviewed to include the application
development and integration in the search. The results
were obtained via market and technology analysis as
well as the inventory of the current resources among
the project partners. The platform itself consists of
Towards a Platform Architecture for Digital Content
both, the network and storage components as well as
the regulatory content such as application
programming interface (API) description, developer
guidelines and the general governance statements.
The service and application providers submit their
artefacts to the platform using defined APIs and
adhering to the design, usability and security settings
documented in the accordant governance guidelines.
Building on the gathered picture of the state of the
art technological potentials, the requirements on
usability and content from the main stakeholders and
actor groups were collected. Here interviews and
workshops were applied as methods to derive the
requirements. The meeting minutes were then
examined towards the feasibility, focus and
redundancy of the mentioned aspects. The remaining
content was then mapped on the state of the art
definition as well as the realization potential in the
given context. Additionally, further use cases were
designed and discussed with potential users and
developers that were then matched on the found
informational solutions. A criteria matrix was
designed to capture the technological requirements,
stakeholder requirements as well as the requirements
stemming from the design principles and their
realization potential. These requirements were then
ranked according to several criteria, such as their
realization potential, originating stakeholder role,
future maintenance potential, openness (e.g. for
standards), and their sustainability for the further
course of the project.
The phase of the solution development in figure 1
included the final technology selection. Hence, a
server was chosen instead of a virtualization solution,
agent-based middleware was adjusted to the needs of
the web development technologies and a web
development framework was chosen for the
implementation and presentation of the platform.
Communication protocols were implemented as well
as the security-related aspects introduced according
to the derived actor model as shown in figure 2.
As a digital content platform needed to be
developed, the content design was a large part of the
governance definition beside the guidelines and the
privacy and security aspects. Finally, the use case and
requirement fits were conducted to determine further
steps in the platform realization.
One of the main challenges for the platform
design is to aggregate and present the manifold
content and make it securely accessible for the user in
the intuitive and manageable way. To adhere to the
informational needs of both of the domains as well as
to the stakeholders, a requirement-based governance
structure was developed. Here, the definition of
platform governance by (Tiwana, 2013) as:
“partitioning of decision-making authority between
platform owners and app developers, control
mechanisms, and pricing and pie-sharing structures”
is adopted. Schreieck et al., (2016) summarize the
tasks of the governance structure as being the
combination of technologic and marketing views on
one hand and integration and description of the main
concepts on the other hand. Hence, besides the
directly related content on electricity and mobility,
several EMAS sustainability indicators (EMAS,
2015) such as pollution, greenhouse gas emissions,
waste and water usage were taken as example,
providing information support for a more
sustainability conscious behaviour. For the derivation
of potential content for the envisioned platform, a
systematic approach based on classification
development of digital services was chosen and
described in [blinded for review]. To derive an
approach for content curation and selection the
current literature on mobile service design (Golding
and Donaldson, 2009; Stanoevska-Slabeva and
Hoegg, 2005; Walravens, 2013), platform design (Rui
and Whinston, 2011; Schreieck, 2016; Selic, 2008;
Tiwana, 2013) as well as modularization approaches
for mobile services (Schreieck et al., 2016) were
reviewed. The insights are implemented in the
creation of the content governance concept for a real-
life digital platform that is created to unify the
domains of electricity and mobility as described in
[blinded for review].
Here, the realization of the digital content platform
based on the design principles and technology
described above is outlined. The realization focused
on an efficient and secured communication,
scalability and application integration. The platform
is aimed at providing an interaction environment that
supports informational needs but also respects the
prerogative of the purposeful and secure data transfer.
To be able to provide end-users with information
from multiple sources it is important to define the
management of the produced and retrieved data. Here
a provider-based data management approach is
suggested. User-related data are stored and managed
by the application provider, while the platform
delivers user and developer authentication and
identification. As a result, the information is stored
ICE-B 2018 - International Conference on e-Business
and accessed in silos constituting a decentralized
access to user data. Beside the hardware
infrastructure, the platform consists of a homepage
that shows the available information services as well
as provides the possibility to register or login for
personalization of the shown content. This frontend
was realized as a progressive web application
(Google Developers, 2017) to provide a better
usability on mobile devices.
As the platform is supposed to bridge the
electricity and mobility domains through information,
content offered by the applications needs to be closely
observed. It does not only comprise usage of
electricity, CO2-footprint or mobility related
services, it also opens the possibility to gain insights
on other factors of sustainability such as community
life by realizing discussion and news forums as well
as gamification.
By adopting these principles for our design
approach, we affiliate with the research by
(Checkland, 2000) and (Curtis et al., 1998), who state
that to follow the primary objectives of an IT-
platform such as establishing a large user base or
being profitable, a formalized and authority-based
governance structure is needed. Whereas the
secondary objectives can be fulfilled by trust-based
and informal control.
5.1 Applications
The software applications are the focus of the
considered platform. While the technical and
hardware infrastructure serve as enablers, the
applications are the focus of the interaction and the
raison d’etre of the actual platform. Their quantity
and quality are crucial for the platform success that is
defined by the involvement of the users and
developers. Therefore, an extended effort to define
the information services needed or envisioned by the
end-users from both of the domains was made with
the assumption that this first set of applications would
trigger open innovation in term of combination and
realization of further information need. Although, this
assumption remains to be proven over the course of
the project.
After conducting the literature review and a
workshop with a group of potential future users, all
the categories for the mobility domain identified by
Schreieck et al., (2016) were deemed as relevant for
content provision on the platform. Furthermore, using
the morphological box for mobility (Levina and
Kranich, 2016), the categories were integrated into
the domain specific classification. Thus, a more
thorough analysis of the potential content or
information use would be possible. Also, building on
a short review of electro mobility digital services, it
became clear that a straightforward consolidation of
the identified categories of the two domains
electricity and mobility would not provide any
substantial benefit for the consumer of the mobility
and electricity content. They focus on the navigation
and payment functionalities for electric cars, which
are being one representative of the mobility domain
using electricity in one specific way [blinded for
review]. After the workshops with future users that
included story telling sessions, slightly modified
mobility and energy services emerged. These were
preliminary described as “special logistics
management tool”, “mobility coach tool” as well as
“multi-modal navigation tool”. The latter included the
navigation possibility from the charging station to the
point of interest as well as the inclusion of the
autonomous shuttle service into the route calculation
emerged. Building on these insights, a first set of
services and for the platform was designed and
uploaded for the prototypic use.
5.2 Middleware
The middleware provides auxiliary functions for the
connectivity between the technical infrastructure and
the application software. It is also used to implement
security and other general features, such as analytics
and interfaces, for the platform. The interfaces define
the integration of potential devices or applications
onto the platform. Here we use the Java Intelligent
Agent Componentware agent framework, JIAC V, to
implement the middleware functions. JIAC was
developed under the premise to narrow the
discrepancy between research and industry. Its goal
was to provide a robust communication infrastructure
beyond the borders of homogeneous computer
networks. The modular assembly of JIAC agents
allows for multi-agent system solutions that are
tailored to the application context (Luetzenberger et
al., 2015). Among the industry requirements that the
agent-based middleware fulfils are: stability and
robustness that support the user experience,
deploying and undeploying of new services or agents,
managing of large number of nodes and agents
without a decrease in performance, third-party service
integration, component reuse as well as interface
management. These are the same requirements that
were identified during the requirements analysis with
the stakeholders. Given the availability of the JIAC
architecture from our project partner as well as its
application in distributed architecture context, we
adopted the agents to the web-based frontend
Towards a Platform Architecture for Digital Content
development therefore allowing its integration into
the planned architecture. We used Bootstrap 4.0 as a
CSS framework as well as jquery UI for the frontend
development. The APIs were realized using
representational state transfer (REST) paradigm.
5.3 Hardware Technical Infrastructure
To realize the software functions, a network
architecture as well as the database realizations were
needed. The rising degree of virtualization of the
technical infrastructure allows for an establishment of
the server as well as the database in the cloud, i.e.
without the purchase and installation of the actual
hardware. Nevertheless, we used a physical server
with a virtual machine for the platform operation. We
use 16 GB RAM and 4 CPUs with 60 GB of memory
for the virtual machine. MySQL was used to
integrated and communicate with the database. Each
of these layers requires a thorough analysis and
definition of the governance rules. Their distribution
among the actors is dependent on the business and
role models chosen for the platform realization. The
communication with the backend was realized using
jquery and direct AJAX requests and JSON formatted
A design approach and guiding design principles for
a platform that joins information needs for mobility
and electricity domains were introduced here. The
design as well as the requirements analysis were
grounded in the process of systems analysis and
classic software development. By describing the
design principles, the process as well as the methods
used to derive the final digital platform design, a
contribution to the body of knowledge on platform
realization and operation is made. Building on these
insights, platforms from other domains can be
constructed. Urban informatics engages in
understanding and analyzing a wide spectrum of
issues from the everyday context, needs in the urban
setting as well as targets the public as end users of the
created artefact. Therefore, the research method from
this domain was chosen to develop the presented
content platform.
Coming to full realization, the platform is
expected to fuel the use of the district-scale
experimentation environment among the researchers,
service providers and end-users. This digital
infrastructure joins context specific service and
application developers with end- consumers.
Bridging the two domains towards a common goal
provides the first coarse definition of a common
This research was sponsored by German Ministry for
Research and Economics (BMBF) as a part of the
Forschungscampus initiative, specifically
Forschungscampus “Mobility2Grid” under the grant
number: 03SF0522A.
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Towards a Platform Architecture for Digital Content